It is difficult to create something new in the traditional format: as soon as a certain niche is formed, it is instantly filled with various creators, talented and not so talented. It is easier to perform at the intersection of genres, combining the well-known in previously unknown combinations. For some time, this small individual direction can be developed alone, then, of course, the epigones will overtake and squeeze out. It is not for nothing that the word “synergy” is so in demand and fashionable now: interdisciplinarity has become a trend of progress, both cultural and technical.

This is all to the fact that in the field of automotive gadgets everyone is trying to show off by offering something special, often ambivalent. We wrote about a five-inch Android navigator that performs the functions tablet computer; about a navigator with a Texet DVR, about a smartphone with a Mio DVR ... Now here is the subject of our interest - the Oysters Chrom 2011 3G navigator. This is, so to speak, a "navigator plus" - with functions and capabilities that have not been seen in PND before.

Remember, in the era of PDAs on WM, devices with a USB host were especially popular? That is, those through which it was possible to control external USB devices - hard drives, modems, and so on. There were few PDA models with a host, and they are still in demand on the secondary market, although it would seem that the days of WM have passed. The Oysters Chrom 2011 3G brings back a piece of the past: a combination of Windows (certainly CE) and a USB host. But the key letter here is 3G. It is assumed that the USB host will be used to connect the 3G modem.

Structurally, the Oysters Chrom 2011 3G itself is absolutely trivial. This is a PND with a five-inch display with a resolution of 480x272 pixels.

The device has an expressive design: the front part is flat, with a barely noticeable edge around the perimeter, the display fits into the panel, although not 100%, but the black frame around it is thinner than most competitors. But the main style-forming element is the edging, painted like polished metal and smoothly encircling the ends of the case. It protrudes no more than 1.5 mm above the surface, which gives the impression of precision workmanship: plastic castings are quite difficult to make with such accuracy that, as here, the protrusion is perfectly even along the entire length. And one more thing: the navigator is very thin - 11 mm! It's not a record, but close to it. An elegant device, what can I say ...

As for the performance characteristics, everything is more or less standard here: the SiRFAtlas V navigation processor with a clock frequency of 500 MHz, RAM - 128 MB, weight 130 grams.

All I/O: SD card slot, 2.5mm headphone jack and traditional miniUSB located on the left side. There is another “hole” in the form of a second mini-jack socket (2.5 mm), but it is not used in this navigator. On the back panel there is a microphone window, a reset button and a mesh built-in speaker.

The mounting bracket is completely standard, such can be seen in dozens of other brands and models of navigators. It is compact, convenient, the suction cup snaps into place with the thumb key, that is, in an optimal way. The cradle is also of a standard form, but with a twist: on the back it has a thin reclining leg that allows you to put the navigator on the table. Not only for home Internet surfing.

Equipment... I don't use the word "standard" too much, do I? It is, let's say, economical: a suction cup with a cradle, a very beautifully designed and well-written instruction (an infrequent occurrence, by the way), a stylus, a USB cable for a computer, a car charger with a non-twisted cord and a wall charger with a USB socket right on the case. The latter is also a savings factor, the kit has become a whole wire cheaper, because the USB cable also performs “nutritional” functions here.

The most unusual thing in the design of Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is located between the cradle and the mating part of the suction cup bracket (there are corresponding fasteners on both sides for this) - this is an adapter from miniUSB to regular USB. It is made in the form of a box of an intricate shape and is connected to the navigator with a short cable, while power must be supplied to the adapter itself, a miniUSB socket is duplicated for this.

With this box, the navigator should turn into a kind of PDA, allowing the connection of peripheral devices. Now we will try to do this.

The standard USB modem turned out to be a little thicker than necessary for an absolutely hassle-free connection, its back wall rests against a ledge on the cradle (this is one of the holes in the stylus holder), and the USB plug fits into the socket with an interference fit. At the same time, the modem rises at a certain angle, choosing all the compliance of the connector. This, albeit small, but a miscalculation, it was necessary to make the body of the USB adapter only 1-2 mm thicker at the base or move the USB socket up.

