As practice shows, the capabilities of their own computer suit users only for the time being - sooner or later they have to resort to an upgrade. Everything is tritely simple - new versions of the OS and applications used, as a rule, require more and more resources. The easiest way to upgrade your PC is to purchase a new system unit with a modern “stuffing”, which, if you have money, is not difficult. However, this is not always reasonable - often, to improve performance, it is enough to resort to replacing individual components.

To choose an upgrade strategy, you need to find out what hardware is installed and understand what the computer lacks for more fast work- processor power, video system capabilities, memory capacity, data read / write speed hard drive etc. But this is only one side of the coin. After acquiring a new system unit or upgrading an old one, you will need to quickly find out whether the “stuffing” of the system unit corresponds to the one declared upon purchase (without opening the unit itself, since it may have a seal), assess how much the performance has increased, and understand whether the computer is really stable works.

Any professional assembler (and all overclocking enthusiasts) can easily solve the above tasks, since he has a lot of various and highly specialized information and diagnostic tools in his arsenal. An ordinary user does not need to acquire such solutions, however, it is still necessary to install a simple comprehensive utility to obtain information about the hardware and test the computer. It is these programs that we will consider in this article.

Get hardware information

Theoretically, any information and diagnostic utility is able to recognize the "stuffing" of the system unit. However, not every program is able to identify new models of processors, video cards and other hardware (it all depends on the completeness of the database and the regularity of its updates), and the amount of information on identified components can be different - from minimal to exhaustive.

Among the considered solutions, the program has the most detailed information. AIDA64, which knows almost everything about any hardware, including the most latest news. For example, this utility will be able to recognize the recently introduced Intel 510 and 320 SSDs, AMD video cards Radeon HD 6790 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M, five new Quadro M series mobile graphics cards from NVIDIA, etc.

Using AIDA64, you can easily find out everything about the processor, motherboard, video card, network adapter, drives (including the latest SSDs) and input devices, multimedia, as well as ports, external connected devices and power management. The program is able to determine the type of flash memory, controller model (it supports reading SMART information from controllers manufactured by Indilinx, Intel, JMicron, Samsung and SandForce) and data transfer rate. Moreover, the utility recognizes USB 3.0 controllers and devices compatible with this new standard.

The amount of data provided by AIDA64 is impressive - access to them is provided from the tree-like menu of sections that unite the main modules of the program. Yes, through the section A computer it is easy to get aggregate information about hardware components, system and BIOS, as well as data on processor overclocking, power supply features, the status of system hardware monitoring sensors, etc. (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Computer Summary Information (AIDA64)

Other "iron" sections provide more detailed information - so in the section Motherboard provides detailed information about the CPU, motherboard, memory, BIOS, and more. Display easy to get information about GUI system (in particular, data on the video adapter and monitor - Fig. 2), and in the section Multimedia learn about the multimedia capabilities of the system (multimedia devices and installed audio and video codecs).

Rice. 2. Video card data (AIDA64)

In chapter Data storage provides information about hard drives and optical drives, as well as the logical and physical structure hard drives, values ​​and statuses of SMART parameters. You can find information about network adapters in the section Net, but about tires, ports, keyboard, mouse, etc. - in the section Devices. In addition, from the menu Service panel opens AIDA64 CPUID(Fig. 3), which displays information about the processor, motherboard, memory and chipset in a compact form.

Rice. 3.AIDA64 CPUID panel

Program SiSoftware Sandra is also very informative and allows you to get comprehensive information about almost all hardware components computer system. In particular, the utility displays summary information about the computer as a whole (Fig. 4) - that is, basic information about the processor, motherboard, chipset, memory modules, video system, etc. (tab Devices, pictogram System information).

Rice. 4. Computer Summary (SiSoftware Sandra)

Along with summary information, in the tab Devices the utility also provides more detailed information about the motherboard and processor, display and video adapter (Fig. 5), memory, buses and devices installed in them, disks, ports, mice, keyboards, sound card etc. As for the readings of various kinds of monitoring sensors, in order to receive them, it will be necessary to launch not an informational, but a diagnostic module Monitor environment (tab Tools). This module provides text and graphic information processor temperature, fan speed, voltage, etc.

