You can receive and send mail not only through the web interface, but also with the help of various mail clients. For example:

If you want to receive mail using your mail clients, enable the POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To do this, go to the Settings of your mailbox on Yandex, open the " Mail programs". Select the protocol you want to use by ticking its box. Save the result by clicking the "Save Changes" button.

Read more about POP3 and IMAP protocols below.

IMAP setup

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not only download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

To set up an email client using the IMAP protocol, specify the following data:

  • In chapter Incoming mail/Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 993. If for some reason your program does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 143 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter

All further actions are carried out in the current window. If you have the 2010 version installed, then go to.

Versions 2003/2007

In Outlook 2003/2007, this window opens a little differently:

Further settings in both versions are the same (with minor exceptions) and change only depending on the selected protocol (IMAP and POP3).

Advice! There is no fundamental difference which type of protocol you choose, but keep in mind that the program settings for them are different!

Yandex Mail

Having found the necessary window, let's move on to setting up the program. Let's go through the points:

  1. In the first column, it is proposed to enter a name, that is, the name of the author of the letter, displayed when viewed by the addressee.
  2. In the second column, enter the address that you registered (in this case, on
  3. The record type (aka protocol) is only shown in the 2010 version, since in 2003/2007 we already selected it in the previous step. You can choose any, but the setting of the following items depends on it.
  4. The incoming mail server is configured based on the protocol: IMAP -, POP3 -
  5. The outgoing mail server for both types is the same -
  6. User - he will be entered by filling in the second column.
  7. Password - the password you set on the site (in this case, on

In MS Outlook 2010, remove the "Account" check so as not to check until the program settings are completed.

Go to "Other settings": setup

Many Runet users do not use Yandex as their mail, so you can’t deprive them of attention. A popular service in Russia is Setting up Outlook for is very similar to Yandex, except for a couple of details.


  • incoming mail server: or;
  • outgoing mail server -;
  • changes in the column "User".

Important! After entering the address, the "User" field will be filled in automatically. Unlike Yandex.Mail, offers different domains during registration, so you need to enter the mail completely on your own.

Otherwise, the setting in Outlook is the same as the Yandex.Mail setting.

If you have any questions about setting up mail. Let us know what you are having trouble with so we can help.

Yandex mail settings for client mail clients:

IMAP setup:

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not only download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

To configure an email client using the IMAP protocol, specify the following data:

in the section Incoming messages / Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server, install SSL protection and port 993 port 143 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address, and connect using a secure SSL connection port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server using ports 25 or 587

When configuring mail programs as a login and password to access mail server you need to specify your username and password on Yandex. As a login, you must specify the full address of the mailbox.

Support for the IMAP protocol will be enabled automatically upon first authorization in the mail program. You can also enable IMAP protocol support yourself in the Settings ("Mail Clients" section)

Enabling IMAP may take some time.

After successful activation, the checkmark will become inactive, and the inscription will change to "IMAP enabled". It will be impossible to disable IMAP support for your mailbox, you can simply not use this protocol.

POP3 protocol setting:

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from those folders that you specify in the Mailbox Settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer in the "Inbox" folder, after which they can be sorted into folders, if necessary, using filters configured in the mail program itself .

Keep in mind that many email programs by default delete messages from the server when downloading. In this case, all letters in your mailbox will be moved to the "Deleted Items" folder, from where they will be deleted after a week.

To save emails in a mailbox, you can set the option to save copies of emails on the server when downloading in the mail program settings, if your program allows you to do this. It is not possible to make this setting on our side.

When setting up a mail program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following data:

in the section Incoming messages / Incoming mail (POP3) you need to specify the address of the mail server, install SSL protection and port 995. If for some reason your program does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) section, you must specify the server address, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use a secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server using ports 25 or 587

When configuring email programs, you must specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password for accessing the mail server. If you configure access to a mailbox of the form , the first part of the address - login is the login. If you use Yandex.Mail for Domains, you must specify the full mailbox address as a login.