Cumbersome? Undoubtedly. Such a modem connection loses in terms of convenience to built-in solutions in which the GSM modem is combined with the base board of the navigator. External modem if you don’t leave it in a cradle on the glass for the night, it will be stubborn (although it should be said that it’s undesirable to leave a cradle with a suction cup on the glass - its presence in the car serves as a signal for intruders to “Check the glove compartment”). But such a solution also has an advantage - work in 3G networks, because not a single GSM module built into navigators can yet work in UMTS networks. It may not be so important for downloading information about traffic jams, but we are talking about almost a PDA with an open access to the OS shell. Therefore, you can expect more from him - work in office programs, with email, instant messengers, social networks and the Internet in general. This is where 3G will be very, very handy. Let's try.

The modem is initialized automatically, the navigator also makes all the settings on its own. In some cases, you may need to manually select connection options for mobile operator, but you don’t need to “score” anything, just select from the list. In this case, MegaFon settings were selected.

Actually, this connection is exhausted, the navigator no longer asks questions.

First they used the bad old IE. Nothing new or unusual: pages load monstrously long, which in no way corresponds to either the capabilities of the data transfer network, or the power of the processor, or the amount of internal memory. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in the presence of lightweight versions of pages, mobile browsers choose them, but even in this case, there is no smell of efficiency. A complete feeling that he returned to the days of Dial Up! About the same speed pages were updated ten years ago, when connected via a telephone line with its real 25-30 Kbps.

Much better things went to Opera. This is already a kind of ADSL connection, the flow rate seems to have increased to 150-200 Kbps. However, YouTube videos almost never play. There is little sadness - there are not many people who want to watch videos with strict traffic billing. Yes, and with unlimited 3G connections, everything is still not easy, the same MegaFon on its popular unlimited tariff allows you to download 1.5 GB, after which it slows down the connection to 64 Kbps. What is YouTube...

The built-in Internet radio application connects to the radio.corbina resource, or rather, it should connect. It was not possible to start the broadcast, despite the fact that the modem worked in full-fledged 3G mode. Although the design of this application is very beautiful and multifunctional in appearance.

There is also a button social networks”, but this is just a set of four bookmarks (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki) for Opera. There is no convenience in using these services through the navigator: no pictures to really see (traffic!), No videos (especially traffic!). In addition, this version of Opera has obvious problems with fitting web pages to a five-inch "horizontal" screen. By God, in portrait orientation, Opera Mini works much better.

The unstable sensitivity of the touch pad of the navigator spoils the impression very much. With sporadic clicks in navigation mode, this is not so noticeable, but when working in browsers, the delay in reactions to clicks just infuriates! Press and wait. 2, 3, 5 seconds… Pressed again, again, again. At some point, the sensors do respond, but then it turns out that the navigator began to work out, say, the last two or even three commands at the same time. In the browser, this automatically means the appropriate number of clicks, so that the web page that eventually opens will not be the one you are looking for. With a stylus, it's a little easier, but even here the reaction is unpredictable.

So, presenting Oysters Chrom 2011 3G as "almost a PDA", we hurried a little - Internet surfing on this device turns from entertainment into a test for the strength of the nervous system. Perhaps the transition from touch screen to mouse and keyboard will make control more convenient ... Drivers? There should be something basic in WinCE, the author has experience in connecting mice and keyboards to navigators on this OS (though of a different brand, but also with a host). Bluetooth devices are usually not recognized, but wired mice and keyboards are easily recognized.

The Logitech RX1000 USB mouse was recognized and worked without problems. True, on such a small screen, the cursor has gained hypersensitivity, which, of course, hinders more than it helps. The Logitech M305 Bluetooth mouse connected just as easily. But the scroll wheel did not work for any of them.

But there were difficulties with the keyboard - neither in browsers, nor in office applications inside the OS itself, it did not decide how many keyboard options we tried. This is already affected by the lack of drivers, as in the case of the wheel.

Now the logical step is to connect two or more devices through a passive USB hub (simple Orient 104).

Good expectations were justified: a full-fledged USB controller is built into the navigator, theoretically capable of serving up to 127 devices (if you do not take into account power restrictions). Simultaneously earned modem and mouse, greatly facilitating the use of the Internet.

Oh, how unusual the cursor looks on the navigator screen!

