Obviously, the image size of video projectors is its main advantage. It is limited only by the size of the room and your imagination.
Watching movies with good image detail is a real pleasure for connoisseurs of cinema. Do not worry about the special effects, they will be very, very realistic.
Just imagine, you no longer have to book tickets and go specifically to the cinema to enjoy a bright, clear and realistic picture. Just close the curtains and sit on your favorite sofa.
Health is the most valuable thing a person has.
The second undoubted advantage of a movie projector is that the projection keeps your eyes healthy. More precisely, it simply does not harm them.
When watching TV, you see direct light that "burns out" our eyes. That is why doctors do not recommend watching it for more than 2 hours a day. And even less for children. But how can we tear our child away from watching cartoons that they love?
This is where the projector comes to the rescue, because when viewed with it, we see the reflected light. Exactly the same as in real life, we see objects thanks to sunlight.


I practically do not watch TV, and one of the factors of this choice is simply a catastrophic amount of advertising.

Spending 3 hours on a 120 minute movie? For what? I don’t have these days, my teeth, thank God, are healthy and have long grown out of “diapers”. Then why is it useful to me?

It is much easier to download a movie you like from the Internet, while saving an hour of time to communicate with your family or other interesting activities, in the end, just sit with a book. But this is my subjective point of view.

It is quite possible someone likes to take a short break.

As you can see, the video projector has undeniable advantages, however, like any thing, it also has negative points.


You may have thought about the question: “Can a projector replace a TV? But what about television programs, sports programs? You can't watch them on a video projector. It turns out that it is necessary big TV. And this is a double expense. Then what's the point of buying a video projector?"

There are no problems with connecting to TV - satellite receiver, set-top box or IP TV. But this is more cinema than TV. Including because of the screen size. However, back to the cost.

We repeat the same path that you go through when choosing your technique. Namely, we will enter in the search engine "Buy a projector" and go to one of the dropped sites. By setting the filter in descending order of price, we see that the most expensive video projector in the online store costs 75,999 rubles.

Why are they asking for this amount?

We are interested in the "Projection" section, namely the size of the projection diagonally, for the model that came across to us, it is 7.62 meters or 296 inches.

Going to the search for TVs in the same way, we did not find a diagonal larger than 105.

But we can't be stopped. Browsing by price turned up a huge list, however, the maximum diagonal available is 64.5 inches.


In bright daylight, the image quality is significantly reduced and begins to yield to the TV in terms of brightness and contrast. The exit is blackout curtains on the windows.

In order not to spoil the design of the room, you may need a screen that costs extra money. However, for a high-quality picture, a smooth white wall painted with water-based paint is enough.

In the shop household appliances You may well come across several projectors. However, the main assortment is presented in online stores. But is it really that important these days? A company that respects itself and its client will provide for its products no worse than any store.


If you watch TV through receivers, such as "tricolor" and the like, that is, switch channels with the remote control from the receiver, then in this case the projector (like TV) is just a way to display the picture. The viewing process will remain familiar to you and the transition from TV to video projector will be easy for you.

Owners cable television you don't have to suffer either. There are models on the market that allow you to connect cable TV directly to the projector.

To connect the projector to the Internet, it must be operating system with established special application, which will receive a TV signal via the Internet. I draw your attention to the fact that high-quality applications that work quickly, without ads and have full list channels, will be paid


Here is what he says: “I have 3 TVs, they are in every room. But he came to a friend's house and saw a film projector in his hall. The whole set cost him 27,000, if I'm not mistaken, this is with a canvas! Transmits a picture of about 2x3 meters. But the movies look great! Even from the Internet, the quality is normal, during the day the picture is not very bright. I also thought about the projector and found you on the Internet. Especially since I don't watch much TV. I only watch movies and news. And having bought a projector, there are no problems at all, I look from the Internet at a convenient time for me!”

You can argue for a long time which is better: a TV or a projector. However, at the same time, many do not quite understand the essence of these two things or have not tried both devices themselves, but are fixated on only one. In this case, it's time to find out in more detail what are the fundamental differences between these two devices. Then it will be possible to understand whether to use the projector instead of a TV or not.


The TV appeared relatively recently - in 1929, the then creator was the American company Western Television, its cost was a little less than $ 100. The image was such that I had to use lenses. Without lenses, the picture was a rectangle the size of a matchbox. The clarity and quality were terrible. In 1934, mass production of televisions was established in Germany. The cost of equipment then was 445 dollars for a diagonal of 30 centimeters.

And later for a long time, in 1974, an infrared remote control appeared. In the 1980s, set-top boxes and computers came into vogue, and now the TV also played the role of a monitor. In the 2000s, plasma panels and LCD TVs appeared. CRT models have sunk into oblivion.

A modern television is a receiver of television image and sound signals, displays the image on the screen and outputs sound through loudspeakers. Receives signals using an antenna or playback device.

