Connecting with family and friends while traveling or on a business trip is just as important as when you are in your hometown. Large operators take care of their subscribers by providing profitable terms calls, sending SMS and Internet access when roaming is connected. Over time, companies cellular communication there are many packages that include this service.

What types of roaming does MTS provide?

Leaving the region in which the SIM card is registered, users try to find out about the cost of services operating at their tariff outside the region. Generally, incoming calls, even without a connection additional options, are affordable, but to call someone on your own, you will have to pay a round sum. Those who forget to clarify how to connect roaming to MTS receive large bills upon arrival for using mobile Internet. In order not to grieve about lost money, figure out what options the company offers for travelers:

  • National - intranet roaming in Russia. When traveling to nearby cities or traveling long distances within the country, do not think that connecting special services does not concern you. Forgetting to turn them on, you risk spending 11 rubles. per minute - for both incoming and outgoing calls. The message will cost at best 4 rubles, and a megabyte of the Internet - 10 rubles. A lot depends on your tariff plan and the region of the planned trip: up-to-date information is available on
  • International MTS roaming abroad. Do you know the situation when calling a friend from another country or sending him a photo to show him the sights, you instantly reset the account? Turning on roaming abroad is the first thing to do when you get off the plane. You can call, for example, from France for 115 rubles. per minute, and the same call from Fiji will cost 250 rubles. The telecommunications company offers several options to avoid such expenses.

How to connect MTS roaming for free

Provision of free services for most companies is a rarity. However, MTS has the opportunity to use free connection both types of service. The subscriber can request that the service be turned on before leaving, and upon returning, turn it off as unnecessary. Every year, based on the opinion of users, the operator creates new more favorable parameters and tariffs with affordable roaming.

How to activate international roaming on MTS

In order to use the phone at any time to call when traveling abroad, you need to take care of turning on special service. This can be done at the office of the company or online. To plug international roaming MTS is possible with using USSD provided for GSM networks. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Dial the combination 111, enclosing it between asterisks. Next, enter 2192 and end with a hash.
  2. Press the handset key.

Ease free activation The service is supplemented by some conditions under which the subscriber does not have to pay:

  • The user must be connected to MTS for at least a year.
  • The subscriber must actively use the services of the operator for at least six months.
  • The owner of the number must monthly replenish the balance for any amount, so that on average per month for the current six months it exceeds 470 rubles.

How to switch to MTS roaming in Russia

Connecting services for calls within the country has become easier, but there is something to understand. Until September 2016, the service called "United Country" was successfully operating. From the name it is clear that the company offered cost-effective options, and for free. At the moment, subscribers of individual tariffs do not even have to specify how to connect roaming to MTS in Russia. For example, unlimited Smart tariffs operate throughout the country, do not require additional payment before travel, except for the monthly subscription.

How to enable roaming on MTS - special options

If you do not like to go online while abroad, or do not plan to call up friends from Moscow during your trip, then you do not need a package of offers for long-distance or international communication. As a rule, there are enough separate services. A request for their connection can be made both from a phone and from a computer - through a personal account. The company has taken care of how to make roaming on MTS accessible to everyone, therefore it offers a wide range of special options.

Option Everywhere at home MTS

If upon arrival to visit someone or check into a hotel, it is important for you to maintain the usual level of comfort, use this option of services for communication. So you don't overpay. "Everywhere at home" - an option that operates throughout the country, allowing you to receive incoming calls for free, and call at a price of 3 rubles per minute. You can connect the service like this:

  1. In the message box, type four triples.
  2. Send this text to number 111.

The option is not available for owners of tariffs that already operate throughout Russia. The cost of inclusion is fixed, and is 30 rubles. Every day, 5 rubles will be debited from the account for use. Upon returning home, the service can be easily disabled by adding an extra 0 to the end of the message text. Until the parameter is disabled by the user, the subscription fee will be charged daily.

Easy roaming MTS

International communication, which is necessary when traveling abroad, is also connected using a separate service. Now the "Easy roaming" service is not available for most tariffs, the "Free travel" option has replaced it. It is extremely convenient for those who do not make calls from abroad with a total duration of 60 minutes daily. One hour of calls daily is free for the subscriber, and the time spent in excess of the limit will cost 10 rubles per minute. Subscription fee while - 250 r. per day. How to connect cheap roaming on MTS, describes the algorithm:

  1. Complete the combination 111 enclosed in stars with the numbers 943 and complete with a lattice.
  2. Press the call button.

