Drawing on paper is far from fun for everyone - it takes a long time, it’s not always beautiful, it’s hard to immediately correctly calculate the dimensions, and it’s inconvenient to make adjustments. All these problems are easily solved by the program for drawing diagrams. Most modern software products contain a library with a set of basic elements. From them, as from the constructor, the required configuration is assembled. Edits and corrections are made quickly, you can save different versions.

There are many drawing programs electrical circuits which can be used for free. Some of these are demo versions with limited functionality, some of them are full-fledged products. For designing a wiring diagram in an apartment or house, these functions are enough, but for professional use, a product with wider functionality may be required. For these purposes, paid options are more suitable.

Like any software, a diagram drawing program is rated for ease of use. The interface should be simple, convenient, functional. Then even a person without special computer skills can easily figure it out. But, nevertheless, the main factor is the sufficiency of functions for creating circuits of varying complexity. After all, even an inconvenient interface can be adapted, but the absence of some parts is more difficult to make up for.

A simple program for drawing diagrams VISIO

Many of us are familiar with Microsoft office products and Visio is one of the products. This graphics editor has a familiar interface for Microsoft products. Extensive libraries contain all the necessary element base, you can create circuit, wiring diagrams. Working in VISIO is easy: in the library (window on the left) we find desired section, we look for the required element in it, drag it to the working field, put it in place. The dimensions of the elements are standardized, they fit one with the other without problems.

Vision program for drawing diagrams - clear interface

What's nice is that you can create diagrams to scale, which will make it easier to calculate the required length of wires and cables. What’s more good is that it doesn’t take much space on the computer’s hard drive, even not very powerful machines will “pull” this program for drawing diagrams. Also pleased with the presence of a large number of video tutorials. So there won't be any problems with learning.

Clear ProfiCAD

If you need simple program for the design of electrical wiring - pay attention to ProfiCAD. This product does not require downloading libraries like most others. The database contains about 700 built-in elements, which are enough to develop a power supply scheme for an apartment or a private house. The available elements are also sufficient to draw up not too complex circuit diagrams. If an element is missing, it can be added.

The main drawback of the program for drawing ProfiCAD diagrams is the lack of a Russified version. But, even if you are not strong in English, it is worth a try - everything is very simple. In a couple of hours you will master everything.

The principle of operation is simple: in the field on the left we find the desired element, drag it to the right place in the diagram, and rotate it to the desired position. Let's move on to next element. After completing the work, you can get a specification indicating the number of wires and a list of elements, save the results in one of four formats.

Compass Electric

A program with more serious functionality is called Compass Electric. This is the part software Compass 3D. In it, you can not only draw a circuit diagram, but also block diagrams and much more. At the output, you can get specifications, purchasing lists, connection tables.

To get started, you need to download and install not only the program, but also a library with an element base. The program, explanations, help - everything is Russified. So there will be no problems with the language.

When working, select the desired section of the library, graphic images appear in a pop-up window. In it, select the necessary elements, drag them to the working field, setting them in the right place. As the scheme is formed, the data about the elements get into the specification, where the name, type and denomination of all elements are fixed.

The numbering of elements can be put down automatically, or maybe manually. The method is selected in the settings menu. You can change it during work.


Another program for drawing circuits is QElectroTech. The interface resembles Microsoft products and is easy to work with. There is no need to download a library for this program, the element base is "built-in". If something is not there, you can add your own elements.

The finished scheme can be saved in the get format (for further work with it in the program) or as an image (jpg, png, svg, bmp formats). After saving, you can change the dimensions of the drawing, add a grid, a frame.

QElectroTech- free editor to create electrical circuits

This program has some drawbacks. The first is that inscriptions can be made in only one font, that is, if you need a drawing in accordance with GOST, you will have to somehow figure out how to change the font. The second is that the sizes of frames and stamps are set in pixels, which is very inconvenient. In general, if you need a program for drawing diagrams for home use, this is a great option. If compliance with the requirements of GOST is required, look for another.

123D Circuits Electronic Circuit Simulator

If you do not know how to draw a diagram on a computer, take a closer look at this product. 123D Circuits is an online service that allows you to create a not very complex circuit with the ability to create printed circuit boards. There is also a built-in simulator that simulates the work of the finished circuit. The function of ordering a batch of ready-made boards is available (for a fee).

