The most obvious way is official wiretapping by the state.

In many parts of the world, telephone companies are required to provide access to wiretapping lines to the competent authorities. For example, in Russia, in practice, this is carried out technically through SORM - a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities.

Each operator is obliged to install an integrated SORM module on his PBX.

If the telecom operator has not installed equipment on its PBX to wiretap the phones of all users, its license in Russia will be canceled. Similar programs of total wiretapping operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the USA, Great Britain (Interception Modernization Program, Tempora) and other countries.

The venality of government officials and intelligence officers is well known to everyone. If they have access to the system in "god mode", then for the appropriate fee you can get it too. As in all government systems, in the Russian SORM - a big mess and typically Russian gouging. Most of the technical specialists are actually very low-skilled, which allows unauthorized access to the system without the intelligence agencies themselves noticing.

Telecom operators do not control when and which of the subscribers are listened to on SORM lines. The operator does not check in any way whether there is a court sanction for wiretapping a particular user.

“You take a certain criminal case about the investigation of an organized criminal group, in which 10 numbers are listed. You need to listen to someone who has nothing to do with this investigation. You just finish off this number and say that you have operational information that this is the number of one of the leaders of the criminal group, ”says knowledgeable people from the website.

Thus, through SORM you can listen to anyone on "legal" grounds. This is such a secure connection.

2. Listening through the operator

Operators cellular communication generally without any problems look at the list of calls and the history of movements mobile phone, which is registered in different base stations according to its physical location. To get call records, like the secret services, the operator needs to connect to the SORM system.

It doesn't make much sense for Russian law enforcement agencies to install Trojans, unless they need the ability to activate the smartphone's microphone and record, even if the user is not talking on a mobile phone. In other cases, SORM does an excellent job with wiretapping. Therefore, the Russian special services are not very active in introducing Trojans. But for informal use, it's a favorite hacker's tool.

Wives spy on their husbands, businessmen study the activities of competitors. In Russia, Trojan software is widely used for wiretapping by private clients.

Trojan is installed on a smartphone different ways: through fake software update, through an email with a fake attachment, through an Android vulnerability, or through a popular software like iTunes.

New vulnerabilities in programs are found literally every day, and then closed very slowly. For example, the FinFisher Trojan was installed through a vulnerability in iTunes that Apple did not close from 2008 to 2011. Through this hole, it was possible to install any software on behalf of Apple on the victim's computer.

It is possible that such a Trojan is already installed on your smartphone. Didn't it seem to you that the smartphone's battery has recently been discharged a little faster than it should be?

6. Application update

Instead of installing a special spyware Trojan, an attacker can do even smarter: choose an application that you yourself voluntarily install on your smartphone, and then give it all the permissions to access phone calls, recording conversations and transferring data to a remote server.

For example, it may be a popular game that is distributed through "left" directories mobile applications. At first glance, an ordinary game, but with the function of wiretapping and recording conversations. Very comfortably. The user with his own hands allows the program to access the Internet, where it sends files with recorded conversations.

Alternatively, the malicious functionality of the application may be added as an update.

7. Fake base station

The fake base station has a stronger signal than the real BS. Due to this, it intercepts the traffic of subscribers and allows you to manipulate data on the phone. Fake base stations are known to be widely used by law enforcement agencies abroad.

In the USA, a fake BS model called StingRay is popular.

And not only law enforcement agencies use such devices. For example, merchants in China often use fake BS to mass mailing spam to mobile phones that are within a radius of hundreds of meters around. In general, in China, the production of “fake honeycombs” is put on stream, so it’s not a problem to find a similar device in local stores, assembled literally on the knee.

8 Femtocell Hacking

Recently, some companies have been using femtocells - low-power miniature cellular stations that intercept traffic from mobile phones that are in range. Such a femtocell allows you to record calls from all employees of the company before forwarding calls to base station cellular operators.

