Hello dear forum users. Today I will tell you how to replace a cracked camera glass on a Samsung galaxy s6 in 5 minutes and 130 rubles. Who is interested - I ask under the cat ...

So we have a mobile samsung phone galaxy s6, which, despite being carefully handled, the camera glass cracked and a lot of dust accumulated through this crack, which greatly reduced the quality of the resulting images:

And here I thought about what to do ... There is a replacement video on YouTube, but in it the glass changes directly with the frame, which requires removing the glued back cover of the phone. This is a chore, there is a risk of damaging this very cover, and after replacing it, replace the 2-sided adhesive sticker, which is a little expensive for the Chinese separately.
There is no point in contacting the officials for help, because 3 skins will be torn off. Left desks for the repair of mobile phones for less than 1000 rubles. they refused to take up the job, citing the need to remove the cover.
And then I came across instructions for replacing the camera glass on ifixit (https://ru.ifixit.com/Guide/Samsung+Galaxy+S6+Camera+Lens+Glass+Replacement/43301), and I was interested in the last step:

Those. separately, the glass itself changes very much.
An order has been placed. It came a little not what you need, but more on that below.
Another problem arose: how to pick it out of the frame, because. The glass is not broken, just cracked. It is impossible to pick it up from the side, breaking it is also not an option, because. there is a risk of damaging the camera, and the stabilization system will not say “thank you”. And then it dawned on me:

Yes, yes, this is the same “car 2-sided tape”, expensive and very sticky, it was bought a long time ago.
We take a fountain pen of a suitable diameter and glue the tape to the end, after degreasing it with alcohol (99% isopropanol). Cut out the tape along the contour:

Next, we glue this design to the glass, which we also degrease:

Next, tilt the handle and peel off the old glass:

This is what the seller sent me:

As you can see, in addition to glass, there is also a frame itself, on which stickers are pasted. But the round sticker I needed was not available separately. Of course, it was possible to get confused and cut it out of thin 2-sided tape, but I figured that the remaining adhesive layer on the old frame would be enough to hold the new glass.
Next, use a soft brush to remove all the dust from the camera (a can of compressed air would be very handy), glue a new glass, to be sure, warm everything up with a hair dryer so that it grabs better.

I was very pleased with the result! The glass does not feel plastic to the touch, there is also an oleophobic coating. The pictures are just super: the haze, glare, etc. disappeared, which, however, is not surprising.
Also, protective glasses for the camera and a pulse sensor were ordered from another seller:

I glued it on the pulse oximeter right away, because. It is plastic and has small scratches. I'll stick it on the camera glass, maybe in the future, so far so good.

Hope the review was helpful. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Service center masters with special education and five years of experience will be able to replace the Samsung Galaxy S3 screen after mechanical damage and liquid filling. The cost of services depends on the price of a new component and whether it is required to change the entire module or a separate part of it.

The touch glass, display and touchscreen are made in a module and glued together with optical glue. We do not recommend disassembling the phone and replacing a defective part on your own. You will only exacerbate the problem and complicate our work.

Our service engineers repair a 4.8 inch 1280x720 pixel screen at a low cost and professionally. If they are faced with the task of changing the glass of the screen, they warm it up with a plastic or metal spatula, moving along the perimeter of the smartphone, separating it from the case. To remove adhesive residue, use special cleaning agents. Glue new glass to the body. Turn on your cell phone and check how it works. If the problem is fixed, the gadget is handed over to a free courier who returns it to the owner.

Samsung Galaxy S3 glass replacement urgently

If you need to replace the glass on your Samsung C3, call us or request a call back. They will call you back, conduct a consultation and send a courier who will quickly arrive for mobile phone and take it to the workshop.

Urgent repair of Samsung Galaxy S3 is a specialization of the FixService24 service center, therefore touch screen will be replaced shortly. As soon as we repair it, we will contact you and let you know when we deliver the mobile phone.

You can order glass repair and consult with a competent manager at any convenient time. The call center is open 24/7.

Is the glass on your smartphone damaged? Don't worry, we'll fix it. First, make sure the display is OK. If yes, then replacing the glass on the Samsung Galaxy s4 will help in solving the problem.

It is with such a problem that owners of gadgets most often turn to service centers. Such breakdowns are not uncommon. A strong impact, falling or squeezing the device is not good for the glass. As a result, cracks appear.

