For correct work in the EGAIS system, you need to get access to the personal account of the organization on the official website. Already at this stage, many users face serious problems. One of them is that the EGAIS website does not see the key.

Most Likely Causes

There may be several reasons for this problem to occur. Most often, the token cannot be found due to technical problems with the computer, lack of drivers or necessary add-ons. How to solve each of these problems?

Wrong media inserted

Many entrepreneurs confuse the jacarta key with an electronic signature for filing declarations with the FSRAR, and try to enter Personal Area with the use of the latter. There are several ways to check if you have inserted the correct media.

  • Examine the electronic signature certificate issued by the certification authority. It must contain serial number type JC-xxxxxxxxx and media type Jacarta PKI/GOST.
  • open Jacarta Single Client. If a flash card is detected, but connected tokens are not displayed in the program window, you are probably using the wrong media.

If you have not purchased egais yet, where can I get jacarta with an electronic signature? Contact the certification center in your region, which is authorized to sell this type of CEC.

The driver for the egais hardware key is not installed

Perhaps you are trying to use egais key, driver which has not yet been installed. When jacarta is first connected, it happens automatic installation main programs. it standard procedure for any new flash card, which takes 1 to 5 minutes.

After the installation is completed, a notification about successful completion appears in the lower right corner.

Do not try to enter your personal account before the drivers appear - your computer has not yet established a connection with the electronic signature at this moment!

Jacarta Unified Client not installed

The program is released by the token developer and is required to be installed. You can download it and other drivers for secure media on the website of the Aladdin-RD token manufacturer.

USB port not working

There are two solutions:

  • Insert the token into another port and start the check again;
  • check if the USB port is working.

To check, connect any other working flash card to USB. If it is also not detected, then the problem is in the USB. Contact your organization's technician or repairman.

When the Jacarta media is correctly inserted into the computer, the indicator on the media will light up. Depending on the model, it may be green or orange. If the indicator is off, then the key cannot be found by EGAIS, since it is not connected.

Disabled add-on Rutoken EDS 2.0

When you try to log in, a message about the Rutoken web authentication library add-on may appear at the bottom of the browser screen. it software provided by the FSRAR, is safe and necessary for the correct operation of the site. To start, click "allow" in the pop-up window, and then repeat the check again.

How to use the EGAIS hardware key correctly?

So, the first problems are solved, and you have successfully logged into your personal account. How to avoid the recurrence of such situations? Insert the CEC only for work and do not use it at other times to prevent the media from overheating. Before you start, always check the indicator - it signals that the token is working correctly.

Validation difficulties on the RTS-Tender website arise due to the fact that the EDS browser Plug-In does not see the RuToken key or only the signing certificate. To find out why the PC does not see the electronic signature key, the instructions from the supplier of specialized software, the thematic forum on the website of the Federal Tax Service or resources dedicated to the digital signature, as well as specialists from the service will help technical support crypto software manufacturer.

How it should work

Why does the computer not see the digital signature? It seems that there is a key in the form of a flash drive (the same RuToken), and the Crypto-Pro utility is installed, but the ES check is not performed. The main reason is that the PC does not initially see the EDS flash drive. This usually occurs because the key is trying to run on a device with an unsupported OS. After all, each key-flash drive is made for its own environment, and a banal OS update can lead to loss of compatibility with the existing EDS key (flash drive).

When the crypto provider is installed on a supported device, according to the instructions, but the computer still does not see the EDS, the problem may be in the key itself. To figure it out, contact support. There you will be asked for screenshots:

  • CSP versions/builds (General tab);
  • errors when connecting the EDS container.

In addition, tell the specialists where you received the EDS, on what media you have the container installed (root-token, e-token, flash drive or registry) and what OS is used (bit depth, assembly).

The computer does not see the digital signature certificate: first steps

If the computer does not see the electronic signature certificate, then in the Windows operating system you need to go to the address:

Start - Control Panel - CryptoPRO CSP - Service - Test - According to the certificate. This way you can understand if the certificate is installed in the user's Personal Store with a binding to RuToken.

If the user's browser does not see the EDS and he cannot register on the site or connect digital signature, you need to determine whether the site of interest is added to trusted:
Start - All programs - CRYPTO-PRO - EDS settings browser Plug-In.

It's better to use a browser Internet Explorer, since the java script may not work correctly in other browsers.

If the computer does not see the EDS, then first of all you need to visit the thematic forum of the CryptoPro company. If the issue is not resolved on your own, then contact the support service (send the event logs of the system and applications there, indicate the version / assembly of CSP, OS).

Key/certificate not installed

Why "CryptoPro" CSP can not see the keys? You should check the following parameters:

  • whether the program is installed correctly (is it running windows service installer);
  • have access to the network;
  • the correct key was issued in the certified center.