Going from the friendly Oysters interface to the Windows CE shell is like a bucket of cold water down the collar. Everything is illogical, inconvenient and ugly! In addition, it is not Russified. Even grouping shortcuts on the desktop is a problem, they are dragged with difficulty, and signatures tend to overlap each other. In addition, after the reboot, these efforts will go to dust - the shortcuts will again take their original position.

Embedded office programs for Windows CE are not intended for full-fledged work with files and documents, here you cannot create and edit text or a picture, you can only look. Actually software comes down to a set of viewers and games, and all this is also in the immeasurably more convenient Oysters shell. Regular user, not confused by squeezing the possible maximum out of devices, is unlikely to use access to Windows CE: this is both inconvenient and unnecessary.

But for the “confused” access to Windows opens up truly PDA-shny opportunities, because on the Internet you can find a huge number of all sorts of ancient programs for CE - from organizers to mobile TV. Anyway, office applications and on-screen keyboard should be changed to less misanthropic.

In all this game of transforming PND into a new gadget, we somehow missed basic function— navigation. With her, Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is all in in perfect order: basic program is the new CityGuide. We wrote about it immediately after the release of the commercial version, now we will only add some touches and highlights.

We note the successful grouping of on-screen controls - there are many of them, but now you don’t need to strain your brain by translating button names into understandable language, as in the previous version of CityGuide. And under the main buttons, there are generally signatures in two lines: the name and, more finely, the decoding of the essence of this name.

The levels of transparency of the controls and their location relative to the map are almost perfectly chosen. In almost all cases, the user can simultaneously monitor the route and control individual functions without having to leave the map. Notice how unobtrusively the translucent buttons on the left side of the screen (with the image of a traffic cop and the letter YO) look, calling up additional menus. And here is how these most additional menus are displayed:

They are quite contrasting and readable, but they do not completely block the bottom field of the map.

The setup process has become clearer:

CityGuide has long been famous for its rich database of POIs, but only now has it learned how to present them in a readable way, having reworked the symbolism.

Another interesting observation: the new "CityGuide" provides information about the speed of traffic in "traffic" areas and does it visually very delicately, without introducing informational noise. See how easy this data is to read:

But with a schematic representation of architectural elements, not everything is going smoothly, especially in conditions of dense buildings and on the outskirts. In pursuit of details and authenticity, the Sitigid team went too far, not taking into account that detailing at such a small image scale is sometimes unnecessary.

Of course, we wanted to show the buildings as recognizably as possible, for which some of their elements had to be made translucent so that the real configuration could be read. But some details of the map are no longer unambiguous, for example, in the screenshot below, you can "read" how the road goes along the roof of the building (in the foreground), and in the background on the right, the architectural landscape is an unintelligible mess.

The new CityGuide, as we already wrote, copes with the actual navigation in Moscow perfectly, the navigator did not make a single mistake at any of our ambush addresses. The only thing the program did not know was the newly formed one-way traffic along Palekhskaya Street, but this one is forgivable, the release was released even before the change in the rules of travel.

In a previous post, we made a mistake when we wrote that a new version CityGuide is built on an old engine and is just a deep redesign of the program. This is not the case, as Andrey Sabaidash, the main ideologist of the project and director of MIT, explained, the engine is also completely new, faster and more stable. This is important, because the “heaviness” of cartographic information is increasing every day and old engines can no longer adequately process such information flows.

⇡ Conclusions

So, Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is a great example of a PND that tried to go beyond the genre, but really couldn't. And this is good! Oysters remained a normal navigator, or rather a plus navigator, with more or less high-speed Internet access. This is not its main function, but it is not meaningless either, you can quickly and conveniently view mail and posts in social networks on it if you connect a USB mouse. The built-in Internet radio client and access to Windows CE are, of course, purely marketing tricks, it is difficult to use them. Other than that, it's a well thought out machine. He would have less inertia in response to touch screen touches ...

In short, take a mouse and a modem with you. Come in handy on the road.

