A programmer is a specialist in the field of writing computer programs based on mathematical codes and calculations.

Medium wage: 71000 rubles per month




entry barrier



Programming has been around for a very long time. The first piece of equipment was a loom built in 1804 by J.M. Jacquard. The device had several cards for different machine patterns. Ch. Babbage invented the analytical computer, but he could not build it.

The first program for it was created by a woman, Countess A. A. Lovelace in 1841. She invented a number of modern programming concepts: instruction modification, index register, subroutines, program library. But the works of the countess remained on paper. This is the beginning of programming. Ada is recognized as the first, honorary specialist in writing software. A working computer appeared in 1941. The creator was Konrad Zuse. He developed the first complex programming language and program.

In modern times, computer technology occupies one of the leading positions in all activities. There are many programming languages, and new software is constantly being invented. Computer techologies- an integral part of life.

Get an in-demand online profession

Web developer

Learn how to create interactive websites, web applications and games on your own by mastering the basic web development languages ​​JavaScript and PHP. The program will also be a good start for anyone who would like to learn programming, but does not know where to start and how to choose "their" language for further development in this area.

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Frontend Developer

Learn one of the most in-demand professions today. Add the most popular technologies to your arsenal: adaptive layout, JavaScript, and the React library. Build websites and interactive web applications that are available on most platforms.

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Python Developer

By becoming a Python developer, you take the first step in building modern web applications, which no modern project can do without. Plus, once you've gained some Python programming experience, you'll be able to get started with big data and machine learning algorithms.

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A programmer is a specialist who develops program algorithms. The basis for writing are mathematical calculations. Modern programming is a laborious process. Given the wide range of activities, the profession is divided into three main areas:

  • applied direction. They are specialists in the development and implementation software required for normal functioning organizations. Usually they are narrow-profile, for example, 1C specialists. The range of their responsibilities includes updating, customizing and finalizing programs for the individual needs of employees, the specifics of the company.
  • system direction. They are specialists who develop Operating Systems, interfaces that distribute databases that manage networks. This is the rarest type of programming and the most difficult. System specialists are always in demand.
  • Web. These are specialists working with global networks, for example, the Internet. Development of interfaces, dynamic sites, their element. This specialization is especially popular in recent times - the era of the development of the Internet.

Everything that a person at a computer encounters is the result of the work of programmers. Well-coordinated work, picture quality, the ability to surf the Internet are the result of many years of intensive development of this profession.

What specialties to study

To obtain the appropriate diploma, you should choose one of the specializations:

  • Fundamental informatics and information technologies.
  • Business Informatics.
  • Software engineering.
  • Applied mathematics and informatics.
  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Applied Informatics.
  • Information Security.
  • Information systems and technologies.
  • Programming in computer systems.
  • Automation of technological processes and productions.
  • Electronics and nanoelectronics.
  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.
  • Radio engineering.
  • Design and technology of electronic means.
  • Radiophysics.

These specialties will allow you to get the necessary diploma and a chance for a successful career.

Where to study

You can get a programmer's specialty in every major city in the country. The main thing is to choose the appropriate specialty in one of the universities. The most prestigious are:

  • MSTU named after Bauman
  • St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University).
  • Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  • North Caucasian Federal University.

Quality education is provided by many other higher educational institutions of the country.

What you have to do at work and specialization

Every day, a specialist faces a number of responsibilities common to all areas:

  • Development of new programs. To do this, the specialist receives a list of characteristics that the authorities need to fulfill. Based on them, creates new program. This is a rather painstaking process, involving sedentary work.
  • Testing of new programs. Upon completion of writing, the specialist independently checks the suitability of the software for operation. During testing, shortcomings are identified with a view to their subsequent elimination.
  • Work on mistakes. Eliminate the shortcomings of the written program.
  • Presentation of software to superiors. Display of all functions and capabilities in accordance with the control tasks of the software.
  • Implementation of software in the office. Installing, configuring and training colleagues to work in the new program.
  • Correction of the running program taking into account the outgoing data.
  • Development of instructions for using the software - a brief guide that is understandable to beginners.
  • Registration of all necessary documentation for the software created by him. Patent property and copyright. The program will generate funds if other businesses use it.
  • Monitoring the correct operation of the program. Timely adjustment, error correction.
  • Creating an electronic version of databases and catalogs is the direct responsibility of the programmer.
  • Security information technologies. Passwords, degrees of protection, antiviruses. Selection and implementation of appropriate programs.
  • Consulting employees if there are questions about the operation of the software.
  • Preservation of trade secrets and non-disclosure of information located on computers and in the organization's databases.
  • Establishment of network operation both internal and global. Control of the inability to connect to it from the outside.
  • Organization of employee workplaces - limiting access to entertainment pages during working hours.

