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Microphone cleaning

On modern iPhone models, starting with 5x, there are at least three microphones (previously there were only two). The use of more than one microphone, as you know, allows you to more effectively deal with the noise of streets, entertainment centers, cinemas and other public places during a conversation.

One is located in front, the other is behind, the third is at the bottom. Microphones are cleaned with a toothbrush, toothpick or cotton swabs soaked in alcohol. Be careful - a toothpick or toothbrush bristles can damage the microphone membrane. You can apply blowing - in suction mode.

How to clean speaker and interface jack on iPhone (4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s)

The iPhone speakers are located at the bottom, next to the Apple iGadget interface connector - it is similar for all iPhones and iPads and serves to connect "charging" and a PC.

You can use any improvised means, including toothpicks. It is cleaned in the same way as microphones. Latest Models iPhones have speakers protected not by a mesh, but by rows of holes - but this does not change the approach to cleaning them.

Most the best remedy for cleaning, it is medical alcohol (fully purified ethanol). They clean both the outer parts of the case and the internal parts and assemblies. But gasoline, acetone, dichloroethane, etc. - spoil the plastic from which most body parts are made, for example, the rear removable panels of a smartphone. It is not uncommon for an Android smartphone to appear without logos, with a damaged matte / ribbed finish that has completely lost its presentation.

Apple gadgets, of course, are made of high-strength and high-quality composite, and real glass is used on the screen and on the camera lens, all this can be spoiled only by scratching them. iPhone screen has a special coating that repels grease - do not use any solvents or aggressive fabrics to clean it. The latter can lead to the appearance of a large number of tiny scratches.

Do not use any means in sprayers - a stream of small droplets escaping from a spray bottle will drive them deep under the body. Ammonia (ammonia water) is also dangerous for gadgets.

As for the material, any clean, lint-free rag will do for large parts (not synthetic, if you still decide to use a different solvent than alcohol), but to clean the holes for the microphone or speakers, you can’t do without cotton swabs or a toothpick .

Attention! When cleaning the openings of the speakers, microphone and connectors, turn the device over so that the cleaning agent does not flow into them! Any solvent can easily damage speaker and microphone membranes.

It is not recommended to use different gels, household detergents (such as Domestos), wet wipes - excluding wipes for cleaning optics - etc. Paper should not be used as a cleaning cloth - it “dusts” a lot.

Be careful with the needle - it can easily pierce the speaker or microphone and lose sound. If you use it - carefully control your actions.

Do not use aqueous solvents - these include the impregnation of wet wipes. Water, getting inside in the form of any mixture, will disrupt its operation. Use volatile liquids that easily dissolve sebum with your daily impurities, regardless of their nature.

Do not use electrifying fabrics such as virgin wool and silk. Static electricity, hitting the pins of the Lightning connector, leads to a breakdown of the interface controller - this can stop the iPhone from charging and / or connecting to the PC (depending on which pins of the connector it hit).

Blowing out hard-to-reach places helps to remove only dust and specks. The vacuum cleaner or compressor must be in suction mode - do not use it to clean the iPhone in the blow mode, and do not use compressed air canisters, as this can force particles inside. Service centers use special vacuum mini-vacuum cleaners - they are used to clean both laptops and gadgets.

Blowing will not work on ingrained dirt and various stickiness - in the latter case, if the liquid has penetrated deeply and froze in the form of stickiness, only disassembling the iPhone and cleaning it with ordinary alcohol will help.

We clean from the inside

To achieve maximum effect cleaning, you can perform similar operations by completely dismantling the speaker.

This process can be broken down into several sequential steps:

  • First of all, you need to separate the screen from the case in order to have access to the speaker. This can be done in different ways, but you still have to unscrew a few bolts using screwdrivers, suction cups and other auxiliary tools.
  • When the display is unscrewed, you need to unscrew a few cables holding the speaker in front of it. To do this, you also need to use a special tool.
  • The final step is to clean the speaker mesh. This can be done using a small sharp tool or a can of compressed air. When everything is ready, the phone is assembled in reverse order.

