Quite often, users wonder how on a smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X set up camera? This is due to the fact that, at times, the quality of the shooting does not correspond to the desired level. For example, obvious noise is noticeable when shooting indoors with low lighting or when night shooting. Fortunately, the manufacturer left the opportunity for users to try to set up the camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X on their own.

How to set up the camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X - highlights

Before delving into the settings, you need to install maximum quality Images. It is possible that the image quality has been reduced. To do this, go to the camera settings menu and select the item - "Photo quality" and set the maximum resolution. This action allows you to reduce the level of image compression, which causes noise. The lower the compression, the more detail and quality.

You should also visit the "Frame Format" section. There are two options to choose from - standard and widescreen. It should be noted that in the standard mode (4:3) the entire area of ​​the sensitive matrix of the camera is used during shooting. And when using the widescreen mode, the upper and lower parts of the matrix are cut off. Consequently, the photo no longer contains 16 MP, but a little less.

How to set up the camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X - determining the device version

It should be noted that the quality of shooting may largely depend on the quality of the camera installed on the smartphone. It's no secret that manufacturers in the same smartphone model can use parts from different companies. So, in the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x model, the camera can be one of the following manufacturers:

  • imx258 - Sony;
  • s5k5e8 - Samsung;
  • qtech_ov13855 - OmniVision;
  • s5k3l8 - Samsung.

To find out which camera is on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X, one simple operation should be carried out. First you need to go to the settings and select the "About phone" section, where you need to find the line "Kernel version". Now you need to click 5 times on the specified item to open the engineering test mode. Next, select the Software Version or "Version Information" item. This method works on any models with Android OS, including Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X black .

How to set up the camera on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X - additional features

From advanced settings you need to pay attention to sharpness, saturation, contrast and exposure mode. These parameters are configured at your discretion, so that you get best picture. A little more settings is revealed in manual mode shooting. For example, you can set the exposure time, adjust the white balance, and so on. However, keep in mind that in this case, the time spent on shooting increases. Naturally, in this case it is better to use a tripod so that blur from hand trembling is not added to the noise.

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Xiaomi smartphones are the bestsellers because they are among the best among budget phones. In their characteristics, there are many more pluses than minuses, and analogues from other manufacturers are much more expensive. But there are surprises too! Here is one of these - these are different screens for the same phones of the Redmi 4 line.

And here we look at the differences between two identical smartphones. Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro Grey.

Bought them on AliExpress from different sellers. And at first glance, they are exactly the same. There and there the firmware is stable global But upon closer examination, they turned out to be different!

On the display below, one of the navigation buttons turned out to be gray and the other mirrored. You can see it in the photo.

As it turned out, different matrices are now installed on Xiaomi Redmi 4 smartphones, from different manufacturers are Tianma and EBBG.

How to determine Tianma or EBBG is on the phone?

To do this, go to settings and select "about phone"

In the menu that appears, press the bottom button " DEVICE VIEW» .

The screen manufacturer and version are now listed at the top.

Now it turns out that in the photo on the left is Tianma, and on the right is EBBG.

In this video, you can see in full how to determine the manufacturer of the EBBG or Tianma matrix on Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro:

Upon further testing, I found that EBBG does not respond in the "Bright" or "Brilliant" mode.

This is inherent in all screens of this manufacturer and is not considered a technical defect.

Which screen is better EBBG or Tianma? There is no definite answer to this question. Technically they are the same. It's more a matter of taste.

Here are the survey statistics from the 4pda website:

We think that many have had such cases when, after some time, after buying, some “gadget” (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.), certain problems were revealed in its work. Perhaps you did not use some functions in the first couple of days after purchase, and when you decided to try them in action, they turned out to be not working (this may be a Wi-fi module, 3G (4G), Bluetooth, a 3.5 mm jack for connecting headphones, etc.). If a new device was bought, then in a couple of days, something could hardly have happened to it (unless, of course, it was drowned, dropped, etc. during this period), from here we can conclude that this is a factory defect. In this article, we will tell you how to test the device for defects using the Engineering menu before buying.

ENGINEERING MENU is a built-in utility that allows you to view data about installed components in a smartphone (tablet), as well as check their performance. This utility initially installed on all smartphones (no need to install third-party software), which makes it possible to quickly check compliance with the declared technical specifications, as well as test all components of the device.

