Have you ever tried video marketing? Personally, after I tried it, I began to deal with it closely, because. realized that video marketing is one of the most effective ways obtaining an appropriate reputation in wide circles, as well as huge flows targeted traffic to your site.

Whether you have the right budget or not, in this article I'll show you how to convert your video marketing efforts into gold mines!

Most recently, I discussed the effectiveness of video marketing on HybridSEM.com and posted a complete list of video storage sites there. On them you can both upload your own videos and watch others!

The first thing to do after getting a media account (your own or a client's) on YouTube is to set it up for your needs.

This is done simply: My Account >> Channel Design. Here you can customize colors, fonts, background images etc. After that, in the section My account You should make the rest important settings, such as managing your subscriptions, etc.

Find and use popular channels for your own purposes. The most important components of success in any kind of marketing are admiration and exponentiality.. Based on this, the goal clearly emerges - to make sure that after the launch of your video to the masses, it will be seen by as many people as possible - to do this, send an offer to make friends with as many participants as possible.

To achieve this goal, you need to become a member of the most popular and active channels with a large number of subscribers. This category of subscribers is generally the most active on YouTube. It is worth noting that among all these participants, many will necessarily be representatives of niches that are not related to yours.

The result of the steps above should be something like this:

As you can see in the screenshot, everyone I sent a friend request to accepted it. Only now I can post videos. Before uploading a video, think carefully and give specific and clear answers to the following 4 questions:

  1. In which category, in which section are you going to add your video?
  2. When (time of day, day of the week, etc.) do you post videos?
  3. How do you plan to track traffic?
  4. Will the video contain watermarks?

After posting the video, don't give up - keep going! There is one secret weapon that few people know about, but which is very, very effective! This weapon is a link share video located below each video. With its help, you can notify your friends about any video you like and recommend (including, you can promote your video).

As you can see in the picture above, it is possible to send information about the video to all friends at once, which is very convenient. But don't abuse it by sending them information about the same video multiple times. Personally, I notify all my friends about any video only 1 time - when it is published. Believe me, this is enough!

If you act wisely, then you will achieve incredible success in this field, the field of video marketing!

I hope that this quick guide to action will help you achieve relevant success and reach heights with the help of video marketing!

We have already shared. Reading articles on how to create newsletters and promote sites is good, but you can also watch. So jump in, visual marketers, we've rounded up ten useful YouTube channels for you. Happy viewing!


Our official YouTube channel. For those who have just joined the service, we suggest how to use the platform's functions and publish video reviews of integrations. And for those who already work with email campaigns, we have put together a separate playlist - training webinars from the SendPulse Academy. On the channel you will find videos about tools and techniques for sales letters, tips on catchy design and proper layout. You will learn how to collect and work with a subscriber base, segment and personalize mailings.


On the channel, both beginners and experts in Internet business will find an interesting video for themselves. The authors tell how to promote websites and write SEO-optimized text, create and set up an advertising campaign in Google Adwords and Yandex. In addition, the channel shares SMM tools, collects success stories from online project owners, and gives advice on creating newsletters and marketing mailings, and improving website usability. There are recordings of speeches of speakers from conferences on SEO and Internet marketing and interviews with them.


YouTube channel of the marketing group of the same name. Users are taught to develop and modernize sites, increase conversion. There are also videos on how to create content, assess the impact of content marketing and SMM on sales, create an online marketing strategy that will attract customers.


This is the official channel of Leonid Grokhovsky's internet marketing school. All video content is educational. Users are told how to create semantic core and where to use it. They also teach how to create a landing page - they give practical advice, analyze common mistakes and useful tools. In terms of SEO, the channel analyzes important metrics and site ranking criteria, successful cases and copywriting. The authors of the channel post SMM checklists and reviews of tools for managing email campaigns.


The channel has collected free webinars on various topics. Users who are interested email marketing, teach how to collect a subscriber base and automate mailings. They talk about performance metrics, help develop and adjust an email strategy. They also publish videos about the rules for optimizing advertising campaigns, evaluating their work, and ways to increase profitability. They talk about SEO tools and copywriting, social media algorithms, targeted advertising and targeting.