Connecting roaming MTS Zero without borders

Short calls are accepted free of charge with activated special services. Being in another country, with the “Zero Without Borders” option enabled, you can receive a call lasting no more than 10 minutes each without paying a single ruble. An outgoing call is charged depending on the place of stay, but the 2nd - 5th minute will cost 25 rubles for each. Roaming on MTS is connected as follows:

  1. Dial an asterisk, command 419 and again an asterisk. Then enter 1233, end with a hash.
  2. Press the call key.

How to check if roaming is connected to MTS or not

Service by any operator implies careful use of services. Returning to the home region, users, as a rule, turn off long-distance and international communication services. However, not everyone does this, especially if there is little time between trips or the tariff automatically provides for specific services. Before enabling roaming in MTS, make sure that you have not done this before. The easiest way to check this is:

  1. through a personal account;
  2. in an application on a smartphone;
  3. using the combination *111#.

Video: how to switch to roaming on MTS

If we translate the word "roaming" from of English language, then it will mean "wandering". The client of the MTS mobile network while traveling around other countries will be able to connect to the partner mobile network another operator. Of course, the cost of such a connection will differ significantly from the standard rates, but the subscriber will always be able to stay in touch with his colleagues, relatives or friends.
In this article, we will consider what the MTS Easy Roaming and International Access service is, on what terms and at what cost it is provided to the company's subscribers. We will also review all possible ways to enable and disable the option.

They do not use their own infrastructure and rent from other operators - often from more than one. International roaming is a little more complicated, but the principle of operation is similar. The mobile phone can connect to a base station on a different network than the home and work properly, but the potentially high cost of the solution must be met. Depending on the country and the specific operator, prices can be very affordable or even absurdly high.

How much does internet roaming cost? Usually the roaming tariff is divided into zones, and each country is assigned to one of them. Before leaving, make sure you look at the roaming regulations of the country you are visiting. This was clearly to be avoided, and the error was on my side. Eurozone and the cost will be much lower. How to protect yourself from high roaming charges?

Article content

  • 1 What does the client need to know?
  • 2 What does "Easy roaming and international access»?
  • 3 Opportunities
  • 4 Terms of use
  • 5 Connection
  • 6 Shutdown

What does the client need to know?

What does "Easy roaming and international access" mean?

For most European countries, roaming prices for Poles in last years decreased and are no longer prohibited. The Eurozone looks like this. It's a good idea to buy a roaming package for your holiday that will allow you to use the Internet at full speed.

Package prices are affordable but still higher than in the country. The cost of roaming outside the European Union and the Eurozone is extremely high for Poles. Just a minute connection is quite expensive, and the network connection bill for a few minutes can be several hundred dollars - just a few minutes of using high-speed mobile Internet in the camera.


Note! If you need to send a multimedia message (video and audio recordings), use GPS navigation services, for example, to determine objects on the ground via satellite, then this will not work within the Easy Roaming service. In this case, it is necessary to connect another international and national access service.

Terms of Use

When going abroad, the client must understand that it is much more profitable for him to activate the easy roaming service than to conclude a new contract with a local operator and purchase a separate SIM card. Therefore, he will have to pay for the use of equipment of someone else's network.

That's all, because Zone 1 in the roaming tariff can be charged much more expensive than the Eurozone. Often, however, you can't afford to have your main number inactive during your trip. Here are a few simple tips to avoid high roaming charges.

General information about international roaming. Thus, roaming providers, having determined that they will lose their services, can apply to the national regulator for electronic messages and request a reasonable additional fee to cover the losses.

For getting additional information about how to apply the surcharge, click the following link. Current and no longer applicable international roaming regulation regulations can be found in the table below. Explanations, comments, answers to questions and other relevant information about international rules of the European Commission on traffic regulation are available on the topic page of the European Commission on roaming. A link to this page is available here.


  • Through an interactive command from the device keyboard *111*2157#, activation occurs with the call button.

  • By sending an SMS message to the support service 111 with the text 2157.

  • Through the personal account of the subscriber of the network. In the "Services" section, select the desired option, and click on the connect button.

  • By number 0890 - and follow the prompts of the answering machine.

The company does not withdraw money for activation, payment is made based on the tariff plan and the cost of calls from the partner company.
To know the balance on your account, you can use SMS informing using a combination of numbers *111*59#.