Rice. 5. Video system data (SiSoftware Sandra)

Utility PC Wizard provides access to information about the main hardware modules installed in the computer: motherboard, processor, video card, memory, I / O ports, drives, printers, multimedia devices, printers, etc. All this data is available on the tab Iron. By activating the icon General information about the system, you can determine in one click what exactly is in system block(Fig. 6) - which motherboard, which processor, etc. Other tab icons Iron will help to get more detailed information about the components (Fig. 7); the amount of data provided is sufficient for regular user. In addition, through the menu ToolsOverclocking Information you can find out if any of the system components (processor, bus or memory) were overclocked, and if so, to what limits, and also take readings from some sensors.

Rice. 6. Aggregate information about the computer (PC Wizard)

Rice. 7. Information about the graphics subsystem (PC Wizard)

Utility HWiNFO32 will also allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about the iron "stuffing" of the computer. Immediately after launch, it starts diagnostic studies and in a matter of seconds displays a window System Summary with a compact display of data about the processor, motherboard, memory, chipset, disks, etc. (Fig. 8). This window can also be called up on the screen while working with the utility by clicking on the button Summary. In addition, HWiNFO32 displays detailed information about the processor, motherboard (Fig. 9), memory, video adapter and more in the appropriate tabs - Central Processors, mother board, Memory, Video Adapter etc. Data on the processor, memory modules, motherboard, tires and disks are quite detailed, information on other devices is more modest. If necessary, it is easy to get readings of the sensor sensors installed on the motherboard (temperature, voltage, etc.) by clicking on the button Sensors.

Rice. 8. Computer Summary Information (HWiNFO32)

Rice. 9. Video card data (HWiNFO32)

Program fresh diagnosis allows you to find out information about any iron components, however, not always detailed. For example, on the tab Hardware System You can learn about the motherboard, processor, cache, buses, BIOS, CMOS memory, etc. Section device contains information about the video card (Fig. 10), peripherals(keyboard, printer, monitor, optical drives, etc.) and ports. In chapter multimedia combined data on various multimedia devices, DirectX, audio and video codecs.

Rice. 10. Video card data (Fresh Diagnose)

Performance evaluation

Before upgrading, you need to evaluate the performance of your computer and its individual components in order to understand which hardware is subject to immediate replacement, and which components can wait until better times (after all, in a crisis, not everyone decides on a complete modernization). It is quite simple to do this by running a couple of specific benchmarking tests in the environment of a suitable diagnostic utility. After buying a new computer or upgrading an old one, it also does not hurt to test to make sure that the computer has become more productive. Of course, you can feel the effect of the upgrade in the course of normal work in applications, but for the sake of completeness, it is better to verify the performance increase using tools specially designed for this purpose.

When conducting tests, to obtain a more objective assessment, it is better to close all applications, do not use the mouse and keyboard, run the same test (in the same version of the utility) several times and focus on the average result. In addition, you should keep in mind that the same synthetic tests in different utilities are implemented in a far from identical way, so the programs show different results. And the results should not be taken literally, because they do not reflect real performance, but only indicate the level of performance when performing strictly specific tasks. Nevertheless, such testing makes it possible to understand how outdated the iron components installed in your computer are compared to reference samples, as well as to assess the level of performance before and after the upgrade, which is what we are interested in in this article.

From the point of view of testing, AIDA64 and SiSoftware Sandra programs are of the greatest interest, some of whose benchmarks are used even by professionals in different methods iron testing. The capabilities of other utilities discussed in the article are limited in this regard, although they also provide some test functionality.

In a programme AIDA64 a wide range of benchmarking tests is presented. Yes, in the section Test 13 synthetic tests are combined, the first four of which evaluate memory performance - read / write / copy speed (Fig. 11), and also measure latency (testing the average time the processor reads data from RAM). The rest of the tests in this section evaluate processor performance in integer and floating point operations, when creating ZIP archives, when performing AES encryption, etc. (tests CPU Queen, CPU PhotoWorxx, CPU ZLib, CPU AES, CPU Hash, FPU VP8, FPU Julia, FPU Mandel, FPU SinJulia). All tests compare performance to other systems, including the latest.

Rice. 11. CPU performance evaluation (CPU Queen test; AIDA64)

Through the menu Service Three more benchmark tests are available: Disk test, Cache and memory test and Monitor Diagnostics. The drive test measures the performance of hard drives, solid state drives, optical drives, and more. The cache and memory test provides a measure of the bandwidth and latency of the processor and memory cache (Figure 12). In the test Monitor Diagnostics the display quality of LCD and CRT monitors is checked.

