Very often, users have strange errors: for one user, the program works correctly, for another, nearby, on another computer, it is completely different. Often, after lengthy proceedings, it turns out that the reason for such “glitches” in 1C 8 is the cache.

Below I will tell you what 1C cache is and how to clean it.

caching— the process of creating a buffer of frequently used and usually static information. Caching is used to speed up the operation of the program, in particular, in 1C, configuration files are loaded on the user's computer so as not to request them from the server each time they are accessed.

However, very often the 1C platform incorrectly handles configuration caching, and as a result, we get inadequate configuration behavior.

The reasons for incorrect behavior can be different: dynamic configuration update, software or hardware failures.

The first way is to clear the 1C cache manually

To solve problems and "glitches" 1C, clearing the cache of the 1C 8.3 platform usually helps.

This is done as follows:

step 1

Find the directory where 1C temporary files are stored, they can be seen in the settings menu in the IB list:

2 step

We got an address like

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C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\1c

The cache folders are located at

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\

*where username is the username of the system, and the 1Cv82 folder may differ depending on the version of the 1C platform

Going there, we find many (the number of folders is equal to the number of configurations) interesting folders:

All selected directories are DB 1C cache, they can be safely deleted. Before deleting, you must log out of IB.

If you don't feel like looking for where the files are located, you can use special program(bat file), which cleans folders with temporary files - download. Please remember that you use them at your own risk. They contain the following command:

rmdir "%AppData%\1C\1Cv8" /S /Q
rmdir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv8" /S /Q

The second way to clean up temporary files 1C is to remove the database from the list

The second way is simpler, but not entirely correct. For cleaning, it is enough to delete this configuration and create a new one with the same path to IB.

As a result, the old folder with the cache will “get rid” of this IB, and a new directory will be created.

You can do it this way, the cache is cleared, but temporary files remain on the hard drive.

The third way is the ClearCache parameter

It is necessary to enter the command /ClearCache. Usage example:

Video on clearing the cache in 1C programs:

If the “glitches” in 1C did not disappear after clearing the cache, and 1C does not work as you would like, you can refer to.

If you are starting to learn 1C programming, we recommend our free course(do not forget subscribe to youtube - new videos are regularly released):

Some errors that occur when using software products 1C company, can be solved by the procedure, which is commonly called "clearing the cache". Exception symptoms that indicate problems with the cache:

  • A particular user cannot run the application;
  • Incorrectly displayed data on one workplace;
  • Updating a form or module didn't work for everyone.

General information: what is cache and caching and what is it for

To speed up the work of programs, their creators prefer to save some frequently used static information on the user's computer. This process is called caching. Subsequently, the platform, instead of requesting this data from the server, will take it from the computer. This stored information is called a cache.

In particular, if we talk about 1C, in the process of working on local computer it saves configuration files. It is these files that interfere with the normal operation of a single user.

There can be several reasons for the occurrence of problems with the cache, if we single out the three most common ones, we can note:

  1. Several consecutive dynamic configuration updates;
  2. Hardware failures in the operation of network equipment;
  3. Non-standard situations when updating a release.

From the description of the problem, let's move on to ways to solve it.

Correcting errors with the help of the file system

Version 8 of the 1C platform saves its data in two folders stored in the user directory (KP).

Keep in mind that different versions of the operating system have different storage directories. In the case of XP they are in:

  • KP->Local Settings->Application Data->1C->1Cv82;
  • KP ->Application Data->1C->1Cv82.

Late Windows versions contain cache files in folders:

  • CP->AppData->Roaming->1C->1Cv82;
  • KP ->AppData->Local->1C->1Cv82.

For server operating systems, the KP should be replaced with C:\Users\ "Username".

In addition, you can find the location of the cache by simply searching the folder system with the search key "1Cv".

As a rule, the storage place looks like (Fig. 1).

By deleting all folders with names of letters and numbers, which are hexadecimal numbers, you can clear the application's cache.