If you download mail using a mail client using the POP3 protocol, you can:

Leave all default settings. Then only letters from the Inbox folder will be downloaded. Set up downloading emails from any set of folders, including the Spam folder or your own folders. You can select folders for downloading on the "Settings" page - in the "Mail clients" section. You can also set the setting "When receiving mail via POP3, mark letters in the Yandex.Mail mailbox as read", which already in the web interface will allow you to understand which letters were picked up by the mail client. When clients download mail, emails are not marked as read by default.

Yandex Mail is one of the most popular email services, along with Gmail and Therefore, many users are interested in how to set up Yandex mail on Android. In this article, we will consider this issue.

If you need to receive Yandex Mail on an Android device, then you have two options: install a special client from Yandex or set up receiving mail using the IMAP or POP3 protocols. The first option will suit most users, so let's look at it first.

Setting up Yandex Mail using the Yandex mail client

To get started, open Play market, search for "Yandex Mail" and select "Yandex.Mail" in the search results.

After that, the page of the Yandex.Mail program in the Play Market will open in front of you. Click on the "Install" button and wait until this program will not install on your Android device.

After the installation is complete, a shortcut will appear on the desktop to launch Yandex mail. Open it and enter the login and password for your Yandex account. Then click on the "Login" button.

This completes the Yandex Mail setup for Android.

Setting up Yandex Mail using the POP3 and IMAP protocols

If a special client for Yandex Mail is not suitable for you. Or you want to receive mail from different mailboxes in one application. Then you can set up Yandex Mail using the POP3 and IMAP mail interfaces. For example, let's demonstrate how this is done in the K9 Mail application.

Open the app and click add new mailbox. Then enter the address Email, password and click on the "Manual" button.

If you did everything correctly, then after clicking on the "Next" button, the mail program will start downloading letters. This completes the process of setting up Yandex Mail via the POP3 protocol.

What settings should I use to access Yandex Mail via POP3 or IMAP?

Separately, you need to dwell on what you need to enter to access the mail. It is best to go to the official Yandex website and. This way you will be sure that the settings you enter are correct.

At the time of this writing, Yandex uses following settings POP3:

  • For incoming mail:

    • server address -;
    • connection protection - SSL;
    • connection port - 995;
  • For outgoing mail

    • connection protection - SSL;
    • connection port - 465;

To connect via IMAP protocol:

  • For incoming mail:

    • server address -;
    • connection protection - SSL;
    • connection port - 993;
  • For outgoing mail

    • server address -;
    • connection protection - SSL;
    • connection port - 465;

Do you use the Yandex mail service and purchased an Android smartphone? Then you will certainly enjoy having access to mail from your device. For this, various mail programs, both original and third-party, are used. Setting up Yandex mail on Android is simple and does not cause any difficulties for owners of smartphones and tablets. Let's see what programs you can use to access your mailbox.

Yandex mail via browser

The easiest way to access your mail is to use a browser and open the Yandex mail interface. Next, enter the login and password from your mailbox, click on the login button and get into a pleasant and convenient web interface. But on the screen mobile device it might not be that convenient.

Here are the disadvantages of this method of organizing access to mail:

Nonetheless, many users continue to use the web interface without knowing that other tools are available. Therefore, we decided to talk about them in our review.

Yandex.Mail application

Yandex provides its users with not only Post service, but also convenient tools for working with mailboxes. Such a tool is the Yandex.Mail application located in the Play Market store. Setting up Yandex mail on Android comes down to installation this application and its initial setup.

After installing and launching the application, fields for entering a login and password will appear on the screen. We enter the data, wait for the connection to the servers, click on the "Go to Mail" button and go to the main program interface. Here you can see outgoing and incoming letters, a folder with drafts, a folder with spam, and a folder with deleted letters. Sorting elements are available - this is a display of important letters, unread emails and emails with attachments.

To protect letters from access by unauthorized people, PIN-code protection is provided- it is configured in the application settings. Sound notifications are also configured here (it is possible to set an alert schedule). There is another important point in the settings - adding another mailbox, which is very convenient.