Rice. 12. Cache and Memory Benchmark (AIDA64)

In terms of testing for a wide range of users, the program is even more interesting. SiSoftware Sandra, with which you can not only evaluate the performance of your PC in comparison with other reference computer configurations, but also test your computer for the need to upgrade it. Modules designed to test the most important computer subsystems are grouped on the tab Benchmarks. A whole group of synthetic tests is designed to test the processor - arithmetic and multimedia tests, tests of multi-core efficiency, power efficiency, cryptographic performance and GPGPU cryptography. Several tests are responsible for testing physical drives - including the test file systems, as well as modules for testing physical disks, removable / flash drives, CD-ROM / DVD and Blu-ray optical drives. Memory tests are provided: test bandwidth memory, memory latency test and cache and memory test. In addition, there are tests to evaluate the rendering speed and video memory performance, an audio/video encoding/decoding test, a network bandwidth test, an Internet connection speed test, etc. When testing a number of components (processor, random access memory etc.) results are given in comparison with reference models that are more or less similar in characteristics. At the same time, it is possible to independently choose standards for comparison, including the most modern ones (Fig. 13), which is very convenient and allows you to quickly understand how outdated the iron components installed in the computer are and which models are better to replace them with.

Rice. 13. Processor Performance Evaluation
(arithmetic test; SiSoftware Sandra)

Two interesting test modules are presented on the tab Tools are modules performance index and Analysis and recommendations. With the test performance index the overall performance of the computer is evaluated during the arithmetic and multimedia tests of the processor, determining the memory bandwidth, as well as testing the physical disks and video card (Fig. 14). Reference models of components for comparison are selected by the program or by the user. Module Analysis and recommendations provides a detailed analysis of the PC for a possible upgrade. At the end of this analysis, the program issues a list of recommendations on which of the hardware components are best replaced in order to improve performance (Fig. 15), and pays attention to possible problems(for example, the complexity of adding memory due to the occupancy of all slots, too high temperature processor (and offers to check the cooling), etc.).

Rice. 14. Evaluate the overall performance of the computer (SiSoftware Sandra)

Rice. 15. Analysis of a computer for an upgrade (SiSoftware Sandra)

Utility PC Wizard also includes certain functionality for testing hardware (tab Test). With its help, you can visually evaluate the overall performance of your computer (icon global performance) in comparison with other configurations and based on the test results, to understand which of the subsystems in terms of performance significantly fall short of the selected (from the pre-installed list) reference sample - that is, they need to be updated, and which are quite on the level (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Evaluate the overall performance of the computer (PC Wizard)

There is also a number of synthetic tests in the PC Wizard arsenal that allow you to evaluate the performance of the processor, L1 / L2 / L3 caches and memory in general (assessment of bandwidth, timing), as well as the video subsystem, hard drive, optical drive, etc. In particular, the processor provides for basic tests Dhrystone ALU, Whetstone FPU and Whetstone SSE2, allowing to evaluate its performance in integer and floating point operations. The test results are displayed in textual and graphical form, in a number of tests it is possible to compare the results obtained with the test results of the selected reference subsystem (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Processor Test (PC Wizard)

Utility HWiNFO32 is able to evaluate the performance of the processor (CPU, FPU, MMX), memory and hard disk during express testing (button benchmark). The test results are presented in two versions - in numerical form and in the form of a comparative diagram. The diagram contains many reference components, including modern ones, so it is easy to understand how much the processor (or other component) installed in the computer is inferior in performance to modern models (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Processor Performance Evaluation (HWiNFO32)

Program fresh diagnosis has tools for determining the speed of individual components of the system. These are the seven synthetic test modules in the section Benchmarks. With their help, you can evaluate the performance of the processor (tests Whetstone, Dhrystone and multimedia), memory, video system, hard drives, optical drives and network adapter. The test results are compared with the base systems and presented in the form of visual histograms. True, in our opinion, there is not much benefit from them, since outdated reference systems are selected for comparison (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Testing the processor (Fresh Diagnose)

Checking your computer for stability

Unfortunately, it is not a fact that the updated computer will be stable in operation. Why? There are many reasons - for example, the power supply may not be able to cope with the increased load due to the replacement of the processor or video adapter with newer models.

If such a picture takes place, then the situation should be dealt with in as soon as possible- that is, until there are clear signs of instability in the form blue screen"death", etc. This means that you need to find out the temperature of the processor, motherboard and other important hardware and understand if any component overheats under load, and also evaluate how the computer generally behaves under stressful conditions. You can do this by doing stress testing.