Two important moments:

  1. During deletion, 1C should not be running on the user's computer;
  2. In addition to folders with long alphanumeric names, you do not need to delete anything.

Naturally, in cases where cleaning has to be done frequently, when users are scattered far from each other, and simply in order to avoid abnormal situations associated with incorrect deletion, it is better to create a small executable bat file with code (Fig.2).


Cleaning by removing the base

It should immediately be noted that, despite the effectiveness and simplicity this method, calling it "cleaning" is not entirely correct.

To fix cache errors in this way, you only need the configurator selection window (Fig. 3).


Using it, you need to remove the problem base from the list and then add it back there, preferably under a different name.

Thus, the following set of actions will be performed:

  1. The existing database will be unlinked from the temporary storage folder;
  2. A new folder containing the actual data will be created for the database.

As you can see from the list above, the folder itself with problematic cache won't go anywhere. Therefore, it will take up disk space.

Cleaning with advanced options

The second way, also provided by the 1C platform, is to add additional .

To use it in the configuration selection window (Fig. 3):

Thus, with each subsequent launch of the program with this additional line, the cache of the current database will be cleared.

There are three things to keep in mind when using this method:

  1. Clearing the cache takes some time, therefore, the startup process can be significantly delayed;
  2. This method only works in thick and thin client;
  3. This cleanup, while processing the cache of requests running in client-server mode, does not affect the local metadata cache at all, so if the problem was in it, it will not disappear anywhere.

What should you be prepared for

The logic of the system as a whole will definitely not be disturbed after clearing the cache. However, habitual this user settings for displaying forms and dialogs, fonts, selections and arrangement of windows and panels. In general, you still have to sacrifice something.

Updater features for clearing the cache of 1C databases


I will consider everything very simplified, without going into details, so that as many people as possible read this note to the end.

What is a 1C database cache?

These are files that 1C creates when working with the database and then uses it to speed up its work.

Where is the 1C database cache stored?

The cache is stored in user folders.

For modern operating systems and for 1C 8.3 and higher, these are the folders:

  • c:\Users\<Пользователь>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1cv8\
  • c:\Users\<Пользователь>\AppData\Local\1C\1cv8\

Where instead<Пользователь>you need to substitute your username in the operating system.

The cache is stored in special subfolders like this:

Each such subfolder corresponds to a cache of a certain database.

In what cases is it necessary to delete the 1C database cache?

It makes sense to delete the cache if you have errors while working with the database that cannot be explained by anything else.

For example, often due to corrupted cache files, an error appears.

It also makes sense to periodically clear the cache of all databases on the computer if you work very actively with different databases, and these databases change all the time. In this case, clearing the cache will free you more than one gigabyte of additional hard disk space.

How safe is deleting the 1C database cache?

Deleting the cache (yellow folders in the picture above) cannot lead to database damage or data loss, but there are nuances about which read below.

Cache folders, in addition to the cache itself, contain the so-called user profiles (files with *.pfl extension).

Profiles contain information about the location of windows, current positions, the state of dialogs and other settings that allow the user to work most comfortably. Various configurations may store other information in profiles that may be useful, but is not necessary.

Here's what the profiles look like on the hard drive:

It is undesirable to remove them when clearing the cache. If you delete them, nothing terrible will happen, since in modern configurations the use of profiles to save user settings is practically minimized.

But it's better not to delete them unless necessary. It is possible that you have exactly the same case when the configuration itself or improvements to it (for example, a program for working with commercial equipment) are saved to these files important information and when they are cleared, everything will stop working and a reconfiguration will be required.

How does the updater clear the cache?

To start cleaning the cache from the updater, click on the "panicle" icon in the panel to the left of the list of databases:

The clear cache dialog will open:

Let's go over its settings.

Bases for clearing the cache

If we choose a particular base ( dedicated), then only the cache of this database is cleared.

