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Density keywords() is called the indicator of the frequency of repetition of keywords in the text. Calculated as a percentage of the number of keywords to total number words in the text. Page nausea is one of the main parameters by which search engines calculate the level of relevance of the requested information in the search.

In order to understand this more quickly, we can give a simple example. Let's take the phrase "dances of the peoples of the world" as the source text, the key in this query is the word "dances". Since the entire text consists of only three words, it means that the word "dancing" represents 1/3 of the entire phrase, and it will be 33.3% of the entire text. It should be noted that noise words are not taken into account - common, frequently occurring parts of speech, such as participles, particles, prepositions, interjections, numbers, etc.

Classical and academic nausea

Classical nausea is usually called the most frequently repeated word in the text. It is calculated as the square root of the total number of repetitions.

Academic nausea - the most used words and phrases in the text, which are typical for any documents. The more words are repeated in a document, the higher the academic nausea score will be, and its score is also affected by the frequency of repetition and the size of the entire text.

The website promotion directly depends on the key density. If the density is too low, then there is no chance that the page will rise high in search results. But if you go too far with the keyword density, the document will be mistaken for spam and its position in the search results will be reduced.

Today, there are many free online services for page nausea. Following are some of them:

Determines the number of repetitions and the density of frequently occurring words in the text.

You can paste the document using the copy-paste method or enter the page url. Determines the TOP-10 used words in the text, the nausea of ​​the document, the number of characters and words.

Enter the url address of the page, mark points of interest and get the results of the density of each word in the text.

This is a popular exchange tool with which you can evaluate the text for academic and classical nausea.

Optimal keyword density

How many keywords should be on a page? The average indicator of optimal nausea is approximately 3-8% of the entire text. But in fact, everything is individual. The number of keywords on a page directly depends on the size of the text, the page space occupied on the site, and the topic of the article. Sometimes there are highly specialized topics of documents, where there is practically nothing to replace keywords with.

For different search engines, the indicator of the optimality of nausea will also be individual. If we talk about Yandex, density was initially acceptable keywords in 10%, after 3-5%, on this moment somewhere around 3-7%. From this we conclude that there is no secret percentage of the optimal use of keywords. And instead of chasing the perfect keyword density formula, it's better to pay attention to the following advice:

Text should be natural. It is very important not to over-optimize the page, because search robots will immediately figure out which content is interesting to people, and which consists of many repetitions of the same keyword. All power is in quality content written for a person. Use derived word forms and keyword synonyms. This will make your text more diverse, useful, and unique.

What do you think, how important is the indicator of page nausea in website promotion?

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  • The classic keyword nausea depends on the most common keyword in the text. In this case, the keyword density formula is determined by calculating the square root of the total keyword repetition sum.
  • Keyword academic nausea is the frequency with which all keywords and phrases are used. As the number of queries used increases, so does the value of this parameter. The indicator index is determined by the total amount of text and depends on the number of phrases used. Academic nausea can be tested in person or by special service with keyword density calculator. One such service is Copywritely.

Keyword density has a direct impact on page promotion. When this indicator is too low, the probability of a good ranking tends to zero. In turn, with an excess of requests, they will consider the page as spam, and this will negatively appear in positions in the search.

Optimal keyword density

What is the optimal number of keywords to insert into the text? In general, 3-8% is considered the best indicator of keyword density, but this recommendation may change in some situations. The number of keywords that are used in the text is directly dependent on its length. Also, this parameter is influenced by the theme of the site and the location of the content.

It is worth noting that there is a wide range of highly specialized articles and product description cards, where keywords simply cannot be replaced, since there is no alternative to them.

And even more: different search engines analyze keyword nausea individually. For example, Yandex used to require nausea to be up to 10%, but later this value was reduced to 3-5%. Now the norm for this search engine is the density in the range of 3-7%. There is no unified norm for keyword nausea. So don't try to succeed in reaching any ideal numbers, but try to stick to a few important principles.

Tips for Achieving Optimal Keyword Density

Don't spam content on pages

A few years ago it was easy to shoot in the search if you registered a very large set of keywords, but today everything has changed and the algorithms search engines consider hundreds of parameters of web documents. Today, search engines have learned to understand what content users like and what leaves them indifferent. Therefore, search engines deliberately reduce the position of re-optimized web resources.

Do not optimize pages for many queries at once

Very difficult for many different requests. Such an approach sometimes turns into a negative effect, and then the promotion becomes much more complicated. The best option would be to create a couple of articles for different queries.

