In 2018, in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, new tariffs “VSEMOOE!” are opened for connection, which will replace the line of tariffs “VSE!”. The old tariffs will be transferred to the archive, and they will no longer be available for connection, if you managed to connect to them, then the service at the fixed archive tariffs is preserved and the cost does not change. Two tariffs for the Internet will also undergo modernization: “Internet for a computer”, “Internet for a tablet”, they also go to the archive, and they are replaced by two new tariffs: “ALL 1 for a tablet”, “ALL 2 for a computer”

On the tariffs of the "All" line, the "Welcome to EVERYTHING" option was automatically connected without a monthly fee and a connection fee. The option sets favorable prices below the usual ones for calls to the CIS countries and some others. The cost of calls and the countries to which the option applies can be found on the official website. With the new tariffs, the option also goes into the archive and is replaced by another version called "Welcome".

You can choose an advantageous tariff plan comparing all current Beeline tariffs

One of the cheapest packages tariff plans"Vseshechka" retains its name and in some regions does not change its main characteristics in Nalchik: the cost is 300 per month, 250 included minutes and 3 gigabytes of Internet traffic. The traffic doubling option does not work on it. "Vseshechka" is not available for connection in some regions

Exchange minutes for gigabytes and vice versa

Previously, the TELE2 operator has already tested "dynamic tariffs", when, depending on the requirements of the client, for the same subscription fee, it is possible to have flexible package settings.

Beeline offers three package options for "ALL 1-4" tariffs. For example, there are three package options for 390 per month on the VSE 1 tariff in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic:

  • Option 1: 450 minutes and 10 gigabytes
  • Option 2: 350 minutes and 12 gigabytes
  • Option 3: 250 minutes and 14 gigabytes

You can change not only minutes to gigabytes, but also SMS to traffic. Usually there are 300 SMS in the package, which can be exchanged for 1 gigabyte of Internet.

For tariffs "Absolutely EVERYTHING" and "Vseshechka" the exchange of minutes for gigabytes and vice versa is not available, you cannot exchange 300 SMS for a gigabyte of traffic either.

Access to the general package of services for additional numbers

On the tariffs of the "VSE" line, you can divide the doubled traffic for a payment for a month in advance between numbers and the included packages of minutes and SMS, for this, in personal account add more numbers. For tariffs "Absolutely VSE" and "VSE 4" you can attach 5 numbers, for "VSE 3" - 3 numbers, "VSE 2" - 1 number. On the tariffs "Vseshechka" and "VSYOMOE 1" access to general package service is not available.

Additional numbers are connected to the tariff "All for the family" and if money runs out on the main number, they use communication at the rates of this tariff. The cost of calls in most regions is 0.25 rubles per minute to local numbers and within Russia. The Internet is not available in this case. Traffic and minutes on the main number are added every first day of the month