Please note that it is not advisable to disassemble such systems without some experience (especially if the device is under warranty). Entrust the solution of such problems to experienced specialists from service centers, which will protect you from unforeseen damage to other components.

How to clean speaker on iPhone 6?

Instructions Pour gasoline into some small container. You only need to pour a little. The main thing is that the brush can be dipped in gasoline and moistened, no more. Do not allow gasoline to drip from the brush. We moisten the brush and very carefully process the speaker grid. You do not need to disassemble the phone and get the grid. Simply moisten the assembled phone mesh with a brush. Do this procedure several times and very carefully.

After the second or third cleaning with a brush, you will visually see that the speaker has become much cleaner. After that, just wipe the remaining gasoline from the speaker net and from the phone with a tissue.

Now the smartphone should work better. Check if the interlocutor is heard better. If not, then you will have to clean the inside. This will require special tools. At a minimum, you need an asterisk screwdriver, which only people who repair phones and small electronics have. You also need the skills to disassemble and assemble smartphones, because when you remove the case cover, you can accidentally break the cable. Therefore, if you do not know how to clean the speaker on the iPhone 6 from the inside, then it is better not to go inside, but to send the phone in for repair.

How NOT to clean?

Some users do not know how to clean the speaker on iPhone 6 and try to do it with a toothbrush, but this is not necessary. The toothbrush is very hard and has long bristles, so it can damage the mesh, which can later clog the speaker itself.

It is also desirable to use alcohol solutions rather than alcohol itself. Although the last one is fine too. But never use water. Water is oxidizable and is not a degreaser. Alcohol and solutions based on it degrease the surface and do not oxidize, which is why they are ideal for cleaning.

Alternatively, you can safely use disposable alcohol wipes, which are usually intended for hands. But make sure that a piece of napkin does not remain on the speaker grid. Also, don't use alcohol-free wipes, since most wet wipes now do not contain alcohol, although they also degrease the surface a little. Some users try to do this with a toothpick.

Do not use it to clean smartphones, no matter how. Cleaning the speaker on the iPhone 6 at home with a toothpick will not work. You will simply break the mesh, which is already not strong.

5 Folk Ways to Keep Your iPhone Clean

Cleaning the Lightning Port

signs: The iPhone does not respond when the Lightning cable is connected. When you try to press or loosen it in the socket, charging starts.

Conclusion: most likely, the port is clogged with pellets of dust or debris.

Treatment: Be sure to turn off your iPhone before cleaning. To clean the port, it is enough to use an ordinary toothpick or a sharpened match. In no case do not get dust and spools of wool or debris using conductive objects (any metal, such as: paper clips, tweezers, screwdrivers).

After removing the debris, use a syringe or can of compressed air to blow out the Lightning port well. Do not use the common household method of "blowing" with breathing! Human breath contains particles of saliva, and any moisture that gets into the port will lead to oxidation and its imminent death.

Cleaning the headphone port

signs: When headphones are connected, one of the channels seems to intermittently not working. If the headphones are fully functional, then you should clean the iPhone jack port.

Conclusion: Dust and dirt have entered the narrow slot of the 3.5mm port.

Treatment: use a toothpick or a thin ear stick (be sure to press the villi). Unlike standard jack ports, the entire contact group of the iPhone is made in the form of round pins. That is why you can scroll the wand for a more thorough cleaning.

A can of compressed air will come in handy after removing debris and spools.

Cleaning the speaker

signs: during a conversation, there is a feeling that the subscriber is not audible even at maximum volume.

Conclusion: The speaker grille is dirty.

Treatment: Take a small brush with a hard bristle, gasoline for refilling lighters or alcohol and a small vessel for pouring a few milliliters of liquid.

Dip the brush in alcohol or gasoline and be sure to wring it out, making a stroke on any flat surface or paper. The brush should be damp, but not wet. Wipe the speaker slot with smooth movements without strong pressure until it is perfectly clean.

Do not spill liquid on the screen! The very procedure for cleaning the conversational speaker is a very jewelry and careful work.

Cleaning the speaker and hardware keys

signs: The main speaker is much quieter. The slots in the area of ​​the hardware keys are clogged with dirt and are difficult to press.