It is one of the leading Russian companies in the development of new digital technologies. These developments also include navigators of different series, models and types. The Chrom series is recognized as one of the most popular series of guidebooks. It is represented by such models as:

Chrom 2000. The model is equipped on the base Windows platform CE 6.0. The clock frequency of the navigator is 500 MHz, and the built-in RAM is 128 MB. Thanks to their excellent technical specifications the guide is able to choose and indicate the most optimal route for the given points. The 480 × 272 touch screen extension allows not only tracking the route in excellent quality, but also viewing movies using multimedia functions. Also, the navigator is equipped with an input for memory cards, the capacity of which does not exceed 16 GB.

GPS navigator Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is one of the very first models that are adapted to USB devices about. You can also connect both a mouse and a keyboard to it. Thanks to the 3G function, the guide provides access to all the necessary Internet information in a matter of seconds. The large five-inch screen allows the device to be used by people with limited vision.

Oyster Chrome 2011. This model A GPS navigator can be an excellent assistant in determining the optimal route of movement. The car guide can work without recharging for 4 hours. The touch screen makes it possible to set a convenient and comfortable viewing angle for the driver.

Portable car navigator Oysters Chrom 2600 with a built-in type of antenna seems to be created in order to prevent the driver from getting lost on the roads of the country. The color touch display is ideal for both route viewing and video films.

Chrome 6000 3G. The model of this navigator can be used as a mini-computer. The guide supports the functions of connecting a keyboard, mouse, 3G modem, as well as a USB device. Built-in radio and some of the most popular browsers will help pass the time in many hours of traffic jams. In just a few seconds, the guide can turn into an online entertainment center.

Chrome 5500. This model was the only one in the Chrom series, which is based on the Android OS. The operating memory has been increased to 512 MB, which allows you to increase the speed of the guide several times.

Oysters Chrom series of car GPS navigators is specially designed to improve the comfort of drivers. Chrom series devices are always ready to point you in the right direction.

I owned the device for almost a year" domestic manufacturer"Oysters Chrom 5500, and all this time I could not bring myself to write a report about it. In the end, I no longer have the device, and the report has been hanging in drafts for almost a year. The time has come. I did not have time to take my photos, but now I have a navigator I am no longer there, so I will use pictures from the official site and from the Internet.


I set the following requirements for my future first and most beloved navigator:
medium size, about 5″. After examining the interior of the car, I immediately decided that I would hang it on the glass, so tablets and smartphones are not suitable: the former are too large, the latter are too small.
android/FullHD video. My DVR does not have a screen, but it has an android application that allows you to watch videos. Even if without an application: most navigators on WinCE do not pull video in FullHD, judging by the reviews. Androids usually have more powerful hardware, all sorts of hardware decoders and all that.
3G (or equivalent). In Moscow, the navigator is required not to stupidly build a route from point A to point B (you can also follow the signs), but to build a route that does not pass through deaf standing traffic jams.
Decisive: reliable reception of signals from satellites. Before buying, I used Yandex cards that work on my wife's HTC Desire S. Actually, she also voiced the turns, because there was no smartphone holder. And we had a lot of hassle due to the fact that on a shady street suddenly disappeared GPS signal and Yandex did not know what to do with us: the next maneuver disappeared, the distances ceased to be displayed. In short, it is necessary that you do not lose satellites at all, you can lose them in tunnels at the very least.

The agony of choice

Not many devices fit all these requirements. I found out pretty quickly that SIRF/Athlas are considered the best GPS chips for civil purposes, but there was only one Chinese no-name device that had both an android and this chip. I don’t remember what was wrong with this device, but I decided to look for more.
In general, I had to abandon the mandatory 3G. After all, we have an HTC that has a WiFi router, so let's at least have WiFi in the navigator. But it turned out that nothing even fits these requirements: in fact, the problem is not so much in 3G, but in the fact that Android and Sirf do not meet together. So I decided: to hell with it, let it not be Sirf, but I will check that it catches satellites at least as well as our HTC. And even better, I'll compare it with some analogue on Sirf.

