Not all users know how to clear the Yandex browser cache, especially when it comes to people who are still taking their first steps in learning about a computer and the Internet. Often they do not try to figure out a particular problem themselves, for fear of damaging the device.

Of course, this is the right decision when it comes to carrying out some complex operation or fixing a serious malfunction. It is better to entrust such work to a specialist. However, if it is necessary to standard procedure- clear the cache in Yandex, then you can easily cope with this task yourself, and the material in this article will help you with this. So, first things first.

What is cached?

Interested in how to clear the cache of the Yandex browser, many users do not even try to understand why it is needed at all, what functions it performs. Of course, we can say that it is not necessary for beginners to have such information. However, there is one “but” here: a user who knows the purpose of the cache is unlikely to mindlessly delete all data from it. Why? Now you will know.

The fact is that the cache stores information about previously visited resources. Here are placed various settings site, styling, photographs and other files.

The next time you open this resource, all the data will be provided by the cache, which will affect the page loading speed (for the better). In other words, the cache acts as an intermediary between the server hosting the site and the browser.

Where is the Yandex browser cache?

You may want to know where the Yandex.Browser cache is located. It's actually not that hard to find it. But first you will need to access hidden files and folders.

So, go to the "Control Panel" section and then refer to the "Folder Options" section. Switch to the "View" tab and uncheck the box that checks the "Hide protected system files" option. In addition, you will need to check the box "Show hidden files".

Now that you see system folders, open "My Computer", then select the "C" drive on which the OS is installed. Browse to the "Users" folder, and then select the folder with the username you want.

The further path will be as follows: AppData - Local - Yandex folder - YandexBrowser - User Data - Default. The last step is the Cache folder. This is where information about the pages you view on the Internet is stored. If you wish, you can delete all files or individual ones.

Why clear the cache?

Sometimes the information that is located in the cache can have a negative impact on the operation of a web browser - affect the speed of loading web pages, the correct display of certain elements of the site. Cache files take up space on the hard drive, and in individual cases their volume is quite impressive. In addition, you may not see the changed design of a resource you visit regularly, as old data will be loaded from the cache.

In any case, you must periodically delete files from this repository. Maybe not all, but at least some. Read on to learn how to clear the Yandex browser cache.

Clearing the cache

In order to remove information from the cache, you will need to go through a few simple steps. The whole procedure will take no more than a minute.

After launching the browser, open its menu (the button with horizontal stripes). You are interested in the "History" section and the "History Manager" subsection. A page will open where you should pay attention to the "Clear history" button. By checking the checkbox "Files saved in the cache", select the period for which you want to delete the data. The last step is to click the "Clear History" button.

By the way, the combination of Shift + Delete + Ctrl buttons will help you quickly open the window with the desired option.


So, now you know the Yandex browser, which means you can perform this operation yourself. If you notice that the web browser starts to slow down or freeze, then immediately delete the information that is located in the cache.

Every browser has a cache that builds up from time to time. It is in this place that the data of the sites that the user visits are stored. This is primarily necessary for speed, that is, so that the site loads faster in the future and it is comfortable for us to use it.

But since the cache does not clear itself, but only continues to accumulate, in the end this may not be very useful. In this article, we want to briefly and intelligibly explain why sooner or later everyone needs to clear the cache in the Yandex browser and how to do it.

Without going into all the details, here are a few facts that you need to sometimes deal with deleting the contents of the cache:

1. over time, data from sites that you do not visit accumulate there;
2. a large cache can slow down the browser;
3. the entire cache is stored in a special folder on the hard drive and may take up too much space;
4. it is possible that due to outdated saved data, some web pages will not display correctly;
5. The cache may contain viruses that can infect the system.

It seems that this is quite enough to clear the cache at least periodically.

How to clear the cache in Yandex.Browser?

In order to delete the cache in the Yandex browser, you need to do the following:

1. press the menu button, select " Story» > « Story»;

2. on the right side, click on " Clear the history»;

3. in the window that appears, select the time period for which you want to clean up (for the past hour / day / week / 4 weeks / all the time), and also check the boxes next to the item “ Files saved in the cache»;

4. if necessary, check/uncheck other items;

5. click on the button " Clear the history».

This is how your browser cache is empty. To do this is very simple, and even convenient due to the ability to choose a time period.

Browsers appeared with the advent of the Internet, and their main purpose is to provide any user with information through visual interface. With the help of an Internet browser, you can view web pages of sites, listen to music, watch movies, chat with friends. Yandex.Browser is an advanced development of Russian programmers designed to "travel" through network resources. For it to work correctly, you need to periodically clear the cache.