It's no secret that in the same model of Xiaomi smartphones, different display matrices can be installed. Engineering menu(hereinafter referred to as “IM”) allows, before buying, with the type of matrix that, in your opinion (or according to experts), is considered the best, and immediately check it “for broken pixels”. You can also see which camera modules are installed in this device.

The "IM" presents a large number of tests that can easily detect a malfunction of any smartphone module. Also, there is the ability to configure some components, for example, the calibration of sensors. Next, we will describe in more detail all the possible functions of "IM".


There are several ways to enter:

1. In standard application "Phone" (in third-party "dialers" - does not work), dial: *#*#6484#*#*

This combination is the most common, but if it doesn't work for you, then try the following options: *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*

2. Go to "Settings" - "About phone" - click 5 times in a row on the item "Kernel version"

until "IM" appears

Now consider all the points of "IM" in more detail:

1.Software version

This is the first and only item that displays information about installed components, their manufacturers, IDs, and versions, all subsequent items are tests. When you exit this item, "IM" will offer to pass a full test.

If you click “OK” now, the entire test cycle will start, if you select “Cancel”, you will return to home page"THEM".

So, let's move on to the tests and their description.

2.SIM test

At this point, the installed in the smartphone are tested SIM cards, an example of passing the test is as follows:

Press "OK" to move to the next test. When you click "Error", you return to the main page "IM" (this will be the case in all tests, we will not focus on this further).


This test is for identifying dead pixels on a smartphone screen. If you have the opportunity to conduct this test before buying a smartphone (you buy in a store, and do not order via the Internet), make sure you do it(of course, this is only relevant for displays with IPS matrix, Amoled displays do not have this drawback, due to design feature). If you find the presence of a broken pixel (or several) after the purchase, no seller (whether it is a regular store in your city or an online store) will replace it with another one with a normal screen. the presence of a broken pixel (even a few) is not a warranty case, their presence is allowed, and in such an amount that you can never dispute that your phone really has a “factory defect”. There were cases when a smartphone ordered through an online store (Aliexpress) had a dead pixel (it glowed white on a black background, right in the center of the screen, it looked very “disgusting”, especially when watching a video). I had to “communicate” with the seller for a very long time about this (because a dispute was opened), who did not want to compensate for part of the acquisition costs this smartphone, arguing this just by the fact that this is not considered a marriage. As a result, we managed to agree on the amount of compensation of $ 10 (when opening a dispute, more was claimed). What is most interesting, this pixel was cured using the program "Pixel Fixer", and to this day the smartphone has no problems displaying information on the display (more than 1.5 years).

On the desktop, everyday use, a dead pixel may not show up. It can glow in any color on a black background, or vice versa, on a white one. There are options for the glow and other colors. That is why this test presents the primary colors, on which it is quite easy to identify a dead pixel, if any. When conducting this test, it is better to turn on the maximum brightness of the screen.

4. Touchpanel self test

The screen test passes without user intervention, after which it moves on to the next test.

5.Play Music on SD

This test is designed to test the main speaker of the smartphone. Through this speaker, a woman's voice plays the numbers that you must dial on the numeric keypad displayed on the screen.


Test conversational speaker. The principle of passing the test is the same as with the main speaker.

8.WLAN address

Shows MAC - address devices. When connected to wifi networks, displays the network name, IP address, received signal strength and connection speed.

9. WiFi

Examination WiFi module. Withdrawal of all available networks within range.

10.Bluetooth address

Display information about MAC - address Bluetooth adapter.


Examination bluetooth module. Scans and displays a list of devices in range

12. Light sensor

Testing light sensor(Necessary for the screen auto-brightness to work correctly)

13. Proximity sensor

Testing proximity sensor(used to turn off the screen when talking)

14 Motor

Test vibration motor(vibration for calls, messages, notifications, etc.)
Tests available: short vibration- short vibration long vibration long vibration.

15. Key

Button test: " Menu», « Home», « Back», « Volume +», « Volume -», « On (Off.)»
Pressed buttons, if they passed the test, are marked in green.


Examination touch screen. To check, you need to paint over all the white rectangles on the screen by swiping your finger over them. Thus, you can check the entire surface of the touchscreen for performance.


Another one screen check. In this case, you need to draw something like graphic key displayed as lines on the screen.

