In most cases, Fastboot is useful for users, because it can be used to perform serious system actions, but there are situations when this mode prevents the device from starting normally. And here you need to know how to exit Fastboot mode on Xiaomi correctly without harming the functioning operating system.


What is Fastboot Mode on Xiaomi

Fastboot is a special tool, using which you can carry out important manipulations with your smartphone at the system level. For example, install new firmware, install, run and receive.

The mode is also useful in that it will not allow harming the phone, like the rights of the “Superuser”, with the help of which it is possible to overclock the processor up to its complete failure.

As you can see, Fastboot is a real helper for the user, but sometimes it also brings harm.

Because of what the phone goes into Fastboot mode and how to determine it

Most often, the Fastboot mode opens by itself due to malfunctions in the smartphone, here are some examples:

  1. After an unsuccessful flashing. This also includes incorrect.
  2. systems. For example, you have Chinese version phone with global firmware and you received an update over the air (OTA). Such an update is very risky, especially with (you will be interested in).
  3. Removing system-important files via ROOT or Magisk.
  4. There may also be problems after Xiaomi is damaged or drowned.
  5. Another commonplace option is to accidentally enable this option in the "" settings.

It is quite simple to understand that this particular mode, and not recovery, is in front of you. The display will show an inscription with the words " fastboot mode... ". It is absent in other utilities (as in the example, the picture above).

3 Ways to Exit Fastboot Mode on Xiaomi

The easiest way is to hold down for 20-30 seconds power button, and the phone will restart itself, after which it will return to normal. Usually this method helps if there are no problems and failures on the device, but it does not always work. If it doesn't help, we move on.

Disable using Android SDK Platform Tools

The second method is a little more complicated and requires a computer, in the example I will use Windows 10.

  1. We download from the official site an archive containing the tool itself for remote control fastboot mode. I choose archive for Windows.
  2. In the window that opens, put a checkmark that confirms the acceptance of the terms of use of the program.
  3. Unpack the downloaded file on your computer and save files to system disk (should be "c:\adb"). It is best to use the root directory, as in the example above.
  4. Now using a USB cable. Your phone should already be in Fastboot mode.
  5. We open command line: right click mice by Windows icon(in the lower left corner) - "Run" - register cmd.
  6. A window opens, there we write: "cd\" and then Enter. With this command we go to the root of the disk.
  7. Now enter the following command "cd adb" and press Enter again. This command takes us to the folder with the unpacked files.
  8. And the last command "fastboot reboot" and enter.

Ready! The phone should reboot itself and exit Fastboot mode.

Reset settings via Recovery

It's far from the best option. because you will lose all data, which have not been synced with Google or not saved to the memory card. We recommend choosing this method only if the two above did not give any result at all.

  1. (If available) Before starting the operation, remove the SD card. The information stored on it will be available on any device, but be prepared for the fact that due to incorrect extraction (if you did not perform it on the device in Settings), some materials may disappear.
  2. If possible.
  3. Transfer phone to recovery mode , for this hold the mechanical on / off button and the volume up key.
  4. The phone restarts, after which we get into the recovery menu.
  5. Click on Wipe Data/ factory reset and confirm execution.
  6. The procedure for deleting all user data and system settings begins. You will have to wait about 5-15 minutes. After that, the device will start in the factory form.

Video instruction

If you use a phone that is controlled by the Android operating system, you should know that there is a huge field for customization, or, in popular terms, customization for yourself. In most cases, you will probably not be satisfied with the firmware of your device. If you perform incorrect manipulations, you can stop the device in such a way that only professionals can restore its performance.

To prevent this from happening, you should use fastboot mode. What it is? On Android devices, this mode has been added for developers. A literal translation can be given if the word is broken down into components: fast - “fast”, and boot does not have exact analogues in Russian, but roughly translates as “loading”. The fastboot mode allows you not only to install new firmware, but also reset the phone settings to default values ​​(which is extremely useful if you forgot the password to your own device and accidentally blocked it).

Basic information

In general, this mode is most often used by developers as recovery mode alternative. It is also extremely important to be aware that not all devices support this feature. In the event that your smartphone has such an opportunity, you can enable this mode even before the phone boots up, which simplifies the process of installing the firmware or resetting the settings.

