Ru, in order to be able to subsequently safely recover the password in case of its loss, the user is required to select or enter a security question and indicate the answer to it. This is very convenient, but in the event that you suspect that your security question and the answer to it could become known to someone other than you, it makes sense to change it.


Go to your personal mailbox on This can be done with home page, and from the page by entering its address directly into address bar browser or by going to it from the main page of Yandex using the link "Enter mail" in the right upper corner pages.

On your page mailbox in the upper right corner you will see your address in . Click on it with the left mouse button, and a list of menus will open, in which you will need to select the “Passport” item.

You will be taken to the Yandex Passport page, where your personal data is indicated. Her direct address: On this page you can enter addresses Email and numbers mobile phones, which can also help you with password recovery. Here you can change the password or change access settings.

The Edit Personal Information page opens. Here you can enter or change your first and last name, date of birth, country, city, time zone, as well as specify an e-mail for feedback(which can also help recover a lost password if necessary).

Here, under the "Last Name" field, your Secret Question and the answer to it. Nearby you will see the link "Change Security Question/Answer". By clicking on it, you can select a question from the proposed list. If you select the "Ask your own question" option, a field will open where you can enter your own question. Please enter your answer in the field below.

After you have selected or entered a question and provided an answer, you will need to enter the answer to the previous security question in the field below for security reasons. Next, enter your password and click Save. Your changes have taken effect.

Not better way accustom a person to the greatest responsibility for his negligence rather than make him feel the fear of loss. That is why if you care about the security of your loved one's mailbox and think that it is not well enough protected, since it has a too simple secret, make sure that he changes it to a more complex one.


Register at social network under a different name and surname. The best option is to register under the guise of a girl, because question Women and the logic of the female cause less suspicion and can be more straightforward and inconsistent.

For several weeks, chat online under a new account, make new friends, post photos, change statuses - in a word, behave as if it were your account. This is necessary so that the account is not "empty" and does not arouse suspicion among advanced user social networks.

Add your friend whose secret question you want to check in friends. Motivate the addition for any reason, up to the fact that you are bored and decide to add anyone. Communicate, try to make your acquaintance interested in you and do not reveal who you really are.

In the meantime, gradually change the topic to the one that concerns the secret question a. Push him to this topic so that he starts it first, and then ask him about what his secret is about. question. Once you receive a response, check if this information is correct.

Immediately after you have penetrated his mailbox, open your cards to a friend. Explain to him that he should be more careful with his mail and return his password from it.

Attention, only TODAY!

All interesting

When registering a mailbox in the Yandex system, users are recommended to choose an easy login and complex password. This is understandable: the login is the beginning of the email address, it will have to be dictated to other people. The password is...

The Mail.Ru mail service allows the user to set a secret question, as well as the answer to it. If you forget the password, you can tell the server this pre-set response, after which it will be possible to change the password to a new one. If that happened…

In order to increase the security level of your mailbox and access to your account on the My World social network, it is recommended to change the security question from time to time, which is necessary to recover a lost or forgotten password. …

With the development of the Internet, almost every network user has an electronic mailbox, access to which is carried out after entering personal data: login and secret password. You will need - a mobile phone; - an additional ...

To access your e-mail box, you must remember your username and password. Exist various ways restoring access to e-mail for those users who for some reason cannot log in to own page electronic…

In the 21st century, the Internet has become one of the main means of communication between people. Letters are no exception, and can now be sent free of charge and quickly using mail servers. Instruction 1 How to register a mailbox on ...

To enter the mailbox on any mail service, you must enter a username and password. Yandex.Mail, Mail, Rambler, Yahoo - all mail services It is recommended to periodically change the password so that attackers cannot easily ...

One way to recover lost or forgotten password from the e-mail box is the answer to the security question. When registering an e-mail, users are asked to specify a secret or security question, choosing from the proposed ...