The working day of a programmer is full of events. The work never stops. In large organizations, they recruit a whole staff of such specialists. Given the volume of production and the number of jobs, it will be difficult for one person to do the job.

Who suits

The profession of a programmer is suitable for people with the following qualities:

  • Systems thinking. A person sees not a separate component, but a complex. This enables fast troubleshooting and troubleshooting.
  • Analytic mind. When creating a program, it is important to be able to analyze the facts, creating optimal solutions, not temporary ones.
  • Good memory. Programming languages ​​are quite difficult to perceive and learn, so memory plays a crucial role in work.
  • Ability to present information in an understandable language. Writing instructions for a program or training staff to work with software are important skills for every programmer. It's one thing to just write a program, it's another thing to implement it. Employee training is a key moment in the launch of new software.

A programmer is a highly qualified specialist who must combine all these qualities.


This profession is quite highly demanded, but the level of competition is also high. Several dozen people can apply for one position. Success depends on skills, knowledge, and the ability to interpret them.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salaries of programmers are quite high. Companies usually keep them secret so that the employee is not poached by competitors. On average, the income of such a specialist starts from 20,000 rubles per month and does not have strict restrictions. Earnings directly depend on the number of developments and implemented programs. The more you work, the higher the income.

Is it easy to get a job

It is quite easy to get a job if you have a lot of knowledge. Usually you have to go through an interview and complete a test task. Based on the results, a candidate is selected.

How is a career usually built?

Career, like other workers, depends on skills and aspirations. In large companies, a specialist can become the head of the IT department, the lead project manager.

Many programmers open their own business in the field of software development.

It is very popular to work for yourself with an independent search for orders - freelance.

For career growth, it is important to constantly acquire new knowledge, keep up with the development of technology. Preference is given to those who understand the most modern programming trends.


The programmer is a profession of the future. There are a lot of prospects, from own business to going abroad.

Programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models. The profession is promising and in great demand all over the world, (median value). You can become a programmer at any age. The profession is suitable for men and women with interests in programming, mathematics, languages, as well as good analytical skills and developed logic (take the test if you can become a programmer). There are also colleges that teach programming, but it is possible to learn on your own, as a rule, programmers with. Exist . The profession has its own. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).


In programming, not only practical skills are put in the first place, but also the ideas of a specialist. Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories depending on their specialization:

  1. Application programmers are mainly engaged in the development of application software - games, accounting software‚ editors‚ instant messengers, etc. The area of ​​their work also includes the creation of software for video and audio surveillance systems, ACS, fire extinguishing or fire alarm systems, etc. It is also their responsibility to adapt existing programs to the needs of a particular organization or user.
  2. System programmers develop operating systems, work with networks, write interfaces to various distributed databases. Specialists in this category are among the rarest and highest paid. Their task is to develop software systems (services) that, in turn, control the computing system (which includes the processor, communication and peripherals). The list of tasks also includes ensuring the functioning and operation of the created systems (device drivers, loaders, etc.).
  3. Web programmers also work with networks, but, in most cases, with global ones - the Internet. They write the software component of sites, create dynamic web pages, web interfaces for working with databases.

Features of the profession

Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, technical and production problems, the programmer develops programs for performing computational work. Draws up a computational scheme for a method for solving problems, translates solution algorithms into a formalized machine language. It determines the information entered into the machine, its volume, methods for controlling the operations performed by the machine, the form and content of the source documents and the results of calculations. Develops layouts and schemes for entering, processing, storing and issuing information, conducts a cameral check of programs.

Defines a set of data that provides a solution to the maximum number included in this program conditions. Conducts debugging of developed programs, determines the possibility of using ready-made programs developed by other organizations. Develops and implements programming automation methods, typical and standard programs, programming programs, translators, input algorithmic languages.

Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes, participates in the creation of catalogs and cards of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents to be machine processed, in design work to expand the scope of computer technology.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high profit payment;
  • relatively high demand for specialists;
  • sometimes you can get a job without a higher education;
  • predominantly a creative profession.