What is a cache and why clear it

The browser cache is a special folder that stores copies of data about the sites visited by the user and all actions performed by him at that time. During the re-browsing of web pages, there will no longer be a request for information, they will simply be retrieved from the cache and displayed in the browser window. When using the cache, network load is reduced and the time it takes to load the necessary pages is reduced.

Where is stored

Sometimes it becomes necessary to view or copy Yandex.Browser cache data, for example, when various technical support requests are sent to you or when searching for lost information about visiting a site, etc. The cache is located in a special folder on your computer or mobile device.

Folder addresses

Operating system

cache address

Windows 7 and Windows 8

C:\Users\Your Account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache\

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Account\Local Settings\Application Data\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache\

C:\Users\Your account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache\

~\Library\Application Support\Yandex\YandexBrowser\Default\GPUCache\


Since the data that is cached is generated by the browser, it is stored in NSCachesDirectory, for which a separate folder can be created, for example, MyAppCache. In this case, one of the methods for storing temporary data can be used: NSKeyedArchiver, NSURLCache, SQLite, Core Data.

The folder is designed to store user data. Also, the information may be in an archived form in the Android\obb folder. The device cache is located in the wipe\cache directory, and the system application cache is located in wipe\dalvik-cache.


The easiest way to access the cache is through the "Others" folder. It stores cached browser history files.

How to clear the cache

For operating systems installed on computers and mobile devices, Yandex.Browser is not basic. In this regard, clearing the browser cache always goes through internal settings or using special programs.

On the computer

Clear the cache by clicking on the appropriate button


You can clear the Yandex.Browser cache using a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Del on Windows or ⌘ + Shift + Del on Mac OS. In this case, you immediately get to the "Clear history" tab, where, after selecting the necessary parameters, you start this process.

How to clear the browsing history of web pages on a computer (video)


With the help of the program Windows Cleaner

If you have no desire to search and remove "garbage" on system drive, as well as study the settings of Yandex.Browser, then use a special program to clear the cache. Its advantage lies in the fact that it independently scans the system and removes unnecessary and temporary files.

Windows Cleaner is one of the most popular programs to clear the cache. It is preferred by many users. Its popularity is due to its extremely simple and clear interface, fully translated into Russian.

Windows Cleaner is free program with a wide range of features. Provides complete cleaning of the system and optimization of its operation.

On a mobile device

Consider the most popular mobile operating systems today:

  • android;
  • Windows phone.


In this operating system there is a built-in cache clearer only for Safari and Opera Mini browsers. The method for clearing the Yandex.Browser cache is the same as on a computer. You can also use the special program PhoneExpander. But for this you need to connect to a computer with installed system Mac OS using a dedicated Lightning cable. The program can delete temporary files and clear the cache.


Clear cache in Android system
  1. AT open browser click on the icon showing the additional menu.
  2. After that, select "Settings" and then "Clear data".
  3. Turn on Cache. To do this, check the checkbox opposite the option name and click the "Clear data" button. After these steps, the Yandex.Browser cache will be cleared.

Quickly clear the cache on Android (video)


Windows phone

To clear the Yandex.Browser cache in the system, you need to perform only three steps.

  1. Click the icon with three consecutive dots at the bottom of the open browser window.
  2. Select "Clear search history" from the list.
  3. Click the OK button.

Clearing the cache in Windows system phone

Auto clear cache in Yandex browser

To set up automatic cache clearing in Yandex.Browser, do the following:

Configuring automatic cache cleaning

On this auto tuning finished. Now, when you close Yandex.Browser or turn off your computer, the cache will clear itself.

Clearing the cache helps optimize the performance of both Yandex.Browser and the system as a whole. You can delete unnecessary information through the settings or using special programs. Do not forget that these manipulations must be done at least once a week.

Hello dear friends!

In service technical support LPgenerator platforms often receive letters from users who complain about anomalous behavior visual editor: Changes are not saved, landing page elements are not displayed, or are moving apart different hand etc.

In 99% of cases, the problem lies in the browser used, namely, in its cache, extensions, or the prohibition on processing javascripts.

Observations show that the least errors and problems occur with it.

Today we will tell you how to clear the browser cache, disable unnecessary extensions and enable script processing. So let's get started.

1. How to clear the browser cache?

The browser cache is a copy of the content of the web pages you have visited. If the landing page (or individual elements of it) that you want to view is already in the cache, the browser will instantly download it from your hard drive without contacting the server.

