On the territory of Russia in the MTS network, communication services are provided to subscribers in full, if there is a positive balance on the account. Accordingly, when going on a trip to another region of our country, you do not need to activate roaming. However, in order to significantly reduce communication costs while traveling in Russia, you can activate some services. This will allow you to communicate with friends and family and access the Internet without restrictions throughout Russia.

Recently it became known that MTS canceled roaming in Russia. Now subscribers will be able to receive incoming calls from any region of Russia free of charge, and pay for outgoing calls at the price of their home region. These changes have affected all tariffs so far.

What is free when traveling in Russia?

MTS cares about the comfort of its customers while traveling and helps to make the trip more relaxed, thanks to useful services. During your trip, you can:

  • Incoming calls - free of charge throughout Russia (if you are in the MTS network);
  • Mobile Internet - throughout Russia at home;
  • Outgoing calls in the region of stay - regardless of the region where you are located, they are at home throughout Russia;
    outgoing long-distance calls - throughout Russia cost the same - 5.5 rubles / min.
  • Make a call to the MTS Contact Center. If the subscriber needs to contact the operator, he can do this at any time. It is enough to dial the number 0890.
  • Find out how to save. By dialing the command *111*33# on your phone, you can go to the roaming portal and find out about great deals.
  • Connect the service "Rescue". To call and send messages to MTS subscribers at their expense, you need to dial *880#.

Profitable options for calls while traveling in Russia

Many subscribers are interested in what to connect in MTS roaming so that they can stay in touch with loved ones. To make calls without additional costs, the company offers to connect one of the options for roaming.

Roaming option Home package Russia MTS (daily payment)

Smart subscribers who have activated this option spend their package of minutes and SMS on numbers of other operators in their home region. A fee of 10 rubles is charged once a day, provided that the client sends messages or calls.

Connection and disconnection of the service is made through the command *111*743# .

Option Home package Russia plus MTS (monthly payment)

If the subscriber wants to save money and receive a package of calls and SMS to the numbers of all operators in Russia, which can be used when traveling around Russia, then it is better to connect the "Russia Home Package" + MTS. The service costs 100 rubles per month, the fee is charged at the time of activation.

The service can be activated only on the tariffs "My Unlimited", "Tariff", "X", "Smart Unlimited", "Smart", "Smart nonstop", "Smart mini", "Smart light"

Connect the service

Adding and deleting a service can be done by dialing *111*128# .

Service Everywhere at home Russia MTS

To make calls while traveling in Russia at a favorable cost - 3 rubles per minute to any numbers in your home region - you can activate the option "Everywhere at home in Russia". The cost of the service is 5 rubles per day.

The service cannot be activated on the tariffs: "My Unlimited", "Tariff", "X", "Smart Unlimited", "Smart", "Smart nonstop", "Smart mini", "Smart light", "Smart Top", "Ultra ", "Smart+"

You can add an option to your tariff and “cancel” roaming in Russia MTS 2018 through by sending an SMS with the numbers 528 to number 111 or by dialing the combination *111*528#.

Options for "profitable" Internet when traveling in Russia

Various options will also help to optimize the costs of data transfer in roaming. By connecting one of them, an MTS subscriber will be able to access the Internet even outside the home region, and at the same time not spend a lot of money.

Super Beat

3 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 350 rub/month

Many MTS customers have heard about this option, and prefer to connect it when roaming. According to the terms, a subscriber is provided with 3 GB of Internet traffic for free per month. After they are exhausted, additional packages of 500 MB are “turned on”. The cost of one package is 75 rubles. If necessary, you can refuse additional MB and use the "Turbo - buttons".

The cost of the option is 350 rubles / month. *111*628# is a command to activate the service on your number.

MTS mini

7 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 500 rub/month

Subscribers of all tariff plans have access to the "Internet-Mini" option, which is valid on the territory of Russia. It allows you to access the Internet even outside your home region. In a month, an MTS client receives 7 GB of Internet traffic for 500 rubles.

To activate the service, enter the command *111*160# .

MTS maxi

15 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 800 rub/month

"Internet-Maxi" is an option for those who like to spend time on the Internet, but at the same time want to save money. As part of the service, the subscriber for a monthly fee of 800 rubles. 15 GB is provided during the day and unlimited at night. You can activate the option by dialing *111*161#


30 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 1200 rub/month

MTS customers who are not used to limiting their time on the Internet will like the Internet VIP option, which offers 30 GB of traffic during the day and unlimited at night. The monthly service fee of 1200 rubles is debited at the time of connection. You can add an option to your number by dialing *111*166# .

