Internet portal "Autocode" provides free access to information about vehicles and participants traffic Moscow. The resource was created at the initiative of the Moscow traffic police to provide up-to-date data on accrued fines, accidents that occurred, the validity of documents, etc.

Site users have free access to services that allow using the Internet to speed up work with public services which are connected with the sphere of traffic (traffic police, MADI, AMPP).

The official website is the portal of the Government of Moscow and after entering the request provides information:

  • About imposed fines and administrative offenses. This data can be obtained by indicating the number of the vehicle certificate, driver's license or decision to pay the fine. The user will see the status of payment of the fine, photos of the violation, the scene of the incident on a map of Moscow, indicating the article, address and basic information about the participant in the accident and the car.
  • About the history of operation of the vehicle and its technical features. This service is useful for those who are planning to buy a used car. In this way, you can find out the facts of the commercial use of the vehicle, participation in an accident, the presence of insured events, the number previous owners, information about the results of maintenance.
  • About the evacuation of the vehicle. This service allows you to check the fact that the car was delivered to the impound lot. On the site you can find the procedure for returning the vehicle.
  • About finding a car wanted or existing judicial restrictions.

The active work of the portal started in early 2014, when the Department information technologies the city of Moscow began its large-scale testing. The initiator of the creation of the Autocode portal was the traffic police of the city of Moscow.

The purpose of creating the Autocode portal is to improve the interaction between residents of the capital, city organizations, executive authorities, on the one hand, and the traffic police of the city, on the other, in matters related to traffic in the capital.

Login to the Autocode portal

The main page of the portal opens in front of you:

All 15 services of the Autocode portal are conveniently located on its home page.

Among them:

  • Autohistory.
  • Violations and fines.
  • Auto insurance.
  • Appeals to AMPP.
  • Transport tax.
  • Appeals to MADI.
  • Pre-registration in the registration and examination divisions of the traffic police.
  • The status of the consideration of the appeal.
  • Vehicle registration status.
  • Obtaining medical insurance for the traffic police.
  • Vehicle evacuation.
  • Vehicle registration.
  • PTS check.
  • Appointment for a personal appointment at MADI.
  • Taxi check.

You can easily select the required service.

What is the difference between working on the Autocode portal for an authorized and non-authorized user

To work on the Autocode portal, you will initially have to go through the registration process. The portal makes it possible to receive information for both registered and unregistered visitors, however full access access to data and the ability to perform certain actions on the portal are received only by registered users.

  • About getting a driver's license.
  • About car registration.
  • About penalties for violation of traffic rules.
  • About registration of the europrotocol and some others.

In addition, an unregistered portal user can receive brief information about the history of the vehicle, namely: make, model, number of previous owners, how many accidents have occurred with the participation of the vehicle.

When registering on the Autocode portal, the user receives a unique login and password. They allow you to use the personal account of the portal.

  • Fines, their verification and payment control. Get information about discounts on the payment of fines.
  • Subscribe to be notified of new fines.
  • Make a preliminary appointment with the traffic police for registering a vehicle, passing exams for a driver's license, replacing a driver's license, and more.
  • Submission of applications to MADI.
  • Submission of applications to the AMPP.
  • Full information about the history of the vehicle and much more.

Important: on the Autocode portal you can get complete information about the history of the car: the number of owners, how many times the vehicle was involved in an accident, what damage the car received earlier and much more.

The portal is very user-friendly. Let's take a closer look at the work of the Autocode portal using a specific example.

Checking fines on the Autocode portal

Every car driver has violated the rules of the road at least once in his life. You might not even notice your violation, stopping, for example, under a prohibition sign or exceeding the speed limit by several kilometers.

The Autocode portal makes it possible to check whether you have fines for traffic violations.

Pay special attention: in order to have access to the use of the “Violations and fines” service of the Autocode portal, you must be a registered user of the system.

In the form that appears, enter your username and password and click "Login"

To find out if you have been penalized for a traffic violation, you must do the following:

1. On the main page of the portal, select the "Penalties and Violations" section. It is in the left upper corner portal.

When you hover your mouse over a section, three of its subsections appear:

  • Check fines.
  • Evacuation.
  • Table of penalties.

2. We select the subsection “Check fines” that interests us.

The system goes to the page with the following information form:

3. You need to enter the details of your driver's license and vehicle certificate into it.

After entering the information, click "Check".

You receive a list of fines and violations that were registered in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region. The system will also indicate the possible payment of fines at a discount.