The author's channel of Sergey Koksharov, an expert-analyst in the field search engine optimization sites. Published videos are useful for novice SEOs, media planners and marketers. The last notes on the channel - training webinars of the course "Introduction to SEO in 30 days".

Netology TV

The University of Internet Professions uploads short videos on design to YouTube user interfaces and how to increase the conversion of sites with the help of usability. Internet marketers share tools to increase website conversion, tips for setting up Google Analytics for online stores. Subscribers are introduced to platforms for automatic control and optimization of advertising campaigns on the Internet. The channel also talks about segmentation, mailing structure and building automatic chains.


YouTube channel of the delayed posting service in social networks. Here you will find information about SMM trends and master classes on working with the service. They also talk about the news in the field of social networks.


The authors of the channel post practical webinars on setting up tools for contextual advertising. On training videos, experts talk about the analysis of advertising campaigns and the secrets of increasing their effectiveness. They also describe how to collect and group keywords for advertising campaigns, and set up targeting.


The channel arranges practical and educational streams, conducted by internet marketing experts. Here you will find webinars about website promotion, targeted and contextual advertising. The authors of the channel collect and describe cases on increasing the effectiveness of SMM and sales, post reviews of industry tools.

Choose YouTube channels that you like, subscribe and look at your health :)

Popular articles:

But remember that the main service for tracking the statistics of the videos themselves remains YouTube Analytics.

You've pasted your channel's home page URL into the tool. This means you can now track how many users are clicking on individual tabs on your site. For example, “Video”, “About the channel”, “Playlists” and so on. Information will help optimize appearance the main page so that users get to the tabs you need first.

To get this information, in Google Analytics, click in turn“Behaviour”, “Site Content” and "All pages":

To find out where the audience is coming from home page your channel, select“Traffic sources”, “All traffic” and “Source/channel”:

To track the geolocation of users, click“Audience”, “Geography”, “Location”:

2. Track traffic from YouTube channel profile link

This item is required if in the information “About the channel” you have placed a link to the selling site, landing page or an online store. It is especially true if in each video you urge the audience to click on this link.

But the difficulty is that Google Analytics initially does not provide information about where exactly the user clicks on the link to your site. It can be a link in the description of the video, in a tooltip, and so on.

Therefore, be sure to use UTM tags to get the most accurate information. In the same Google there is a service for shortening links. Google URL Shortener also provides complete statistics on clicks to the created link.

Click Short URLand get a short link:

Paste it into the main information on the YouTube channel. Now you can track the number of clicks from this particular section. Or get Additional information by going to the appropriate section of the service:

3. Track traffic from every YouTube video

The principle of creating links is the same. For each new site, shorten the links and add them in the description of the videos. There is another popular abbreviation service − bitly.

Here you can track the number of clicks in real time:

And also analyze traffic sources (if you place the same link on other resources):

And geographical data:

4. Analyze general information

YouTube Analytics does a great job with statistics for content optimization. You can track:

To use the tool, go to"creative studio" your channel:

And select the tabYouTube Analyticson the toolbar:

Here are the main data to pay attention to:

Be sure to consider demographics:

Here, for example, is important information about your audience like gender and age. Perhaps these figures will be far from your assumptions. This is fine. Just draw conclusions and take it into account in the future:

An equally important indicator is audience retention:

The data can be displayed as a percentage:

And minutes:

From the first option, you will find out what is the average percentage of views of your video. And from the second - at what minute users most often turn off the videos. The task in the future is to increase the percentage to the maximum limit, regardless of the audience retention time.

How to use the received YouTube marketing statistics

Boost your conversions! The main task of the YouTube channel is to attract new target audience and possibly converting it. But in the end, users always get an offer to buy from you.

With analytics, you:

  • Improve the quality of your audience. Study potential customers and learn how to distribute content only to interested users.
  • Adjust interactions. This includes calls to action in the videos themselves, different stages of the sales funnel, product packaging, and so on. Having ready-made statistics on hand, you can see where your business “sags”. So, you can improve this stage to maximize the conversion.