Options "Internet-Maxi" and "Internet-VIP" also provide a discount on MTS TV. In the first case, customers receive a 30% discount, in the second - 50%.

It is possible to reduce your communication costs in MTS roaming in Russia thanks to the options offered by the mobile operator to its customers. Considering your needs, you can connect services that will help you make calls or access the Internet at a bargain price. The main thing is to take care of connecting the appropriate option in advance.

The service provided by the MTS operator for communicating with its users while traveling abroad was previously called "" Easy roaming and international access" is now called "Easy roaming and international access 2012".

The service is designed so that the MTS subscriber can freely use mobile communication services while traveling abroad and will not be able to use them without connecting it. This is one of two options for staying online on long journeys. The second option is to connect a pair of services "International and national roaming" plus "International access" MTS - with these services "Easy roaming and international access" are mutually exclusive options.

In this review, we will describe what are the conditions for using the option and how to enable "International access and Easy roaming" and how they are disabled.

International roaming is provided to subscribers on tariffs for individuals where the service is activated. The service is usually automatically connected by the operator to the tariff plan when new SIM cards are sold.

For free access to the Internet using international communication it will also be necessary to connect one of the options of the "" line and the "GPRS" service to your MTS tariffs.

The service is available for inclusion with some restrictions:

  • If the user is served by the operator for less than six months, while the cost of communication services for this time period was less than 650 rubles, then it will be impossible to connect the option.
  • If the subscriber uses the number from the MTS operator during the year, but the communication costs amounted to less than 1 ruble, the option will also not connect.

Important! Corporate rates MTS, as well as city VIP numbers, are not connected to this service.

Connecting and disconnecting the service

Easy roaming on MTS, which allows you to use preferential terms for calls to international subscriber communication channels, is usually already connected to your tariff plan, but you can check this by looking at the list of active options in your account on the site yourself by logging in using the link: https://login. mts.ru and going to the "Service Management" section in the "Connected Services" item. Or call consultants at 0890 technical support (for MTS subscribers).

How to enable the option? If you see the service inactive, then activate it there in the Personal Account, by calling the operator or by visiting the MTS communication salon in person.

If you do not intend to use the service or want to use other options for connected roaming billing and access for your tariff plan, then MTS Easy Roaming can be disabled in the following ways:

  • Send USSD command from your device to the operator with the following combination: *111*2157#.
  • Send the SMS operator a command with this order of numbers in message 2157 to addressee 111.
  • Use your own option activity switcher in the list of connected options. This action must be performed in your account on the site.

We told you that this is Easy Roaming and International Access from MTS. Take care of connecting the necessary services so that you can keep your mobile connection even on long trips.

You always want to be in touch, regardless of your location. To do this, you should ask how to connect roaming to MTS. After all, such a service will provide all the opportunities for calls.

In general, all the proposed tariffs initially allow you to use roaming within the country without activation additional options. Another thing is that the cost of calls will be quite high, which is why it makes sense to activate services that will significantly reduce the cost.

  • So, for example, for making calls in the territory of the native country, the option “Everywhere at home” is considered beneficial. The cost of 60 seconds of communication will cost only three rubles.
  • Another option is "Inbox when traveling in Russia." If you use this add-on, you can receive calls from other subscribers for free.
  • "Everywhere at home Smart" - a tariff in which payment for use is taken only once a month, and you can receive and make calls without charging.

As for foreign trips, international roaming is connected separately, and only after that you will have access to calls and sms.

There are two most favorable tariffs allowing you to stay in touch in any country and at the same time not spend too much.

  • "Zero Without Borders" - a tariff for which payment is charged only once a month. Opens the ability to make calls and send messages while abroad.
  • “Easy roaming” is an option without a monthly fee, but the cost of calls and messages directly depends on which country the subscriber is traveling to. The list of available countries with which an agreement on easy roaming has been signed can be found on the operator's website.

Please note that if domestic roaming is available to all subscribers, even new ones, then international roaming is available only to those who have been a network client for at least six months.

Connecting international roaming for MTS subscribers

In order to fully use the service, you first need to connect MTS roaming abroad.

  • Open the dialing menu on your phone and enter the following command - *111*2192# and press the call button. After that, a notification will come on the screen or a message with information that roaming is connected to the subscriber and international access is open.
  • You can always connect if you contact the employees, for example, by calling 0890 or by visiting the office in person.
  • Another fairly convenient option is using the Internet. After all, the operator has a website with access to a personal account and official app, which can be downloaded from the market.

