It's not a secret for many that Windows 10 has a built-in antivirus installed right away. It's called.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to disable the antivirus in order to exclude its false positives. For example, during the installation of games or programs. Not everyone knows how to disable the antivirus built into Windows 10. We will talk about this in this article.

Disable built-in defender in Windows 10

For this we go to Windows settings through the notification icon in the lower right corner of the screen near the clock.

Entering Windows 10 Settings

In the menu that opens, select "All Settings".

Menu item "Update and security" in the system settings

A window will open in which you need to go to the "Windows Defender" tab on the left.

Shutdown Windows antivirus 10

Now it remains only in the right part of the window to turn all the switches to the "Off" position, namely:

  • Real time protection;
  • Cloud protection;
  • Sending samples.

Close the window Windows settings and make sure that the built-in antivirus in Windows 10 is disabled. This will be indicated by a red cross on the antivirus icon in the notification area.

In this article, we will consider in detail a very important and serious question - which antivirus to choose for Windows 10. It is worth noting that the recently released Windows 10 operating system (OS) is already installed on millions of computers around the world, which is a tasty morsel for many virus developers.

Many people know that in this case, each system must be equipped with a good antivirus. Especially now things are generally fine with them, you can choose for yourself both a good free anti-virus program (for home or office) and a more functional paid option for firms and organizations.

It is worth noting that in Windows 10 (starting with the G8) an antivirus of its own design is immediately built in, it used to be called Microsoft Essentials, now it is referred to as "Windows Defender".

I must say that this is a very good innovation, because before, after installing the OS, users could sit for a long time without antiviruses, since they had to be additionally installed, which in turn usually led to the appearance of viruses and related problems (loss of files, passwords, etc.). d.).

And now you automatically already have quite a good defender against viruses and all sorts of malicious activity. True, its reliability is sometimes questioned. But it's better than no protection at all.

Is the built-in antivirus in Windows 10 enough?

I would like to note that the standard defender is quite suitable, the only thing is to clearly define how and what you do on the Internet. It is enough if you:

  • Infrequently go online and only go to social networks in it, view news on trusted sites - Yandex, Mail, etc.
  • Do not open any unfamiliar files in classmates or e-mail

If your activity on the global network is reduced only to those listed above, then the virus protector that comes with Windows 10 or 8 will be enough.

Another thing is if you use the World Wide Web very actively, often visit untrusted and unfamiliar sites, then in this case you should think about anti-virus protection a little better. If you want to rely on the antivirus as much as possible, then you need to buy licensed version such high-quality antiviruses as:

  1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  2. ESET NOD32
  3. Dr.Web or others

You can also completely install yourself a good free antivirus, the most popular of them are:

But, in any case, it is important to remember some rules of working and being on the Internet, forgetting about them, not a single most expensive antivirus can help with emerging threats to your files and data:

  1. You can not open files and letters from strangers anywhere, neither in email, nor in social networks
  2. Do not click on any ads and pop-up windows in the browser (), as soon as you do this, you launch viruses and trojans disguised in them
  3. Do not send your passwords to anyone in any way
  4. Forget about simple passwords, it is better to write it down in several places, but make it as complex as possible, more about this in the article - how to protect yourself from hackers
  5. Accurately check the address of the site you want to go to, very often attackers make sites very similar in appearance to the original, only the address (and one letter) can differ, if you enter your password on such a site, it turns out that you yourself will give it to strangers

All of the above can be reduced to 2 rules that you simply must follow:

  • Availability of a working and updated antivirus
  • Clearly understand what you are doing on the Internet - do not rush, but think through your every step, over time it will become a habit

Thus, summing up the above, we note that the built-in antivirus in Windows 10 is quite a good option for simple home protection, but also do not forget that any antivirus is only 50% of protection, the rest lies directly with the user. It is the sum of these two components that will determine how effectively the protection of your computer can work. If you need computer help, please contact us.

