Modern man life is not sweet without world wide web, and problems with the Internet connection are our worst enemies, with whom an uncompromising struggle is being waged. This article will equip you with the knowledge on how to deal with the situation if you get the error “DHCP is not enabled on your network” when establishing a connection. network adapter».

What is DHCP?

DHCP is a network protocol that performs the function auto tuning TCP / IP network parameters, receiving them on request from DHCP servers.

In practice, this means the exchange of certain messages between the DHCP client on the device and the server during installation. network connection. During communication, the client receives new or confirms the old values ​​of the following network parameters:

    IP address for the device;

    subnet mask;

    IP address of the default gateway.

DHCP: how does it work?

The server processes client requests and leases IP addresses from its range for a certain time. If the time runs out, the client either renews the lease or releases the address, which also happens through the exchange of special messages. The server writes all requests to its database in order to avoid address conflicts, that is, not to allocate one address to two nodes at the same time.

An address conflict can still occur if one of the devices on the network has a manually assigned IP. When connecting a new computer, the server may try to give it an address that is already taken, as a result of which the Internet connection will not be established. How to solve this problem will be discussed next.

The DHCP protocol is widely used because it makes it easy to add new computers to the network and change the connection settings on the server instead of manually reconfiguring each device.

To use the DHCP protocol, you will need:

    configure DHCP on the router, which will act as a DHCP server.

    start the DHCP service on the PC (it acts as a client);

    in the settings of the network adapter, select the option to automatically obtain an IP address.

Let's consider each step in detail.

How to enable DHCP on the router?

You need to start the DHCP server on the router through the web interface. You will need to do the following:

If you can’t immediately open the router settings, try logging in from another browser or from another device. The most radical and effective solution to the problem is resetting the router. To do it, find a small button labeled "Reset" press it with something thin and hold for 5-15 seconds. It is important to keep in mind: the downside of this solution is that you will have to configure the router completely again.

Starting and configuring on a Windows computer

To enable DHCP on a PC under Windows control 7 or Windows 10, you need to follow a similar set of steps.

Service check

To enable the DHCP client service on the PC, or make sure it works, open Run (Win + R), write "services.msc".

In the "Services" window that opens, find the dhcp client, click right click and select "Properties".

If you see that the service is running and starting automatically, you don't need to change anything.

If other options are displayed, start the service and set it to start automatically.

Setting up a network adapter

Enter "Network Connections" by pressing Win + R and entering "ncpa.cpl".

Open your network properties, TCP/IPv4.

Many of us use our home or office to connect multiple clients (computer, TV, tablet, smartphone…) to the Internet. network device. As a rule, a router is used to access the global network, which assigns a unique IP address to each device connected to it. The assignment of a unique network address to the device will be performed automatically if DHCP is enabled on the router, and all clients local network in the settings of the created connection, activate the option "Obtain an IP address automatically".

After that, all devices on the home or office network will access the Internet under the same IP address, but on the local network they will have a different IP. DHCP is a very popular option, and if you decide on the second device using a media server or want to transfer, then the DHCP function on the router must be activated, otherwise everything will have to be configured manually. Using a DHCP server, you can.

To enable DHCP, you need . To do this, enter the gateway address (usually or into the address bar of the browser, enter the login and password in the form and click the "Login" button. By the way, if the network device was previously used to connect to the network of another Internet provider, then I recommend that you first make and connect to the current service provider.

Activate the automatic configuration protocol on the router.

As a rule, this option is enabled on the network device by default, but for various reasons, for some users it is not in the active state. I will show you how to enable DHCP on an ASUS and TP-Link router, and by analogy, you can enable the dynamic host configuration protocol on any other model from any manufacturer. The principle is the same on all devices, only the interface shell is different.

ASUS. After activation in the interface, go to the "Local Network" section on the "DHCP server" tab and in the "Enable DHCP server" item, turn the switch to the "Yes" position. On the same page, you can set the starting and ending pool of IP addresses. In fact, this is a range of unique network addresses, one of which the router will assign to the device when connecting to it.