To reduce costs, activate additional options.

  • To connect "Zero without borders" you also need to send a short combination using the dialing menu - *111*4444# and call.
  • "Easy roaming" is activated upon request - *111*2157# call button.

If something does not work out, you can always contact support, consultants will answer questions and connect everything you need.

How to connect the option in Russia

As mentioned above, in order to connect MTS roaming in Russia, no manipulations are needed, it starts working automatically as soon as the subscriber leaves the region, but you can save money through add-ons.

  • If you want to include the most profitable proposition“Everywhere at home”, you can do it literally in a minute without outside help, just send a short request *111*473# call or write a message to the operator. To do this, enter 3333 in the recipient field, and 111 in the text box.
  • Another option is "Incoming on trips around Russia." The option is quickly activated using SMS to the same short number of three units, but in the text field you need to enter numbers - 473.
  • "Everywhere like at home Smart" is the third offer from the operator, which will come in handy when traveling around the country. Activated with a simple request. Enter the dialing menu and enter *111*1021# call.

How to find out if roaming is connected to MTS

If you are not sure if the service is active on your number, you can easily check it.

  • Visit the operator's website, go to Personal Area using your data and open the services menu, then find the roaming option.
  • In the same way, the list of connected services can be viewed through the My MTS application. It is available for download in the market and is completely free.
  • Another option is to send a USSD request. It is enough to dial *111*33#, the call button and all the data regarding the service will be received in response.

For help, you can always contact the support service at 0890 or 8-800-250-08-90.

Cancellation of MTS roaming in Russia and abroad

In order not to waste money, you should refuse roaming and deactivate the option.

  • The best way to do this is to visit the operator's office or call the help desk on 0890.
  • It is possible to completely disable all services, including this one, through a personal page on the MTS website or in the application. It is enough to open the list, find the necessary option and switch the slider to the inactive state.
  • "Easy roaming" is deactivated upon request - *111*2158# call or text message - 215 to short number - 111.
  • "International roaming" is disabled using an empty SMS to the number 1118 or a combination - *111*2150# and a call.

Competition that is very significant in the market cellular communication, forces operators to look for new opportunities to provide subscribers more profitable services. Being one of the industry leaders, MTS tries to stay ahead of its competitors by at least a few steps.

Virtually everyone uses the national roaming service when traveling outside their native region. At the same time, the main disadvantage of such a service is the high cost. The subscriber has to pay not only for outgoing calls at an expensive rate but also pay incoming calls. The high cost constantly causes complaints from network users.

Many subscribers try to save money by going on business, studying or just relaxing in another region. And MTS roaming in Russia decided make profitable for their customers, turning the classic opinion about the high cost of services.

Who and how can use MTS roaming in Russia

MTS roaming service in Russia is available to subscribers most tariff plans from the Smart family: Smart+, Smart and Senior Smart Top. At the lowest rate, it, unfortunately, is not available. By connecting any of these tariffs, the subscriber gets the opportunity to use unlimited calls in his network, as well as a traffic package, SMS and minutes for calls to other operators. Wherein billing conditions remain when traveling throughout Russia. In fact, these customers can use MTS communications in Russia without roaming. This allows significantly reduce costs especially for those who travel quite often and are used to actively communicating.

For other clients options available , which make it possible to make the use of the MTS network in roaming in Russia much cheaper.

Cancellation of roaming by MTS: fact or fiction?

Indeed, roaming in Russia has been canceled for MTS subscribers, but not on all tariff plans. This only applies to subscribers. some tariff plans. But this condition applies not only to voice calls, but also to other services. This is especially true for those who actively uses the Internet . They get the opportunity to use service packages purchased within the tariff in any region of the country, including Crimea.

The rest of the subscribers are also not forgotten. Services available to them Everywhere at home" and " United country which can significantly reduce the cost of mobile communications when traveling around the country. These options also make incoming calls completely free, but outgoing calls will have to be pay separately . At the same time, the price of a minute of conversation can reach up to 8.9 rubles which is much more expensive than when you are in your home region. Subscribers of such tariffs will also have to pay separately for any other services.