Information about the fines that were imposed by the traffic police, GKU AMPP, MADI is displayed on the portal after it appears in the relevant databases of the authorities.

There is an opportunity to check the payment of the fine according to the decision.

To do this, in the above information form, you must enter the number of the decision to pay the fine. Then click "Check".

As a result, we get information whether the payment is taken into account.

It is also possible to go to the page with the form for checking fines by clicking on the red banner of the "Violations and fines" service, located on the right side of the main page of the portal.

Autocode portal services allow you to set up automatic notification of new fines that may be issued to you. To do this, go to Personal Area user and select "Notification settings". Here you need to select the types of notifications and click "Save".

You will receive information about new fines at email specified during registration on the portal.

Now you will be able to control whether you have been fined for traffic violations, and in case of such a situation, pay the fine in a timely manner.

In our country, a large number of cars are sold in used form. This situation is quite risky for those who want to purchase such a vehicle. Previously, I had to meet with the seller several times, go to law enforcement agencies, where, through their own channels, “punch” the car for legality.

Modern technologies, which have come not only to every office, but also to almost every home, help to carry out certain operations much faster. All sorts of services have appeared on the network that help to check the vehicle remotely.

With such a development of profile online pages, users often seek to break through a car for free through an autocode. This is due to various reasons, one of which is the quality of the result in comparison with similar resources.

Vehicles officially registered in Russia are tested. The current auto check Autocode will provide information about the real history of the car, including all its owners and the quality of operation of the vehicle. To get up-to-date data, you must provide one of the unique machine parameters, which include:

  • VIN code located in the engine compartment or on a tag visible when opening the driver's door;
  • state registration number of the car in the classic format A111AA 111;
  • Chassis number written in the documents for the registered vehicle.

It's important to know! Unlike Autocode, the official website of Mosavtocode monitors cars that are registered in the capital and the surrounding region.

Visitors to the portal, after verification, will be able to receive comprehensive information about a future purchase, which will include the following data:

  • equipment and year of manufacture (model year);
  • how many people have owned a vehicle in the past;
  • current mileage of the car;
  • whether it is used as bank collateral;
  • monitoring is carried out on the criminal past and present, whether it is listed in theft or may have been stolen before;
  • whether there are restrictions on actions with registration;
  • whether the car was registered with a taxi service;
  • whether there have been road traffic accidents with the vehicle, and whether there is damage from them;
  • completeness of a particular car;
  • border crossing history;
  • past repair operations;
  • possible information from foreign sources.

Using the autocode, it will not be difficult for a user of any level to enter a car by the VIN code. All the necessary actions that are required from the user are intuitive. The information provided is as complete as possible.

Purpose of the resource

The service helps citizens avoid meeting with unscrupulous sellers. The authors of the site assure that their offspring contributes to the following goals:

  • the legalization of stolen or fraudulently obtained cars on the territory of Russia is prevented;
  • the channel of fraud with real vehicle data, including the history of operation, is prevented;
  • the service helps citizens not to get a car of dubious quality or to purchase such a vehicle, having open information about him;
  • thanks to the opening of the current parameters, the buyer will be able to evaluate the real amount of this car, which will save you from overpayment.

Confirmation of good faith cooperation on the part of the company are the following facts:

  • about 15 thousand users access the resource every day;
  • today the site is the most popular among analogues in Russia;
  • money will be returned on the same day if any part of the information is not confirmed.

Quality service

It is unlikely that it will be possible to check a car by autocode for free, since you have to pay for quality. It is connected with a wide file cabinet and database. Sources for service developers are:

  • traffic police base;
  • you have to contact the Credit Bureau;
  • data is provided by the Russian Union of Automobile Insurers;
  • receive information from Russian courts from open sources;
  • banks also help to uncover scammers;
  • bailiffs give their part;
  • there are options from insurance companies;
  • share data car dealers;
  • there is a stream from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation;
  • it is possible to obtain information from popular bulletin boards for sale.

For such an extensive flow, the owners ask for 379 rubles, and as a result, a huge amount of work is being done on checks. If you spend money on your own, it will be significantly more expensive in terms of time and costs.

The autocode is an official portal created by the Moscow government on the initiative of the traffic police.

Autocode- a site that is directly related to the field of traffic.

The portal was created to simplify the interaction between current or future car owners and.

About the Autocode portal

This site will help car owners find out necessary information about their vehicles, all sorts of arrests, and so on. And even if you are not yet the direct owner of the vehicle, the site will be useful to you.

