While the most frivolous Microsoft fans install Windows 10 with puppy delight, their wiser colleagues carefully study the text of the license agreement. Recall, introductory Windows version 10 contained many conditions unacceptable to a sane person. Were these points retained in the final version?

Problem #1

Microsoft collects and stores the history of web pages visited by the user, passwords to sites, the names of access points to which the user connected, and passwords to them. The problem is that the data is tied to a Microsoft account, the password to which can be hacked or stolen. In this case, the attacker will be able to learn literally everything about his victim. In addition, US law requires IT companies to disclose information about their customers at the request of the court and intelligence agencies. It turns out that in fact the user himself collects and sends a dossier on himself, which can be used against him.

Of course, data synchronization can (and should) be turned off. Microsoft decided to enable this option by default. Apparently, in the hope that most Windows 10 users are unlikely to become interested in the details of the implementation of this so-called synchronization.

Problem #2

Virtual assistant Cortana, which many have already called Cortana's virtual spy. Under the Windows 10 license agreement, Microsoft has the right to collect different types user data:

  • user coordinates;
  • fragments of mail correspondence and SMS;
  • data on calls made: who called whom, how often.
  • data about scheduled events from the user's calendar;
  • data from the contact book;
  • and etc.

In addition, for the service to work, information about the use of your device will be collected: what time the alarm is set, what music is available on the device, what programs were installed, what programs were made search terms etc. Of course, the user's voice samples will also be transferred to Microsoft servers for processing.

It should be noted that some of the functions will traditionally not work for Russian users, including Cortana.

Problem #3

User tracking by a third party. It is already known that Windows 10 will be stuffed with ads. This explains the "generosity" of Microsoft, which decided to distribute Windows 10 for free. In order to inventory all advertising consumers, they will be assigned a unique identification number (advertising ID). Advertisers will have access to this number. In other words, marketers will be able to track user behavior. Like all other "innovations" in Windows 10, user tracking by a unique number was borrowed.

Don't forget to turn off advertising ID sharing on all your Windows 10 devices!

Problem #4

The encryption key is also stored by Microsoft. This is surprising, but if you encrypted your data on the device using the standard BitLocker program, then not only you, but also Microsoft will have the data access key. The Windows 10 license specifies that the password will be copied to OneDrive servers controlled by Microsoft. As mentioned earlier, the company will be required to issue this key at the request of authorized bodies, which deprives encryption in Windows 10 of any meaning.

Don't forget to install third party program encryption you can trust.

Problem #5

Microsoft may use your data. This is just an amazing item in the Windows 10 license:

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Personal correspondence, local files and other personal information can be disclosed not only at the request of the authorities, but simply if it seems to Microsoft that this is necessary for some kind of protection of their customers.

Basic principles of the Microsoft licensing policy

The software is protected from unauthorized copying by copyright laws. Copyright laws provide for the retention by the author (publisher) software several exclusive rights, one of which is the right to make copies of the software.

Acquisition software product is the acquisition of a license (right) to use it. Each program you use requires a license. The terms of the license are fixed in the end user license agreement (EULA - End User License Agreement).

Licensing rights tend to differ for different product categories:

  • Personal operating systems, desktop applications, games, multimedia programs are licensed on the basis of one license per computer. It doesn't matter how much individuals uses a computer.
  • Development tools are licensed according to the principle - one license for one individual.
  • Server products generally offer two licensing schemes: server/client licensing (server license for installation on the server plus client licenses for devices or users accessing server services) or processor core licensing (server licenses are licensed). computing power by cores used in servers).

Ways to purchase licenses

If you purchase boxed and OEM versions of products, Microsoft recommends that you keep all components of the purchased software package (license agreement, media, documentation, registration card coupon, certificate of authenticity), as well as a receipt / invoice confirming the purchase of the product.

What gives compliance with this rule:

  • The presence of these components serves as a confirmation of the legality of the client's use of the software for law enforcement agencies.
  • Under the terms of the license agreement, when transferring the rights to use the product to another person, the client is obliged to transfer all components of the product.

Some products are shipped with an electronic end user license agreement format - the text of the agreement is displayed on the screen when the product is installed. In this case, it is recommended to print the license agreement and keep it together with the rest of the package components.

Programs for government organizations

Microsoft offers special prices and volume licensing terms for eligible government organizations of any size.