Before you start, you need to register, create your profile. After that, you can start work. Multiple users can work on the same project using shared libraries. AT free version programs can create an unlimited number of schemes, but they will be publicly available. In the amateur tariff ($12), five circuits can be personal, and there is also a 5% discount on the production of circuit boards. The Professional plan ($25) gives you an unlimited number of personal designs and the same discount on ordering boards.

The circuit can be drawn from the available components (there are not very many of them, but it is possible to add your own) or imported from the Eagle program. Unlike other programs, the 123D Circuits library does not contain schematic symbols of elements, but their mini copies. Interface with two side fields. On the right, the section of the library with the element base is displayed, on the left - part of the settings and the list of used elements. After the work is completed, the program itself generates a circuit diagram, and also suggests the location of elements on the board (can be edited).

Everything seems to be fine, but 123D Circuits has serious drawbacks. First, the results of simulated work are often very different from real readings. The second - the functionality is small, it will not work to make a really complex circuit. Conclusion: Basically, this program is suitable for students and beginner radio amateurs.

Paid programs for drawing electrical circuits

There are many paid graphic editors for creating diagrams, but not all of them are needed for "home" use or for work, but not directly related to design. Paying a lot of money for unnecessary features is not the smartest decision. In this section, we will collect those products that have received a lot of good reviews.

DipTrace - for PCB design

For experienced radio amateurs or those whose work is related to the design of radio products, the DipTrace program will be useful. It was developed in Russia, therefore it is completely in Russian.

It has very useful feature- it can develop a printed circuit board according to a ready-made scheme, and it can be seen not only in two-dimensional, but also in a three-dimensional image with the location of all elements. It is possible to edit the position of elements on the board, develop and correct the device case. That is, it can be used both for designing wiring in an apartment or house, and for developing some devices.

In addition to the program for drawing diagrams, you will also need to download a library with an element base. The peculiarity is that this can be done using special application— Schematic DT.

The interface of the program for drawing circuits and creating printed circuit boards DipTrace is convenient. The process of creating a scheme is standard - we drag the necessary elements from the library onto the field, expand them in the required direction and set them in place. The element that is being worked on this moment illuminated, which makes the work more comfortable.

As the scheme is created, the program automatically checks the correctness and admissibility of connections, the coincidence of sizes, compliance with gaps and distances. That is, all edits and adjustments are made immediately, at the creation stage. The created circuit can be run on the built-in simulator, but it is not the most difficult, so it is possible to test the product on any external simulators. It is possible to import a scheme to work in other applications or accept (export) an already created one for its further development. So the DipTrase circuit drawing program is a really good choice.

If needed printed circuit board- we find the corresponding function in the menu, if not - the scheme can be saved (it can be corrected) and / or printed. The DipTrace diagramming program is paid (there are different tariffs), but there is a free 30-day version.


Perhaps the most popular program for drawing diagrams, this is SPlan. It has a well thought out interface, extensive, well structured libraries. It is possible to add your own elements if they are not in the library. As a result, it is easy to work, the program is mastered in a few hours (if you have experience with similar software).

The disadvantage is that there is no official Russified version, but you can find it partially translated by craftsmen (the help is still in English). There are also portable versions (SPlan Portable) that do not require installation.

One of the most "light" versions - SPlan Portable

After downloading and installing the program, you need to configure it. This takes a few minutes, the settings are saved on subsequent launches. The creation of schemes is standard - we find the desired element in the window to the left of the working field, drag it into place. The numbering of elements can be put down automatically or manual mode(selected in the settings). What's nice is that you can easily change the scale - by scrolling the mouse wheel.

There is a paid (40 euros) and free version. The free one disables saving (bad) and printing (you can bypass it by creating screenshots). In general, according to numerous reviews, it is a worthwhile product that is easy to work with.

We use computers and virtual instruments more and more. It’s already not always desirable to draw diagrams on paper - it takes a long time, it’s not always beautiful and it’s difficult to fix. In addition, a program for drawing circuits can give a list of necessary elements, simulate a printed circuit board, and some can even calculate the results of its work.

