Logic chip. Consists of four logical elements 2I-NOT. Each of these elements contains four field effect transistors, two n-channel - VT1 and VT2, two p-channel - VT3 and VT4. The two inputs A and B can have four combinations of input signals. circuit diagram and the truth table of one element of the microcircuit shown below.

K561LA7 operation logic

Consider the logic of the microcircuit element . If a high level voltage is applied to both inputs of the element, then the transistors VT1 and VT2 will be in the open state, and VT3 and VT4 in the closed state. Thus, the output of Q will be a low level voltage. If a low level voltage is applied to any of the inputs, then one of the transistors VT1, VT2 will be closed, and one of the VT3, VT4 will be open. This will set the high level voltage at the output Q. The same result, of course, will be if both inputs of the K561LA7 microcircuit are supplied with a low level voltage. Motto logic element AND-NOT - a zero on any input gives a unit on the output.

Entrance Output Q

Truth table chip K561LA7

Pinout chip K561LA7

When driving away from home, communication is often required only at the local level. This includes negotiations between the crews of different cars during the trip, and communication of members of the same board during stops and.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a walkie-talkie that best suits your tasks and does not contradict the laws of the countries of the upcoming trip.

Radio ranges

To correctly understand which radio to choose, you first need to know their operating frequency range.

Separation and current characteristics You can see the frequency ranges in the attached table:

Range designation Range name Range Assignment Wavelength Frequencies, MHz
KB short waves Amateur 11 meters 1,8 – 30
CB Citizen Band Civil 27
LB low band Service 6 meters 30 – 54
VHF Very High Frequency Requires permission to use the frequency 2 meters 136 – 174
UHF Ultra High Frequency Service / Amateur 70 centimeters 400 – 470

In addition, the following operating ranges are distinguished within UHF:


Lower Power Device - (433-434) MHz


Personal Mobile Radio - Personal mobile radio– (446) MHz


Family Radio Service - Family Radio - (462.5625- 467.7125) MHz


General Mobile Radio Service - Basic Mobile Radio Service - (462.5625-462.7250) MHz

In case of deeper interest, you can study the characteristics of the ranges in more detail from the table attached at the end of this article.

Please note that the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency and is an important characteristic of the walkie-talkie, since, based on the properties of the envelope of obstacles equal to half the wavelength, it allows you to understand their capabilities in a particular area.

Permitted frequency ranges

Considering that in Russia the use of radio air is controlled by the state represented by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF), it is necessary to understand at what frequencies it is allowed to work without any action on the part of the user.

According to the decision of the SCRF B Russian Federation for civil radio communication There are three frequency bands that do not require registration:

1) 27 MHzradio class CB

The output power of the transmitter cannot exceed 10 W (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of 03.09.2013 No. 13-20-08);

2) 433 MHzClassLPD, 69 channels

Walkie-talkies with integrated compact antennas with a power of not more than 0.01 W are allowed (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of October 13, 2014 No. 14-27-04);

3) 446 MHzClassPMR, 8 channels

Walkie-talkies with integrated compact antennas with a power of not more than 0.5 W are allowed (Decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies of October 13, 2014 No. 14-27-04).

The above ranges can be used for your own purposes without fear of being punished.

In addition, two more radio frequency bands are available for citizens or organizations in Russia:

1) 33-50MHz (LB);

To use a radio frequency in this range, you must obtain permission from the Radio Frequency Center and register the radio with the State Committee for Supervision;

2) 136-174 MHz (VHF-VHF);

A feature of this range is the frequency band 144-146 MHz, which is allocated for radio amateurs after passing a special exam.

Here, as in the previous case, it is necessary to submit an application and register a radio station.

Thus, in Russia you can freely purchase and without any restrictions to use the radio in the ranges:

  • LPD

  • PMR

It should also be noted that PMR the range can be used both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, and LPD – only in our country.

Thus, when buying a radio station, it is necessary to check its range and the availability of a mandatory certificate for the compliance of the radios sold with the requirements of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies.

In the absence of an appropriate certificate, you need to know that, according to the Law on Communications, all responsibility for the use of radios that do not meet the requirements of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies lies with the purchaser.

Walkie talkie selection

Considering that there is no ideal walkie-talkie for all occasions, you will need to decide for what main purposes you will need it.