  • On the device keyboard, enter the combination *111*2158# - activate the request with the dialer button.

  • Send a shutdown command via sms message to number 111 with the text 2158.

These are the opportunities provided to the client of the MTS network during foreign travel.

If you translate the word "roaming" from English, it will mean "wandering". The client of the MTS mobile network, while traveling around other countries, will be able to connect to the partner mobile network of another operator. Of course, the cost of such a connection will differ significantly from the standard rates, but the subscriber will always be able to stay in touch with his colleagues, relatives or friends.

Roaming service providers in Lithuania

For more information about the services provided and their prices, visit the website of the service provider.

Ways to reduce roaming costs

The following are ways to reduce the cost of intermediate services. Before going abroad, you need to find out what tariffs for services are applied by the service provider in a particular country, what are the conditions for rounding off services. The Service Provider may, depending on the price of wholesale services and their price, apply the following fees: connection fee; Try to call for payment; Pay for call transfer; Pay to receive a call; payment for sending and receiving a short message; payment for sending an illustrated message; Fees for transferred data.

In this article, we will consider what the MTS Easy Roaming and International Access service is, on what terms and at what cost it is provided to the company's subscribers. We will also review all possible ways connecting and disconnecting options.

  • Make sure the roaming service is connected.
  • Find out if there affiliate networks MTS operator in the host country, and in the case of several networks at once, choose the one where the signal is better.
  • The SIM card number remains the same, it does not need to be changed while roaming.
  • An MTS client does not need to conclude additional service contracts; when connecting the service, he will use the resources of the guest mobile network in any case.

What does "Easy roaming and international access" mean?

This is a simplified service, according to which the client will only be able to receive incoming calls and messages from other network users, and use voice calls himself.

Chats can be rounded up and charged in seconds, 30 seconds or minutes. Prices can also be differentiated depending on the direction of calls, time, operator. The more wages applied to the service, the higher the cost. The higher the rounding and charging intervals for services, the higher the cost. The user will be able to manage all their direct costs and hidden fees.

You need to find out if the service provider differentiates the prices of services according to time zones. During peak times, more favorable rates may apply than during peak hours. Selecting a network manually can reduce costs. Maybe the lowest rates are offered by an operator whose network is underdeveloped. When the phone automatically selects a network, the network with the strongest signal is selected. The strongest tariff rates will not necessarily be the lowest.

The service is available in many countries of near and far abroad, and the subscriber will always be available for communication, provided that it is connected in advance.


  • Receive all incoming and outgoing voice calls from international network clients.
  • Forward sms messages and read them.

Note! If you need to send a multimedia message (video and audio recordings), use GPS navigation services, for example, to determine objects on the ground via satellite, then this will not work within the Easy Roaming service. In this case, it is necessary to connect another international and national access service.

A strong terrestrial subscriber phone can automatically connect to the ship's network when a signal is sent from the ship. International roaming services on board the road compared to terrestrial services. Consumers need to be careful in ports, boats and coastlines to monitor unwanted charges and to monitor which network operator has a phone in those locations. On the coast, it is advisable to manually select the operator's network.

Prices for international roaming services are more expensive than data services provided in Lithuania. When traveling abroad, it is advisable to inform your relatives. This will avoid unnecessary conversations and additional costs. The regulations also set out detailed rules technical solution to introduce separate regulated retail chains. There are also detailed rules regarding the obligation to provide home providers with information to their roaming customers about the choice of roaming services provided by any other roaming provider.

The cost of calls and sending sms is set in accordance with pricing policy MTS services, and depends on the host country. Simplified use will save on communication.

Terms of Use

Going abroad, the client must understand that it is much more profitable for him to connect lung service roaming than to enter into a new contract with a local mobile operator and purchase a separate SIM card. Therefore, he will have to pay for the use of equipment of someone else's network.

Based on the collected information, the average revenue from regulated and non-regulated services is calculated. Estimated average income is comparable between countries of the European Union and the price limits set in the rules. The questionnaires on the basis of which data is collected for reporting by the European Regulatory Authorities for the regulation of electronic communications on roaming tariffs are shown in the table below.

The main driver of electronic solutions

Apparatus and equipment - electrical and electronic products and equipment having electronics and electronic components. A person is a natural or legal person. Shared access does not entitle you to a local line. Common local line - part of a local line connecting to a subscriber's premises in a network, possibly with a metropolitan area concentration or the nearest fixed public access point.

