
What is it and why do we need sports trackers?

This article will be of interest to you if:

  1. Do you practice cyclic sports such as running, cycling, rollerblading or skating, rowing or cross-country skiing?
  2. Do you want to monitor your workout metrics during your session: distance, speed, heart rate, time?
  3. Do you have a goal to improve your speed or endurance?
  4. Do you need statistics for your workouts?
  5. Do you have an Android or Apple smartphone?
  6. You want to save money and are not going to purchase additional expensive equipment in the form of wrist watch with navigator and heart rate monitor?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then this article will tell you how to get all the bonuses from points 1-4 without spending anything.

It is assumed that you have a smart phone on operating system Android or Apple, or it's Samsung or Iphone - it doesn't matter. On any smartphone with Android or Apple OS, you can install many useful applications. Apps that track your physical activity based on satellite system GPS or GLONASS are called sports trackers. These applications not only show your position on the map, but also keep complete statistics of your training and show: average speed, distance traveled, speed or pace of movement on the section, current speed and many other data.

Runkeeper app.

In the app store, you can see a lot of sports trackers with an attractive interface and a lot of positive feedback. The most famous and used are the three Endomondo applications, RunTastiс and RunKeeper. Based on a long process of testing these applications, we settled on the Runkeeper program, which in its free version has a number of unique features:

Functions Endomondo RunTastiс RunKeeper
Audio prompts
  • Needs to be installed separately.
  • Paid
  • Is free.
  • Few options.
  • No Russian speaker
Is free
Ability to use a heart rate monitor Paid Is free Is free
Create your own workout Paid Paid Is free
Using a training plan Paid Paid Is free
Presence of advertising There is There is Not

Installing and configuring RunKeeper

To install the app, you need to download it from the app store and register. As a registration, you can either “attach” your own to the application account from Facebook? or register with any email.

Main menu

Main useful program controls:

  1. Program settings. Used to remove all unnecessary and add the information you personally need about training.
  2. Built-in music player. Most of us play sports with music.
  3. Setting the workout mode. An additional menu that allows you to customize your current workout, such as splitting it into intervals by distance or by time. This mode also allows you to create multi-day training plans.
  4. Heart rate indicator. If you have a wireless heart rate monitor, you can use it with this program. About the settings of the heart rate monitor for a smartphone will be discussed in a separate note.
  5. Choice of sport. Allows you to select a sport - in this case, the program will more accurately calculate the number of calories burned.
  6. Select the type of workout. Normal, interval or tempo.
  7. Start/Finish button

Customization "for yourself"

Using the program settings menu, we will select the necessary set of functions and parameters, and hide the unnecessary ones.

  1. Language. Everything is clear here - Russian.
  2. Audio hints. A very important element! This function voices your specified workout parameters into your headphones at the moment you set! For example, you want to be informed of the total training time, the pace in a given section (in our case, the pace per 1 km), speed, heart rate, etc. after each kilometer traveled. Moreover, you can get both the average value for the entire route traveled, and the interval value (for example, for every 1 km or every 10 minutes) and even current values ​​​​(speed or pace in this moment).
  3. Distance units. For Russia and Europe, the metric system is convenient - that's why kilometers.
  4. Main screen. Allows you to select one of two metrics, Speed ​​or Pace, that will be displayed during an activity on the main screen.
  5. Workout reminders. For the forgetful or lazy, this feature is used.
  6. Countdown timer. A useful feature that allows you to delay the start time after pressing the start button. Those. we have 5 seconds after pressing "Start" to hide the smartphone comfortably in the pocket of a jacket, backpack or fanny pack. The number of seconds to delay is up to you.
  7. Autopause. When you stop unplanned, such as at a traffic light or while tying your shoelaces, the app will automatically stop the workout timer. Who wants to get accurate information about training without pauses - he uses this function.

Audio prompts

Powerful addition to free packageRun Keeper! At the time intervals and/or distances you set, the system will inform you about the indicators you have chosen. For example, you want to be informed of the total travel time, distance traveled, average pace or speed after each kilometer traveled, and from the additional one you want to hear the pace or speed on the last section traveled. This will allow you to understand whether you are running at the right pace or whether you need to speed up / slow down. In addition, if you have a wireless heart rate monitor, the application will be able to tell you your heart rate, both on average and in a given area. You do not need to press anything or take your smartphone out of your pocket - just run or ride a bike, and every kilometer or 10 minutes (as you set) a pleasant female / male voice will pronounce the indicators you have chosen in Russian. By the way, if you are listening to music at the same time, it will automatically be muted. The use of headphones is recommended.

