In every class and even in kindergarten groups there is a child, or even more than one, who fights with everyone, bullies other guys.

Our reader told how she herself encountered a similar case several years ago, when her son went to first grade. Together with her schoolboy, a boy studied, whom the whole class literally hated. The little aggressor beat all the children, but he fought not like a child.

The parent herself saw how he held a classmate by the neck and beat her head against the wall. The girl screamed and wept bitterly. Of course, the witness of the disgrace did not calmly look at this, she straightened the bully. In response, he left his victim, but, while laughing, he ran down the corridor, shouting nasty things already at the woman.

- It was just that my hands itched to catch up with him and shake him well! she admits.

Every day the reader's son came home from school and talked about the new tricks of the young hooligan: how he poured the contents of the wastebasket on the head of an unsuspecting classmate, wiped the floor with another's vest ... The situation worsened every day. It was aggravated by the fact that the teacher of this class went on maternity leave, the teachers changed during the lessons, and during the breaks the children were left to their own devices. After some time, they beat the bully with the whole class: they pushed him to the floor and kicked him. Our reader asked her son why he participated in the beating.

“Everyone was beating me, and I was,” the child replied.

After the incident, a stormy parent meeting took place. The mother of the victim tried to blame whole class in illegal actions, but the parents unanimously opposed her and her son. As a result, the bully was taken away from this school. He left with hatred for all his former classmates.

Was it possible not to bring the situation to such a boiling point? What are the legal ways to influence the family of a petty aggressor?

Tamara Ivanova, psychologist-teacher of the center for helping families and children "Yunona", told why children become aggressive and how adults should behave in such a situation.

First you need to understand: the child cannot be aggressive in itself. His behavior is due to problems in the family. Most likely, this is the baby's response to aggression towards him. Maybe they beat him, but he can't hit back at his parents. It remains to recoup on other children, coming to school. To throw out the accumulated anger, the student wants to fight and is only looking for a reason for this. Bully deliberately offends classmates by teasing them. When one child does not respond, the fighter switches to another.

Of course, the leading role in resolving conflicts here belongs to the teacher. It is he who should immediately find out that there is such a child in the class, try to talk to him, convince him to throw out the accumulated anger on something else.

Well, if the school has a psychologist, in whose office you can send a fighter. There, the specialist, as a rule, offers a punching bag or a special pillow. Having beaten the shell with his hands and feet, the child calms down. Tamara Mikhailovna in such situations asks the bully: did he throw everything out, didn’t leave anything. If the baby answers in the affirmative, and this is true, then he then says that he wants to lie down or do other - calm - things.

If the teacher has to resolve the situation without the help of a psychologist, then you can have a special pillow for beating in the classroom. In the absence of such an opportunity, the bully is given a pack of paper to tear it up and calm down. Don't rush your baby. Let him turn the sheets into small pieces, get tired and calm down.

Parents of other children should try to convince their children not to respond to the provocations of a bully classmate. Of course, it is very difficult not to conflict if such a child touches a bag or throws a textbook on the floor. Still, it is better to pick up objects without talking to the bully, and then turn to the teacher.

Of course, first of all, the teacher should work with the parents of the aggressive student. We need to find out from them what is the reason for the inadequate behavior of the child. In the practice of Tamara Mikhailovna, there was a case when, calming down a five-year-old fighter, she directly asked if he was beaten at home. The boy answered in the affirmative and told why his father was punishing him. The psychologist cited the words of the child in a conversation with the parents, they promised not to beat their offspring again. Of course, there were further breakdowns, but still the parents tried to restrain themselves, the boy became calmer.

Itchy hands

During a conflict, children often scare classmates with their relatives: “My dad will come, he will deal with you.” And sometimes the hands of adults themselves itch when they encounter the offenders of their child.

However assistant prosecutor of Berdsk Tatyana Makarova warns parents against such actions. Adults have no right to fight back for their children, otherwise they are very much at risk of getting into the dock. The maximum that they can do is to make a remark if they see illegal actions.

It is worth saying something else. A problem in the classroom can be created not only by a child who is not brought up correctly. Today, there are many children in schools who have health limitations, including mental ones. Among them there are both friendly, sociable children, and aggressive ones. In no case should you try to influence such children by setting classmates against them, or from a position of your own strength. But it is also impossible to leave cases of aggression without attention. The director of the educational institution and teachers are responsible for the moral and psychological climate in the school and each specific class. Feel free to demand order!


The sad topic on the agenda is what to do if your page in classmates has been hacked.

Many still believe that this is an accident and you just got under the distribution (attack), but it's worth considering why exactly you became vulnerable. Today I will tell you what to do if you are still hacked.

What to do if a page in classmates was hacked?

Dear friends, an ordinary day, you got up, washed your face and decided to quickly go to read letters on your page in classmates and suddenly you see something like this picture!

For about 10 more minutes, you explode your brain and think that you are simply entering the password incorrectly. Another 5 minutes you think that this is a technical problem on classmates. And only after a total of about half an hour do you begin to reason sensibly and understand that everything, you have been hacked.

They took away your favorite page, you bastards, someone has nothing to do. But you didn’t interfere with anyone, you just talked with friends, exchanged gifts, played with toys, and now you’ve lost it all.

We begin to understand what happened.

What to do, what will happen to your photos, and hundreds of friends that you added, everything went down the drain. Of course, you can put up with it and start a new page. Re-add friends and photos, go through the game again if you have, but it's still a shame to lose everything at once.