The application works online, without downloading letters and their subsequent synchronization. Thanks to this, users can work with mail from several devices - for example, having started writing a letter on a computer, you can continue writing on a smartphone or tablet by going to the draft folder. Notification of new letters in the application is carried out in real time.

Third Party Applications

In order to set up Yandex mail on Android, you can use more universal solutions. Such a solution is the Mail application. It allows you to work with mailboxes from many other mail services. Among them was the Yandex mail service. Accounts are added both at the first start of the application, and in the future. None advanced settings You do not need to carry out - just enter your login and password, and the program will do the rest.

A nice addition would be the presence of an online check for new letters, as implemented in the "native" mail application from Yandex.

The Play Market store can please you with many other applications for working with Yandex mail. But in this case, you will have to enter into them manual settings- here the addresses of POP3, SMTP and IMAP servers are indicated, the necessary ports are set, logins and passwords are registered. For an untrained user, this may seem complicated, so we recommend that you use the above applications - they have excellent functionality and user-friendly interfaces.

« Yandex » has recently become so popular, especially among users from Russia, that questions related to it are increasingly appearing on the Internet. Someone cannot download a browser, someone cannot register an account, and there are those who have problems setting up mail on Android. Yandex » in this case - just a find. It allows you to quickly set up, register and install everything.

About company

But first, let's take a brief look at the Yandex company itself. It was founded in 2000. It has a transnational status. Apart from search engine owns internet portals and services in a couple of other countries. The most developed is considered in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Until May 2017, it was also popular in Ukraine.

The search engine is also not far behind. Noticeably inferior to Google, but still remains the fourth in the world in terms of user activity.

In addition to search, Yandex has a lot of services and add-ons. The following remain popular: "Market", "Traffic", "Maps". The largest services are: "Mail", "Money" and "News". How is the registration "Yandex. Mail, using this service, and what configuration errors look like, we will consider further.


This service is absolutely free. It was launched with the company back in 2000. It quickly copes with spam on its own and can check messages through the Dr.Web anti-virus filter. Translation of foreign letters is available in the system.

According to the company's calculations, 130 million letters pass through the service per day. 27 million people use mail every month. On the this moment the user sees the seventh version of the interface. There is also a smartphone app that can help users stay connected. We will talk about it a little later.

The interface of the service is nice and customizable. Everyone can choose from a dozen different themes and colors.


Best of all, if the registration of "Yandex. Mail" will be held on the PC. This is much more convenient, and there is no fear that you will make a mistake when entering data, since you are using a large display. To register for this service, you need:

  1. Go to the Yandex website.
  2. In the upper right corner, you will notice a small window where those who have already opened a mailbox usually enter their username and password.
  3. Above text fields to enter personal data there will be a button "Create a box". Click on it and a new window will open. You can also use a direct link to the service, or register through social networks.

So, before you start setting up Yandex. Mail" on Android, you need to create an account:

  • After clicking on the “start a box” button, a small questionnaire will appear in front of you, where you need to enter personal data. Here you enter your first and last name and password. For safety, write down mobile number. So you can easily recover forgotten data.
  • You will also have the opportunity to answer a security question. If suddenly you forgot your password or login, or your mail was blocked for security reasons, you will need to answer it. Security question you choose from the list. It can be the name of a pet, the name of the first teacher, the mother's maiden name, etc.

  • After all the data has been entered, you will confirm that you are not a bot and enter the characters indicated on the captcha.

Now you can start using your email.


To set up Yandex. Mail" on "Android" was a little easier, it's better to adjust the mailbox for yourself right away. The system will prompt you to set a set of labels for letters. You can add special tags for business messages, friendly messages, and so on. Add a name and color to these labels.

Next, you will be asked to add personal data. Here you can specify your full name, signature at the end of the letter and profile picture. Then choose a theme. This can always be done in the account settings. Usually, the fifth step is to add mobile phone for those who did not do this when registering.


To make the box work on a smartphone, you can search for the Yandex. Mail". The Android smartphone has a "Play Market", which now has all kinds of applications for the phone. Just type in search the right software and you will definitely find something similar.