For medium and small government organizations

  • Open License for Government. The purchase is simplified as much as possible, the payment is made once. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • Open Value for Government. Simplified license management, predictable software costs and installment payments. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Open Value Subscription for Government. All the benefits of an Open Value for Government agreement with a lower upfront cost. The organization gets access to Microsoft software licenses for the duration of the agreement under a subscription-based licensing model. Eligible government organizations may also receive an Open Value Subscription for one year.

Software Assurance

Software Assurance is a comprehensive maintenance offering that maximizes the value of your software investment. It combines access to the latest software versions with 24/7 support phone calls, partner consultations, training, and IT tools that help customers deploy, manage, and migrate software.

For medium and large government organizations

  • Enterprise Agreement for Government. Simplified license management under a single agreement, predictable software costs and installment payments. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Enterprise Subscription Agreement for Government. Benefit from an Enterprise Agreement with lower upfront costs thanks to subscription-based licensing. An organization has access to Microsoft software licenses for the term of the agreement only, under a subscription-based licensing model. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Microsoft Products and Services Agreement. The Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) allows you to combine all purchases under a simplified agreement that allows you to purchase both online services and on-premises software. Purchasing accounts give you flexible software purchasing options and more control. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • Select Plus for Government. If your organization is not eligible for the MPSA, you can purchase licenses for on-premise Microsoft software and services at any level, from department to affiliate, while retaining all the benefits of a single organization - using the Select Plus agreement. With it, you can buy licenses as needed under a single agreement with no specific expiration date. Customers are assigned a single ID to simplify account management. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • cloud services for government organizations. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Products and Services Agreement, and Open offer government organizations the option to purchase additional online services. This allows you to go to cloud technologies during the term of the existing agreement at a convenient pace.

Programs for educational institutions

When choosing the most appropriate Volume Licensing program for educational institutions, consider the size of the institution, its type, and the preferred method of purchasing licenses for Microsoft software and online services. There are two types of programs: subscription-based and permanent licenses.

Subscription licenses

A subscription entitles you to use the licensed products (plus updates and previous versions included in the program) for the duration of the license. The subscription is perfect for educational institutions that need:

  • Access to the latest technologies with minimal initial cost.
  • Convenient accounting of users and computers: only once a year.
  • Regulatory compliance by providing all users (or computers) with licensed software for a year.
  • Automatic access to Software Assurance.

Permanent licenses

By purchasing perpetual software licenses, an organization is entitled to use the software indefinitely. A permanent license is perfect for educational institutions that need:

  • Software licenses owned.
  • Acquisition of a certain number of licenses with a one-time payment.
  • Program Software Assurance as an optional extra.


The following types of educational institutions are generally eligible to acquire licenses under specialized Microsoft Volume Licensing programs:

  • Educational establishments.
  • Offices and educational authorities.
  • Public libraries and museums.

To compare available options and find suitable program licensing for your institution, go to

And gullible users have long run to install it. Someone talks about the increase in performance in games and programs, as it is already revealed to the maximum programming code operating system for the needs of developers. Now everything counts strengths previous generation operating systems. The design has become light and fast, the computer thinks out almost everything for the user and helps him do his work more comfortably. Updates are installed automatically, so you don't have to worry about fixing vulnerabilities.

But is everything so fabulous in the promises of Microsoft employees? Naturally, reading the license agreement is a rather tedious task, so consumers rarely know what they are ultimately agreeing to. But at the same time, you can write whatever you want there. Since people do not read, there is no one to control what is written. Given that experienced lawyers can prescribe inconspicuous loopholes in contracts, the devil will break his leg in unreadable agreements. But still there are vigilant minds that do not disdain huge amount words and go line by line. So you can try to figure out what Windows 10 is preparing for us after its installation.

A nasty spy surprise

This news has long been scattered across the boundless expanses of the Internet. and sends it to Microsoft servers. This process applies to almost everything:

  • Browser history with all pages ever visited.
  • Passwords that have ever been filled in on sites.
  • The names of all Internet access points to which the user has ever connected, taking into account passwords from them.

All these personal data are necessarily associated with a user account in the system from Microsoft. Hacking an account for some advanced guys is not difficult. Not only can attackers now learn almost everything about their victims, but the government can also request this information by court order. As a result, it turns out that a simple user digs data for himself, which will then be used against him.