Maybe this page was a piece of your soul. And now some not good person sends out his spam letters from it and imposes something on your friends to buy or asks you to replenish your balance to a new number.

Most people do this, but for example, I really don't like to lose. Losing my page is a kind of defeat for me, so personally I am “not ready to say thank you when they spit on me.”

Most likely you are in hysterics, rage, and in general the day started somehow wrong.

Friends, do not worry, worry, return to your conscious state, remember that you are a person. A reasonable person - as soon as you understand this, you can throw nonsense like:

Ahhh what to do? I don't know how to do anything? We urgently need to contact a familiar hacker!
It was not by chance that I wrote that man is a rational being. We can do a lot and I urge you to use your head, after all, we study half our lives not in order to be completely helpless later. Therefore, they gritted their teeth and forward to defend their rights, there is nothing to give their personal corner on the network to some hooligans. Leading ourselves to the right thought!

Once you decide to return your page, you are on the right track. After all, the creators of the world-famous Odnoklassniki portal have long come up with methods for restoring your pages. And they just expect the right, consistent actions from you. Let's get started friends.

What should I do if I was hacked in classmates?

  1. You need to compose a competent message and send it to the support service, wait patiently.
  2. As soon as you receive an answer, fulfill all the requirements that are expected of you in technical support.
  3. Now it remains just to wait for a response from technical support with an already unlocked page.

First stage of recovery

As you can see, the scheme for returning your page is very simple, you yourself can do all this if you carefully read my article to the end. Let's begin to analyze each item in detail.

We begin the restoration of the page with a letter to the technical support service. To do this, go to the site classmates and at the bottom of the page look for a link to the help page. At the time of writing, it is located, as in the picture. If the design changes in the future, then just look for the help button, Feedback, technical support or something very similar in meaning.

(images enlarge when clicked).

By clicking on the access problem link, we see two headings: login and password, profile blocking. We choose according to the situation, if we were hacked, then the login and password. If we have been blocked for sending spam emails or in connection with any complaints, then we select blocking the profile.

Each of these sections has answers to the most popular questions, read them for general development. Immediately after reading, go to our goal, to write a letter, for this you need to click on the link at the bottom of any of the headings.

After that, carefully fill out the application, we enter all the data real.

Now we are just waiting for a response to the mail that you indicated for communication, usually the answer comes within 24 hours, but you may have to wait longer. Sometimes the process takes several days, take your time and do not write another letter - this will not speed up the correspondence process, just wait.

Second stage of recovery

Soon you will receive a letter from the technical support of the Odnoklassniki website, in which you will be required to confirm the restoration. They will ask you to write in detail about your last actions on the page with any other details. Finally, they may be required to send a photo where your face will be clearly visible against the background of correspondence with technical support or against the background of the site classmates.

This does not mean that you need to photoshop, just stand next to the computer and let them take a picture of you so that you can see your face and next to the computer with correspondence. They may require a passport confirmation, for this you will need to send the first page of your passport. The spread on which your photo is, you can cover the series and number if you are worried. After you send your answer with confirmed data.

(If you have any problems with writing a letter, write in the comments I will help.)

The third and final stage of recovery

Again we wait for some time, about 24 hours and we get a response in which your login will be and New Password to access the page in classmates or a link to create a new password.

Be sure using this method you can always officially restore your page in classmates.

Now you are most likely joyful and happy. But this is not all my friends. After all, now you need to find out why you lost access to the page or how you could be hacked. Read below for a few ways:

  1. - too simple password ();
  2. - did not have good antivirus ();
  3. - someone got access to your mail or phone;
  4. - you yourself entered your data on a third-party site or climbed inaccurately on 18+ sites.

Watch the video: what to do if a page in classmates was hacked?

These are just the basic reasons, in fact there are a lot of them. To always feel safe and be savvy in " computer world» I recommend subscribing to the news of my site.
Then you will receive announcements of interesting articles directly to your mail.

When you like a classmate, it is both good and bad at the same time. It's good - he is always there, but bad - for so many years of study they got used to each other and he does not perceive the girl as a sexual object. How to reverse this situation and get him to pay attention?

If a girl shares with her friends: “I like a classmate,” then instead of practical advice, she will most likely receive ... competitors. Girlfriends-classmates, who had previously been indifferent to the boy at the next desk, will probably think: “There is something in him, it’s not for nothing that she runs after him,” and they themselves will begin to show their charms. So it’s better in this case not to share with friends, but to read psychological advice in magazines and on Internet sites and choose more suitable options for yourself.

Before starting an offensive, it is worth studying the subject of your own sympathy better: what is he interested in, what does he love, what does he have a penchant for, what people are friends with, what attracts him in their characters?

What does he like to eat? Cooking pies and borscht is not worth it, but why not make something pleasant by sharing sweets and ice cream?

Of course, you should start with attracting attention with external qualities. Well-groomed face, fresh look, clean skin. During communication, it is required, as if inadvertently, to try to touch the shoulder, the sleeve. It is very important to know how a boy perceives a girl with tactile contacts. If he tries to move away, pulls his hand, then only one conclusion can be drawn - the girl is unpleasant to him. Is it worth it to continue to conquer such a guy - the decision will have to be made by yourself.

Or maybe he's just preoccupied with his own interests? For example, is the boy interested in physics? There are two options. To dig into this complex science - by the way, this will be beneficial in the future - and discuss with him the solution of complex and interesting problems that go beyond the framework of school programs. Or vice versa, naively clapping your eyes, ask for help. Only in this case, you need to prepare in advance so that after the first explanation you exclaim: “Finally, I understand! What a wonderful way to explain! » Do not look like a complete fool in his eyes.

