Hello! Today I decided to write another small note, and tell you about how to create a disk (flash drive) to reset the password in windows 7. This article will be, as it were, a continuation of the article about ““. It’s just that after I wrote this article, a reader of my blog wrote to me that they say I still need to talk about what a password reset disk can be made. And I try to obey my readers :).

What is this disk for? Just in case, in case you forget your password. And with its help, you can reset your password and log in without any problems. So, if you decide to install protection, then it will not be superfluous to create such a password reset disk and hide it in a safe place, such as a safe :).

Creating such a disk in Windows 7 is not a problem, but the link to launch the manager for creating this disk says . But as it turned out, in the process of creating this very disk, you can create a USB flash drive to reset your password. And then what are the floppy disks now, well, you understand :).

Therefore, we will create a flash drive. Most likely you should have an old 1-2 GB flash drive. But you can also use working flash drive, your files will not be affected, just look at what would be on it a little free space. Just a few kilobytes.

A few nuances:

  1. A disk (flash drive) for password reset is created for each account.
  2. If you have created several password reset flash drives, the last created flash drive will work.
  3. If you have changed your password on your account, then new disk you do not need to create a reset, the old one will work.

How to create a password reset flash drive in Windows 7?

Open Start and click on your account photo.

Insert the USB flash drive into the computer, then, on the right, select.

A window will open in which we click "Next".

We select the flash drive we need, and click "Next".

Enter our account password and click "Next".

The process of creating a flash drive will begin, wait a bit and click “Next”, and then “Finish”.

That's all, our account password reset flash drive is ready. I went to the flash drive to see what had changed there. I only saw one new file at the root of the flash drive userkey.psw . Campaign he is responsible for resetting the password.

How to reset Windows 7 login password?

Let me explain in words:

  1. When you need to enter a password when logging in, and you do not know it, then try logging in without entering a password. A button should appear "Reset the password". Click on it
  2. Then insert the flash drive that we created to reset the password and click “Next”
  3. In a new window if you want to install New Password, then enter it twice and a hint. And if you no longer want to use a password when logging into Windows 7, then leave all fields blank and click "Next". The password will be reset.

It seems to be all friends. Good luck and take care of your flash drive!

More on the site:

Create a disk (flash drive) to reset the password in Windows 7 updated: December 12, 2012 by: admin

Sometimes a situation may arise when it is necessary to remove the Windows login password. This is necessary when the user has forgotten the password on Windows and needs to remove the Windows password or in case of other emergency situations. We often receive questions: how to remove the password when logging into Windows, how to remove the password in Window, how to reset the password on Windows on a laptop or computer. There are several ways to remove the password when logging into Windows. An easy way to reset the password on Windows is the ability to remove the password on Windows login using the program. In this article, we will tell you how to easily and easily remove the password to enter Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 using a program that is distributed free of charge and can be freely downloaded from the website of the program developer.

Windows password reset program

As mentioned above, you can reset your Windows login password different ways including by loading the installation disk and using the command line, while they are quite complicated for a simple user. Easier to use to reset account password in Windows bootable CD/ DVD disc or flash drive, which are created using special programs. There are several password removal programs for Windows, and almost all of them are paid and their cost is quite high. To solve the problem of resetting the Windows logon password, it compares favorably with other programs free program Windows Password Recovery - Lazesoft Recover My Password Home Edition, which can be freely and freely downloaded from the website of the program developer and used by home users. The program is easy to install, has a convenient and clear interface. There is no Russian language in the program, for those who have not studied much English language its use will not cause problems. With the help of the program, you can reset the password in Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. The program supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions. In addition to resetting the password, using the program, you can perform other manipulations with the administrator and user accounts on the computer. The program was tested by the authors of the article to reset the administrator password on a computer under Windows control 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7. In all cases, the passwords were successfully removed and access to the computer was opened.

How to use a Windows login password reset program

First you need to download the program from the official site and install it on a computer on which a bootable CD / DVD disk or bootable usb media will be created. If you are creating a CD/DVD disc, your computer or laptop must have a CD/DVD drive. You don't need a disc burning program, Lazesoft Recover My Password Home Edition burns discs with its own built-in tools. After downloading the program, you need to install it on your computer. The installation of the program is standard and will not cause difficulties if the user has ever installed any program on the computer before. The program contains reference guide in English.

We start the program. Next, the program asks you to select the Windows version of the target computer (the computer on which the login password will be removed). When testing the program, we did not select the version of Windows and left this setting unchanged, as in the picture below (Do not specify the operating system version of the target computer). With this setup, we were able to remove login passwords for Windows 10, 8.1, 7 64-bit without any problems. Perhaps the choice of operating system is important for other manipulations with accounts that the program allows you to do. Press NEXT and move on.