YouTube marketing is a great tool for generating cold traffic. But you need to change the temperature of the audience to warm or immediately hot in the shortest possible time. Proper analytics will give a clear understanding of how to work with potential clients through the video to get the desired result.


How to double the number of customers from the Internet in 2-4 months

Be the first to learn new strategies for promoting your business online, double your sales and become a niche leader


Michael Miller

YouTube for business. Effective Video Marketing

From the publisher

YouTube for Business by Michael Miller meets all the criteria we use to select books for publication: the best and most useful in their field. She also has one feature, thanks to which she deserves special attention both from regular readers (buyers of our books) and from those who pick up a book from Mann, Ivanov and Ferber for the first time. This is the first publication in Russian about marketing on YouTube.

Entertaining, according to many, the site is considered by the author as a tool for promoting and improving your ideas, your business. This is the marketing alphabet, translated into the language and capabilities of the site. A very right combination: basics and perspectives.

YouTube as a business tool of the new time has great flexibility, constantly evolving and changing. The interface or design of the site may change, the opportunities that it provides us may expand and enrich. But our creative, entrepreneurial thought is not dormant. By learning the basics of YouTube marketing in this book, you will have a wealth of material for practical development and promotion on the Web.

Good luck and happy reading!

Mikhail Ivanov


Thanks (as always) to Q, and also to Greg Vigeland, Michael Newcomb, Charlotte Coogen, and technical editor Steve Baldwin.

If you haven't lived in a cave for the past few years, you've no doubt heard of YouTube, a site that allows users to share their videos. YouTube allows anyone to post a video on the Web and make it available to the public. The site, now owned by Google, has gained immense popularity, is consistently among the most visited sites on the entire Internet, and attracts an average of over 130 million monthly visitors. There are already hundreds of millions of videos on the site, and if someone decided to watch them all, it would take them at least half a thousand years!

In 2008, when I started working on this topic, YouTube was much smaller than it is now - about half, although even then it was already big and influential. Since then, the volume of its content and the number of visitors have increased several times, and such growth cannot but cause surprise and respect. And this growth continues.

It is this scale that makes YouTube so attractive for business. In addition, entry costs are relatively low. The cost of making a YouTube video can be almost zero: you don't need anything other than a camcorder and a computer. If you can reach even a small fraction of YouTube's 130 million users, you can get a huge return on every dollar invested in marketing.

I wrote this book to help you learn how to use YouTube in your online marketing arsenal. Judging by the number of interviews I have taken and the number of questions I have been asked, this topic is at the center of attention of many organizations, both large and small.

In this book, I will try to answer almost all of these questions. You will learn how you can use YouTube for online marketing of your company, brand, product, service; what type of videos you will need to create; how they should be created; how they should be promoted on YouTube and how to make money on it. It's simple enough that any business can do it.

You'll learn how to promote your videos on YouTube, insert pop-up notes and annotations, add clickable layers on top of videos, and create custom channels for brands. Also, I'll cover how to use YouTube for B2B marketing - always a hot topic.

Please note that the information in this book is both strategic and technical. This means that you will find both general marketing tips and specific technical instructions; you'll learn how to use YouTube as a marketing tool and how to create, host and manage YouTube videos. If you do it right, YouTube will become an important part of your marketing mix and will bring a lot of traffic (and sales) to your website.

How this book is organized

The theme of this book is part marketing, part computer; The reason for this combination is that you need both marketing and technical skills to get the full benefit of using YouTube as a marketing channel. To this end, I have divided the book into four main parts:

Part I. "Marketing your business online with YouTube help» will help you add YouTube to your online marketing strategy. You'll learn how YouTube can help you market your business, and find out which three types of videos will help you succeed on YouTube.

Part II. "Production of videos for YouTube" will be entirely devoted to the technical aspects of creating commercials for the Web. You will learn about the audio and video technologies that will be required for this, as well as how to create videos of different quality - webcam level, semi-professional and professional. You will also learn how you can edit videos with any personal computer, and learn techniques for creating more effective videos.