An example is given in physics, but this can be done if he shows a penchant for any subject, even physical education. It is even easier to attract attention in the gym: ask him to show you a few exercises that develop certain muscles, surprise him with excellent knowledge of his favorite basketball or hockey team during a joint workout. With the help of common interests, it is easiest to get close.

If you like a classmate, you do not need to become his “friend”. He may feel “his boyfriend” and begin to consult on how to invite some girl on a date. All talk about who likes and who does not, what makes such and such your girlfriend good, you must immediately weed out.

Do you like a classmate and did you manage to get close to him on the basis of common interests? It is worth trying to further determine if he is interested in you as a person?

Now it's worth trying to invite him to a movie that you like, or to the club where your friends gather. How will he take it? If he brushes it off and, despite the communication that has already begun, shows that he is only interested in what concerns him, can he switch his attention to another boy? Or repeat the attempt of rapprochement, but in a different way?

He's used to being around a smart girl. You have to be interesting. This does not mean that you need to run and repaint in an extreme color. But a light make-up, a constantly fresh look - after a sweaty uniform in the gym - will not leave him indifferent.

You should definitely invite him to dance at the school disco and at this time once again try to translate the conversation into your person, ask him to spend it after the holiday. And during a romantic evening walk, hint to him or tell him in plain text about your feelings.

But it’s worth considering why so much effort has been put in, but he still sees only a girlfriend in the girl caring for him? Maybe he has another object of adoration?

Dating another girl likes a classmate. What if it's already clear? Retreat or apply special tactics? To prove that it is better, smarter, more beautiful and so on?

Need to find out what their relationship is based on? If they are sufficiently established and strong, then it is best to retreat. In this case, any manifestation of interest will look like obsession.

Is the relationship mature enough? Then you need to step aside. Most likely, people have already made an informed decision.

But even if they have a stage of flirting, it is unlikely that the boy will be able to switch. After all, the method of common interests and a way to show intelligence and femininity have already been tried.

It is very important to stop in time, even if a classmate dreams at night and the attraction is greater, already at the level of "I love - I can't." Nobody likes girls who aggressively impose their communication, or look from the corner with wet eyes from tears. If the guy does not show interest, you should turn on pride and step aside. Surely the time will come when he will regret that he did not want to be around.

Before you worry: “I like a classmate, but he doesn’t like me,” it’s worth thinking about, but does he really “like it so much”? Perhaps the boy is just popular at school, and admiration for him is a tribute to fashion. And there is another boy in the class who is not indifferent.

And it is very important to understand if you like a classmate, what should not be done? Do not play along with the guy's environment if he communicates with another company, do not do what is unpleasant for you. In any situation, you should be yourself, do not try to hide your own personality.

If you are interested in the question - what to do if classmates humiliate you, then you need to read this article. In this publication, you will learn the reasons that force your peers to treat you badly, and also read how to protect yourself from the attacks of inferior people and how to make them treat you with respect .. Read her message to understand why she is wondering - what to do if classmates humiliate.

Good evening! My name is Anna, I am 15 years old. I want to ask you for advice. There is a boy in my class. He constantly hurts me, says that I am fat and ugly. The other guys are joking with him. But recently they said that I would never have a boyfriend, and I would become an old maid. Although I thought that someone might like me. Why do they think so? After all, it seems to be harmless!

A long time ago, while studying at school, I often watched from the side how girls and boys humiliated their classmates simply from their own foolishness. When I had a desire to stand up for the weak, I did it, but often I just had to watch how the same girls and boys were humiliated. I remained indifferent to their suffering, because they did not even make an effort to somehow defend themselves. They cried, worried, but did not give back, did not call the offenders names. I wasn't aggressive, but I didn't let myself be offended. And therefore did not understand the behavior of these children. They often discussed with their friends what to do if classmates humiliate them, but they never drew conclusions and did not change their behavior. They were completely wrong.

Many years have passed since then. Now, watching already adults, I was convinced that those weaklings remained downtrodden, because they did not learn to defend themselves and defend their interests. And the brave ones, who fought back the aggressors at school, were able to achieve a lot on the path of life. Therefore, I am sure that it is necessary to become stronger, even if strength is not in your nature. You need to find the strength in yourself to put the offenders in their place, and not think about what to do if your classmates humiliate you. And most importantly, you should not ask yourself why they treat you so badly. It is better to immediately stop the negative attitude of others.

Reasons why teens bully their classmates

The girl who turned to this site for advice is most likely pretty, with an excellent complaisant character. She would study in a full-fledged school, where there are no aggressors. But unfortunately in modern world for some reason, they do not divide children into classes and schools according to their level of development, thus creating educational institutions for full-fledged and others for the underdeveloped and mentally ill. Due to the latter's abnormal behavior, such children, like the author of the message, have to puzzle over what to do when classmates humiliate and grow up with the thought of their own inferiority. After all, being subjected every day to the stupid and groundless ridicule of the boys, the girl begins to seriously believe that she is unattractive.

To help full-fledged children find the answer to the question - what to do if classmates humiliate, one should advise them to realize the reasons that make some children behave aggressively towards others:
- the first is the mental inferiority of the aggressors;
- the second - the desire of the aggressor to show himself the most intelligent and powerful;
- the third - is the goal of an aggressively minded person to attract the attention of a specific person, for example, when a boy likes a girl;
- fourth - it is believed that people can be energy antagonists, because of which conflicts arise between them.