Accordingly, to wiretap a subscriber, you need to install your own femtocell or hack the original femtocell of the operator.

9. Mobile complex for remote wiretapping

In this case, the radio antenna is installed close to the subscriber (works at a distance of up to 500 meters). A directional antenna connected to a computer intercepts all phone signals, and at the end of the work it is simply taken away.

Unlike a rogue femtocell or a Trojan, here the attacker doesn't have to worry about breaking into the site and installing the femtocell and then removing it (or removing the Trojan without leaving a trace of the hack).

The capabilities of modern PCs are enough to record a GSM signal on a large number of frequencies, and then crack the encryption using rainbow tables (here is a description of the technique from a well-known specialist in this field, Carsten Nohl).

If you voluntarily carry a universal bug with you, you automatically collect an extensive dossier on yourself. The only question is who will need this dossier. But if needed, he can get it without much difficulty.

Of course, I would like to live in a world where no one ever cheats. But this is a myth that will not come true. People tend to make mistakes and let their loved ones down. In order not to become a victim of betrayal, we suggest using the simplest and most accessible way obtaining evidence - using a mobile phone.

A lot of people on the net today are looking for information on how to get maximum access to their partner's mobile phone. For example, users of the global network are looking for options on how to listen to their wife's phone, how to read messages that come and are sent to the subscriber's number, and it would be interesting to look at the media files of the person with whom you share weekdays and nights. And the main question is: is it possible "Digging" in the smartphone of your companion / companion imperceptibly for him? After all, there is always a possibility that your suspicions are groundless, and then it can develop into a large-scale scandal with the most unpredictable consequences.

The Internet industry does not stand still, in our time a lot of applications have been developed that make life easier for the user of the 21st century. To be aware of how your half lives, you can always use utilities called "spyware". Such applications intercept information received on a mobile phone and transfer it to a server, from which you can then view it, read it, listen to it and analyze it at any time. Therefore, if you are looking for methods on how to listen to the mobile phone of your wife or husband, then this one is the best.

The only drawback of such a "" is that at least for 10 minutes, but you need to get your spouse's phone at your disposal. This will need to be done only once, but then you will know everything about your girlfriend / girlfriend / or wife.

Such programs are easy to install, while turning into invisible for the hostess herself. Even if she is an advanced user, she still won't be able to detect the interceptor.

Don't worry that your loved one has deleted the call history and messages from her phone. As they say, "the Internet has an eternal memory ...", so all her contacts will still be stored on the server, even if she immediately erases them from her cell phone.

If doubts do not allow you to breathe calmly, if you are constantly looking for compromising information on your half, and this is increasingly becoming a cause of quarrels in your family, then just install on her smartphone. If you are to blame, then you must have all the evidence on hand!

We wish you only one thing: let listening to your spouse's phone prove to you that she loves only you!

About what is phone tapping, what are phone tapping and where buy wiretap phone we will tell you in this article.

The concept itself phone tapping includes two concepts: the abstract concept of the listening process itself and the concept electronic device, with the help of which any conversations are listened to, including telephone ones.

In this article, we will consider not only wiretapping landline phone, wiretapping IP telephony, but also cell phone eavesdropping. The difference in listening regular phone and wiretapping of a mobile phone consists in the difference in communication channels through which information is transmitted between subscribers and the size of the devices for communication.

Wiretapping landline phone

Let's consider a communication channel between two subscribers and consider the possibility wiretapping landline phone.

As you can see from the figure, the communication channel between subscribers for fixed phones passes through the PBX. If we consider the situation with wiretapping landline phone in more detail, it will become clear that the communication channel is also a wire coming from the apartment or office of each of the subscribers through corridor risers, interfloor boxes, and further into underground cable channels. If you only imagine in your mind through which places physically accessible to external influences the wire of an ordinary city telephone connection, it becomes clear that even a schoolboy can get access to subscribers' conversations.

