In we told you about educational channels onYouTube which are interesting for both children and adults. But the possibilities of the Internet are not limited to this, and today we are publishing a selection of 10 educational resources that will help you master the school curriculum, deepen your knowledge in various subjects, replace a tutor, inspire both a teacher, a student, and a parent, and most importantly - from them by the ears you can’t pull it off, it’s so interesting and exciting! (And useful, of course!)


A unique resource, which is interesting and fun to learn for the youngest students - students in grades 1-4 and preschoolers!

The platform, which Ivan Kolomoets and Yevgeny Milyutin came up with in 2012, was at first mathematical, but now it has Russian, English, and the world around it, and mathematics for schoolchildren is from grades 1 to 9. You can choose a free standard account and complete 20 tasks per day, you can pay for a premium account and do much more. The idea of ​​the creators is that on this platform, the child builds an individual learning trajectory - “flipping through the pages” and going further will not work until you understand the material. Colorful design, funny tricks, ordinary tasks in an unusual presentation, competitions make the resource meaningful and useful.

  1. Phet. interactive Simulations

We have not remembered for a long time what the aggregate states of matter are, the multiplication table is associated with the back cover of a mathematics notebook, and suddenly these topics appear in our children's textbooks, and in our heads there is lightness and an attempt to put together fragmentary memories.

Scientists and methodologists decided to help children and adults, and best help- it's visibility. So the so-called online training simulators appeared on the Internet. The website of the University of Colorado gives an amazing opportunity to observe how substances change states of aggregation, look at the multiplication table in color and recall many topics from physics and chemistry, including simulation videos. Moreover, the choice of languages ​​delights - from English and Russian to Vietnamese!

  1. "Education in Russian"

On the portal, the development and content of which has been supervised by State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin, a variety of courses for people of all ages and interests. Here you can learn Russian (if you live abroad, your child can learn Russian with the same Smeshariki), prepare for the Unified State Examination, learn about PR technologies and space biology. For each course, the required level of knowledge is indicated, the videos themselves are small, but they are presented by the best scientists and specialists. More than 100 courses - both humanities and exact and natural sciences.

  1. Internet lesson

Did the lesson get sick, didn’t understand the topic, or is it just interesting to hear another point of view on the work that is now being studied in the literature lesson? Do you want to test your strength, or jump ahead and listen to what will happen next? The Internet lesson platform helps a lot in this. Short (7-8 minute) video lessons on the topics of the school curriculum are presented by different teachers, supported by texts and tests.

In addition, the site has something for parents to watch: video lectures on child psychology and health, stories about what a game is and why children need it. There is also a wonderful section “Scientists for Children” on the site. There are also lectures for schoolchildren, but, for example, the section "Mathematics for the Humanities" will be useful for older students, for students, and for those who missed something in mathematics at school. You can even choose a class for yourself and study according to the program that the site builds. Some content is free, some is available paid subscription(for example, exercise equipment), but the prices are quite affordable.

  1. gifted children

Although there are only 15 videos on this site, it's still worth checking out. And not only to look, but also to look regularly. It is easy for children to find time for 10-15 minute video lectures in which specialists in design, PR, contemporary art and other humanitarian areas talk about these specialties and their place in modern world. It can be said that this project is a kind of vocational guidance manual. And adults would also be happy to participate in the competitions of this portal.

  1. Khan Academy

Everyone probably heard about Khan Academy, but not everyone got their hands on this site. But you won't regret visiting it. Salman Khan, teaching mathematics to his relatives, did not think that he home help will become a huge educational project, which will have a place for the most different courses and where everyone will find the necessary items - from elementary school students to adults. Entering the main platform of the site, you will read: “Free. For all. Forever and ever".

And the Russian version will pleasantly surprise you with an excellent high-quality selection of materials in Russian. Learning is insanely exciting - here you should not forget about other things!

  1. Lectorium

The educational project "Lectorium" is a great chance for students and adults to find out what flashed past and disappeared in the fog of school or student days. One would like to say that everything is here - and it seems that everything is true, from anthropology to linguistics, from energy to urban studies. There are also paid courses, but the main content is free.

  1. Universarium

Education should be free and accessible, say the creators of the Universarium platform - and they offer a convenient course structure, individual training programs and a myriad of courses, not only for adults, but also for children.