Sometimes it is very unpleasant to forget the password from the mailbox. Especially from the one on which, in addition to letters, many files are stored, and Account which allows you to use many services. You can recover the password for Yandex mail in several ...

Email is useful resource, where we can chat with friends, send files. "Yandex" opens up many opportunities for us ("Yandex Money", "Disk", "Search", "Market", "Weather", "News", "Pictures", "Video"), in comparison with other services. Most novice users choose this proven and reliable service, thanks to which it has been in the lead for many years.

How to change the login in Yandex mail?

When registering an e-mail, most people carelessly refer to the selection of a login. They do not take into account that it is almost impossible to change it. The login in the mailbox shows the address that you have been allocated for email. For example, a person lives in a house or apartment, which is located on a certain street. The citizen has his own address. To make it different, you need to move to another apartment. The same thing happens with the mailbox, in order to change it, you need to register a new mail.

Features of changing the login

Is it possible to change the login in Yandex mail? This is one of the few systems where you can get a different address, but even here it is not so simple. How to change the login in Yandex mail? In this system, you will also need to register a new e-mail box, but you can move old letters and necessary contacts into it.

Login change algorithm

How to change the email login in Yandex? To do this, you need the Internet, and the necessary data (login and password) to enter the mailbox.

Summing up

Now you can answer the question "How to change the login in Yandex mail?". If you really need it, use the proposed algorithm. To change the login in similar services, you must also create a new one. email box. In or Rambler, the replacement algorithms may differ slightly. In order for you to no longer need to change the address of your mailbox, think over a concise, memorable and beautiful login right away.

Many users already have their own personal mailbox in Yandex. However, it happens that the password to the mail is lost or forgotten. What to do if you forgot your Yandex mail password? How to recover your mail if you forgot your security question or your phone number has changed. We will try to give you all the answers in this article.

So, in order to recover your password in Yandex mail, you can use the following methods to do it:

  • answer a secret question;
  • by mobile phone number;
  • with an additional postal address.

If you forgot the answer to the secret question, then Yandex will offer you recovery using a mobile phone, if there are problems with this, then you will need to enter an additional mailing address. But since you are here and reading this article, it means that during registration, you decided not to “steam” and not enter additional data to recover your password.

Yandex mail recovery

Let's start simple. If you forgot your password and when you enter the password you get the next page, then the problems have already begun :).

Then click to remember the password, and then we will be redirected to the next page. Where we should enter the login or e-mail and below the code from the picture.

And here we will have one of three options for recovery. Or restore by phone number:

But it is unlikely that you did not specify it, then you will receive the following message.

If you didn’t enter this question during registration, then you don’t even need to remember about the additional address. You definitely didn't enter it.

If you didn’t enter anything during registration and you can’t remember the security question, and in addition to everything, the number has changed, then this is almost the end. In this case, you yourself are the culprit of your "happiness", and you can restore your mailbox only with the help of a special request to those Yandex support.

Please describe your problem in full. And it remains to be hoped that the guys from Yandex will answer you and help you resolve the issue with password recovery. Although…

Ru, in order to be able to subsequently safely recover the password in case of its loss, the user is required to select or enter a security question and indicate the answer to it. This is very convenient, but in the event that you suspect that your security question and the answer to it could become known to someone other than you, it makes sense to change it.


Go to your personal mailbox on This can be done both from the main page and from the page by entering its address directly into the address bar of the browser or by going to it from the Yandex main page using the "Login to mail" link in the upper right corner pages.

On the page of your mailbox in the upper right corner you will see your address in the format . Click on it with the left mouse button, and a list of menus will open, in which you will need to select the “Passport” item.

You will be taken to the Yandex Passport page, where your personal data is indicated. Her direct address: On this page, you can enter email addresses and mobile phone numbers, which can also help you recover your password. Here you can change the password or change access settings.

The Edit Personal Information page opens. Here you can specify or change your first and last name, date of birth, country, city, time zone, as well as specify an e-mail for feedback (which can also help you recover a lost password if necessary).