Personal computer preparation

If you are using a fastboot, you must connect your device to your computer via a USB cable. FROM bios you will be able to understand if the device is detected by the computer. After that, you can start installing new drivers for your device. It is recommended to do this in this order:

Enabling fastboot on different devices

In the future, you should find out exactly how this mode is enabled on your phone. For example, we will take the phones of two Chinese manufacturers: meizu and xiaomi.

  • In phones that were developed by xiaomi, it is necessary to simultaneously hold down two buttons on the switched off phone: power and volume up. This will bring up a menu, which will have an item indicating the mode we need. As soon as you click on the required button, you will be taken to it.
  • In order to get into this mode with a phone that was made by meizu, you have to do similar steps, but this time you will need to hold down the volume down and power buttons. And entering this mode takes a little longer than in xiaomi phones, - you will need to keep these buttons pressed at the same time for about 15 seconds.

For further manipulations, you will need to connect your device to a computer or laptop. It makes absolutely no difference whether the parts for your computers were made by msi or other companies. If your computer is running an operating system Windows families, you have the ability to control your phone via USB.

Control Commands

Once you use before open program fastboot debugging and enable the same mode on the phone, you can use the commands to achieve the desired result. Below is sample list of commands:

It's also worth mentioning that you won't feel the difference using a phone or tablet: if your device uses the Android operating system, then you will most likely be able to use this fastboot.

Hello everyone Today we will talk about what is fastboot mode on Android. It seems that there is such a thing on a computer, but today we will consider Fastboot Mode on Android. So, I’ll say right away that there is a lot of information on the Internet, but all of it is somehow scattered across different sites, not all of it is understandable, so my task today is to collect all the information, filter it, leave the necessary and write all this to you here. This is the one I chose not an easy task

First, let's deal with the name, Fastboot Mode what does it mean? The first word Fastboot consists of two words, fast and boot, and means fast and boot. The second word Mode is taken by some users as the concept of fashion, but this is not a mod at all, it means mode in English. Therefore, wherever you meet the name Fastboot Mode, know what it means like fastboot mode

As for Android, there is such an unpleasant situation there, the user turns on his device and then he sees the inscription Fastboot Mode, well, the user thinks everything is a disaster, this is a mistake .. rebooting the device in this case does not help .. Although in reality , as you already understood, Fastboot Mode is no mistake!

As I already wrote, Fastboot Mode translates as fast boot mode. In principle, it is so, but not quite. Fastboot Mode is from the world of Android development, and the main task of this mode is to flash the smartphone. Is there some more recovery mode, this is the recovery mode. Also, Fastboot Mode is used, so to speak, for service purposes, that is, for installing system modules, updates, patches, and performing some settings .. In general, we can conclude that all this is not for ordinary users, but for more advanced ones. For these modes can be both useful and dangerous in inept hands.

Fastboot Mode does not apply to the Android operating system, that is, if it is running, then this means that Android itself has NOT STARTED yet. For Fastboot Mode starts BEFORE the operating system. This behavior in the world of programming is called low level.

Not all Android phones support Fastboot Mode

Let's imagine that you turned on your phone and then bam, you see the inscription Fastboot Mode, what should I do and why did it appear? So the entrance to this mode could be performed for several reasons, these are:

  1. random entry, this rarely happens, but it still happens, this is when the user accidentally pressed the volume down button and the power button and this activated Fastboot Mode;
  2. I also found out that this mode appears after the wrong Custom Recovery firmware;
  3. setting up root access;
  4. if you didn’t do anything like that, then maybe the most terrible and incomprehensible thing is a system failure; often in this case, the most reasonable option would be to go to a service center;

This mode is easy to recognize, because as a rule, the Android symbol is displayed (like some kind of robot) and its lid is open, this all hints at open access to the innards of Android. In principle, the way it is, and that is why I DO NOT ADVISE JUST GOING INTO THIS MODE AND DOING SOMETHING THERE. Moving between items is done using the volume rocker button. Selecting an item, that is, to click on it, you can do this with the power button. It may also be that the top button of the volume rocker is moving to the menu, and the bottom button is the choice in the menu, depending on the smartphone

In practice, Fastboot Mode is used in this way, you connect the phone to the computer via a USB cable, then start Fastboot Mode on the phone. Open on the computer special utility Fastboot Tool, which is needed to send commands to the phone. The Fastboot Tool will be able to send commands provided that the phone is in Fastboot Mode, the only way.