Built-in workout settings.

Training is for those who set a goal - it can be weight loss, increasing the distance of runs or even overcoming a marathon distance. Several types of workouts are prepared in the RunKeeper program. For example, let's choose a training plan to prepare for a marathon in 4 hours and 30 minutes. To do this, select the menu item "Training" and in it the item "Prepare for the race", and then "Marathon for 4-30". After that, you need to choose a start date for classes and proceed. As soon as you start the first workout, the virtual coach will begin to tell you at what pace to run the next section. It will time itself and measure the distance you have traveled. At of this type there is one disadvantage of training - if you set such an ambitious goal as, for example, "Marathon in 4:00", then a virtual trainer will require you to have at least four classes per week. Not everyone can afford it. Therefore, you can customize the training mode yourself using manual mode.

Setting up a manual training mode.

If you want to create your own training regimen based on data from smart books or recommendations from your more experienced comrades, then the RunKeeper application will allow you to do this. In the menu, select the item "Workouts" - "Out of mode" - "Create a workout."

Creating a workout involves creating intervals. For example, we want to create a workout consisting of 10 1.2 km interval runs at a fast pace, and 200-meter recovery periods between intervals. In the menu, select "add spacing" and specify 3 parameters:

  • Interval pace. Fast, Medium and Slow. A virtual coach a few seconds before the start of the interval will say at what pace and how much to run.
  • interval type. Time or Distance. You choose the interval measure. For example 2 minutes or 500 meters.
  • Interval length. The number of meters or seconds.

For our training, we need to create 2 intervals - one fast, 1.2 km long and one slow, 0.2 km long. Since we want to run 10 such intervals, we set the repetition of this set of two intervals 10 times. Thus, you can create any workout, with any alternation of intervals, both in time and distance.

Workout report.

Training completed - click "stop" and "save". The screen displays a report in the form of a map with a route and general indicators: Total distance, average speed, time and calories for this sport type. You can also see a more detailed report in the form of graphs, which shows graphs of changes in speed, altitude and heart rate throughout the distance. If you put your finger on the screen at any point in the graph, it appears vertical line, showing specific indicators at the moment. The figure shows that the speed at the time of overcoming the fourth kilometer of the distance was 12.43 km/h, being at an altitude of 124 m above sea level with a heart rate of 150 beats/min. In addition to graphs, there is a report on specified intervals.

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Short review 13 running belt bags, in which we point out important details and give recommendations for use. Each of the presented waist bags is great for sports, but each has its own specific tasks and features.


If you are a leisurely skier in the winter or even an amateur skier, you are very likely to use additional products to improve the performance of your skis, such as paraffins, holding waxes, accelerators and emulsions. These tools can significantly improve the glide of your skis, thereby increasing your motivation if you are an amateur or improve speed performance and time to cover the distance if you are training for results.


To achieve a given standard for cross-country skiing, it is necessary not only to train long and hard, but also to use professional ski equipment and accessories. First of all, pay attention to skis for skating or classic skiing, because their weight, dynamic characteristics and the quality of the sliding surface determine how long you can maintain a high pace.


