The most convenient way to download videos is to use special extensions that add a "Download" button or an arrow icon next to the link to the video.

Add-ons can always be found in the Yandex extension catalog. Programs for downloading videos can be found and downloaded for free on the official website of the developers.

General information

Not on all sites open access You can freely download the presented video. To download a video on a PC, you need to install special program or activate the extension. Their main difference lies in the resources from which they can be used to download videos in the Yandex browser. Some work with only one site, while others accept all popular social networks.

Of the advantages of using extensions for downloading videos from Yandex browser, it is worth noting:

  • Possibility to choose the saved file format.
  • Self-management of the quality of the video (to reduce the volume, you can lower the quality).
  • Download streaming video.
  • No registration and additional payment.

Ummy video downloader

Ummi video downloader is free program for a computer, with which you can download video and audio from the Yandex browser. The application works only with the Youtube service.

Instructions for working with the program:

  • Download and install the utility on the device. Download link

Please note that during the installation of the utility, you will be prompted to install the browser and services from Yandex. If Yandex.Browser is already installed on you and you do not need services, we recommend that you uncheck all the checkboxes in the installer window.

  • Then, after the installation is complete, run the program.
  • Insert a link to the video in a special line.
  • Select the format and quality of the video.

  • Click the "Download" button, select the location to save the video.

  • Wait for the process to complete.

A feature of the program is the ability to download not the entire video, but a separate audio track in MP3 format. This feature will be especially relevant if you want to download only the audio version instead of the music video.

To download the audio track, you must select the download format MP3

FVD video

The FVD video downloader extension for Yandex browser allows you to download movies of any quality from many popular sites, including YouTube.

You can find the add-on in the extensions directory or by following the link

After installing the plugin, it starts working in automatic mode. If the page of the site you are viewing has a video that can be saved, the plug-in arrow changes its color to blue. If you click on it, it will automatic download. The following formats are available for download: HD; FLV; mp4; AVI.

The file is saved to a folder marked by the user, or by default.

Save from. net

Savefrom extension. net is provided free of charge from the Yandex browser add-ons catalog.

After enabling the plugin, under each video posted on popular portals, a green button will appear with the inscription: “Download”. To download a video from YouTube or another service, just click on the button and select the desired format.

If there is no "Download" button below the video file, you can force download it by pasting the link to the video on home page extensions.

Currently Savefrom. net works with more than 40 popular hosts. Link to download addon:

Skyload for Yandex browser

Using the Skyload extension for Yandex browser, you can download videos and music from the most visited social networks and other services. Among the advantages of using the application, it is worth noting:

  • Simple and clear interface.
  • Multiboot service.
  • Choice of size and quality.
  • The program has a built-in player that allows you to view the video before downloading it.

The application is provided free of charge for Yandex browser. But there is a possibility to paid subscription, which removes ads from the extension. For 2 months of use, you will need to pay about 140 rubles.

The extension distribution is located at:

Video download helper

The video downloader for Yandex browser Video DownloadHelper (or simply DownloadHelper) allows you to work not only with regular videos, but also download streaming video, which is often necessary for users.

The extension is absolutely free and available for download from the official Chrome app store.

The DownloadHelper add-on is not designed to work with browsers that use the Chromium engine, so in some cases problems may occur during download. This should be taken into account when choosing an extension.

Installing DownloadHelper

The process of installing Video DownloadHelper for Yandex browser takes several steps:

  • Follow the link to the app store
  • Installing an extension.
  • Consent to view and manage personal data.
  • The installation process ends with a corresponding statement, and the appearance of an icon in top panel browser.

Using DownloadHelper

After the installation is complete, the user needs to restart the browser to be able to download videos from YouTube and other sites. To download a video to your device, you need to go to desired service, click the extension icon and select the desired format and quality. The user chooses where the file is saved.

What sites can you download from?

The directory of sites that the add-on works with can be viewed from the extension settings. To do this, click on the DownloadHelper icon, click on the arrow symbol, and select a sheet. The extension records video files from many sites, including popular ones such as YouTube, Facebook, VK, Twitter.

The above programs and extensions allow users to download videos to a computer through the Yandex browser in just a few minutes. To choose a suitable application, it is enough to familiarize yourself with all of them and choose the one that meets the necessary parameters.


Still, what program to choose for downloading videos in Yandex browser?

After testing the above programs, we came to the conclusion that the extension is best suited for the Yandex browser. And here are the reasons why:

  1. The application is easily installed from the extension store
  2. Does not conflict with computer antivirus
  3. Easy to use: just click on the "download" button next to the desired video
  4. Works with major video hosting social networks and sites

What programs do you use when downloading videos? Write in the comments.

Modern web browsers have long ceased to be simple programs to view web pages. With their help, users watch videos, listen to music, play video games, make purchases, and so on. You often want to add file uploads to this list. If you liked the video you watched on YouTube, you saved it to your disk, and you can be sure that it will not be deleted or banned in your region. By default, browsers do not have such a function, but it can be connected using special extensions. This article discusses the Video DownloadHelper and FVD Video Downloader plugins for Yandex browser.

DownloadHelper is an extension designed for a web browser Google Chrome. With it, users get the ability to download music and videos directly from social networks and hosting sites such as YouTube.