Part III. "Managing Your YouTube Videos" will show you how to upload videos to YouTube, build your presence in the YouTube community, customize your channel page, manage user comments, and how to embed your YouTube videos on your site.

Part IV. "Promotion and monetization" will be all about money. You'll learn how to track the performance of your videos, get them featured on YouTube pages, create clickable layers, promote your videos, generate revenue from them, and use YouTube for B2B marketing.


I have tried to make this book as easy to read and as self-explanatory as possible. However, I would like to indicate how certain specific types of information will be formatted.

Special items

As you read this book, you will notice a few special items that are called marginal notes in the publishing industry. They will be of three types:

marginal note

This is a note that provides some interesting information, even if it does not fully correspond to the topic of the main text.


This is advice that may be helpful if you decide to do what is described in the main text yourself.


This is a warning that a small random error can have unexpected and undesirable consequences, so be careful!

I. Marketing your business online with YouTube

How YouTube can help you market your business

YouTube is a site where you can find videos of every type imaginable. There are videos of talking cats, independent rock bands, comedian performances, goofy jokes, vintage TV commercials, college musicals, home videos, breaking news clips, personal vlogs, and just about anything. Users have already downloaded millions of clips, and anyone can watch any of them in their browser without paying anything for it.

Most of the videos on YouTube are amateur, produced by non-professionals using the simplest webcams or home camcorders - and this does not create any problems, since this is a personal video. But there is a growing proportion of more professional clips on YouTube, many of which are made to serve or promote individual products, services, or businesses.

That's right: businesses, big and small, have discovered YouTube. In fact, YouTube has become the new medium for online marketing: if your business has an online component, then you can (and even should) promote it with YouTube videos.

A Brief History of YouTube

If you've never visited YouTube (Figure 1.1), then you've missed one of the hottest spots on the Internet today. It's hard to believe that YouTube is only six years old. What were we even doing on the web before we could watch YouTube videos?

Rice. 1.1. YouTube is the center of your online video marketing

The early days of YouTube

YouTube is the brainchild of three former PayPal employees: Chad Harley, Steven Chen, and Jawed Karim. They left PayPal and were looking for new business opportunities. After exploring several ideas, they eventually discovered a need for a service that would make it easier to download, view, and share videos. And they created YouTube.

The US digital video advertising market is growing at 30% annually ($2.5 billion). The minimum time for viewing Internet videos by users also increases proportionally. In 2015, we spend 1 hour 16 minutes a day on online video. Video marketing should become a mandatory part of your advertising strategy, and we've collected evidence of this in a new infographic.

A few numbers:

  • 74% of all internet traffic will come from video in 2017.
  • 52% Internet marketers were named video content with the best ROI.
  • 65% users watch more than 3/4 of the video. Video content becomes a priority for customers. It is worth thinking about converting your website texts into videos.
  • 93% marketers use video content. The ways of using video content are very diverse: you can embed video in websites, in email newsletters, use it for feedback with readers.
  • Using the word "video" in the subject line increases open rates by 19% , the number of transitions - to 65% and reduces the unsubscribe rate 26% .
  • B2B and B2C marketers include the use of video content in the Top 3 most effective social media marketing tactics.
  • 69% smartphone users make a purchase decision after watching a video on online shopping sites.

Video Marketing Tactics: How to Conquer the YouTube Algorithm

Canceling video snippets in Google SERP, the removal of the tagged page and the YouTube keyword tool - all the events of recent months indicate that Google has taken video hosting seriously and decided to change the rules of the game for video marketing in general. Let's take a closer look at how to build a successful tactic for promoting your video content in the new conditions.

Google strikes

A few weeks after removing video snippets from SERPs, Wistia marketer Casey Henry decided to look at which domains retained the highest percentage of video snippets in Google SERPs.

Domains with the most video snippets 2 weeks after "video snippets are cancelled".

