Last modified on Sep 16, 2019 in control panel

Using a FTP Client (Recommended)

What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

An FTP service is designed for transferring files over the internet. This transfer occurs between a user and a server. The FTP service that Apex offers alongside it's servers not only allows you to upload files, but it also provides a file editing feature that becomes helpful when modding one's Minecraft server. There are 2 options to access your servers files. The web panel on your servers Multicraft page, or through an FTP program like Coreduck or Filezilla.

Why use Panel FTP?

FTP from the web panel should be used in most cases as you can do all the same things you can do in an FTP program, without any additional installs. FTP programs are for hosts with larger files or larger amounts of files being uploaded.

How to use Panel FTP

You will be able to edit files with the edit widgets on the right of the file name. You will be able to rename files by checking said file boxes, and hitting rename, renaming, and hitting submit. You can move files by ticking, and moving said file. You can create new files, and new folders and upload, from the left tab.

1: From the main multicraft page you will need to head to the “FTP File Access” tab

2: Click on the FTP tab on the panel options, and login using your panel information.

3: You will be sent to the FTP access panel, from where you can edit your server files.

Common Issues

1:When you login you may use the incorrect password as legacy accounts have different passwords. Make sure you are using the same login information to access multicraft and access.

This part of the tutorial will be on how to use an FTP program, specifically Filezilla, to access your servers files. This is ONLY if you are using Filezilla

Why use an External FTP program?

FTP programs take up less usage on a pc than a regular browser program might. If 100% of the uploading process is going to uploading, the chance for it to fail is MUCH smaller. This is especially important when uploading larger files, larger amounts of files, or larger amounts of larger files. If you do not want to use filezilla Cyber ​​Duck or Core FTP are 2 very good alternative programs that work in a similar way to Filezilla

How to use an External FTP program

Once you are connected, Filezilla works like a regular computer file manager. You can right click a file to view, edit, rename, delete, create new folders, delete folders, click and drag to move a file or folder. You can upload files by clicking and dragging them to the targeted directory of your choice.

1: For the first step our FTP program, Filezilla, must be downloaded from the following link:Download Filezilla . Make sure to download and install the windows client version

2: To use Filezilla we will need our login information. Copy your information from the FTP login page to paste into Filezilla. Your ftp username, address, and then input your password.

If you want to save your info, so you do not have to input it every time you login, click file site manager and then click new site and input your server info. After clicking ok you will have everything submitted.

Common Issues

If you find yourself constantly having to log in make sure you adjust Filezilla in the site manager tab to only use plain FTP.

If you have issues logging in or something does not look/function correctly make sure you download the client version and not the server version.

Minecraft is probably one of the most successful implementations of "sandboxes" with elements of survival in the virtual world. That is why the game enjoys well-deserved popularity in all countries of the world. As of 2015, it has officially sold 30 million copies for PC alone (over 80 million in total).

Today, Minecraft has been ported to almost all platforms, with hundreds of mods, thousands of plugins, and dozens of imitations from alternative developers. Yes, now Minecraft is already a whole gaming universe.

What is Minecraft hosting for?

Any player, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that he is bored with the single-player mode, or he wants to play surrounded by his friends or relatives without prying eyes and by his own rules.

Some even make money by providing their Minecraft game server for a network game (multiplayer) to other players.

All this becomes possible only if you have enough power to ensure the gameplay.

What does the site offer?

We do not provide hosting services game servers, do not sell software, etc.

All we do is help those who need to choose the right server for the game.

Here you will find a large number of existing hosting providers, each of which is defined by a set of key characteristics.

Choosing a game server service provider comes down to filtering by given parameters or refine your search using the tags panel.

For each individual hosting, you can familiarize yourself with real reviews customers and see the degree of trust (according to the received estimates and ratings).

What is the difficulty of choosing Minecraft server hosting

In fact, any hosting (hosting) is the rental of hardware and software with access to the network for specific tasks.

Ideally, for the layman, game hosting should look like this:

  1. Service payment.
  2. Getting the necessary parameters to access the admin panel.
  3. Getting data to connect players.
  4. The game.

In practice, such a result is difficult to achieve or has a number of limitations. The choice of hosting Minecraft servers is complicated by the fact that the service provider imposes a number of restrictions on the consumption of server resources (processor time, amount of consumed random access memory, connection channel, hard disk space, etc.), pre-installed software package, technical support, etc.