  1. Coursera

Previously, Coursera was considered a resource that only makes sense to enter with a good knowledge of the English language. However, Russian universities and courses in Russian have appeared here for a long time. The main thing is the word "courses": here it will not be possible to "get off" quick view interesting video. Coursera users receive full weekly training and, with extra effort, can earn a certificate that is increasingly recognized as official professional development. However, maybe someone doesn’t really need to improve their qualifications, but knowledge is needed. And a systematic, competent course from Coursera can come in handy.

Online platform for preparing for the exam using innovative technologies

At Maximum, classes with a teacher are held in any format convenient for the student: training center with webinars, in an online group or online one-on-one. In the classroom, the teacher will teach all the necessary theory, show the traps and life hacks of the exam and teach best practices problem solving.

Official informational portal Unified State Exam

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science. Basic information about the exam, the schedule of the exam, information materials on the exam

Check USE results -

GIA official website

Official information portal of the State Final Attestation

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science. Basic information about the GIA, methodological documents, demo options GIA

FIPI official website

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (developer of the USE).

Materials for the Unified State Examination, demos, specifications and codifiers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam in all subjects.

Federal portal "Russian education

Actual news, announcements of events, information for students and their parents, applicants, students and teachers.

Official site "TRP"

Official website of the program "Ready for Labor and Defense" is an official website that allows everyone to get all the necessary information regarding the testing of the Ready for Labor and Defense complex.

TRP standards for schoolchildren -

Service for preparing for the exam

Yandex USE is a service for self-preparation for final school exams - the USE (Unified State Exam for Graduates of Grades 11) and GIA (State Final Attestation after graduating from 9 grades).

Options for the OGE and USE in various subjects and online courses to prepare for exams on Yandex.USE.

Rent GIA

Educational portal

On the site I will hand over the GIA: news of education and advice on solving tasks, questions and answers for preparing for exams, thousands of tasks with solutions for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the OGE in all subjects, a test system for preparing and self-preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE.

There are catalogs of prototypes of exam tasks with solutions, a system of test-simulators for preparing for exams. The teacher can generate tests on his own and evaluate the results of students.

I will solve the exam

Exam preparation education portal

The Reshu USE resource is almost entirely devoted to the unified state exam. This is one of the best platforms to help graduates of Russian schools prepare for the USE.

The site has a large number of tasks and options. There is the possibility of teacher control over the actions of students.

School Knowledge

Service for schoolchildren

"" - school homework

School is a social learning service that redefines how students find solutions online. Service unites social network and school knowledge, students learn how to organize a personal knowledge base, filter and select information that is useful to them. A collection of ready-made homework in school subjects: algebra, history, chemistry, etc. is presented. Possibility to ask your own question homework. Thousands of students exchange ideas, problems, help each other solve problems and learn.

Unified collection of digital educational resources

Federal educational resource

The purpose of creating a Collection is to provide access to complete set modern teaching aids designed for teaching and studying various academic disciplines in accordance with state educational standards for primary and secondary education.

Currently, the Collection hosts more than 111,000 digital educational resources in almost all subjects of the core curriculum.

The Collection contains sets of digital resources for a large number of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in Russian schools, innovative educational and methodological developments, various thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and educational materials.

Portal for applicants and their parents is a portal dedicated to final exams and admission to universities.

Here you will find information about final exams, you can take free online tests for the Unified State Examination and the OGE, learn about education systems in different countries, scholarships and opportunities free education. The main audience is schoolchildren and their parents who are interested in receiving prompt and up-to-date information on educational topics.

Educational portal is a collection of lessons in the main subjects of the school curriculum, constantly updated and free of advertising. Lessons consist of videos, notes, tests and simulators.

The site contains almost all the lessons of the natural science cycle for grades 1-11 and about half of the lessons in the humanities.

Educational resource for students and teachers

The GetAClass portal is an educational resource in physics and mathematics (possibly in the future in other subjects) for schoolchildren and teachers.

GetAClass offers students:
Interesting and understandable video lessons in physics and mathematics;
Abstracts with the most important for each video lesson;
Simulators for teaching problem solving.

For teachers, GetAClass has:
Interesting and understandable video lessons and other teaching materials on physics and mathematics that can be used to prepare and conduct lessons at school;
Tools for compiling online assignments for their students and for online checking the level of their knowledge;
A large number of tasks in physics, including tasks for the OGE and the Unified State Examination.
In addition to video lectures and the ability to test knowledge of the studied material, GetAClass users are offered a short summary of each lecture.