So that each time you connect a device (computer, TV, smartphone ...) to the local network, the router assigns it the same network address, you need (the procedure for assigning a static IP is described in detail). Thus, the tablet, laptop and other devices on the home or office network will have their own permanent network address, and you are guaranteed to avoid any kind of conflict.

For example, to give a permanent IP address to a laptop, you must first, and then in the settings, activate the “Enable assignments manually” option and select this device from the drop-down list. In the adjacent field, enter the desired free IP from the range and click the add button. Changes will take effect after clicking the Apply button and rebooting. As you can see, four clients receive my permanent IP.

TP-LINK. After entering the interface of the network device, go to the "DHCP" -> "DHCP Settings" tab. On this page, you can enable the DHCP server and set the start and end IP addresses in the fields of the same name for the local network. I draw your attention to the fact that on the “Network” (Network) - “Local Area Network” (LAN) tab, the current IP address of the router is indicated, therefore, it cannot assign it to any other device.

Therefore, the initial IP- must be set taking into account the network node of the router and assigned the next one after it. For example, if it is, then the starting IP address might be; or in my case All other settings are optional, but if necessary, you can reduce the validity period of the address.

At the end of the term, the device to which the IP was issued will ask to renew it. The dialogue takes place imperceptibly for you, and if there are a lot of clients on the network, then in this case the option is relevant, since it does not clog the table. You can view the address expiration date, name, MAC and IP address in the list of clients connected to the network (DHCP Clients List). If there are from 3 to 10 clients in the local network, then leave everything by default or set the maximum value (2880 minutes).

On the router, it is possible to fasten a permanent IP address to the client. Thus, when connecting to the network, the network device will issue the same IP to the device. To do this, go to the "Address Reservation" tab and click the "Add New" button. Write down the MAC address of the device, set a free IP address from the available range. In the "Status" drop-down list, select "Enable" and click the "Update" button. All settings will take effect after rebooting the router.

After you enable the DHCP server on the router, make sure that all clients (computer, TV, set-top box ...) in the settings have the "Obtain an IP address automatically" status. Bye!

In this digital age, where we can't do without the Internet for even a minute, most corporate and home networks are configured with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which allows a computer to automatically obtain an IP address when connected to the Internet.

In order to enable or disable DHCP in Windows, you must perform the following steps for your version of the operating system.

Note. When DHCP is disabled and using static IP address make sure you know correct settings and they are all entered correctly. Entering the wrong settings may cause both the Internet connection and the network connection to stop working.

For Windows 8 and Windows 10

  • On the desktop computer click windows keys+ X to open the Power User menu;
  • Select the Network Connections option;
  • You should see at least two types of network connections: Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Double click on the active network connection;
  • In the network connection status window, click the "Properties" button;
  • Click the Internet Protocol Version 4 button and click the Properties button. For Internet Protocol version 6, you may need to complete some additional steps as well.
  • If you want to enable DHCP, make sure the "Obtain an IP address automatically" option is selected, as well as the "Obtain DNS server address" option automatically.

If you want to disable DHCP and enter your own network settings, read the article for general education and then select the "Use the following IP address" option and enter the data for the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. Then select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter your preferred DNS server details. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server if you like.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7

  • Open the control panel.
  • Click the Network and Sharing icon.
  • In the View Active Networks section, click the Local Area Connection link.
  • In the Local Area Connection Status window, click the Properties button.
  • Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 option and click the Properties button. You may need to complete some additional steps for Internet Protocol version 6.

If you want to disable DHCP and enter your network settings, select the "Use the following IP address" option and enter values ​​for the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Also select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter a value for your preferred DNS server. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server if you like.

For Windows XP and earlier OS versions

  • Open the control panel.
  • Double click Network Connections.
  • Note. Instead, you may see a "Network and Internet Connections" link. In this case, double click on it and then select "Network Connections".
  • Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.
  • Highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option and click the Properties button.

If you want to enable DHCP, make sure that the options "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address" automatically are selected.

If you want to disable DHCP and set your network settings manually, select the "Use the following IP address" option. Then enter the appropriate values ​​for the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Also select the "Use the following DNS server address" option and enter a value for your preferred DNS server. You can also enter a value for an alternate DNS server.

How can I find out if DHCP is currently in use?