It is distinguished by the presence of a built-in tuner for receiving high-frequency signals, converts signals into an image and sound suitable for the viewer.

TV content:

  • power unit;
  • radio;
  • sound amplifying path with loudspeakers, video amplifier, scanner, deflection system and kinescope.

Types of TVs

By function:

  • smart. Internet access, media player and browser.
  • 3D. Do not support the Internet. They have only volumetric imaging technology.
  • Universal. Symbiosis of Smart models and 3D TVs.

Depending on the received signal:

  • Analog. React to interference, lossy quality.
  • Digital. Better quality, the transmission is via cable or satellite broadcast.


  • CRT - TVs with cathode ray tube. Refers to analog technology. On the this moment morally and technically obsolete. They have a convex shape (but there are also flat ones), which distorts the picture.
  • Projection - project the image onto a matte display. They provide excellent sound quality and a large diagonal margin. RPTV technology consists of a projector, screen, sound system and control panel.
  • Flat panel.
  • Curved.
  • With changing screen.

Flat panels are divided into three types:

  • Liquid crystal or hard drive. These are LCD-TVs, where the picture consists of millions of pixels, while liquid crystals transmit light from the lamps. Low power consumption, good color reproduction. Service life - from 50 to 100 thousand hours.
  • Plasma. A screen of cells that are filled with gases. The current creates a voltage, and the cell begins to glow. More power consumption with an increased diagonal and lower brightness. Service life - 100 thousand hours.
  • OLED. The technology originates in 2012. A matrix consisting of diodes transmits black color well, has better brightness and contrast due to self-emitting light by diodes. They are very expensive. The main companies producing such TVs are Samsung and LG. Service life - 10 thousand hours.


Many are interested in the question: is it possible to use a projector instead of a TV? The first projection device appeared in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 19th century, the Lumiere brothers created the Kinetoscope. They are especially common in places such as cinemas and at home for viewing filmstrip.

Starting from the name "magic lantern" and ending with multimedia projectors, and in addition DLP projectors from InFocus and LSD, we can see a clear and colorful picture. You can also connect another device to display the image via - optical instrument, which displays the image on flat objects.

Types of projectors

  • Overhead projectors, or slide options - they were used when it was necessary to display a static picture, such as a presentation.
  • Bishops - for displaying opaque projects such as books, magazines and photographs, as well as 3D models.
  • Overhead projectors - with their help, you can examine special transparent films.
  • - project the image onto a large screen. They have a good picture, suitable for everything.
  • Pocket.
  • Ultra portable.
  • Portable.
  • Stationary.

A projector instead of a TV is suitable for those who like pocket projectors.

Features and disadvantages of the TV

Positive points:

  1. Habit and trust in technology, ease of use.
  2. The lineup is constantly being improved.
  3. New technologies are being introduced for a clearer broadcast.
  4. Wide range of prices, various models.
  5. Stable picture quality in any light, brightness, contrast, color.
  6. Always ready to go.
  7. All in one. Like smart TV and Internet, a large number of ports for external additional devices.
  8. Mounting the TV on the wall is quite simple.
  1. Bulky. The TV lacks portability. Of course, you can take a small TV, but this is of little use.
  2. The volumetric image is found only in some models, and the standard picture is only in 2D format.
  3. The size of the image depends on the diagonal of the screen and cannot be changed up or down.
  4. The higher the diagonal, the higher the cost of the model. If you compare the projector and TV if you need a diagonal of more than 2 meters, then the price will be significant.
  5. Long-term viewing adversely affects vision due to the focus of the eyes on the source of radiation, and not on the reflected light.

Features and disadvantages of projectors

First, they differ in image output technology. There are only three technologies:

  1. DLP - is the leader in terms of image quality, color reproduction and price. But when buying inexpensive models with a single chip, the picture quality is much worse. Artifacts may appear: at the edges of the "rainbow".
  2. LCD - uses liquid crystal matrices with a lens system. Reproduce quality image. The price corresponds to the quality, but falls short of DLP.
  3. LCoS is a hybrid of DLP and LCD. They are expensive, but at the same time they are able to compete with modern TVs for a place in your apartment.
  4. CRT - very high image quality and long service life guarantee. However, there are disadvantages, including a weak stream of light. Difficult to install, very expensive.


  1. Choice optimal size images without loss of clarity.
  2. Sufficient mobility.
  3. Takes up little space.
  4. Cheaper.
  5. Improving technologies that lead to better quality and lower prices.

There are some issues if you want to buy a projector instead of a TV, but don't overlook the positives.


  1. You need to set a certain level of lighting. Otherwise, there will be a sharp decrease in contrast.
  2. Watching TV in the dark is not for everyone.
  3. If the video turned out to be of poor quality, then all the shortcomings are visible.
  4. You need a projection screen or a white, even wall for the projector.
  5. Additional purchase of speakers and other accessories as needed.
  6. Replacement of lamps.