Luckily, . Microsoft generously provided such an opportunity, only it is hidden from the eyes of typical users. Most are generally used to the fact that big companies think for them, but it’s better to stop this business, because it will not lead to good.

Insidious Cortrana

The license agreement also states that voice assistant Cortrana does not work in Russia, but it successfully collects user data. Cortran monitors:

  • The location of your user;
  • Postal correspondence and SMS;
  • All made calls;
  • Calendar and events planned in it;
  • Contacts;
  • Alarm setting time;
  • Favorite music;
  • The number and specifics of programs;
  • search queries.

Tracking by ID

Windows 10 is being distributed for free for a reason. This operating system is full of ads that continuously attack the owner of the computer or mobile device. To get the most out of these ads, you should keep a record of all users. Naturally, like goods in a warehouse, each consumer is assigned a specific identification number. Microsoft calls this thing Advertising ID. Access to such a number is given to advertisers who benefit from spinning their ads and videos. target audience, because it is she who is potentially configured to buy something. It is better to deprive such Windows feature 10 and don't help fool yourself for your own money.

Microsoft has a password for everyone

Often, users do not want to show some of their data, which can transfer control of money or devices to third parties. But, Microsoft frankly believes that it can safely know all this encrypted data. So access keys are stored not only with the user of Windows 10, but also with the company that developed this operating system. Naturally, a craftsman with straight arms from his shoulders and special authorities will be able to easily access such secret information for everyone. In this case, it is better to install an encryption program from a third-party developer.

Was yours - became ours

Windows 10 can use user data as it wishes. This is written in the license agreement.

All personal communications and files may be disclosed by Microsoft in its sole discretion. Suddenly it will seem to her that the user is hostile to others? Or maybe he's breaking the law. Or, perhaps, it violates copyright firewood. Then try to prove that you are not a camel when your every word is recorded, ordered and systematized in a special data bank.

The problem of gamers

Playing on Windows 10 will also be problematic, since operating system keeps track of the license for installed software. If there is no key to your favorite game, then you can solemnly say goodbye to it. And what about those who simply do not have the money to buy a certain game? After all, the most popular of them can cost several thousand rubles. Windows 10 invites students to save up until the moment when the game is already outdated. It is no secret that even in times of economic growth, it has always been a problem for Russians to buy a license. After all, the income is not very high. Now this situation is considered even more strange. If people do not have enough for food and loans, then what kind of games can we talk about?

A bit of paranoia

You involuntarily think about films and books that talk about the future, when every person is absolutely transparent in terms of personal data. Companies know who you are, where you live, what you like, what you plan to do. Unfortunately, fantasy is becoming reality more and more. It will save that there are a lot of people and there are not enough human resources to follow each one. But it's better not to give these smart guys from the computer giants an extra chance.

After all, smart people learn more and more, and stupid people are more and more bright pictures and words from the Internet and TV. Maybe we just lost our personal thoughts to allow such a brazen climb into our lives?

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Let's do it together.

2. Rights of installation and use.
c. Restrictions. The manufacturer or installer and Microsoft reserve all rights (such as rights under intellectual property laws) not expressly granted under this agreement. For example, this license does not give you the right:
(iii) transfer software (except as provided in this agreement);
transfer Windows 10 to the person who asked me about it

here off-top asked for it. What if a person asks you to jump off a roof?

I read it, but I’m not sure that everything is clear to me there, for example, for what reasons, at the request of another person, I can’t download and install Windows 10 so that he becomes a full user of Microsoft products.

I explain again:
- You are entitled to Windows download 10 from official Microsoft sources (not only MS, otherwise no one would ever download, for example, Linux).
- You have the right to install a computer program on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (if you live in Russia), which guarantees you the right to work.
- the most important: for the user to become a full user of products from MS - he or you owe these products buy!