Sports should always be as high quality and comfortable as possible, only then will a high result be achieved without the slightest disappointment. A lot depends on sports equipment. Running clothing is breathable, retains heat, actively wicks away moisture, keeps you dry, protects from wind, and is ultra-light. Running is a fairly effective sport, easy and affordable, so there are only more people wishing to lead a healthy lifestyle, and accordingly, the demand for sportswear is only increasing. Running in heavy jackets that are not able to regulate and maintain the correct temperature would be simply impossible, very hard and hot. That is why today there are a lot of different sportswear that can give athletes maximum pleasure while jogging, do not restrict movement, give lightness and airiness. It is especially important to take care of your clothes when you have to run long distances. Low-quality synthetic clothing will definitely provoke a "greenhouse effect", sweat will be released more strongly, moisture will begin to accumulate and lead to severe itching, burning, and discomfort while running. The athlete’s good mood will instantly evaporate, such a workout can definitely be considered spoiled. Moreover, it is unlikely that there will be a desire to repeat such an experience. Cotton also causes similar troubles, since such a fabric quickly gets wet and dries for a long time, respectively, even in extreme heat a person can quickly catch a cold. The athlete will not get any pleasure from running, he will be constantly overcome by the desire to quickly stop exercising and take off his hated clothes. Plus, it is heavy jackets that will lead to athlete fatigue, and not physical exercise. So, the privilege is definitely on the side of high-quality polyester jackets. If a running jacket meets the following requirements, then it is chosen as correctly as possible: It has excellent durability, but at the same time its weight is completely insignificant. The texture is pleasant to the touch. Regulates the temperature regime in accordance with the season. Protects the user's body from any atmospheric precipitation. It is somewhat cool in the jacket at the beginning of the distance, but at the end of the workout, the athlete feels only warmth, coziness and increased comfort. A sports windbreaker is selected according to size, it should fit perfectly to the body, not restrict movement, be comfortable and practically merge with its owner, be completely imperceptible. High-quality models retain their shape for a long time, bright and saturated shades, durable, protected from ultraviolet exposure. The excellent quality of the summer windbreaker will give you the opportunity to enjoy every movement, soaring ease, incredible comfort throughout your workout. Dynamic natures will always choose from a wide range suitable models in style and color. If you wish, you can even experiment with the image, why not? A sufficient selection of sports windbreakers gives every chance to assume that the planned business will be crowned with success. Despite sometimes aggressive external environment, the athlete will always remain self-confident, surrounded by unshakable comfort. Summer windbreaker for running Mac in a Sac Ultra is a worthy choice The fact is that adherents of a healthy lifestyle, professional athletes, amateurs cannot miss training, therefore, they go for a run at any time of the year and in different weather - high humidity, strong wind , chilly. In this case, you can not do without light sports windbreakers - an excellent summer option, the product "breathes", regulates the temperature balance, and is easy to use. A striking example of such jackets is the Mac in a Sac Ultra model. The windbreaker is made of high quality materials, polyester. It has a small moisture resistance, sufficient to protect against drizzling rain. Incredibly light - when not needed, it neatly folds into a bag, able to always protect from wind and rain, it is not blown. Athletes only dream of such a fashionable product, available in the most daring and vibrant colors. The material used is not capable of provoking an allergy. For convenience, the jacket is equipped with front pockets with zippers, reflectors, a ventilated back, and an adjustable hood. The weight of the windbreaker in the bag is 185 grams. These garments come with a two-year warranty, super lightweight jacket suitable for men and women, designed for use in summer, winter and autumn.

Decided to turn to a healthy lifestyle and, finally, go in for sports? Great, but try adding a small useful application. Then it will be possible to increase the effectiveness of classes and admire the progress.

At first, I was stubbornly thinking about the bullshit I'm doing with this selection of sports apps. After all, everyone knows how much and what he needs to do, when to stop and how much weight to take. And there would be no this article without the eternal desire to measure everything in "parrots" and admire the results. It's also helpful to see your recent progress and hear voice alerts for changes in pace as you run. And then, what iManiac will not try to tie his favorite smartphone to a new activity?

An excuse has been found and the only thing left is to find the perfect software. The first thing I noticed was the pre-installed "Nike+iPod". The thing is convenient, but for this stuff to work you need to buy a special sensor from Nike. And to him no less special sneakers. It turns out that it is not at all budgetary and clearly does not justify the goals set. After a long search in App Store, I found my ideal in RunKeeper. The brainchild of FitnessKeeper allows you to do 2 main things: monitor the execution of a workout program and record activity.

The application interface is somewhat similar to Nike+iPod. There are 3 tabs for setting training parameters, viewing the history of achievements and setting up the program. First you need to create a training profile in the "Coaching" section. You can select the type of activity (running, walking, cycling, etc.) and the required pace, or set a list of intervals, indicating the speed and duration of each. You can also select an iPod playlist to play while you run - very handy.

When the wishes are indicated, the shoes are on and the big green button is pressed, a serious female voice in the headphones will begin to announce the need to speed up or slow down. All this works fine, except that the program communicates exclusively in English. And he does it without any expression and with unnecessary details. To be honest, it is difficult to perceive such speech out of habit.

From the moment you press the Start Activity button until you stop, your route is meticulously recorded, broken down by average speed, pace, and ascents and descents. All data at the end of the training is sent to the program server. You can view the scale of calories burned and the route of the race directly on the iPhone, but it is much more convenient through the personal section of the RunKeeper.com website.