Free Schematic Programs

There are many good ones on the web free programs for drawing electrical circuits. For professionals, their functionality may not be enough, but to create a power supply scheme for a house or apartment, their functions and operations will be enough. Not all of them are equally convenient, some are difficult to learn, but you can find several free programs for drawing electrical circuits that anyone can use, they have such a simple and intuitive interface.

The easiest option is to use a regular program Windows Paint, which is available on almost any computer. But in this case, you will have to draw all the elements yourself. Special Program for drawing diagrams allows you to insert ready-made elements on right places, and then connect them using communication lines. We will talk about these programs further.

A free program for drawing diagrams does not mean bad. In this photo, work with Fritzing

The program for drawing QElectroTech circuits is in Russian, and it is completely Russified - menus, explanations - in Russian. Convenient and intuitive interface - a hierarchical menu with possible elements and operations on the left side of the screen and several tabs at the top. There are also buttons quick access to perform standard operations - saving, printing, etc.

QElectroTech Electrical Schematic Editor

There is an extensive list finished elements, it is possible to draw geometric shapes, insert text, make changes in a certain area, change direction in a particular fragment, add rows and columns. In general, the program is quite convenient with which it is easy to draw a power supply diagram, put down the names of the elements and ratings. The result can be saved in several formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, SVG, data can be imported (opened in this program) in QET and XML formats, exported in QET format.

The disadvantage of this program for drawing diagrams is the lack of a video in Russian on how to use it, but there are a considerable number of lessons in other languages.

Microsoft graphics editor - Visio

For those who have at least a little experience with Microsoft products, learn how to work in graphics editor Visio (Visio) will be easy. This product also has a fully Russified version, and with a good level of translation.

Drawing electrical diagrams in Visio is easy

This product allows you to draw a diagram to scale, which is convenient for calculating the number of wires needed. Large library of stencils with symbols, the various components of the circuit, makes the work similar to assembling a constructor: you need to find the desired element and put it in place. So how to work in programs of this type many are accustomed to, the search is not difficult.

The positive aspects include the presence of a decent number of lessons on working with this program for drawing diagrams, and in Russian.

Compass Electric

Another program for drawing diagrams on a computer is Compass Electric. This is a more serious product that is used by professionals. There is a wide functionality that allows you to draw various plans, flowcharts, and other similar drawings. When transferring the scheme to the program, the specification and wiring diagram are formed in parallel, and they are all printed out.

To get started, you need to load the library with system elements. When you select a schematic image of one or another element, a window will “pop up” in which there will be a list of suitable parts taken from the library. A suitable element is selected from this list, after which its schematic representation appears in the indicated place of the diagram. At the same time, a designation corresponding to GOST with continuous numbering is automatically affixed (the program changes the numbers itself). At the same time, the parameters (name, number, denomination) of the selected element appear in the specification.

An example of a circuit created in Compass Electric

In general, the program is interesting and useful for developing device diagrams. It can be used to create a wiring diagram in a house or apartment, but in this case its functionality will hardly be used. And one more positive moment: there are many video tutorials for working with Compass-Electric, so it will not be difficult to master it.

DipTrace program - for drawing single-line diagrams and circuit diagrams

This program is useful not only for drawing power supply diagrams - everything is simple here, since only a diagram is needed. It is more useful for PCB design, as it has a built-in function for converting an existing schematic into a PCB trace.

Original circuit (multivibrator) drawn by DipTrace

PCB layout

The multivibrator board itself

To get started, as in many other cases, you must first load the element base libraries available on your computer. To do this, the Schematic DT application must be launched, after which the libraries can be loaded. They can be downloaded on the same resource where you will take the program.

After loading the library, you can start drawing the diagram. First, you can "drag" the necessary elements from the libraries to the working field, expand them (if necessary), arrange and connect them with communication lines. After the circuit is ready, if necessary, select the line "convert to board" in the menu and wait for a while. The output will be a finished printed circuit board with the arrangement of elements and tracks. You can also see it in 3D appearance finished board.