  • you often have to explain the same thing a lot, because what is clear and obvious to the programmer is not always clear and obvious to the user;
  • work in emergency mode (sometimes) in a stressful situation;
  • the profession leaves a specific imprint on the character, which not everyone around likes.

Place of work

  • IT companies and web studios;
  • research centers;
  • organizations that include in their structure a staff unit or departments of programmers.

Important qualities

Programming is a booming field, so a programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new technologies. Therefore, the ability to self-learn is one of the main skills that a programmer should have. Otherwise, in a few years, his value as a specialist will be noticeably lower.

Proficiency in English at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession. For such specialists, the ability to work in a team, on large projects, with collective development tools, with large financial systems (budgetary, banking, management accounting). For applicants for the position of a leading programmer, project and team management skills, independence, initiative, and the ability to take personal responsibility for the task are desirable.

Programming training

STEP Computer Academy is an international educational institution that teaches . Works since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries of the world. The largest authorized Training Center Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. the main objective- employment of each graduate.

On this course, you can get the profession of a programmer remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Completely distance learning. The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.

In 115 hours, you can learn how to create websites and online stores, earn 120 thousand rubles a month on this. After completing the training - guaranteed employment. Advantages: permanent access to the course, 3 specializations at the exit, flexible and free class schedule, work with a personal mentor, employment guaranteed by documents.


A programmer is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia. Even not the most advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience. The salary of an intern is about $1000. A full-time programmer in a mid-level company (not IT) receives up to $ 1500-1800, a little more - in an organization associated with mass software development. The salary of the leading programmer is $2500-3000. The next step is the head of the IT department. To necessary knowledge mandatory work experience, knowledge of a foreign language, personnel management skills, etc. are added, and earnings can reach $4,000. A good programmer can lead a large software development project, earning $5,000 or more.

Salary as of 07.08.2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Joining a group of programmers while developing a project can be a good career start. Large projects often attract the attention of Western companies, which "outbid" Russian programmers. For example, once a group of our young scientists developed the Elbrus processor for the Ministry of Defense, but as a result, they were all bought out by Intel Corporation, and now our scientists and programmers work abroad, and the Elbrus project itself has slowly closed down. The problem of "brain drain" in this profession is one of the most acute.

A programmer can make a career up to the head of a group of programmers (team leader), IT director of an enterprise, IT project manager, etc. In the course of work, a programmer can move within the framework of his specialty, improving professionally.

Famous and great programmers

  • Whip Donald Ervin
  • Matsumoto Yukihiro
  • Tanenbaum Andrew
  • Raymond Eric Steven
  • Fowler Martin
  • Hopper Grace
  • Stallman Richard Matthew
  • Kay Alan
  • Meyer Seed
  • Stroustrup Bjorn

The emergence of programming as an occupation and, especially, as a professional activity is difficult to date unambiguously.

Often considered to be the first programmable device, the jacquard loom built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, which revolutionized the weaving industry, made it possible to program patterns on fabrics using punched cards.

The first programmable computing device, the Analytical Engine, was developed by Charles Babbage (but was unable to build it). On July 19, 1843, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, daughter of the great English poet George Byron, is believed to have written the first Analytical Engine program in human history. This program solved the Bernoulli equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy in a moving fluid.

In his first and only scientific work Ada Lovelace reviewed big number questions. A number of the general provisions expressed by her (the principle of saving working memory cells, the connection of recurrent formulas with cyclic computational processes) have retained their fundamental importance for modern programming. Babbage's writings and Lovelace's commentary outline concepts such as the subroutine and subroutine library, instruction modification, and index register that only came into use in the 1950s.

However, none of the programs written by Ada Lovelace were ever launched.

Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, is considered to be the honorary first programmer (although, of course, writing one program by modern standards cannot be considered an occupation or professional activity). History has kept her name in the name of the universal programming language "Ada".

The first working programmable computer (1941), the first programs for it, and also (with certain reservations) the first high-level programming language Plankalkül were created by the German engineer Konrad Zuse.

The names of the people who first began to professionally perform the work of programming itself (in isolation from the adjustment of computer equipment) have not been preserved in history, since at first programming was considered as a secondary adjustment operation.

Murphy's laws for programmers

1. Nothing works as programmed.

2. Nothing is programmed the way it should work.

3. A good programmer is characterized by the ability to prove why a task cannot be completed when he is simply too lazy to perform it.