Here, under the "Last Name" field, your security question and the answer to it are indicated. Nearby you will see the link "Change Security Question/Answer". By clicking on it, you can select a question from the proposed list. If you select the "Ask your own question" option, a field will open where you can enter your own question. Please enter your answer in the field below.

After you have selected or entered a question and provided an answer, you will need to enter the answer to the previous security question in the field below for security reasons. Next, enter your password and click Save. Your changes have taken effect.

There is no better way to accustom a person to the greatest responsibility for his carelessness than to make him feel the fear of loss. That is why if you care about the security of your loved one's mailbox and think that it is not well enough protected, since it has a too simple secret, make sure that he changes it to a more complex one.


Register on the social network under a different name and surname. The best option is to register under the guise of a girl, because question Women and the logic of the female cause less suspicion and can be more straightforward and inconsistent.

For several weeks, chat online under a new account, make new friends, post photos, change statuses - in a word, behave as if it were your account. This is necessary so that the account is not "empty" and does not arouse suspicion among an experienced user of social networks.

Add your friend whose secret question you want to check in friends. Motivate the addition for any reason, up to the fact that you are bored and decide to add anyone. Communicate, try to make your acquaintance interested in you and do not reveal who you really are.

In the meantime, gradually change the topic to the one that concerns the secret question a. Push him to this topic so that he starts it first, and then ask him about what his secret is about. question. Once you receive a response, check if this information is correct.

Immediately after you have penetrated his mailbox, open your cards to a friend. Explain to him that he should be more careful with his mail and return his password from it.

I have one mailbox in Yandex in the properties of which I forgot the answer to the security question. This question is only needed to recover the main password to access the mailbox. It does not affect daily work in any way, and even to change the main password, you do not need to answer this question. But it was still somehow uncomfortable that you do not have all the information. And what if you really have to recover the main password? It's better to take care of this in advance.

I followed a simple path - I wrote a letter to technical support directly from this mailbox that I forgot the answer to the security question and ask you to reset it. But it was not there. The guys from Yandex are on the alert. In response, I received a letter indicating that this is not done so simply, you need to fill out a special form and indicate that there is access to the box, but the answer to the security question was forgotten.

The questionnaire turned out to be rather big, it was necessary to indicate additional mailboxes and the approximate time of registration of the main mailbox and a bunch of secondary data. And most importantly, it was necessary to send a copy of your passport. As far as I understand, if the box is registered formally without specifying the full name, then the procedure will not work.

In general, I sent everything away, but this was not the end. They sent a response in which they asked to be photographed holding the passport in expanded form on the photo page. This was motivated by the fact that this is protection from people who have access to my box and want to reset the security question without my knowledge.

I didn’t want to quit what I started halfway through, so I had to take pictures and send photos.

That's all for now. I'm waiting for an answer from the serious guys from Yandex. I hope it doesn't come down to fingerprints.

UPDATE Fingerprints were not required. The security question has been reset.

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Go to your personal mailbox on This can be done both from the main page, and from the page by entering its address directly into the address bar of the browser or by going to it from the main page of Yandex using the link " Enter mail»In the upper right corner pages.

On the page of your mailbox in the upper right corner you will see your address in the format . Click on it with the left mouse button, and a list of menus will open, in which you will need to select the “Passport” item.

You will be taken to the Yandex Passport page, where your personal data is indicated. Her direct address: On this page, you can enter email addresses and mobile phone numbers, which can also help you with password recovery. Here you can change the password or change access settings.

Here, under the "Last Name" field, your security question and the answer to it are indicated. Nearby you will see the link "Change Security Question/Answer". By clicking on it, you can select a question from the proposed list. If you select the "Ask your own question" option, a field will open where you can enter your own question. Please enter your answer in the field below.

