The market for smartphones, communicators and tablets is developing at an incredibly fast pace. Improve their functionality and performance. Even today, with their help (except for calls, SMS and reminders), you can listen to music, watch photos and videos, and surf the Internet. A modern communicator or tablet is not quite full computer, but it can already successfully cope with many PC tasks related to working with information stored on a remote server.

Taking into account the active development of mobile devices and the obvious prospect of replacing laptops with them for the purposes of mobile access to content, Synology has developed a range of applications that together provide a complete solution for managing and accessing data stored on Synology NAS.

In this article, we will consider the model of interaction between Android devices using the example of a communicator and a Synology NAS, as well as software tools available to implement this solution.

All of the software tools described below allow you to remote control Synology NAS or access to content stored on it via:

local wireless network(Wi-Fi) within the same network segment as Synology

Internet network, through access from 3G / 4G networks and WiFi networks common use

Synology branded mobile applications DS cam, DS finder, DS audio, DS photo+, DS file are free and available for download on Android Market and Apple AppStore.

DSM Mobile

DSM Mobile is a version of the drive's operating system web interface designed specifically for mobile devices. From DSM Mobile, you can manage most of the most commonly used drive features, change and view key system settings, making it easy to use your Synology NAS. Consider what can be done in DSM Mobile.

  • Drive performance monitoring. From the communicator, you can view basic information about the device - model and serial number, DSM version, drive operating time, and processor temperature. Network settings and the amount of used/free space on storage partitions are also available for viewing. You can view graphs that show the load on the processor and RAM.
  • User management. FROM mobile device You can edit user account settings created on the drive - name, password, E-Mail, as well as user rights to administer the drive. In addition, you can completely disable account or delete it. Here you can also set the permissions for shared folders created on the drive: full access, read-only, or deny access. It is also possible to allow or deny the use of individual services, such as AudioStation, FTP or network backup service.
  • Folder Management public access. You can also change access rights at the folder level - in this case, the administrator will see not a list of folders and the rights of a particular user on them, but a list of users (or groups) and their rights to access the folder. You can also rename the shared folder or delete it.
  • Service management. Using DSM Mobile, you can enable or disable various network services on the drive. This is a file service, media server, FTP, WebDAV, AudioStation, PhotoStation and the like.
  • Access to various storage services. If your communicator has various applications from Synology (more on that below), their shortcuts will appear in the DiscStation web interface. In addition, if you log in as a user without administrator rights, you can use the FileStation and PhotoStation services, of course, if the user has access rights to them.

For the Android platform, a number of proprietary free apps Synology installed on a smartphone or tablet. They are designed to access various drive services - status monitoring, working with files, viewing photos, playing music and video images from surveillance cameras. Let's take a closer look at these applications.

D.S. finder

This is an application to search for Synology drives in local network and their monitoring. Once launched, the application will display a list of drives found on the network and their IP addresses. In addition, it is possible to manually connect to the device, knowing its IP address - in case the NAS is outside the local network. Then you can add the found drive to favorites - after that it will always be visible in the list of devices, and the password to it will be saved on the communicator.

This application, like DSM Mobile, allows you to view the drive settings and status. Displays serial number and model name, DSM version, operating time and drive temperature. Information about network operation is available - working group, used DNS and gateway, as well as IPv4, IPv6 and MAC addresses network adapter(or adapters if the drive model has two Ethernet ports). Also, through the application, you can see the status of partitions and the amount of occupied / free space on them. Information about hard drives is also available - HDD model, its volume and temperature. Moreover, all this information can be sent by e-mail directly from the program using mail client Android like Gmail.

In addition, several original features are available to work with Synology drives. For example, the Find Me feature causes the selected device to flash its lights and play sound signal to search for it - this is convenient when several servers of the same type are used within the same premises. In addition, you can turn off or reboot the drive, Wake On LAN is also supported. From the DS Finder application, you can open the web interface of the drive in a browser - in address bar the address of the drive will already be substituted, and all that remains is to enter the login and password.

D.S. audio

This is an application for playing music stored on a storage device. In it, you can view audio recordings classified by albums, artists, genres or folders. The list contains a grouping of titles by the first character, which makes it easier to find songs. While listening to music, you can create your own playlist by adding your favorite songs to it. You can also use the list already created on the computer version of AudioStation - playlists are stored on the drive and become available to any client device. It is possible to listen to Internet radio stations, the connection to which is configured in AudioStation.

Having the ability to play music on third-party devices is also not at all superfluous. If there is a compatible device on the local network (for example, samsung tv), then music can be played on it. When the application is launched, a menu will appear in which the player is selected - a communicator or a TV set in the local network. When you specify a TV, a request appears on its screen, after confirming which information about the track will be displayed and playback will begin on the speakers connected to the TV. This function will also work if speakers are connected to the Synology drive - then the NAS will also appear in the list, and playback can be started directly on it.

D.S file

application for accessing files stored on the drive. This application works through the WebDAV protocol, so the corresponding service must be running on the NAS - you can also run it through DSM Mobile. DS file allows you to copy files or folders from a storage device to a memory card installed in your device. Or vice versa, upload files to the drive. There is also the ability to create a link on the smartphone's desktop to a file stored on the drive - the link will be available only through the network in which it was originally created - local or Internet.