  • the most commonly used medium;
  • are you ready to spend your time registering a radio station in the SCRF;
  • countries where radio stations are planned to be used;
  • required range;
  • conditions for connecting power to the radio;
  • period of autonomous use;
  • dust, dirt and water resistance;
  • requirements for additional functionality;
  • equipment cost.

When choosing a walkie-talkie according to the cost criterion, keep in mind that many components of your convenience depend on this equipment, and at some point your life may depend. Therefore, before making a decision, be very careful about the price of the station. The main thing is that it does not happen that the radio will stop working immediately after the release of their store or after the first charge.

D for rough terrain

If you need to pick up a walkie-talkie to work in rough terrain, then the best option would be a CB radio station (C B walkie-talkie) with a low frequency range, such as 27 MHz. The wavelength of such devices is about 10 meters. Knowing that a wave can go around an obstacle equal to only half of its length, we conclude that such waves can easily cope with obstacles in the form of thick trees and small hills.

This range also has a minus - for example, sensitivity to interference. If there are electromagnetic disturbances within the range of the low-frequency radio, problems will begin. Therefore, such devices are undesirable for use in the city. In addition, the radio stations of this range are quite heavy, bulky and have an outdated filling.

On the other hand, if the route passes through simple places, and weight and dimensions matter, then it is better to purchase walkie-talkies LPDrange. They are much more technologically advanced and modern. In addition, in an open area, without large obstacles, they are able to provide the necessary quality and communication range. As a rule, walkie-talkies for hiking LPD range have a display, weigh only a few hundred grams and fit comfortably in the hand.

But there is one nuance here. For example, if you are going to ski slopes Europe, then it would be best to purchase a walkie-talkie PMR range, since it can be used legally there.

For urban conditions

For the city, one of the most important parameters for a walkie-talkie, is its resistance to interference in the air, as well as the ability to penetrate narrow spaces, such as windows and basements of houses. There are a huge number of these difficulties in any large settlement.

Therefore, in this situation, a walkie-talkie operating in the high-frequency range will be the best. She is not afraid of any electromagnetic disturbances, and due to the small wavelength, she easily penetrates into living quarters. Such radios work in LPD,PMRranges. Their equipment is compact, has a modern stylish design and is easy to carry during sightseeing trips around the city.

Channel for truckers

Channel 15 is the most popular channel among motorists. It is also called the trucker's channel.

Such a radio station will be useful for listening to the current traffic situation live and establishing communication between cars over a relatively long distance (5-15 km). This type of communication becomes even more convenient after it becomes necessary to contact the police or an ambulance, emergency or special dispatch services.

Listening to what truck drivers gossip about is another “fun”, which, however, is extremely contraindicated for drivers with children in the cabin.

On the highway, truckers use an international channel in the civilian frequency band CB - 15C or 15D, depending on the type of radio station. The modulation on this channel should be AM. The antenna must be placed on the roof of the car or on the trunk lid. The higher it is set, the longer the communication range will be. You can use both a magnetic antenna mount and a mount for the trunk or gutter. It is better to power the radio station to the battery. This will eliminate interference in the power circuit from the generator and other connected electronic devices. Currently, a radio station operating in the 27 MHz band does not require registration.

For drivers

For our favorite category of consumers, the selection criteria is also extended to two options for types of radio stations:

  • Stationary
  • Portable.

The advantages of a stationary walkie-talkie is that you will not see any wires and adapters in the cabin. All this is qualitatively hidden during installation. In addition, this equipment is powered by a car battery, which is the key to stable operation.

At the same time, the disadvantages of stationary devices is their immobility. You cannot use them outside the car. According to this parameter, portable radios, best models which have excellent batteries, are sometimes preferable.

Additional functionality of radio stations

working channels.

In the simplest walkie-talkies, there is only one communication channel. Everyone understands that this is not very convenient, because. other people can use this channel, and the air will be clogged.

However, according to the decision of the SCRF, all residents of Russia are allowed to use 69 channels in the LPD band. Therefore, almost all walkie-talkies, with rare exceptions, have just such a number of channels.

In addition, the presence of many channels allows you to assign a channel to each known subscriber and talk to him individually.

If from a multi-channel station you got to the simultaneous location of a large crowd of people (tourist festival) and the air is full on many channels, there is also a solution to the problem! Some of the walkie-talkies support such a concept as “subtone”. If a group of people sets their “sub tone” on their walkie-talkies, then you can talk on the same channel that other users are already on, without disturbing them. True, this somewhat reduces the communication range.

Voice activation.