This store also has official app"Yandex Mail". It will be easy enough to install. You will only have to enter the login and password that you have already registered and use the software. At the moment, this is the most convenient and easiest way to use this particular service.

Embedded software

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use the Play Market, you can turn to the built-in programs. It should be noted right away that not all smartphones have built-in email software. But if you find such an application, you can try the Yandex. Mail" on "Android":

  • Let's go to this software. You will be offered two configuration protocols. POP3 will send emails to your smartphone, but these will only be copies. You can only view them, and edits will be displayed only on the phone. IMAP is a useful protocol that will allow you to not only view but also edit messages directly from your device.
  • Therefore, it is better to click on IMAP.
  • Enter your username and password above.
  • Since we are setting up Yandex. Mail”, then enter in the server line. Often this information is already there.
  • Next, you need to select the SSL / TLS security type, after which the value in the port line will change from 143 to 993.
  • Then click "Next". And in the new window, change the security to SSL / TLS again, after which the port from 587 will become 465.

Everyone, consider that the setup is complete.

If for some reason your Android device does not receive notifications from Yandex. Mail", go to the program settings. Most likely, there you have one of the modes installed that blocks notifications. Also check the application itself in the settings of your device. Maybe you have disabled notifications for all software. This is usually done to conserve battery power.

Email clients

And finally, if Yandex. Mail", try using email clients. There are more than a dozen of them in the Play Market. There are high-quality and easy-to-use applications. They are usually installed if you need to collect letters from several addresses at once. Among the popular ones are myMail, OMail, ProfiMail Go and AquaMail.

Among the omnivorous services for reading news, working with mail and cloud storage data, translating texts from a foreign language into a native language and vice versa, navigating in GPS maps, posting videos and pictures, listening to music, buying air tickets, posting blogs and a host of other possibilities, Yandex firmly holds one of the first positions in Runet. Stable in operation, efficient in navigation, simple and accessible, intuitive in terms of interface - all these pluses distinguish Yandex from other analogue resources of the Russian network segment. To work in it, a simple and quick registration is enough, and when you create an account in Yandex, you get access to all the modules of the service, and are able to fully study all the abilities of Yandex abundance. In our today's material, we will talk about how it is carried out, how to create and send emails, how to filter spam, how to work with the address book of the service, how to sort correspondence - in general, about how to work effectively with the mail service from search Russian giant. We will tell you about effective methods of interaction with postal service, which at first glance, perhaps, are not visible, but when you get acquainted with them, you begin to perform all basic actions quickly and incredibly conveniently, without unnecessary body movements and button presses.

Registration on Yandex

So, the first thing we need to do is register. We create account by going to homepage project We go to the web page of the portal. As you can see, all Yandex services are available directly on home page. We get acquainted with the capabilities of the service and click the "Start mail" button next to the right top corner screen.

A registration form will open in front of us. We enter the data for authentication, including the first name, last name (you can use a pseudonym), login, password and a valid mobile phone number. It is important to say that the mobile number must be really up-to-date, since during registration you will need to confirm your authenticity using the password from the SMS that will come to it. When the phone number is entered, click the "Get Code" button

A message with a digital code will be sent to the specified number, which will need to be entered in the field that appears.

Once the code has been entered, click the "Confirm" button.

If all the details are entered correctly, a small text message will appear stating that the phone has been successfully verified. So, enter all the other data and put a tick on the point of accepting the user agreement at the bottom. When all the data for authorization are entered, click the "Register" button at the very bottom of the page.

After clicking on the button, your mailbox will be loaded. When you first log into your mail account, we will be prompted to do quick setup which we will not fail to take advantage of.

Yandex mail preconfiguration

The first step is to install mobile app to enter the mail from the phone. This can be done later as well. If you do not want to postpone this decision until later, check your mobile number and click the "Get" button on the left side of the configuration window.

An SMS will be sent to the specified number with a direct link from which you can download the Yandex mail mobile client. However, you can find it yourself in the official store Google Play, so this point is not of particular importance. Move on. To move on to the next iteration of presetting, click Next.