By cache we mean only the cache itself. No profiles or other files related to user settings are deleted.

If we choose all bases, then the cache of all databases that have ever been launched is cleared.

Computer user

By default, the current user is selected. This is the user under which we are currently working in the Windows operating system.

The "All users of this computer" option is useful for terminal server when the database is connected at once for many computer users and you need to clear the cache for all of them (you remember that the cache is saved in individual folders of computer users, that is, each user has his own).

Attention! To make it possible to clear the database cache for other users, you must:
  • so that the user under which the updater is running has the appropriate rights to the folders of other users (for example, be an administrator)
  • with UAC enabled, the updater must be run right click by selecting "Run as administrator"

And if you want to clear the cache for all users specific base, then:

  • for all users, this database must be written in the same path, because the updater reads the list of databases from another user and looks for the current database in it along the path along which it was added to the updater
  • if used network drives and for different users this database is added under different disks, then both of these options for adding the database to the updater should be registered

Clear also user settings between sessions

This checkbox is responsible for cleaning up the same profiles that were discussed above. Clean them only if nothing else helps. And perhaps it makes sense to delete them not at all, but in the trash. So that in which case you can restore it back. Read about deleting to the trash below.

Cleaning method

You can choose a test deletion - without the deletion itself. This is useful if you are not sure about the capabilities of the updater and want to see what it was going to remove at all.

You can choose to delete to trash. Very good feature and it is by default. In this case, after deleting, you can make sure that everything is in order and only then delete the files from the recycle bin.

And finally, the third cleaning option is "delete permanently".

What happens when the cache is cleared if users are working with the database?

Nothing bad will happen. 1C blocks cache files from being deleted if they are used.

If, after updating the configuration, your forms “floated”, the report stopped working, windows with errors pop up, then most likely the problem is solved by clearing the cache. We'll tell you how.

What is a cache?

The 1C:Enterprise program was created in such a way that in the process of work it constantly strives to optimize the speed of operations. For this purpose, a "cache" is created on the user's computer, in which frequently used information is stored, for example: the location and forms of windows, user service data, selection settings, fonts, etc.

Caching allows you to reduce the number of calls to the server and, thereby, . This mechanism saves time, but also contains a number of problems.

If, after updating the configuration, your forms “floated”, the report stopped working, windows with errors pop up, then most likely the problem is solved by clearing the cache.

How to clear the cache?

There are two main ways to clear the cache.

1. Launching the 1C database using the "/ClearCache" parameter

This method is very simple. In the infobase selection window, select the infobase whose cache you want to clear. Click the Change button.

In the last Infobase Editing window, set the startup parameter "/ClearCache". Click "Finish" and start the infobase.

As a result of the above actions, the client-server request cache will be cleared. Therefore, if the problem was in the local metadata cache, then this method of clearing the cache will not work. Using this method it is important to understand that the temporary files folder will be "untied" from the infobase, but not will be removed from your computer.

2. Clearing the 1C cache manually

To delete cache files manually, you need to find the folders where the cache is stored. For operating systems Win7 and higher temporary files are stored at:

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\1C and C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\1C in folders starting with "1cv8".
  • In Windows XP, in the user folder at Local Settings\Application Data\1C\.
  • If the AppData folder is not visible, then you need to set the visibility of hidden folders.

The figure below shows what the cache files look like - folders with long obscure names. In our case, there is only one file.

To clear the cache, you need to delete these folders.

Important! You can delete folders only when the processes of working with 1C:Enterprise are completed.

3. Clearing the cache in 1C on the server or user PC using ready-made scripts

On the Internet, you can find ready-made scripts for cleaning 1C temporary files. The use of such scripts can lead to unpredictable consequences, therefore it is recommended only for system administrators and technical support staff.

This method will help clear the 1C cache both on the client and on the server. To do this, you will need access to the corresponding server folders.