Anticipated monopoly move: Now that YouTube's competitors, who had almost no chance anyway, are finally eliminated from the race for tidbits in SERPs, YouTube will receive all the money for video ads.

However, there was a lot of speculation on the topic of video snippets: it was too easy to spam them. You can also see Google's move away from video snippets as a move to support mobile search (where video snippets aren't quite as popular as they are on the web).

One way or another, but now those who distributed their video across multiple hosts should focus on YouTube, as the share and importance of its video content in Google's search results has increased significantly.

The good news is that with the help of high-quality video content, you can now easily get to the top of the search results for highly competitive queries. Online business players should have videos on all topics in which they want to remain leaders.

That being said, don't exaggerate the importance of YouTube: video is self-sufficient. Of course, it works to promote the brand, but rarely more than 1% of those who have watched the video go to the site.

Such-so-news for everyone who works with YouTube is the change in the rules for working with keywords in the video hosting service itself.

To plan keywords YouTube will now only be available in AdWords

YouTube left without keyword tool and tag page

Deleting a tags page

There were even opinions that YouTube is going into world without tags, but they were simply closed from view so that some irresponsible cheaters would not copy-paste tags from top videos into their videos, interfering with the correct ranking.

By the way, let's see what factors today affect the ranking of content on YouTube. Read 'em all!

YouTube video ranking factors

YouTube video ranking factors

All these indicators should be taken into account. Yes, there is a lot of information to assimilate here, so let's highlight the most significant factors:

  • Keywords in the title.
  • Audience retention time.
  • Keywords in the video description.
  • Well-written keywords.
  • Video length.
  • The number of people who subscribed to the channel after watching the video.
  • Comments.
  • The number of likes and dislikes.

Finally, a few tips on what exactly needs to be done so that the YouTube algorithm notices and raises your video in the ranking.

Five Tactics for Getting to the Top of YouTube

1. Write super long descriptions.

Remember that YouTube and Google don't watch your videos. The more YouTube learns about your video from the description, the higher your rankings will be.

Even more interesting, keywords with a long tail in the description significantly improve the position in the video ranking for the desired queries.

Description of the video you want to see in top youtube, must be 200 or more words. Yes, this is a full blog post, but the result is worth it.

2. Optimize the keywords in the title and description of the video for Google queries.

Think about what queries your video will be searched for on Google. A user who searches for "cute cats" doesn't want to read an analytical article about felines, they need a video:

Think about what kind of video users want to watch.

A good tip in this case is to check if there are any video snippets at all in the top SERPs. key queries. If so, then it's worth the effort to get there.

The number of views of your video and the "quality" of views (where users come from) is one of the key ranking factors in YouTube. The distribution of links to videos in specialized communities (on the topic of video) in the same LinkedIn works great.

4. Encourage followers and shares.

Since backlinks are not included in the YouTube algorithm, a lot of ranking depends on user actions. Video subscriptions and shares are the two most important types of user signals. Likes are not so important, but the algorithm also takes them into account.

Users need to ask about all this, and do it beautifully in every video. For example, as Marie Forleo:

5. Create narrowly themed playlists.

Organize your videos into playlists with a narrow theme. Ideally, all video titles in the same playlist should be optimized for the same keywords.

How to Promote YouTube Videos in Google AdWords

YouTube is a unique service, which in most cases is not used by Ukrainian advertisers. Due to the fact that there is very little competition in this area, you have an amazing opportunity to promote a video on YouTube with minimal financial loss. And we will do it with Google AdWords.

In your AdWords account, create new group ads for the promoted video, check the "Video ad" checkbox, select the relevant key phrases and set the required rates.

In the next step, we should select the "Promoted Template" youtube video”, although we have inStream ads, InVideo static image and click-to-play video. As you can see, the account has interesting tools for conducting advertising campaigns, but, what a shame, they have become covered with age-old dust.

In our case, ad impressions were already being shown the next day.

Please note that in some countries it is still not possible to use YouTube video promotion.

There is no "Ukraine" in the list, which did not prevent us from displaying the advertising campaign.

And this is just a drop in the ocean of possibilities of the YouTube service.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!