Classmates with mental disabilities humiliate others because they do not know how to communicate differently or, thus, have fun. It is better to immediately put such people in their place, because they respect only strength. Their consciousnesses are not far from the consciousnesses of animals and therefore they attack in the same way as, for example, dogs do. That is, if they see and feel the fear of a potential victim, they say and do nasty things. And when you rebuff them, they understand that their actions can have negative consequences for them and therefore bypass someone who can stand up for themselves. What you need to do in a particular situation, your intuition will tell you. For example, when they call you names, call them back, if you are pushed, push the aggressor. One big fight, or even a fight, can save you from a string of bullying that could otherwise go on for years. I was convinced of this by my own example in my school years, once I overcame my very strong fear and gave back to two schizophrenic brothers. After this fight, I was able to continue to walk around the school with my head up, without fear of another showdown. My parents then did not care that their child was humiliated by classmates. They weren't going to do anything to help me, and I became strong in spite of my weakness.

Why a weak person can and should show strength where the situation seems hopeless can be clarified by the situation that recently occurred in the Primorsky safari park. As usual, an adult goat was sent to the Amur tiger enclosure. The latter, like the previous animals, was supposed to become the prey of a predator. However, the goat did not give up and, seeing the tiger, attacked him. The predator, who constantly hunted game, was shocked by this behavior of the goat and therefore left him alive. Moreover, he considered him equal to himself and therefore now lives with him in the same enclosure and allows the goat to graze nearby. The safari park staff even noticed that the tiger Amur was waiting for the goat Timur in the morning to go about his business with him. Here is an example of when a potential victim, being, it would seem, in a hopeless situation, was able to show the predator that it has power. Your classmates who humiliate you and others are not much different from predators. Therefore, the only thing to do in conflicts with mentally underdeveloped children is to show them your strength.

In almost every class or in a yard company there are one or two bullies who show themselves to be the smartest and try to assert their power everywhere. They do it because they can. From birth, they are given to lead fools and achieve any goals with their help. Such classmates call names and humiliate someone, and stupid creatures pick up their aggressive mood, continuing to persecute the unfortunate. If you managed to find yourself in the role of a victim, be sure (!) Give the crowd of fools a rebuff. In order not to be subsequently a "scapegoat", you need to do something. And let them think of you as if you are abnormal, the main thing is that you be left alone. I have been in situations where my reciprocal aggression towards such crowds of fools was perceived by the rest as an abnormal reaction. But I successfully survived those situations and, most importantly, I left my classmates with the feeling that they should not mess with me. Thanks to this behavior, I only thought a couple of times about what to do if I was humiliated in class.

Often cocky boys and girls harass those they like. At the same time, they can call names to the objects of their adoration, humiliate them and even beat them. We had a couple living on the street - former classmates. The man, being a boy, constantly beat his future wife. He ridiculed her every day and prophesied the life of an old maid for her. That woman, being a girl, did not understand why she was being humiliated, and therefore she was constantly offended by the aggressive boy. And then she ran home and asked her parents what to do if you were humiliated in class. But a few years later, she married that bully and aggressor. And there are many such stories. But in school years it is difficult to guess whether a classmate likes you or just has a mental disorder, so it is not always possible to understand what to do in such a situation. However, the best way out would be to humiliate the offender in return. Nevertheless, those men who respect women are suitable for husbands.

The girl who turned to this resource for advice is probably being attacked by the boy who likes her. He is also a person who can inspire others to do bad things, so the rest of the classmates humiliate this girl. However, she should not change her attitude towards the offenders, because she deserves respect and a full-fledged attitude towards her. Therefore, I would like to recommend it to rebuff the aggressors. If they claim that she is fat and ugly, then she should voice the shortcomings of her offenders. One has protruding ears, the other does not stand out in height, the third is very thin, the fourth is a loser, which means stupid, and everyone tells the fifth what to do. It should be said that all these qualities will not allow these boys to find women suitable for life, which means that these guys will remain useless bachelors in the future. And even if this does not happen in the future, the main thing is to convince them of this now. To do this, you need to do the same actions every time, for example, list the shortcomings of your offenders so that they believe in their inferiority. A weak personality needs to realize that "a wounded predator will never pursue its prey." And words can hurt!

How to change the reality in which someone humiliates you?

Each person is the creator of his life, consisting of daily events. By changing everyday life, you can change your destiny. Change the small details of your day is obtained by their own efforts. For example:
- starting to think positively;
- being indifferent to negative statements addressed to you (rebuffing, but not thinking about the attitude of others);
- working on your appearance in order to please yourself;
- being confident in its uniqueness and peculiarity;
- making a plan for your life;
- believing in your strength;
- pushing the unpleasant environment into the background.
And now I will explain point by point how to change yourself and make others treat you better than before.

Positive thoughts create a better reality!

If you watch horror movies and movies that show violence, cataclysms and the idea of ​​the end of the world, then you will look at life pessimistically, and therefore you will always be weak. When your parents, brothers, sisters, girlfriends and classmates humiliate you, you will become insecure and consider yourself an inferior person. Your mind will constantly be occupied with questions like: what to do if you are humiliated in class, scolded at home, friends ignore you. Because of this, you will begin to make futile efforts to please others or think about suicide. But as soon as you stop watching negative films, fight back offenders, and your life will begin to change. It will become more colorful if, despite the daily negativity, you begin to believe in a better future. Believe today that tomorrow will be much better, and then you will gain inner strength that will help you protect yourself from the outside world. You need to do this every day and your everyday life will begin to change, gloomy thoughts will disappear, a feeling of strength will appear, and the environment will become friendly to you. It will even seem to you that someone has replaced all the people you know.