4. Optional

If, after using the above methods of clearing the cache, an error occurs, for example “ Wrong datastore format“, still persists, it is recommended to stop and manually clean the reg_1541 / SNCCNTX folder. It is located on the computer of the central server 1C:Enterprise in the directory<рабочий каталог кластера> / <идентификатор информационной базы>.

For example:

Be careful, not everything can be cleaned in this folder. Here's what you can clean:

  • 1CV8Reg.lst - cluster registry (it stores a list of registered information bases, working servers and processes, cluster compliance and additional. manager, list of admins.)
  • srvribrg.lst - list of clusters (registered clusters and central server admins)
  • 1cv8ftxt - full text search data. They lie on the central server 1c: cluster working directory - infobase identifier
  • 1Cv8Log – *.lgp and *.lgf database registration log.

It is important to keep in mind that after clearing the cache, the launch of 1C will slow down a bit.

Clearing the cache 1C Enterprise 8.3 is one of the service functions that restore the program's performance. The operation is quite in demand, so the publication gives an exhaustive answer to the question "How to clear the cache 1C Enterprise 8.3?".

Clearing the 1C cache is a very effective solution to many platform irregularities, such as: "let's go" the forms of 1C elements, the report is generated with an error, the "" window appears and many others. Therefore, this technique should always be “at hand” for both the 1C administrator and regular user 1C programs. To achieve this, I propose to discuss today the following questions:

By calling the company's technical support or 1C partners regarding the incorrect operation of 1C Enterprise 8.3, one of the proposed solutions (together with) will be clearing the 1C cache. If you don’t know what a “1C cache” is and why it is needed, then I will briefly tell you.

Cash 1C Enterprise 8.3 is an area on the computer where the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform saves files with service information.

What service information is stored in the 1C cache

During the operation of 1C Enterprise, there is a need to save arrays of service information, such as the location of windows, font settings, colors, selections, and much more specified by the user while working with 1C configurations, as well as elements necessary to speed up the work of 1C Enterprise, service data on work user, etc.

Accordingly, if the information in the 1C cache has an incorrect format, then the 1C Enterprise 8.3 configurations will not work correctly. Incorrect data may appear, for example, when there is a power outage while writing data to the 1C cache (in this case, part of the data is not written), due to the resulting bad sections hard drive due to its physical obsolescence and for many other reasons.

How to go to cache folders 1C Enterprise 8.3

Cache 1C Enterprise 8.3 is stored in the user profile in the following folders:

  • %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv82
  • %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv8
  • %userprofile%\AppData\Local\1C\1cv82
  • %userprofile%\AppData\Local\1C\1cv8

Constant %userprofile%- contains the path to the user profile in Windows, so you can drive in the explorer the address to the 1C cache, as indicated above, Windows will understand you and go to the desired folder.

Some folders may not exist because they belong to different versions platforms. The surest way to find folders with caches is to go to the folder " …\1С\", caches will be stored in folders starting with " \1cv8«.

To go to the profile yourself, in Windows Explorer follow the path:


from here you need to go to the "AppData" folder.

ATTENTION! The "AppData" folder is hidden, in order to go to it from the user profile, you need to add it to address bar « \AppData\» manually and press Enter.

From the "AppData" folder, go to the folders with the 1C Enterprise cache, in accordance with the description above.

How to clear the cache 1C Enterprise 8.3 on your own

The cache is cleared by direct removal of service files from cache storage folders 1C Enterprise 8.3.

Those. needed in folders \1Cv8" and " \1Cv82» delete all files.

This operation will not cause any harm to the operation of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 configurations, the platform will re-create all the necessary 1C cache service files the next time the 1C configurations are launched.

To facilitate the process of deleting 1C caches, you can create batch file .bat.

How to clear the cache 1C Enterprise 8.3 through a batch file.bat

The *.bat file executes sequentially Windows OS commands written in it. To facilitate the removal procedure, we use the command rd(remove directory)

Clear cache 1C Enterprise 8.3