FVD Video Downloader is an add-on for Opera. It adds a handy "Download" button below every online player. Thanks to it, users can download their favorite video or movie in a couple of clicks without having to search for it on the web.

Despite the fact that both add-ons described above are designed for other programs, they also work with the browser interface from Yandex. The fact is that all these 3 browsers are created on the same Blink engine, which makes them functionally very similar and allows you to work with the same addons.

Download Helper Installation

Unfortunately, in the standard directory Yandex add-ons this extension does not exist. However, users can use the online store from Google to install and connect the desired plugin. If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions below:

An alternative installation method is to go to the official website of the product developer at . Click on the "Install" button and on the page that opens, select the version for Chrome. After that, you will be taken to the Google directory and can install the add-on in the same way.

After successful installation, a special icon will appear on the toolbar of your Yandex browser. When you start watching a video, it will be cached on your HDD, and the icon will light up. You can click on it and choose Download. Specify the resolution in which you want to save the video file - and the cache entry will be imported into a regular file.

There are so many wonderful sites on the Internet where all kinds of video and audio files are posted for free access. Alas, quite often a rather unpleasant surprise awaits users: all these, no doubt, wonderful things are available only online. But what if you want to save something on your computer? The most obvious option is to look elsewhere. However, there is a much easier way - download Video Downloader Pro in Russian and get full access to all required files.

Video Downloader Pro is a convenient and functional browser extension that allows you to download video and audio from many popular services. And this is done simply, quickly, and without unnecessary gestures on the part of the user.

Key Features

You can download Video Downloader Pro for free by clicking on the link on our website. Then just install the plugin on your browser and have fun.

Now start the page with desired file. Didn't find the download button? No, everything is fine, the extension works. Just a little different. You need to launch the desired video or music composition, then click on the add-on icon (it is located to the right of address bar) and select a file to download. Everything, the download of the necessary content to your computer will begin immediately. At the same time, pay attention - information about its format and size is displayed next to each file.

Thus, you will be able to as soon as possible download all the necessary video and audio recordings to your computer. Now they will be available to you not only online. You can download Video Downloader Pro for free in Russian using the appropriate links.

Extension pros and cons

  • Ease of operation.
  • Support for downloading from many popular services.
  • Doesn't work with YouTube.
  • Names downloaded files independently, as a rule - in the opinion of the user, a meaningless set of characters.

Which browsers are compatible

Video Downloader Pro compatible with browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Video Downloader Pro for Google Chrome

Video Downloader Pro for Google Chrome

Video Downloader Pro for Opera

With the help of web browsers, you can not only view sites, but also use them as powerful downloaders of any content. For example, through Yandex.Browser, you can easily download video and audio from social networks and hosting sites like YouTube using special extensions.

Video DownloadHelper (or simply DownloadHelper) is an add-on created for Google Chrome and freely installed in Yandex Browser. After installation, the user can download videos from various sites, both Russian and foreign. This extension differs from all the others in that it can download streaming audio and video - no other browser downloaders can boast of this.

This extension is installed in the same way as any other. Its capabilities allow you to download not only from the largest social networks and video hosting sites, but also from other sites where there is multimedia content. Contrary to its name, the add-on can download not only videos, but also music.

Unfortunately, for browsers on Chromium engine this add-on is not finalized in the same way as for Firefox, and is in a "beta" state. For this reason, many users complain that DownloadHelper does not download content from various sites that claim to be supported, such as YouTube. By default, the option " Ignore Youtube”, but even after disabling it, videos from this site are still not downloaded by everyone. It remains to be hoped that in the future these misunderstandings will be corrected by the developers.

Installing DownloadHelper

Each of us, when visiting certain websites containing videos, thought that it would be nice to save this or that video to our computer. But, unfortunately, not every Internet resource provides such an opportunity. On the this moment exists great amount all kinds of add-ons for the Mozilla web browser. In this article, we will consider one of the most convenient and popular applications among visitors to the worldwide Internet.

Firefox add-on for downloading videos

Flash Video Downloader

Flash Video Downloader is one of the most functional plugins to download video. It allows you to download videos from almost all websites on the Internet. It is worth noting user-friendly interface this extension, as well as the ability to select resolution for videos and stable operation.

First you need to download and install this utility. To do this, launch the Mozilla Internet browser. Open the browser menu and select "Add-ons".

Then in the search line we prescribe the name of the extension "Flash Video Downloader", without quotes. Click on the magnifying glass icon located to the right of the search box. Select the desired plugin, and to the right of it, click on the "Install" button.

After all the above actions, an icon depicting an arrow with horizontal bar under her. Something similar is not the "File Downloads" icon.

When a web page has videos that can be downloaded, the video download icon will turn blue.

If you click on this arrow, a window will appear in which you can select the desired video and edit the image quality. We select the appropriate video, and to the right of it, click the "Download" button.

Further in this window you will see the number of downloaded megabytes and the download percentage. Also, the toolbar will indicate the time after which the file will be uploaded to the user's Personal Computer.

All downloaded files are saved to the Downloads folder on your computer by default. If you don't know where to be given folder, then in the browser on the toolbar there is a button with an arrow image, click on it, and to the right of the downloaded file there will be an icon similar to a folder, click on it and get into the folder with all previously downloaded files.

In such an easy way given extension for Mozilla for video download will allow you to download your favorite videos to your personal computer in just one click.