Where users were offered 500 Mb of traffic and 300 minutes within the velcom network in the Smart Premiere tariff plan with a monthly fee of 9.7 rubles, 1 GB/600 minutes to all networks/5 favorite numbers in the Smart 1 tariff at a price of 15.80 per month, 2 GB / 1500 minutes to all networks / 5 favorite numbers on the Smart 2 tariff plan with a monthly fee of 27.79 and 3 GB / 600 minutes within the network / 5 favorite numbers on the Smart 3 tariff, for which you would have to pay 21.69 rubles per month.

Then the company had an interesting alternative - the “In your rhythm” tariff, where 4 GB of traffic was offered for a monthly fee of 10.35 rubles, and additional packages could be connected to the tariff itself. For example, 5 favorite numbers for 2.45, 150 minutes to all networks for 4.90 or 450 minutes to all networks for 11.44 rubles.

It turns out that the average subscriber, who needs about 4 GB of traffic per month and who pronounces about 400 minutes for the same period, either had to use the Smart 3 tariff, to which he would have to buy an additional 1 GB traffic package at a price of 4.90 rubles, or connect the “In your rhythm” tariff with additional service packages, which would cost the subscriber from 17.70 (5 favorite numbers plus 150 minutes to all networks) to 21.79 (only 450 minutes to all networks).

In January 2017, velcom announced four tariffs from the Comfort series at once with 1, 2, 4 and 8 GB traffic included in the monthly fee, and on April 17, the Comfort Light tariff with 500 MB of traffic. The most interesting for most of them are Comfort 2, 4 and 8.

At first glance, it seems that velcom has not offered anything fundamentally new. However, it is not. Distinctive feature"Comfort" is that in the 3G network calls velcom subscribers unlimited (except for the Comfort Light tariff with 500 minutes within the network). velcom announced that they have reached 90% of 3G coverage throughout the country. That is, with a high degree of probability, wherever the subscriber is, he will not pay anything for communication with velcom subscribers. Except for the really dumb places. It remains only to find out how many minutes the user spends on calls to subscribers of other telecom operators. You can do this in your personal account on the operator's website or by analyzing the monthly statement sent to your E-mail.

Let's take for comparison with Smart 3 and "In your rhythm" tariffs with the additional packages listed above new tariff"Comfort 4".

Connected services / Tariff

"In Your Rhythm"

"Comfort 4"

Subscription fee

Included traffic

Additional traffic (up to 4 GB)

1 GB / 4.90 RUB

Included minutes

600 within the network

unlimited calls to velcom in velcom 3G network + 300 minutes to all networks

Extra minutes

450 minutes to all networks / RUB 11.44

Total payment per month

26.59 RUB

21.79 RUB

18.42 RUB

For 18.42 rubles a user will receive 4 GB of traffic, unlimited calls to velcom 3G networks and 300 minutes to all networks (which are not used when calling velcom subscribers in 3G networks, if international calls and roaming). That is, in comparison with Smart 3 and “In your rhythm” tariffs, the benefit is obvious.

The subscriber pays less and receives more.

11:33 22.08.2018

As noted on the website mobile operator velcom, the rise in price will not exceed 2.9%. The subscription fees of a number of tariff plans, the cost of outgoing calls, mobile Internet, SMS, MMS, as well as some special and additional services. In turn, Beltelecom raises the cost of Internet access.

The photo is illustrative. Source: pixabay.com

Internet becomes cheaper on some velcom tariff plans

the site made a summary table by size subscription plans on velcom tariff plans.

Tariff plan

Subscription fee now, rubles

Subscription fee from 09/01/2018, rubles


Comfort 2

Comfort 4

Comfort 8

Business Class

Smart Infinite

In your rhythm

Super WEB 5

Super WEB 10

Super WEB 30

Super WEB 10 + voka

WEB Easy

WEB Tankers

In the same time velcom will remain unchanged:

  • the cost of fixed-line tariff plans;
  • lemon tariff plan monthly fee;
  • the amount of the fee for activating the bonuses of the tariff plans "Tourist", "Communication without obligations";
  • tariffs for roaming services, the cost of packages and tariff plans, including minutes, SMS, Internet traffic for use in roaming;
  • the cost of a number of additional services.

The amounts of velcom's monthly installment payments for equipment within the framework of previously concluded agreements will not change either.

“At the same time as the above changes, the cost of mobile Internet for most tariff plans of the PRIVET line will become significantly cheaper,” the message on the mobile operator’s website says. - Thus, the cost of 1 MB within the framework of some tariff plans will decrease by more than 13 times.

In addition, from September 1, all subscribers of the "Pension" and "Social" tariff plans will be provided with 100 MB of Internet traffic on a monthly basis.