Most stability tests create an intensive computational load on various blocks CPU, system memory, graphics processor and a set of system logic - that is, they make the computer work in stressful conditions. Unfortunately, none of these tests alone guarantee 100% stability of the system, but if the test revealed a failure in the system or was not completed, then this is a clear signal that you need to pay attention to the hardware.

Provided in AIDA64 system stability test (accessible via the menu Service) is intended for stress testing of the processor (it is allowed to test the cores separately), memory, local disks, etc. (Fig. 20). The test results are displayed on two graphs: the upper one shows the temperature of the selected components, the lower one shows the CPU usage level (CPU Usage) and the cycle skipping mode (CPU Throttling). Mode CPU Throttling is activated only in case of processor overheating, and it should be understood that the activation of this mode during testing is an alarm signal calling for attention to the operation of the cooling system. During testing, system heating is controlled by continuous temperature monitoring.

Rice. 20. CPU stress testing (AIDA64)

In addition to the temperature, the graphs of which are displayed on the first tab during stress testing, on the other tabs the program presents another useful information- about fan speed, voltage, etc. It should be borne in mind that the system stability test in AIDA64 can last indefinitely, so it is stopped manually, making sure that everything is working fine (after 30 minutes), or when suspicious results are detected ( for example, severe overheating of one of the components).

Using the stability test SiSoftware Sandra(tab Tools), stress testing can also be performed (Fig. 21). It will allow you to orient yourself in relation to the stability of the system and identify its weaknesses by analyzing the operation of the processor, memory, physical disks and optical drives, power supply efficiency, etc. Testing lasts for a specified period of time or without taking it into account - in this case, the number of run times is indicated selected test modules. During testing, the utility monitors the state of the system and stops the process if errors occur or in case of overheating (critical temperatures are set by default or manually).

Rice. 21. Stability test (SiSoftware Sandra)

Utility Features PC Wizard in terms of testing the system for stability (test System Test Stability from the menu Tools) are limited to CPU and motherboard testing. During testing, the processor is loaded to the maximum and in such conditions it works for a long time, during which measurements of the temperature of the processor and the motherboard are taken at regular intervals, and the results are displayed on the graph (Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. Testing the processor for stability (PC Wizard)

A Brief Overview of Utilities

AIDA64 (Extreme Edition) 1.60

Developer: FinalWire Ltd

Distribution size: 11.7 MB


AIDA64 program - updated version well-known information and diagnostic solution EVEREST, designed for diagnosing hardware and software computer resources and versatile computer testing. The utility can be run from a hard disk, CD/DVD/BD-disks, and also from flash drives. The program is presented in two editions: AIDA64 Extreme Edition and AIDA64 Business Edition, AIDA64 Extreme Edition is designed for home users. The utility is regularly updated and supports the vast majority of modern models.

SiSoftware Sandra 2011 (Lite)

Developer: SiSoftware

Distribution size: 53.3 MB

Price: free (for personal and educational use)

SiSoftware Sandra Lite is the best free information and diagnostic software. It provides detailed information about the computer and any of its hardware and software components, and also allows you to test your PC for performance, the need for an upgrade, etc. The utility can be used to analyze, diagnose and test a PDA or smartphone. The program is available in several editions; for home use, the free edition of SiSoftware Sandra Lite is sufficient. The utility is updated quite regularly and supports the vast majority of modern models.

PC Wizard 2010.1.961

Developer: CPUID

Distribution size: 5.02 MB

Price: is free

PC Wizard is an information and diagnostic utility used to diagnose hardware software components and conducting a variety of tests. In the basic version, the program starts from the hard disk, it is possible to boot from portable devices- for example from a flash drive ( special version Portable PC Wizard). The utility is not updated as often as we would like (the last update was from August 2010), although it supports many modern models (of course, there is no talk of new products).

HWiNFO32 3.71

Developer: Martin Malik

Distribution size: 2.26 MB

Price: is free

HWiNFO32 is an information and diagnostic utility that allows you to get detailed information about PC hardware and test the performance of the processor, memory and hard drives. The program is updated monthly - as a result, all novelties that have appeared on the market are included in its database in a timely manner. There is a special portable edition of the utility that can be run from a removable USB drive or other portable device.