Comparison of tariffs Beeline "VSE" in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Subscription fee, rubles 10 per day
300 per month
13.33 per day
390 per month
21.66 per day
630 per month
30 per day
900 per month
50 per day
1500 per month
83.33 per day
2490 per month
Possible options for a package of minutes and internet 250 min. and 3 GB 450 + 10 GB
350 + 12GB
250 + 14GB
1400 + 20 GB
1200 + 24 GB
1000 + 28 GB
2100 + 18 GB
1800 + 24 GB
1500 + 30 GB
2500 + 20 GB
2000 + 30 GB
1500 + 40 GB
5000 + 30 GB
Minute package (Standard) 250 min.
350 min.
to home and Beeline numbers in Russia
1200 min.
to all Russian numbers and in roaming
1800 min.
to all Russian numbers
2000 min.
to all Russian numbers
5000 min.
to all Russian numbers
Calls to Beeline in Russia Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Is free
If the package of minutes has ended
Calls to Beeline while traveling in Russia Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Is free
when the package of minutes is exhausted
Internet package (Standard) 3 GB 12 GB 24 GB
24 GB
30 GB
30 GB
SMS package and cost to any number in Russia 2 rub 300 sms further 2 rub 300 sms further 1.5 rub 300 sms further 1.5 rub 300 sms further 1.5 rub 300 sms further 1.5 rub
The cost of SMS to foreign numbers from Russia 5 rub/sms 5.5 rub/sms 5 rub/sms 5.5 rub/sms 5.5 rub/sms 5.5 rub/sms
The cost of calls over the package
2 rub/min,
in Russia 12 rubles / min.
Calls to other operators in the home region:
2 rub/min,
in Russia 5 rubles / min.
Calls to other operators in the home region:
2 rub/min,
in Russia 5 rubles / min.
Calls to other operators in the home region:
2 rub/min,
in Russia 5 rubles / min.
Calls to other operators in the home region:
in Russia 5 rubles / min.
Calls to other operators in the home region:
2 rub/min,
in Russia 5 rubles / min.
The cost of a minute in the CIS, Georgia, Ukraine 30 rub/min 30 rub/min 30 rub/min 30 rub/min 30 rub/min 30 rub/min
Cost per minute to USA, Canada, Europe, Vietnam, China, Turkey 50 rub/min 50 rub/min 50 rub/min 50 rub/min 50 rub/min 50 rub/min
Cost per minute to other countries not listed 80 rub/min 80 rub/min 80 rub/min 80 rub/min 80 rub/min 80 rub/min

Comparison of Beeline tariffs for a tablet with tariffs without a monthly fee

Zero doubt Second ALL 1 for tablet VSEMOOE 2 for PC Everything for the family
Subscription fee, rubles 0 per month 0 per month - 650 per month 0 per month
Cost of calls to home region numbers per minute 1,2 1,8 - 2 1,5
Calls to Beeline in Russia RUB/min. 5 3 - 2 1,5
Cost of calls to other operators in Russia 12 10 - 5 1,5
internet package no, 1mb - 9.95 rubles further "Highway 2 GB" 5 rubles / day no, 1mb - 9.95 rubles - 32 GB Mobile internet not working
SMS to numbers of the Home region rub. 1,5 1,65 - 2 1,5
SMS to mobile numbers in Russia rub. 5 2,95 - 5 1,5
The cost of a minute on Beeline in roaming in Russia 5 rub 5 rub - 5 rub 1.5 rub
The cost of a minute in roaming in Russia 12 rub 5 rub - 5 rub 1.5 rub
Link to full version rates PDF -

How to change or switch to tariffs on Beeline in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

When changing the tariff, the packages of minutes that are on the current tariff will burn out.

You can find out your current tariff plan by entering the command on your mobile phone *110*05#

Beeline has a special number 0850 with an assistant to change the tariff

Another way to switch to a tariff is to buy a SIM card with an existing tariff plan

Through the Internet, you can change the tariff either in your personal cabin or in mobile application Beeline

To switch to the tariff, you can dial a special number on your mobile phone:

  • "Vsesheka" dial the number: 0674000777
  • "Everything 1" dial the number: 0674000111
  • "Everything 2" dial the number: 0674000222
  • "Everything 3" dial the number: 0674000333
  • "Everything 4" dial the number: 0674000444
  • "Everything 5" dial the number: 0674000555
  • "Zero Doubt" dial the number: 067401561
  • "Second" dial the number: 067401561
  • "Everything 1 for tablet" type ussd command: *110*1024#
    or number 0674101024.
  • "Everything 2 for PC" dial the number: 0674102048
  • "Everything for the family": The tariff is available for connection at the office

The cost of the transition is free, but only if you have not changed the tariff within 30 days. If you changed the tariff, then the cost of the transition is usually 100 rubles, see the cost for different tariffs in the table below. One more condition for the transition: The balance must have an amount equal to subscription payment tariff. A prerequisite for switching to the tariff in some regions is the availability on the balance of the amount to pay the cost of the transition and the fee for the first day of using the tariff. For the cost of the tariff per day, see.