Tariffs for local telephone communication and intercity do not change

Beltelecom informs on its website that from September 1, 2018, the cost of Internet access services, as well as some packages of telecommunication services and videoconferencing services, will be increased.

So, if we talk about access to the Internet based on Wi-Fi, then the cost of the tariff plan "Basic" (one access point) will be 38 rubles per month, "Basic Light" - 34.2 rubles.

As for tariffs for permanent Internet access services, the cost of Domosed packages will be from 15.70 to 22.50 rubles per month.

You can view all updated Internet prices from Beltelecom on the official website of the company.

The tariff increase will not affect regulated local and intercity services. telephone communication, international telephony, access services to line-cable facilities, Internet access services with guaranteed bandwidth, hosting services.

1. “Favorite number” service allows subscribers to make calls to a number in velcom network at special rates.
2. As a "favorite" number, the number of the company's subscriber can be selected.
3. The number of "favorite" numbers and the payment procedure is determined by the subscriber's tariff plan.
4. Adding / changing "favorite" numbers is made by the subscriber independently from his mobile phone
4.1. at USSD assistance :

  • *141*3*3# call (for velcom subscribers)
  • *126*7# call (for PRIVET subscribers)
4.2. with the help of CCIS, if available this service at the subscriber.
5. Adding "favorite" numbers in the amount corresponding to the subscriber's tariff plan is free of charge.
6. Any change in the subscriber number selected as "favorite" is paid in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan.
7. When changing the tariff plan (available velcom subscribers) "favorite" numbers are automatically deleted. Further assignment / change of the "favorite" number by the subscriber is carried out independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
8. velcom/PRIVET numbers transferred to another network cannot be selected as "favorite". When transferring a subscriber number to another network, it is automatically removed from the lists of "favorite" numbers of the company's subscribers.
9. If the client transfers, with the written consent of the company, the right to use the subscriber number to a new client without changing the tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers), the assigned “favorite” numbers are retained.
10. In the event that the client transfers, with the written consent of the company, the right to use the subscriber number to a new client with a change in the tariff plan to any other tariff plan company (available to velcom subscribers), "favorite" numbers are automatically deleted. Further assignment / change of "favorite" numbers by the subscriber is carried out independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
11. The company has the right to unilaterally change this procedure by publishing changes on the official website of the company.
12. In everything else not regulated by this procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

People using the communication services of cellular companies often forget about the conditions under which their number is serviced. Getting used to regular calls to specific destinations and corresponding charges, subscribers have to work hard to find out how much this or that service will cost. For example, a call to another country, etc.

In order not to fall into similar situations, just find out what rates for the selected tariff plan are used on the SIM card. How to find out tariff plan on Velcom and clarify the terms of service? Is it possible to do this on my own or do I need to contact the dispatch service specialists? All these questions will be discussed in the article.

How to find out the tariff plan on Velcom: possible options

Regarding his number, the subscriber can obtain data in several ways. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories: through self-service systems or with the help of service employees of the operator mentioned earlier.

Obtaining any data related to the account status, the list of connected services and options is free of charge. Let's take a closer look at each of the methods that can be used to view information about Velcom tariffs ( corporate rate, options for individuals).

Using an automated number management service

Velcom service operator has developed whole service, which is intended for subscribers of this company and allows full control number: change tariffs, activate and deactivate services, view cost data and receive other information. For people using communication services and already familiar with this service, the question of how to find out the tariff for Velcom is not relevant, because all the information is at hand. You can get it by anyone convenient way: via USSD service, by calling a short number, via the Internet.

How to find out the tariff plan for Velcom through the web interface?

If you want to have full access to your number, view and at any time independently manage the services, account and change Velcom tariffs (“Everyone says”, “Smart”, etc.), we recommend using the web interface. By going to the site of the cellular company and clicking on the link "personal account", you can find yourself on the home page.

Here, before you can access, you will need to register. It is not difficult to do this, you should carefully read the instructions located on this form. This procedure is carried out once. In the future, the subscriber will be able at any time, using the assigned password, to open his personal page. As mentioned earlier, having received the opportunity to view data by number, a person who is a client of Velcom will be able to perform any action “on click”.

Voice information system

For people using a yellow SIM card, those who better absorb the information received by voice, a voice system informing. By dialing the combination 411 (+ dial key) from your number, you can get to the multifunctional service. It is enough to select the appropriate items to obtain the necessary data. Please note that here you can also perform any operations with the number. In addition, you can always press the connect button with the operator if some actions cause difficulties and you need to clarify some nuances.