Fresh Diagnosis 8.52


Distribution size: 2.08 MB

Distribution method: freeware (

Price: free (registration required; tests cannot be used in the unregistered version)

Fresh Diagnose is an information and diagnostic utility designed to obtain information about all hardware and software components of a PC, as well as to test it. The program is regularly updated and supports many modern models, however, among its shortcomings are a poorly thought out interface and poor quality Russian language localization(therefore, it is more reasonable to use it with an English-language interface).

Every computer user at least once in his life had to turn to software whose task is to diagnose a computer and troubleshoot. However, on the Internet you can find dozens, if not hundreds of different programs for this purpose. Which of them is worth paying attention to?

In today's article, we will look at eight of the best programs that will undoubtedly come in handy when identifying problems with your PC. Let's get started.

CPU-Z is free software, whose function is to display technical information about the hardware of the user's computer. This program was developed by the CPUID company, which also has other interesting programs in its assortment, but CPU-Z is perhaps the most useful for many users.

With CPU-Z you can get a complete list of information about:

  • central processing unit;
  • motherboard;
  • random access memory;
  • graphics accelerator.

When we talk about a complete list of information, we mean information such as CPU architecture, motherboard model, BIOS / UEFI version, amount of RAM and its frequency, and so on and so forth. With CPU-Z you can really get great amount really useful information.

Moreover, this program is even fully translated into Russian. However, we cannot fail to mention one extremely big minus, which can be found out almost immediately after examining all the functionality. And this minus is the lack of a function for reading the temperature of the CPU, GPU and motherboard elements.

If CPU-Z had such functionality, then it would not have a price. However, for temperature measurement, you will need to resort to other programs, some of which we will consider later in this article.


Speccy is another free and quite functional program with which users can get various technical details about your computer. It is worth noting that the well-known company Piriform is behind the development of the Speccy utility, which also developed such popular programs like CCleaner, Defraggler and Recuva.

By opening the Speccy program, you can access a number of information on:

  • operating system;
  • the central processor;
  • random access memory;
  • system board (i.e. motherboard);
  • graphics devices (discrete and integrated video cards);
  • storage devices (HDD, SSD, etc.);
  • optical drives;
  • sound devices;
  • peripheral devices;
  • network devices.

In general, using the Speccy program, you can get a fairly wide range of information about your computer. Also, do not forget that Speccy has a function for reading temperature from various sensors installed on the computer. You can see the temperature of your PC, motherboard, video card and even HDD/SSD drives.

A couple more advantages of the Speccy program - it is completely localized into Russian and has an extremely simple user interface. Click on desired tab on the left side of the window and look at the available information on the right - it just couldn't be easier.


The next program on our list is already somewhat more difficult to use than the previous two, but it can provide users with even more detailed information about the computer. As soon as you start scanning the system using HWiNFO, several windows will immediately appear in front of you: general information about the entire system, the main HWiNFO window, where you can find specific information on various components of your computer, as well as a small window for monitoring the processor (multiplier, frequency, number of cores, etc.).

Among other things, the HWiNFO program can also read information from various sensors located on the computer. Virtual and physical memory, paging file usage, voltage on each of the CPU cores, frequency of each CPU core, northbridge, system bus, RAM, data from temperature sensors in the system - whatever you want. However, it's worth noting that the user interface in HWiNFO can be a little confusing for inexperienced PC users, so you may have to sit in front of the program for a while to understand what it has to offer.


AIDA64 is an extremely powerful tool from FinalWire Ltd. for diagnosing and conducting various checks user's computer hardware. Enough interesting fact: AIDA64 is a direct follower of the company's Everest software, which in turn is a follower of the AIDA32 program.

Here is such an unusual origin of this program. She knows how to do everything she can previous programs, plus - a set of stress tests with which you can identify various problems with your computer. It is worth noting that AIDA64 has an extremely rich set of functions, but, unlike the same HDiNFO, the user interface is much simpler, which is definitely a huge plus. Well, here's the downside: the program is not free.

Pass Mark Performance Test

If previous programs could offer the user similar functionality, then the PassMark Performance Test utility is a slightly different tool. The task of this program is to evaluate the performance of a computer using a variety of specialized tests, after which the user can compare the results with the results of other computers.

With the PassMark Performance Test utility, you can perform various tests for:

  • central processor;
  • graphics accelerator;
  • hard disk;
  • optical drives;
  • random access memory.