18. Led

Backlight Light- maximum screen brightness
Backlight Dark- minimum screen brightness
Red LED- the event indicator glows in red (if there is an indicator)
Green LED— glow of the event indicator in green
Blue LED— the glow of the event indicator in blue
Torch0 on- turn on the flash (flashlight)
Torch1 on- turn on the second flash (if present)
key led- checking the backlight of the buttons under the display (if supported by the device)

19. Back camera

rear camera. Checking the main (rear) camera

20 Front Camera

Front camera. Examination front camera

21. Mic speak Loop

Quality checking main microphone, the signal level must be more than 29DB.

22. Call test

One more test main microphone(call test), as well as conversational speaker. You need to say something into the microphone, while you should hear in conversational dynamics, what you say.

23. Sub mic to speaker loopback

Examination additional microphone, which is used for noise reduction during a conversation (not present on all smartphones).

24. Accelerator

Accelerometer- a sensor that determines the spatial position of the smartphone. Mainly used to make the screen auto-rotate function work. It is also possible to configure (via various applications) turn off the volume when incoming call by turning the smartphone screen down or assigning an action by shaking the smartphone.

25. Magnetic sensor

Magnetic sensor (magnetometer), is necessary for the operation of the Compass program, which tracks the orientation of the device in space relative to the Earth's magnetic poles.

26. Gyroscope

Gyroscope - mainly used in games to control screen rotation.

27. Hall Sensor test

Hall sensor - a sensor that is able to detect the presence, intensity and change in the intensity of the magnetic field (not all smartphones have it).
Is used for:
- digital compass, used to improve positioning.
is an interaction with popular cases for smartphones and tablets.

28. Headset plugin in

Test headphone connection(headset) to a 3.5 mm jack (if available).

29 Headset key

Examination buttons on the headset(headphones), if present.

30 Headset loopback

Examination headset microphone(headphones) if there is a microphone. If it is available, speaking into the microphone, you should hear what you say in the headphones.


Examination FM - radio. We select the known frequency of the station (although there are automatic search stations), check the result.

32 Headset plug out

Checking the disconnection of headphones (headset).

33. Charger plug in

Examination smartphone charging when connecting the charger.

34. Charger plug out

Examination disconnect charger.

35.OTG plug in

Job Testing OTG. Connecting a flash drive to a micro USB (Type-C) port with an appropriate connector or through an adapter.

36.OTG plug out

Examination disable OTG device.

37 Battery capacity

Test smartphone battery. Displays temperature and battery information.

38 SD card

Testing SD cards. Displays information about installed map memory in a smartphone, its volume and free space on her.

39. IR Send Test

Examination infrared transmitter, if available. Used to control household appliances as a remote control.

After passing all the tests, you will see something like this:

Successfully passed tests are marked in green with the inscription "Pass", and failed tests are marked in red with the inscription "Fail".


As can be seen from the review of tests, "IM" allows you to test almost all elements of the smartphone, and identify (if any) malfunctions. There is also the possibility of calibrating certain sensors, this can help if any sensor does not perform the functions assigned to it or performs them incorrectly.

Now you know how to protect yourself when buying a new smartphone. Be sure to check the smartphone before purchasing, you may be able to identify malfunctions and replace the smartphone with another one that does not have these problems. This in turn can save you great amount time and nerves if you have to contact the service to repair or replace your smartphone under warranty.

Every lover of high-quality pictures after acquiring well-known smartphones from the sensational company Xiaomi wonders if it is possible to make the shooting process more productive and improve the result. To do this, you need to answer the question of how to set up the camera on Xiaomi.

Setting the photo quality

To carry out photo quality settingsXiaomi open the camera and select "Settings":

If you have an SD card, activate the function to save pictures to removable media. This action in some way affects the quality of the shooting, albeit slightly. Speaking of the benefits of an SD card, there's plenty of extra space to store thousands of your amazing shots.

2. Improve photo quality choosing the right aspect ratio will help. The best option looks like 3:4. This format will provide maximum expansion while shooting on the phone

3. When you select Image Quality, select High. Then your smartphone will make the most of the camera and allow you to enjoy a clear picture, where you can see the smallest details.

4. Inexperienced users most often choose the maximum sharpness level, which is categorically wrong. For naturalness and good quality photo, you must select either "Low" or "Lowest".

5. When adjusting the contrast and saturation, you should not change anything, just leave the "Normal" level.

The setup will take at most 2 minutes, it is only important to correctly configure the parameters.