Next, we choose on which media we will create a boot disk. If we are going to create a boot disk on a CD/DVD blank, select CD/DVD as in the picture below. The program itself will determine the speed of the disc recording. You can manually reduce the speed so that the disc is recorded with better quality.

If a bootable USB drive is being created, select USB Flash, as in the picture below. The program will select the drive letter that is displayed in the system for removable media (in the picture H, you may have a different one). If more than one is connected to the computer removable media, you need to select the one on which the bootable usb drive will be created.

You can also create a disc image by selecting an ISO Image, which can then be burned to a disc on another computer using a disc burning program or used to create a multi bootable flash drive. Next, press Start and we get a ready-made bootable CD or DVD, depending on the disc used (196 MB is removed on the CD without problems) or a bootable USB flash drive.

After that, you need to set the boot from the CD / DVD drive or USB in the BIOS of the computer or laptop in the BOOT section. In some laptops and computers, you can call up the Boot Devace Option boot selection with a separate key (which you need to look in the instructions for your computer or laptop). We select the necessary device and boot a computer or laptop from the one we created boot disk.

In new laptops and computers, there may be a problem with booting from a disk or flash drive due to the secure boot option in the BIOS, which prevents the computer from booting from other devices. To solve this problem, you need to disable (disabled) secure boot in the BIOS and enable (enabled) Legacy Support. After that, the laptop or computer can be booted from other devices. When the password is reset, you can return the original settings in the BIOS.

After we have configured booting from our media, we boot the computer from the disk we created. When loading, a choice appears, in our case we select Live CD, when booting from a USB flash drive, we select USB.

The program starts to load, we see the loading process on the screen.

After loading it starts with Windows disk and we see this picture. Task selected Reset Windows Password (password reset), click NEXT

The program asks us if we are using it for non-commercial purposes and says that for commercial use it is necessary to purchase a license. Click Yes (use for non-commercial purposes).

A window appears, the program is looking for accounts on the computer.

There is one administrator account on this computer, Account name 1. This window will display all accounts that exist on the computer. Select the account for which you want to reset the password and click Next.

A window appears showing the password reset.

After the password is reset, we get to the menu where we can open the file manager or reset the password on another computer account.

To exit the program, click the Start button, then Shut Down Computer

The program asks for confirmation of the exit, click OK. The computer turns off.

After exiting the program, we remove the boot disk or USB flash drive from the computer, configure the BIOS to boot from the computer's hard disk. Everything, the login password has been removed, the computer boots up and does not require a password to log into the user account.

Password - essential tool, which ensures the protection of user data from viewing and use by third parties. However, an unlearned password can also turn against the user himself. And if, for example, it is not difficult to recover the password from the account of any website, then questions may already arise with gaining access to the Windows account. But there is a solution, and that is the Windows Password Recovery utility.

In fact, quite a few users find themselves in such a situation as losing their Windows login account password. In most cases, users resort to complete reinstallation operating system, which can be avoided by using the Windows Password Recovery utility to recover the password.

Windows Utility Password Recovery is an effective tool that allows you to restore or completely reset your password, as well as create a new administrator account or completely delete an existing one. The utility successfully recovers the password for Windows 10 and earlier versions of this operating system.

Password recovery progress Windows utility Password Recovery:

1. First of all, the utility will need to be installed on any other working computer in order to create bootable media.

2. After launching the utility, you will be prompted to create a boot disk or USB flash drive. note that trial version the program can only create a bootable CD, and to create a bootable USB flash drive, you will need to purchase full version programs.

3. Go to tab "Advanced Recovery" , where you will need to select the version of Windows for the computer on which the password will be recovered.

4. Return to the first tab. You will see that a third item has appeared on the screen, allowing you to save the ISO image with the utility to your computer. Subsequently, you can create a bootable disk or USB flash drive using any other program that is convenient for you.

5. If you create a boot disk (in the free version) via Windows program Password Recovery, then you just have to click the button Next , and then Burn to start the program creating bootable media.

6. The progress of the process will begin, which will take several minutes.

7. Once the bootable media burning process is completed, a window will appear on the screen informing you of the success of the procedure.

8. Now, armed with bootable media, you will need to connect it to the computer on which the password recovery will be performed, and then enter the BIOS and set the disk or USB flash drive as the main boot device.

9. If everything was done correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

10. After waiting for the utility to finish loading, on the screen you will need to select the disk with Windows, on which the password will be reset.

11. Select the account in which the password will be reset, and just below, select the appropriate action: remove password, change password, delete administrator account, create a new administrator account.

12. In our example, we change old password to a new one, therefore, accordingly, in the next window of the program, we will need to enter a new password twice.