With PassMark Performance Test, you can easily understand whether your computer provides the appropriate performance or not. And if not, then through multiple tests you will understand what the problem is. Unfortunately, this utility Not free: To access certain features, you will need to purchase it.


CrystalDiskMark comes in handy when you need to test your hard drive (HDD) or solid state drive (SSD). The program is able to work with all currently available interfaces for connecting disks. For the most part, with CrystalDiskMark, many users will find out the write and read settings of their discs. Nevertheless, at the end of the program, you will see an extensive report on the tests performed, which, unfortunately, will tell little about unprepared users, but experienced users will understand a lot if they are looking for some problems.


SpeedFan is a rather interesting program created by a developer named Alfredo Milani Comparetti, which is designed to read information from sensors on the motherboard, HDD and SSD drives, CPU, RAM and video card, and also has functions for adjusting the rotation speed (RPM) coolers present in the computer. Fortunately, the user interface of the SpeedFan application is extremely simple and even translated into Russian, and it is also distributed completely free of charge.

System Information for Windows

And the last program on our list is System Information for Windows (SIW). This program was also designed by one man - and his Gabriel Topala. The utility is an extremely powerful tool with which you can get detailed information about the hardware configuration of your computer.

Among other things, with the help of SIW you can find out network information, information about installed software, including drivers, as well as system components. The interface of the system is a little intricate, but you can still get used to it, after which you will have access to the extremely wide functionality of the program, for which, by the way, there is no need to pay.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Today, computer diagnostics is becoming one of the most necessary processes in maintaining not only the internal filling, but also operating systems in general, and software components installed in the system. Utilities for diagnosing a computer, as a rule, are distributed completely freely, and you can download free programs for diagnosing a computer in the open spaces. world wide web. Actually, the question of downloading a program for diagnosing a computer may not be raised. This is primarily due to the fact that on the Internet you can find many online utilities for diagnosing a computer that do not need to be downloaded.

However, for now, let's talk about stationary and portable versions of utilities for computer diagnostics, which are tools with which computer diagnostics are performed and which can be downloaded for free in the corresponding section of our website. You yourself understand that portable releases of programs for diagnosing a computer do not require installation and can be launched from any removable media such as ordinary flash drives, they just need to be downloaded first. Moreover, absolutely all portable versions can be downloaded for free on our website. By the way, we have best programs for computer diagnostics, which can be downloaded for free.

In principle, the entire range of utilities for computer diagnostics can be divided into several main areas. This includes antivirus programs for diagnosing a computer, applications for monitoring the status and problems in the operating system (most often in the registry) when diagnosing a computer, utilities for obtaining complete information about the internal stuffing and software in the process of diagnosing a computer, which are more used by overlockers, specialized software packages for diagnosing computer RAM, hard drives or graphics cards, applications for monitoring the behavior of background services and processes, various testers for monitors, and much more. By and large, you should just go to the specialized section on our website and download the utility you need for free. It is immediately worth noting that some software products that you can download from us, in many cases, combine the capabilities of computer diagnostic systems and special tools for system optimization. However, optimizers basically work at the software level, not at the hardware level. However, diagnosing a computer for problems in almost all cases allows you to get detailed information about the system and fix the problem, or programmatically, or replacement or repair of the "iron" component. In order to find the software product you need and subsequently download it, in the search field of an Internet browser, many users enter queries like “download computer diagnostic program”, “computer diagnostics download free”, “computer diagnostics program for free” or “ free programs for computer diagnostics. It's whoever you like. However, in any case, you can find a huge number of results, and then just download for free desired program.

No less interesting is the use of test software for overlocking, since it even controls the temperature of the processor, video card, fans, etc. For fans of overclocking processors or freeing up RAM, such applications are just a godsend. Moreover, many of them will not allow exceeding the critical parameters of the normal operation of one or another "iron" component.

In general, for each case, you can find and download specialized products for computer diagnostics for free. On our site you can download a fairly large number of free utilities for computer diagnostics, which will help you in the process of testing your computer. In addition, most of the computer diagnostic applications presented here, which can be downloaded for free, work in automatic mode and allows you to get the most detailed reports on the status of the hardware and software of your computer or laptop. Carry out diagnostics of your computer with our software, which can be downloaded for free, at a professional level! After all, timely computer diagnostics will help optimize and significantly speed up the system, computer diagnostics and timely troubleshooting measures will significantly prolong the life of your electronic friend! Choose from this section applications and decide what exactly you want to download for free.