A number of stations support calling not only with the PTT button, but also with voice. Is it convenient or not? In principle, if you climb a rock, ride a bicycle, or go kayaking, then with a special headset (analogous to “hands-free” for mobile phones), your hands will be “untied”. You will be able to talk to people without letting go of the oar, steering wheel, or rope.

Search for a working channel.

This, of course, is not the most important function, but it has a reasonable use. In particular: when you arrive at the place where your collection takes place, you find that you have not agreed in advance on the working channel. Another option is that you are in trouble, say, you break your leg, but there is no connection. In your hands - only a walkie-talkie.

You turn on the search mode for a working channel and find some people with whom you can talk about help.

We hope you don't get into this situation, but additional options problem solving never hurts.

Baby-sitter mode (nanny).

The bottom line is that the radio is switched to voice activation mode and left with the child.

For example, you went out with your child to nature, he fell asleep, and you want to take advantage of the time - wander through the forest or sit by the river. However, the situation when we are sitting here 50 meters from the car, and the offspring who has awakened is sobbing that there is urine is unpleasant for anyone.


As you can see, the answer to the question of which radios are good lies in understanding the purpose of this device personally for the buyer. As soon as you decide where you will use your walkie-talkie, it will immediately become clear which device you can buy. About the need for additional functionality - decide according to your own need and financial capabilities.

For the convenience of making a decision on the choice of a radio station, we present the final table below. comparative characteristics all types of allowed ranges:

Name Range, MHz Transmitter power limit Permission to use without a license Recommendations for use
Russia Europe USA
CB 27 10 W + + + Radio channel truckers. MW radio stations (CB band) are recommended for rough terrain with obstacles up to 5 meters wide. Should not be used in the city due to sensitivity to electromagnetic disturbances and low penetration into windows and basements. Communication range in the city - 3-5 km., in open space - 10-15 km. The main disadvantage is the relative bulkiness of the equipment.
LPD 433-434 0.01 W + Walkie-talkies LPD frequencies are small. Resistant to interference, but due to the line of sight, it is desirable to use in open space (field, mountains in line of sight) or with the possibility of signal reflection in the city. Considering big choice It is convenient to use channels in places with a large number of radio users (in resorts or in tourist places. The communication range in the city is more than 2 km., In the forest - 3-4 km., In line of sight - up to 10 km.
PMR 446 0.5W + + + PMR radios are small in size. Resistant to interference, but due to the line of sight, it is desirable to use in open space (field, mountains in line of sight) or with the possibility of signal reflection in the city. The communication range in the city is more than 2 km, in the forest - 3-4 km, in line of sight - up to 10 km. The main advantage is the absence of restrictions on use in Europe and the USA.

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Additional Information for those interested.

Frequency grid breakdown tables LPD, PMR, FRS/GMRS


Lower Power Device - The range includes 69 simplex channels in 25 kHz steps. The power of radio stations is 0.01 W.

Typically, LPD radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS codec*.

Range unlicensed and intended for use in Russia and with restrictions in some countriesOhEurope.

* CTCSS codec

FrequenciesLPD (MHz) - 69 channels

Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz)
1 433.075 24 433.650 47 434.225
2 433.100 25 433.675 48 434.250
3 433.125 26 433.700 49 434.275
4 433.150 27 433.725 50 434.300
5 433.175 28 433.750 51 434.325
6 433.200 29 433.775 52 434.350
7 433.225 30 433.800 53 434.375
8 433.250 31 433.825 54 434.400
9 433.275 32 433.850 55 434.425
10 433.300 33 433.875 56 434.450
11 433.325 34 433.900 57 434.475
12 433.350 35 433.925 58 434.500
13 433.375 36 433.950 59 434.525
14 433.400 37 433.975 60 434.550
15 433.425 38 434.000 61 434.575
16 433.450 39 434.025 62 434.600
17 433.475 40 434.050 63 434.625
18 433.500 41 434.075 64 434.650
19 433.525 42 434.100 65 434.675
20 433.550 43 434.125 66 434.700
21 433.575 44 434.150 67 434.725
22 433.600 45 434.175 68 434.750
23 433.625 46 434.200 69 434.775

Channel 34 433.900 MHz No interference from channel 35

Channel 35 433.925 MHz Used by key fobs and alarm pagers, gate remotes.