Educational Internet resource

YaKlass is an educational Internet resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

YaKlass helps the teacher to test students' knowledge, set homework in electronic form.
For a student, this is a database of electronic workbooks and an endless simulator for the school curriculum.
The platform contains a large number of interactive tasks in various subjects for different ages. All of them are also reprinted texts of problems from textbooks.

Children and science

Courses according to the school curriculum with deepening and expansion

E-courses based on the best teaching experience. Video lessons are presented with the participation of teachers of the Moscow school "Intellectual", university teachers and scientists.

Educational project is one of the most popular educational projects on the Russian Internet.

In the Allbest knowledge base: the best student, scientific and school work. One of the main sections of the resource: the global network of abstracts. Useful for high school students.


The site has ready-made homework assignments for various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.

Educational portal was created to help schoolchildren who want to understand a topic of interest to them; parents who want to help their children learn lessons; and teachers as an additional resource that can be used in the educational process.

The site contains a large library of author's video lessons of television quality, created by an experienced team of educators, methodologists, psychologists and television specialists. All video lessons are adapted for comfortable and complete perception by schoolchildren.

Resources for school subjects

Resources to help students study individual school subjects and prepare for subject-specific exams

school mathematics

Math lessons

On the information resource lessons are presented in the following areas: mathematics elementary school; mathematics grade 5; mathematics grade 6; algebra grade 7; algebra high school.

Physics lessons

Club for physics teachers, students in grades 7-9 and their parents

Restrictive chemistry

Interactive multimedia tutorial

The textbook is intended for high school and college students for information and communication support for the study of organic chemistry. It can be useful for graduates of secondary educational institutions to systematize and deepen their knowledge in preparation for the Unified State Examination in chemistry, students starting the study of organic chemistry at a university, as well as teachers.

The site presents essays, brief contents of works, biographies of authors.

Analysis of literary works

The site contains essays, articles, poems, literary works, information about the authors.


Journal of Russian Language and Literature

Internet magazine is the publication of relevant and valuable texts, articles, dictionaries on the Russian language and literature online on the Internet, interesting materials on linguistics, domestic and foreign literature, as well as methods of teaching language and literature in schools and universities.

The online journal Textology aims to provide interesting and useful materials in literature, Russian language and linguistics for everyone who studies philological disciplines or is simply fond of literature and linguistics.

The portal can be useful for schoolchildren, students, teachers and lovers of philology

Statement Library

Briefly - a large library summaries in Russian.

Over 2,000 retellings of literary works, from ancient manuscripts to contemporary bestsellers. On average, a summary of a book is read in 10-15 minutes.

Preparation for the exam in literature and final essay

The whole theory of the school literature course is presented in tables and diagrams

Summary of works and biographies of authors

Essays and essays on Russian and world literature of our mighty, beautiful Russian language - this is the main idea and idea of ​​the site.

Russian language rules

Spelling and punctuation

A reference site that contains grammar rules for the Russian language.

Are you taking the exam? Feel free to go to this youtube channel Yandex.Enlightenment. You will find all topics and tasks from KIM. In addition to theory, teachers analyze the test itself. To explain their decision, several methods are given, even analogies. In general, all students who have any difficulties can seek help here. They will definitely find a video analysis suitable for them and solve their difficulties.


Video channel Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

Video consultations on preparation for the USE from the leaders and members of the federal commissions for the development of the KIM USE, experts from regional subject commissions, school teachers.

Artur Sharifov's channel

Artur Sharifov's channel for preparing for the exam

There are many lessons in mathematical disciplines.

The author professionally analyzes tasks for the OGE and the USE, explains trigonometry, arithmetic progression, functions, affects even the beginning of the analysis. There is a series of videos on preparing for the exam in mathematics. On complex topics, separate videos with a detailed analysis were recorded.

Channel “Time to study Courses”

Youtube channel "Time to study Courses" for preparing for the exam in mathematics and physics

One of the best video tutorials on the Runet for schoolchildren in preparation for the Unified State Examination and the GIA. The lessons are divided into thematic playlists, which coincide with the chapters from the OGE and USE specifications.

Videos are designed for any level of knowledge, as all information is given in a simple and plain language and all terms are explained. Lessons are taught by professional teachers, so each video is clearly structured and contains only the most necessary tips and comments on assignments.

Victor Osipov channel

The videos cover the criteria, algorithms and secrets of the solutions, which are mainly related to the last questions of the test.

Channel “Russian Language 5 stars”

Channel on Yotube "Russian Language 5 stars" in preparation for the exam in Russian

The main direction of the resource is the Russian language and the final essay.