The main task that the program performs for diagnosing a computer is to obtain as much information as possible about the software and hardware of the device.

With its help, they determine whether there are enough resources to run a particular application, check the characteristics of the system, components and their state.

Such programs are especially important for a person who, for whatever reason, needs to know the parameters of someone else's computer and to correct errors.

The need for system monitoring

Applications that can be used to diagnose the system are required to obtain important information which will help:

  1. Determine how much memory is installed on your computer, its type and number of slots. After that, it will be much easier to choose a new suitable RAM or conclude that it is worth replacing the entire motherboard or computer (laptop);
  2. Understand exactly how to prepare for the release of the expected game - add memory, install a more powerful processor, purchase an additional HDD or video card
  3. Determine the temperature of the GPU and CPU, identifying the need to replace thermal paste;
  4. Find out why installed programs do not work and your computer freezes - due to incorrect drivers, lack of video memory, or hardware malfunction.


The program distributed free of charge has an unpretentious interface and allows you to receive technical information about almost all elements of a computer:

  • Processor (including its model, architecture, socket, voltage, frequency, multiplier, cache sizes and number of cores);
  • Motherboard (brand, model, BIOS version, supported memory types);
  • RAM (volume, type and frequency);

The main advantages of the application is the ability to obtain detailed and accurate information in Russian about all components of the system.

It can be useful for professional users and hobbyists.

Among the minuses is the inability to determine the temperature of the processors.


Another one free program gives you the opportunity to get detailed information about all the main components and software, from the processor and board, ending with RAM and optical disks.

In addition, using Speccy, you can get data from temperature sensors, finding ways to correct connection errors or installation of a ventilation system.

Naturally, the application also determines the number of RAM slots, which can be an important factor in determining the need and possibilities for upgrading a computer.

And when preparing the device for sale, Speccy can be used to quickly compile a list of components.

After all, although the built-in utilities allow you to do almost the same, it will take more time, and you won’t be able to find out some data.

It is worth noting that the developers of the program are the authors of such useful software as .

And among its advantages are:

  • Clear and practical interface;
  • Quick access to important information;
  • No need to install an application, which may be necessary, for example, if you do not have access to account administrator;
  • Ability to monitor the selected parameter in real time by setting it as a tray icon;
  • Run simultaneously with the system;
  • Free access.


Thanks to the HWiNFO system application, you can get the most useful information about the system.

And also compare the performance of individual hardware components with template parameters and indicators of popular analogues.

In addition, the program allows you to create reports that can be used to compare the performance of individual PC elements.

All the information is quite detailed, but it concerns only the equipment - it will not work to find out about the drivers with its help.

However, this drawback is practically the only one, since the application is able to collect data on any device, including even outdated equipment (for example, IDEs and dial-up modems), old BIOS and video cards of any type.

In addition, the application can also test processors, memory and disks. The data obtained as a result of the test can be stored in logs.

And you can control individual parameters using the tray icons, which change periodically.

AIDA64 Extreme

Its name can be deciphered as System Info for Windows.

It has a small size and a simplified interface, reminiscent of standard Windows utilities and is able to provide all the most necessary information for the user.

For example, using SIW, you can learn about latest updates systems, get information about system files or folders, as well as drivers, running processes and services.

Moreover, in a more detailed form than the "Task Manager" allows you to do.

For commercial or corporate use, a license must be purchased.


The number of programs for checking equipment and the operating system is quite large.

Almost constantly new applications are being created to help control computer parameters and hardware malfunctions.

But the programs presented in the list allow you to do this as efficiently as possible by installing only 2-3 applications, and not a whole dozen.

This saves time and does not download unnecessary files from the network, risking accidentally introducing a virus onto your computer.

In addition, if there is no access to the network, Windows has a number of utilities that will also allow you to find out some parameters.

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Every year more and more programs for computer diagnostics are released. But even more is the number of users who buy a PC and want to make sure that the components, painstakingly found on the dusty shelves of online store warehouses, fully satisfy all their requirements. It is no less difficult to do without programs of this kind in the daily operation of a computer. Many of them allow you to not only diagnose problems, but also keep your PC under control.

There are a number of programs, the possibilities of which are expanding from year to year, while the product for advanced user becomes more complex, and the price increases several times. There are also analogue programs that have a slightly less meager arsenal of features, but are worthless. We will get acquainted with the most polar representatives of both categories among users in this review.