DS Photo+

This is an application designed to access photos stored on PhotoStation. You can play back photos by switching them manually or by running a slide show. You can also upload any photo to your device. In addition, it is possible to upload photos you have just taken or stored on your device to an existing album on the drive, or create a new one for them.

ds cam

This is an application designed to view video from surveillance cameras that can be connected to a Synology drive. Real-time video playback is available, which allows you to connect to the camera at any time via a local network or the Internet. In addition, you can view the video recorded earlier. If the camera has a PTZ function (pan, tilt, zoom - turn, tilt, zoom), then you can control the camera from the communicator.

Third Party Mobile Apps for Synology NAS

Third-party applications for interacting with Synology NAS are also available on the Android Market. With these applications, you can get a number of original features to work with content on your Synology NAS and access it. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

UPnPlay- an application for working with media servers. Allows you to listen to music, view photos and videos. It is worth noting that with the help of Synology branded applications, you can only play music and photos, and at the same time their functionality is richer than that of this application. In turn, UPnPlay allows you to view video with support for all language tracks and subtitles present in the file or in the same folder with it.

connectbot is an application for working with SSH and Telnet protocols. It can connect to any device that supports these protocols, including your Synology drive.

ES Explorer is an application designed to work with files, as in local device, as well as over the network. With regard to the Synology drive, it can be noted that the application supports SMB and FTP protocols. On a local network, Samba is more commonly used because of its "ability" to find other computers and NAS drives on the network. After the drive is found, you can connect to it by entering your login and password. The FTP protocol, designed specifically for transferring files, is more commonly used when connecting over the Internet. In this case, you first need to enter the drive address and login-password to access it.

Of course, Synology, as a manufacturer, understands its own products and technologies more deeply than a third-party developer, and can write a better program. Moreover, these Android applications (as well as developments for the iPhone, as well as for desktop OS) are absolutely free. However, the developer's resources are not unlimited, and it is impossible to create programs for any interaction models. That is why Synology actively supports third-party software developers whose products enhance the use of Synology NAS.


Application mobile applications significantly increase the availability of data stored on Synology NAS, and therefore increase their applicability in various situations. Fast and convenient mobile access to personal and corporate data, and the possibility of mobile exchange of quickly required material are one of the key advantages modern systems Synology data storage.

The described applications are part of complete solution Synology to organize continuous mobile access to data from anywhere in the world to a personal "cloud storage" of data, which is the Synology NAS.


DS Executables File Format

The DS file extension is associated with several programs and tasks. The most common use, however, is with DAZ, a 3D modeling application. Files with the DS extension are saved in plain text (ASCII) format. They are used by DAZ to, for example, apply various presets to an existing 3D model. This format is also used to import and export other file formats.

Technical information about DS files

DS files are saved as plain text. The scripts inside the DS file contain instructions for the DAZ application. They run automatic execution certain application features. DS files may contain code that extends existing functionality DZ studios or performs a macro function to perform certain functions. Basically, files of this format are used in DAZ Studio 1 and 2. At the same time, DS files are also compatible with DAZ Studio 3. At the same time, in new versions of the application, this format has been replaced by the DSA format.

Additional information about the DS format

If your computer has antivirus program can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by clicking right click by clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to perform a virus scan on the file.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.ds, then you need to right-click on this file, and in the file menu select the option "scan from help from AVGยป . Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus which will check given file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your DS file with the correct application software tool , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling daz studio may solve your problem by correctly linking DS with DAZ Studio. In other cases, file association problems may result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for additional help.

Advice: Try updating DAZ Studio to latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often the DS file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an attachment Email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try to get a fresh copy of the DS file and try to open it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file may cause collateral damage to a previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that you have an up-to-date antivirus running on your computer at all times.

If your DS file associated with the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on the successful opening of the hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a DS file you get .SYS file related error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be facilitated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps didn't solve the problem and you are still having problems opening DS files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of DS files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, computing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using a fairly old computer. Hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having a hard time completing a task because operating system(and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open DS file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening DAZ Studio 1/2 Script. By freeing up all available resources on your computer, you will ensure the best conditions for trying to open the DS file.

If you completed all the above steps and your DS file still won't open, you may need to run hardware upgrade. In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power can still be more than enough for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial/science modeling, or media-intensive work) . In this way, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly referred to as "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

This page explains how you can easily convert a .ds4 file to PDF file with free and easy to using PDF 24 Creators. The described conversion method is free and simple. PDF24 Creator installs a PDF printer and you can print your .ds4 file on this printer to convert the file to PDF.

What is needed to convert a DS4 file to a PDF file or how to create a PDF version of your DS4 file

Files of type DS4 or files with extension .ds4 can be easily converted to PDF with using PDF printer.

The PDF printer is virtual printer, which can be used just like any other printer. The difference from a regular printer is that a PDF printer creates PDF files. You are not printing on a physical piece of paper. PDF printer prints content source file to a PDF file.

Thus, you can create PDF version any file that can be printed. Simply open the file with a reader, click the print button, select a virtual PDF printer, and click the "Print" button. If you have a reader for the DS4 file, and if the reader can print the file, then you can convert the file to a PDF.

The free and easy to use PDF printer from PDF24 can be downloaded from this page. Just click on the download button to the right of this article to download the PDF24 Creator. Install it software. Once installed, you will have a new printer device registered with Windows that you can use to create PDF files from your .ds4 file or convert any other printable file to PDF.

Here's how it works:

  1. Install PDF24 Creator
  2. Open the .ds4 file with a reader that can open the file.
  3. Print the file on the virtual PDF24 PDF printer.
  4. The PDF24 Helper opens a window where you can save new file as PDF, email it, fax it, or edit it.
File extension .ds
File category
Related programs DAZ 3D DAZ Studio (Windows & Mac)