The presenter of the channel talks about what problems may occur in the texts of the exam, what literary works and episodes from them should be used. Examples of works, analysis of the main problems and topics of the essay are given. Attention is also paid to the basic rules of the Russian language: spelling, spelling, punctuation.

Official sites of Olympiads for schoolchildren

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Official website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is a mass annual event for working with gifted schoolchildren in the system of Russian education.

This system covers 24 subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations which implement educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

Methodical site of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

To form a unified network methodological environment of the Higher School of Education in Russia, the Methodological website of the Higher School of Education is working.

The site is intended for operational consultative and methodological interaction between the heads of the Central and Regional subject-methodological commissions on the issues of conducting all stages of the Higher School of Education.

Russian Council of School Olympiads

Website of the Russian Council of School Olympiads

The Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren forms the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year, together with the Ministry of Education and Science determines the policy for organizing and holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, and also, together with state authorities, monitors and supervises the quality of holding Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List.

Find a tutor, teacher for additional classes

Services and platforms for finding school tutors: tutors in mathematics, tutors in the Russian language, tutors in English language, USE tutors and other tutors.

Your tutor

Community of tutors

Your tutor is a professional community of private tutors, uniting more than 250 thousand teachers.

On the site, you can read the profiles of teachers and choose those who suit you, or ask for advice and they will recommend the best options for you.
Consultations and selection of a suitable tutor for you are free of charge. You pay only the lessons themselves directly to the teacher.

Highest mark

Platform for finding specialists

Top Point is a convenient platform for finding private specialists. The service offers its services in almost any city in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


Online tutors

Tetrika is a service for preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in school subjects and learning English.

Tutors will help you adequately pass the exam in order to enter the budget of the chosen university, improve grades, fill gaps in knowledge if you missed classes or did not understand the material.

By date ▼ ▲

By name ▼ ▲

By popularity ▼ ▲

By difficulty level ▼

Don't know what to do with your baby? Go to Tweedy and choose exciting games for it. Here the children are waiting for entertainment on different topics. The site invites adventure lovers to go on a journey with their favorite cartoon characters. Girls can dress up princesses, change their style and hairstyles. Read online comics and funny stories. It does not matter if you are on the road and you do not have a computer with you - this portal will be able to entertain your child thanks to the mobile version.

If your child is in the age of why, pay attention to this site. Here you will find answers to almost all the questions that the baby asks. You do not have to choose understandable words and rebuild sentences according to the meaning so that the baby understands you. The children's encyclopedia works online, the facts are presented in a simple, accessible language. Explain why the grass is green and how the car drives. Every day a new portion of explanatory information is posted on the portal.

You are welcomed by an online magazine about technology and science, where you can find educational information not only for parents, but also for children. Read about advances in medicine, spacecraft and new inventions. In the Thirst for Creativity section, you will be told about design, art objects and architecture. Watch presentations with novelties of both domestic and foreign auto industry. To stay up to date with the news, you can register on the site and receive mailing material.

Everything for the leisure of the child can be found on this site. Here the kids are waiting for cartoons, stories, fairy tales and exciting games. Listen and download children's songs, learn the words to them. In the "Coloring pages" section, kids can draw animals and plants. The site offers young defenders to protect the royal fortress from enemy attacks. To help parents, the section "Learning to speak" has been created, which contains exercises for the development of speech and for breathing exercises.

A collection of tasks for students in grades 1-4 is posted on this site. Here you will find assignments for all subjects taught in elementary school. You can familiarize yourself with the exercises and try to solve them in the demo version, and in order to study the full course, you need to place an order and pay for the services of the portal. Test your child's knowledge of mathematics, literature and Russian. Choose books for extracurricular reading. Want to distract your little one a little? Upload cartoons and series on the portal.

The site invites everyone to visit the exhibition of home-made fairy tales called "Once Upon a Time". They were invented and designed by users of the Internet resource. Wander through the sections of the portal and choose your favorite stories. Color your favorite characters and solve puzzles. Here you can order books on the upbringing and education of children. In the publications you will find complete scenarios for classes that will help parents in organizing the lesson. On the forum, mothers can get a free consultation from an experienced teacher.

The site will become good helpers in raising children. Here, parents will find many informative articles about the care and feeding of babies, as well as on their education. Learn how to convey knowledge to your child. The portal will tell you how to instill a love of literature and not extinguish the desire to learn. Read about the development of speech crumbs, develop diction and train his breathing. In the section "Appliques, crafts" moms are waiting for ideas for needlework. Introduce children to professions, names of animals and plants.