TV installation

TV installation methods:

  1. Hang on the wall. carried out with the help of a bracket, you can position it as you like.
  2. Place on stand.
  3. Embed in wall or decorative elements.

Installing the projector

  1. Find a flat surface or buy a projection screen.
  2. Buy speakers for sound.
  3. Position the projector so that the image suits you, and usually you need several meters, so you have to provide ten meters to the wall.
  4. Hang the projector from the ceiling. Thus, it will be in a conditionally fixed place, not interfere with the inhabitants of the house and enter the ceiling if a moving structure is equipped.


We compared the projector and TV. The TV is really more familiar and easier to install, and the projector is more suitable for cinephiles who will have to download or buy a Blu-Ray disc, otherwise the quality will not be as chic as it should be. Don't Forget the Technical Which projector should I choose for my home instead of a TV? It must be using DLP technology, look at the degree of magnification of the image to fit the screen exactly.

Here is a completely fresh, non-fictional story of an unsuccessful purchase and a spoiled mood.

Anna Nikitina writes on her Facebook:

Friends, tell you scary story for the night?) Serezha and I, being in a great mood and like everyone else, rejoicing at the upcoming great holiday, decided to give the house a gift in the form of a TV. Tomorrow is the Victory Parade and I really wanted to watch it on big screen(our last TV Miron knocked out half a year ago) So, today we arrived at M.Video on Alekseevskaya, chose an LG TV .. The store employees brought it out to us quite quickly, and not at the point of issue of goods, but almost immediately to the doors. We had to think, but we were in a hurry to the children and when we said to the employee: "But how to check?" heard in response: "two weeks are given for verification, if something is wrong, you can bring it back" ..

And what are we? We, who had previously made one hundred thousand purchases in, looked at the line at the point of issue of goods, took our "TV" and went home with a calm soul. And then trash. And this is not the dashing 90s, this is Moscow in 2015, friends! We opened the box that we brought from M.Video and THERE IS BLOWED BOARDS!!! knocked down motherfucker boards. and this is a shock .... I will not describe our reaction, I am still in shock, and it seems that now a man in a red T-shirt will run out with the words "Joke!!!", but this unfortunately does not happen.

So, we took the boards and rushed back to the store, where the manager Yuriy was already waiting for us with a stern look. (on the way, I called hotline and told our story in detail. The girl from the store on Alekseevskaya immediately called me back and said that they would look into it, and that they had already had such cases) But Yuri refused to talk, but only repeated "write a statement, we will consider" ... and so fifteen times. To all my questions, "what's next," in response, I heard only: "it will depend on what you write in the application" ...

That is, I didn’t hear the elementary: “We are very sorry that this happened in our store.” We asked to contact the store director, to which Yuri simply answered: “I will not do this.” We called the police. They wrote a statement. It was said to wait ten working days ... And you know, never in my life have I felt so ridiculously disgusting. How can this happen in Moscow in a large chain store in 2015???

To be continued... But how this story will end is not yet clear. Fairness and honesty, where are you? Always check the goods in the store, friends, even if they tell you: "two weeks to check, bring if anything" like this "if anything" ...

Second day. Continuation. This morning (09.05) he called me, apologized a thousand times and said that the decision was made in our favor - the TV would be returned to us. We were in the store a few hours later. They brought us a new box, and again there were boards in it ... On the third time, oh, a miracle, they found a real TV.

Alexandra  Instead of a kettle - a wood-burning stove with a stove, a boiler with water.

Instead of a telephone, a messenger on foot or on horseback. Or yelled
with all my might.
Instead of watching TV, they looked out the window. Including
to public executions of the enemies of the Sovereign.

Oleg  Instead of TV, there was probably just a radio... The people were wild.

Vera is a jug with kvass, a messenger or a runner, jesters and buffoons. interesting that the first two have changed, but the third has not. on TV the same jesters Ruslan and buffoons Vyacheslav

Dmitry  Messenger phone
TV window
Kettle - wood stove with stove, boiler with water

Natalia  There was a boiler in place of the kettle
In place of a telephone letter
In place of the TV book

Victor  Kettle-samovar
messenger phone

Eugene)  Teapot and water
phone messenger
watching TV at the window and reading books

Mikhail  Kettle-samovar

Vadim  paor

Tags: What was instead of an electric kettle phone TV

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Instead of a kettle - a wood-burning stove with a stove, a boiler with water. Instead of a telephone, a messenger on foot or on horseback. Or they screamed at the top of their lungs. Instead of TV...

Kettle ordinary vs electric

All our life (from birth) we had an electric kettle, once in ancient times, instead of a kettle there was a samovar with a shade inside. that is, I have no experience in using an ordinary kettle., but then they bought a tile - induction, as they say, it boils many times faster, so I thought I might return to the roots, what do we hear in the market of kettles who uses and what are the minuses or pluses?

What was instead of an electric kettle. Phone. TV...

What was instead of an electric kettle.... ayka; today; Social science; one; There's an answer. What was instead of an electric kettle. Phone.