Some smartphones allow this mode to be disabled. To do this, you need to go to the settings:

Then go to the Applications / Application Settings section and there find an item such as fast loading(it can also be referred to simply as Fastboot Mode or Fast Mode):

The setting may be in another place, well, on some models it's Settings> Display> Fast loading, on others it's Settings> Special abilities:

And probably you will have a question, how then to get out of Fastboot Mode? So see what to do:

  1. hold down the power button and hold it for half a minute, the smartphone should reboot and boot normally;
  2. remove the back cover from the phone, disconnect the battery (if at all possible), wait ten seconds, and put the battery back; then hold down the power button for half a minute;
  3. if you can’t remove the battery from your phone / tablet, then you need to set it like this: press the on / off button and the volume buttons at the same time, this is how you need to hold for a minute;

Another option is to reboot using a PC. For this you need to download Fastboot utility, then you need to execute the fastboot reboot command. But I don’t write anything detailed on purpose, because I really don’t know how to make this command myself, but if anything, then you look on the Internet, there are people who understand Android better than me

My advice to you, if you have little knowledge in the field of Android, if the phone is dear to you, or maybe just not cheap, then I strongly recommend that you contact the SC. They will definitely help you there and the main thing is that there are certified masters who are responsible for what they do. In other words, there is at least some guarantee that the smartphone after the SC will continue to work!

That's all guys, I hope I succeeded in simple words explain to you what is Fastboot Mode in Android, now you know. And I hope that if you have such a misfortune that when you turn on the phone there is an inscription Fastboot Mode, then I hope that you can get rid of it yourself and suddenly my advice will help, then I would be VERY HAPPY FOR THIS. Well guys, it's time to say goodbye, until we meet again


Android OS like any other software, may fail intermittently. And one of these problems is the display of a black screen on the screen of a smartphone or tablet with the inscription Fastboot Mode or Select Boot Mode. Many owners of mobile devices, seeing a similar picture, begin to panic and carry the device to the nearest workshop. However, you should not take rash actions, since in most cases you can exit Fastboot Mod on your own. Let's look at what Fastboot Mode appears from, what it is on Android and how to get rid of it.

Purpose and causes

Fastboot is an effective tool for modifying and customizing the operating system. Android systems, which is included in the set software for developers. Its main task is to install custom firmware. However, this bootloader is also used to install backups, various updates, format a memory card, etc.

Select Boot Mode and Fastboot Mode are not internal or external commands. They start before the operating system itself (like the BIOS on Windows). This allows you to configure the system, as well as fix various problems even when Android has flown down.

Despite its versatility and usefulness, turning on Fastboot on a mobile device on its own can be a sign of a software failure. The main reasons for the appearance of this mode on Android include:

  1. Accidental activation by the user. This tool can be launched manually through the gadget menu.
  2. Android crash. If your smartphone or tablet cannot boot into normal mode, it will automatically enter Fastboot Mode.
  3. Failed firmware via .
  4. Manual removal of the executable file from the system directory after unlocking root access.
  5. The impact of malware. If the device has superuser rights, some viruses can block or completely delete system files, which leads to the rally of the operating system.

Having figured out what the Fastboot Mode bootloader is and what are the reasons for its appearance, you can begin to consider how to exit the download mode on Xiaomi, Meizu, Lenovo and other models of mobile devices.

Disabling Fastboot Mode on Android

There are two ways to turn off the Fastboot bootloader:

  • directly from the phone;
  • via PC.

The choice of one or another option depends on the reason that led to the launch of this mode. As an example, let's look at how to prevent the Fastboot window from loading on a Xiaomi smartphone.

Faced with this problem, first of all try holding down the Power key for 20-30 seconds. The device should reboot in standard mode.

On the mobile phone screen, instead of Fastboot, the Select Boot Mode form may appear. Its fields mean the following:

Try to choose the second item. If this does not help, do the following:

If you can go to Xiaomi settings, that is, the operating system is working, try to disable the Fastboot mode manually. On this device, go to the "Accessibility" tab and opposite the corresponding item, drag the slider to the Off position.

Disabling Fastboot Mode via Computer

If the operating system crashes, when it is technically impossible to use the smartphone menu, and other ways to disable Fastboot are ineffective, you can try to solve the problem through the PC and the command cmd line. This is done as follows:

The command line is the most effective way to get rid of Fastboot Mode. If it does not solve the problem, then there is a question of how to enable mobile device in normal mode, is still up to date, you just have to change the firmware on the phone or take it to the workshop.