Thus, after saving the changes in the LPgenerator editor, you can see not the edited page, but its copy from the cache. In this case, the page doesn't yet contain the latest changes you made, so it looks like the editor didn't save them. Moreover, an overloaded cache can also affect the speed of the platform functionality.

For information on how to properly clear the cache, see the guides below.

After clearing the cache, be sure to restart your browser and check if it works.

If problems with the editor still remain, then the reason may be your browser extensions. Read about it in the second part of our guide.

1.2. How to clear the cache Google Chrome?

Before starting the operation, make sure that all the necessary data (messages, page in the editor, text, etc.) are saved in the browser.

1) Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner:

2) Select "History":

Please note: you can also open the history in Chrome using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + h

3) Click "Clear History":

4) Select "During all this time"(this is important, otherwise there will be no sense in cleaning),
check the box next to "Images and other files saved in the cache" and click "Clear history":

5) Done. Close and open your browser (this is important, otherwise clearing won't help).

2. How to disable browser extensions?

Browser extension (plugin, addon) — computer program, which expands functionality browser. Sometimes the functionality of extensions includes blocking various elements and technologies necessary for the correct operation of the LPgenerator visual editor.

Here are some of the extensions that should be disabled:

  • NoScript;
  • Adblock (Adblock Plus);
  • ghostery.

If the above plugins are not enabled in your browser, and the problem still persists, we advise you to disable all plugins installed in the browser, and then enable them sequentially in order to determine which one is causing the error.

Below we will explain how to disable extensions in Google browsers chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

How to disable extensions in Google Chrome?

1) Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner:

2) Select "Settings":

3) Select the "Extensions" section on the left:

4) Uncheck the boxes next to extensions that block ads. The plugin will not be removed and can be enabled when needed:

Note: The most popular blockers are the Adblock and Adguard plugins, but you may have other blocking extensions installed - you need to disable them.

5) If you don't want to disable the extension, you can pause it on the page.

For example:

6) Done. After disabling plugins, you need to reload the page. It is advisable to press the key combination Ctrl and R:

How to disable extensions in Mozilla Firefox?

1) Open the Firefox menu in the browser bar on the right

2) Select the “Add-ons” section from the drop-down list

After the actions taken, restart the browser and check the operation of LPgenerator.

How to disable extensions in Opera?

1) From the menu, select Extensions > Manage Extensions.

2) Click on the "Disable" button next to the appropriate extension.

How to disable extensions in Internet Explorer?

1) Click on the settings icon in the browser

2) Select "Configure add-ons"

3) Click on the add-on and click "Disable"

How to disable extensions in Safari?

1) Click on the settings icon in the right menu of the browser

2) Select “Settings” from the drop-down list

3) Go to the "Extensions" section

4) You can disable all extensions at once using the Off / On slider

5) In order to disable a specific extension, uncheck the box next to it

Sometimes, it may be necessary to prevent the browser from caching a page, since the information on it is updated every time. This can be data generation, according to the selected filters, or other content that is created in a new way each time. In short, there are times when you need to prevent a malicious program from caching a page. Today, we will learn how to implement it different ways, With using PHP or HTML or .htaccess.

Disable page caching in HTML

You can do this using meta tags. Now we will analyze different options for banning caching.

Prohibit caching by the browser and proxy server

Disable page caching, browser only

Setting caching for a specific time, for the browser

With the code below, we can tell the browser how long to keep the document in the cache. After that, the cache will be updated.

Setting caching for a specific time, for a proxy server

Practically, the same as in the previous code, only the indication is specifically for the proxy server.

Prevent page caching with PHP

Practically, everything is the same as in the case of HTML, only we will output information through the header headers. Here's how to implement an absolute no-cache:

", date("H:i:s"), ""; ?>

Also, you can allow caching for a certain time. For example, let's allow caching for only 1 hour.

", date("H:i:s"), ""; ?>

Prevent page caching with .htaccess

For ease of implementation of the idea, everything can be done at the Apache server configuration level. Before that, we need to make sure that the required modules are in working order. We open configuration file Apache and observe the following picture:

LoadModule expires_module modules/ LoadModule headers_module modules/ ... AddModule mod_expires.c AddModule mod_headers.c

Now in the .htaccess file, we actually prohibit caching the output data. As we know, the .htaccess file will be distributed to the directory in which it is located, and to all subdirectories.

# Cache-Control header Header append Cache-Control "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"# Expires header ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "now"

It is important to note that a complete ban on caching increases the load on the server. So play with it carefully! Better yet, set a specific time for which documents can be cached. For example, let's set caching for 1 hour:

# Cache-Control header Header append Cache-Control "public"# Expires header ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 hours"