In order to be able to connect, several conditions must be met:

  • An MTS subscriber must be a network client for at least six months.
  • The mobile account must match the tariff plan, and be positive.
  • The service is provided only to individuals.


You can use the service only if there are enough funds on the client's account:

Electromagnetic interference is a symptom of an electromagnetic nature that may impair the performance of the machine and equipment. Electromagnetic disturbances can be electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal, or a change in the high propagation environment.

Electromagnetic compatibility. Apparatus and equipment can function normally in an electromagnetic environment without emitting electromagnetic interference that could harm someone else's environment. Electronic routers - A signal for transmission by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic means.

  • Through an interactive command from the keyboard of the device 111 2157, activation occurs with the call button.
  • By sending an SMS message to the support service 111 with the text 2157.
  • Through the Internet assistant - the service is available on the MTS website.
  • Through the personal account of the subscriber of the network. In the "Services" section, select the desired option, and click on the connect button.
  • Through the sales office with the presentation of your national passport.
  • By number 0890 - and follow the prompts of the answering machine.

The company does not withdraw money for activation, payment is made based on the tariff plan and the cost of calls from the partner company.

Electronic communications infrastructure - equipment, equipment, lines, pipelines, cables, channels, assemblers, bins, sockets and other tools for electronic communications. Assignment of electronic resource raiders - granting the right to a regulatory body in the terms of use electronic resources to issue a permit.

An electronic service provider is a service usually provided or consisting in the transmission of signals electronic networks communications, including telecommunication services and transmission services for broadcast networks. The provision of an electronic communications network is the creation, management, control and provision of electronic network management services.

To know the balance on your account, you can use SMS informing using a combination of numbers 111.


  • On the device keyboard, enter the combination 111 2158 - activate the request with the dialer button.
  • Use the online assistant on the company page.
  • Send a shutdown command via sms to number 111 with the text 2158.
  • At the company's sales office through an employee of the branch with the presentation of your passport.

These are the opportunities provided to the client of the MTS network during foreign travel.

Electronic network manager identifiers are electronic communications network operators, including end user terminals or electronic devices addressing to connect terminal devices, identifying the addressing devices so that they can transmit information to the operator of the electronic network of the network or the corresponding terminal devices or identify the sender of the information.

The electronic activity of the company is the provision of electronic networks and services. Community market means the relevant market, as defined by the European Community, covering the European Community or its major parts. The actual electronic user agent is an individual for personal or commercial use by electronic public services. This person is unlikely to be a subscriber.

For many, there is a need to connect international access. In particular, such a need arises for those who, due to their kind of activity, are often forced to travel abroad. If you are planning a trip outside of Russia, then it is advisable for you to connect international access in order to communicate with your friends and acquaintances. Activating this service will allow you to save money on calls if you are in roaming.

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

Today there are few enough simple ways, thanks to which you can easily activate MTS international access. Read our tips carefully and you will succeed. On the main site of this mobile operator, you can also find information on the activation of the service. Remember that it makes no sense to visit any other resources, as they may contain inaccurate information. Also, if necessary, MTS specialists will be able to help you connect the option.

How to connect international access to MTS

First of all, it is worth noting that the number of the MTS mobile operator in the international format is as follows - +7495. It is this combination that will allow you to make a call if you are in roaming. More detailed information we will tell you how to activate international access below.

  1. To install international access on your phone, it will be enough to enter a specific request that looks like - "asterisk 111 asterisk 2157 lattice" and then press the call key. After the introduction of such a combination, you will be able to connect "Easy roaming and international access". What does this mean? Activating the service, therefore, allows you to communicate with friends or colleagues at an affordable price while in roaming. To clarify the cost of a minute of conversation, visit the official website of MTS;
  2. In order to be able to communicate in roaming at an affordable cost, you can send a message with the text "2157" to number 111. After sending such a notification, a response message will be sent to your phone, which will indicate the success of the service activation. Sending a message to the specified short number carried out completely free of charge;
  3. You can independently connect international access if you log in to your MTS personal account. Next, you will need to find the "Services" section and activate the option there;
  4. MTS specialists can also assist you in connecting this option. To do this, just call them on the MTS operator number.
  5. You can also ask staff for more information about this service. service center. When contacting the company, be sure to bring documents with which the employee can verify your identity;

This article let you know important points about how to connect international access and communicate in roaming at an attractive price.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact the official operators.