4. It takes three times less time to solve a problem than to discuss all the pros and cons of its solution.

5. The promised due date is the carefully calculated end date of the project plus six months.

6. The programmer always knows the sequence of actions by which the user can hang up his program, but he never fixes this problem, hoping that no one will ever come up with this sequence to execute.

7. Real programmers love Windows - all the mistakes made by their own stupidity can be blamed on Microsoft.

8. Consequence - 99% of the problems blamed on Microsoft are the result of the stupidity of the programmers themselves.

9. In a fit of anger, for some reason, everyone thrashes on an innocent monitor, instead of the system unit.

10. In the event of a hunger strike, a real programmer will be able to eat food plucked out from under the keyboard buttons for another month.

11. A real programmer has already changed at least three beer-drenched keyboards.

12. Anyone who has problems setting up the encoding is automatically considered Neanderthal.

13. Amateurish talk about computers causes severe nausea up to bouts of vomiting. The question of how to change the "wallpaper" in Windows makes you want to cut the throat of the questioner.

14. For most people who need your help, the reason for the error in the program is purely genetic.

15. HTML, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, RTFM, etc. These are words, not abbreviations.

16. The phrase "mouse-norushka" does not make any sense.

17. The most mystical problems, widely inflated and advertised, in the end turn out to be your stupidest mistakes.

18. Consequence - if your program performs mystical actions, then you did something incredibly stupid.

19. The worst feeling for a programmer is when ten people are standing around you and everyone is trying to find the cause of the problem in your program, and you already understand what the problem is, but you are afraid to say, because it is something blatantly stupid ...

20. The solution to all life's problems is on the Internet. You just have to be good at searching.

21. The conflict of logical instructions in life causes a fatal error in the work of the programmer's brain - a rise in temperature and severe dizziness, up to vomiting or loss of consciousness, are possible.

22. Those who despise programmers are despised by programmers more than those who despise programmers despise programmers who despise those who despise them.

23. If you understand the previous one, then you are a programmer.

There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand binary system reckoning, and those who do not understand it.

Video: you are a programmer

Programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models. The profession is promising and in great demand all over the world, (median value). You can become a programmer at any age. The profession is suitable for men and women with interests in programming, mathematics, languages, as well as good analytical skills and developed logic (take the test if you can become a programmer). There are also colleges that teach programming, but it is possible to learn on your own, as a rule, programmers with. Exist . The profession has its own. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).


In programming, not only practical skills are put in the first place, but also the ideas of a specialist. Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories depending on their specialization:

  1. Application programmers they are mainly engaged in the development of applied software - games, accounting programs, editors, instant messengers, etc. The area of ​​their work also includes the creation of software for video and audio surveillance systems, ACS, fire extinguishing or fire alarm systems, etc. Also, their responsibilities include adapting existing programs to the needs of a single organization or user.
  2. System programmers develop operating systems, work with networks, write interfaces to various distributed databases. Specialists in this category are among the rarest and highest paid. Their task is to develop software systems (services), which in turn control the computing system (which includes the processor, communication and peripheral devices). The list of tasks also includes ensuring the functioning and operation of the created systems (device drivers, loaders, etc.).
  3. Web programmers also work with networks, but, in most cases, with global ones - the Internet. They write the software component of sites, create dynamic web pages, web interfaces for working with databases.

Features of the profession

Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, technical and production problems, the programmer develops programs for performing computational work. Draws up a computational scheme for a method for solving problems, translates solution algorithms into a formalized machine language. It determines the information entered into the machine, its volume, methods for controlling the operations performed by the machine, the form and content of the source documents and the results of calculations. Develops layouts and schemes for entering, processing, storing and issuing information, conducts a cameral check of programs.

Defines a set of data that provides a solution to the maximum number of conditions included in this program. Conducts debugging of developed programs, determines the possibility of using ready-made programs developed by other organizations. Develops and implements programming automation methods, typical and standard programs, programming programs, translators, input algorithmic languages.

Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes, participates in the creation of catalogs and cards of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents to be machine processed, in design work to expand the scope of computer technology.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high profit payment;
  • relatively high demand for specialists;
  • sometimes you can get a job without a higher education;
  • predominantly a creative profession.


  • you often have to explain the same thing a lot, because what is clear and obvious to the programmer is not always clear and obvious to the user;
  • work in emergency mode (sometimes) in a stressful situation;
  • the profession leaves a specific imprint on the character, which not everyone around likes.