An easy way to determine if DHCP is currently enabled or disabled is to use the ipconfig /all command from command line. When you enter this command for "Ethernet Adapter LAN Connection", one of the lines will tell you if DHCP is enabled. If enabled, you will see the line

In a local network, each device has its own unique IP address - a set of numbers that identifies it and allows other devices to communicate with it. IP addresses can be manually entered for each device, but this is inconvenient as it requires separate setting each computer to work with the network. To automate this process, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used.

What is DHCP

In large, complexly structured networks, a special server computer is responsible for distributing IP addresses. For home network or a small office network, this is not necessary, a regular router is enough.

All modern routers in their functionality have a built-in DHCP service. If it is configured and enabled, you do not need to separately configure the network connection on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. For wireless devices just need to turn on Wi-Fi, find in the list wireless networks yours and enter the password to connect to it. If the connection to the network is via a cable, it is enough that it is connected to network map your computer.

When a new device appears on the network, the DHCP service checks the list of free IP addresses and assigns one of them to it. In this case, duplication of addresses is excluded.

How to configure DHCP

By default, the DHCP service on routers is already configured. It is enough to connect the client device via Wi-Fi or cable and it will be automatically assigned an IP address. However, you may need to change DHCP settings, disable or enable it. Consider configuring DHCP using an example TP link router. For other routers, the algorithm will be exactly the same.

We go into the web interface of the router and in the menu on the right we see the item "DHCP" and the sub-item "Setting DHCP". On the tab that opens, you can change the default settings. You can also enable or disable the DHCP service here.

The DHCP service must be set to a range of IP addresses to use, which fit into the appropriate fields. The start IP address is respectively the first address in the range, and the end IP address is the last one. The default IP range is to But you can register, for example, from to You can generally specify a range within two or three addresses, for example, by the number of client devices.

The next mandatory item is the validity period of the address in minutes. This is the time for which a particular IP can be assigned specific device. After it expires, the IP can be changed or assigned to another device.

It is not necessary to fill in the rest of the items, DHCP itself will indicate the necessary parameters for client devices. However, these parameters can be manually entered if desired.

The default gateway is the IP address of the router - the channel through which traffic is exchanged with the Internet. It is usually indicated if Internet access is via an access point with a different address. But if there is only one router in your network and it is directly connected to the Internet, you do not need to register anything here.

The default domain is Domain name your network. In small networks where a small number of client devices are used, it does not make sense to configure it.

The preferred and alternate DNS server is usually specified by the ISP. But you can enter Google's public DNS servers here - and This, for example, helps to troubleshoot problems with Internet access - it happens that the provider's DNS is buggy, there is a connection, but the pages do not open. It also often allows you to bypass blocking access to certain resources, such as torrents.

After making changes, click the "Save" button to apply the new settings.

In order for your network to start working with the new parameters, the router must be rebooted.

In order for client devices to be able to connect to the DHCP service, they must be set to Obtain an IP address automatically in their network connection settings.

How to enable DHCP

If the DHCP service on your router is disabled, you can enable it here, in the DHCP menu - DHCP settings. To do this, check the "Enable" box and click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. The service will start. If it doesn't, restart your router.

How to disable DHCP

If you do not need the DHCP service, when, for example, you decide to manually register IP for all your devices, you can disable it in the same way. Go to the "DHCP Settings" tab and check the "Disable" box. We save the settings. Now client devices, when connected to your network, will not be able to receive IP addresses automatically.

List of clients

To see which devices are in this moment are connected to your DHCP service, in the menu item "DHCP" of the web interface of your router, go to the sub-item "List of DHCP clients". Here you will see a table with information about current connections.

ID - means serial number.

The client name is the name of the device if one is assigned to it.

MAC address - respectively, the MAC address of this device.

Assigned IP - the address that was assigned to the device by the DHCP server.

Validity - respectively, the remaining time during which the given address will be valid.

If you have any concerns that someone else has connected to your network, you can check information about connected devices at any time on this tab. To update the current information, click the Refresh button. The list of connected devices will be updated.