When installing, it is advisable to do this:

install a personal certificate following the installation wizard

specify through "Browse" the location of the certificate file with the .cer extension

select the container of the private key (through the "Browse" select the certificate on the reader - flash drive / floppy disk)

If the previous keys were once installed incorrectly and the new media is not installed, then you need to clean the registry (Windows). To do this, in the CSP panel there is a button "Delete remembered passwords".

If there were no errors in the application events, but they were shown in the system event logs, you need to check the Sfc / scannow files, and then re-register the MSIExec / unregister components, then - MSIExec / regserver.

Difficult case

If the computer does not see the EDS, what should I do? At the same time, the plugin does not see the certificate, but it is installed and the site is added to the trusted ones. The error is rare, but sometimes it occurs even for those users who have fulfilled all the requirements of the instructions for using the CIPF. For example, installed a root certificate. The procedure is detailed on page 35 in section 2.5.2 titled "Viewing and Installing a Personal Certificate Stored in a Private Key Container". If, after all the requirements are met, the computer still does not see electronic signature(lack of certificate on then the problem is most likely in the certificate revocation list of the certification authority (CA). If access to the Internet from the company operating the EDS was provided through a proxy server, then in online mode the program will not see the installed certificate in the revocation directory. Everything will work if you put this handbook locally on the computer.

USB key not detected


What should I do if the program "does not see" the license stored in the USB key?

  1. Check if the green light on the USB key is on. If it is not lit, the key is damaged and needs to be replaced. To do this, contact the manager through whom you purchased the product.
  2. Check if the USB port is good, i.e. whether other devices connected to this port are working. It is possible that the key will work if you connect it to another USB port.
  3. Try installing more new version driver by downloading it from the website of the manufacturer of USB keys (SafeNet) at the following link: iKey Driver . Please uninstall before installing the driver. previous version iKey Driver (should be listed in the installed programs like SafeNet iKey Driver or Rainbow iKey Driver), be sure to reboot the machine before installing the new driver.
  4. In some cases, a feature of the operation of key drivers on some operating systems, for example, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7 is not key detection. As a solution to this problem, SafeNet engineers (the manufacturer of authorization keys) suggest installing latest version drivers in non-PCSC mode, in which USB keys cannot be used as smart cards. To install the driver in non-PCSC mode, you need to run the installation from command line with VR=OFF (case sensitive), for example:

    iKeyDrvr.msi VR=OFF

How to check that the driver was installed in non-PCSC mode.

  1. Install the iKeyAll.exe utility from the iKeyAll*.zip archive (version or - depending on which version is successfully installed on your computer) attached to this article (password for unpacking abbyy). Please note that ABBYY is not the manufacturer of this utility.
  2. Run the iKeyTU.exe utility from C:\Program Files\SafeNet\iKey Components\Bin
  3. Click the Software button
  4. Check that the line "PC / SC mode" is set to Off
  5. If “PC/SC mode” = On, it means that the smart card mode has not been disabled and you should try reinstalling the driver again. When reinstalling, pay attention to the folder from which you run the installation from the command line, as well as the case of the command letters.

Good afternoon, I'm glad that you looked at my light again, it's nice. Last time I told you about how the problem was solved, what run vbs script found in 8.1, today one more problem was drawn, that in Windows 8.1 it does not see the iBank2 token. Let me remind you that tokens are used to store certificates on them, the most common ones for entering a client bank, just my case, the blue token was on, but was not seen in special utility so let's figure it out.

Installing iBank2 Drivers in Windows 8.1

In order for this token to work for you, you need:

  • Download from the site the distribution kit you need
  • Install drivers on your system with the token pulled out

And so you download the iBank2 drivers, since I have Windows system 8.1 x64, then I install them.

The installation of the drivers itself is very trivial, run the installer, select another language if necessary.

Here you can choose a full installation or custom, I advise you to install the full one.

Well, actually install the driver.

All is ready. Reboot for sure.

After the reboot, try to open the java program through the site. If you, like me, have the storage type set to (Hardware device), but the identifier is empty, then this means that the iBank2 drivers were installed crookedly.

You don’t need to cry right away :)) we do it, that’s what. Right click on the start button and select from context menu Device Manager.

Find the item Smart Card Readers in it. It should contain the item Microsoft Usbccid Smart Card Reader (WUDF), this is your iBank2 token, as you can see, it is seen by the system supposedly, but in reality it is not.

Right-click on it and select Update Driver Software.

Select Browse my computer for driver software.

Click Select a driver from the list already installed drivers, iBank2 we set.

Uncheck Only compatible devices.

We are looking for the BIFIT item, select the iBank2 driver and click next.

The installation procedure will begin.

We all see BIFIT iBank2 installed.

Reboot for sure.

After the reboot, if the key is not visible, open the Dispatcher again Windows devices. If you have on the token Exclamation point, then right-click on it.

Speak automatic search updated drivers.

The search for drivers suitable for the token will begin.

Everything Microsoft slipped now normally its driver.

We open Light Bank java application and the identifier was found.

So, comrades, you can force Windows 8.1 to see the iBank2 token.