Free ProfiCAD program for drawing electrical diagrams

Free program for drawing diagrams ProfiCAD is one of the best options for the DIYer. It is easy to use, does not require special libraries on the computer - it already has about 700 elements. If there are not enough of them, you can easily replenish the base. The required element can simply be dragged onto the field, expanded there in the desired direction, and installed.

An example of using ProfiCAD to draw electrical circuits

Having drawn a diagram, you can get a connection table, a bill of materials, a list of wires. Results can be obtained in one of the four most common formats: PNG, EMF, BMP, DXF. A nice feature of this program is that it has low hardware requirements. It normally works with systems from Windows 2000 and above.

This product has only one drawback - there is no video about working with it in Russian yet. But the interface is so clear that you can figure it out yourself, or watch one of the "imported" videos to understand the mechanics of work.

Paid ones worth spending money on

If you find yourself working with a diagram drawing program frequently, some paid versions are worth considering. Why are they better? They have wider functionality, sometimes more extensive libraries and a more thoughtful interface.

Simple and convenient sPlan

If you do not really want to deal with the intricacies of working with multi-level programs, take a closer look at the sPlan prolukt. It has a very simple and understandable device, so after an hour and a half of work you will already be able to navigate freely.

As usual in such programs, a library of elements is needed, after the first start they must be loaded before starting work. In the future, if you do not transfer the library to another location, the setting is not needed - the old path to it is used by default.

sPlan diagram drawing program and its library

If you need an element that is not in the list, you can draw it, then add it to the library. It is also possible to insert extraneous images and save them, if necessary, in the library.

From other useful and desired functions- auto-numbering, the ability to change the scale of an element by rotating the mouse wheel, a ruler for a more understandable scaling. In general, a pleasant and useful thing.


This program, in addition to building a circuit of any type (analog, digital or mixed), also allows you to analyze its operation. The initial parameters are set and the output data is obtained. That is, you can simulate the operation of the circuit under various conditions. Highly useful opportunity, because, probably, teachers and students love her very much.

The Micro-Cap program has built-in libraries that can be replenished using a special function. When drawing an electrical diagram, the product in automatic mode develops circuit equations, also performs calculations depending on the set denominations. When the value is changed, the output parameters change immediately.

A program for drawing power supply schemes and more - more to simulate their work

The ratings of the elements can be constant or variable, depending on various factors - temperature, time, frequency, the state of some circuit elements, etc. All these options are calculated, the results are given in a convenient form. If there are parts in the circuit that change their appearance or state - LEDs, relays - when simulating operation, they change their parameters and appearance due to animation.

The program for drawing and analyzing Micro-Cap circuits is paid, in the original it is in English, but there is also a Russified version. Its cost in professional version- more than a thousand dollars. The good news is that there is also a free version, as usual with limited features (smaller library, no more than 50 elements in the circuit, reduced speed). For home use, this option is quite suitable. It's nice that it works fine with any Windows system from Vista and 7 and above.

We use computers and virtual instruments more and more. It’s already not always desirable to draw diagrams on paper - it takes a long time, it’s not always beautiful and it’s difficult to fix. In addition, a program for drawing circuits can give a list of necessary elements, simulate a printed circuit board, and some can even calculate the results of its work.

Free Schematic Programs

There are many good free programs for drawing electrical circuits on the network. For professionals, their functionality may not be enough, but to create a power supply scheme for a house or apartment, their functions and operations will be enough. Not all of them are equally convenient, some are difficult to learn, but you can find several free programs for drawing electrical circuits that anyone can use, they have such a simple and intuitive interface.

The easiest option is to use the stock Windows program Paint, which is available on almost any computer. But in this case, you will have to draw all the elements yourself. A special program for drawing diagrams allows you to insert ready-made elements into the right places, and then connect them using communication lines. We will talk about these programs further.

A free program for drawing diagrams does not mean bad. In this photo, work with Fritzing

The program for drawing circuits QElectroTech is in Russian, and it is completely Russified - menus, explanations - in Russian. Convenient and intuitive interface - a hierarchical menu with possible elements and operations on the left side of the screen and several tabs at the top. There are also shortcut buttons for performing standard operations - saving, printing, etc.