For some, RunKeeper will replace self-discipline while cycling or jogging in the park, for others it will add more reasons to tweet once again, and it is interesting for me to watch progress and a gradual increase in the duration of running and distances. If the player is still with you and it’s not interesting to run without music, try adding RunKeeper to your classes, at read more fun from the sport.


Probably every person who runs regularly had a desire to track their activity. As for me, I have been running for about 3-4 years, and this desire arose in me right away. In the shop Windows phone found extremely high quality, and at the same time free app Caledos Runner. It was so good that when switching to Android, its absence in the market turned out to be the only drawback of the system. I have tried Adidas Fitness & Running, Nike+ Training Club, Running Distance Tracker+, Running, MY ASICS Running Workouts, Runtastic and others. Unfortunately, all of them could not meet my needs. Some were not even accurate in their indicators. Everything changed after getting acquainted with the Runkeeper application.

Of course, in order for Runkeeper to speak Russian or Ukrainian, you will need to additionally install “Google Speech Synthesizer”. After that, play a little with the settings of these applications and all voice prompts in a language you understand will become available to you.

Perhaps it is with the settings that the review should begin. In this menu, you will be able to enter personal data, including weight and date of birth. You will also be given the opportunity to specify the model of your shoes and its service life (mileage). When it expires, you will be notified of the need to change it.

A useful feature in Runkeeper can be to specify the countdown time after pressing the start button. In my case, it's 30 seconds. In winter, this is enough to hide the smartphone in the inner pocket of the jacket and put on gloves. If you don't want to wait, just tap on the screen and the countdown will speed up 3 times.

It is also possible to enable the "Autopause" function. At sudden stops, at traffic lights or when you untie your shoelaces, the workout will automatically pause. After you continue running, it will automatically continue. You will be notified about these events using voice prompts.

In "Audio statistics" you can set the notification of information at certain intervals or at intervals along the way. Next, you can choose the audio prompts you want to hear. This includes time, distance, pace and more.

There is no point in talking about the rest of the settings. Everything is standard.

After that, when you open the application, the search will immediately begin on the main screen GPS signal. In the menu "Training (left)" you can choose which kind of sport you want to do. In addition to running, walking, cycling, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, skating and much more will be available. Further in the menu "Training (right)" you can select a workout if you want. This point will be discussed in more detail below. Also available quick setup audio prompts in the Audio Statistics menu. It may be relevant if you use the application while doing various sports. There is also an option to turn on music. Automatically launches the Spotify app. That's all. Nothing prevents you from using any other player you like to play music. Here you can also add the current weight value or data about the workout that you did without the application. To do this, click on the “+” in the upper right corner of the screen.

When choosing a workout, you can use the “GPS” or “Stopwatch” mode. Perhaps the second is useful to those who are engaged on a treadmill. In the “GPS” mode without the inclusion of geodata, the start button will not be available. Next, the run begins or the countdown to its start.

On the main screen, information about the duration of the run, current and average speed, as well as the distance that has already been covered will be available. As you can see in the screenshot, there is an option to go to the camera and settings. In the settings you can enable night mode and display calories burned. Swipe to the left - information about each kilometer. Swipe to the right - a map with the current location.

You can pause or end your workout from the notification panel. Unfortunately, no more information is displayed there.

You can find information about your workouts in Runkeeper, in the "About me" menu, with a small amount of statistics and analytics. You can see the map of the run in detail. To do this, click on it.

In “Segments”, speed will be available for each kilometer traveled.

In the “Graphics” item, you can see your speed, what it was throughout the entire journey.

It also displays cadence (steps per minute). There is an ascent chart. It shows at what height above sea level you ran. His work causes me the most questions, especially when you run on a flat stadium. If you cover long distances, then in general the data is correct.

There is a “Friends” menu, where all workouts are displayed as posts on the wall, as in in social networks. There is much less information here.

There is a useful "Goals" menu. In it, you can set a goal for yourself. After each workout, you will be informed at what stage of overcoming the goal you are, and how much time is left until it is completed. For those who lack motivation, this can help.

In the menu "Training" you can choose your workout. There are paid and free options. free options more than enough. Each training course was developed by a professional athlete. You can read more about this in a specific course. On the main screen, when you select a workout (on the right), you can point to an already selected workout.