Switching cost 100 100 100 100 100 100

How to disable the Beeline tariff in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

If you want to disable a tariff plan, then such a service is usually done by switching to another one, for example, from a tariff from a monthly fee to a tariff without a monthly fee if you decide to use the Beeline operator less often and not pay extra money. for example, you can switch from the tariffs of the "All" line to a tariff plan without a monthly fee: "Zero Doubts" or "Second"

You can block a SIM card in your personal account, or by request:

  • to the support service - 8-800-700-0611 or 0611 or +7-495-7972727
  • to the communication salon

To block a SIM card, identification is required:

  • by phone - code word, SIM card PUK code or owner's passport data
  • in the communication salon - an identity document
  • no additional identification is required in your personal account.

How to find out the balance of minutes and traffic on Beeline tariffs in Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

For information on spending your Internet packages, SMS and calls, dial USSD command: *106# or *108#

To check the rest of the traffic on the "Highway" option, use the free command 06746

Option "#everything is possible"

The "#possibleALL" service allows you to view without restrictions social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Facebook.Messenger, Instagram and Twitter and listen to music in Vkontakte, Yandex.Music, and Zvooq services through official apps. While using the option, the main traffic package according to the tariff plan is not consumed. The option does not apply to video files in social networks, as well as to clicks on external links.

To connect, type the command *115*85# , to disable *115*085# . The cost of connection and disconnection is 0 rubles. When traveling in Russia, the service is valid under the terms of providing the main Internet package on the tariff plan

Option #you can EVERYTHING is free on the tariff plans "VSE 2" and "VSE 2 for computer", "VSE 3", "VSE 4", "Absolutely ALL", as well as on a number of archival tariffs.

Subscription fee for the option #everything is possible on other tariff plans - 4 rubles per day

The subscription fee on the tariff plans "Vseshechka", "ALL 1" for subscribers who have connected to these tariff plans starting from 01/24/2018 - 3 rubles per day

Connection - 0 rub

Every modern person who actively uses the Internet for various purposes constantly needs a fast, unlimited connection. There are a huge number of providers on the market, but they, unlike Beeline, do not offer the cheapest rates.

Beeline tariffs so diverse that everyone can choose the one that will satisfy his needs: calls between cities to communicate with family, fast internet for constant work in social networks and so on. Based on the amount that you are willing to spend on the phone per month, and depends on the cost of the tariff.

Beeline unlimited tariffs

Unlimited data plans are ideal for business people who constantly communicate with colleagues or partners. For all services, you immediately pay a fixed amount of money, after which the operator provides you with unlimited use throughout the country. The tariff may also provide for an advantageous combination of mobile communications with Internet traffic.

Beeline unlimited tariffs are very popular among schoolchildren and pensioners, as well as among those who do not use communications so actively. In addition, tariff plans for the Internet have the same popularity, because many use routers, modems, tablets.

Beeline tariffs in roaming in Russia

Most favorable rates Beeline for travelers in Russia are tariff plans from the "Everything" line. For example, in the packages "Everything for 600", "Everything for 900" and "Everything for 1500", Internet is available throughout Russia and incoming calls.

In other tariff plans, you need to connect Additional services. Subscribers will benefit from the My country option, which sets the cost of all incoming calls while roaming in Russia at 3 rubles for the first minute of the call and 0 rubles for the following minutes. And the cost of outgoing calls throughout the country will be 3 rubles per minute of conversation. The price of SMS will also be equal to 3 rubles. The cost of connecting this option will be 25 rubles one-time, without a subscription fee.

Connection of Beeline tariff plans

If you decide to become a Beeline subscriber and connect the tariff you have chosen, then you can do this at any office of the company. The client can either simply switch the tariff, leaving the old number, or purchase a new SIM card. If a person is too busy, then it is in his right to order a package of necessary documents and a number that the courier will deliver to the point of the communication salon of your choice.