The next phase is label generation. Tags are used to quickly filter messages in the message list. By assigning a label to a particular message, you can quickly find out whether a particular message is classified as important, or its contents can be reviewed later. Labels allow fine-tuning of prioritization mail messages, and this mechanism is very flexible and customizable. By default, the service creates 3 tags: work, friends, and later. If desired, you can add additional labels by giving them a name and assigning a color match from the graphic palette.

The next step is to collect mail from third-party mail accounts in Yandex. If you do not want to use your personalized client for each mailbox, combine all accounts in one Yandex client. How to do it? In response to the question "Do you have other mailboxes?" click the "Yes, there is" button.

After selecting the button, a form will appear on the display with an invitation to enter the name of the e-mail to be added and the password to it. Enter these service data for the mailbox you want to add and click "Connect". If you wish, you can check the “Copy letters along with folders” checkbox, then the transfer process will take a little longer, but all correspondence will be transferred from the original account to the Yandex mail service.

After entering the correct login and password, there is an automatic transition to the next iteration of the settings, namely the confirmation of information about the sender. What fields are required here? The first field corresponds to the name of the address from which letters will be sent to Yandex. By default, this field is set to the value of the e-mail for which you have just registered. If you wish, you can change it to a more appropriate one by selecting a login from the drop-down list.

The next field prompts you to enter your name, which will be displayed in every email sent from the above account, in the "From" field. This can be either your real name or a nickname or pseudonym. The last field is used to enter a signature that will end the body of each written message.

Another useful feature is the choice of a photo that will be displayed in the sender field in letters and in Yandex-passport. Choose a bright, memorable avatar for yourself, and this will expand your circle of acquaintances and enrich your communication style.

The last element of the preset is the choice of the Yandex mail theme. The user can choose from up to a dozen graphic themes that are available on the following forms. This option is purely aesthetic in nature and will in no way affect the functionality of the client. Choose the skin you like and install it by choosing a theme from the pre-made list.

On this, the Yandex mail pre-configuration comes to an end, as the following form cheerfully informs us. Now let's move on to working with the service itself by clicking the "Finish" button in the last window.

If you skipped any of the steps and didn’t specify anything, it doesn’t matter - all the steps described above can be done later by referring to the “Settings” section. By the way, there are other parameters there, which we will also dwell on a little later.

How to work with Yandex-mail?

The principle of working with Yandex-mail is no different from any other services. All common operations are available on top panel, and it will not be difficult to understand them, so we will not dwell on this.

How to add a new button to the top bar?

The last button of those that are in top menu, allows you to add a new button to the panel. The set of buttons available for adding is strictly fixed. In fact. you can add only one of the prepared buttons that Yandex-service is ready to offer you. To add a new button, click the Add Button menu item and select any of the template items. After the first click on the button for adding new graphic elements, it is replaced by a gear icon located in the same place.

How to set a label on a letter, and how to filter correspondence by labels?

Tags help to structure your mail into sections, separate messages into important and not important, business and personal, urgent and those that can be postponed until later, etc. By tagging the corresponding message with a certain tag, you thereby attach it to one of the categories that you yourself define (by the tag name). We wrote about creating labels a little earlier, in the section “ presetting Yandex mail. To set a label on a letter, open the message you need and select the menu item "Tag". You will see a pop-up menu for selecting labels. Mark the most appropriate label for an open message, thereby you will attach it to the message.

In the same window, you can create a new label by accessing the "New label" menu item at the very bottom of the list. We click on the element "New Label", select the appropriate color and enter the name of the label in the text field. When all this is done, click on the "Create label" button.

Now about how to open a category of letters to which one of the available tags is attached. To do this, click on the label name on the left side of the display, immediately below the list of folders.

Here, next to each of the names, the number of letters corresponding to a particular category is displayed. Also, if at least one letter corresponds to the label, it becomes active and clickable. To open a list of letters corresponding to one of the sections, select one label and click on it with the mouse.

How to search by mail?

You can use the search function to launch a search for the desired word or phrase in the contents of letters. It is located in the upper right part of the screen, next to the menu. Enter the word or phrase we need in the search field and click the "Find" button.