Conclusion: time to eliminate dust and dirt.

Treatment: a universal tool for cleaning all hard-to-reach places - an ordinary toothbrush with any bristle stiffness. No cleaning products or liquids need to be used. The openings of the loudspeaker speaker are much larger than the conversational one, and if you use alcohol or gasoline, you risk damaging the membrane.

With smooth movements with moderate pressure, clean the entire surface of the smartphone. For best effect remove the SIM card tray as well.

Screen cleaning

signs: the screen has lost its presentation, greasy stains are visible, and a simple rag can no longer cope.

Conclusion: The screen is covered with an oily film that needs to be cleaned.

Treatment: what not to use:

  • household wet wipes (stains will remain);
  • clothes: a metal button or clasp and a dull scratch will flaunt on the screen;
  • a cloth dampened with water (water and electronics - you understand);
  • pure alcohol (not to be confused with specialized alcohol-based products): the anti-glare coating that any smartphone manufacturer is so proud of does not like alcohol. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the better it will erase the coating.
  • automotive products, window cleaners, glass cleaners, acetone, powder and any household chemicals. The reagents included in the composition will completely kill the protective coating of the screen, which prevents the glare of the device on a sunny day;
  • toilet paper, table napkins. Wood particles can lead to micro-scratches.

To clean the screen, use specialized aerosols, gels, filled wipes or dry wipes designed for cleaning in combination with microfiber. Ideal for cleaning optics, including special wipes.

In often bring devices that, in addition to mechanical and software problems Literally full of dust and dirt. Smartphones of even the most attentive and responsible users cannot avoid such a fate. But for every problem there is a solution, so today I will talk about methods of dealing with such a problem. And I'll show you how the service center specialists cope with this task.

This advice is not a call to action, but only shows Possible Solution Problems. However, such a procedure can be done independently. But be careful!

Step 1

First of all, the iPhone is cleaned of grease, dust and dirt on the case itself. The surest and easiest way is to take a cotton swab or disk, soak the tool in alcohol and wipe the device thoroughly, cleaning large particles of dust and dirt from the visible areas on the surface: at the junction of the display and the case, near the camera eye, buttons and connectors.

Step 2

Next in line are hard-to-reach places: inner space headphone jack and lightning (or 30-pin), speaker and microphone holes. In this case, you will need a very thin tool like a toothpick or a pointed match. The main thing is that it should not be metal - there is a danger of damaging the contacts. But you also need to be careful with a wooden object, because you can break through the grid of a speaker or microphone without much effort.

To clean the charging and 3.5 mm connectors, it is better to wind a small piece of cotton wool around the end of the toothpick and again soak it in alcohol - this way the dust will stick to the tool more, so it will be easier to remove dirt. In this way, you can clean the speaker and microphone holes on the iPhone 4/4s, but this trick will not work with newer models - the design of smartphones is different.

Step 3

A toothbrush is best for cleaning buttons and small holes. It will help get rid of dirt residues at the mode switch, Home and Power buttons, as well as at the junctions of the case and display.

Cleaning the iPhone from dust and dirt is not difficult, but rather painstaking. Of course, you can do external cleaning yourself, but in case of severe contamination that affects the performance of the gadget, it is better to contact service center. The charging connector and earpiece suffer the most from dust and dirt - without timely intervention, the modules can simply fail. Therefore, the intervention of specialists will already be required.

And if you just need to clean your iPhone and let it charge normally again, we will be happy to help. We don't even take money.

He worked great. Two years with no problems or complaints. And then the feeling began to appear that either I was deaf, or something was wrong with the conversational speaker of my iPhone 6.

An ordinary user, at the first symptoms, carries his iPhone to the service. I am opposed to changing something in my gadget without my knowledge. The solution is to open the smartphone and clean the speaker yourself.

Note for representatives of service centers. This article was published as part of personal experience. Nobody doubts that professionals will do everything better, faster and safer. The only "but" - no one will do it for free.

How to clean your iPhone speaker

My test subject personal iPhone 6, so I will demonstrate all further manipulations using my own example. For me, this is the main "workhorse" and, apparently, I still love the risk.