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  • October 22, 2015
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Safety personal computer, according to most users, is one of the main components of its correct functioning. And it's definitely not worth saving. And with the release of a new version of the operating system from Microsoft, this problem has become especially acute. Antivirus for picking up is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

A little about the new version

According to the assurances of the manufacturing company, the final modified version of the operating system was released on July 29th. So, from that moment it became possible update to version 10. However, the operating system was a bit rough at the time. And most importantly - software! And in particular, antivirus for Windows 10 from the eminent Kaspersky laboratory! Yes, yes, the versions of the security program simply turned out to be incompatible with the new operating system. Fortunately for many, this problem was solved by the fall. As with most other popular software. Therefore, you can now safely upgrade to the new version of Windows, if there is such a desire and opportunity. By the way, the "engine" of the system remained the same as on Windows 8.1, so many software developers did not have to fix their products much, only adjust a little.

Do you really need an antivirus?

Many users are sure that the new version of the operating system does not require any additional protection. And all because the standard, built-in antivirus for Windows 10 copes with its main task - protection against external threats. However, everything is not as rosy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, after some time, many users still wonder if an antivirus is needed on Windows 10. And they come to the conclusion that additional protection hasn't harmed anyone yet.

About Defender

This is what the standard free antivirus for Windows 10 is called. Previously, it was just one of the functions, which later “grew up” to a full-fledged “defender”. In operating system version 8, Defender has already begun its work as an antivirus. In Windows 10, it has undergone some changes, albeit minor ones.


The first thing I want to note is the minimum load on the system. Since the free antivirus for Windows 10 is already built into the OS by the developers, the performance of the computer does not decrease in any way. Protection runs in the background, so the user does not need to take any action when turning on the PC.

The second, which is also important, is the free basis. A ready-made and standard antivirus for Windows 10 is built into the system itself, so it is free for OS owners. And it is also updated free of charge. You can configure the update yourself - either manually or automatically if necessary.

The third thing users pay attention to is virus protection. So, for example, when automatic update anti-virus databases are downloaded from the server, which means that they respond in a timely manner to new virus threats that appear on the Web. But the product also has disadvantages, and read about it below.


It didn't work without them either. So, for example, the rating of antiviruses for Windows 10 indicates that Defender is approximately in the middle of the top of the best defenders. Why? If only because it still does not provide full protection. So, for example, Defender does not intercept infected files when they are downloaded from the Internet if the user himself wishes to perform this operation. And this is a big minus, since a person may not know what exactly he is downloading to his system, not to mention that immediately after downloading the virus can absorb Windows entirely. Leaving no chance for a timely cure. Then the question arises as to what best antivirus for Windows 10. There are several options to consider.


This is a Czech product that has both paid and free versions. It is worth noting that the developers fussed in time, developing software for the new Windows. And they didn't fail! Those who used Avast updated it on the "top ten", continuing to operate. The program combines both a defender and an anti-spyware. Not to mention that the paid version has a full-fledged sandbox where you can check files and websites for threats. By the way, the program does not load the system at all, although it is a little late at startup. That is, Windows loads faster than antivirus. But with the naked eye, this is not at all noticeable, the program is still included quickly in the process. And that is why Avast can really be considered as the best antivirus for Windows 10. Although it is not the only one, that is why it takes only 2-3 place in the ratings.

Eset Nod 32

For those who wondered if an antivirus is needed on Windows 10, it is worth remembering that additional protection never hurts. And the one that does not load the system, and even works quickly - even more so. And this is where this defender comes into play, not only quickly dealing with threats in real time, but also monitors the OS in the background for viruses, spyware and dangerous files. That is why this defender occupies one of the leading places in the top. There are both paid and free versions. The latter are not limited in functionality, like many other similar programs.


This product is rightfully considered the best in its segment. He doesn't have free versions, exclusively paid. And this suggests that the developers are very careful about their "brainchild". Although a little late with the release of a suitable version for the new operating system. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows 10 did not work any worse because of this. On the contrary, it is noted that the load on the system, which was the sin of previous versions (for 8.1), has become less. So, the performance of the computer has ceased to decline. That is why Kaspersky Antivirus is considered the best defender for Windows 10 today.

Let's summarize

With a rather weak computer hardware, you still should not install an antivirus such as Kaspersky. It is worth paying attention to Avast and Nod 32. Or even use a full-time defender, observing the simplest rules:

  • Do not visit suspicious sites (including those for adults, as well as torrents filled with advertisements);
  • suspicious files, as well as external media, should not be downloaded, but first passed through virtual online "sandboxes";
  • do not go through the "left" links, ignoring.

