Quite often users personal computers work with the most various types data and document formats. One of the most popular formats today are images in jpg and documents in pdf. Sometimes it becomes necessary to combine several jpg files into one pdf file, which we will discuss below.

How to assemble a single pdf document from several jpg

A similar question was dealt with when the problem of converting from jpg to pdf was considered. Therefore, now it is worth considering only one very good way, which will help you quickly make a single document out of many jpg images.

All images that will be collected into one document were obtained using pdf conversion in jpg, it is important to read about this for everyone who often deals with such formats.

So, let's analyze the solution to the problem of combining jpg into pdf using the example of the Image program that PDF, which can be downloaded from.

That's all. The program can process a lot of images, every 1-2 seconds it processes about 18 graphic files, so a huge family album will turn into a pdf document in a matter of minutes. Do you know the same quick ways to merge jpg into pdf document?

There are two ways to convert files: using a program or online. If you have to make this kind of transformation often, then it is better to opt for one of the proposed programs so that you no longer ask this question in the future. But for urgent conversion, there is no need to install on your computer extra programs, just turn to online assistants.

Online jpg to pdf conversion

Quite a popular site with a telling name: http://convert-my-image.com/Ru

Working with it is simple:

  • go to the site and find the blue button "Choose file",
  • click and select the jpg file you want to convert,
  • click "ok"
  • then select the "convert" field,
  • wait for the site to respond, usually it takes a couple of seconds,

  • after that you will be prompted to save the resulting pdf file.

Do not forget that you need a program to read it Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the official Adobe website.

Convert jpg to pdf with a program

  • This method will help you to have at hand the right software at any moment and under any circumstances. To get started, go to the site http://freesoft.ru/jpg_to_pdf_converter_pro and download the program "JPG to PDF Converter Pro 5.0".

  • Click on the "save file" box.

  • Double click on the saved file.

  • Agree and click "run".

  • In the installer that appears, select "Next".
  • After that, you will be prompted to select the path to the folder and its name, do as you like and proceed to the next step.
  • Agree to terms of use software by checking the box next to the phrase “I do accept the agreement”.

  • You just have to click on the word “Install” and wait for the installation to complete.
  • Now on your desktop there is a program "JPG to PDF pro". Open it.
  • Find a big green plus sign in the upper left corner, add a file using it.

  • Now in the white field the number of added pictures and their name is displayed, click on the yellow word “Convert”.
  • Choose a location to save the resulting PDF file and its name.

The file conversion is complete. Do not forget to download software only from trusted sites and be sure to check it through your antivirus.

Good day to all. my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I am in a very happy mood, as it is my daughter's birthday today. She is 7 years old and in the fall there will be “Hello school!”. Oh, my girl, she has already grown up completely ... Well, okay, despite the birthday, I still won’t leave you without an article. The article today will be very interesting and useful for many.

I think many people know what a PDF file is, and . So get ready. I have to work with PDF files from time to time. Sometimes the task arises, and sometimes vice versa, i.e. . But there are times when you need to combine several images into one such document. What to do then?

And the answer is very simple. And today I will show you how to make a pdf file from pictures quickly and without installation. additional programs, i.e. in online mode. Ready? Then let's go. Just prepare a few images in advance.

Basically, you don't have to go far. Our office friend can help us Microsoft Word. All you need to do is create a document in Word and insert an image on each page, fitting it to the sheet format.

After all the manipulations, we just need to save this document in PDF format. That's all. You don't have to go far. But still here you need to go into the office, something to customize. The business, I want to tell you, is a chore. And I'll show you how to make our task easier. And for this we do not need any programs at all.

Small PDF

In the first case, the service familiar to us from previous articles will help us, only in this case the work happens a little differently.


Let's check what happened. All default settings, pictures fill the entire area of ​​the page and depending on the orientation, each page will behave differently.

In general, all methods are quite convenient and very fast, and everyone decides for himself which method he likes. Which one do you personally prefer? Or maybe you use a special browser like XnView? In any case, write your answer in the comments.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.


The service is available in


In order to prevent overuse of the service, Allinpdf has a limit of using 60 times per hour.
This condition is subject to change.
  • How to Convert JPG to PDF Drag and drop files from your computer into the box above, and simply select the file format you want to Convert to. You can download the converted files after the conversion is done.
  • High Quality Conversion All Pdf provides the highest quality file conversion service on the market. No other services that support a wide range of file formats provide better performance than all Pdf!
  • fast and simple conversion It only takes a few clicks. You will get the result within a few seconds in the normal state of the Internet.
  • Safe online conversions Uploaded files and data are automatically and immediately deleted after using the service. The converted files were automatically deleted by the system within half an hour after the conversion. No one has access to the files and it leaves no trace of the work after being deleted. Allinpdf provides secure service over SSL based encrypted file transfer.
  • Support for all operating systems Allinpdf is a web application served through a web browser. Allinpdf supports all types of browsers including IE, Chrome, Safari, FireFox and Opera. Allinpdf works for whatever you use operating system- Windows, Linux or IOS.
  • Save your PC's resources Allinpdf is a web service that does not use your computer's resources. All work is done on our server.