Place of work

  • IT companies and web studios;
  • research centers;
  • organizations that include in their structure a staff unit or departments of programmers.

Important qualities

Programming is a booming field, so a programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new technologies. Therefore, the ability to self-learn is one of the main skills that a programmer should have. Otherwise, in a few years, his value as a specialist will be noticeably lower.

Proficiency in English at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession. For such specialists, the ability to work in a team, on large projects, with collective development tools, with large financial systems (budget, banking, management accounting) is very important. For applicants for the position of a leading programmer, project and team management skills, independence, initiative, and the ability to take personal responsibility for the task are desirable.

Programming training

STEP Computer Academy is an international educational institution that teaches . Works since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries of the world. The largest authorized training center for Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. The main goal is the employment of each graduate.

On this course, you can get the profession of a programmer remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Completely distance learning. The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.

Profession web developer from 0 to PRO. In 115 hours, you can learn how to create websites and online stores, earn 120 thousand rubles a month on this. After completing the training - guaranteed employment. Advantages: permanent access to the course, 3 specializations at the exit, flexible and free class schedule, work with a personal mentor, employment guaranteed by documents.


A programmer is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia. Even not the most advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience. The salary of an intern is about $1000. A full-time programmer in a mid-level company (not IT) receives up to $ 1500-1800, a little more - in an organization associated with mass software development. The salary of the leading programmer is $2500-3000. The next step is the head of the IT department. Mandatory work experience, knowledge of a foreign language, personnel management skills, etc. are added to the necessary knowledge, and earnings can reach $4,000. A good programmer can lead a large software development project, earning $5,000 or more.

Salary as of 07.08.2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 50000—180000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Joining a group of programmers while developing a project can be a good career start. Large projects often attract the attention of Western companies, which "outbid" Russian programmers. For example, once a group of our young scientists developed the Elbrus processor for the Ministry of Defense, but as a result, they were all bought out by Intel Corporation, and now our scientists and programmers work abroad, and the Elbrus project itself has slowly closed down. The problem of "brain drain" in this profession is one of the most acute.

A programmer can make a career up to the head of a group of programmers (team leader), IT director of an enterprise, IT project manager, etc. In the course of work, a programmer can move within the framework of his specialty, improving professionally.

Famous and great programmers

  • Whip Donald Ervin
  • Matsumoto Yukihiro
  • Tanenbaum Andrew
  • Raymond Eric Steven
  • Fowler Martin
  • Hopper Grace
  • Stallman Richard Matthew
  • Kay Alan
  • Meyer Seed
  • Stroustrup Bjorn

The emergence of programming as an occupation and, especially, as a professional activity is difficult to date unambiguously.

Often considered to be the first programmable device, the jacquard loom built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard, which revolutionized the weaving industry, made it possible to program patterns on fabrics using punched cards.

The first programmable computing device, the Analytical Engine, was developed by Charles Babbage (but was unable to build it). On July 19, 1843, Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, daughter of the great English poet George Byron, is believed to have written the first Analytical Engine program in human history. This program solved the Bernoulli equation, which expresses the law of conservation of energy in a moving fluid.

In her first and only scientific work, Ada Lovelace addressed a large number of issues. A number of the general provisions expressed by her (the principle of saving working memory cells, the connection of recurrent formulas with cyclic computational processes) have retained their fundamental importance for modern programming. Babbage's writings and Lovelace's commentary outline concepts such as the subroutine and subroutine library, instruction modification, and index register that only came into use in the 1950s.

However, none of the programs written by Ada Lovelace were ever launched.

Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, is considered to be the honorary first programmer (although, of course, writing one program by modern standards cannot be considered an occupation or professional activity). History has kept her name in the name of the universal programming language "Ada".

The first working programmable computer (1941), the first programs for it, and also (with certain reservations) the first high-level programming language Plankalkül were created by the German engineer Konrad Zuse.

The names of the people who first began to professionally perform the work of programming itself (in isolation from the adjustment of computer equipment) have not been preserved in history, since at first programming was considered as a secondary adjustment operation.

Murphy's laws for programmers

1. Nothing works as programmed.

2. Nothing is programmed the way it should work.

3. A good programmer is characterized by the ability to prove why a task cannot be completed when he is simply too lazy to perform it.

4. It takes three times less time to solve a problem than to discuss all the pros and cons of its solution.

5. The promised due date is the carefully calculated end date of the project plus six months.

6. The programmer always knows the sequence of actions by which the user can hang up his program, but he never fixes this problem, hoping that no one will ever come up with this sequence to execute.