If you are a happy owner of a gadget on the Android platform, then sooner or later you will encounter such an interesting phenomenon as Fastboot Mode. What it is? Why is it needed? These questions arise in a person's head much later.

The first thought at the sight of Fastboot is completely different. Oh my god, I broke my device! In order to avoid panic, you need to figure out what kind of regime it is, why it is needed and how to get out of it. The main thing is not to panic and strictly follow these instructions. If you panic and fail to perform all the steps correctly, you may end up with a dead smartphone as a result. Do you need it?

What is this mode?

Essentially, Fastboot mode is fast access to the interior of the device. It just boots past the slow BIOS and does it very quickly. Usually, Fastboot mode cannot be entered without pressing certain keys. But it also happens that due to some kind of "glitch" the device itself goes into this mode. And here you need to know the procedure in order to get him out of this hibernation. There is nothing complicated about this, but many unprepared users are terribly afraid of Fastboot Mode. What to do? How to return everything to its place? The reason for the panic is understandable, but you need to calm down and follow the instructions clearly. Then everything will be fine with your gadget.

What is it for?

There are several reasons for implementing Fastboot mode in the device. Firstly, it helps the device to boot faster, because this way the download occurs bypassing the slow BIOS. Secondly, Fastboot helps developers communicate with the device at the hardware level, and this is very important. Thirdly, Fastboot allows you to configure the Android operating system using a computer via an ADB connection. That's what Fastboot Mode is for. What it is is now clear. Now let's move on to the question of what to do if your gadget unexpectedly boots into this mode.

How to get out of this mode?

If the Fastboot mode was turned on by mistake, then this is not so bad. It is enough to hold down the power button and the "Volume up" button on the turned off device. The device will boot into BIOS. Here you need to select the item "Reboot system now" (Reboot system now). After that, the "correct" loading of the device should begin, bypassing Fastboot Mode. What it is, we have already sorted out a little higher. If the BIOS does not have the above item, then things are very bad. You will have to follow the steps to return the device to factory settings.

If the device itself decided to boot into Fastboot mode, then something is wrong with its settings. You will have to wipe the user data in order not to get into Fastboot Mode again. What it is? On "Android" devices, a system for rolling back to the factory settings is provided for just such cases. It "resets" the device to factory specifications. In this case, all user data (applications, contacts, music) is deleted.

You need to go into BIOS mode and select "Wipe Data" (Wipe Data) and "Reset to factory settings" (Factory Reset). After that, we reboot the smartphone from the item "Reboot system now" (Reboot System Now).

How to remove the mode?

In fact, ordinary user no need for fastboot mode. How to get out of it, we already know. Now consider the question of how to disable it permanently. It is enabled by default and sometimes just confuses the user. To prevent this from happening in the future, we turn off this mode. To do this, go to the smartphone settings, the menu item "Screen", and find the inscription "Quick download" there. You just need to uncheck the box.

This algorithm of actions is relevant for the Android operating system version 4.0 and higher. If you have an older version of Android, then you need to look for the item you are looking for somewhere in the "Applications" section. These steps will help turn off Fastboot mode completely. And he won't bother you anymore.

However, now many will be dissatisfied. Do not completely get rid of Fastboot Mode. What it is? On Android smartphones, it also performs the function of "recovery". And this is very important.

Why not get rid of it entirely?

Regrettably, Fastboot is an important component of the device's software. And turning it off completely is a very bad idea. The point is that if given function is disabled, then you will not be able to install firmware on it through a computer if your device suddenly turns into a "brick". And this happens all the time. So in this case, only Fastboot Mode can save you.

What is it we, sorted out a little higher. Let's just say, this is your "lifeline" in case of unforeseen situations that may happen to your smartphone. So don't turn it off. There will come a time when you will be glad that you have refrained from complete shutdown fastboot mode. It does not bother the user at all. You just need to know how to get out of it.


So, summing up all of the above, we can say for sure that the Fastboot mode is a very useful thing.

  • Firstly, it allows the gadget to boot faster bypassing the BIOS.
  • Secondly, it makes it easier for developers to communicate with the device.
  • Thirdly, it can be used to upload patched firmware using a computer and an ADB connection.
  • Fourthly, it helps a lot if your smartphone suddenly turned into a "brick".

And against all these advantages, one tiny drawback - you did not know how to get out of it. But now you know, so you don't need to disable Fastboot. You will still need it.