Consider who is suitable different conditions offered by the company:

  • TP with a single billing throughout Russia. They are suitable for active subscribers who not only travel a lot, but also communicate a lot. Free calls and packages included in subscription fee, pay off even when they are in their home region for such customers, and the benefit of a single billing across the country is very effective if have to travel often for work or study. Fans will also appreciate such billing mobile internet . In this case, there are no additional payments for using the tariff plan in another region.
  • Option " Everywhere at home” can be recommended to those who communicate quite a lot by voice, but leave infrequently and for a fairly short time. It allows not only to free incoming calls in any region of the country, but also make outgoing calls with a discounted price for all for 3 rubles per minute . The truth about cheap the Internet you will have to forget, but you will have to pay for the option 7 rubles per day . Plus for activation will take more 30 rubles, but this is beneficial for those who travel occasionally and are distinguished by moderate use of outgoing calls outside their home region.
  • Free option " United country» is more suitable for those who rarely call themselves and use only voice communication. Thanks to her, you can get everything incoming free in any region, but outgoing calls and internet will remain expensive.

Many users no longer represent work or study without Internet, and entertainment is loved by almost everyone and you don’t want to give up this opportunity, even being far from your own home. Active users mobile internet while traveling don't want to overpay . For them, MTS Internet in roaming in Russia offers on special terms.

There are two ways to save on internet roaming:

  1. Go to flat price tariff throughout the Russian Federation;
  2. activate internet package for those who are in roaming.

Each subscriber must determine a profitable option for himself, but if you plan to spend a lot of time on the Internet, then a single billing will help save a lot.

Enabling roaming in Russia

The MTS operator has completely united its networks located in different parts of our country. Thanks to this, activate additional service roaming is not necessary. At the same time, subscribers of tariffs without a regular fee and those who have connected to the cheapest Smart TP option can independently enable the option they need:

  • « United country» is activated by the command *808# ;
  • option " Everywhere at home» can be enabled by querying *111*3333# .

Activation is also available in your personal account or through a mobile application.


Of course, MTS did not do without advertising tricks when promoting roaming services. But it takes a long time to get used to it. But, if you carefully study the conditions and do not show unnecessary haste when connecting the necessary options and tariffs, you can save a lot of money even with one trip to rest within the country.

If earlier, being outside the region, communication with friends and relatives cost subscribers a tidy sum, but now the situation has changed dramatically. And in a better way. By connecting to the roaming service, even travel enthusiasts will be able to significantly save on cellular communications.

How to enable or disable roaming on Beeline?

Depending on where a person travels, abroad or only to a neighboring city, you can activate the option of national or international roaming. But before connecting to a particular service, you need to once again study your tariff plan. For getting complete information about the current package you can:

  • Call back to the short number;
  • Use the Beeline Menu, which is available to all subscribers of this mobile network;
  • Log in to your Beeline account by typing in address bar https://my.beeline.ru/login.xhtml .

It is necessary to find out whether the current plan provides for the possibility of connecting roaming, and if so, under what conditions. You should also ask what the minimum balance should be in order to be able to connect the roaming service, and what is the payment system - prepaid or postpaid. In addition, it is important to know the roaming conditions for different countries.

How to enable and disable roaming in Russia?

For everyone who is going to travel only around Russian cities, the service will be useful, after activating which calls and SMS will be much cheaper.

The connection cost is 25 rubles, there is no fee for further subscription services, so there is no point in turning it off. If the subscriber leaves his region, then when crossing the border, the option automatically becomes active and also automatically turns off when entering his territory.

To connect to the service, you must dial a combination of numbers and symbols *110*0021# , and then click on the call key. If you need to disable the service, you will need to dial *110*0020#

Also attractive will be the option of connection cost of which is 25 rubles, then 1 ruble is debited. daily in the case of a prepaid system and 30 rubles. monthly postpaid.

To connect to this service, you should call back to the number. If you need to disconnect, then you should call the short number.

Roaming light

Another interesting offer is the service "Roaming Light", for the connection of which no fee is charged, and 5 rubles are charged for subscription services. daily.

To activate the service, you need to dial a combination *110*9991# , and then click on the call key, to disable the service, use the combination *110*9990# .

How to enable and disable international roaming?

My planet

In case of trips abroad, you can choose the roaming service " My planet". To connect this option, you need to dial a combination *110*0071# and click on the call key, to disconnect, use the combination *110*0070# and also click on the call key.

planet zero

The next no less attractive offer is " planet zero". To connect to this option, you need to dial the following combination *110*331# , and then click on the call key, to disconnect - *110*330# and also click on the call key.

In addition, you can connect to any of these services through LC Beeline or use the services of an operator in any branch of the company. And if the subscriber forgot which of the options is connected to his tariff package, then you need to call back to the short number. Listening carefully to the voice menu, you can find out the command to disable the current service.