7. Real programmers love Windows - all the mistakes made by their own stupidity can be blamed on Microsoft.

8. Consequence - 99% of the problems blamed on Microsoft are the result of the stupidity of the programmers themselves.

9. In a fit of anger, for some reason, everyone thrashes on an innocent monitor, instead of the system unit.

10. In the event of a hunger strike, a real programmer will be able to eat food plucked out from under the keyboard buttons for another month.

11. A real programmer has already changed at least three beer-drenched keyboards.

12. Anyone who has problems setting up the encoding is automatically considered Neanderthal.

13. Amateurish talk about computers causes severe nausea up to bouts of vomiting. The question of how to change the "wallpaper" in Windows makes you want to cut the throat of the questioner.

14. For most people who need your help, the reason for the error in the program is purely genetic.

15. HTML, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, RTFM, etc. These are words, not abbreviations.

16. The phrase "mouse-norushka" does not make any sense.

17. The most mystical problems, widely inflated and advertised, in the end turn out to be your stupidest mistakes.

18. Consequence - if your program performs mystical actions, then you did something incredibly stupid.

19. The worst feeling for a programmer is when ten people are standing around you and everyone is trying to find the cause of the problem in your program, and you already understand what the problem is, but you are afraid to say, because it is something blatantly stupid ...

20. The solution to all life's problems is on the Internet. You just have to be good at searching.

21. The conflict of logical instructions in life causes a fatal error in the work of the programmer's brain - a rise in temperature and severe dizziness, up to vomiting or loss of consciousness, are possible.

22. Those who despise programmers are despised by programmers more than those who despise programmers despise programmers who despise those who despise them.

23. If you understand the previous one, then you are a programmer.

There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand the binary system, and those who do not understand it.

Video: you are a programmer

Elena Vasina
Synopsis of the GCD "Profession of a programmer"

Target: introduce children to profession programmer; develop a respectful attitude towards working people.



To arouse interest in the world around;

Expand children's knowledge about profession programmer.

Activate children's vocabulary;


Develop creative imagination, visual perception, voluntary attention;

Develop the ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;


Raise interest in the work of adults and parents.

Cultivate responsiveness, mutual assistance, a desire to help.


Puzzles; pictures from professions, laptop, workbook "getting acquainted with professions» - M. V. Antonova

Lesson progress

Children go into the group and see Kuygorozh sitting.

caregiver: Guys, look who came to visit us today. Do you know who it is? This is a Mordovian mythical character who brings wealth to the house; and his name is Kuygorozh. According to the Mokshans, he looks like an owl with a snake tail. Kuygorozh helps with housework, likes to work, and brings wealth. But if there are no deeds, he can destroy everything.

caregiver: Hello, Kuygorozh! We are glad to see you in our group.

Kuygorozh: Hello guys! And I come to you not just like that, but for help. Do you know my grandparents? They are already old, they really need my help. They want to learn Internet technologies to communicate with children and grandchildren, but I do not know what it is.

caregiver: Help guys? What profession? (children's answers) Profession is business, which a person does every day and which is useful for other people. And what professions you know, guys (children's answers) You see, Kuygorozh, a lot of professions. Guys, try to solve the riddle and we will find out who can teach our Kuygorozh Internet technologies.

For computer programs he always makes.

Cycles, sites, routines- the tool of his work. (children's answers)

caregiver: Programmer is a profession where a person is engaged in the development of computer programs. In order to become professional programmer , requires not only great patience, but also a special mindset that allows you to speak the same language with a computer. And you also need to be diligent and be able to bring what you started to the end. Very rarely programmer you manage to do everything the first time, you have to sit for a long time, look for errors, test various methods accomplishment of the assigned task. One wrong comma can lead to the fact that the entire program stop working properly!

Kuygorozh Q: Where can we find programmer?

caregiver: Simka is our guest today, she will teach us everything. Guys, what cartoon is she from? (children's answers)

Simka: Hello guys and Kuygorozh! Did you know that computers can add, multiply, sort, or do hundreds of other calculations at the same time. A smart machine solves problems that involve a huge amount of information. It consists of numbers expressed as numbers, words made up of letters, and combinations of numbers, letters, or other characters. Such information is called "machine word" or "language programming» .

Finger gymnastics « Professions»

Eat a lot noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb.)