Text must be organic

Texts should be interesting and useful for readers. Quality content is one of the main conditions for effective promotion. As a standard for keyword density, you can take the value of 5-7%. Also, do not forget to resort to the use of words that are close in meaning, synonyms and word forms of keywords. This approach will make your texts more varied, interesting and unique.

Service keyword density checks very useful for webmasters to find the optimal keyword frequency. This seo tool scans suggested urls, extracts and checks keyword density just like a search engine would. You will get a table of keyword density percentages as well as keyword frequency cloud. To fully comply with the behavior of search engines, common stop words will be removed (as they are usually ignored by search engines).

Keep in mind, results from www. and without www. may differ significantly.

This is the percentage of keywords in the text of the web page. It is very important that your main keywords have the necessary density (frequency) for better ranking in search engines Oh. Keyword Density is very important because search engines use this information to group sites by topic. Ideal keyword frequency will help you rank higher in search engines.

Keyword frequency should be properly balanced. Too little keyword density will not help you get good positions in search engines. Too much keyword density can cause search engines to mark your page as spammy. Properly selected keyword density will help you optimize and promote sites.

keyword cloud it is a visual representation of the keywords used on the website. The higher the keyword density, the larger the font size. Ideally, the most important keywords should appear at the top of the keyword cloud in large font.

You can discuss how this service works on our SEO Forum in the topic.
Your comments and suggestions will definitely be taken into account.

This article will focus on the density of keywords in the text on a page / site, this is very important. important parameter internal optimization of your site. Anyone who is at least a little familiar with SEO has heard that you need to use keywords in articles, and in the general structure of the site, in order to rank for the query of interest and get traffic.

Keywords are entered into the text in different ways, there are several concepts, for example, “direct entry” is when the key query is used without any changes, in the exact form, and with “diluted entry” key phrase can change word order, declension, ending, and also be supplemented with other words.

The first conclusion we must draw keyword density is the percentage of keywords (the number of their uses) to the total number of words on the page. Let's give an example, if there are only 300 words on the page, of which 30 are keywords, then the density will be 30%. There are more complex formulas calculation, but there is no point in complicating and clarifying.

Optimal keyword density, does it exist?

Those who start optimizing and discover this parameter for themselves immediately look for the answer to the question that seems to them the most important - “What is the optimal density of keys ???”, Maybe by learning this secret percentage I can optimize my articles so that they will inevitably be take the position TOP1?

You should forget about it! It's actually a MYTH. Search engines do not have such a setting in their algorithms, there are no clear limits on the number of keywords in the text. It will be more useful if you switch your attention to something else, namely, to a few tips:

Tip 1: Don't overdo it, don't over-optimize.

It is possible that ten years ago it was easy to get into the TOP by simply entering the keyword on the page many times, but since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Now search engine algorithms include hundreds of analysis parameters, and are close to recognizing which text is interesting to people and which is SPAM and consists only of a bunch of unreadable keywords.

Tip 2: Don't chase all the search terms at once.

Another mistake is when the optimizer tries to optimize one page for a dozen requests, this is very difficult. It is much more efficient to create a separate page for each request than to try to get out with one page. Chances are you won't rank well on any query if you try to cover many queries at once.

Tip 3: Write for people.

Most main advice- write articles for people, and think less about keywords. The power is in quality content. As for the optimal percentage of keyword density, well, let it be 2-4%, you can take it as an average.

If you are too eager for a deeper analysis, I advise the service, in the left menu select "internal site analysis" -> "text relevance analysis", a screenshot of the page:

What will it give? You will get data for the top 10 pages for your keyword, the data includes the number of characters on those pages, text density and nausea. Thus, for each specific request, you will select optimal requirements for your next article.

By the way, do not forget that the keys can be pushed not only into the text, but also When promoting, it is important to use the keys in them, but be sure to make 20-30 percent of the purchased links without anchors in order to give naturalness.

Online Services for Checking Keyword Density

To check the density of keywords, or, as they say, the “nausea” of a text / page, we can use the following services.

  • SEObuilding - this service will scan the page online and give the result of the check. You just need to specify the page address, mark the necessary items (take into account the title, meta tags, etc.), then click "continue."

  • SEOPRU - similarly to the first tool, we enter the page address for analysis, as a result we also get recommendations for optimizing meta tags, that's great.

  • - the tool of the popular Advego exchange, also analyzes the text, not only for keywords, there is a complete semantic analysis.

If you need a program in order to check the density HDD, then search Google for the program "TEXTUS PRO", they say it does it well ..