Warning. If your smartphone is under warranty or you doubt your own abilities, in no case do not resort to self-repair.

Here is the entire set of necessary equipment that will be needed for disassembly:

  • plastic spatula
  • mediator (optional)
  • double-sided plastic spatula with a sharp end
  • vacuum suction cup (can be single)
  • screwdriver "pentalob" 0.8
  • Phillips screwdriver 2mm
  • SIM card clip

By the way, the whole set will cost no more than 300 rubles. If you order on Chinese sites - no more than 100 rubles. In services, a speaker cleaning service will cost about 1,000 rubles.

1. First of all, turn off the iPhone and take out the SIM card.

2. Loosen the two star screws with a Pentalobe screwdriver.

3. Wipe the iPhone screen well and attach the suction cup closer to the Home key.

Hold the body of the iPhone and at the same time pull the screen toward you. Do not overdo it! As soon as a small gap appears, use a plastic spatula.

Swipe it along the contour of the device and continue to pull the suction cup.

4. Many guides forget about this point. Necessarily disconnect the battery before further manipulations.

This can be done by unscrewing the two screws holding the metal frame.

Using a plastic spatula (never use a screwdriver or other conductive objects), disconnect the battery cable.

5. The speaker is located on the display part of the iPhone.

To gain access to it, you must disable the four loops located behind the metal frame.

Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the five screws. Please note that all screws are different sizes. In order not to forget where which one is, draw a reminder diagram for yourself, or lay the screws on a white sheet of paper in the appropriate order.

More or less like this:

6. We remove the metal frame and, using a plastic spatula, turn off four loops.

The display is free and you can start dismantling the speaker. It is held by three screws. Unscrew.

7. Here is the speaker itself.

We remove it with tweezers, carefully lifting the retaining loops. The speaker itself is not fixed.

8. Let's start cleaning. With the help of a sharp object, carefully clean the mesh of the conversational speaker.

You can use a can of compressed air or a syringe.

Now we clean the mesh of the speaker itself.

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Microphone cleaning

On modern iPhone models, starting with 5x, there are at least three microphones (previously there were only two). The use of more than one microphone, as you know, allows you to more effectively deal with the noise of streets, entertainment centers, cinemas and other public places during a conversation.

One is located in front, the other is behind, the third is at the bottom. Microphones are cleaned with a toothbrush, toothpick or cotton swabs soaked in alcohol. Be careful - a toothpick or toothbrush bristles can damage the microphone membrane. You can apply blowing - in suction mode.

How to clean speaker and interface jack on iPhone (4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s)

The iPhone speakers are located at the bottom, next to the Apple iGadget interface connector - it is similar for all iPhones and iPads and serves to connect "charging" and a PC.

You can use any improvised means, including toothpicks. It is cleaned in the same way as microphones. Latest iPhone models have speakers protected not by a grid, but by rows of holes - but this does not change the approach to cleaning them.

The best cleaning agent is rubbing alcohol (fully purified ethanol). They clean both the outer parts of the case and the internal parts and assemblies. But gasoline, acetone, dichloroethane, etc. - spoil the plastic from which most body parts are made, for example, the rear removable panels of a smartphone. It is not uncommon for an Android smartphone to appear without logos, with a damaged matte / ribbed finish that has completely lost its presentation.

Apple gadgets, of course, are made of high-strength and high-quality composite, and real glass is used on the screen and on the camera lens, all this can be spoiled only by scratching them. The iPhone screen has a special coating that repels grease - do not use any solvents or aggressive cloths to clean it. The latter can lead to the appearance of a large number of tiny scratches.

Do not use any means in sprayers - a stream of small droplets escaping from a spray bottle will drive them deep under the body. Ammonia (ammonia water) is also dangerous for gadgets.

As for the material, any clean, lint-free rag will do for large parts (not synthetic, if you still decide to use a different solvent than alcohol), but to clean the holes for the microphone or speakers, you can’t do without cotton swabs or a toothpick .

Attention! When cleaning the openings of the speakers, microphone and connectors, turn the device over so that the cleaning agent does not flow into them! Any solvent can easily damage speaker and microphone membranes.