Both useful and enjoyable.

(Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Vendor, miner, builder...

(Successively connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.)

I don't name everyone at once.

(Squeeze and unclench fists.)

I suggest you continue.

(Extend arms forward, palms up.)

caregiver: How interesting, Simka! Did Kugorozh remember everything? And we'll check it out now.

Exercise 1

Kuygorozh made mistakes in his work.

Find mistakes and fix them.

Task 2

Continue row

Task 3

Look closely at the picture. What do you need programmer for work?

Physical education minute « Professions»

Come on, give us food. (put palm on palm)

Meat, eggs, dried fruits (bend fingers)

And then it will work

Very tasty food. (stroking belly)

Feel free to press the pedal (imitate pressing the pedal)

Looked right, left (turn head)

And let's go ahead

To those who, of course, are waiting for us (driving in a circle, holding an imaginary steering wheel)

Wash your hair quickly (imitates shampooing)

Combed, dried (first, fingers comb the head, then stroke)

They took scissors, a comb (show scissors and comb with fingers)

Here is the hair done (arms to the sides, as if showing off)

Task 4

Color only those geometric figures that make up these figures.

Task 5

Look at the table and complete the task using colored pencils.

Task 6

labyrinth "Traces of Kuygorozh"

Help Kuygorozh get to the next task. Remember, in order not to get lost on a confusing road, Kuygorozh should only step on his footprints, the same shape as the soles of his shoes. Every shoe has its own footprint! You need to step on the tracks alternately - guess how exactly (step-rectangle, step-triangle).

Simka: Do you guys remember everything? Are you Kuigorozh? Then it's time for me to go back, and as a keepsake I leave you a computer SIM card with all the cartoon series "Fixies". Goodbye!

Kuygorozh: And me, guys, it's time to go to my grandmother and grandfather. You need to teach them all the computer innovations. Goodbye, guys!

caregiver: Goodbye!


Guys, what have you learned today?

Do you think work complex programmer?

What is he doing programmer?

What programmer needs to work?

Did you like programmer profession? Why?

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It's hard to imagine life without a computer. With it, you can schedule trains and manage processes at the plant, perform surgical operations and control the flight of the space station.
And how great it is to communicate with people who are in different parts of the globe. To make it easier to manage the computer and decide challenging tasks, programmers create special programs.

Computers can do hundreds of calculations at the same time. A smart machine solves problems that involve a huge amount of information. It consists of numbers expressed as numbers, words made up of letters, and combinations of numbers, letters, or other characters. Such information is called "machine word" or "programming language".

The heart of the computer is special electronic circuit- processor. It is she who processes all the information that enters the computer. The program controls the operation of the processor. It is written in a special language that the machine understands. If there were no programs, then even the most advanced computer would not be able to solve the simplest arithmetic problem. This is where a programmer comes to the rescue, who translates tasks for a computer into a program that is understandable to him.

In order to become a programmer, you need not only great patience, but also a special mindset that allows you to speak the same language with a computer. And you must be diligent and be able to bring the work you have started to the end. It is rare when a programmer manages to do everything the first time. Usually you have to look for errors for a long time, test various methods for completing a task. One wrong comma can cause the whole program to stop working properly!

Programmers have developed a huge number of different programs, thanks to which computers can translate texts from one language to another, play chess and even draw cartoons. In addition, programmers work on tasks that certain organizations need. That's why you can see computers everywhere: in a businessman's office, in a store, in a ticket office, and in a clinic!

Most programmers are men. Although the first programmer in history is considered to be a woman - Ada Lovelace. It was she who, back in 1833, wrote several programs for the first model of the then still mechanical "analytical" machine, which performed the simplest actions. And in 1941, the German engineer Zuse created the first working programmable computer, as well as the first programs for it and the first programming language. And only in the middle of the twentieth century, programming became a profession.

If you decide to become a programmer, then special attention should be paid not only to mathematics and computer science. Very useful English language. After all, the work of a programmer is similar to the work of a translator. Only a translator translates words from their native language into a foreign one, and a programmer translates words from their native language into “machine”. Great amount documentation, scientific and technical literature are published in foreign languages. The study of subjects such as literature, history, geography, develop memory and increase reading speed. These skills are essential when learning new programming languages ​​or algorithms.

If you decide to become a programmer, then you can learn to be a programmer both in college and at a university in a major specialty. Russian education of programmers is considered one of the best! Our specialists are valued all over the world.