    Does not require installation (eg ActiveX) is required.

Have you scanned a document and received a whole set of pictures instead of one file? Or downloaded a book from the Internet for five hundred pages and saw the same thing? What if you still need to work on the document or send it to someone? Familiar situation? Solving the problem is quite simple. There are several methods to merge all documents into one.

There are several ways to combine pictures into one document.

  • Can be on a computer download and install graphics editor . Plus: always at hand, which, you see, is convenient when frequent work with scanned pages. Minus: the program will require the presence free space on the computer. And if it is so little?
  • Can use free services, of which there are a dozen or two on the Internet. Plus: do not take up space on your computer. Cons: Internet required.

Consider how to work with both those and others.

Programmatic way to merge images


portable program for English language copes well with IPG/IPEG images.

  1. Download and run the program.
  2. Click Add Files and select IPG/IPEG files. They will appear on the left.
  3. Select settings:
  • "Move Sel Up and Move Sel Down" - set in order;
  • "Single PDF File named" - give a name;
  • Multiple PDF files - make one picture in PDF;
  • "Shrink Over-Sized Image to Page Area" and "Enlarge Small Image to Page Area" - to reduce or enlarge the image.

4. Save Output - check the box and specify the location.

PDF Tools

You can install it on your computer or use the online service:

  1. At the top of the Create New PDF document from:" - "Images. Convert image to PDF" - "Start".
  2. "Add Files" - "Open" - "Next".
  3. We exhibit desired settings Images. "Further". "Further".
  4. Choose where the document will be saved, give it a name.
  5. "Process" or "Starting Viewer" and then "Process".
  6. After the process is completed "End".


  • Installed as virtual printer and works with many formats and programs. Therefore, you can create a PDF both from the program and from the document you are working with. If you need to use multiple computers local network, the program can be installed on the server. It is easy to install and use and supports Russian.
  • Open: "Printer" - "Settings".
  • Edit: "Basic Settings 1", "Basic Settings 2". "Save".

How to make one document from multiple images in PDF Creator.

  1. "PDFCreator - PDF Print Monitor" - drag pictures into the window or through the explorer.
  2. Select PDFCreator as the default temporary printer. "To accept".
  3. Fill in the data on the document and set the settings, if necessary.
  4. After converting "Save" the document in Explorer.

Online services for converting JPG files

Many in their functionality are no different from downloadable programs. And they have many additional options. Such free services there are many in Russian, but they have their own characteristics.


  • The service is suitable if you need to merge into a document no more than 20 files.
  • And also the server can convert to DOC, DOCX, TEXT, JPG, PNG.
  • The editor will automatically set the required scale and optimize each image.

  1. To download files, click "Upload" and in the window that appears, select necessary files. "Open". Then the conversion process will start. Or, select the files first, then drag them to the Drag Files Here box.
  2. Click " General file”, select the save location in the window. "Save". The document is ready.
  3. "Clear" to remove files from the service.

small pdf

  • Works with TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF and PNG formats.
  • Suitable for all OS: Windows, Mac, Linux.
  • In order not to create a load on the computer processor, the conversion process takes place in the Cloud.
  • You can combine a large number of images.

How to merge files?

  1. To add images in the same way as in the previous service, you can use the "Drag image here" or "Choose file" buttons. If necessary, you can add pictures "Add more pictures".
  2. On the bottom icons:
  • set the format A 4, letter (US);
  • orientation "Portrait", "Landscape", "Auto";
  • margins: "Brimless", "Narrow margins", "Wide margins".

3. Click "Create PDF Now".

4. After converting, the inscription “Op! Op! We have put all your pictures in a PDF file! And it's great! ”, Under it, select the save method.

  • The first icon is "Save file": save to a folder on your computer.
  • The second icon with an icon. Point to it "Save. in ".
  • The third icon is "Save to Google Drive".
  • The fourth icon "To JPG" converts the document into pictures.
  • The fifth "eSign" icon is "Sign PDF", where you can specify the name of the resulting document.

The service also provides other tools that will open when you click on Tools from above.


The service allows merge a large number of pictures, but adds 20 pieces at a time. That is, by uploading 20 pictures and clicking "Add files and drag and drop here", you can add 20 more. And so on.

How to convert?

  1. There are several ways to add IPG or IPEG images:
  • From Google Drive.
  • "From Dropbox"
  • through the conductor.

Or drag and drop pictures using the Drag & Drop mechanism.

  1. "Convert Files".
  2. In the window that appears, save by selecting a location:
  • "Download PDF file" - on the computer.
  • "Save to Google Drive".
  • "Save to Dropbox".


Simple service. Has several disadvantages:

  • each picture must be added separately;
  • converts 10 documents at a time.

How does it work?

  1. "Select file" - only one image will be added. Choose the amount you want from 1 to 10.
  2. "Forward".
  3. After the conversion at the bottom left "Download file".
  4. Save to a folder.

Mobile app

To organize your google photos Play offers the application " Quick PDF converter". In a few clicks, the application will create an album from them.

  1. Click "Create PDF from Images", select the storage location for the images by ticking them.
  2. "Add files" - "Create".