In order to stay in touch with family and friends, exchange information and use the Internet, send SMS and make calls while traveling abroad, you need to enable roaming. MTS provides 2 types of services: easy and international roaming. Let's take a closer look at these services.

How to enable roaming "Easy" on MTS

You can connect the service using one of the following methods:

With the help of an Internet assistant;
in your personal account on the company's website;
by sending SMS with the text 2157 to the short number 111;
using the USSD request *111*2157#.

You can get acquainted with the list of countries covered by the service on the website of the mobile operator. Easy roaming is provided to MTS subscribers absolutely free of charge. Please note: you cannot simultaneously connect two services to your subscriber number - "International and national roaming” and “Easy roaming and international access”. When one is activated, the other is automatically disabled.

In order not to spend all the savings on communication services, we recommend activating the “Your expenses on foreign trips” option. Its essence is that an SMS notification will be sent to your number if the established spending threshold is exceeded.

International and national roaming

The option can be activated by MTS subscribers who are citizens of Russia. There are several ways to connect the option:

- in the communication salon (have a passport with you);
— using the Internet Assistant;
- using a personal account on the MTS website;
— by completing the USSD request *111*2*192#.

Automatically, along with international roaming, the International Access service is activated. This tandem allows you to make calls, exchange SMS and use the Internet outside of Russia.

1. Abroad, communication services are charged differently, so before traveling, you must first top up the balance for the optimal amount.

2. You can get acquainted with the methods of transferring funds to a mobile account on the MTS website.

3. Services in most cases are charged instantly, but some mobile operators abroad provide information with a delay, so the withdrawal of funds may not occur immediately.

4. If, while roaming, you plan to actively use the connection, you should familiarize yourself with the services on the company's website that will help you save.

5. There is no connection fee in roaming, and billing is made from the first minute.

6. Modern phones when leaving the home region, they are automatically connected to the network of a foreign operator. If the auto network search option is disabled on your device, you must do it manually.

you now know on MTS how to enable roaming. To find out what tariffs provide the roaming service, we recommend visiting the official website of the MTS company.

The service provided by the MTS operator for communication of its users when traveling abroad was previously called "Easy roaming and international access" now is called "Easy roaming and international access 2012".

The service is designed so that the MTS subscriber can freely use mobile communication services while traveling abroad and will not be able to use them without connecting it. This is one of two options for staying online on long journeys. The second option is to connect a pair of services "International and national roaming" plus "International access" MTS - with these services "Easy roaming and international access" are mutually exclusive options.

In this review, we will describe what are the conditions for using the option and how to enable "International access and Easy roaming" and how they are disabled.

International roaming is provided to subscribers on tariffs for individuals where the service is activated. The service is usually automatically connected by the operator to the tariff plan when new SIM cards are sold.

For free access to the Internet using international communication it will also be necessary to connect one of the options of the "" line and the "GPRS" service to your MTS tariffs.

The service is available for inclusion with some restrictions:

  • If the user is served by the operator for less than six months, while the cost of communication services for this time period was less than 650 rubles, then it will be impossible to connect the option.
  • If the subscriber uses the number from the MTS operator during the year, but the communication costs amounted to less than 1 ruble, the option will also not connect.

Important! Corporate rates MTS, as well as city VIP numbers, are not connected to this service.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

Easy roaming on MTS, which allows you to use preferential terms for calls to international subscriber communication channels, is usually already connected to your tariff plan, but you can check this by looking at the list of active options in your account on the site yourself by logging in using the link: https://login. and going to the "Service Management" section in the "Connected Services" item. Or call consultants at 0890 technical support (for MTS subscribers).

How to enable the option? If you see the service inactive, then activate it in the same place in Personal account, by calling the operator or during a personal visit to the MTS communication salon.

If you do not intend to use the service or want to use other options for connected roaming billing and access for your tariff plan, then MTS Easy Roaming can be disabled in the following ways:

  • Send USSD command from your device to the operator with the following combination: *111*2157#.
  • Send the SMS operator a command with this order of numbers in message 2157 to addressee 111.
  • Use your own option activity switcher in the list of connected options. This action must be performed in your account on the site.

We told you that this is Easy Roaming and International Access from MTS. Take care of connecting the necessary services in order to mobile connection kept you even on long trips.