Here the kids will find something to read. Choose works of Russian and foreign writers. Meet folk tales and learn funny poems. In the "Watch" section, young athletes can get acquainted with video lessons in physical education. For those who cannot live a day without a song, there is music in the "Listen" section, enjoy hits from cartoons and movies. The "Workshop", which contains examples of unusual ideas for creativity, will help the children develop their talents and learn how to make crafts.

On this site, children will find a lot of interesting and informative information. Read jokes and funny stories. Develop speech and train diction with the help of tongue twisters. Learn poems for events. In the "Art of communication" section, kids will be told how to win over an interlocutor and teach guest etiquette. See ideas for an unforgettable birthday party and pay attention to gift tips. Participate in contests and quizzes - the winners of the best answers will receive valuable prizes.

The daily course "Erudite" invites everyone to join the training sessions. Here every day there are new tasks, selected according to the age of children with different complexity. Learn to count and read, distinguish colors and recognize objects by their shape. The site promises that the lessons will not be boring, they are designed in the form of puzzles, riddles, rebuses and cryptograms. In the Toy Library section, children will be able to play online and participate in contests and quizzes, as well as do magic tricks and make crafts.

The site is full of children's entertainment and tips for parents. Here you can learn poems and lyrics with your child, play online and read the news. In the "Education" section, kids will be able to get acquainted with the work of great writers and composers. The portal invites moms to cooking lessons, where recipes for healthy dishes are collected. Do you want to arrange an unforgettable holiday for your child? See event ideas and download scripts. Arrange for your baby a real carnival with games and contests.

The online magazine invites children from 6 to 14 years old to visit. Here the kids will be told about book novelties and exhibitions. On the pages of the illustrated story with the dog Yanka, the children will learn how to distinguish chamomile from other flowers in the meadow, as well as where the birds with blue paws are found. In the "IgroDom" section, kids will find many exciting games for themselves. Solve crossword puzzles and riddles right on the site. Watch workshops that show ideas for crafts from milk packaging.

You can watch cartoons, documentaries and fairy tales on this site. Here - educational games, coloring books, puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. In the "Cinema" section for kids, there are videos with lessons in the alphabet, mathematics and literature. Learn letters and memorize new words along with famous characters. Get to know the environment and learn the names of animals. In the section "Popular on the site" there are options for weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a fork and various ideas for home-made postcards.

By visiting the site, you definitely will not say that you have wasted your time for nothing. Here parents and children will find something to entertain themselves. In the "Games" section, a large number of developmental tasks are laid out. Kids are waiting for puzzles, riddles, arcades and puzzles. Learn poems for holidays and matinees. To take a break from tasks or to cheer up, you can turn on songs and listen to your favorite hits from movies and fairy tales. The portal advises parents to pay attention to articles about the upbringing and education of their child.

FROM interesting facts about animals and plants can be found on this portal. Here the children will be told about environment and what needs to be done to keep it clean. The "Reader" section contains a collection of children's literature about the fun travels of the main character of the Klepa website. Learn about how she decided to fly in a hot air balloon and what dishes she likes to cook in her kitchen. The heading "Smile" will give the crumbs a good mood. Send children's drawings and the best ones will be published on the site.

Introduce your child to safety rules in a playful way. On this site, Spasik will tell the kids about how to behave on vacation, being in the water and on the street. Download tutorials that talk about what not to do alone at home, take tests and answer quiz questions. In the gallery you will find thematic drawings. Watch educational cartoons and video tutorials. Also on the portal posted all the phone numbers emergency assistance and addresses of rescue services.

If the child is interested in everything around, then invite him to visit the "Children's Page", where photos of plants, stories about the universe and stories about the stars are waiting for him. Here the kid will read about the planets, where their names came from and why life exists only on Earth. The "Animals" section contains information about the inhabitants of forests. See pictures of waterfowl and seabed inhabitants. Read epics about Dobrynya and Koschey, as well as how Vasilisa the Wise became.

The art of learning

35 sites with which the school curriculum will become easier and more interesting

It doesn't matter whether you decide to educate your child on your own by choosing a family education, or send it to a school, lyceum or gymnasium, study assistants are never superfluous. We have selected 35 sites with which the study of the school curriculum will become a real holiday for both the child and the parents.

1. is a real storehouse, there are video lessons, simulators and tests for all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.

2. - a stunningly beautiful program that simulates a planetarium. Indispensable for anyone interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school curriculum.