Short Service (USSD) requests

If you are interested, on "Velkom", use the method of SMS informing. You can send a USSD request from the SIM card for which you want to receive data, you can in the following way: *141*2*1# + dial key.

In response to such a question, the operator will send a text notification to the client's number containing the name of the tariff. By the way, this request is also perfect for those subscribers who do not understand their number and would like to refresh it in their memory. After all, in the message that is sent automatic service in response to the previously given combination, there is also a phone number.

Viewing Tariff Information

After the client finds out what tariff he uses on his number, you can easily clarify what conditions apply to him. In particular, we are talking about the cost of communication services, the amount of the subscription fee (if any), the number of packages that can be included in monthly or daily payments. It is more convenient to do this through the official resource of the operator, it can be easily found through search engine. Next, you need to find the desired name in the section of the website "Tariffs" Velcom ("Smart", for example) and familiarize yourself with the conditions:

  • You must pay 14.50 rubles per month for using the tariff plan.
  • Per the specified fee subscriber receives six hundred free minutes which he can use as he pleases. It is important to note that this limit does not include calls to short numbers(third party content providers) and calls to international destinations.
  • You can also call "favorite" numbers (of which no more than five can be assigned) free of charge within the framework of the established limit. If it is exhausted, then calls will still be free of charge to the numbers selected in the list of "favorite" numbers.
  • Use the internet also subscription fee RUB 14.50 per month can be free within one gigabyte.

The full terms and conditions of the Smart tariff plan and other tariffs can be found on the official website or by calling the customer support service.

To clarify the parameters of their tariff plan, subscribers must first clarify its name. This will help you familiarize yourself with the number service options, for example, via the Internet. How to find out the tariff plan on Velcom if the documents issued during the registration of the SIM card were lost or the terms of service were repeatedly changed on the number? The previously indicated operator offers several options for obtaining information on the conditions under which the subscriber uses communication services. Let's consider how to find out the tariff plan on Velcom in more detail in this article.

Overview of options

Before moving on to the main topic of the article, I would like to clarify that the operator has developed several services to inform its subscribers. With their help, you can also find out the Velcom tariff plan:

  • USSD request(by entering a special request, through the USSD service you can quickly enough and without additional costs view data of interest);
  • support line call(experienced consultants will answer customer questions, help you decide on the choice of tariff or additional options);
  • CCIS service(a popular Internet assistant, the full name is an Internet customer service service).

Method 1. Contacting the support line

Registered subscribers or potential users of the operator's communication services can contact the support line and ask how to find out which Velcom tariff plan. From the SIM card of the current subscriber, contact information service you can dial 411. As with calls to the support lines of other telecom operators, a voice information system is provided that will help the user get the data of interest, without connecting to a specialist.

Method 2. How to find out the Velcom tariff plan (USSD service)

A convenient and functional way is to receive information about your number (this can be a balance, tariff name, information about connected services, etc.) via USSD. Having sent a short request, the subscriber will have to wait up to two minutes - the answer from the operator will be received immediately (after text message). Exists whole line commands that all subscribers should know. To begin with, we present the main request, which can be the answer to the question considered in the article.

*141*2*1 # - by sending such a combination, you can receive in a response message not only the name of the tariff activated on the number from which the command was dialed, but also view your number (this function can be quite convenient for new customers who have not yet managed to remember their own number );

Other USSD requests that may be useful to customers

  • *141*2*3*1# - Internet users from mobile gadgets, this request will allow you to find out what conditions apply to this moment on the number when using the Internet, in case of connecting the tariff or option with subscription fee the date on which the money will be debited will also be indicated here.
  • *141*3*4# - for subscribers who have the idea to change the tariff plan, this request will allow them to realize their plans.

Method 3: Using the Internet Assistant

How to find out the tariff plan on Velcom with the Internet? The web interface of the CCIS service is available at official resource Belarusian telecom operator. Previously, before gaining access to view and manage the number, you must register in the system. how this can be done is contained on the main page of the service. Let's bring short review actions to be performed by the subscriber.

Registration on the service

A subscriber who wants to access the Internet service and a functional personal account must perform the following steps:

  • From a mobile gadget in which a SIM card is installed with desired number, enter the request *141*0#. This command allows you to access the service for setting a password to access the web information service.
  • Assign and enter a sequence of characters (password) to access the Internet Assistant. Of the basic requirements for a password, only one should be highlighted: the number of characters should not be less than five. In this case, the maximum length of the access code cannot exceed ten characters.
  • Wait a few minutes for the data to be updated in the system and go back to the page for entering authorization data, indicating your number and the password assigned at the previous stage.

What features are available in the online customer service?