With this attitude to visit " world wide web» The risk of infecting your computer with viruses, worms, and spyware is negligible. And finally, ours for Windows 10:

  1. "Kaspersky".
  2. Avast.
  3. "Nod 32".

Buying one of them or paying attention to any other product is a personal matter for everyone, however, it is these antiviruses that have proven to be the most reliable and efficient, which should also be taken into account when choosing. Enjoy surfing the waves of the global network!

Windows 10 does not pester users with the requirement to install an antivirus, as Windows 7 did. Since the days of Windows 8, the operating system has included a built-in antivirus - Windows Defender. But is it really the best - or even usable - solution for protecting your computer?

Windows Defender is essentially the latest Microsoft version Security Essentials, Microsoft's free antivirus, first written for Windows 7. Now built right into operating system, which guarantees all computers under Windows control 10 basic level of anti-virus protection.

Is Windows Defender good enough?
Antivirus is enabled by default. Windows Defender automatically scans all running programs, downloads database updates through the Center windows updates (windows update) and has an interface for deep system checks.
But how good is this antivirus? We have to admit: the development of Microsoft is a little behind the competition in comparative tests antivirus software. We've expressed concern about this before, all the more so since we've been very fond of Microsoft's antivirus in the past.
Windows Defender has many advantages. It's built-in, doesn't bother with pop-ups, costs no money, and consumes less system resources than some competing antiviruses. It does not attempt to collect data about the user's web surfing and benefit from it, as some free antivirus programs now do.

Overall, Windows Defender provides good protection. If you regularly update Windows (which now happens automatically), use modern browser and avoid potentially dangerous Java type plugins, you should be fine. Combined with following the standard security rules that you should adhere to in any case, Windows Defender does its job well.

Despite the low score that Windows Defender received in June 2015 in the AV-Test (only "0.5/6" for protection), the program was able to recognize 95% of "widespread and prevailing threats", as well as 85% of attacks zero day. BitDefender recognized 100% of test samples in both directions, while Kaspersky recognized 100% of common viruses and 99% of zero-day attacks. So despite the difference in scores, Windows Defender still does pretty well. In the past, Microsoft representatives noted that the program focuses on real common threats, while the tests are unrepresentative, and antiviruses from other manufacturers are optimized for passing the tests. However, now Microsoft representatives no longer comment on the test results.

Windows 10 has other protections carried over from Windows 8, such as smartscreen filter, which prevents malware from downloading and running, regardless of which antivirus is used. And Chrome and Firefox also have Google function Safe Browsing, which blocks the download of many malicious programs.

For most users, Windows Defender will suffice - as long as you have common sense and good security habits. But if you regularly download pirated software and engage in other risky activities, it's better to ditch Windows Defender in favor of some other program that is more effective at dealing with antivirus test samples.

Use MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit

We also recommend using an exploit protection program to protect your browser and plug-ins, which are most often attacked. We recommend free program MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit. It works pretty much the same as her own. Microsoft utility EMET, but more convenient and has more security features. It can block the most common exploits, even previously unknown zero-day attacks. For example, MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit would be able to block all of the flash zero-day attacks that have been reported recently. The program strengthens the security of the browser, plug-ins and other favorite places of attack by protecting against the most common types of attacks, instead of defending against all known malware samples.

Windows Defender combined with MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit is a good, free and simple combination of programs that we recommend to protect the average computer running Windows 10. corporate networks Windows Defender is most often combined with Microsoft EMET, but for a regular home computer Windows Defender plus MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit is a better solution.

(By her own MalwareBytes program is a pretty decent security solution that serves as a good addition to any antivirus, including Windows Defender. It finds a lot of "potentially unwanted programs" and other garbage that regular antiviruses overlook. But MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit is a separate program.)

Which antivirus is better?

If Windows Defender still does not inspire you, you should look for another antivirus. If you need a paid solution, Kaspersky and BitDefender always get the highest scores in all kinds of antivirus tests. Read reviews or install trial versions and decide which of these antivirus works best. But anyway, Kaspersky and BitDefender are reliable, respected solutions for those willing to shell out.