All this directly affects the price of the service.

As a result, at the end you can get a situation with a virtually bare server on which you can install any software, but for its proper configuration and load balancing, you need special knowledge and experience.

Consider typical situations

Free hosting. Yes, some service providers provide free access to your servers. But most often this is done as part of attracting a new audience (which will later be monetized in other ways). The service has a number of serious limitations, including the fact that all your data can be deleted from the servers at any time without a trace and without consequences for the service operator (the fact is that the absence of a fee excludes property relations and does not fall into the legal field of the relevant controlling organizations, there is no money - there is no contract of sale, so there are no claims to the consequences). Companies are quickly abandoning this method of promoting their products due to the low quality of the resulting customer base.

Sometimes access to servers is provided free of charge as part of a test period, so that a potential user can appreciate all the delights of the service.

Cheap hosting most often, oddly enough, provides a large set of pre-installed and configured software (users require a minimum of knowledge and configuration steps), but it is very limited in resources. That is, if you decide to gather a large number of users in one place and exceed the planned load on the equipment, you will most likely be simply disconnected (or your account will be blocked).

Solutions based on real (dedicated) servers are very reliable, you get full control over software, you can install and configure the game server at your discretion, it is possible to connect a large number of players at the same time. The disadvantages of dedic servers include the need for their one-time purchase, payment for installation in a server room rack (connection to a data channel, power supply, etc.), knowledge and experience for correct setting. You may need to purchase licensed software (depending on the platform and applied solutions)

VDS (virtual) servers provide the same features as real ones, but without the need to purchase hardware(sometimes software) and recurring payments for the use of rack space. The price of this convenience is the high cost of rent per month. On the other hand, you can order a VPS/VDS server exactly as much as you need.

In both of the latter cases, you may need the support services of a host provider or a third-party specialist to set up and start the server.

How to choose hosting Minecraft servers

If you need hosting for a small number of players, look into inexpensive web hosting.

If you want to launch a serious long-term project with great prospects and plans, your choice is dedicated servers for Minecraft.

If the load is planned to be rather big, but you are still not sure about the future of the project, choose VDS / VPS or cloud solutions.

You can filter the search results in more detail using the options available for hosting, such as:

  • Payment for slots / resources,
  • Pre-installed game server control panel,
  • A set of ready-made plugins and game mods,
  • Russian technical support,
  • Defence from DDoS attacks,
  • affiliate program to attract new customers,
  • Fast SSDs(solid-state) drives
  • Etc.

Minecraft hosting rental services will delight their customers with excellent quality from the moment of purchase minecraft game hosting before leaving the playground. Our highly qualified team of specialists minecraft hosting made great efforts, creating a powerful, and most importantly comfortable "playground" for fans and connoisseurs of the game.

Not unimportant, but for many customers a significant plus will be the fact that we provide the most cheap minecraft server hosting over the vast expanses of the Internet. The rates that we offer are stable, and over time, will only please all our customers who wish to buy a minecraft server.

And, of course, game hosting minecraft from the site, it is qualified and responsive technical support players of all levels, from beginners to "pros". No player has loaned minecraft server hosting, will not remain without a clear and comprehensive answer.

Game server hosting
"in step with the times".

In the process of painstaking work, constantly developing and improving our game hosting minecraft, specialists have developed and installed an exclusive and powerful protection from DDoS, thereby moving minecraft hosting to leading positions. Our customers have already assessed the degree of security of "their" purchased minecraft servers leaving a lot of positive feedback.

Our team has developed a forum that is convenient in its functionality, where everyone can leave their feedback or wish, which will be definitely considered and, if it is really “important”, fulfilled. In our opinion, the “FAQ” section, which was developed by our team, has become relevant minecraft game hosting.

Our user minecraft server hosting, gets everything you need to manage the server, in the absence of any plugin in the panel, and there are 18706 of them, you can easily install any plugin, thanks to full access via FTP client. Within seconds the owner minecraft server hosting, can perform any action thanks to latest panel developed by our experts. Designers minecraft hosting did an excellent job on minecraft game hosting, using harmonious tones and exquisite colors in the design.

Undoubtedly, in the presence of all the above advantages, our minecraft hosting remains in the category "cheapest minecraft hosting".