What is the cost of a license? Windows version 10 that is being transmitted has the status of inactivated.

well bad. You must activate it (read the EULA):

5. Authorized software and activation. You have the right to use this software, only if you have the appropriate license and software was properly activated using a genuine product key or other authorized method. When you connect to the Internet while using the software, the software automatically contacts Microsoft or a Microsoft affiliate to activate and pair with a specific device. You can also manually activate the software over the Internet or by phone. In any of these cases, some data will be transmitted, so Internet services, telephone connection or SMS messaging may be chargeable. During activation (or reactivation, which may be required after changing device components), the software may determine that the installed copy is counterfeit, not obtained under an official license, or contains unauthorized changes. If activation fails, the software will attempt to make corrections by replacing the tampered Microsoft software with genuine Microsoft software. In addition, you may receive reminders to purchase an official license for the software. Successful activation is not proof that the software is genuine or properly licensed. It is forbidden to bypass the activation procedure in any way. To verify that your software is genuine and properly licensed, visit the web page (aka.ms/genuine). Certain updates, support, and other services are offered only to users of genuine Microsoft software.
There is some kind of license for downloading, such a phrase hangs on the site ..
So what will be the basis for the court for the court, what if there is no damage?

The basis will not be with the MS, but with the one to whom you are " handed over"Windows. But to him there will already be claims from the MS.

The PC was given for temporary use and is subject to return, the client keeps his Windows 10 for himself or, if he wants to give it to me, where are the violations before the MS in such relations?
counter question: if the client sends you Windows license 10 - how do you prove that the license is genuine? If you do not prove it, there will be claims from the MS. The same applies to the client, if he keeps the license for himself.

The rules have changed drastically.

Windows licensing has always been opaque and nebulous. For example, Windows 7 had a retail version, an OEM version, and corporate editions. Theoretically, the OEM version (i.e. when the OS shipped with new computer hardware) was tied to the hardware it shipped with. Retail versions were "portable" and the user was able to carry their a copy of Windows 7 from one computer to another, provided that the system will no longer be used on the old machine. Most retail versions were used just for installation on modernized machines or hand-built computers individual components. Typically you would need to re-authorize your copy of Windows in order to new system, but in most cases this procedure was only a formality.

In the long run, portability is not a feature of the free version of Windows 10. When you install Windows 10, Microsoft's activation servers create and store a unique identifier based on the old key and based on the current machine's hardware configuration. New Windows 10 will be bound to the upgraded system and the original Windows 7/8.1 key will no longer be valid. (Thus, you can roll back to Windows 7, but you will not be able to run the original OS and Windows 10 at the same time, for example, in virtual machine or in multi-OS selection mode at boot).

Comment from a Microsoft official: “ After the first year, you will no longer be able to transfer the copy to another device, because. the update is tied to a specific computer, and not to a license or account Windows. One year after the release of Windows 10, if the device has not been updated with Windows, the user will need to separately purchase a copy of Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store or from authorized Microsoft product distributors”.

Best of all, if you end up buying a retail version of Windows 10, you can freely move it from one computer to another - this version comes with a portability feature.

Be that as it may, you can still update your Windows 10 system. Just like you did with previous versions Windows (usually tied to Windows program Genuine Advantage), you will need to call Microsoft to reactivate (reactivate) the license if you change the main components of the computer after upgrading to Windows 10 (this is annoying for many users, but this is not really a very painful process).

Unfortunately, the criteria for changes that require system reactivation are rather vague. For example, when adding RAM, reactivation is not required, but when replacing the motherboard, it is needed (in OEM versions, replacement of the motherboard is only allowed if the PC is still under warranty).

Other general questions about updating Windows 10

Many users ask if it is possible to reserve free update now and update later. The answer is very simple: if you can upgrade before the end of July 2016, consumer versions of Windows 10 will be free for you. After July 2016, you will need to purchase a Windows 10 license.

Some Windows users are wondering if they can buy a copy of Windows 10 for free now and start using the new OS after July 2016. As a rule, these users are waiting for the moment when the developers third party applications will add support for Windows 10 to programs for corporate needs. To delay a Windows 10 migration, users must create backup Windows systems 7/8.1 and then install the free update and roll back to Windows 7/8.1. That way, they can upgrade to the free version of Windows 10 whenever they want.

However, on older systems it may be necessary to enter license key Windows 10. You can find it using special key viewers, for example, the NirSoft Producey utility (oddly enough, Google search gives out a large number of sites selling keys for free in this moment Windows 10).

Newer systems with UEFI and Microsoft Data Management support will store the Windows 10 key in the motherboard firmware. If you restore Windows 10 to its original state or perform a clean install, the operating system will find the license key on its own.