You can search for nebulae and galaxies on this site for hours.

3. - the site has ready-made homework in various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
4. - "high-speed" English lessons for beginners.
5. is 2000 works of the school curriculum in a summary.
6. - an interactive service for learning English. There is free and extended paid access (the cost for a year is comparable to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
7. - a large online children's library that contains the texts of program works on literature from grades 1 to 11.

On the portal you can read software works online

8. - a huge reference and information portal on the rules and complexities of the Russian language.
9. - a portal that contains links to useful resources, books and texts in all subjects of the school curriculum.

On the site you can find textbooks and assignments in many school subjects.

10. - an interesting service for learning English for students of varying degrees of preparation.
11. - site with huge amount biographies of writers, summaries and full texts of literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
12. - mathematics program from 1st to 11th grade, preparation for exams in the subject and ready-made homework.
13. - online solver and calculator with solutions of examples and equations in mathematics of varying complexity.
14. - textbooks, problem books, laboratory works and tests in physics for students in grades 7-9 and physics teachers.
15. - project of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Lectures on physics and a separate section for schoolchildren "Popular about science".
16. - collection of publications in chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, developed, among other things, at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
17. - interactive multimedia textbook on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. - an electronic training course "Open Biology" with division into areas "Botany", "Zoology", "Man", "General Biology" and "Ecology".
19. - a mega-encyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. is a national project that collects author's developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects. - learning portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books on various subjects.
22. - universal popular science online encyclopedia.
23. - universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. - electronic library of non-fiction
25. is an online platform where students learn school subjects in an interactive and fun way. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and archives of already held Olympiads are stored.
26. - interesting quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English for children aged 5-10.

Pixelmania is one of the most interesting tasks on the site, children can do it for a long time.

27. - a collection of elementary school lessons from grades 1 to 4 in mathematics, the Russian language, the world around and literacy. Access is paid, but the cost for a year does not exceed a thousand rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining questions and problems in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, art history, linguistics.
30. - free educational videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
31. - online school from 5th to 11th grade. The resource has preparation for the OGE, USE and Olympiads.
32. - Internet circles and Olympiads in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and science subjects for students in grades 1-9. Access is paid.
33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
34. - math service for students in grades 5-11. Detailed analysis topics and step by step solution tasks.
35. - online translator from a dozen languages, as well as grammar for English, German and French.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Smartia introduces current professions and suggests how to learn them. By choosing the specialty you are interested in - SMM specialist, photographer, web designer or another, you will see a list of skills required for it. So that you can master them yourself, for each skill, the site displays a selection of links to training materials. Although Smartia is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, some of the content is still available only in English.

The oldest educational platform of Runet. Here you will find hundreds of text and video courses on dozens of different topics - from programming to psychology. Many courses are prepared by Russian universities and large international companies like Intel and Microsoft. Selfeducation free, but those who wish can pay for the services of personal mentors.

This resource publishes collections of video lectures compiled by experts from different industries and united by common topics. Among them, for example, there are the series "Bioinformatics and Genomics", "Culture of Medieval Scandinavia" and Cinema Studies on film theory. Each collection of lectures is a logically connected story told by an expert in the first person. In addition, scientific and educational articles and tests on various topics appear on the site.

Project of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Phystech). With it, you can watch online series of lectures recorded on video at this university. Among the available subjects are physics, biology, chemistry, information technology and others. For some lectures, the administration of the resource attaches ready-made notes that can be downloaded in PDF format.

Electronic scientific Library open access. The site catalog is regularly overgrown with texts of articles from various scientific publications. Grouped by journals and headings, publications can be read online or downloaded in full in PDF format. The project aims to popularize science through open access to high-quality information.

The Newochem project team selects the most interesting texts from the English-language media and translates those that are voted for by members of the VKontakte community. For the most part, these are popular science articles. Editors invent only titles, otherwise the content of the translations corresponds to the originals. Full texts can be read directly on the social network.

7. ITMOcourses

Online platform of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO). The resource provides free access to courses developed at this university. The catalog of materials is divided into four categories: "Optical systems and technologies", "Instrumentation and robotics", " Information Technology and Biotechnology. The courses consist of video lectures, interactive demonstrations and assignments.

Online database of materials on the main disciplines of the school curriculum. Information on the site is structured by classes, subjects and topics (lessons). Each lesson consists of video lectures and notes. There are also interactive simulators and tests to reinforce the material covered. Even if you've graduated from high school a long time ago, being able to repeat a high school program can always come in handy.