Site navigation

The site is designed in a fairly convenient way, it is easy to use, there are no unnecessary distracting options, and there are no annoying ads.

At the top of the screen is the site menu, which contains full list all available functions of the site and makes it easy to find the information you need. Each menu item contains several sub-items, which will be discussed below.

Also, in the upper right corner of the screen there is a search bar and a button Login.

In the search bar you can enter keywords your request, if you suddenly did not find the information you need in the menu.

And also, here is access to a personal account.

So, to register on the site, you need to click the "Login" button in the upper right part of the screen. After clicking, the site will automatically redirect you to the login and password entry page.

If you have an account on, enter the required data and continue using the site. If you don't already have account- select the "Registration" item.

In the center of the site are the services that are used most often.

Evacuation services, "Obtaining a medical certificate" and many others are shown as rectangles of different colors, which greatly simplifies the use of the site, and allows you to find the information you need even faster.

At the bottom of the screen is a site statistics column. Here you can find out in numbers how many fines the Autocode service has checked, and other information.

And at the very bottom of the page there is a column with sections that are directly related to the work itself and the device of the portal. There is information about the portal itself, the most frequently asked questions and answers to them, Feedback, collaboration with the site, and a site map. The latter is, by the way, a very handy feature.

Here, in bulleted lists shows all the sections that the user of the site may need. For convenience, they are divided into sub-items: "Driver", "Check", "Appeals" and others.

Now let's go directly to services offered by the official Autocode websitemos en.

As we already understood, at the top of the screen there is a graph with sections of the site.

  • New Services
  • Penalties and Violations
  • Vehicle check
  • Verification of documents
  • Pre-entry
  • Appeals
  • reference Information

And in each of the sections there are several points - subsections on this topic.

Service nameSubparagraphs
New Services
  • Subscribe to fine notification
  • Calculate and buy a Casco policy
  • Appeal a fine for unpaid parking
Penalties and Violations
  • Check fines
  • Evacuation
  • Table of penalties
Vehicle check
  • Autohistory
  • Check Taxi
  • Check the fact of evacuation
  • Check registration status
Verification of documents
  • Check vehicle passport
  • Check vehicle certificate
  • Sign up for traffic police
  • Sign up for MADI
  • Sign up for medical examination
  • Contacting AMPP
  • Contacting MADI
  • Contacting the traffic police
  • Appeal Scheme
reference Information
  • auto insurance
  • Book a car repair
  • Vehicle registration
  • Getting a driver's license
  • State duty
  • Europrotocol
  • Transport tax

New Services

Here you can:

Casco policy is the insurance of a vehicle against theft, theft and damage. Present detailed instructions how to calculate and buy a policy.

  • Book a car repair. (Available to registered users only). You can remotely sign up for car repairs in the best services Moscow and Moscow region.
  • Appeal a fine for unpaid parking. If you have any problems with the fine, or you do not agree with its appointment, then this problem can be solved by visiting this section of the site. (Available to registered users only).

Penalties and Violations

  • Check fines

As you know, any driver sooner or later carries out any violation.

This can happen due to inexperience, and due to negligence or inattention.

Thanks to a special section on the Autocode website, you can check for fines after entering certain data.

  • Table of penalties

And in the table of penalties, you can search and find out what payment you need to make for a particular violation.

  • Evacuation

The site also provides all the necessary information regarding the evacuation, explains step by step how to carry out a check and return, lists all the necessary documents.

It is possible to connect an SMS-notification of the evacuation.

Vehicle check

  • Autohistory

Here you can check the history of the car and get detailed information about his condition.

  • Check Taxi

Here you can find out if a particular taxi has a license to use.

To do this, click the "Check" button, after which the site will redirect you to a special page, where the functions and capabilities of the site will be described point by point.

  • Check the fact of evacuation (read about this above in the article)
  • Check registration status (only available for registered users)

Verification of documents

  • Check vehicle passport (only available for registered users, shows information about the vehicle passport)
  • Check vehicle certificate

Allows you to get the necessary data regarding the actions of the vehicle. This section also describes detailed diagram about the types of registration actions.

  • Check driver's license

Click here for information about driver's licenses, and also, learn in detail about the rules for obtaining and replacing it.


  • Sign up for traffic police
  • Sign up for MADI
  • Sign up for medical examination

If you do not want to stand in long lines, then this section will help you find out all the information about pre-registrations, such as a personal appointment with the MADI or the traffic police and obtaining a medical certificate.