If you need a free antivirus, Windows Defender is really good. If you definitely want something else, be careful during installation and do not settle for all the browser panels and extensions that the antivirus will try to smuggle with it. Developers free antiviruses have recently been mass distributing their programs bundled with other applications and collecting user data in order to benefit from their "free" solutions.

When you install a third-party antivirus, Windows Defender is automatically disabled and enabled again after other antiviruses are uninstalled. It is specially designed so as not to interfere.

But no matter which antivirus you choose, it does not guarantee complete protection. If you download and run malicious programs, troubles will start sooner or later anyway.

Antivirus with higher scores in tests for detecting unknown malware, which not everyone else will encounter, of course, can give an additional sense of security, but it is much more important to follow certain rules of conduct. It is more useful not to go to dangerous sites and not to drag dubious programs into the system.

And given that the worst threat is zero-day attacks that use holes in browsers and plug-ins or the plug-ins themselves to infect a computer, MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit, perhaps, provides more reliable protection against the most dangerous attacks than any antivirus.

Windows 10, like Windows 8, has its own antivirus that protects your computer from malware.

Antivirus automatically runs in the background, so you always have a basic level of protection. Those who have already used Microsoft Security Essentials in Windows 7 and earlier know it well. In Windows 10, it's still the same program now called Windows Defender.

Automatic scanning and updating

Like other standard antivirus programs, Windows Defender scans any file for viruses before opening it. You can not think about it, as he will only make himself felt when he finds a threat. At the same time, he will not ask what to do with this file, but will automatically remove viruses and send the file to quarantine. You will simply see a message that malware has been detected and the antivirus is now trying to remove it or has already done so. All messages are saved in the notification center.

All anti-virus database updates are installed automatically via Windows Update, and the system will not require a computer restart. Therefore, here you can forget that your databases may become outdated.

Customization and exclusions

You can configure Windows Defender in the Settings menu. To select it, you need to open the "Start" menu (Start) and click the "Settings" link. There, select the section “Update and security” (Update & security), and then “Windows Defender”.

The default settings provide real-time protection, cloud protection and sample submission. We have already written about how real-time protection works. It can be disabled briefly to increase system performance, but then the protection will be automatically enabled again so that your system is not endangered in the future. Cloud protection and sample submission allows your antivirus to exchange information about various malicious files with Microsoft servers.

You can also add exceptions in the settings. To do this, scroll down the page and select "Add an exclusion". You can add either only a specific file there, or the entire folder as a whole, you can also add file types and processes. If, due to the antivirus, your application, in which you are sure, is running slowly, then you can add it to the exceptions, and then the performance will be increased. But don't add too many programs and files to exclusions, as this increases the chances of catching malware that Windows Defender simply won't be able to see because it won't check what you've added to exclusions.

Manual check

You can open the antivirus desktop interface. To do this, scroll through the settings menu to the item "Version info" (Version info) and select "Use Windows Defender" (Use Windows Defender). Here you have the option to run a quick, full or custom virus scan.

You do not need to perform manual scans regularly. Windows Defender has a schedule according to which it performs a full scan, in addition, it constantly scans in the background. Therefore, the function manual check” will be useful only when connecting external media or checking network folders.

Files in Quarantine

If Windows Defender quarantined infected files, you can view them in the desktop interface of the program. It is necessary to repeat the steps described above and select the "History" tab. There we select "View details" (View details) and we get the entire list of blocked programs with detailed information.

Here you can completely remove the program from your computer, or vice versa, allow it to work, despite the fact that the antivirus considered it to be malicious. Taking the second step is highly discouraged.

Installing another antivirus

If you choose to install a different antivirus, then Windows 10 will automatically turn off Windows Defender. This is done to avoid conflicts between the two antiviruses. If, after installing another antivirus, you go to the Windows Defender settings, you will notice that all its functions are not active, and if you want to enable them, you will receive a notification that it is disabled.

When another antivirus is uninstalled, Windows Defender will automatically turn on to prevent malware infiltrate your system.

To summarize, where we say that in Windows 10 you can not rack your brains in search of the best antivirus program but just trust Windows Defender from Microsoft.