There is an extensive list of ready-made elements, it is possible to draw geometric shapes, insert text, make changes in a certain area, change direction in a particular fragment, add rows and columns. In general, the program is quite convenient with which it is easy to draw a power supply diagram, put down the names of the elements and ratings. The result can be saved in several formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, SVG, data can be imported (opened in this program) in QET and XML formats, exported in QET format.

The disadvantage of this program for drawing diagrams is the lack of a video in Russian on how to use it, but there are a considerable number of lessons in other languages.

Microsoft graphics editor - Visio

For those who have at least a little experience with Microsoft products, it will not be difficult to master the work in the Visio graphics editor (Visio). This product also has a fully Russified version, and with a good level of translation.

This product allows you to draw a diagram to scale, which is convenient for calculating the number of wires needed. A large library of stencils with symbols, various components of the circuit, makes the work similar to assembling a constructor: you need to find the right element and put it in place. Since many are accustomed to working in programs of this type, the search is not difficult.

The positive aspects include the presence of a decent number of lessons on working with this program for drawing diagrams, and in Russian.

Compass Electric

Another program for drawing diagrams on a computer is Compass Electric. This is a more serious product that is used by professionals. There is a wide functionality that allows you to draw various plans, flowcharts, and other similar drawings. When transferring the scheme to the program, the specification and wiring diagram are formed in parallel, and they are all printed out.

To get started, you need to load the library with system elements. When you select a schematic image of one or another element, a window will “pop up” in which there will be a list of suitable parts taken from the library. A suitable element is selected from this list, after which its schematic representation appears in the indicated place of the diagram. At the same time, a designation corresponding to GOST with continuous numbering is automatically affixed (the program changes the numbers itself). At the same time, the parameters (name, number, denomination) of the selected element appear in the specification.

In general, the program is interesting and useful for developing device diagrams. It can be used to create a wiring diagram in a house or apartment, but in this case its functionality will hardly be used. And one more positive thing: there are many video tutorials for working with Compass-Electric, so it will not be difficult to master it.

DipTrace program - for drawing single-line diagrams and circuit diagrams

This program is useful not only for drawing power supply diagrams - everything is simple here, since only a diagram is needed. It is more useful for PCB design, as it has a built-in function for converting an existing schematic into a PCB trace.

To get started, as in many other cases, you must first load the element base libraries available on your computer. To do this, the Schematic DT application must be launched, after which the libraries can be loaded. They can be downloaded on the same resource where you will take the program.

After loading the library, you can start drawing the diagram. First, you can "drag" the necessary elements from the libraries to the working field, expand them (if necessary), arrange and connect them with communication lines. After the circuit is ready, if necessary, select the line "convert to board" in the menu and wait for a while. The output will be a finished printed circuit board with the arrangement of elements and tracks. You can also see the appearance of the finished board in a 3D version.

Free ProfiCAD program for drawing electrical diagrams

Free program for drawing diagrams ProfiCAD is one of the best options for the DIYer. It is easy to use, does not require special libraries on the computer - it already has about 700 elements. If there are not enough of them, you can easily replenish the base. The required element can simply be dragged onto the field, expanded there in the desired direction, and installed.

Having drawn a diagram, you can get a connection table, a bill of materials, a list of wires. Results can be obtained in one of the four most common formats: PNG, EMF, BMP, DXF. A nice feature of this program is that it has low hardware requirements. It normally works with systems from Windows 2000 and above.

This product has only one drawback - there is no video about working with it in Russian yet. But the interface is so clear that you can figure it out yourself, or watch one of the "imported" videos to understand the mechanics of work.

If you find yourself working with a diagram drawing program frequently, some paid versions are worth considering. Why are they better? They have wider functionality, sometimes more extensive libraries and a more thoughtful interface.

Simple and convenient sPlan

If you do not really want to deal with the intricacies of working with multi-level programs, take a closer look at the sPlan prolukt. It has a very simple and understandable device, so after an hour and a half of work you will already be able to navigate freely.

As usual in such programs, a library of elements is needed, after the first start they must be loaded before starting work. In the future, if you do not transfer the library to another location, the setting is not needed - the old path to it is used by default.

