TeamViewer is one of the best programs to set up remote access between computers. Its main advantages are simplicity and accessibility. The connection is established literally in two steps: first you need to specify the partner ID, and then the password. And there are some nuances, which will be discussed below.

As you can easily see, every time you run the program, it generates New Password to access a computer. On the one hand, this increases security, because old combinations become inactive. On the other hand, it creates difficulties for regular use programs on multiple PCs.

Is there a way to configure TeamViewer so that the password does not change? The answer to this question will be positive. The article will consider the most convenient way for ordinary users.

Program settings

First you need to change the Timweaver settings on the computer to which the connection will be made. Launch the remote access program on it. It is not necessary to sign in to your account. Open in the tools menu "Connection".Next, select "Set up uncontrolled access...". In the pop-up menu, click "Proceed". Ask for TeamViewer permanent password, enter it again and left-click on the continue button.
Confirm the action in the window that appears. Now the program will prompt you to bind existing account to this computer or create a new one. You can skip this step, it is optional. To do this, select the option "I don't want to create..." and click "Proceed".
In the final, you will be shown the ID of the current PC, which is required to access it. Just click "To complete".


With how to set a permanent password in TeamViewer, everything became clear. It remains only to deal directly with the procedure for connecting to a remote computer. First you need to install and run the program for the main PC. Notice the block "Computer Management". In field « Partner ID" you need to enter that an identification number, which was displayed in the previous step.
Next, you need to specify a fixed password and click "Login". Remote access on this can be considered fully configured.

Important: It is not necessary to have TeamViewer running on the computer in order to be able to connect to it. There is a special service for remote access.

Every PC user has used the TeamViewer remote access program at least once. This application is an integral part standard set programs for the computer. But if you have used TeamViewer, then you probably know that every time you connect to a remote computer, you must enter an ID and password.

Since the ID is given alone and does not change, but the password changes every time the computer is turned on and off. This is not very convenient, but there is a way out of this situation. You can set a permanent password in TeamViewer.

How to make a permanent password in TeamViewer 12

And so how to set a permanent password in TeamViewer. Everything is quite simple, start TeamViewer and go to the Advanced item and select Options.

In the window that opens, go to the Security tab. On the right there is a Personal password item. This is where you can set a permanent password. Enter it in both fields and click OK.

Everything now, when connecting to a computer, the permanent password that you set will be used. AT previous versions The menu program is slightly different, but by analogy, going into the options, you will find the right item.

Also, do not forget to check the box on the General tab so that TeamViewer starts in a place with Windows.


    License type:



    Windows 8, 8 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP, XP 64-bit


How to set up TeamViewer

TeamViewer is a handy tool for those cases when you need to remotely connect to your home or work computer, remotely provide assistance to a friend. In general, there can be many different reasons. Particularly pleased with the fact that there are no problems with the firewall. You can always easily connect to the required computer and the security system is not an obstacle. In order to use TeamViewer, of course, you need to download it. Downloading must be done only from the official site. There are several reasons for this. The main reason is the possibility of downloading virus software. The program is paid and most people spare money for its purchase, but the miser pays twice. Downloading from torrents is a big risk. If you need TeamViewer not for work (administration of company computers, server maintenance, etc.), that is, you will use it for non-commercial purposes, then you can download it for free.

What you can not do with non-commercial use of the program:

1. Connect to your home computer from your work computer.

2. Connect from home to an office PC.

If you do not strictly follow these simple restrictions, then there is a chance that the program will detect commercial use and impose a number of restrictions on use.

How to install TeamViewer 9?

Download the software from the resource "" and run the file. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

Select Personal/Non-Commercial Use. Click "Accept - Finish". You will have to wait a while until the installation is completed.

After the installation is completed, a special window will appear on the screen, which makes it possible to familiarize yourself with tips on using the program.

Ignore the window and close it by clicking on the button at the bottom right. Next, TeamViewer will start. Now you can work.

Setting up and using TeamViewer!

You can only connect to computers that also have TeamViewer installed. This can be done immediately after its launch. The required data is the password and unique number computer (ID) with which the connection is established. They can be viewed on the left side of the main program window.

To establish a connection to your PC, tell your partner your password and ID.

When connected to a computer at home with using TeamViewer need " personal password", which will be discussed below.

For now, consider the option of connecting your computer to someone else's, for example, to a friend. As soon as he tells you the password and ID of his machine. Enter the data in the field called "Partner ID".

Click Connect to Partner. A few seconds will pass and a window will appear in which the password is entered.

Enter your password and click on the "Login" button. Now you get to the remote PC.

The screenshot shows that a connection was made to a computer with operating system Windows XP.