Realizing that you are unique is the way to a grand future!

You have probably heard more than once about Vladimir Dovgan, the famous Russian entrepreneur, millionaire, who in the nineties of the twentieth century advertised the goods he traded. Now he is a well-known info-businessman, helping people to believe in themselves and come to big money. This successful man was a loser at school. He was humiliated by teachers and classmates. And even his own father considered him backward. And all because this man has dyslexia. Even now he writes with errors. But he matured and became a successful person, whose success everyone can envy. Vladimir Dovgan considers himself unique, and this idea was fixed in his mind thanks to his mother, who repeated to him that he was special. As a boy, in moments when he did not know what to do if he was humiliated, he remembered his uniqueness. And look at his life now! His confidence in his own uniqueness did wonders for him and his life.

The girl who needed advice is not sure of herself, because someone often convinced her that she was ugly and defective. These could not be direct humiliations, but the parents' phrases that the child is unreasonable or looks like an ugly aunt. If this aunt seemed completely unattractive to the child, then a feeling of his own unattractiveness was laid in his mind. In fact, it doesn’t matter who and how laid the program of inferiority in the girl’s mind, which was activated as soon as her classmates told her about her unattractiveness. The main thing is to get rid of this psychological garbage. After all, without such a psychological block in her mind, the girl would not react to the humiliation of stupid boys. So the first thing she should do is erase unnecessary program from the subconscious. To do this, you need to do a simple exercise every day: repeat the phrase "I am the most beautiful, very attractive, all the guys can't take their eyes off me." At first, this phrase will seem like a self-deception, then it will be perceived as a habit, and later, when consciousness believes in it, the phrase will work wonders - transforming the girl’s appearance and her reality. She will no longer need to do anything to put the offenders in their place. There simply won't be any left.

Book of desires - an opportunity to make your life a fairy tale

I know many women and men who once became interested in positive psychology and created their own wish books. They were able to achieve whatever they wanted. But the main thing in this technique is not a book in which desires are entered, but a person’s faith that he will achieve what he wants. AT this moment the girl who asked for advice needs to describe her future for herself. Classmates humiliate her and promise her a future all alone. The girl does not understand the behavior of aggressive boys and perceives their attacks as an indication that she is unattractive. In order for her to stop believing in the stupidity of villains, she needs to make a plan for her life. To do this, you need to take a notebook and write the best about yourself in it. First, describe those situations when the girl's wishes came true. And then start thinking about your bright future. The latter must be done daily. You should re-read what you have written in a good mood, and you should start reading from those moments when wishes were fulfilled. Consciousness is sure that the positive events of the past actually happened, which means that it will believe in what the girl will come up with about her future. Such psychological adjustments should be done constantly. Thanks to them, the reality of the girl will improve, the boys will stop composing anything, and the girl will believe in a better future and systematically move towards it.

Appearance is a manifestation of the inner world

Usually, boys, guys and men look at beauties who constantly monitor their appearance with bated breath. They will never be able to say anything negative about a very attractive girl. And this happens because the beauty of these girls comes from within, manifesting itself in the form of strength. If the girl's inner world is gray, she is not self-confident, has no idea what attractiveness is, then the environment will broadcast to her the poverty of her inner world. For example, in situations where classmates humiliate her. But as soon as she makes an effort to please herself, she will become only her own. appearance suppress all possible attacks of others. There are now a lot of articles and videos on the Internet that tell and show how to take care of the skin of the face so that it is radiant and make the hair beautiful. When reading tips and watching videos, you should do what is recommended there in order to please yourself.

The most important thing in caring for your own appearance is to please yourself. You don't have to make an effort to look pretty to the boys who make fun of you. You should improve your appearance in order to gain confidence in your attractiveness. This very confidence develops into an inner strength that makes the representatives of the stronger sex “fall in piles” at the sight of a beauty. As soon as the girl becomes confident in her irresistibility, her classmates will immediately change their attitude towards her. They will begin to dream of friendship with her. And when such beauties refuse friendship to the boys, they believe that they are thus humiliated. It turns out a kind side effect- random revenge that hits hard on every guy's self-confidence. But as mentioned earlier in this article, you should not make an effort to please others, you need to do it all for yourself. After all, the main thing is to gain inner strength, with the help of which it will be possible to influence people.

Strength comes from within!

Any woman is weaker than a man. But her inner strength is able to manipulate the behavior of any member of the stronger sex. The girl who turned to this site for advice is now, like most teenagers, obsessed with relationships with the opposite sex. Classmates, in particular boys, are perceived by her as potential suitors. And this is quite normal! At fifteen, you want to have a boyfriend who admires you, loves you and makes plans for the future. But all these desires arise because hormones are rampant. Being influenced by them, many teenagers make a lot of mistakes, for example, joining early. So that the time of personality formation is not wasted, on unnecessary connections and their consequences, it should be used to cultivate inner strength. No need to wonder what to do if classmates humiliate you. Do not think about why the boys think you are fat and scary. It is a waste of time and a fruitless waste of mental power. It is better to start cultivating inner strength in yourself.