If you need an element that is not in the list, you can draw it, then add it to the library. It is also possible to insert extraneous images and save them, if necessary, in the library.

Other useful and necessary functions include auto-numbering, the ability to change the scale of an element by rotating the mouse wheel, rulers for a more understandable scaling. In general, a pleasant and useful thing.


This program, in addition to building a circuit of any type (analog, digital or mixed), also allows you to analyze its operation. The initial parameters are set and the output data is obtained. That is, you can simulate the operation of the circuit under various conditions. A very useful feature, because, probably, teachers and students love it very much.

The Micro-Cap program has built-in libraries that can be replenished using a special function. When drawing an electrical circuit, the product automatically develops circuit equations, and also performs calculations depending on the set ratings. When the value is changed, the output parameters change immediately.

A program for drawing power supply schemes and more - more to simulate their work

The ratings of the elements can be constant or variable, depending on various factors - temperature, time, frequency, the state of some circuit elements, etc. All these options are calculated, the results are given in a convenient form. If there are parts in the circuit that change their appearance or state - LEDs, relays - when simulating operation, they change their parameters and appearance due to animation.

The program for drawing and analyzing Micro-Cap circuits is paid, in the original it is in English, but there is also a Russified version. Its cost in a professional version is more than a thousand dollars. The good news is that there is also a free version, as usual with limited features (smaller library, no more than 50 elements in the circuit, reduced speed). For home use, this option is quite suitable. It's also nice that it works fine with any Windows system from Vista and 7 and up.

Let's start with the fact that the term electrical (circuit) circuit is used in electronics by radio amateurs. This article will be useful to students, engineers and hobbyists.

But what to do when there are no resources and time? A variety of online services come to the rescue. It turns out to draw a diagram online is simple. Such services for drawing diagrams, the so-called diagram editors, were created specifically to "simplify the life" of the developer and, of course, differ both in the convenience of working when creating a diagram and in functionality. The same circuit drawing functions exist in many automated electronic circuit design systems.

How to understand such a variety and choose a service that meets your requirements? What to do when you are sitting at someone else's computer and it does not have those necessary CAD programs? The main thing is to have an internet connection.

So, on the Internet there are enough services for drawing those same circuits and even simulating the operation of circuits. Really good, having full list there are only three radio elements, 123D Circuits and . I’ll tell you right away that they don’t have Russian, only English, maybe Google Translator will help you.

123D Circuits company project Autodesk Inc., the one that made everyone famous AutoCAD. 123D Circuits is tightly integrated Arduino(Arduino is a small board with its own processor and memory). By registering, you get a full-fledged CAD editor, which includes such tools as:

  • online project simulator ()
  • online schematic diagram editor ()

  • online circuit board editor ()

  • Another interesting feature of this project is that circuit simulation includes a firmware code editor with a debugger ()

Also in 123D Circuits there is a whole base ( Libraries) radioelements and their UGO. All actions and results of work in this online editor are saved in your account on the cloud, there is also an export to the program Gerber. In general, the company presented a good product to users.

free tool for drawing diagrams. A very large list of features of this service, starting with simple drawing and ending with exporting the scheme to .png and .pdf, sharing in social networks and direct printing. Having an account in SchemeIt, you can save an unfinished scheme and finish it at any time.

The editor itself looks like this:

The bottom line is, pretty good tool in order to quickly draw a diagram and save it in a graphical format, but a few UGO radio elements are missing.

- assembly and testing of circuits directly in the browser. This service is more focused on testing assembled circuit, because there are clearly not enough elements, but in those that are, you can specify various parameters, such as voltage and current, resistance and capacitance, etc. for accuracy when testing. Of course, there is also export to graphic formats, as well as saving the circuit if you have an account in CircuitLab.

The lab looks like this:

Summing up, I’ll say that this service does not have much that is in ordinary CAD programs, although in principle it can show a dependency graph, but it all depends on the specific scheme. UGO elements are enough, but there are more of them in SchemeIt.

So we tried to draw a diagram online:

We considered three main services for drawing diagrams online, all the other services I googled simply use their base and API.

If you find something similar on the net, please let us know - the article will be completed with an indication of your nickname. Looking forward to your comments and see you soon!