It is not recommended to use different gels, household detergents (such as Domestos), wet wipes - excluding wipes for cleaning optics - etc. Paper should not be used as a cleaning cloth - it “dusts” a lot.

Be careful with the needle - it can easily pierce the speaker or microphone and lose sound. If you use it - carefully control your actions.

Do not use aqueous solvents - these include the impregnation of wet wipes. Water, getting inside in the form of any mixture, will disrupt its operation. Use volatile liquids that easily dissolve sebum with your daily impurities, regardless of their nature.

Do not use electrifying fabrics such as virgin wool and silk. Static electricity, hitting the pins of the Lightning connector, leads to a breakdown of the interface controller - this can stop the iPhone from charging and / or connecting to the PC (depending on which pins of the connector it hit).

Blowing out hard-to-reach places helps to remove only dust and specks. The vacuum cleaner or compressor must be in suction mode - do not use it to clean the iPhone in the blow mode, and do not use compressed air canisters, as this can force particles inside. Service centers use special vacuum mini-vacuum cleaners - they are used to clean both laptops and gadgets.

Blowing will not work on ingrained dirt and various stickiness - in the latter case, if the liquid has penetrated deeply and froze in the form of stickiness, only disassembling the iPhone and cleaning it with ordinary alcohol will help.

We clean from the inside

To achieve the maximum cleaning effect, you can perform similar operations by completely dismantling the speaker.

This process can be broken down into several sequential steps:

  • First of all, you need to separate the screen from the case in order to have access to the speaker. This can be done in different ways, but you still have to unscrew a few bolts using screwdrivers, suction cups and other auxiliary tools.
  • When the display is unscrewed, you need to unscrew a few cables holding the speaker in front of it. To do this, you also need to use a special tool.
  • The final step is to clean the speaker mesh. This can be done using a small sharp tool or a can of compressed air. When everything is ready, the phone is assembled in reverse order.

Please note that it is not advisable to disassemble such systems without some experience (especially if the device is under warranty). Entrust the solution of such problems to experienced specialists from service centers, which will protect you from unforeseen damage to other components.

How to clean speaker on iPhone 6?

Instructions Pour gasoline into some small container. You only need to pour a little. The main thing is that the brush can be dipped in gasoline and moistened, no more. Do not allow gasoline to drip from the brush. We moisten the brush and very carefully process the speaker grid. You do not need to disassemble the phone and get the grid. Simply moisten the assembled phone mesh with a brush. Do this procedure several times and very carefully.

After the second or third cleaning with a brush, you will visually see that the speaker has become much cleaner. After that, just wipe the remaining gasoline from the speaker net and from the phone with a tissue.

Now the smartphone should work better. Check if the interlocutor is heard better. If not, then you will have to clean the inside. This will require special tools. At a minimum, you need an asterisk screwdriver, which only people who repair phones and small electronics have. You also need the skills to disassemble and assemble smartphones, because when you remove the case cover, you can accidentally break the cable. Therefore, if you do not know how to clean the speaker on the iPhone 6 from the inside, then it is better not to go inside, but to send the phone in for repair.

How NOT to clean?

Some users do not know how to clean the speaker on iPhone 6 and try to do it with a toothbrush, but this is not necessary. The toothbrush is very hard and has long bristles, so it can damage the mesh, which can later clog the speaker itself.

It is also desirable to use alcohol solutions rather than alcohol itself. Although the last one is fine too. But never use water. Water is oxidizable and is not a degreaser. Alcohol and solutions based on it degrease the surface and do not oxidize, which is why they are ideal for cleaning.

Alternatively, you can safely use disposable alcohol wipes, which are usually intended for hands. But make sure that a piece of napkin does not remain on the speaker grid. Also, don't use alcohol-free wipes, since most wet wipes now do not contain alcohol, although they also degrease the surface a little. Some users try to do this with a toothpick.

Do not use it to clean smartphones, no matter how. Cleaning the speaker on the iPhone 6 at home with a toothpick will not work. You will simply break the mesh, which is already not strong.