If none of the proposed workouts suits you, you can create your own by setting time segments or distance segments, and link the running intensity to them. To do this, go to “Workouts” from the main screen, then to “out of mode” and “Create a workout”. After saving the workout, you can use it when playing sports, and the headphones will tell you when and at what pace to run.

Pleased with the work of the application itself. Several times there were failures in the smartphone. After forced reboot device could detect that the workout was simply paused. During the run, the data is constantly synchronized with the server. So, if after an emergency restart your workout was not paused and was not automatically saved, then just wait a bit until the data is synchronized with the server. Your workout will be saved.

All this is available in the free version of Runkeeper. There is also a paid one. It offers more analytics, as well as the development of a training program specifically for you. It costs 113.99 hryvnia per month. A subscription for a year can be purchased for 455 hryvnia. Runkeeper is very good and offers great amount features for free that alternative apps charge money for. For 1.5 years, there was never a feeling that something was missing.

How to keep the same pace throughout the workout, without losing it by the end, is described in detail.

What to do if the soul and body asks for running, but there is no coach nearby who will monitor your progress? Install the RunKeeper sports tracker directly on your smartphone!


It is believed that running is one of the most effective and simple species sports physical activity. Regular jogging helps to lose weight, strengthen muscles, normalize gas exchange in the body, improve blood circulation and increase endurance.

In order for running to really benefit, you need to draw up a clear training program for yourself. The easiest way to do this is with special application phone for running.

After reviewing the best running apps for Android, the Bodymaster team has fully tested the popular running app RunKeeper: GPS Run Walk, which you can download from the page in the Google Play store.

You can evaluate how the application looks on the smartphone screen and get acquainted with its main functions in our video:

How the RunKeeper running app works

The principle of operation of the RunKeeper application is based on the functionality traditional for such fitness trackers - the program tracks your route through a GPS sensor, calculates speed and kilometers traveled.

However, there is one in the application useful feature, which is rarely seen in such programs. In the settings, you can set the mileage of sports shoes. Here you need to specify the brand and model and enter maximum amount kilometers. AT certain moment a smart app will warn you that the time for full wear will soon come, and running shoes will need to be changed.

It is important!

Every shoe has its own lifespan. As a rule, the mileage of sports shoes is determined by the manufacturer, but often this parameter is lowered by half the standard distance of 500 km - because you have to buy a new pair of your favorite brand in the new season.

But how to determine for yourself how long sneakers can live? The most obvious indicator is the degree of wear of the polymer sole. If it is elastic and hard - everything is in order, the sneakers are still viable, if it is soft and loose - change it, otherwise there is a risk of injuring yourself due to insufficient cushioning.

It is believed that a not very heavy person who weighs about 70 kg can run at least 750 km in one sneakers. If you weigh more than 90 kg, the load on the shoes increases, therefore, the maximum distance that you can run is reduced to about 500 km.

Once you have installed the application, enter your physical data: height, weight and age. This will help the app to more accurately calculate your performance during the race.

Then give the app permission to determine your location. After that, the GPS sensor will turn on automatically.

On the tab in side menu add a goal so that its fulfillment motivates you to work on yourself:

  • The longest workout
  • Lose weight
  • Complete a run
  • Cover the total distance
  • Frequency per week

Goal setting is the basis of motivation, both in sports and in life in general. Setting a goal and setting a deadline for its implementation, a person psychologically tunes in to its implementation: he does not abandon training after the first most tiring days, gradually increases the load, enjoys every step taken.

For information on where to look for motivation and maintain a positive attitude all the way to the goal, you can read in our article 12 steps to achieve forgotten goals.

Workout setup

On the main screen, we indicate the type of activity, among those included in the application: running, walking, swimming, cycling, Nordic walking - any outdoor activity.

In the free version of the app, you have access to off-mode workouts. We connect data synchronization with GoogleFit, select the type of activity:

  • Light for 20 minutes
  • Distance 2.25 miles
  • 2 miles with rest
  • Calorie burn workout
  • Running/Walking/Running
  • Back and forth without haste
  • Introduction to intervals
  • Running plus walking
  • Short jerks
  • Gaining and decelerating speed
  • Easy run

Here you can also set a personal training session, if you practice interval running, the application will help you create optimal high-speed segments at a distance. To do this, go to the "Add spacing" section and make markup:

  • Specify interval tempo (slow, moderate, fast)
  • Select interval type (distance or time)
  • Assign interval length (in miles or seconds)

Set the required number of intervals, and be sure to check the boxes next to the warm-up and cool-down items. A warm-up will help prepare your muscles for a run, while a cool-down will restore tone, body temperature, and heart rate.

