Probably, every 1C specialist faced the situation of the need to transfer data from one infobase to another. In the case when the configurations are different, you have to write data conversion rules. These rules are created in the 1C "Data Conversion" configuration.

You can also transfer data using . Many 1C 8.3 configurations have standard functionality for setting up data synchronization between different configurations and seamless integration with 1C Document Management.

But when data needs to be transferred between absolutely identical configurations, you can simplify your task and use the standard processing of uploading and downloading via XML. Please note that such a method, like data conversion, compares objects to each other by a unique identifier (GUID), and not by name.

You can download this processing on the ITS disk, or follow the links:

It is universal and suitable for any configuration.

Consider an example of unloading the "Nomenclature" directory from one 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 infobase to another. A prerequisite will be the selection by the parent (group) "Woodworking".

Uploading data from 1C to XML

Go to that information base, from where the data will be unloaded (source). Be sure to check them, providing for all possible conditions in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Open XML Data Upload and Load Processing (Ctrl+O).

We are interested in the "Upload" tab. First of all, specify the name of the file to which the data will be uploaded and the path to save. In this case, the data is uploaded “To a file on the server”.

In the processing header, the period for which the selection will be carried out is configured. Also, for periodic registers, you can specify the method for applying selection by period. If it is necessary to upload movements along with documents, the corresponding flag is set. In this case, we are overloading the directory, so nothing needs to be configured in the header.

Let's move on to selecting the data to upload. In the tabular part of the processing form, check the boxes for the configuration objects that you need to transfer.

The "Unload if necessary" column means whether it is necessary to overload this object if it is referenced by the attribute of the directory we are overloading. For example, the position of the nomenclature you are reloading has a unit of measure that is not in the base-receiver. If the flag in the column "Upload if necessary" is set opposite the reference book with units of measurement, a new position. Otherwise, the value of the attribute will be the inscription "<Объект не найден>' and its unique identifier.

AT simple case without selections, the item overload setting will look like this.

AT this example you need to select only the nomenclature that is in the "Woodworking" folder.

Similar processing for 8.2 allows you to conveniently set filters for each configuration object. In 8.3, unfortunately, there is no such functionality. One of the ways out in this situation is to select the necessary positions on the "Additional objects for unloading" tab.

You can add objects here either manually ("Add" button) or by request ("Add by request..."). With a large number of them, the second option is preferable.

In this case, the query will be as follows. Fill in the parameters, run the query after checking the data, and click on the "Select result" button.

After you have specified all the necessary objects and additional elements for uploading, click on the "Upload data" button. They will end up in the XML file, the name and location of which were specified earlier. The results of this operation will be displayed in messages.

In this example, it was necessary to unload only 3 positions, but five were unloaded. This is because a flag was set opposite the "Nomenclature" reference book in the "Upload if necessary" column. Together with the right positions their parents were overwhelmed.

Loading a reference from XML

After successfully uploading data from the source configuration to an XML file, open the destination database. The structure of objects and their attributes must match. In this case, the transfer is carried out between two typical 1C: Accounting 3.0 configurations.

Open the processing in the receiver base. This processing used for both uploading and downloading data. Go to the "Download" tab and specify the path to XML file, to which the data was previously uploaded. Then click on the "Upload Data" button.

The download result will be displayed in the messages. In our case, everything went well.

The reference book "Nomenclature" in the base-receiver was not filled. Now it has five elements: three item positions and two groups.

A frequent task, when creating a new 1C database, is to unload directories from another database and enter them into a new one.

Let's see a few options on how to do this.

Upload/download using a spreadsheet document

Unloading directories

1) You can use a spreadsheet document, i.e. upload data to as xml.xls.

To do this, you can use the built-in features of 1C.
So on the example of "accounting 2 platforms 8.2":
Using batch processing directories and documents, we need to select all columns by type:

Code Name TIN KPP
001 OOO Chamomile xxx xxx

1) Go to the service - group processing of directories and documents
2) Type of object - directories - contractors
3) In the Selection, specify the required fields
4) In the selection that appears, click right click- display a list, here we can once again select what we need - OK
Next we need to save it - File - Save As - xls

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Can be downloaded using Report

Let's go - Reports - Other - Universal report
Here we also select - Directory - contractors

1) In "Row grouping" remove "Name"
2) In the "Report columns" field, add the necessary fields - "Generate"
3) Save as xls or xml

Uploading directories to another database

Here we will use the processing "Loading data from a spreadsheet document"

1) Open the processing - Select the directory - Open file - specify the previously uploaded file.
2) Go to settings - Check the required fields

The main thing here is to set the correct numbering of the columns.