5 Folk Ways to Keep Your iPhone Clean

Cleaning the Lightning Port

signs: The iPhone does not respond when the Lightning cable is connected. When you try to press or loosen it in the socket, charging starts.

Conclusion: most likely, the port is clogged with pellets of dust or debris.

Treatment: Be sure to turn off your iPhone before cleaning. To clean the port, it is enough to use an ordinary toothpick or a sharpened match. In no case do not get dust and spools of wool or debris using conductive objects (any metal, such as: paper clips, tweezers, screwdrivers).

After removing the debris, use a syringe or can of compressed air to blow out the Lightning port well. Do not use the common household method of "blowing" with breathing! Human breath contains particles of saliva, and any moisture that gets into the port will lead to oxidation and its imminent death.

Cleaning the headphone port

signs: When headphones are connected, one of the channels seems to intermittently not working. If the headphones are fully functional, then you should clean the iPhone jack port.

Conclusion: Dust and dirt have entered the narrow slot of the 3.5mm port.

Treatment: use a toothpick or a thin ear stick (be sure to press the villi). Unlike standard jack ports, the entire contact group of the iPhone is made in the form of round pins. That is why you can scroll the wand for a more thorough cleaning.

A can of compressed air will come in handy after removing debris and spools.

Cleaning the speaker

signs: during a conversation, there is a feeling that the subscriber is not audible even at maximum volume.

Conclusion: The speaker grille is dirty.

Treatment: Take a small brush with a hard bristle, gasoline for refilling lighters or alcohol and a small vessel for pouring a few milliliters of liquid.

Dip the brush in alcohol or gasoline and be sure to wring it out, making a stroke on any flat surface or paper. The brush should be damp, but not wet. Wipe the speaker slot with smooth movements without strong pressure until it is perfectly clean.

Do not spill liquid on the screen! The very procedure for cleaning the conversational speaker is a very jewelry and careful work.

Cleaning the speaker and hardware keys

signs: The main speaker is much quieter. The slots in the area of ​​the hardware keys are clogged with dirt and are difficult to press.

Conclusion: time to eliminate dust and dirt.

Treatment: a universal tool for cleaning all hard-to-reach places - an ordinary toothbrush with any bristle stiffness. No cleaning products or liquids need to be used. The openings of the loudspeaker speaker are much larger than the conversational one, and if you use alcohol or gasoline, you risk damaging the membrane.

With smooth movements with moderate pressure, clean the entire surface of the smartphone. For best effect, remove the SIM card tray as well.

Screen cleaning

signs: the screen has lost its presentation, greasy stains are visible, and a simple rag can no longer cope.

Conclusion: The screen is covered with an oily film that needs to be cleaned.

Treatment: what not to use:

  • household wet wipes (stains will remain);
  • clothes: a metal button or clasp and a dull scratch will flaunt on the screen;
  • a cloth dampened with water (water and electronics - you understand);
  • pure alcohol (not to be confused with specialized alcohol-based products): the anti-glare coating that any smartphone manufacturer is so proud of does not like alcohol. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the better it will erase the coating.
  • automotive products, window cleaners, glass cleaners, acetone, powder and any household chemicals. The reagents included in the composition will completely kill the protective coating of the screen, which prevents the glare of the device on a sunny day;
  • toilet paper, table napkins. Wood particles can lead to micro-scratches.

To clean the screen, use specialized aerosols, gels, filled wipes or dry wipes designed for cleaning in combination with microfiber. Ideal for cleaning optics, including special wipes.

Protective films and glasses, soft rubberized cases and hard impact-resistant bumpers - smartphones Apple immediately after purchase, they are usually packed into a collection of accessories that can save both from scratches on the screen and the back cover, and from dents and chips that appeared after “accidental” falls.

But, as practice shows, even the listed "starting" set of protective measures does not always lead to success - sometimes it "gathers dust" front-camera, sometimes the lightning connector is clogged with unknown garbage, and in some cases even the sound during voice communication becomes “deaf” and barely distinguishable.