As you enter your search term, the display may show a list of contacts whose name includes your search term. A little lower is the function of searching for a query on the network using the Yandex search engine. At the very bottom, there are quick filters if you want to search for a word in one of the available categories of Yandex service objects.

Finally, to start a search specifically for the content of all your correspondence, click the "Find" button. A list will appear on the screen electronic messages, which contain the phrase you requested.

How to move an email from one folder to another?

To move the selected message from one folder to another, use the "Move to Folder" function. Open the relevant email, click the "Move to Folder" button on the right side of the screen, and select the resulting directory where you want to place the message.

How to work with the address book?

Yandex has a fairly powerful address book built in, which is also relevant for other portal services (Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Music, Yandex.Photos). To go to it, you should select the "Contacts" tab on the contextual top panel.

One of the most useful features here is the ability to save your contact list to an external text file and export it from there at any convenient time to another mailbox or to the original mailbox in case of damage or loss of contacts. But first, let's focus on how to create new contact. To add a contact to the address book, click on the "Add contact" button at the top.

A contact form will appear. Enter all the necessary data and save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button.

As soon as all the data is saved, the contact will immediately be available in the address book. All contacts are arranged in alphabetical order, so it will take you just a few seconds to find the one you need. If the first name, last name or address itself begins with one of the inactive letters, this letter immediately becomes active and can be selected from the list.

Now about how to export and import a list of contacts. On the top panel, select the “More” item if the latest values ​​​​are not displayed on your monitor. In the mini-list that appears, select the "Save contacts to file" item.

As the next option, select the format in which your contacts will be saved. If you want to transfer your data to a desktop email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, The Bat!), choose the format that best suits one of them. If you want to do backup for the Yandex client itself, select the vCard format.

When the format is selected, click the "Save" button to confirm your choice and start the export procedure.

On the next form, we will be prompted to specify the path to save the file and its name. Enter a name for the object, select the folder you like, and click Save.

In a second, the file will be on your hard drive.

Now about how to import the finished file into Yandex. Again, click on the "More" menu item and this time select the "Add contacts from file" item.

On the pop-up form, click the "Select File" button.

We find the file on the disk, select it and use the "Open" button.

When the file is selected, its name will appear in the main Yandex form. If it is available on the form, click "Save", and all data will be imported, as evidenced by the corresponding message.

In addition to the PC version, Russian developers have also taken care of their mobile users by creating an application for reading mail from Yandex. for android and for iOS. How does this miracle work? This will be discussed further.

We go to the official page of the application in the store, download and install the distribution kit from there. When you first log in, we get to the authentication form. If you have already registered earlier, we can log in to the mail using your username and password.

In the case of correct data entry, we get into the application itself. By default, the invitation form opens with quick guide for using the service. We go to the mail by clicking the "Go to mail" button.

As you can see, the list contains both read and unread messages. To mark an email as read, swipe right. Similarly, using the left swipe, you can delete the letter from the server.

By pressing the call button context menu a form for selecting a folder for work appears on the phone. Not only directories with incoming and sent messages are available here, but also spam and deleted letters. Navigating through them is quite easy and fast, so there should be no problems with this.

A little lower are folders structured by labels. It is important to note that in the mobile "Yandex.Mail" you can set a label only on newly created letters; on the prepared letters, located in the Inbox or Sent folders, it is not possible to set the label.

In general, the mobile application leaves a pretty good impression thanks to user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation and well thought out usability. Here you can perform almost all the actions that are available in the web version of the service.

On this, our instructions for setting up Yandex mail are nearing completion. Although we didn’t say everything about the service settings, we still covered the main customization options, not bypassing labeling, spam filtering, working with the address book, and many others. functionality. Another important point– the design of the service is constantly subject to processing, in this moment on the official resource the 7th visual representation of the interface is available, and at the time of writing, the developers were working on next option graphic shell. What do you think about new mail Yandex? Do you find it convenient, or do you still lack some specific features? Write about it in the comments, your opinion is very important to us.