Payment is made either at the office or to the courier personally. Payment by bank transfer is carried out immediately when ordering a house through bank card, QIWI or Yandex.Money. In this case, you will not need to pay in the salon.

If you are already a Beeline subscriber, then you can change the tariff plan through or by short number 0611 .

For those who often travel on business trips and travel around the country, a new Beeline tariff "My country". Now calls within Russia in roaming will not frighten subscribers, it is reaching a new level of customer service. In the old days, traveling around the country, you had to buy a SIM card of the region where the person was for a long time not to overpay for mobile communication. But now it has become much easier to stay in touch with family and friends while traveling and business trips.

It is no secret that the main advantage for mobile subscribers is the use of the maximum volume of services for little money. The Beeline tariff plan has just such a characteristic. "All inclusive". It is represented by several types, which include SMS and MMS packages, free minutes and Internet at a special low price.

For all subscribers who do not like to talk for a long time and talk a lot on the phone, who are used to solving their issues in a matter of seconds, not wanting to overpay for rounded up to the whole 60 seconds. minutes, the operator developed and offered its customers a new Beeline tariff "Per second". The package is perfect for all those users who usually have just 20-30 seconds for a conversation, for whom mobile communications are not among the priorities. Through the use additional options You can make this tariff profitable only for sending messages, using mobile Internet.

Beeline tariff "All for the family"- this tariff plan is not considered independent, that is, it must be set clearly by default for additional numbers that are already connected to the main special number family fare"All" on Beeline.

For subscribers who like to talk a lot on the phone, constantly use the Internet network and at the same time want to reduce their communication costs, Beeline has developed new tariff "All for 800" from the family category "All".

This tariff is ideal for people who often call Beeline and who like to travel around Russia. A strictly fixed subscription fee makes it possible to communicate unlimitedly not only in the Beeline mobile communication network, but also with subscribers of other operators, due to the low cost of calls.

Decided to buy a new SIM card or change provider cellular communication? Be sure to face the problem of choosing a tariff plan. A well-chosen contract is the key to the safety of the budget. Remember that each region has its own restrictions and conditions for the provision of communication services. In the article we will describe the features of work and characteristics of tariffs from Beeline for the KBR and Nalchik for 2019.

All mine - Communication + Internet

All Beeline tariff plans are divided into several main categories. This family of offers is provided for a monthly subscription fee, which is automatically deducted from your personal account, every month or day, depending on the tariffication conditions. If the required amount is not on the balance sheet, the operator suspends the operation of the TP until the accumulated debt is paid off. Despite this, you will be able to receive calls and messages in standard mode. Upon activation or switching to the offer, the payment in full will be instantly debited from the account.

After the launch, you will receive a fixed set for the Internet, a package of minutes and free messages, which have a specific scope and size. You can divide all contracts from the family into several groups, for a specific type of equipment - for a tablet computer, for a mobile phone and for a modem. Let's analyze each category separately.

For modem

Users of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic who use a modem or router to transfer data to desktop computer can activate the tariff plan "VSEmoe 2 for computer". The offer has the following features and properties:

  1. The monthly fee is 650 rubles.
  2. 32 gigabytes of internet. If they run out, the limit is increased by 5 GB for 150 rubles.
  3. Outgoing calls have a total cost for all directions at home - 2 rubles, outside the republic - 5 rubles.
  4. Sending a text message to the KBR - 2 rubles, intercity - 5 rubles.
  5. Buying a new SIM card, get a beautiful phone number for free.
  6. Unlimited access to communication in social networks and listening to music in paid applications is opened for subscribers.

Connection is carried out by specialists in the operator's sales centers or independently in your personal account.