Becoming a strong-willed person is not difficult at all. The main thing is to stop considering the outside world as an important part of your life. People walking by on the street, living next door, students in the same school, living under the same roof with you - these are the changing characters of your life. True and real for each person are she herself, her life and most importantly - her inner world. The latter acts as the strongest lever of influence on reality and the environment. If you consider yourself weak and ugly, then you should not be surprised that your classmates humiliate you. You do not need to make round eyes when you are prophesied a worse future if you have not thought through the events of your life. People are like mirrors that reflect what is in your inner world. Invent the impossible for yourself, invent magic, believe in the magic of your inner world, and everything will change for the better for you.

For someone, a passion for magic helps to cultivate inner strength. But all the rituals and ceremonies that these people do are just an interesting pastime. In fact, "dancing with a tambourine" does not affect reality in any way. But the confidence of the magician that it will be exactly as he wished, gives him strength. Other people start by getting carried away with feng shui. Knowing how energies affect the world helps them maintain their inner strength and allows them to manipulate daily events. Some people begin to believe in fairies and elves, who allegedly help them through magic to achieve their goals and prevent negative events. If your classmates constantly humiliate you, start cultivating your inner strength, believe in something that will convince you that you are the creator of your everyday life. And then you won't have to do anything to be left alone. It will be enough just to think about how the offender would shut up and leave you alone. And that is exactly what will happen.

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  1. Alina

    I also get bullied by a boy in class. He often laughs and says mean things. I was afraid to answer him, but I read what you wrote and decided to tell him how scary he is.

  2. Potap

    Guy, contact me - I will make you a cool kid, this also applies to girls, but in a different way. Basically, we are all the same.

  3. Kira

    What should I do if my friends make fun of me, but I can’t, for example, say that one is scary, the other is fat, because I don’t want to spoil relations with Gimi

  4. Adviser

    Good afternoon!

    You should openly tell your friends that their jokes are perceived by you as humiliation. If they do not understand this, then they can hardly be called friends. But if you are afraid to speak frankly with the people around you, then try to adapt to them by starting to make fun of them. Choose the appropriate phrases for this. For example, instead of saying that a girl is scary, you can ask if she is the granddaughter of Baba Yaga. And in order not to call a friend fat, you can ask why she was swollen.

  5. X

    Hello. I’ve been bullied by classmates since the very early grades. At first, this was due to the fact that I didn’t go to the garden, and when I came to school, I simply didn’t know how to behave, and soon they began to bully me. of course I found out, but the bullying did not stop. I changed schools several times because of this, but as if by karma, again and again I became the subject of ridicule and bullying. The main scapegoat for the people of the entire educational institution. I tried to stop it in different ways: I tried them ignore, tried to fight back if they were completely impudent, even tried to join their society, although I felt that I did not want to communicate with people like them. I gave up. I began to be guided more by instincts, rather than trying to continue spinning in this meat grinder. I pretend that they do not exist at all, but as soon as someone gets too insolent, I will pounce on him and will fight until they separate him, or until I am exhausted. (Yes, me and for such a non-existent type of people who, if they fight, then, as they say, “Until death”, and also live more at their own discretion, rather than according to the foundations of society, guided by instincts, but at the same time by reason, and make me a human out of a little animal no one succeeded, not even me. This is how life has made me, because I'm tired of being a worthless weakling, and enduring bullying of other people. Now I have at least one advantage: there is no fear of stronger ones. This allows me to fight like that. ) Now I'm in college, until recently people from other courses bullied me to the point of unimaginability, but after I cuffed the main one, the most arrogant among these bullies (it came to the police), they rarely climb on me. But they still laugh .Unpleasant. This is all again because of my reflexes: for example, I begin to unconsciously grin and growl if someone does any negative action towards me, or I can even wave my hand at the offender. In general, I live like that not bad, everything in life is there: a house, food, your own computer, your own room, a soft sofa, your best friend, and other friends ... What more could you want from life? I’m generally unlucky only in communication with the class. They ALWAYS bully me, but now, I’m sure, it’s just a temporary lull. What do you advise to do? To a psychologist? I went. I became friends. I still sometimes help her with projects. In general, the relationship between me and my classmates is as follows: someone just doesn’t care whether I am or not (and it was like that from the very beginning, and in general I achieve this position); some group of people initially wanted to communicate , but all with the same goal, to mock. I already said that I began to ignore them and later beat the head. Since then, people from that group have not climbed; Others (most of them) often chuckle. They can bully even in pairs, but not seriously enough to start a fight because of this; The smallest part of me is neutral, even a little friendly. I even sometimes talk to such people. If we take it in general, then my peers consider me abnormal, and I myself do not deny it. In the end, as you know, there are no normal people, and any person, if you look, will find any mental abnormalities. I have them for sure. Years of bullying did not pass without a trace. I even put up with it (before such statements hurt me a lot) and I’m not offended. And with people over twenty, I always found mutual language. Why do I seek a neutral attitude towards myself so that no one simply pays attention to me? The answer is simple. I don’t want to be bullied, but I don’t have the slightest desire to communicate, let alone be friends with one of these people. They all smoke for selection, even drink, swear ... and so on. I don’t want to connect my life with these people, thereby spoiling myself. After all, if I communicate with them, they will influence me. and they do what they will be "friends", and I will gradually become infected with obscene language and negative energy from them. And I know that it will. Briefly: I want to achieve a neutral attitude of my classmates. What do you advise?

  6. Adviser

    Good afternoon!

    When I read your message, one gets the impression that you are a smart and reasonable person. Based on what you have described, it cannot be concluded that you, as you claim, have mental disorders. Rather, you do not respect yourself and allow bad thoughts about yourself. This alone can already provoke negative encroachments of others in your direction. Therefore, the first advice would be - not to be treated, not to look for flaws in yourself, but to accept yourself as you are.