Listening points

Let's look at physical places phone listening connections to the communication channel in more detail from subscriber to subscriber. More precisely, we will consider only half of the communication channel - from one of eavesdropped subscribers to the PBX, since we will take into account the symmetry of the channel of the second subscriber with respect to the PBX. So, as, probably, many could guess, the first step phone tapping is the handset. I'm afraid to disappoint the erudite, although such an attempt will be counted, but it is not correct. Phone tapping starts outside the handset. Since the voice of subscriber 1 (sitting near the handset) and the voice of subscriber 2 can be heard by me on the handset, it is enough to place phone tapping somewhere near telephone. Good microphone sensitivity wiretaps, both the voice of the first and the second caller will be heard. What can play a role in this case wiretaps? Yes, anything: it can be a mini voice recorder and mini radio bug and mini gsm bug.

Listening on the telephone

The second place is the introduction into the communication channel with phone tapping is, of course, the same handset. Such a large phone handset can not only accommodate a good quality radio bug or voice recorder with a microphone, but also allows you to connect directly to the speaker and microphone pins, which will provide best quality audible voice of both parties. The most interesting thing is that wiretaps, located in a stationary device, do not need to change batteries, since you can power wiretapping scheme directly from the wires of a landline phone.

The third weak point is the telephone box. Since the signal passes through its circuit, then listening can be connected and in the device itself. In Soviet times, when there were no voice recorders on micro-flash cards, it was even possible to install a mini-tape recorder in the phone case. In our time when landlines acquired the size of mobile phones, implementation of wiretapping into an apparatus or tube has become problematic, but still achievable. How to do this, we will tell in the description paragraph. wiretaps cell phones . The picture below shows an example of a telephone with a built-in GSM bug.

The fourth vulnerable point for wiretapping is the wire from the fixed telephone. It is not even necessary to cut the wire and connect in parallel with the wires. Enough to place the induction beetle on a wire, which will receive a clear signal from the induced radiation. Further, the listened signal can be both recorded and transmitted over the radio.

Connecting wiretapping to a communication cable

After leaving a residential or office space, the telephone cable usually passes through public places, such as: a stairwell, a mezzanine box, and, finally, an access junction box. Access to such places is easy to get: just enter the victim’s entrance or call the neighbors under the guise of a guest. It is also very easy to get access to office premises: it is enough to pretend to be a client or customer and receive an invitation to the office complex. Phone listening device, which can be placed in a stairwell in a junction box costs from $100 and up, depending on the required run time and functionality.

In the picture below we see bug, built-in tee telephone socket, which in Russia can be bought from 2000 rubles.

If it is possible to crash into telephone wiring, then you can install the same bug as on a regular wire.

Well, and, perhaps, the last segment of the tie-in telephone line tapping this is ATS. PBX with its terminal equipment is usually available for wiretapping only to special services. But really, everything is prepared for this. No need to crash anywhere, something to connect. For digital exchanges of the latest generation, it is enough to programmatically select a subscriber and put all his conversations on record. Wiretapping is carried out by special order. To check if a number is being listened to, just call tapped number and at the moment of picking up the tube, listen to the tube. If a beep is heard for 1-2 seconds at a frequency of approximately 500 Hz, then we can confidently say that the subscriber is listening. If not, then nothing can be said for sure.

Bluetooth headsets have already become commonplace, and most of us have one in our pocket, at home, or have already inserted it in our ear. The next time you see someone with a Bluetooth headset that doesn't look like a normal Bluetooth headset, you can safely be sure that it is a spyware. wiretapping.

This unique wiretapping can not only record video, but also transmit a Bluetooth signal to compatible smartphones. Of course, you can forget about the secular quality of 1024p, since the camera shoots at 480p resolution at 30 frames per second. This permission, however, is quite enough for the spy to listen and collect the necessary video evidence of the enemy.