Channel 36 433.950 MHz No interference from channel 35


Personal Mobile Radio (Personal mobile radio) - the range includes 8 simplex channels with a step of 12.5 kHz. The power of radio stations is 0.5 watts. In this range the use of stations with a power of up to 0.5 W is allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation, Europe and the USA.

It should be noted right away that there is a direct prohibition of commercial use of PMR prescribed in legislative acts (decision of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies 05-10-02-001 dated 11/28/2005) 6

446.06875 3 446.03125 7 446.08125 4 446.04375 8 446.09375


Family Radio Service - VHF band, which includes 14 simplex radio channels with a step of 25 kHz. The power of radio stations is most often 500 mW. The radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS* codec.

FRS - (462.5625- 467.7125 MHz), power up to 0.5 W is allowed in the United States.

The range is license-free and intended for use in the United States and Canada.For use in Europe, includinginRussia is banned.


General Mobile Radio Service (Main Mobile Radio Service) - includes 16 radio channels with a step of 25 kHz. The power of radio stations is from 1 watt. The radios are equipped with a 38-tone CTCSS codec.

The range is license-free and intended for use in the United States and Canada. In this range there are lower GMRS and high GMRS. Most often used in inexpensive, non-professional walkie-talkies lower GMRS, to extend the FRS range.

GMRS 462 MHz - (462.5625-462.7250 MHz), up to 2 watts allowed in the US.

* CTCSS codec- noise reduction system. For stable reception, it must be used simultaneously by both parties. Otherwise, the voice will only be heard from the party that has unilaterally enabled CTCSS.

FrequenciesFRS, GMRS (MHz) - 22 channela

Channel number Frequency (MHz) Channel number Frequency (MHz)
1 462.5625 12 467.6625
2 462.5875 13 467.6875
3 462.6125 14 467.7125
4 462.6375 15 462.5500
5 462.6625 16 462.5750
6 462.6875 17 462.6000
7 462.7125 18 462.6250
8 467.5625 19 462.6500
9 467.5875 20 462.6750
10 467.6125 21 462.7000
11 467.6375 22 462.7250

Currently, three frequency ranges are allocated for civil radio communications in the Russian Federation:
27 MHz or the so-called "CB" - civilian range frequencies 25.165 - 30.105 MHz (wavelength 11 m), with a permitted maximum transmitter output power of up to 10 watts. In terms of its parameters, it is characterized by low attenuation and the ability to reflect from the upper layers of the atmosphere, therefore, under certain circumstances, radio communication is possible beyond the horizon. The disadvantages include a relatively high sensitivity to interference, especially on days of favorable propagation of radio waves, as well as the need to use long antennas for radio stations. The most widely used "CB" frequency range received as a mobile connection for motorists and truckers. Radio stations with a maximum transmitter output power of up to 10 W do not require registration. For greater convenience, the entire allotted frequency range is divided into groups (“grids”), usually referred to as Latin letters and consisting of 40 frequency channels with a step of 10 kHz. The most common radio stations in Russia use the European “C” grid with a frequency range of 26.965 - 27.405 MHz, and for communication with truckers they use channel 15 (27.135 MHz) in amplitude modulation mode.

More details about frequency division 27 MHz band you can read in this article.

LPD frequency range

"Low Power Device" (LPD) - a dedicated unlicensed VHF (UHF) frequency range in Russia, involves the use of low-power radio stations (no more than 0.01 W). Radio waves LPD range 433.075 - 434.775 MHz (wavelength 70 cm) have good noise immunity and penetration, which allows it to be used in urban environments or in dense forests. In open areas, the radio communication range increases significantly - on the water surface, the distance between radio stations can exceed 10 km. In this range, 69 channels are allocated with a step of 25 kHz.

LPD frequency table (69 channels):

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)

In addition to 69 channel radio stations, there are also 8 channel radio stations in the LPD band. An analog from the full range is indicated in brackets.

LPD frequency table (8 channels):

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)

PMR frequency range

"Private Mobile Radio" (PMR) is another license-free frequency band 446.000-446.100 (wavelength 70 cm) for radio stations with a permitted transmitter output power of no more than 0.5 W, which is several times higher than the power of LPD. Therefore, the radio communication range on it will be slightly longer. From the point of view of radio wave propagation, both license-free bands are almost identical. In the PMR frequency range, 8 channels are allocated with a step of 6.25 kHz.