Features of glass replacement on Samsung Galaxy

Regardless of the damage, chips, small cracks on the screen, graphic artifacts or smudges, the glass needs to be replaced.

  1. If the display is damaged under the glass, you will notice this by the stripes that appear, and the color rendition will change. In this case, a repair is also provided, the manufacturer has provided for the replacement of the display module, consisting of a screen, sensor and glass.
  2. Don't go to private companies. Not the fact that they will replace the original glass on the smartphone. Fakes have a large thickness, they lack tinting and a special protective coating. And that means it will need to be redone soon. The glue used to replace glass in dubious service centers is mostly of poor quality. As a result, stains and stains appear on the glass. There are also such "craftsmen" who simply fasten the part with adhesive tape.
  3. In reliable service centers, glass replacement for Samsung Galaxy is carried out using modern technologies on special equipment. This saves all processes used by the manufacturer, since the replacement is carried out separately from the module.

Benefits of a renovation service center

The repair is carried out in compliance with all the rules - removal of damaged glass, thorough cleaning of the inside of the gadget, installation of a new original part with a protective coating applied.

  1. Repair work is carried out by professionals who have the necessary skills and experience in using special equipment.
  2. Replacing glass is not the most difficult task, but it is not easy to do at home without the special equipment and tools available in workshops.
  3. Guarantee for all types of services.
  4. High quality optical adhesive is used.
  5. There is a glass for a smartphone of any color.
  6. A fixed price for Samsung Galaxy s4 glass replacement, which is much lower than the cost that private masters will announce to you.
  7. The quality corresponds to the factory parameters, which means that the glass will serve you for a long time.

How to make a replacement at home

It is worth noting that this method requires special skills, and not everyone can do it. So it's not worth the risk. In addition, you will need a special device for replacing protective glasses. However, if you are sure that you can handle it, you can try. And this guide will help you.

  • open the cover by unscrewing the nine bolts;
  • carefully snap off the coaxial cable, loops;
  • unscrew the bolts holding the reconciliation board:
  • remove the boards, leaving the display module in place;
  • take the device, set the temperature to 80 degrees;
  • place the module on the separator, warm it up for several minutes:
  • you will see a gap into which you need to insert a strong thread, and slowly begin to separate the glass;
  • clean the display thoroughly from the old glue;
  • connect the module to the board;
  • insert the module;
  • in engineering menu dial the combination * # 0 * #, from the proposed choose "touchscreen test":
  • if everything works, apply special glue;
  • dry the device in the apparatus;
  • assemble by screwing all the bolts.

Summing up, we note that a repaired smartphone in a service center is no different from a device just purchased in a store. And replacing glass on a Samsung Galaxy s4 by a professional does not take more than 1.5 hours. We recommend that you do this only at a service center, so as not to pay even higher amounts for repairs later.

We will easily replace only the display glass or camera glass on your Samsung Galaxy S5 - everything will be in at its best and an order of magnitude cheaper than changing the display module. Our client came with such a problem and we helped him - he was completely satisfied. You can also see how we spent - it was difficult, but the result is super! So let's get started detailed review of our work - after all, profit decides everything 🙂

Let's start by replacing only the glass on the display module of your Samsung S5 to save money and the original display. This will keep the picture quality and look great, and the touchscreen will remain original and work perfectly - it's built into the display and therefore won't go anywhere. So, here's how we only changed the glass on this Samsung phone model:

  1. First, we examined the display module over the entire area and figured out the best and safest way to separate it from the case, because if you just pull it with a spatula or suction cup, glass fragments can easily damage the display and it will stop working.

    Therefore, the decision was made to gently run hot air around the edges of the display and separate the display by 1 mm using a thin shaving blade. So we will not let the fragments go over the display and it will remain unharmed.