You can read more about what a warm-up and a warm-up are for, and how to perform these exercises correctly, in our article Warm-up and stretching, warm-up exercises. In addition, you can create a program of appropriate exercises for yourself using a special application Exercises for a hitch and warm-up, an overview of which you will find at the link.

By purchasing a subscription to the paid version of the application for 600 rubles per month, you get access to personal training in one of two modes:

  1. Jogging for tone
  2. Preparing for the run

By choosing the first mode, you will be assessed for physical activity based on a short questionnaire. Based on the answers, the application will develop an individual set of workouts for each week. Moreover, based on the results of one week, RunKeeper will adjust the plan for the next.

We filled out a questionnaire with the following information:

  • Running ability - beginner;
  • The maximum distance that has been run in the last two months without stopping is no more than 1 mile;
  • The desired number of workouts per week is 3.

As a result, the application formed for us a simple program of three workouts:

  • 10 minutes of alternating running and walking
  • 12 minutes of alternating running and walking
  • 1.6 km long run

It remains only to select the day and time for the application to remind you of training.

With the Run Ready mode, the app will design a high-impact workout that allows you to set a clear goal and prepare yourself for a non-stop run from 5K to a marathon. Therefore, each training program will take a certain number of weeks and months.

We are ambitious guys, so we set ourselves the goal of running 10 km. Let's see what program the application will give us. After choosing a goal, we need to set a date when we will run the designated distance. By default, this will happen after five weeks. Next, we indicate that we want to run the distance in 90 minutes and get an average pace of 6 min / km.

The next step is to enter the longest recent run, the time to complete the distance, and the desired number of days for training.

On a low difficulty level, which is great for beginner runners, we get the following program:

It is important!

Many beginner runners have a question about the duration of training and the pace of running. Many professional coaches agree that for long-distance beginners it is better to choose a pace 20 sec/km faster than a 5k pace. This pace has a beneficial effect on gas exchange and blood flow.

The optimal speed for a tempo run should be 15 sec/km slower than a 10 km pace. The training time should be no more than 25 minutes. On the one hand, it increases endurance, on the other hand, it does not overload the muscles.

During long workouts, it is better to keep the pace slower at 2 min / km than when running 5 km. The fact is that running in such workouts at too high a speed, you increase the risk of injury, and also recover longer. And remember: the higher the temperature outside, the slower you should run so as not to overheat.

In the Tempo section, choose how fast you are going to run. Here you can also take the ASICS Pace Academy challenge - the endurance challenges embedded in the application.

So, in the first basic test, you will be offered the following parameters:

  • Workout for 30 minutes
  • 5-minute warm-up at a pace of 10:30 min/km
  • 8 speed bursts (30 seconds at 6:40 min/km and 2 minutes at 8:40 min/km)
  • 5 minute cool down at 10:30 min/km pace

Now it remains only to press the start button and go to the distance. The stopwatch screen will display the time, as well as the current and average pace. In the settings, you can add a calorie counter, enable satellite map and voice notifications about the passed stages. By the way, you can add a spectacular shot to your run, especially if you are training in picturesque places.

After your run, note how you feel and add a note about your impressions. You can also specify the average heart rate and even the brand of shoes (later you will be able to find out which sneakers are most comfortable for you to run in).

Unfortunately, the app does not display a counter on the notification screen, so you will have to launch the program every time you run.

You can also connect friends to your workout and run with him. This way you can evaluate each other's results and add a competitive element to your activity.

How to track your progress

All data about your training is collected in the "About me" section. Here, the app counts how many kilometers you have run, what workouts you have done, and also awards medals for achievements: the longest run, the best speed in a short distance / half marathon / marathon, the highest ascent, and so on.

Detailed analytics for each workout is available in the paid version of the app. Here, the diagram shows training by distance and pace dynamics.

RunKeeper Tests

Several times a month, RunKeeper will offer you different types strength tests. So in February 2018, the call list looks like this:

  • ASICS Pace Academy Challenge
  • Get Going Challenge. A starter challenge that aims to get you to take the first step outside of your home. The condition, it would seem, is simple - to run 1.60 km within two weeks. It remains only to overcome their own laziness.
  • Srtong Finish Challenge. Complete a continuous three-hour workout for three weeks. Running, walking, cycling and wheelchair riding are counted.
  • February Challenge 5 km. Run 5 kilometers in February.
  • February Challenge 10 km. Run 10 kilometers in February.