  • What
  • How does it work

It is important to say that not always certain settings will provide best result. Conditions will always change, including lighting. Change settings for higher quality.

One practical example is the use of flash. In the daytime, it is useless, and sometimes even spoils the whole frame. If you are working in dark conditions, highlighting objects can guarantee the best result.

How to improve video quality?

Setting the video quality toXiaomi nothing more complicated than the steps needed to get amazing shots. Open the camera and do the following:

Step 1.

Select the "Modes" section, and then "Open Settings".

Step 2

When setting the "Video Quality" option, select only Full HD. If you decide to create a masterpiece in slow motion, you can choose just HD.

Step 3

Very important focus mode. It depends on how high quality the video material will be. By choosing continuous focus mode(CAF), you do not have to monitor the clarity of the image, your phone will take care of it.

But there are always special cases. If you need a stable change of focus on a particular subject, use the manual mode.

If you are aiming for the perfect video, some video shooting tips will be very helpful. Try to use manual focus if you are targeting a specific object.

Also, use a flash in low light. good video will be when you take care of image stabilization. Even if you hold the device with two hands, the shaking will be greatly reduced.

In order for you to experience the convenience of viewing everything that you have filmed, it is better to create horizontal videos. A computer, laptop or TV is more adapted to this format, so you will enjoy your video to the maximum.

Do not make sudden movements with the camera. Sometimes the power is simply not enough and the output is only a blurry picture. Make any video smooth, it will add to its attractiveness.

Mobile phones from the company xiaomi gained immense popularity all over the world. Today, we can safely say that these gadgets are among the most popular on the market. The manufacturer did a great job not only on the quality of its products, but also on its characteristic appearance. Brand recognition xiaomi grows every day.

Another advantage of the company is an extensive range of mobile devices. On the other hand, this is also a disadvantage, since it is often difficult for the buyer not to get confused in the variety and make right choice. Many smartphone users do not even know which model Xiaomi phone they have. This information is very important, because knowledge of a specific model mobile device will help in installing updates for the gadget and downloading different applications for him.

That is why for many users the question is relevant: how to check which phone model xiaomi did they purchase? Of course, it is quite possible to determine the exact name of the gadget even after you bought it and immediately threw away all the documents supplied in the kit, and even the box itself. In today's article, we will tell you how to do it.

visual signs

Although inside model range and individual Xiaomi lines and there are no significant differences in design, it is still possible to determine the model of the device by evaluating its visual features.

First of all, look at whether the case of your device is made of metal, ceramic or plastic. If you see a plastic case, then with a very high degree of probability in front of you is a representative of the Xiaomi Redmi budget line. Of course, it will also be necessary to define specific model gadget.

This will help analyze the location of functional elements. On some models (mostly older ones) there is no fingerprint scanner. On more modern gadgets of both the budget and the flagship line, the scanner is mandatory. However, its location is changing. For example, in the third generation of Redmi, the scanner hit the back, and in the flagship Mi5 we see it on the front panel just below the screen.

The differences relate to the location of the front camera, proximity sensor, headphone jack and other details. And such a comparison of gadgets gives a fairly accurate idea of ​​which phone you own. However, you will have to thoroughly immerse yourself in the study of the features of each smartphone released by the company. xiaomi. This, of course, will require a remarkable investment of time and effort from you.

One thing is good in this situation - there is a much simpler answer to the question of how to recognize the Xiaomi model.

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Look in the settings

If you have not yet studied the smartphone settings in sufficient detail or just recently purchased it, then you are unlikely to know that the manufacturer indicates the gadget model in the settings. This information is most conveniently viewed in the section "About phone". By the way, here is some other useful information. For example, about the version installed firmware and the amount of RAM and internal memory. This data will help you get a comprehensive picture of what kind of phone you have in your hands.

Well, in order not to doubt that in the settings item "About phone" true information is indicated, we recommend buying gadgets only in those companies that can be considered trusted. They must have enough positive feedback and be on the market for a long time. Of course, it is ideal if one of your friends or acquaintances has already made a purchase in the company and then recommended it to you, but, as practice shows, it is quite possible to rely even on the reviews of strangers.

Also, be sure to check if the IMEI code is indicated on the delivery box. Its absence should a priori alert, because this combination of numbers is unique for each mobile device and must be present in any case. If it is, then you should enter this code on the official website of the manufacturer to make sure that you did not purchase a fake.