So, for example, if you have the "name" field in the uploaded document in the 2nd column, then here you should put it in 2.
Those. check for the correct columns and redo it in accordance with the uploaded document.
Column numbering - manual numbering
Next, click fill control - fix errors

It should also be understood that related directories will not catch up with you in this way.
Those. for example, contracts of counterparties will not be pulled up

For a complete upload and download (in an identical configuration), you will need to use processing, for example:

Despite the fact that 1C is the most popular, convenient and reliable information system, which has in its line a set of solutions for automating and processing absolutely all business processes at enterprises of any scale and field of activity, all the same, users daily need to upload data from 1C to third party programs or files. In this article, we will consider what unloading from 1C is and show how to unload from 1C and what problems may arise in this case.

Data that can be downloaded from 1C

1With any configuration, it natively supports uploading such data as:

  • Printed forms;
  • Reports;
  • Tables and lists.

Uploading data from 1C 8.3 is possible in many popular formats:

Uploading printed forms and reports

Any printed form or report in 1C can be saved in desired format. To do this, you need to open a form or report, then select in the Main menu File - Save as.

After that, a window for saving the file will open, in which the name and type of the file are indicated:

Possible problems when unloading from 1C

This is because the printable or report is not activated in this moment. To make the printable available for saving, you just need to click anywhere on it:

Export to Excel

Processing data in the most popular tabular format requires appropriate uploading. In order to store the required data in excel format, it is necessary to specify the Excel2007-...(*.xlsx) Sheet type in the file save dialog. Less often, you need to save the data in the old Excel Sheet (*.xls) format:

Similarly, by choosing the desired format, you can upload from 1C to PDF, from 1C to WORD, from 1C to CSV, and also to other formats.

Unloading arbitrary tables from 1C

AT this section it will show how you can upload any data, provided that you have the rights to do so.

Developed in 1C regular mechanism, which allows you to download any list (for example, a list of documents or directory items). To do this, in the command panel of any list, in the group "More" command available "Display list":

Information will be displayed in a special spreadsheet document. This document looks just like any other report in 1C, and it can be unloaded in exactly the same way using the command File - Save As:

How to upload data that is not visible in the list

Often, the task of uploading a list is accompanied by the need to add columns there that are definitely in the document (directory), but for some reason they are not visible in the current list. Example: in the "Clients" list, add the "Phone" field for uploading, which is displayed only in the additional panel on the right:

In order for the phone to be unloaded from 1C, it must first be added to the list. To do this, call the command "More - Reshape". Next, we need to find the desired column in the list of columns. There is one trick here: developers of typical configurations almost always add a field "Link". If you stand on it and then press the button then we will see all possible fields of this directory. Finding a field "Telephone" and check the box for use.

After that, the database of clients with phones can be uploaded to a file using the regular command "Display List" and sell to competitors.

Using accounting programs is a convenient way to process data: for example, you can unload counterparties from 1C and add extended information. However, the most popular utility is not simple and often causes problems even for experienced users. Setby specialists will provide all necessary assistance when working with the program.

How to upload only contractors from the database to 1C?
For organizations of any size, keeping track of employee, customer, and transaction data is critical. While working with information different type not always convenient in the same programs. To optimize the process, you may need to upload the information to another application.

It is best to transfer data to text format. To figure out how to unload a list of counterparties from 1C, you need to have minimal experience in owning the program. However, the task will become more complicated if, in addition to basic information, private information is required - addresses, phone numbers, transaction data.

The direct procedure for importing information is carried out in just a few steps. How to unload counterparties with addresses from 1C, the program itself will tell you. The user needs to do the following:
open the list of counterparties and display them in the list;
transfer data to a table element;
save the file in the desired format.

This procedure will transfer the information to excel sheet or to another application. It is also possible to unload the counterparty address in 1C from similar programs, however, the variability of the sequence of steps will increase. For such actions, it is necessary to adhere to the algorithm laid down in the corresponding utility.

How to transfer data
For different versions accounting programs have their own nuances of work. You can unload counterparties from 1C 8 in the form of a directory saved in Excel format. This option is convenient for further data processing. The sequence of actions is as follows:
run report;
upload the details of the directory;
save the modified file with the "String" type.