And the reason for this is a loosely fitting film or special “free slots” for some important interfaces(for example, for a speaker). And, if the new film calmly solves the problem of the camera, and Lightning is treated with a toothpick, then in the case of the speaker, the situation is a little more complicated - you will have to clean the speaker on the iPhone.

Service or at home?

The speaker cleaning procedure is an equivalent process for almost everyone iPhone versions. The actions are the same for both the “4-ki” and the “ten”, the main thing to remember is a few things: if your hands start shaking at the mere thought of the need to delve into your favorite smartphone, and panic is already emerging in your head, then you definitely shouldn’t start taking action - will only get worse.

And yet - before using the algorithm described below, it is worth choosing the right tool. Toothpicks or toothbrushes will not work - you need a soft brush that is not able to damage the membrane or break the "grid" of the speaker. However, first things first:

  1. First of all, you will have to prepare the workplace: turn off the smartphone, take a small plastic container (both a bottle cap and a food container lid will do) and drip gasoline or an alcohol-containing liquid (it is undesirable to use full-fledged alcohol, in addition, in no case should you apply for help to the water!). If there were no solvents or other liquids at hand that could disinfect the surface, then you can use gasoline from a lighter. The option is proven and working, the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity and observe safety precautions;
  2. After preparation, pick up the iPhone, and dip a soft brush prepared specifically for cleaning the speaker into gasoline or an alcohol-containing liquid solely for the sake of surface moistening (the brush should not “drip”, otherwise there is a real chance to completely “accidentally” fill the connector and aggravate the situation). Before using the brush, it is worth checking three times - is there really no extra drops?
  3. Draw the prepared brush over the speaker 2-3 times. The procedure should be repeated until at least visually there is less dust on the speakers, and the grid takes on a distinct “gray” or “silver” design. If desired, hold over the rest of the connectors that have become dusty during operation. The remains of gasoline or alcohol should be removed with a napkin;
  4. If after 2-3 attempts even visually the speaker does not become cleaner, then you may have to cut off the upper part of the bristles of the brush to increase the rigidity of the bristles;
  5. As a result of the work done, the speaker should return to its former state. If nothing has changed, and the interlocutors are still not heard, or if voice communication words cannot be disassembled even at maximum volume, then there are two options left - to proceed with disassembling the device or contact the service center. In the first case, there is serious work to be done, which you should definitely not touch without knowing the matter (if you open it incorrectly, there is a risk of damaging the cable responsible for the work touch screen or the action of the buttons approaches 100%) and a suitable tool (there must be an asterisk screwdriver in the kit that can work with tiny parts).

In the second case, it is worth remembering only two precautions. It is important to choose the “right” service with positive feedback and average prices in the price list. Before handing over the smartphone, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate document, which will describe the condition of the equipment (scratches, chips, used cases). If the service employees refuse to draw up a document and do not even try to take responsibility for the repair, then you should immediately leave the dubious institution.

In some cases, it is worth visiting several services at once to conduct an appropriate independent diagnosis - are the repairmen trying to overcharge or oblige to pay for Additional services? Sometimes it is better to be patient, but to bring what you have started to mind.

How exactly to avoid mistakes in home “cleaning”?

  • In no case do not use water when cleaning the dynamics (the main reason for this is not even the ability to “fill in” the connector, but directly in the properties of water, which easily oxidizes the membrane and other parts of the smartphone);
  • Actions must be accurate and precise. With trembling hands, you should not even wipe the screen with a soft cloth;
  • The tool is not suitable for any, but time-tested. If the speaker is cleaned to listen to calls, then a soft brush and a few milliliters of gasoline. If the speaker is a speaker, then a toothbrush will do, the main thing is not to overdo it with efforts and control movements. You definitely shouldn’t use toothpicks, including you don’t need to count on the benefits of alcohol-containing wipes - small villi will definitely get where they don’t need to;
  • Even with a strong desire and the availability of a suitable tool, it is better not to open the case to fully clean the speakers. Any wrong move will necessarily lead to deplorable and, perhaps, already incorrigible results;
  • And, since the process of cleaning a mobile device has moved off the ground, why not take care of other problems? Change the film, clean the SIM tray, or not clean the Lightning?