13. After the procedure is completed, you just have to restart the computer in normal mode. Ready!

Features of Windows Password Recovery:

  • The utility has free version, but there is one caveat: it works purely in trial mode, not allowing you to delete and reset the password for Windows 8 and other versions of this OS, as well as delete the administrator account or create a new one. To perform these steps, you will need to purchase a paid version;
  • The utility works with operating systems Windows XP and above;
  • The utility successfully resets and recovers the administrator password for Windows 10 and earlier versions of this OS;
  • Allows you to delete an existing administrator account or create a new one.

Windows Password Recovery is an effective tool for both ordinary users and professionals who repair computers. Despite the lack of support for the Russian language, the utility is extremely easy to use, and therefore it can be recommended to everyone to quickly gain access to a locked computer.

If you can’t log in to Windows 7 because you forgot or lost your account password, then this article will help you. It contains all effective ways remove, reset or change the password of any account(even the administrator) in the "seven" and recommendations are given on how to protect yourself in case the password is lost in the future. All the described methods to unlock a user account are absolutely safe if you follow the instructions and do everything carefully.

How to reset a forgotten password with Ophcrack

Ophcrack- a unique utility that allows you to restore access to any account in Windows 7 in just a few minutes. Moreover, it works in any edition of the OS, starting with XP, and can function from a bootable USB flash drive. The mechanism of the program is somewhat different from the algorithms for selecting passwords of similar applications and includes several components:

  • LM hash algorithm- in this format, passwords are stored in Windows 7, the number of characters of which does not exceed 15 pieces;
  • rainbow tables- a mechanism designed to recover encrypted passwords through the use of hashes with a complex reverse decryption process.

The program can also unlock complex passwords by extracting them from registry files with subsequent decryption using completely new methods of data processing, due to which the load on hardware resources is small, and the selection speed increases by orders of magnitude.

Using a bootable flash drive with Ophcrack

The algorithm below is relevant for computers that cannot be accessed by the following reasons:

  • the password from one account is lost, but there are no other accounts;
  • no user profile can be accessed on this computer.

If you encounter such a case, you will have to execute instruction, which boils down to the following: creating bootable USB disk based special version Ophcrack and boot from this media to restore account access. In more detail, this instruction looks like this:

For inexperienced users, it is recommended to select the first (graphical) mode of operation of OphCrack: Ophcrack Graphic mode. But it should be noted that in graphical mode the program may not start, and the text one works flawlessly, although it requires certain skills in handling console programs.

If we consider work in a program with an interface in more detail in the next section, then we will dwell on using its console version in more detail. Although of the features here there is only the absence of windows and buttons. After launching the console version of the utility, it will automatically determine the passwords for all accounts and display them in the " results».

Removing a password from under Windows

What to do if you forgot administrator account password? The program will also help here. Ophcrack, but in the presence of network connection to download it. Consider the sequence of actions:

After a few seconds or minutes, depending on the complexity of the combination of characters in the password, it will be displayed in the " NT Pwd».

Using system recovery tools

What to do, if no access to the internet or another computer do you need to sign in to your account? Will help solve the problem bootable USB stick or disk, which contains the distribution of the Windows 7 operating system that is running on the computer.

In this case, resetting the password Windows administrator 7 maximum is carried out as follows.

  1. We connect the boot drive of the same edition of the "seven" as installed on the PC.
  2. We restart the PC.
  3. Calling boot menu computer/laptop. This can be done using the keys F2, F9, F11 or another one specified in the manual for system board or on the BIOS boot screen.
  4. In the list of available devices, select the target USB drive to start the computer from it.
  5. Press any key to boot from the selected media.
  6. We select the language of the system installed on the computer, and then click the button Next.
  7. Click the link « » in the window with the Install button to launch Windows 7 Resume Tools.
  8. In the options choose command line to call the system command execution tool.
  9. In the window that appears, enter the regedit command and execute it using the Enter key. As a result, the window of the classic system registry editor will open.
  10. In this window, as in file manager with the directory display in the form of a tree, go to the HKLM section.
  11. Through the main menu we call the command "", located in the menu " File».
  12. Select file " config» - « SYSTEM, which has no extension.
  13. Set any file name without using Cyrillic characters and confirm it by pressing the enter button.
  14. Let's go to the bush HKLM” - “entered_bush_name” - Setup .
  15. Double-click to open the key editing menu " CmdLine».
  16. As the value of the parameter, enter " cmd.exe" to start the command line before Windows boot 7.
  17. In the same way, set the value Setup Type» equal « 2 ».
  18. Select a new bush in HKLM.
  19. We call the command " Unload bush”, located in the menu item “ File».
  20. We restart the computer, as a result of which the command line will appear.
  21. At the command line, enter a command like net user username password and execute it with the Enter key. After that, the command line can be closed.