There is no better way to accustom a person to the greatest responsibility for his carelessness than to make him feel the fear of loss. That is why if you care about the security of your loved one's mailbox and think that it is not well protected, because it has too simple secret

Have you noticed that registering for any service, including mail, is not so difficult? Buttons or links for registration are bright, noticeable, as they say, you won’t slip past, you will “stumble” with your eyes.

It is a completely different matter if for some reason you decide to refuse to use the service, for example, delete yandex mail or mail ru.

Consider the following questions:

  • Why is it difficult to delete mail?
  • How to delete Yandex mail?
  • If there are any more questions...

Why do we need such difficulties with deleting mail?

Firstly, it is still good when there is the possibility of deletion in itself. Sometimes they do it on purpose so that it is not possible to remove your e-mail from the database of any service or mailing list.

Secondly, there is a struggle on the Internet to increase the number of subscribers, the number of users of this or that service, for the user to spend more time on the service, because, in the end, the entire service business is built on the users of these services.

Thirdly, if it were so easy to delete Yandex mail, then it is likely that any user could delete your mail and any other mail. To do this, it would be enough for such a bully user to know the e-mail, and the password for the mail is sometimes extremely easy to pick up. In addition, there are special programs for selecting passwords for mail.

The Yandex service has the ability to delete your mailboxes and accounts, and this will be discussed.

How to delete Yandex mail?

If you know your address (or login), password for the mail, as well as the answer to the security (secret) question that you indicated when you asked, then the question "How to delete Yandex mail?" it’s not worth it for you, because with the knowledge of the login, password and the answer to the secret question, all this is done simply.

We turn to our nesting dolls, that is, to the menus that allow you to delete Yandex mail. Open Yandex, go to your mail and in the upper right corner click on the "Settings" option (Fig. 1). Where there is a setting, there is a deletion:

Rice. 1 Setting up Yandex mail

In the window that opens, we lower our eyes to the end of the page and click on the inconspicuous “delete” link (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2 Delete Yandex mail

Then you need to enter the mail password to confirm the deletion of yandex mail (number 1 in Fig. 3) and click on the "Delete" button (number 2 in Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Entering a password before deleting Yandex mail

After that, the "Passport" window opens, where you need to think carefully, and then click on the "Delete account" link (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Delete Yandex account

Of course, you may have other Yandex mailboxes and accounts associated with them. The main thing, before deleting any mail, is not to mix up and forget what is important and on which account you have it.

By the way, notice that in the above screenshot there is a button " Sign out on all computers". Somehow they sent me a question: “I went to my friends on their computer in the mail, then they called me to the kitchen and I forgot to leave the mail. Is it possible to log out of the mail remotely?

This is exactly what the “Log out on all computers” button is designed for, which is especially relevant if you worked in public places and in the end did not log out of your mail and the account associated with it.

The last battle is “it is the most difficult”, because on this page you must realize that along with the mail you are deleting the entire Yandex account associated with this mail.

  • It can be Yandex money,
  • blog created on the free hosting Narode,
  • maps with routes laid by you,
  • files uploaded to the Yandex file sharing service,
  • Your videos posted on Yandex, etc.

All this will be listed in the line “At the moment you have the following Yandex services active”, circled in the screenshot in a black frame:

Rice. 5 Deleting a Yandex account

If you are sure you need to delete yandex mail and the account associated with it, then we go through all four points:

  1. enter the answer to the secret question (number 1 in Fig. 5),
  2. mail password (number 2 in Fig. 5),
  3. symbols from the picture (number 3 in Fig. 5),
  4. click on the "Delete account" button (number 4 in Fig. 5).

We're heading to the finish line. Here we are warned that we will be able to re-register a remote login no earlier than in a month. In this case, everything that was on the old account (and on the old mail) will be deleted, only the old login can be restored. Keep this in mind, because the request "how to recover deleted Yandex mail", to my surprise, is not so rare.

Rice. 6 Warning before deleting a Yandex account

We click on the “Continue” button and “goodbye America!”, That is, the yandex mail has been deleted and the account with the old login is no more!