    I do not think that one should believe those who claim that souls supposedly are reborn, experiencing in subsequent lives the consequences of karma accumulated in the past. Rather, you have such a set of energies in your energy that you become, as it were, a beacon for bullies. To find out if this is the case, you can. It also gives recommendations on how to improve your life by Feng Shui methods.

    From your message it is clear that you are strongly obsessed with the moral monsters that surround you. This may be a consequence of the fact that once you were often bullied, or it may turn out to be your feature. Many people only see the negative. They don't hear or see the positive. And any bad word is recorded and remembered. Such people are engaged, as it were, in the accumulation of the negative. And then they think that they suffer because of the negativity of others. Whether you belong to such people, only you can understand.

    If you are still able to see the good in life, and those around you are still constantly pestering you, then try to work with your subconscious. Probably, when you went to school, you had a block in your subconscious that makes you feel fear of classmates or classmates. When fear is subconscious, the mind does not always fix it, but others can feel it on a subconscious level and behave accordingly.

    To correct the situation that has developed in your life, try immersing yourself in a dark substance. It is the primordial substance from which everything originated. In complete darkness, loneliness and silence, in a state of half sleep, you need to remember conflicts with classmates and destroy them: cut them into pieces or break them like glass. When diving, you need to come up with situations that you would like to experience. For example, that you are treated with respect. After about two weeks of daily diving, you will see positive changes in your daily routine.

  7. Dasha

    @ Kira:
    Don’t be afraid of anything, maybe there are some clues, for example, you often brag, you can just say this *Come down from heaven you are the same as me I don’t wish you anything bad, why do you treat me like that? you are more envious than they tell you!

  8. Nicholas

    Nicknames are born in children's groups. When children play together, they can also call names, but they do it less often than in a group. And as soon as a children's company gathers, nicknames immediately begin.

  9. Eve

    Hello! My name is Eva. I wanted to ask a question why does my classmate call names (humiliate) me? He calls me Zombie, and the rest of the revenge begins with him. Before, everything was fine with me, but after his arrival, he began to call me names Zombie. I am 15 years old. Previously, he stopped calling zombies, but then he began to say, “Didn’t you eat anyone along the way? Do you need blood? Don't eat me? etc."

  10. Adviser

    Good afternoon!

    Your classmate is mentally ill. He needs psychiatric help. Usually this type of people are very afraid of those who can fight back, as well as those who have power. In order to punish your offender and prevent his attacks in the future, you should complain about him to the principal of the school, the head teacher or, in extreme cases, the class teacher. It would be desirable to tell about his attacks to his parents. There is nothing wrong with complaining and thus you will not show weakness. And you will find the support of those whom your mentally ill classmate is afraid of.

    Another way to put him in his place is to call him names back. But the fact is that people with mental disabilities can spend a lot of time and effort on skirmishes with those who oppose them. I do not think that you will want to swear every day with someone who offends you. That's why best way out- scare him through those who have power.

  11. Isabelle

    Hello. In class, one boy calls me names very strongly, I know why, I quarreled with my ex-girlfriend, and he fell in love with her, and in order to please her, he begins to offend me. I myself am very vulnerable, although sometimes I call names in response, but he does not seem offended. And me very much. In addition, he is very strong, muscular, handsome) If I secretly fell in love with him, I know it is very stupid, but he is really very handsome and sometimes kind. What should I do??

  12. Adviser

    @ Isabelle:

    Good afternoon!

    Your situation is far from simple. But you can change this guy's attitude towards you. There are two ways to do this:

    1. Wait until he is left alone somewhere - in the classroom, on the street on a bench, in the gym, and so on. And there already explain to him that he is nice to you as a person, and therefore it is unpleasant for you when he insults you, and you do not like to insult him in return. But in no case do not tell him about your feelings. Only respect for him! Ask him to treat you with respect.

    2. Write him a letter in which you need to describe the situation and mention your unwillingness to swear with him. Write that a quarrel with a friend is your business, not his. And if he wants to attract her attention, then let him do it in a different way.

    This guy, knowing that you respect him, will feel embarrassed every time he wants to insult you. So his attacks will stop. You can invite him to become friends, like two guys or two girls, without any game of love. It is desirable that he be added to you as a friend on a social network, then you will have a chance to show your inner world to this guy. Maybe he will appreciate it and forget your ex-girlfriend.

    If these options do not suit you, then you just need to ignore the guy’s attacks or defend yourself fiercely. The main thing is to show the guy that his opinion is indifferent to you, and that you are able to stand up for yourself. Everything that he says in moments of skirmishes must be ignored, realizing that he is just a fool in love with someone.

  13. Misha

    Hello! My name is Misha and I want to help you.
    1. If a classmate or a friend from the group gets something extra, then tell the teacher.
    2, If this friend is from a different class, then tell your parents (better parents of a friend) and they will punish him or something.
    3. If you complained about you, say that you won’t do it again (even if it’s not true)
    4. If this friend beats you, then use the power of loved ones.