For tablet

Tablet PC not much different from a smartphone. The main user need is high-speed mobile Internet. The provider has prepared a specialized tariff for the following purposes "Everything 1 for a tablet":

  1. The subscription fee is 400 rubles. It is divided into 13.33 rubles each day.
  2. To access the world wide web, a 19 gigabyte traffic package is available. After spending the limit is activated additional set for 150 rubles, for 5 GB.
  3. The first two days of use open unlimited access to music in paid services and to social networks, as part of the “#everything is possible” option. After that, the service costs 3 rubles per day.
  4. Calls outside the region of registration cost 2 rubles. on internal network and 5 p. to others phone numbers.
  5. Text messaging in the KBR - 2 rubles, in Russia 5 rubles.
  6. MMS at a standard price for all offers of the operator - 9.95 rubles. a piece.
  7. A call to a subscriber who has an active tariff plan from the VSE line is not subject to tariffication.
  8. When buying a SIM card beautiful room as a gift from the operator.

Connection and registration take place in your personal account or in Beeline sales outlets.

For phone

In 2019, residents of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic can launch the following contracts on their smartphones with the cheapest rates:

Tariff VSEshechka

Payment per day of work is 10 rubles. In return you get:

  • 250 minutes, which are spent on all networks in the home region and on Beeline in Russia. After consuming the entire quota, calls cost 2 rubles. in the KBR and 12 p. outside it - to the contacts of other providers;
  • 3 gigabytes of internet for a month. If the traffic is over, an additional set of 100 Mb is activated for 50 rubles;
  • Correspondence via SMS costs 2 rubles. in the republic and 5 p. by intercity.


For using the tariff every day, 13.33 rubles are deducted from the balance. After the transaction, you have at your disposal:

  • 13 gigabytes of Internet for any network resource. After the limit is exhausted, the threshold is automatically increased by 100 megabytes at a cost of 50 rubles;
  • 450 minutes for 30 days, they are spent throughout Russia on Beeline numbers and in all directions in the registration area. If you exceed the quota, then the price per call will be 2 rubles. in the KBR and 5 p. to other parts of the country;
  • 300 messages on the territory of the republic. At full expense limit one shipment will cost 2 p. at home, and outside it 5 rubles;
  • all spent resources are automatically updated at the beginning of a new billing period.

Everything 2

The tariff plan costs 21.66 rubles per day. After activation, you get the following features:

  • package 24 gigabytes. If the set limit is exceeded, an extension of 100 MB is performed by default for 50 rubles;
  • calls to all phone numbers without coverage restrictions are spent from the set of 1200 minutes. After the quota is exhausted, the price per call will be 2 rubles. in the republic and 5 p. to other regions of the country;
  • a package of 300 SMS is allocated for correspondence within the registration area. When it ends, the cost of sending one letter will be 2 rubles. at home, in Russia - 5 p.


For the work of the contract, 30 rubles are deducted every day. The offer includes:

  • a 24 GB Internet traffic package, after which the limit is increased by 5 GB. The service costs 150 rubles;
  • 1800 minutes for voice communication in all directions on the territory of Russia. As soon as the quotas are used up, per-minute billing starts: in the KBR - 2 rubles, in the country - 5 rubles;
  • 300 SMS, to be sent in the home region. If you spend them, then one SMS will cost 2 rubles. in the region of registration, 5 p. by intercity.

ALL my 4

Daily billing is set - 50 rubles per day. Features and properties of the tariff plan:

  • get a set for voice communication for 2000 minutes, which are valid for all telephones in Russia. After exceeding the quota, an outgoing call in the region will cost 2 rubles, outside the KBR - 5 rubles;
  • for text messaging, a set of 300 SMS is provided. When going beyond the limit, the cost of one shipment is 2 rubles. by region and 5 p. outside of it;
  • on the Mobile Internet- 30 gigabytes. But if you use it ahead of time, then the threshold will automatically increase for 150 rubles. for 5 GB.