First meeting

As a result, my attention was drawn to the Oysters Chrom 5500: Android, 5 ″, 3G-compatible, Micro-SD connector is easily accessible. Went for a test drive: be sure to check the reception. Regular Navitel software, there is a tab where it shows the number of satellites. The consultant said that his HTC perfectly catches satellites and probably we just mixed up something. On the Internet, most commentators were of the same opinion, but I did not agree with him.
In general, I forced him to take out the Oysters Chrom 5500 himself, some kind of navigator on the Sirf Athlas V, his HTC Desire S and his HTC something HD. We turned it all on and compared the readings of the devices: everyone caught from five to eight satellites, and the subject caught 13. "Suits" - I thought and bought it. 3G only via a USB whistle, which you need to buy separately from OpSoSa, but this didn’t seem like a big problem to me: for now we’re driving on Wi-Fi, and if the traffic jam service is normal, then we’ll take a whistle.

Inside there was a navigator, a charger, a USB cable, a holder for the windshield, an active USB hub, which is attached as a layer between the navigator and the holder, and, probably, that's all. Android 2.3 navigator, rockchip processor. Capacitive screen, 800x480.

Software selection

Regular navigator on this device - Navitel. A version with Citigid was also announced, but it was not on sale then due to technical problems. I checked the navitel for compliance with my subjective expectations: the relevance of maps, the relevance of traffic jams, convenience. All this turned out to be a C grade: on the very first day, he brought me to a one-way street somewhere between Kalanchevskaya and Mira and offered to drive along it in the opposite direction. Even then, I suspected that this beast does not know how to go around traffic jams. The second problem was that he decided that a 10 km deaf standing traffic jam on the Moscow Ring Road was not a reason to drive through the city. Yandex quickly led me in the right direction, for which it was installed as the main shooter software. Navitel lasted about a week.

Yandex.Navigator with a design from A. Lebedev's studio turned out to be quite ascetic in terms of functionality: its history was just beginning. How he's doing now, I don't know. The main problem seemed to me that he does not build the route himself, but requests it on the server, respectively, it only works on-line. Yes, even then he had the opportunity to save maps to an SD card, but this only led to a decrease in traffic, but did not allow him to go offline. The second problem was that he did not consider many turns to be turns. This was especially soaring at junctions like Leninsky Prospekt with the Third Ring Road, where it’s not clear where to go, so even this beast is silent, and the thick strip of the route covers the entire junction scheme completely, so it’s impossible to see. At this interchange, I nevertheless moved off in the wrong direction, at the next interchange everything happened again: he told me "turn right, here you need to turn around" - and that's it, the following indication: "go straight 10 kilometers." At this junction, I also turned around only the second time. Two more times it happened that in the process of accessing the servers, the navigator received a new route and immediately offered to turn, for example, to the right, when I was already in the process of turning to the left: he, you see, changed his mind. Towards the end of the trip, I noticed a strange silence (but there I already knew the area) - it turned out that he crashed, and the device shows an empty desktop. In general, Yandex.Navigator lived with me for only one trip.

The next in line giant of navigational software was Cityguide. The seventh, it seems, version. It seems that there was still a fifth one under android, but since these programs were not installed from the Google Market, I put what I could. Cityguide turned out to be no better and no worse than Navitel in all respects and also lasted a week. I refused it for such a strange reason: it is impossible to remove an intermediate point from the route. The problem looks like this: I need to go from point A to point B, buying bread on the way at point C. Suppose that at point C I could not enter the parking lot where the dot is located, or vice versa, the dot is on the roadway, and on I managed to enter the parking lot, in general, I drove around point B a little. It is impossible to go further along the navigator: it does not understand that it is no longer necessary to go to point B and leads to it. At the same time, there were no "go to the next point" in that version of the navigator, only delete the route and create it again. If there are more than one intermediate points, then this is a problem.

So I demolished the city guide and returned to Navitel, and navigators and so on did not even try. In the end, I have a Navitel license, and experience has already begun to show a trend towards the fact that it will not be better anyway. Now I'm going to Navitel.

Additional functionality

Since there is an android on the navigator, it’s a sin not to use it. Opera, MX-Player, ES File Explorer and ES Task Manager, and an FM transmitter were preinstalled here. If there was anything else, it was something useless.

No one could answer the question "why do I need an FM transmitter": "to play mp3 from a flash drive" - ​​everyone said. "Why not stick a flash drive into the radio?" I asked. Well, do not stick. In the end, there was a use for this functionality: you can listen to podcasts. Still, it's inconvenient to listen to them from a flash drive.