Address reservation

The DHCP service provides IP addresses to client devices for a specified period of time. After that, the address can be changed. Also, connecting to the network, each computer or smartphone will receive a new address each time. And the address that was previously used by him can be provided to another device. Typically, address changes occur imperceptibly to the user and do not affect the operation of the network. However, it may be necessary to ensure that a particular computer's IP address does not change. This may be relevant if you play games over a local network or this computer assigned some specific functions that will only work with a static IP.

There is an easy way to solve this problem using DHCP - reserve an IP address for a specific computer.

To do this, go to the sub-item "Reservation of addresses" of the menu item "DHCP". If you have previously reserved addresses, a list of devices will be available here, which can be edited as needed. If not, click the "Add" button.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the MAC address of the device and the IP that will be reserved for it.

Here you can also enable or disable address reservation for this device by changing the corresponding parameter in the "Status" item.

After saving the settings, you will return to the previous window. The list of devices will now show the one you just added. By clicking "Edit", you can edit the address reservation parameters. And using the "Delete" item, remove the device from the list and cancel the reservation.

Using the buttons "Enable all", "Disable all" and "Delete all" you can manage the address reservation for all devices from the list.

You will need to restart your router to apply the changes. A reminder of this will appear at the bottom of the window.

Few users using an Internet connection know what a DHCP client is, why it is needed and how to enable it. Without going into technical details, we will now consider the basic concepts and methodology for its inclusion (use).

What is a DHCP client and why is it needed

If we speak understandable to any user of modern computer system Language, the DHCP client service is the network protocol that allows you to configure connections to the Internet or local network in automatic mode.

In other words, when connecting to any device, all the main parameters are assigned automatically, which saves the user from manual settings. We note right away that by default in all Windows operating systems this protocol is initially activated. Now we will look at some steps to enable it if it is disabled for some reason.

Router presets

If you use a router in the form of a router to access the Network, you first need to check whether the DHCP client is enabled in the router settings.

To do this, go to its menu through any Internet browser (in the address bar, in most cases, is entered) and find a section like "DHCP server" (in different models sections may have different titles). Here we check if the access permission parameter is enabled. If it is disabled, DHCP must be enabled. In principle, you can immediately set the start and end IP addresses, but it is recommended to do this only if, for some reason, you need to limit access and the number of simultaneously connected devices.

How to enable DHCP through the services section?

Now let's see what can be done if this protocol is disabled. You can enable DHCP through the services section in the administration settings.

You can do this through the control panel, but it's easier to use the command line called from the Run menu (Win + R) with the cmd command, where the services.msc combination is written.

Here you need to scroll through the list and find the corresponding field. Ideally, the status bar will indicate that the service is running. If not, right-click go to the properties menu and set the automatic launch type from the drop-down list.

Access to administration options in some versions of Windows operating systems can be obtained directly through the Start menu or through its subsection "Administrative Tools" (for example, in Windows 10). However, which path to use does not play a role, because the main thing is the end result.

How to enable DHCP over TCP/IP?

You can use a more or less simple way. In this case, we need the TCP / IP protocol settings. You can get to them through the local connection properties section. How to enable DHCP in this case? Again, it is easier to specify the ncpa.cpl command on the command line, followed by a transition to the properties (the call is made in the same way that was given above).

Now, from the list of components, select the TCP / IPv4 protocol and in the properties we specify the automatic receipt of the IP address and the address of the preferred DNS server. Additional settings may not be touched at all. In obsolete Windows versions there is no IPv4 protocol. Instead, there is general setting TCP/IP.

In some cases, you may need a power management menu in which you will need to disable all available options.

Auto Connect Check

Here, in fact, we considered the question of how to enable DHCP. Now active connections need to be checked for operability.

To do this, it is best to use the same command line with the combination ipconfig / all, and then press the enter key (Enter). Only and everything.

However, if the active connection icon is displayed in the system tray, it will not be difficult to look at it and assess the level of activity visually or from the corresponding menu to call up information about the connection status at the moment. I think this is one of the easiest ways.

Finally, it remains to be noted that in this article the main emphasis for accessing certain settings was placed precisely on using the command line, since, according to many users and experts, it is the fastest solution, since it saves the user from step-by-step transitions from one menu or section to to another. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to use this particular method. If you want to use different menus and sections, no problem. Here's what's more convenient.