After launch, get the most advanced feature pack:

  • 30 gigabytes of internet for all services. After the quota is exhausted, an additional 5 GB package is activated. Installation price - 150 rubles;
  • 5000 minutes to all networks and without territorial restrictions. When you use up the package, a minute of conversation in the republic will cost 2 rubles, and 5 rubles in the intercity;
  • 300 SMS. After spending the entire package, correspondence is charged as follows: 2 p. within the region of registration, 5 p. across Russia;
  • in addition, the service “#everything is possible” is provided for free use, and these are social networks and music services;
  • the permanent wage for work is 83.33 rubles per day.

All for 1800 + roaming

The tariff plan was created for users who like to travel around the world. With it, you will not spend a lot of money in conditions international roaming to mobile communications. Consider the characteristics in more detail:

  • being anywhere in the world, you can consume Internet traffic on favorable conditions, as in the territory of his native republic. Gigabytes will be spent from the main package;
  • the provider provides a set of 15 gigabytes, it operates not only in Russia, but also in other countries;
  • traffic is spent on top speed, but only the first 100 megabytes per day. After consuming the specified limit, data transfer drops to 128 kbps. The resumption of the previous regime occurs only on the next day. The condition is met only abroad;
  • the cost of the tariff per month - 1800 rubles;
  • on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a package of 3000 minutes. After its consumption, a call to all directions in the region costs 1.6 rubles, outside the KBR - 3 rubles;
  • 3000 SMS without coverage area restrictions. When going beyond the basic quota, an SMS costs 1.6 in the republic and 3 rubles. to other parts of the country;
  • all unused package data is automatically burned out at the end of the billing period and is not transferred to another month.

Attention! The tariff works only in popular countries. Request a list of states from your local Beeline representative.

All contracts from the line have many common features:

  1. Voice communication over the Beeline network is not subject to billing.
  2. When activating the contract, you can independently set the volumes and sizes of packages.
  3. Exchange the distance you walk for free gigabytes at a ratio of 10,000 steps per 100 MB. To do this, install the application "Health" and "My Beeline". They will track all your movements per day.
  4. Convert unnecessary minutes and SMS into internet traffic. 200 minutes - 2 gigabytes, 300 messages - 1 GB.
  5. If you call a user with the same tariff plan, the minutes will not be spent from the set.
  6. Activation and transition takes place in the provider's service centers or in the personal account environment.
  7. The connection fee is zero if no identical operation has been performed a month before. Otherwise, the commission will be 100 rubles.

No subscription fee

Tariffication is made by minutes or by seconds. On the territory of the KBR, only two offers are available for subscribers without a monthly fee:

Zero doubt

Outgoing calls in all directions on the territory of the republic - 1.2 rubles. per minute of conversation. After depositing 100 r. For the next 14 days, communication via the internal network is not charged. Long-distance calls to Beeline numbers - 5 rubles, to other contacts - 12 rubles. Correspondence in the home region - 1.5 rubles, outside the KBR - 5 rubles. 1 MB of traffic costs 9.95 rubles. After downloading it, the service "Internet Package 2.5 GB" is launched for 7 rubles. per day.


There is a per-second calculation of voice communication on the territory of the republic. Outgoing calls to any numbers cost 1.8 rubles. in a minute. Intercity cost will be: 3 rubles within the network, to other directions 10 rubles. A single price for SMS throughout Russia has been established - 1.65 rubles. a piece. After downloading one megabyte of traffic, the renewal option "Internet Package 2.5 GB" is activated, the cost of the service is 7 rubles. in a day. If you turn it off, then the price per downloaded MB is 9.95 rubles. mms message- 6.6 p.

Attention! The transition to the service is made in the provider's salons on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic or in your personal account.

Corporate rates

Within Nalchik and throughout the KBR for corporate clients advantageous offers from the Beeline company are open. They are created to establish communication and correspondence between employees of a large organization, to establish a connection between the seller and his buyer, as well as to increase the profitability of the business. To connect personally, go to one of the service departments and leave a request for activation. At the same time, provide a package of documents confirming your status as an entrepreneur.