During the Cold War, the United States led wiretapping communication cables of the USSR on the ocean floor. A special wiretapping bug weighing 6 tons descended from the submarine and was fixed on the cable itself. The information was retrieved by wiretapping with the help of induction pickups created by the cable.

Special electronics shared information channels and write data to media. The wiretapping had a built-in battery that allows wiretapping to work for several months. At the end of the recording, the wiretap was extracted and the data was analyzed in the information processing center.

wiretapping, produced in the Barents and Okhotsk Seas, in fact, did not justify itself. Since the USSR had an infiltrated agent, misleading data flowed through the communication channels and the US costs of installing wiretapping did not pay off.

Many wiretaps are still on communication cables, since their removal is not economically and strategically beneficial to either side. Most of the records are ordinary telephone conversations.

A few simple rules to help avoid wiretapping

If you suspect that someone has installed wiretapping, you must adhere to all the points that are listed below. They will help determine if your suspicions are true, and will also significantly reduce the likelihood of a leak. confidential information.

1. Regularly check sockets, shields, wiring and wires for the presence of listening devices. This is due to the fact that in such places it is possible to provide a constant supply of energy for " bug". Under this condition, wiretapping can be carried out for an unlimited amount of time.

2. Be sure to check all gifts received, especially if you did not expect to receive them. The greatest attention should be paid to items that are designed to stay close to their owner (for example, watches). It is also worth checking small little things that were accidentally left or forgotten. The listening device can be disguised as anything - a pen, a cufflink, a keychain.

3. It should be understood that even the most protected telephone line cannot guarantee complete confidentiality of the conversation. All important issues should be discussed in person, not over the phone. If you urgently need to solve something important through the phone, veil the meaning in such a way that it is incomprehensible to outsiders.

4. To make sure you have wiretapping, try spouting disinformation into the conversation a couple of times. After that, it remains only to closely monitor all the possible organizers of wiretapping.

5. Stop the conversation when the interlocutor's audibility has sharply deteriorated or improved. Since this is one of the main signs that the phone tapping. Another effect that may occur on tapped phones is a decrease in your audibility for the interlocutor. These oddities occur when a listening device is introduced into a telephone line (the voltage drops in it).

6. Before holding important meetings, completely turn off all phones (both landlines and mobiles). You should also turn on background music. She will not interfere with the conversation, but a hindrance for wiretaps will obviously create.

Ways to protect against wiretapping phone

In the face of fierce competition modern business quite serious attention is paid to security and protection of confidential information from unauthorized access. One of the methods of such an invasion is phone tapping both fixed and mobile. Is it possible to avoid such interference?

To protect landline phones from wiretapping, you can use a special module that is installed on the site telephone cable, connecting the PBX and the subscriber, since it is most often used to install listening devices. Functional features devices allow you to detect and suppress connections to the line of other phones, recording devices for a voice recorder, "bugs" not only in conversational mode, but also when on-hook. Such protective devices are effective for both tone dialing and pulse dialing machines.

One of the most reliable ways eavesdropping protection both landline and mobile phones is to install a scrambler - special device, which is combined with a telephone and encrypts the transmitted speech. A significant disadvantage of this technology is the need to have such devices for both subscribers conducting a conversation. An effective method of combating wiretapping is the use of a cryptophone - an independent device for mobile communications or a set-top box for a telephone that has a small size, with the help of which the most complex encryption of conversations is carried out.

Parallel to technical means eavesdropping protection exist and software solutions Problems. Modern mobile phones and smartphones are equipped with built-in programs that block unauthorized access or allow you to set such functions. MicroSD cards have also been created, which have an integrated microcircuit with support for encryption. Such cards can be used in mobile phones, smartphones and communicators.

All funds from wiretaps different in price, degree of protection and are selected depending on necessary requirements to protect against unauthorized access.

Signs of wiretapping

wiretapping phone, as a form of non-indirect espionage, only special services have, in turn, which are equipped with good equipment.