  • Contacting AMPP

If you have any questions in certain areas, this section will certainly help you write the right appeal.

  • Contacting MADI

  • Contacting the traffic police

When contacting the traffic police, you go to the STATE AUTOINSPECTION website, where there is all the relevant information.

  • Check the status of the application to MADI and AMPP

Also, here you can check the process of considering an appeal to the relevant services, and find out its status.

  • Appeal Scheme

If you do not agree with the decision of the traffic police, you have the right to appeal. Here is a step-by-step description of all options and the appeal process.

reference Information

  • auto insurance

Here you can get insurance for a vehicle, such as OSAGO, Casco or other types of insurance.

The site provides all the information about the cost of insurance, as well as fines for its absence.

  • Sign up for car repair (available for registered users). You can pre-register in one of the workshops of the city to avoid annoying queues, and just arrive at the appointed time.
  • Vehicle registration (you can register a vehicle and find out all the details. Read the article above).
  • Obtaining a driver's license (information about the status of a driver's license. Also located in the document verification section).
  • State duty

Here you can get information about the amounts and methods of payment of the state fee.

Here are the details for payment.

  • Europrotocol

Here is the procedure for an accident in the absence of traffic police services and the conditions and rules for issuing a protocol.

It is possible to download an accident notification template in .


In general, the Autocode mor ru website is a very convenient official portal for vehicle owners, as well as for those who are just planning to purchase a car and become its full and legal owner.

This article has described all navigation on the Autocode site.

But another convenience in using this service is the ability to go to desired section without a long search.

The most frequently used rubrics are on the home page.

Well, if suddenly you urgently need to find out information about a certain car, or a driver’s license, or make an appointment with the traffic police, but you don’t have a computer at hand, use the Autocode application for your phone.

This program allows you to find out almost all the necessary information on the vehicle- fines, mileage, accidents, the possibility of theft. Traffic police services on various issues. Here you can get information about the use of a particular vehicle, its operation, the presence of fines, offenses, the procedure for issuing and expiration dates of documents, and much more. And although now the portal searches only for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the near future the site will become available for all regions of Russia.

You may find this video helpful:

The Autocode information portal contains all reliable information about cars and their owners, since the initiator of the creation of the system was the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The basis of the portal is the ability to obtain information about accidents or fines, and the public services provided by the autocode system allow not only to register a car, but to obtain or change a driver's license. The entire list of services and opportunities for car owners will be analyzed in the framework of this article, the use step by step instructions will help you get all the information you need.

Registration on the Autocode portal

It is possible to use the functions of the Autocode portal in full only after registration. Lack of registration allows you to partially use the service, for example, when checking a vehicle, the information received will be truncated and incomplete. Developed primarily for car owners in Moscow and the region, the Autocode system is open to residents of the capital who are registered for public services. To enter, you need to follow the link and in the upper right corner click the "Login" button, specify your username and password, after which access will be opened.

Residents who do not have registration for public services need to register, for this you will need to indicate:

  • personal data (full name);
  • email - use personal mailbox, since only with its help it will be possible to recover the login and password in case of loss;
  • login and password;
  • one of the control questions to choose from and write an answer to it;
  • active number mobile phone, to which an SMS message with a code will be sent to confirm registration.

After that, having previously read the user agreement, you should put a mark on acceptance and wait for the link that is sent to the specified email address to complete registration. After registration, access to the portal will be open in full.

Detailed answers have been prepared for all problems that may arise during registration. For review, open the link "Registration questions" in the upper right corner of the registration form.

How to check the history of a car?

Buying a car is a rather serious step, especially if the car has already been in operation. To find out if the car was in an accident, whether the indicated mileage and year of manufacture correspond to the declared one, as well as to clarify the number of owners, the official website autocode will help. To get a full report on the car, hover over the "Check" button and select the "Autohistory" service:

In the form that opens, you will need to provide the following information:

  • VIN number (identification) or registration plate to choose from - open the required tab;
  • series and number of the registration certificate.

The complete Autohistory report, requested on the autocode official website through public services, includes the following items:

  • characteristics of the car;
  • the number of owners;
  • participation in an accident and the nature of the damage, including on the basis of information from insurance companies;
  • use as a taxi and other commercial purposes;
  • the passage of MOT and the actual mileage of the car;
  • the presence of various kinds of restrictions, including a ban on registration;
  • preliminary calculation of the amount of transport tax payable.