    Next, we separate the glass along the contour - samsung s5
  2. After successfully separating the display with glass, we make sure that it works - if everything works, then we continue to do further.
  3. But here the display module does not give in and still keeps in the case - it's time to walk around the perimeter of the metal lining, which is glued to the back of the display and is located directly under the battery (battery).
    We separate the display with glass from the case - Galaxy s5
  4. After successfully dismantling the metal plate from the phone case, put the display with glass aside. Now we need to dismantle this metal plate in order to carefully glue it into place to the case during assembly, otherwise it will not be beautiful and there will be gaps.
    Display with glass after removing the metal plate - samsung s5
  5. Next, we shoot touch button so that it does not interfere and remove it to the side.
    Remove the touch button from the glass - Samsung S5
  6. Now we proceed to separate the glass from the display by cutting it with a special strong and at the same time thin string, not forgetting to heat the surface with a hair dryer to 70 degrees Celsius. We move the fishing line with translational movements and try not to damage the display with pieces of glass that can get under the cutting string.
  7. After successfully separating the glass from the display of our Samsung s5, it is necessary to dispose of the glass fragments and the used metal thread.
  8. Now you need to clean the surface of the display from the remnants of glue, and then polish its surface to a mirror finish, so that everything is very beautiful.
  9. Next, using a special gel that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light, we glue the display and glass together.
    1. Be careful - you need to squeeze out the right amount of gel with a slow movement, starting from the bottom of the screen and ending at the top, as if holding vertical line in the center. You can not do this procedure quickly, since there is a high probability of bubbles appearing, which in turn will affect the appearance of the display for the worse.
    2. The second step will be the installation of glass on the gel - this must be done very slowly so that the gel and glass touching do not form air bubbles in the gel - I wrote about this in the 1st paragraph, which is a little higher.
    3. Next, successfully and without bubbles, we align the connected glass with the display, focusing on the contours of the display surface, so that the image is exactly in the center of the glass and does not fall anywhere. Do it carefully using light table lamp- then an excellent result is guaranteed!
    4. So, you have successfully aligned everything and the turn of the ultraviolet lamp has come - bring it over the display, turn it on and wait 2 minutes. The gel will harden during this time and the glass will not go anywhere - now we have a display module that has a completely new and beautiful glass.
    5. Clean off excess gel from all sides of the display module with a disposable rag (usually sold in rolls), using Kalosh gasoline or Wellfix degreaser as a solvent - you can buy them at any auto parts store. There should not be a trace of the gel.
  10. After that, you need to check the display with glass for operability in order to exclude problems such as inoperability, yellow spots on the screen, bubbles, and other visually unpleasant effects.
  11. Now we mount the central “Home” button to the finished modules so that it does not let moisture through - for this, use glue, such as B-7000.
  12. Then, with the same glue, apply a layer along the contour of the case so that there is not a single gap left where water could flow. Also, do not forget to apply glue around the metal form of the auditory speaker conductor so that everything is airtight between it and the display glass - do not smear only the mesh itself, otherwise nothing will be heard.
  13. Then insert the cable into the connector on the board and carefully mount the display in its place in the case.
  14. After 3 hours, the glue will harden and you can walk with a rag with a solvent over the entire area to remove excess glue.
    1. If the display module sits crooked in places, then warm it up with a hairdryer - the glue will soften and you can align everything with the touch of a finger.
  15. Now it remains to polish the surface of the display glass we replaced so that it shines like a mirror and install it on top of it protective glass as a gift, as we do 🙂

Voila - we only replaced the glass on the Samsung Galaxy s5 and now it looks like new! We are always happy to help - contact us and we will replace the glass on your s5 with high quality at a very pleasant price and give a guarantee of 6 months. In general - get in touch!

replace glass on S5 mini

We can also easily replace the glass on models smaller— Samsung Galaxy s5 mini. For us, this is a trivial task, which we always cope with perfectly well. Using our services, you are always protected from repeated breakdowns and poor-quality repairs - you are with us, which means you have everything in Chicago!

We can replace camera glass

This procedure is much easier than changing the glass on the display, so replacing the camera glass on the Samsung Galaxy s5 is much faster and even cheaper. To do this, we do the following:

  1. Gently heat the camera glass with a hair dryer and use a thin blade from a razor to separate it from the body.
  2. Next, clean the camera from dust and the seat with a light solvent or degreaser so that there are no stains and traces of dirt, including glass fragments.
  3. Now go along the seat under the camera glass with B-7000 glue, applying a very thin layer.
  4. Next, carefully place the new glass on the seat and lightly press down so that it fits completely into place.
  5. After 2 hours, you can remove excess glue with a solvent, if any.
  6. Wipe to a mirror shine the new camera glass of your samsung s5.

Everything, now the glass of your camera is new and shines flawlessly, without disturbing you to take pictures or shoot videos. Contact us if you can’t do it yourself - we will do it and everything will be Chicago!

Phones often fall, glass, as the most fragile part, beats first. It would seem that there is no problem to go to replace the glass on the phone, but in practice everything is not so simple.