Espionage is information that can be resold to other people or other companies. As a rule, it is very expensive and often there is a need for personal connections in a company for sale. A few examples: As an option for self-taught, it will be light program, such as "wiretapping", the Internet is full of such programs today. Its significance is that the program does not join the connection from the outside, but only records conversations directly from the victim's phone. These programs send audio recordings, SMS, pictures and video files to the customer.

As you know, it is impossible to determine for yourself that they are listening to you, well, or be reduced to a minimum. And so how to determine this mere mortal?

Phone "independent".
Without your participation, he rebooted, dials some numbers, turns on, turns off, installs and launches programs, deletes data. Such a “habit” can be caused by an important malfunction in the apparatus, but also the fact that mobile phone tapping can be too.

The phone somehow quickly began to discharge.
An unexpectedly discharged battery may indicate dangerous program in the device. Naturally, all chargers start to work worse over time. But the decrease in capacity is not immediate. If the phone was recently bought, or yesterday there was enough charge for 8 days, and today it takes 6 hours, this is not good.

The battery is running hot.
Hot battery - perhaps some program is running on the phone, or maybe not. hot phone during a conversation - this is not terrible (since you create the heat yourself).

Audible interference.
Noises appear during a conversation, with poor signal reception, they may appear or with a poor-quality phone. When you hear hissing, clicking or screeching, sitting or walking in any place, and in conversations with relatives, there is a reason for excitement. It is also very alarming if there is an “echo”.

In simple terms, you can say about lies (dialed, received calls).
Maybe someone’s unfamiliar number will appear on the phone that you didn’t dial or receive, and there is a “duration” of the connection - you should worry, maybe there was wiretapping via mobile.

The device "does not want" to turn off.
It happens that you try to turn off the phone, he does not want this and starts throwing out all sorts of tricks, turns on the backlight or does not turn off - you can be sure that the phone is the carrier of the same, bad, spyware. Or The failure may be caused by a simple technical problem.

How not to become a victim of wiretapping

It is not necessary to be paranoid or suffer from persecution mania in order to one day think: “It seems that I bugging, or maybe recorded on camera. Of course, such thoughts are much closer to successful people who have something to hide, but ordinary citizens are sometimes subjected to routine checks by special services and law enforcement units.

To avoid becoming a victim wiretaps enough to keep a few simple rules and have the right amount of care.
The first rule on this list, and perhaps the most important, is to be careful when talking on the phone and preferably in person. This will help avoid churn. important information. In the event that a personal meeting is impossible, you can use the "Aesopian language" - a very incomprehensible to outsiders who do not know your personal encoding, a combination of words, syllables and even just sounds. But such an encoding will have to be developed jointly with the interlocutor, which is also not always possible.

The second rule says that it is very important when telephone conversations take into account the quality of the connection. mobile connection tends to "fail" and break off, but landlines, depending only on the stability of the telephone line, rarely let their owners down. With the introduction of "bugs" and listening devices on a telephone line or PBX, the quality of communication will significantly improve on the one hand and deteriorate on the other. This is due to a sudden drop in voltage. Of course, a drop in the quality of communication can also be caused by the usual failure of the electrification of the network, but such behavior of the device may well alert. In this case, there are two ways out of the situation: stop the telephone conversation (which will certainly arouse the suspicion of the listening party) or conduct deep disinformation.

The third rule should be used when conducting business negotiations in a conference room or your own office, especially if they are very significant to you, you should check for listening all furniture, skirting boards, hoods and any items that are present in the room. Also, during negotiations, it is recommended to turn on quiet background music that will interfere with communication, turn off mobile phones, which themselves can be transmitting devices.

And, of course, you should be wary of gifts from business partners and, especially, from competitors. Each gift, whether it be a technique or a harmless souvenir, may contain a recording or retransmitting device.
It will not hurt to install your own observation, which will help identify the actions of unauthorized persons in the room.