PMR frequency table:

Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer which range of civil radio communications is better. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which manifest themselves in different operating conditions. For radio communications over long distances, outside the city and on rough terrain, it is more expedient to use CB radio stations. Due to the ability of 11-meter radio waves to bend around the surface of the earth, communication is possible much further than the line of sight. For use in a noisy urban environment or from a car without external antenna, and also if compactness is important - LPD / PMR radio stations will be preferable.

Walkie-talkies and radio equipment can be purchased in our store in Chelyabinsk, as well as bought with delivery to the cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. RealRadio delivers walkie-talkies and radio equipment transport companies, as well as Russian post cash on delivery to cities:
Anapa, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Belgorod, Belogorsk, Biysk, Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, Bryansk, Veliky Novgorod, Vladimir, Volgograd, Volzhsk, Volzhsky, Vologda, Voronezh, Dimitrovgrad, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo, Izhevsk, Yoshkar-Ola, Kazan, Kaluga , Kemerovo, Kirov, Kostroma, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Kurgan, Kursk, Lipetsk, Magadan, Magnitogorsk, Miass, Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Tagil, Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Novokuznetsk, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orel, Orenburg , Orsk, Penza, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Podolsk, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, Rybinsk, Ryazan, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Saratov, Smolensk, Sochi, Stavropol, Stary Oskol, Sterlitamak, Surgut, Syktyvkar, Taganrog, Tambov, Tver, Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tula, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Ussuriysk, Ufa, Cheboksary, Cherepovets, Chita, Mines, Engels, Yakutsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yaroslavl.

The list of cities to which radios and radio equipment are delivered is constantly updated.

We also deliver radios. transport company Business lines to the following cities: Abakan, Adler, Bratsk, Bugulma, Vladivostok, Volgodonsk, Dzerzhinsk, Zabaikalsk, Irkutsk, Novomoskovsk, Ulan-Ude, Ukhta, Khabarovsk.
To the cities of Armavir, Budennovsk, Nalchik, Nevinnomyssk, Neftekamsk, Nizhnekamsk, Pyatigorsk, Severodvinsk, Syzran - by the PEK company. To the cities of Berezniki, Nefteyugansk, Noyabrsk, Khanty-Mansiysk - by the Express-Auto company. To the cities of Almetyevsk, Achinsk, Ishimbay, Kiparisovo, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Labytnangi, Neryungri, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Rubtsovsk, Ust-Ilimsk - by ZhelDorEkspeditsiya.

To the cities of Beloyarsky, Beloretsk, Verkhnyaya Salda, Glazov, Gubkinsky, Kamensk-Uralsky, Kachkanar, Korotchaevo, Krasnouralsk, Kungur, Kushva, Langepas, Nevyansk, Priobye, Rainbow, Salavat, Strezhevoy, Tuimazy, Uray, Mezhdurechensky, Nadym, Ozersk, Pionersky , Purovsk, Buzuluk, Pelym, Pokachi, Prokopyevsk, Purpe, Yugorsk, Seversk, Serov, Sibay, Solikamsk, Dry Log, Chaikovsky, Chusovoi, Oktyabrsky, Simferopol, Tobolsk, Ishim, Kogalym, Shadrinsk, Nyagan, Sarapul, Yuzhnouralsk - by KIT .

Delivery of walkie-talkies is possible to any settlements by Russian Post cash on delivery or EMS Mail, for example: Alapaevsk, Artyomovsky, Asbest, Astana, Aktobe, Aksu, Atyrau, Aksai, Almaty, Balkhash, Baikonur, Balakovo, Berezovsky, Bogdanovich, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Zarechny, Ivdel, Irbit, Kamyshlov, Karpinsk, Karaganda, Kirovgrad, Kostanay, Kokshetau, Kyzylorda, Semey, Krasnoturinsk, Krasnoufimsk, Lesnoy, Nizhnyaya Salda, Nizhnyaya Tura, Novouralsk, Pervouralsk, Polevskoy, Revda, Severouralsk, Sysert, Clicker, Tavda, Vereshchagino, Nytva, Lysva, Krasnovishersk, Aleksandrovsk, Krasnokamsk, Ocher, Polazna, Chernushka, Gornozavodsk, Dobryanka, Gremyachinsk, Kudymkar, Gubakha, Yaiva, Vikulovo, Yarkovo, Nizhnyaya Tavda, Yalutorovsk, Kaskara, Kazanskoye, Borovsky, Petropavlosk, Romashevo, Golyshmanovo, Pavlodar , Tarmany, Taldykorgan, Zhezkazgan, Vinzili, Bolshoe Sorokino, Bogandinsky, Uporovo, Uralsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent, Taraz, Omutinskoye, Berdyugye, Abatskoye, Antipino, Isetskoye, Turtase, Norilsk, Salekhard, Vorkut a, Votkinsk, Ekibastuz.