This service allows you to get information only about vehicles registered in Moscow and the region. If the car is not found, try using the service on the website of the traffic police of Russia - "Vehicle Check", which also accumulates information about the participation of a car in an accident and the presence of prohibitions.

The official website of the traffic police allows you to get the following information about the car when entering the VIN number:

  • general characteristics, including make, model of car, year of manufacture, color, engine size, power and type;
  • number of owners and periods of ownership;
  • participation in an accident;
  • being wanted;
  • existence of prohibitions and restrictions.

Thus, we should conclude that the "Autohistory" report on the official website of autocode contains more complete and detailed information. This allows you to be sure of the purchase when purchasing a car in Moscow.

How to check and pay fines for autocode?

After making changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provide for the possibility of paying fines for traffic violations with a 50% discount within 20 days, the issue of checking the availability of fines in real time has become relevant in order to pay in time.

Residents of Moscow and the region are given the opportunity to watch fines with photos on autocode portal, to do this, it is enough to indicate the information of either a driver's license or a registration certificate on the page "Checking violations and fines":

As part of the autocode of public services offered by the portal, after specifying the information necessary for verification, a full report will be generated on the presence of all recorded violations and fines imposed. The report includes the following information:

  • number and date of the decision;
  • payment terms during which the discount is valid (if any), as well as the payment term without applying additional punishment;
  • photo from the place of violation;
  • Payment Information.

The drop-down block will additionally indicate full information about the violator, including personal data and contacts, information about the car, as well as the type of violation and the date of the event.

The Autocode service, in addition to checking the presence of fines, allows you to pay online using special server. If it is not possible to pay immediately, print the receipt and pay according to the specified details. In this way, informational portal can significantly save time, you do not need to wait for the order to be received by mail and subsequently receive it personally at the post office.

Residents of the regions can only check for a fine and generate a receipt for payment. To do this, on the traffic police website, click on the "Services" button and select the item "Check fines":

The check is carried out on the basis of the full registration plate, as well as the series and number of the driver's license. You do not need to enter the driver's personal data, since the check is carried out only on the car without reference to any to an individual, including the owner or driver.

The system contains information only about unpaid fines. If a previously paid fine is displayed, you must contact the traffic police for clarification. If there is a fine, the date of the violation, the number of the decision will be displayed, as well as the period during which the 50% discount is valid (if any). Unlike residents of the capital, who are given the opportunity to view fines with photos on the autocode portal, residents of the regions are offered, although scarce information, but sufficient to check for a fine.

How to check driver's license?

On the portal autocode - public services for motorists, residents of Moscow can not only check the status of a driver's license, but also receive or replace a previously issued certificate. To check on the page "Obtaining and verifying a driver's license" it is enough to indicate the series, number and date of issue of a driver's license - this information is enough to clarify the fact of admission to driving or deprivation of such a right.

Registration on the portal allows you to:

  • sign up for a medical examination to receive a certificate in the prescribed form;
  • enroll in the traffic police, for example, to pass exams to obtain a driver's license;
  • pay the state duty or print a receipt.

Unlike car owners in Moscow, who are granted extended rights and opportunities through public services on the official website of autocode, residents of the regions can only check the status of a driver's license. To do this, on the website of the traffic police, you should use the "Services" service, select "Check driver" and enter information that also includes the series, number and date of issue of the driver's license being checked.

Additional features of the Autocode portal

In addition to the main features, the Autocode information portal provides Moscow motorists with the right to use the following specific functions:

  • verification of information about the evacuation of the car is carried out on the basis of a license plate. The system offers to use the SMS-informing service, which is completely free. The sent message will contain information about where the car was sent and the traffic police / MADI unit to which you should contact;
  • appeal against an incorrect decision on a violation by contacting the electronic reception with a complaint;
  • calculate and, if necessary, issue an OSAGO policy - the Autocode portal works with various insurance companies - this allows car owners to calculate the cost of a policy with several insurers;
  • calculate the amount of transport tax, check and pay it using a direct link to the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • familiarize yourself with the current rules for issuing a European protocol for OSAGO and issue a minor accident without the participation of traffic police officers. The portal contains complete information on the procedure for drivers to complete the European protocol, as well as the mechanism for receiving payments from an insurance company.
  • Attention! Lawyers do not make an appointment, do not check the readiness of documents, do not advise on the addresses and working hours of the MFC, do not provide technical support on the portal of public services!