E-num client for computer - handy program for authorization. This system will provide you access without passwords. Now you can only log in using e-mail. It's very convenient, so this program chosen by most users from all over the world.

Features of this program:

Enam is a wonderful program that will store all your passwords and will only allow you to log in using e-mail. Most often, this program is used to work with WebMoney Transfer, namely to enter and to confirm that you are transferring funds.

By installing this unique program on your computer, you automatically receive a hardwired cipher pad, which is unique for each user. This will help keep you safe.

After you enter a question number into E-num client, the program automatically gives you a number-answer, which is the only correct number-answer.

After all this procedure, you must enter the answer number in the registration field and you are done. You are successfully authorized.


This is a unique program that will make logging into various programs much easier and safer. Now you will have a program that will store your keys. Everything you need to enter you have read above. So we wish you success in your future work.

E-num is an authorization system that provides access to the services of the WebMoney Transfer system through secret key, which is stored on the participant's mobile device. The system allows you to store WM Keeper program keys in its database, which makes it possible to safely use your electronic wallets, as well as WebMoney services on almost any computer. The E-num system is simple and convenient. The participant does not need to remember complex passwords. Authorization occurs either according to the "Question-Answer" scheme, or after reading a fingerprint, or after entering a control number sent in an SMS message. The application is very convenient to use to confirm transactions in WebMoney Keeper Classic, Light, Mini and WebMoney Merchant!

1. Install the E-NUM application on your phone with a cipher pad unique for each user.
2. In the authorization form (on the site, in the program), in response to the entered registration e-mail, you will see a question number.
3. In the E-NUM client, enter the number-question (or scan the QR code on the site), you get the only correct number-answer.
4. Enter the answer number in the form - YOU ARE AUTHORIZED!

With the advent of the ability to perform many operations through a computer or mobile device with access to the Internet, in particular those related to money transfers, the most important issue has become the security of such actions. In addition to the standard procedure for confirming an action through a call or SMS sent to a specific phone number, a free program E-num, the features of which will be discussed in this article.

E-num - what is it?

E-num is a service that was created to confirm certain actions by Internet users. The mechanism of its operation is as follows: the service generates a pair of random numbers, one of which is called a “question”, and the corresponding one is called an “answer”. The answer comes to the user's mobile device - a mobile phone or tablet on which this program is installed.

E-num also allows you to scan a QR code - a graphic image in which the answer is encrypted, providing access to the right service or confirmation of the operation.

QR code allows you to use the E-num system even without internet on a mobile device.

Among the analogs of the service is sending an SMS message to the client with an answer key, for which, in some cases, an additional fee is charged. Therefore, E-num is more cost-effective - the application itself is free and available for download on mobile devices with any operating system. Among the programs, the service has no analogues and covers almost all financial transactions performed on the network.

How Enum is used in WebMoney

The scope of this authorization method is various online stores, portals and electronic banking systems. Often, users first encounter it when registering a WebMoney electronic wallet. In this case, a mobile client will be required when entering the site or in the keeper, to access some sections containing personal information (for example, previously downloaded scans of passports), as well as to confirm the transfer of funds between wallets or their withdrawal and cashing out.

Important! In order to “hijack” an electronic wallet, an attacker needs to have access to the mobile device of its owner, which makes hacking almost impossible.

On this moment the number of downloads of the program from the PlayMarket has exceeded 500 thousand, the average rating of the application is a stable four and above. The total number of users of other operating systems is also about 300,000. Is it a lot or a little? With a total number of clients of WebMoney Transfer systems of 10 million people, it becomes clear that the prevalence of the E-us system is currently low, but its popularity is really gradually growing with an increase in public confidence in electronic systems.

To everyone who is interested modern technologies, it will be interesting to read our article on the Internet of things -.

How to install E-num (+ video instruction)

To start using E-num on a mobile device with Android OS, you need to download the installation file with the extension * .apk from official site or install app from Play Market A. The program itself is intuitive and easy to use.
Immediately after installation, the system will prompt you to log into your account, and in the absence of it, register it.

The application does not have a mode fast switching between accounts. If you need to confirm the operation from another email address, the authorization procedure will have to be repeated.