Those clients of the operator who are already familiar with the functionality of their personal account will never face the question of how to find out the tariff plan on Velcom. After all, by visiting the personal page of the CCIS service, you can perform any operations with the number, for example:

  • find out the balance
  • view the name and parameters of the tariff plan;
  • change the tariff;
  • view a list of active options;
  • manage connected services: disable and enable them, etc.


How to find out the Velcom tariff plan: by the support line number, visit the web support service for subscribers or use the short request services - the client of the previously mentioned operator decides. Previously, we looked at several ways to get data. It should be noted that the USSD functionality is the most effective and less expensive: in order to use it, you do not need to connect to the Internet, wait for a specialist to answer the line or bother with voice menu, moving from point to point in the system.

« Mobile Internet» - a company service for providing wireless access to the Internet using 2G / 3G / 3G + technologies, which allows you to transmit and receive data using mobile device(phone, modem, etc.) that supports these technologies.

1. Service " Mobile Internet» provided to all subscribers of velcom tariff plans

  • "Internet for the tariff plan" - the Internet access service is provided to all subscribers of the company when concluding an agreement, changing the tariff plan (if the "Mobile Internet" service was not connected on the old tariff plan, or "Internet for the tariff plan" was used, or in case described in clause 8.2). The service is provided without a subscription fee;
  • internet packages 250, 350, 750, 1000, 1500, 3000, 3000 + voka TV, 5000 + voka TV – additional packages with the volume of traffic included in the corresponding name in megabytes (hereinafter referred to as Internet packages). The period for providing Internet packages is 30 days. Unless the internet package is disabled or changed, it will automatically renew for next period. The cost of the Internet package is debited at a time in full from the balance personal account client when connecting, renewing or changing the Internet package. Traffic is provided within 24 hours from the moment of connection, renewal or change of the Internet package.
  • package "Light" - package with subscription fee, without traffic included. The subscription fee of the package is charged daily equal shares proportional to the number of days in a month.
  • Internet traffic packages 500 MB and 1 GB - one-time packages of additional Internet traffic. The validity of the packages is limited by the current period of provision of tariff plans. The cost of packages is deducted as a one-time payment, traffic is provided in full when purchasing packages.
  • package " Unlimited Internet per day" - a one-time package with an unlimited amount of Internet traffic. The package is valid for 1 day. The cost of the package is charged at a time in full, traffic is provided from the moment of connection.

2. Internet packages and the "Light" package are available on the following tariff plans:

Tariff plan Package
250 350 750 1000 1500 3000 3000 + voka 5000 + voka Light
Smart Premiere/ "Corporate Smart Premiere"
Smart 1/2/3, "Corporate Smart 1/2/3"

"Big plans"

Other tariff plans (except those listed in clause 3)

3. Internet packages and the "Easy" package are not provided on the tariff plans: Smart Endless, "Business Class", BUSINESS.PRO. Platinum, "In your rhythm", "Comfort" tariff line, Internet tariff lines: "Super WEB", WEB and "Non-stop". These tariff plans also do not provide the ability to connect / disconnect mobile Internet.
4. One-time Internet traffic packages are available on the following tariff plans:

5. Management of the service "Mobile Internet" is carried out by subscribers independently:

  • via USSD *135*1# - activation/deactivation of Internet packages, "Mobile Internet" services;
  • via USSD *135*7# - connection of one-time packages of additional Internet traffic;
  • in ACCA, at number 411.
6. Changing the Internet package, connecting / deactivating the Mobile Internet service (on tariff plans where this option is provided) is carried out within 24 hours from the moment the application is formed.
7. Applications for operations with the Mobile Internet service will not be processed if:
  • the subscriber's service has been partially or completely suspended in accordance with the contract for the provision of telecommunication services;
  • there are not enough funds on the balance of the personal account to write off the cost of a new package (for subscribers paying for communication services on a prepaid basis).
8. Features of using internet packages:
8.1. When using a tariff plan that includes megabytes in the subscription fee, the traffic of the Internet package will be consumed first, then the traffic of the tariff plan.
8.2. When changing the tariff plan, the Internet package will be saved if it is available on the new tariff plan, otherwise the Internet package will be changed to "Internet for the tariff plan".
8.3. Traffic, in excess of that included in the Internet package, is charged according to the tariffs of the Internet package.
8.4. The unused balance of the traffic of Internet packages is reset to zero after 30 days, when changing the package, when the service is disabled.
8.5. Information about the date of the next charge-off of the cost of the Internet package and the provision of a new volume of traffic can be obtained by USSD *135*3*2#.
8.6. If at the time of the next charging of the cost of the Internet package, the subscriber is disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to late payment services of the company or the use of the Pause service, the cost of the Internet package will be written off after the restoration of service in full. The traffic will be provided in full within 24 hours and is available until the end of the Internet package provision period. The period for providing the Internet package is not extended for the period of disconnection from the communication network.
8.7. The cost of Internet packages 3000 + voka TV, 5000 + voka TV includes a subscription to limited quantity voka TV service channels. You can use voka TV using special application voka or on the website www.voka.tv. The voka service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the voka service.
9. Features of using one-time packages of 500 MB or 1 GB:
9.1. One-time packages of additional Internet traffic with a volume of 500 MB or 1 GB are provided on the tariff plans WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 10 + voka, WEB 16, "In your rhythm" and are valid until the date of the next traffic update included in the tariff plan .
9.2. Buying packages additional traffic is possible after the full consumption of the included traffic of the tariff plan or a previously purchased one-time package.
9.3. The rest of the one-time package traffic is not saved when changing the tariff plan.
9.4. You can purchase packages of additional Internet traffic using the methods described in clause 5, as well as on a special page infopage.site. Redirection to this page occurs automatically after the end of the included traffic of the tariff plan / one-time package. Page available in browser mobile device only over HTTP. When using the HTTPS protocol, page display is not guaranteed.
9.5. When redirected to a special page, HTTP traffic to other resources is blocked until the subscriber chooses a way to continue working with the mobile Internet: purchasing a package or paying for traffic.
9.6. App traffic is not blocked mail clients, browsers with specific proxy settings, and other non-HTTP traffic. Such traffic is charged in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan.
9.7. If the subscriber chooses to use paid traffic, redirection to a special page until the end current period no tariff plan is provided.
10. Features of using a one-time package " Unlimited Internet for a day":
10.1. One-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day" is provided on the tariff plans of the "Comfort" and "Super WEB" lines and is valid for a day from the moment of connection.
10.2. You can purchase the "Unlimited Internet for a day" package both in the process of using the included traffic of the tariff plan, and after it has been used up.
10.3. The "Unlimited Internet for a day" package, purchased before the end of the included traffic of the tariff plan, is consumed first.
10.4. The purchase of each next package "Unlimited Internet for a day" becomes possible only after the expiration of the previous one.
10.5. The package "Unlimited Internet for a day" is disabled when the tariff plan is changed to a tariff plan that is not related to the "Comfort" and "Super WEB" lines.
11. Clients of the company - legal entities may be prohibited if necessary. independent connection subscribers of the "Mobile Internet" service or change it by contacting written statement to velcom sales and service centers or to the official agents of the company, as well as with the help of CCIS (CCIS administrator). The effect of the ban is not taken into account when changing the subscriber's tariff plan to the tariff plans listed in clause 3.
12. Internet traffic in velcom network is charged per 1 KB.
13. The included Internet traffic of tariff plans, Internet packages and one-time packages is not consumed in roaming. Internet traffic consumed in roaming is charged according to roaming tariffs. Roaming Internet traffic is billed at 10 KB on tariff plans of the BUSINESS.PRO, Super WEB, WEB, Non-stop, Smart, Corporate Smart, Big Plans, Telemetry, Comfort, tariff plans "Business class" and "In your rhythm" and 50 KB each - on other tariff plans.
14. The Company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure by publishing the changes on the official website.
15. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the contract for the provision of telecommunication services concluded between the client and the company.

The tariff "My Online" from Tele2 is average price segment in the line offered by the operator. Suitable for users to communicate by phone within the home region without restrictions. And also for calls to numbers of other operators, with a limit on minutes. The Internet package is designed for watching videos, surfing, listening to music and chatting in instant messengers, there is enough traffic for any […]

The tariff "My Conversation" from Tele2 is budget option from the entire line offered by the operator. Suitable for users who prefer to communicate by phone within the network of their home region without restrictions. It is also possible to call the numbers of other operators, in this case the minutes are limited. The Internet package is not designed for watching movies and videos. There is enough traffic to communicate in instant messengers and check [...]

Tele2 subscribers choose the My Tele2 tariff because of the ability to communicate without restrictions within the network and in various messengers. The tariff plan includes an Internet package, which is enough to check mail and read news. Before connecting the My Tale2 tariff, study its characteristics in detail, the cost of calls, SMS and other services included in addition to the monthly fee. All this you can […]

Service Dom.ru for the convenience of customers has developed Personal Area. This is a feature that allows subscribers to manage services remotely in real time. Remote service means significant time savings and an easy-to-manage meeting space independent decisions. CONTENTS1 Personal account features2 Registration in your personal account by contract number3 Instructions for entering your personal account […]