AIDA64 is without exaggeration the most popular product for review and diagnostics personal computer generally. The program can provide maximum full information about any component of the working machine: components, programs, operating system, network connections and external devices. For many years of superiority in the market, it has acquired AIDA64 and a whole range of utilities for diagnosing the stability of the PC and testing its performance. Easy to learn thanks to a simple and friendly interface.

Everest was once a very popular computer hardware and software analyzer. It allows you to find out comprehensive information about the system, which would be very difficult to obtain otherwise. Developed by Lavalys, the program was a follower of AIDA32. In 2010, the rights to develop this product were purchased by another company. In the same year, the development of Everest itself was also discontinued, and AIDA64 was eventually introduced on its basis. But even after so many years, Everest is still relevant and loved by many users of the product.


system info Windows is a utility that provides the user with an easy-to-configure and operate tool that allows you to view detailed data on the hardware and hardware configuration of the PC, installed software, system components, as well as network elements. With its functionality, the SIW product competes closely with AIDA64. However, they also have differences. Although System Info For Windows cannot boast of such powerful PC diagnostic resources, it has a number of its own, no less useful tools.

System Explorer

The System Explorer utility is completely free and in its likeness is an analogue of the classic Windows task manager. It helps in real time to monitor the operation of the computer and manage its processes. An essential database is built into the utility, according to which you can check any of the processes running on the user's computer for the content of malicious information. The interface is correctly translated into Russian, divided into tabs, each of which is responsible for specific tasks. Understanding the operation of the System Explorer utility is not difficult even for an inexperienced user.

PC Wizard

PC Wizard is powerful program, which provides information about the operation of the motherboard, processor, video card, and a number of other computer components. A feature of this product from a number of similar ones is a number of tests that allow you to determine the performance and overall performance of the system. The interface of PC Wizard is minimalistic and it is very easy to understand how it works. The program is widely known among users due to its free distribution. And although the developer has stopped supporting it since 2014, even today it can be a good helper in assessing the potential of a PC.

SisSoftware Sandra

The SisSoftware Sandra program is a collection of useful utilities that will assist in diagnosing the system, installed programs, codecs and drivers. Sandra also has the functionality of providing information about various components of the system. You can even perform diagnostic operations on devices remotely. Software in the presence of such a large functionality, it is completely easy to use, which was achieved thanks to the intuitive clear interface, as well as high-quality Russian translation. SisSoftware Sandra is distributed according to a paid model, but you can evaluate all its advantages during the trial period.

3DMark is owned by Futuremark, one of the major players in the test suite market. They are not only visually very attractive and varied, but also always give a stable, repeatable result. The company's close cooperation with world manufacturers of processors and graphic cards allows us to competently improve our product. The tests included in the 3DMark package are used both to test the strength of weak machines, like laptops, and for the most advanced and powerful PCs. There are a number of tests for mobile platforms, for example, Android and iOS, which allows you to compare real graphic or computing power any smartphone.

No matter how powerful and perfect the components of modern computers are, their owners are still trying to improve, strengthen or overclock something. good helper they will be in this speedfan program, which, in addition to providing information on the account of the entire system, will also allow you to edit some characteristics. Skillfully using this product, you can optimally adjust the operation of coolers if they do not cope with their task of cooling the processor and motherboard, or vice versa, they start to work actively when the temperature of the components is still in the optimal state. Only experienced users will be able to fully work with the program.


Even an experienced Windows user may sooner or later encounter an unforeseen problem that causes a computer to malfunction. The cause of the problem may be overheating, overloading or a mismatch of components with each other. To identify them, you need to use specialized software. It is to the category of such products that OCCT is referred. Thanks to a series of tests of PC components, the program can detect sources of malfunctions or prevent their occurrence. There are also real-time system monitoring capabilities. The interface is non-standard, but convenient, besides Russified.


A small and completely free program from a domestic developer is a set of tests for loading computer components. The ability to monitor the testing process allows you to track possible problems in real time regarding overheating or insufficient power supply, as well as determine the overall performance of the processor, RAM and the speed of hard drives. Simple program interface and detailed description test settings will allow even a beginner to test the PC for strength.

In order for the computer to function reliably and smoothly, it is necessary to diagnose all possible failures and malfunctions in its operation in time. The programs presented in the review can help with this. It is difficult to choose one product for yourself, even one that tries to be as versatile as possible. Each tool has both its advantages and disadvantages, but they all cope equally well with their priority tasks.