You can choose a tariff plan from two main directions:

mobile connection

Internet for business

Beeline has created interesting tariffs for residents of the KBR and Nalchik in 2019. The article discussed in detail the features of each tariff plan.

Connecting to Beeline is very simple - just purchase a SIM card in specialized centers or draw up documents in a company salon. This operator offers users favorable rates, from which the user can choose the best option. If you cannot decide on the offer yourself, contact the help of specialists on the hotline. Using a special calculator, they will calculate which TP is suitable. Beeline KBR tariffs are constantly updated, stay tuned.

Mobile phone firmly entered the habitual way of human life. Today, many people do not even leave their homes. It allows you to always be in touch and receive the necessary information in a timely manner. It is sometimes difficult to choose a Beeline Nalchik tariff, as the operator offers a huge selection of services. You will definitely be able to stop at the most advantageous offer. Remember that you can change the TP to a more suitable one at any time. The following services are currently provided:

TPminutesSMSTraffic, GBSubscription fee, ros. rub.
Vseshechka250 3 300
All is mine1 350 300 15 400
2 1200 300 24 650
3 1800 300 30 900
4 2000 300 30 1500
All Mine5000 300 30 2500

Beeline offers not only profitable tariff plans, but also the most convenient conditions for their use. Subscribers of one TP can freely communicate with each other - without writing off money and free minutes. In order to be online even with a negative balance, for 200 Russian rubles you can activate the "Always in touch" service. You automatically become a member of the Gigi for Steps promotion - any activity brings you a bonus in the form of promotional megabytes. Beeline is always developing new services, follow them in a special section.

The cheapest

Choosing the cheapest tariff is very simple - almost all services on Beeline cost a little. Inactive, but advanced users connect to the Vseshechka TP. For 300 Russian rubles, it provides 3 gigabytes of traffic and 250 minutes within the network. If you exceed this volume, then pay attention to "All mine 1". This TP will cost 400 Russian rubles, it includes 350 minutes to all networks, 300 SMS messages and 15 GB of prepaid Internet. If necessary, you can always replace this TP with a more advanced one. The cheapest tariffs are those that work without the Internet - this is Zero Doubt and Second. They do not charge subscription fees.

Mobile internet packages

The Internet is a necessity for all modern people. Almost all TPs involve access to the network. If you want to connect to an additional Internet package, pay attention to the Highway line. It offers high speed connections at low prices. Please note that the official website provides a map of the coverage area. It allows you to make sure that you will have access to a high-speed connection throughout the republic. On the this moment the following services are offered:

You can use the Internet completely freely. The operator does not put any restrictions on the distribution of traffic in modem mode. If necessary, you can add an additional package of prepaid traffic at any time. Keep in mind that Beeline quickly responds to incoming requests. Tariffs from unlimited internet operator for mobile devices does not provide. If you have any questions please call hotline operator - they will quickly help you.

Tariff plans without internet

Almost all tariff fees from Beeline have access to world wide web. The operator values ​​the freedom of users and does not infringe on it. If you wish, you can connect to tariffs without a monthly fee, which do not have prepaid traffic. If you are concerned about the safety of funds or want to disable access for a child, you can make a special application. Visit the operator's office with all documents. After the owner signs the paper, it will be possible to activate the Internet in the future with his written consent.

Tariffs without monthly fee

If the user is not actively using mobile network, then he should evaluate the tariffs of Beeline Kabardino-Balkarian Republic without a monthly fee. The essence of such a TP is that the user pays only for the minutes spent or the Internet - no charges for the service occur. subscription fee no. At the moment there are 2 such tariffs:

  • Zero doubt - involves paying exclusively for the minutes spent. The cost of one is 1.2 Russian rubles. The transition to the TP is free, but 1 time. With frequent changes, you will have to pay for it.
  • Second - a feature of this TP is per-second billing. A second of conversation will cost the user 0.03 kopecks. The service is suitable exclusively for inactive users who talk little on the phone.