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Radio amateurs in Russia, regardless of the category of their radio station, along with HF bands, are allowed to work in the ultra-short wave (VHF) bands.

The power of transmitters of radio stations of the 4th category when operating in the VHF bands should not exceed 5 watts, for radio stations of the 3rd and 2nd categories - 10 watts, for radio stations of the 1st category - 50 watts in the range of 144-146 MHz and 10 watts in the VHF bands above 433 MHz. The power of amateur radio transmitters operating in the frequency band 430-433 MHz should not exceed 5 W. At the same time, the operation of amateur radio stations in the frequency band 430-433 MHz in a zone with a radius of 350 km. from the center of Moscow is prohibited.

To conduct experimental radio communications using the Moon as a passive repeater (EME), as well as using the reflection of radio signals from meteor trails (MS), Russian radio amateurs with the 1st qualification category are allowed to use a transmitter power of up to 500 watts.

Frequency plan for VHF bands for amateur radio stations in Russia

Frequency bands, MHz Types of radiation
1 cat 2.3 cat 4 cat
Band 144 MHz (2 m)
144,035-144,110 0,5 CW (calling frequency 144.050 MHz) 50 10 5
144,110-144,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes; for PSK31 calling frequency 144.138 MHz) 50 10 5
144,165-144,180 3,0 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 50 10 5
144,180-144,360 3,0 SSB (calling frequencies: 144.200 MHz and 144.300 MHz), CW 50 10 5
144,360-144,400 3,0 DIGIMODE (all modes), CW, SSB 50 10 5
144,400-144,490 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 50 10 5
144,500-144,794 25,0 DIGIMODE (all types; calling frequencies: SSTV - 144.500 MHz, RTTY - 144.600 MHz, FAX - 144.700 MHz, ATV - 144.525 and 144.750 MHz), (duplex: 144.630-144.660 MHz transmit, 144.660-144.690 MHz receive), ADS 50 10 5
144,794-144,990 12,0 DIGIMODE (APRS - 144.800 MHz) 50 10 5
144,990-145,194 12,0 FM, for repeaters only, reception, 12.5 kHz step 50 10 5
145,194-145,206 12,0 FM, space communication 50 10 5
145,206-145,594 12,0 FM (calling frequency 145.500 MHz); repeaters of previously recorded messages, 12.5 kHz step 50 10 5
145,594-145,7935 12,0 FM, repeater only, transmission, 12.5 kHz step 50 10 5
145,7935-145,806 12,0 FM (for satellite operation only) 50 10 5
145,806-146,000 12,0 All views (only for work via satellites 50 10 5
Band 430 MHz (70 cm)
430,000-432,000 20,0 All types 5 5 5
432,025-432,100 0,5 CW (call frequency 432.050 MHz), DIGIMODE (narrowband modes, call frequency 432.088 MHz) 5 5 5
432,100-432,400 2,7 CW, SSB (calling frequency 432.200 MHz), DIGIMODE 5 5 5
432,400-432,500 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 5 5 5
432,500-433,000 12,0 All types (calling frequencies: APRS -432.500 MHz, RTTY - 432.500 MHz, FAX -432.700 MHz) 5 5 5
433,000-433,400 12,0 10 10 5
433,400-433,600 12,0 FM (calling frequency 433.500 MHz); SSTV (calling frequency 433.400 MHz) 10 10 5
433,600-434,000 25,0 All types (calling frequencies: RTTY -433.600 MHz, FAX - 433.700 MHz, 433.800 MHz only for APRS), ADS 10 10 5
434,025-434,100 0,5 10 10 5
434,100-434,600 12,0 All types 10 10 5
434,600-435,000 12,0 FM, only for repeaters, transmission, step 25 kHz 10 10 5
435,000-440,000 20,0 All modes, via satellites only 435-438 MHz 10 10 5
Band 1296 MHz (23 cm)
1260,000-1270,000 20,0 All types, work via satellite (Earth-to-space) 10 10 5
1270,000-1290,994 20,0 All types 10 10 5
1290,994-1291,481 12,0 FM, for repeaters only, reception, 25 kHz step 10 10 5
1291,481-1296,000 150,0 All types 10 10 5
1296,025-1296,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 10 10 5
1296,150-1296,800 2,7 All modes (CW - 1296.200 MHz, FKS441 -1296.370 MHz, SSTV - 1296.500 MHz, RTTY -1296.600 MHz, FAX - 1296.700 MHz) 10 10 5
1296,800-1296,994 0,5 Beacons only (CW and DIGIMODE) 10 10 5
1296,994-1297,490 12,0 FM, repeater only, transmission, 25 kHz step 10 10 5
1297,490-1298,000 12,0 FM, step 25 kHz, calling frequency 1297.500 MHz 10 10 5
1298,000-1300,000 150,0 All types 10 10 5
Range 2400 - 2450 MHz
2400-2427 150 10 10 5
2427-2443 10000 All types (work via satellite), ATV 10 10 5
2443-2450 150 All types (work via satellite) 10 10 5
Range 5650 - 5850 MHz
5650-5670 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes, Earth-to-space), calling frequency 5668.2 MHz 10 10 5
5725-5760 150 DIGIMODE (all types) 10 10 5
5762-5790 150 DIGIMODE (all types) 10 10 5
5790-5850 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (all types; satellite connection, space - Earth) 10 10 5
Range 10000 - 10500 MHz
10000-10150 150 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 10 10 5
10150-10250 10000 All types 10 10 5
10250-10350 150 DIGIMODE (all types), CW 10 10 5
10350-10368 150 All types 10 10 5
10368-10370 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes), calling frequency 10368.2 MHz 10 10 5
10370-10450 10000 All types 10 10 5
10450-10500 20 All types (satellite communication) 10 10 5
Range 24000 - 24250 MHz
24000-24048 6000 All types (satellite communication) 10 10 5
24048-24050 0,5 DIGIMODE (narrowband views, satellite) 10 10 5
24050-24250 10000 All types (calling frequency 24125 MHz) 10 10 5
Range 47000 - 47200 MHz
47002-47088 6000 All types 10 10 5
47090-47200 10000 All types 10 10 5
Range 76000 - 78000 MHz
76000-77500 10000 All types 10 10 5
77501-78000 10000 All types 10 10 5
Range 122250 - 123000 MHz
122251-123000 10000 All types 10 10 5
Range 134000 - 141000 MHz
134001-136000 10000 All types 10 10 5
136000-141000 10000 All types 10 10 5
Range 241000 - 250000 MHz
241000-248000 10000 All types 10 10 5
248001-250000 10000 All types 10 10 5