What is especially important and interesting, the prize for the tests is not just a mark of achievement in personal account. RunKeeper rewards running fans with some very nice perks. It could be a month free subscription on the full version apps, access to exclusive clothes from RunKeeper designers or 10-20% discounts in the company store.

Here you can set target tests for your group. You set the name of the group and specify two main parameters

  • Choose a task. It can be frequency or distance per week and distance per month.
  • Test duration.

Before setting up a workout for yourself in the RunKeeper app or signing up for a particular challenge, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most common mistakes that beginners make in running.

Too fast acceleration at the beginning of the race

A sharp start and maximum acceleration will cause you to expend maximum effort in the first few minutes, instead of spreading your strength over the entire workout. Start at a slow pace and gradually pick up speed.

Passing all workouts "by default"

Enough common mistake– passing workouts, different in intensity and goals, with the same effort. As a result, there are no results, both from short and long runs. The solution here is simple: set the optimal pace for each workout, do not give all your strength when you feel tired.

Exclusion of speed training

Speed ​​training helps the growth of muscle fibers, increases their flexibility and strength. However, many runners neglect speed races, doing only mileage workouts. We recommend incorporating several series of high-speed straight-line runs, uphill runs, and short, fast accelerations into your running program.

Wrong recovery

Rest and recovery is an essential element of any workout. Even at a distance of 1-2 kilometers, muscles and ligaments experience increased stress, literally stretch and tear. If you do not take a break between races, you can bring your body to exhaustion, plus you constantly have to deal with pain. If you're just starting out running, give yourself 2-4 days to recover.


Excessively difficult training will not lead to anything good. Running 20 km instead of 5 or 10 km available to the body, the athlete runs the risk of injuring himself, and besides, it will take many times more time to recover. Once you've set a goal, choose a pace and distance that won't leave you exhausted after each run.


All in all, RunKeeper: Walk & Run is an Android app that leaves a very pleasant impression. Perhaps it best app to run among those mobile programs that make up individual programs.

It is not overloaded with unnecessary features, and all the options are thought out so that you can fully focus on playing sports. We also note an excellent motivation system: you run not just for the sake of marks in the analytics, but also for quite significant bonuses.

All options, settings and descriptions this application for running in Russian. RunKeeper has very few technical options. It is especially nice that you can fine-tune the voice acting of the run according to all the necessary parameters or turn it off completely.

Is it worth taking paid subscription? If you want the most basic options of a running distance app with the ability to build an off-mode workout, you can safely get by with the basic version. However, those who need a clear and well-thought-out program that will adapt to current results should consider purchasing a premium account.

Mobile applications for sports are a very useful thing. And not only because with their help you can get detailed information about how much, how, and when you practiced. They make the training process more interesting. Of course, this does not mean that while running you need to read about corporate sites at http://www.introweb.ru/sale/corporate/ . Mobile applications for the same run help to get general information about loads, speeds, and distances covered. And today we will tell you about one of the most popular.

On your marks!

First of all, you need to register on the application website runkeeper.com, where in the settings we immediately specify the units for measuring weight and distance. To do this, open the Settings tab, and then go to the Preferences item, and change the value. And in the Sharing section, you can set privacy settings, thus making your profile available for viewing by outsiders. This is the first advantage of the application - you can share the results of your runs and tell your friends about them in just a few clicks.


By opening this section, you can view the news feed of your teammates (their comments, runs, as well as photos). In addition, there is an opportunity to comment on their posts, as well as the results.


Here you will find information about all your sports activities with maps, graphs, calories burned, distance, average speed, and comments. As we have already said, any of the results can be instantly "shared" on Twitter or Facebook. If you own the premium version, which costs $5/month or $12/year, you get the option to embed a link to your activity map in your blog, export to a navigator or Google Earth.


Using this menu, you can record your hiking activities that you would not like to mark in your activity lists.


One of the most interesting sections. This is where you'll find a summary of kart races, street races, or marathons you've participated in. Right during class, you can take photos from your smartphone, monitor current activity, distance, calories, time, schedule. Immediately after the end of the race or class, you can tell your friends about your achievements by sharing the results on the aforementioned social networks.