If, after deleting the mail, you try to enter the remote mail again, while entering the old, already deleted, login and password, then you will not succeed, the bridges are burned. You will see this message:

Rice. 7 Yandex account deleted

A month after deleting mail on yandex, you can try to restore only the previous login (that is, the name of the mailbox). At the same time, all information from the old mail and from the account associated with it, alas, cannot be restored.

Now everything is the same as above, but only in video format:

If you forgot your email password, or forgot the answer to your security question...

If you forgot the password to the mail, then you can use the option "Remember password" and set a new password, but you still need to remember the answer to the security (secret) question.

The secret question can be replaced with a new one, again, provided that you remember the old secret question and the answer to it.

If you do not remember the answer to the secret question, then you can only hope that when registering your mailbox you indicated your real name.

By the way, when registering yandex mail in the first step, there is such a reminder warning “Please indicate your real name and surname.

This will help restore access to Yandex services if you forget your password.” When registering mail on yandex, this warning is usually ignored. However, in case of any problems with access to mail, the Yandex support service provides assistance only if the real name and surname were indicated during registration.

Suppose that you do not remember the answer to the secret question, but when registering your mail, you indicated your real surname and first name. Then you can contact the Yandex support service, where you should select “I can’t log into my account” as the subject of the message from the available topics and then fill in the proposed fields. And then - wait for a response from Yandex on your problem, and at the same time do not forget to check the Spam folder. For some reason, important emails sometimes end up in Spam.

The surname was indicated not real, but the answer to the secret question was forgotten ...

A very common option among users, when, when registering mail, they indicated NOT their last name, not their first name, not their patronymic, but they forgot about the secret question a long time ago. What to do in this situation?

We delete all letters from our Yandex.mail, which may be there in any folders. Check the following folders:

  • inbox
  • Sent
  • Remote
  • Drafts and
  • other folders, if any.

We delete everything, and ... we forget that we once had such mail on Yandex. Here it was and no, we delete it from our memory. And draw conclusions for the future.

If there are any more questions...

Then look at the hint from Yandex itself in the “Problem Solving” section:

You can also ask your questions below in the comments by entering your name and e-mail (without errors) to contact you, which will be needed if you agree to receive “Answers to my comments”. I, of course, do not have such opportunities as the Yandex support service, but I can suggest something.

P.S. The article is over, but you can read more:

P.P.S. To subscribe to receive new articles, which are not yet on the blog:
1) Enter your e-mail address in this form.

When registering in the mail domain, in order to be able to later securely recover the password if it is lost, the user is required to select or enter a security question and indicate the answer to it. This is very convenient, but in the event that you suspect that your security question and the answer to it could become known to someone other than you, it makes sense to change it.

P&G placement sponsor Articles on the topic "How to change Yandex security question"


Go to your personal mailbox on This can be done both from the main page and from the page by entering its address directly into the address bar of the browser or by going to it from the Yandex main page using the "Login to mail" link in the upper right corner pages.

On the page of your mailbox in the upper right corner you will see your address in the format Click on it with the left mouse button, and a menu list will open in which you will need to select the “Passport” item.

You will be taken to the Yandex Passport page, where your personal data is indicated. Her direct address: On this page, you can enter email addresses and mobile phone numbers, which can also help you recover your password. Here you can change the password or change access settings.

The Edit Personal Information page opens. Here you can specify or change your first and last name, date of birth, country, city, time zone, as well as specify an e-mail for feedback (which can also help you recover a lost password if necessary).

Here, under the "Last Name" field, your security question and the answer to it are indicated. Nearby you will see the link "Change Security Question/Answer". By clicking on it, you can select a question from the proposed list. If you select the "Ask your own question" option, a field will open where you can enter your own question. Please enter your answer in the field below.

After you have selected or entered a question and provided an answer, you will need to enter the answer to the previous security question in the field below for security reasons. Next, enter your password and click Save. Your changes have taken effect.

How simple