In either case, your system should be successfully upgraded to Windows 10. Only in this case, it will be added to the whitelist of Microsoft products as genuine. Do you currently have the key requested at the time pen Windows installation 10, You can use the shared key (picture 1).

Upgrading from 32-bit Windows to 64-bit

Retail versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 included two installation media - one for 32-bit systems and one for 64-bit systems. The free version of Windows 10 only allows you to upgrade to a system with the same bit depth as the original system. In other words, you can only upgrade Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 10 32-bit. Assuming no one wants to upgrade from 64-bit to 32-bit, then upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit requires will perform a clean install of the original Windows 7/8.1 using the 64-bit installation media and then upgrade to Windows 10.

Update only to similar versions

The free Windows 10 update does not allow you to upgrade your version of Windows. If you own a Win7 Starter, Home Basic, or Home Premium license, you will get Windows 10 Home, and if you have Windows 7/8.1 Pro, you will get Windows 10 Pro respectively. Windows 7 Ultimate license holders will also receive Windows 10 Pro due to the lack of an Ultimate version of Windows 10.

Some Windows users complain about the lack of Media Center in Windows 10. The corresponding page on the Microsoft web portal notes that on some systems you can get a DVD player application for free from the Windows Store. Other users can purchase this application. Of course, there are a large number of good third-party players on the web.

The related page on the Microsoft website has a whole list of features that are no longer available.

Yes, it's free, but with some caveats. As repeatedly reported, this free update will be available until July 2016. After this period, if you did not have time to use the free upgrade right, you will need to purchase Windows 10.

Everything can change. Apple users also always expect free OS updates. For example, an iPhone can be upgraded for free until the new OS stops supporting legacy hardware. In some cases, you may still receive the new OS, but the smartphone will not use some of the new features. At that moment, users usually change the phone to a new one, because. the old device doesn't hold a charge, and the bigger screens and new features look tempting.

After all, Microsoft can adopt a similar business model: the operating system is just a platform for highly profitable services and software. But as noted in the TechNet UK blog, the current free version Windows 10 doesn't have an expiration date - you won't have to pay for it in two or three years. Be that as it may, Microsoft plans to add new features to Windows 10, and at some point, some features may not work on your computer, or your device may not receive future updates at all.

Can I run Windows 10 in a virtual machine in dual boot mode?

Many cautious users tend to leave their Windows machines 7 or Windows 8 by installing Windows 10 on a second drive or logical partition. Typically, they want to copy or image a Windows 7 install, upgrade to Windows 10, and then restore the initial state system on another drive or partition. Sorry, but such actions are not allowed. If Windows 10 is installed, it takes the original Windows 7/8.1 license. Within a month of updating, Windows 10 allows you to roll back to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, but in this case, the new OS is removed.

As always with Windows, virtual copies must have their own licenses, different from the host systems. As mentioned in the TechNet UK blog, the Windows 10 license “allows you to install only one copy of the software for use on only one device, whether physical or virtual. If you wish to use the software on multiple devices, you must purchase separate OS licenses for each device.”

Windows as a Service

The old Windows update model (XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8) seems to have fallen into disuse. New model is confusing for long term Windows users. It assumes that for a given machine, you only need to pay for Windows once - when you buy a new PC, order a retail version, or sign up for volume licensing. The main features of the Windows as a Service concept are:

  • You don't have to pay for Windows multiple times when using the same hardware - you always have latest version;
  • No more erasing and reinstalling updates;
  • Vendors and software developers can guarantee that 90 percent of users have the same build.

Microsoft assumes that the use of the same version of the OS by the vast majority of users will simplify the process of developing third-party applications.

Enterprise customers should take note: You must have an active Software Assurance contract to upgrade to Windows 10. If you just bought a Windows 7 Enterprise license, you are not eligible to upgrade to the new OS. Customers with a signed contract will be able to log in to the Microsoft License Center and download the Enterprise edition. You will also be required to renew your current Software Assurance contract in order to receive future Windows updates 10.

Free - this does not mean without some cost. It probably comes as no surprise to many that the free upgrade comes with limitations. Some may find them not too burdensome, but you should familiarize yourself with them before performing an upgrade. Whether you can work within these restrictions is up to you. If they are too critical, remember that although Windows 7 will not receive new improvements, Microsoft will fix bugs and security issues for this OS until January 14, 2020, and support for Windows 8 will end in 2023.

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