By the way, there are problems with installing applications from the android market ( Google Play): they are all "not compatible" with this device. Navitel, which goes on it regularly, Cityguide, which goes on it alternatively, Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator - in short, tin. Even the android program for my registrar is incompatible, and it was installed from apk only after updating the firmware.

The program for my registrar: allows you to change settings, view recordings and even upload them to YouTube (however, I did not check if this works).

The aCar program - since the device is always with you, why not store receipts from gas stations not in an ashtray, but in this program? There is only one problem: the navigator is not always on, and it takes a long time to start. However, during the time that gasoline is poured, it manages to start. By the way, this program was installed from the market and is updated itself, for which respect to the developer, a rare case.

I installed BeyondPod for podcasts, I listen not only in the car, but also at home. In general, I got into the habit of using the device at home as an under-tablet, but there are a couple of problems: it turns on for a long time and dies quickly, so it’s not a replacement for a tablet at all.


This is a type of outcome, I'll start with the disadvantages to end on the merits :-)

Of all the programs that are somehow connected with the main purpose of the device, only one was installed from the market. The rest need to be installed and updated either from the site (navitel), or from the "left" forums such as
No compass and motion/speed sensor. This is quite inconvenient in some cases: when you are standing in the yard or on the side of the road, the navitel does not know which direction you will start moving, or in the tunnel, when the satellites still disappear, the navitel does not know how fast you are going now.
Glossy screen. Well, really, what the hell is that? This device sparkles with gloss right in the eyes of the driver, what were they thinking? I pasted a matte film on the first day, I bought it for a fee.
Headphone jack 2.5″. Headphones are not included.
The screen is completely unreadable. You can watch a movie if you don’t count on a high-quality picture in advance, but it’s a pity to read it. And the responsiveness of the interface is also not the highest score. And the batteries are unlikely to last for a full-length film. So as a basic tablet still not worth using. As a navigator with additional features - approx.
Crazy firmware update procedure. The saddest thing is that it turned out to be necessary for me (and, most likely, not only for me, Google did not work at all without it). It is necessary to put the tool under Windows (here I immediately plugged it and happened, there is no Windows), save the serial there, then after the update it is difficult to prescribe it back, in general. You can update without these troubles, but the Navitel license is guaranteed to fly off after the serial :-)
The power button on the top is too light and protruding: the navigator is too easy to turn on by accident, you just need to lightly press the button to do this. I understand that this does not sound like a problem, but nevertheless, when you put it in your bag or pocket, you may not even notice that you accidentally pressed the button, then in the bag it turns on and drains the battery.
charging 2A (two amperes). It is so tight that it removes chips from the inner metal surface of the cigarette lighter (there are sharp edges on the spacers). I had to buy a splitter so as not to injure the cigarette lighter once again. By the way, due to the high charging current, it was possible to connect to the laptop only with the cable that comes with the kit. The defining difference: it is very thick. If you connect thin, it will only charge slowly, but it will not be recognized as a USB device.


almost full tablet, WiFi, capacitive touch screen (without stylus)
you can insert a MicroSD without turning off the device - this is really important when I have a registrar like mine,
GLONASS (maybe that's why it caught twice as many satellites? I don't know...)
Powerful enough, pulls FullHD
Full-fledged Android, which means a huge selection of related applications for non-purpose and near-purpose use. At the same time, to access the desktop, you do not need to hack anything and write to the registry, on the main screen there is a button to exit to the android desktop, and in the menu you can select the option when the device is loaded immediately into this mode, without any "main screens" .
Loud. It is really very loud, at the maximum it screams so much that you want to throw the steering wheel and hide under the seat.
USB host. This is a huge advantage, which I did not need at all. Through this USB-Host, the device can connect to 3G: you need to plug a USB "whistle" into it, the developers have put a lot of effort into supporting them. You can just plug in a USB stick. Or maybe a printer :-) Or, by the way, a smartphone. Included is an active USB hub through which all this must be connected. Active - it means that it receives power from the cigarette lighter, and not from the navigator. Thanks to this, you can recharge your phone from it, if anything. The hub is built into the holder, but it can be removed (it can be seen in the photo above).
Powerful suction cup. It hung on the windshield all winter, I didn’t take it off until March (I hung it up last summer), and it never fell off.