Hello! I am glad to introduce you to new material in my blog about mobile security! Do you know how the phone is tapped? Can any third party use this service if they want to get access to your personal information? How to protect your confidential data? In the article, I will try to answer all related questions in detail, and this material will be completed by an actual video on the same topic, recorded especially for you!

Technically, putting the phone on tap is a very difficult task. I have carefully studied this topic, so I can draw some conclusions. First, we immediately dismiss physical devices for intercepting conversations. Signals cellular networks are sent with complex encryption, making it difficult for anyone to eavesdrop on your conversation. If it is required by the special services, then everything is much simpler, since the work is carried out with mobile operator directly. But no outsider will be able to get access there!

I decided to look on the Internet to see if there are special programs that will help to listen to any phone. I reviewed a lot of applications for an Android smartphone, but there was no really working software there. But there are a lot of scams and fake programs that are better not to install at all! You can even accidentally pick up viruses! But my search didn't end there.

next interesting idea It was necessary to find a service that allows you to copy information remotely. Creation backup- a useful service that would be useful in case of loss of a mobile phone, or if something happens to the memory. Even a simple breakdown can lead to the collapse of important data, especially if you use the phone for business communication. It will not work to put the phone directly on listening through such a program, but a copy of the information, including correspondence on social networks and recordings of conversations, will be sent to Personal Area located on a separate server.

In Android, the mobile phone will need to be installed special program, see my video about setting up after the article. I liked the ability to send data not via 3G traffic, but via Wi-Fi. In terms of compatible software, a very large number of clients are supported for social networks, as well as a variety of messengers! There are no complaints about the work, I use it regularly myself.

As a result, I thought that an attacker might not need any special programs to install listening on a phone, because everything can be done much easier! Imagine for yourself that someone puts an application on your smartphone, like the one described above! But what exactly - it does not matter! Antiviruses will not detect and block it, since this service utility is only useful in capable hands. Sending information remotely is not considered a violation for operating system, since it can be used to save important data.

Therefore, try not to leave your mobile phone in the office unattended, and also do not pass the phone to unfamiliar people! And, of course, regularly update antiviruses, do not visit dubious resources. If the service that I talked about interested you, then be sure to watch the video after this article. But do not install such programs in other people's mobile phones! Nobody would like that!

Are you a suspicious husband? Then this article is just for you. In it, you will learn how to listen to your wife's phone, find out her real location coordinates. There are several simple methods for this.

The article does not cover the ability to view incoming and outgoing calls while she sleeps. The beacons inserted into the device are obsolete.

Learn how to track your spouse's mobile phone with modern and revolutionary surveillance techniques.

You suspected your beloved woman of dubious relationships, then do not hesitate. Track her movement with the app for personal computer. This method has the following disadvantages:

  • not everyone is able to find a working version of the software;
  • not everyone will be able to deal with it;
  • almost all versions are expensive.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • accurate location data;
  • the ability to listen to a cell phone;
  • open access to file system and calls;
  • moral satisfaction.

Spyware tools are convenient, but not practical. It will be quite difficult to convict a wife of cheating by listening to her cell phone.

Program installation

Didn't work with the first method? There are others available methods listening. For example, installing an application on the wife's phone.

The Internet is filled with products from many developers. You should only choose a reliable partner.

This is the easiest way. There is nothing easier than installing a special program in mobile device. Its undeniable plus is its ease of use.

The main drawback is ease of detection. You are at risk when you install an application of unknown origin. Your wife is immediately able to detect a "foreign body." And, to spite you, walk around the city in anticipation that you will run after her.

The most efficient way to listen

This is a way to listen to a means of communication over the Internet. The most acceptable method of wiretapping is interaction with special service. The user just needs to go to the site using the link below and follow further instructions. The program will do the rest.

This option is the most convenient and effective. The main thing is that no one will catch you. Of course, if you do not split yourself.