Modern smartphones and tablets provide users with the ability to set a graphic or digital password for the application. In the case of E-num given function is built into the program itself, but it is recommended not to neglect additional security measures and set a lock on the application itself. In case of theft mobile device this will make it more difficult for attackers.

Apart from operating system Android, the E-num client is also designed for users of the following operating systems:

  • Apple iOS;
  • Windows phone;
  • BlackBerry.

On the official website of E-num, as well as on the Wiki.WebMoney page dedicated to this client, there are links to install the application.

Otherwise, its use on mobile and tablets with another OS is no different from Android devices. The only difference is that you can register in the system only from the Android application or through the official website. Methods for confirming payment transactions are the same for clients of all operating systems.

Step-by-step instructions for installing on a phone

  1. An installation file is downloaded on the official website of the application or through the Play Market (Appstore and other applications depending on the OS).
  2. After the file download scale reaches 100%, you must click on the "File installation" window, agree to the application's terms - among them "Receive data via the Internet" and "Receive text messages" or wait for it to be automatically installed.
  3. The "Open Application" window will appear on the screen. On start page will be prompted to enter email to which your E-num account is registered or register a new one.
  4. After confirming your account via e-mail, you can start working with the application - scan QR codes, receive response numbers on your mobile, or generate your own.

Nuances of installing E-num

  • The amount of memory that the application occupies is about 30 MB, so when installed on modern smartphones with a large margin of memory problems do not arise.
  • In the settings when installing the application, you can choose the methods of its protection: using a numeric password or graphic key, and appearance windows, push notification activity.

Attention! The “Deactivation” settings item resets the email and makes it possible to log into another account.

Is it safe to use e-num?

Using the client is safe due to the high reliability of the system, which is provided both at the architectural and cryptographic levels. Secret answer keys that appear on the screen mobile phone at the time of financial transactions, they make it possible not to be tied to a specific computer and work with electronic wallets, transfer funds and make purchases anywhere in the world. The ability to scan a QR code ensures that the operation is confirmed even if there are problems with mobile internet- just point the camera of your mobile device at the computer screen and set the limiting red beam in the right place.

How to confirm a transaction with E-num

Consider what methods of confirming transactions can be used, what are their features and which one should be preferred.

Question answer

When choosing this method when entering the system or to confirm a certain operation, a combination of numbers (question) appears, simultaneously with which a number-answer is displayed on the screen of the mobile device through the application. It must be entered in the box on the site. If the answer is entered without errors, the operation is considered confirmed, otherwise a new question is generated.

  • simplicity and speed of transaction confirmation;
  • suitable for owners of phones from which it is impossible to scan a QR code (old models, camera lens defects).


  • the answer number is on the smartphone screen for up to 10 seconds, which causes some inconvenience - you have to enter it very quickly.

Confirmation of transactions through a numerical "question-answer" is the simplest and most cost-effective way.

Fingerprint confirmation

Authorization confirmation using a fingerprint is not a common option, since it requires the purchase of additional equipment - a fingerprint scanner, for example, from Eikon. These devices are in the form of a flash drive that connects to a computer via a USB port.

To activate this method To confirm transactions, you must register your fingerprint on the E-num website. It can be expected that in the future authorization will become available using the latest generations of mobile devices, which already have a built-in fingerprint recognition function of the owner.

  • confirmation speed and simplicity - just put your finger on it, and in a few seconds access is already granted;
  • maximum level of protection against hacking.


  • the need to purchase an additional device;
  • low prevalence, as a result - the work of the E-num team on this method is not currently underway.

SMS confirmation

The easiest way to authenticate is to mobile number the client receives a message with a combination of numbers, which must be entered in a special field on the site.

  • works even on older mobile phones.


  • dependence on the presence of a mobile network;
  • in case of theft of a mobile phone along with a SIM card, it makes it easier for hackers to hack into accounts.

Where else is E-NUM used?

In addition to the most famous Webmoney e-wallet system, this client is actively used by such large trading platforms like Aliexpress, Ebay, smaller online stores and electronic wallets, combined with Webmoney e-currency transfer systems for goods or services. If desired, any Internet platform can connect this service as the main or additional way to confirm transactions related to money transfers or information exchange.