    I HOPE YOU CAN HELP ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  14. Diana

    Hello. I am 13 years old and in 7th grade. Not long ago, my classmate Lesha began to call me names, and then the second one, who likes me (he himself admitted this to me), joined him.
    Before, everything was fine, we walked with a company of 5 people, it was in winter, which included Lyosha himself. He never offended me, and if he did, he later apologized. But then he started throwing snowballs at me, at first I did not attach any importance to this, but then it became very annoying. Then he started making fun of me. I was offended by him, and for a while he began to lead normally again, but it turned out not for long. And such a change of mood now happens all the time, he will joke offensively, although I know that this does not apply to me in any way, he just randomly comes up with jokes, and I am very offended.
    Please tell me why he had such a change to me ???

  15. Adviser

    Good afternoon!

    Most often, boys offend girls because they suffer from mental problems. But there are those who fall in love with their classmates during adolescence. But in order to hide their sympathy, however, to draw attention to themselves, they begin to insult the girl or make insulting jokes on her. Probably, this same Lesha feels something for you.

    Just ignore your classmate's lunges or try to put him in his place. At the same time, try to remain indifferent and cold to this guy. Do not waste your time and nerves on people unworthy of you.

  16. anatoly

    I have been ridiculed all my life, since birth and for various reasons. primary school I tried to do as I was advised, to ignore it. "They will climb and leave behind" - that's what everyone said. Very often they called me "judoist" because I was doing karate. I quit it 3 years ago. the guys from the parallel (I'm from A class, they're from D) called names, kicked, it started to come to a fight and I took a fighting stance, and what do you think? For some reason they called me a dancer because of this, and not just a dancer, but a dancer letsginki, although I don’t dance at all. At first, I simply ignored them. About two months ago, I did the following: they once again began to call me names and humiliate me in front of classmates, oh yes, they also began to film me on camera. So, I stood motionless and looked into the eyes of the offenders, tried to breathe very little, waited for them to ask a question like “what got up?”, And at that very second I just “turned off” my brain, growled (just like a beast) and pounced on them, beat and stomach, and in the face with all my might, until my classmates began to separate. Now, even though they consider me a psycho , but no one gets in touch, and if someone starts to climb, friends say “leave him alone, he’s fucked up for the whole head, he’ll kill” or something like that. in short, freak out once or twice and everything will be noomalno.

  17. Sasha

Today we will consider one of the common phenomena, namely the case when a social network does not work. And it seems that everything is fine with friends and the site loads normally, but it doesn’t want to work on our computer and that’s it. But before everything was fine, but now Odnoklassniki is not loaded.

What happened and where to go?

There may be several reasons for this, and perhaps one of them is the solution to the problem in your case. Let's take a closer look, but first I would recommend that you try a different browser. If you use Google Chrome, then go to Odnoklassniki through a browser, it may work. Not? Then read on.

What needs to be done to make Odnoklassniki work? Below I will list the tips that are most common when solving problems with a non-working site. when in fact everything is fine with the site.

1. Clear your browser cache.

This solution quite often helps when Odnoklassniki does not work. The fact is that you may have visited Odnoklassniki when you had interruptions with the Internet, the page did not load, and this information about the unloaded site remained in the browser cache. Then, when the Internet started working again, we began to go to the site, and the browser began to give us the old information from the cache, which it had stored for itself. You need to clear the cache.

I already wrote about clearing the cache in browsers earlier in other lessons: "" and "". You can also go to Odnoklassniki and try pressing the Ctr + R combination on the keyboard - maybe this will also help.

2. The site is blocked in the host file.

On the computer there is such a file called host, with which you can deny access to any site. This file is simply opened, the names of the sites are entered there and the file is saved. And that's all, after restarting the computer, the sites indicated there will not be loaded in our browsers. So, perhaps someone who knows about this feature, who does not want to visit the Odnoklassniki website from this computer, wrote in the host file: I restarted the computer and everything, the site does not load and it seems it is not clear what is the reason. Also, it may not be the trick of some person, but the harm caused by the virus.

In order for Odnoklassniki to load again, you need to edit host file. I have already described in detail in one of my lessons how you can block and vice versa unblock a site in given file: "". Check out this tutorial and, if necessary, clean up the host file. Maybe, Odnoklassniki not working precisely because they are blocked in the host file.

3. The computer is infected with a virus.

It is possible that a virus from the Internet entered the computer, blocked access to Odnoklassniki through the host file or in other ways. In general, I recommend scanning everything completely hard drives computer for viruses. The social network Odnoklassniki may not work due to viruses, and therefore I can recommend that you study the article on the topic: "". And if you do not have an antivirus installed at all, then urgently solve this problem, for example, the site has a detailed lesson about this.

4. The provider closed access to Odnoklassniki.

This is also possible, I personally had this only with VKontakte. The social network didn’t load for me, but in fact my friends, who had a different VKontakte provider, and I tried to log in from my phone - everything worked fine. And the fact is that I was sure that everything was in order with my computer, since everything worked fine for just a couple of hours.

This is my personal opinion that the provider has closed access to the site, thereby reducing the load on their equipment. There is, of course, no confirmation of this. I believe that the provider decided to save some money and closed access. I can imagine how many people are constantly breaking into social networks.

As a result, after a few hours, VKontakte still earned.

5. Classmates do not work.

Also as an option that Odnoklassniki is really on this moment do not work, and it remains only to wait. Now you are unlikely to see this, but in the early years of the existence of the Odnoklassniki social network, they often did not work. This was due to the fact that the site's audience was constantly growing, and the servers could not cope with incoming requests and Odnoklassniki did not work for some time, or loaded poorly, very slowly, but all this was temporary while the developers solved the problem. For the same reasons, there were problems with social network In contact with.

Here I have given you four reasons why you may Odnoklassniki not working. I hope this helps you and you solve your problem.