2. Amateur station transmissions using repeaters on the VHF bands have priority over other amateur station transmissions. Amateur station operators should not interfere with such transmissions.

3. To use repeaters of previously recorded messages, obtaining permission to use radio frequencies or radio frequency channels is not required. The frequency of reception and transmission should be the same. At the same time, it is recommended to limit such use of RES. The operation of repeaters of previously recorded messages at frequencies of 145.45 and 145.5 MHz is prohibited.

Allocation of frequency bands for conducting experimental radio communications using the Moon as a passive repeater (EME) for amateur radio stations in Russia

Frequency bands, MHz Max. signal bandwidth at -6 dB, kHz Types of radiation and uses (in order of priority) Power depending on the category, W
1 cat 2.3 cat 4 cat
Band 144 MHz (2 m)
144,035-144,110 0,5 CW (non-negotiable calls - 144.100 MHz) 500 10 5
144,110-144,150 0,5 DIGIMODE (narrowband modes; for JT65: 144.120-144.150 MHz), CW 500 10 5
144,150-144,165 3,0 SSB, CW 500 10 5
Band 430 MHz (70 cm)
432,000-432,025 0,5 CW 500 5 5
432,025-432,100 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 5 5
432,100-432,400 2,7 CW, SSB, DIGIMODE 500 5 5
434,000-434,025 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
Band 1296 MHz (23 cm)
1296,000-1296,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
Other VHF Bands
2320,000-2320,150 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
5760 - 5762 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
10368 - 10370 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
24048 - 24050 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
47000 - 47002 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
47088 - 47090 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
77500 - 77501 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
122250 - 122251 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
134000 - 134001 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5
248000 - 248001 0,5 CW, DIGIMODE (narrowband modes) 500 10 5

Allocation of frequency bands for conducting experimental radio communications using the reflection of radio signals from meteor trails (MS) for amateur radio stations in Russia