Previously, the glass on the phone was changed separately, and the glasses cost a penny. They are still inexpensive, but with the advent of the era of touch phones, the procedure for replacing glass has become much more complicated. What is the price of replacing the glass on the phone, taking into account the work?

If you have a touchscreen phone and the glass on it is broken and needs to be replaced, then you need to know the following:

Modern touch phones There are two types: those phones in which the sensor is connected to the glass, by changing the glass accordingly, you change the sensor, and the cost of touch glasses is already much higher, since in addition to the glass itself, there is also Touchpad with a cable that has a connector on motherboard phone. And yet, replacing the touch glass is not as expensive as the cost of replacing the actual glass on more expensive models.

The most advanced phone models, flagship companies such as Iphone 4, Iphone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, HTC One, Nokia Lumia 920, Sony Xperia Z and others have a more complex screen design: the phone screen consists of an LCD display, which actually transmits the image, a sensor (touchscreen) responsible for pressing, and glass, which is protective and decorative. At the same time, the screen module is solid, the components are glued together in an industrial way, and according to the manufacturer's instructions, the screen is changed entirely.

glass replacement procedure.

However, the glass can still be changed. The procedure for replacing glass on phones of top models is as follows: the display module is heated with a special hair dryer or a special heating pad, the glue with which the glass is glued to the sensor is softened, then with a knife, a thin spatula, a plastic playing card, a special molybdenum wire and similar devices, the glass is disconnected from the screen. Then the adhesive residues are removed using a special solvent, scraper, napkins, soft cloth, etc. The new glass is placed either on double-sided tape or on special UV glue (similar to the factory one).

In the description it looks quite simple, but in practice everything is far from it.

Firstly, it is extremely difficult to achieve uniform heating of the surface of the display module, there is a danger of overheating the display and sensor, after which either the image will disappear or the sensor will not work correctly. This can manifest itself both immediately and after some time.

Secondly, it is possible to remove the glass without problems only if there are one or two large cracks on the glass, but in the case when there is a web of small cracks on the glass, the glass will crumble, and it is easy to damage the sensor with fragments, as a result, you still have to change display module as a whole. Also, from the impact, there may already be microcracks in the display, which do not manifest themselves before the procedure, but when heated and / or pressure on the glass can lead to failure of the LCD display itself.

Thirdly, cleaning the sensor from glue is also not useful for the phone, the glue is removed with a scraper, cloth, etc., the sensor is seriously affected, which can also lead to its failure.

And finally, in most cases, the craftsmen put the new glass on a double-sided adhesive tape glued around the perimeter of the screen, it is impossible to ensure a snug fit of the new glass, over time dust will accumulate under it, and the adhesive tape itself can move away.

Not everyone knows how to put new glass on glue, not only special glue is required, preferably German, but also an ultraviolet lamp (the principle of glue hardening is like in a dental office when a photopolymer filling is placed), and it is desirable to have special equipment for the display and glass to provide 100 % exact hit of the glass in its place.

The work of glass replacement takes up to three hours, it is extremely painstaking and requires a very high qualification of the master. At the same time, if something does not work out, then the master is also responsible for this, it is impossible to explain something to most clients. No guarantees can be given for the successful outcome of the operation.

That is why most professional workshops will tell you that the glass does not change and will offer to replace the entire display module. Of course, you can find a master or a service where they will take it on, but be sure that the glasses are changed there in an amateur way, the probability of success is 50/50, the probability of further performance and preservation appearance phone even lower.

What our service center offers:

1. Professional replacement of Samsung Galaxy glasses at a price of 3000 rubles (including the cost of glass). Readiness of the phone 1-2 days.

Note: Experience shows that in 99% of cases the glass on the phone can be changed, while maintaining the appearance of the phone from 85 to 100%. Statistics on the further performance of the display and sensor have not yet been accumulated (there have not yet been secondary calls from people who have been changed).

2. The glasses themselves for Samsung, Nokia, Iphone, HTC - You can buy glass from us and replace it yourself, or contact those who offer to change glass cheaper than ours.

3. We offer replacement of the display or touchscreen along with the glass: in this case, you are guaranteed to get the best low price screen replacement in the city, using original spare parts and with full preservation of the phone's performance and appearance.

In any case, it's up to you! We hope that the above information will help you make the right decision.

So, if you need glass replacement for Samsung, Nokia, Iphone, Sony, HTC, LG, Fly and other phone models, we are waiting for you in our service!