What actions can be performed on a remote computer?

You can work like on your personal PC. Sometimes, of course, there are restrictions set on the remote machine. It depends on the program settings.

Immediately striking is the lack of wallpaper on the desktop of the remote computer. TeamViewer disables wallpapers by default. If you make changes to the settings, the wallpaper will be saved. Go to settings and select "View" from the top menu.

Select "Hide wallpaper" from the list. Now the wallpaper is in place on the remote computer.

Another one useful setting TeamViewer allows you to reboot a remote machine. And after switching on, you can continue to work further. It is very comfortable. When setting up your PC, you may need to restart it a bit. For example, after making a change in the msconfig utility, you can remotely reboot the machine and continue configuring it.

To reboot, go to the menu and select the "Actions" tab, then "Remote reboot" and then "Reboot".

When the remote reboot of the PC begins, you will need to choose from two actions.

Click the "Reconnect" button. The connection to the remote machine was established, and no password was required.

There is a safe reboot option. To do this, follow the steps described just above, only select the item "Reboot to safe mode". This option gives you access to your computer in safe mode.

You can also use the following options:

Blocking the Remote PC Input Tool

This allows you to deprive the owner of a remotely connected computer of the ability to perform any action on his PC. It is completely blocked for the owner. You can perform any manipulations and the owner of the computer will not be able to do anything. He will only have to sit and watch you work.

Enable PC Lock

A very handy feature when connected to a home computer. When you finish your work, you can log out of the system in such a way that no one under your account can use the machine.

Launching Task Manager

It can be made from the same tab by sending a request. You can also enable the ability to send keyboard shortcuts to a PC connected remotely.

Ability to transfer files in TeamViewer

This opportunity is very great importance. Let's consider in more detail. The file transfer window opens with top panel in the File Transfer tab.

In the window that opens, on the left are the files available on the local PC, that is, on your computer, and on the right is the dialog remote computer. It is possible to send and receive files from remote computer. This can be done in two ways, namely, drag and drop with the mouse or click the buttons at the top "Receive" or "Send". It's pretty easy. The following actions are available in file transfer mode:

The screenshot shows that the log displays everything that happens in this mode:

What is transmitted

Where does it go

What directories are viewed by a person connected to a computer.

This file transfer technology is extremely simple, and there is nothing more to add here.

How to connect to your home computer using TeamViewer

At first glance, there are no difficulties. You can run the program and go about your business, and if necessary, connect from anywhere to your home PC.

This method is correct, but quite convenient, since you will have to constantly start TeamViewer and keep the password in mind.

The best option is to set up TeamViewer with a permanent password to access your home PC. This will get rid of the problems associated with remembering the password. In addition, after setting a permanent password, the program will be minimized to the system tray. What you will agree is very convenient.

We go to the menu of the main TeamViewer window and select "Connection" and "Set up uncontrolled access". This will open the setup wizard.

Read the description and then click Next.

Be sure to complete all fields at this stage. In the "computer name" field, you can not change anything, or you can put "Name". In the "password" field you need to enter, invented by you strong password, consisting of at least six characters.

You don't need to register. Just check the box next to "I do not want to create an account ..." and click "Next".

When completing the permanent password setup step, be sure to remember or write down your password and unique ID.

As soon as you do all the manipulations in the settings, TeamViewer will stop turning off when you click on the cross, but will minimize to the tray while waiting for the connection.

Do not confuse a permanent password with an automatically generated one.

The permanent password must be strictly confidential information as well as from a webmoney account or email. You should use this password when exactly you need to connect to your PC. If you want to allow guest access to another person, then give him the password generated by the program. When the session ends, generate a new one.

The work is completed, and you can connect with your unique password to your computer. The main thing is to remember your ID.


Key points on the operation of the TeamViewer program are considered. After reading the article, you can easily set it up and be able to use it at a basic level. Use virtual machine to understand how the program works if there is no way to try it in action.

For security purposes, TeamViewer generates a new temporary remote control password every time it is started. This password is quite inconvenient to use if you are the only one in control and quite often, since you have to remember a new one every time you restart your computer. For such cases, TeamViewer implements the uncontrolled access function, which allows you to set an additional permanent password known only to you and not changing upon reboot.

You can set a personal password by clicking in the "Connection" menu and selecting "Set up uncontrolled access" or by clicking on the area for entering a personal password in the program interface.

In the uncontrolled access settings window that opens, click Next.

Now, you need to enter your personal password twice to access TeamViewer remotely. Remember, the password should not be easy to prevent intruders from gaining access to your computer.

The last step will prompt you to create or join an existing account by entering your email and password, you can also refuse to create an account by selecting the appropriate item.