With development information technologies and the transition of a part of the market and the banking segment to the world wide web the main issue is the security of transactions. The usual verification methods become obsolete and are often uneconomical for the user (an additional fee is often charged for SMS messages with a confirmation code). When switching to the E-num application, you can be sure of its reliability, which is the main factor in its popularization.

E-NUM is a client for a computer and a smartphone designed for authorization on WebMoney services and performing monetary transactions on them, such as transferring currency.

Principle of operation

Users who have electronic wallets in payment system WebMoney knows that in order to transfer money and perform some other operations, they must be confirmed using the phone number associated with the account.

But this is not always convenient, and not everyone wants to pay a few rubles for SMS with a confirmation code. And when a mobile device is not at hand, the phone is broken or discharged, it was impossible to make a money transfer to WebMoney. But with the advent of E-NUM, this has changed.

The program, after installation on a computer, will ask you to register in the system by entering and confirming your email address. After that, the application will ask you to enter a graphic key (PIN code or password) to gain access to its functions.

For a computer, the scheme works as follows: the system will display a question number and ask you to enter an answer number to confirm the transaction. The user needs to enter the question number in the form in the "Confirm action" section, and the answer number will instantly appear on the screen, which should be entered in the transaction confirmation window.

On Android, you can use the functionality of the integrated code scanner to get the answer number. To do this, in the main menu, you must select "Scan code", instead of manually entering the question.

E-NUM Security

Do not worry about the possibility of unauthorized transfer of funds from your account. To confirm the operation, you need a response number, which is impossible to get without your SIM card or authorization in the E-NUM program. And in order to secure the client, the developers have added several functions:

  • authorization in the program by entering a graphic key, PIN-code or password;
  • the presence of Stealth-mode - no trace when entering a graphic key;
  • protection against guessing a password (key, PIN code) – deleting an account after a specified number of incorrect authorization attempts in the application.

We use the client in Windows

The Bluestacks emulator makes it possible to work with WebMoney wallets without a phone, you can download it. Launch the emulator and click on the search button.

Enter E-NUM and press "Enter".

After going to the application page, click "Install" in order to download the program to your PC.

Virtual spaces are actively developing and provide their users with convenient applications, allowing you to use various functional components without any problems. For example, now you can easily use your Internet wallet called Web Money. Surely you have heard about this system, which has already spread its networks all over the world and opens up great opportunities for its users.

It's no secret what exactly is on smartphones special application called E-NUM, which makes it possible to get through the system authorization as quickly as possible and use your wallet. After all standard procedure it has several security layers and sometimes takes a long time until you get access to your wallet. And E-NUM greatly facilitates this procedure, so you should definitely use this application, and if you want to get such an opportunity for a computer, then just use our recommendations and you will succeed. But first, let's talk about the program itself.

Authenticator in a couple of clicks

E-NUM client for a computer will open up a lot of opportunities for you to receive desired functions. Why use this application, you need to run the program on your computer and you will get the following benefits:

  • high-level protection against hacking your wallet;
  • several levels of protection that can be passed only with the help of a digital identifier, mail and the introduction of a unique character set;
  • ease of access to the wallet;
  • the safety of your data.

Now no attacker will be able to access your wallet, as it will be as secure as possible. It remains only to run it on a computer, and you will get everything you want.


At first, you will need to download a special “apk” file of the E-NUM authenticator program yourself, without which you will not be able to install the program.

After you should download a special emulator mobile applications at the link, which is referred to as "BlueStacks". Once everything is done, it remains only to install the emulator and then add the downloaded "apk" file to it.

Installing the program is not so difficult, just run the installation file and wait a few minutes. After that, you will need to create a Google account, and only after that you will be able to freely use all the functions of the program.

And to install the application, you will need to open the "apk" file through the program. To do this, go to left panel and look for a special circle with "apk". After clicking, you must specify the path to your file and run the installer. After a few minutes, the program will be installed and you will be able to use its functions. True, after launching, you will immediately have to enter the data of your online wallet. But these are already functions of the program itself, which you can easily understand.