In this way, forgotten password it is easy to restore as many times as you like, but using the proposed method on other people's computers will not work due to the fact that changing the password is required when gaining access to any of the accounts.

Create a flash drive to instantly reset a password from a specific account

If you do not want to repeat the situation with a forgotten password, it is better to make a floppy disk to reset it. By a floppy disk we mean a flash drive, because the use of floppy disks and disks in last years not relevant.

As a result, the wizard will generate a boot disk necessary to unlock an account whose password has been lost.

Now, if for some reason you cannot log into Windows 7, click the Reset password button, insert the created disk or USB flash drive and follow the instructions. which boil down to clicking the Next button.

After reinstalling the system, changing the password, or creating a new account, the password reset disk will have to be recreated.

Knowing how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password and having a flash drive with a key file, a forgotten password will no longer be a problem.

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If you suddenly forgot the password for your Windows account, then you have no choice but to look for a way to reset it or install a new operating system, which in my opinion is complete madness in this case :) Now you can find a lot on the Internet various ways reset passwords for operating systems Windows using the built-in boot tools of Windows itself, as well as using third-party special programs. Some methods are suitable for some versions of Windows, some for others, and some methods are too complicated for beginners. Earlier in one of the articles, I showed one of the ways to reset the password using a bootable console program built on Linux-based, however, all actions there must be performed as commands on a black screen, and for beginners this can be difficult.
In this article, I will show the simplest option reset the account password in any version of Windows (even tried it on Windows 10) using the Reset Windows Password boot program. The reset process is done in just 4 steps!

I want to warn you right away that if you used a Microsoft account to log in to your computer, and not a standard local one, then none of the programs will be able to reset its password, since the account password Microsoft records can only be changed on the company's website. That's why this method like all similar ones, it only works if you forgot the password for the standard local Windows account!

The program is bootable, that is, it cannot simply be installed on a computer as is usually done. The program will be launched from a disk or flash drive at the stage of computer boot. Those. The program must first be written to a disk or USB flash drive!

Creating a boot disk / flash drive with the Reset Windows Password program and launching it

After the program is downloaded, you need to burn it to a disk or USB flash drive. Instructions for writing a program in the form ISO file the disc is located on the CD / DVD, and by writing the program to ISO on a USB flash drive -.

Since modern laptops can often be found without a drive for reading disks, I think that the way to write a program to a USB flash drive is suitable for most, especially since, perhaps, every computer owner has it.

After you write the program to a disk or USB flash drive, you need to run it. To do this, you must restart your computer and configure your BIOS so that the computer does not boot as usual with hard drive, but from a recorded flash drive or CD / DVD disc.

In a separate article, I gave instructions on BIOS setup to boot the computer from a disk or flash drive, read it if you have difficulty loading the program:

Each computer may have its own peculiarity of boot settings from a certain device, so it will not be possible to give clear recommendations ... But the article at the link above should help most.

When the program starts to run, you will see a window similar to loading regular Windows 7:

Working with the program

When boot program Reset Windows Password will start, in the first window you will need to configure the program.

First of all, select the Russian language (1), then in the "Operating mode" section, select the item "SAM - work with regular accounts" (2) and at the end under the inscription "What do you want to do?" select "Reset or change user password" (3). When everything is set up, click "Next" (4) at the bottom of the window.

The program will reset the password (i.e., erase it, reset it), and not replace the old password with some new one!

In the next window, we can select the path to the "SAM" and "SYSTEM" folders to reset the password.

If you are using standard Windows, where nothing has been changed globally, then the paths do not need to be changed and they will already be set correctly:


At step number 3, select in the window the Windows account for which we want to reset the password (1) and click "Next" (2).

At the last 4th stage, click the "Reset / Change" button:

You will be prompted to make a rollback file. Using this file, you can return the ability of the system to work in case of its "breakdown" after the program has run.

In general, the program does not go where it is not needed and does not make any major changes in Windows, so it is easier not to create a rollback file by clicking "No" in this window.

A notification will appear stating that the account has been changed (the password has been reset) and you can close the program and check the changes. Just click "OK" (1) in the notification window and then "Exit" (2) in the program itself.

Now remove the disk / flash drive with the program from the computer and restart it. Windows should boot immediately without asking for a password!

As you can see, this method for resetting an account password Windows records is very simple and difficulties may arise, perhaps, only at the stage of loading the program from a USB flash drive or disk. But among all the ways to reset the password, I did not find a single one that allows you to reset the password without booting from a special boot disk. Therefore, you still can’t do without it, and it’s easier to deal with resetting your password than reinstalling Windows :))

Have a nice day and good mood! See you in the next posts ;)