How to unload counterparties in other formats in 1C 8 can only be figured out with a more confident user level. For most commands, console data entry is used, which requires manual coding. In this case, making mistakes can lead to failures in the program.

Often there are difficulties with how to upload contacts of counterparties in 1C and save them for further changes. At the same time, most of the problems are due to the fact that large amounts of information are used for import, which is almost impossible to work with manually. To solve them, apply console commands.

In addition, instructions on how to download counterparty contacts from 1C often contain a description of the use of websites to compile data. At the same time, there is a high probability that the data will be "eaten" when transmitted through third-party servers. Often, add-ons like "Upload and download data" also refuse to work.

Possible ways problem solving
When wondering how to unload counterparties with phones and other data from 1C, you need to be prepared for the difficulties that arise when working with the program. Most commands with accessibility require administrator rights. The next step is to write functional code.

You can unload from 1C: Counterparty trading management using the same algorithm that is suitable for other versions of programs - Accounting or Enterprise. At the same time, the application has a slightly different structure, which is reflected in the arrangement of fields and cells. A universal information grid has been developed for the Trade Department.

To carry out the data transfer, it is necessary to unload the counterparties in XML in 1C in several stages. They operate on two basic programs and one additional, transforming the data. The operation goes through the following stages:
data transformation in the application "Upload and download";
data transfer to Excel;
application of a secondary handler on the copied base.

Most of the information is contained in the cells "Registers of registers and information." How to unload counterparties from 1C 7 for applications with other add-ons should be dealt with separately. The most convenient way is developed for the eighth, most modern version. However, the data can still be displayed directly in code form.

Sequence of actions: how to unload counterparties from 1C in XML
Carrying out copying and saving data in a new format is not enough for their correct display. For extended processing of information, the Python utility is used, which allows you to decompose entities into separate files. It creates the following columns:
item barcode;
names and characteristics;
nomenclature units.

In order to quickly figure out how to unload counterparties in 1C 7 in an acceptable format, you need to have practice in writing console programs. The task is simplified by the possibility of entering commands in Russian, but without proper knowledge it will not work. Mistakes in the code will lead to crashes.

The same applies to instructions on how to unload counterparties from 1C 8.2. For this version of the program, you can use generic methods work that will allow you to do without the help of extended access. However, this does not apply to all types of tasks when working with the application.

How to unload counterparties from 1C 8.2 without using console access codes can only be understood when importing a small amount of data. They can be transferred to external systems using the functions embedded in 1C. To do this, save the entire array of data or directly unload tables.

How to unload information about counterparties from 1C: the easiest ways
Obtaining data of such a plan is also possible using the program itself, without resorting to extended access. The first step is to select all the parameters by which data should be copied and transferred. After that you need:
list via context menu;
select text or table display;
save the data in the desired format.

By the same principle, you can understand how to unload counterparties with extended data from 1C UNF. However, for obtaining information from several fields, this simple method will not work. In this case, the information will need to be saved and compiled via command line.

You can upload a list of counterparties with 1C addresses by compiling code only if you are confident in the skills of working in the program. Queries are entered using a unified language. If there are errors in the entry, the application will give an incorrect result.

Determine how to unload counterparties from 1C: Enterprise as much as possible in a simple way possible in accordance with the tasks. The larger the amount of data and the smaller the breakdown into separate arrays, the higher the complexity of the operation. Very often it is impossible to do without the help of programmers.
How to unload counterparties 1C: Enterprise and save in other formats
All operations with directories of this type must be carried out in local copies of files with the xml extension. To save data, you need to go into the "Enterprise" mode and perform the following steps:
start processing configuration objects;
specify the path for data transfer;
select the command to start copying;
choose an extension to save.

Using the same scheme, you can determine how to unload the e-mail of counterparties and other data placed in the original database from 1C. Creating a local copy will allow the user, if necessary, to restore the data and edit it on another device. This will require a certain level of access.

It is necessary to figure out how to unload counterparties from 1C to Excel using advanced access functions if the user has to work with a large amount of data. For smaller jobs, the preset functions will suffice. For console input mode, it is advisable to enlist the help of a professional.

Setby specialists will tell you how to unload counterparties from 1C 8.3 into target file and take the necessary action. Extensive experience in this field allows us to guarantee a quick and high-quality result. For detailed information, please contact our operators at the number indicated on the site.