The requirements were somewhat overstated and sometimes naive: traffic jams had to be abandoned (the software is not yet ready for them), I had no idea about the need for a compass. On the other hand, having an android, you also want Wi-Fi, so WiFi did not become superfluous, the lack of built-in 3G can not be considered a minus (because plugs were not needed), but the presence of a USB host was not a plus for me. However, I do not regret that I chose it and I am not going to change it in the near future: there is nothing and nothing for it.

Oh yes, the price and pictures. I didn't take my pics :)

Post Scriptum

The same power button killed the navigator: it was discharged and did not turn on again. In the service, they fucked my brain for a month, first talking about the two weeks that they have to just send me through the forest, then about the month that they have to drive the bullshit. In the end they didn't do it with him nothing, wrote "marriage". In iON, the saleswoman took the attempt to return the device as a personal insult: at first she said that more than two weeks have passed since the date that is in the decision on unrepairability from the service (these scoundrels from the service wrote the old date there, I'm in iON straight from the service arrived), because he won’t accept it back without a box (I managed to throw out the box in a year), while I explained to her what ZOZPP is - she was offended by me and at the end brought a centimeter press of hundreds of bills ... Well, a sheep, sorry for coarseness. Three hours the brain endured, although there is work for 15 minutes.

I then thought that I would not buy Oysters anymore. Service - g ..., reliability is lame, data from aCar has been lost forever. However, almost a year has passed since then, and I understand that I should have bought the same one somewhere in another store that day (there wasn’t one in iON), break the power button on it and not take a steam bath. Now I am still without a navigator. Most likely, I will learn how to hang my smartphone so that it can be seen, I will put some kind of volume on it. Two years have passed since the release of the model, and now it is listed on the manufacturer's website as archival. Yes, according to the results of using this navigator, I liked the rockchip processor, so when choosing the next one, I reduced the list of requirements to "android and rockchip".

Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is the car navigator model that clearly shows the progress of the digital industry. Like any other modern model Oysters Chrom 2011 3G has a 5″ touch screen, a powerful engine and latest version navigation system Navitel 5.0. However, this is not all, since the use of USB adapter, which allows you to use such gadgets as a keyboard, mouse, flash memory, 3G modem, dramatically expanded its capabilities. This is one of the few models that supports external USB devices.

The body of the navigator is made of plastic, on the sides of which there is a chrome border. The dimensions are impressive - only 10.5 mm, which, along with colors and chrome give the Oysters Chrom 2011 3G an incredibly stylish and austere look.

Since the device is completely touch control, then there is only one button on the case, which is responsible for turning the navigator on and off. The main disadvantage of the touch screen is the use of resistive technology, which is old-fashioned these days.

On the back of the case are a microphone and a speaker, next to them is the Reset button. The main connectors and inputs/outputs are located on the side of the device. There is a headphone jack, a slot for a flash card and a MiniUSB port with which the Chrom 2011 3G navigator can be connected to a computer to download maps or recharge the battery.

For attachment to the windshield, a holder and a frame are included as standard.

The charging adapter is connected to the navigator via a MiniUSB cable, which in turn is connected to the MiniUSB port. This is due to the fact that USB devices require external power for normal operation.

The foundation hardware navigator Oysters 2011 3G - Sirf Atlas V chipset, which is one of the best in its line. The clock frequency of the Sirf Atlas V processor is about 500 MHz. Standard equipment includes 2 Gb flash memory and RAM 128Mb. As described above, the navigator has a microSD card slot.

Oysters Chrom 2011 3G is based on Windows CE 6.0. Navigator's desktop contains a rich software stuffing that allows you to access the main features of this device.

The navigation system uses newest maps CIS, Asia, Europe and Latin America. High performance, clear interface, accurate route planning, ease of finding addresses - these are the main features of this navigator and it copes with its functions just fine.

Connecting a 3G modem allows users of the navigator to visit all known social networks. The low cost of the device, high performance and software allowed Oysters Chrom 2011 3G to become so popular among motorists.

Instructions for Navigator Oysters Chrom 2011 3G

Firmware for Chrome 2011 3G

with icon

Firmware version for devices no icon"FM transmitter" with installation instructions.