Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Since you have landed on this page, most likely you are thinking about creating your own blog and you are interested in the question - where to blog. You can blog both for free on special sites, and by investing small amounts by buying hosting for the blog and Domain name.

Before you start a blog, I would advise you to sit down and think about why you even need a blog. Only by answering this question can you make further plans and choose a platform for your future blog.

Most often, the idea of ​​blogging arises for the following reasons:

Having answered the question “why do I need a blog”, you can proceed to choosing a platform for creating a blog.

Desire to earn. It was this reason that prompted me to create a blog at the time. If you want to create a blog for making money, then you need to start a blog on a paid hosting. Ordinary platforms like LiveJournal or Liveinternet are ineffective for this purpose.

The cost of hosting is now quite small, 100-150 rubles per month, but in the future these investments will pay off with interest. You can choose hosting whatever your heart desires. For example, I use hosting.

You can choose any engine for such a blog, but I would recommend it for a simple reason - it is one of the simplest engines and it is very easy for a beginner to understand it. In addition, for WordPress developed great amount free themes, plugins and video tutorials.

In this case, the advantage of paid hosting is also the ability to do backups and at any time transfer the blog to another hosting. That is, you will be the sole owner of your blog and will have all the rights to it, which they cannot boast of free blog platforms.

Desire to share your life with others. Some of us are very dependent on the opinions of the people around us, and there are those who just like to share every little thing with others, for example, how he or she went to the movies last Sunday, or what a cool dress she bought herself.

For these people, blogging is just a hobby. Therefore, it makes no sense for them to buy a second-level domain and pay for hosting. In order to blog for your own pleasure, any free blogging platform, for example, LiveJournal, is perfect. I wrote about how to create a blog on LJ. In addition to LJ, there are also such platforms as, and.

To promote a product or brand. Now none of the company's website is complete without a blog. Blogging is very beneficial for companies selling goods or services on the Internet. Firstly this additional traffic for information requests, which can then be converted into buyers. Secondly, this is an additional promotion of a product or brand.

If a blog is an additional promotional tool for you, then you definitely need a memorable branded domain name and a flexible blog engine, which is what WordPress is.

What can you blog about?

If blogging is just a hobby for you, and you absolutely don’t care how many people read it, then you can blog about anything. But if a blog means the exact opposite to you, then a blog about everything can quickly turn into a blog about nothing, or, frankly, into the trash.

A blog, like any site, must strictly correspond to a specific topic. Of course, from time to time you can publish posts that are not related to the main topic (this is how a blog differs from a website), but in general, everything should correspond.

Choosing a theme should not be difficult for you. Write about what you are interested in, only then you will not get bored with this activity and you will diligently develop your brainchild.

The only thing I recommend is do not start a blog about making money on the Internet. There are thousands of such blogs and they are simply not interesting to read. Bloggers who write about making money on the Internet always make me smile, and at the same time they cannot order a normal design for themselves. To be trusted, you first need to show the result.

Hello readers of my blog.
Most recently, having nothing to do, I decided to analyze 10 blogs. The blogs were mostly brand new, and I noticed a number of mistakes in EVERYONE, mind you friends, in each of them, which, in my opinion, are the rudest. Based on this, I had the idea to write an article on this subject in a blog, as they say, they learn from mistakes.

Perhaps in some moments someone will disagree with me and want to correct me, no problem, do it in the comments. So today's article is about how to blog right!

Mistake number one: I blog about creating websites, growing cucumbers and cross-stitching.

Before creating a blog, it is important to decide on its subject. Write about everything in the world does not roll! For example, I once looked for information about sites, and found such a wonderful blog on which they offer me and the site to create and teach cucumbers to close and talk about life. Do you think I need it? So where am I going? It is important to determine a specific topic for your blog, so that in the future it will be formed around it. the target audience. Of course, you can combine some topics, but this must be done wisely. Here, for example, the topic of creating sites can be successfully combined with the topic “SEO and promotion”.

In addition, the specific topic of your blog will increase your chances of getting into the Yandex catalog, for free or on a paid basis, which will affect the authority of the site and increase the TIC. After all, even on a paid basis, you may not get into the Yandex catalog if you have a blog about everything.

Mistake number two: Who are you? Let's goodbye!

When I go to someone's blog, I sometimes don't see the "About the author" page. It would be very interesting for me to read about the creator of the blog, who he is and what he is. I get a certain impression of a person when I read the “About the author” page and in this way I remember the blog of this person and visit it more often. Some people solve the problem the other way, they create an "About Blog" page. What for? If in the header or in the articles it is clear what this blog is about. What is the logic of creating such pages? So if I go to someone's blog, and I don't see the "About the author" page, the phrase immediately appears in my subconscious: Who are you? Let's goodbye!

Mistake number three: Master of counters.…

So, I created a blog, and I just have to stuff it with all sorts of counters, I have to put 5 counters in the footer plus stick three counters in the sidebar and add a counter like “Weather in Krasnodar” to the header. Of course, I'm joking, but for some reason it seems that many novice bloggers think that way. A lot of all sorts of buttons and counters significantly slows down the work of the blog, and as for me, you can limit yourself to Liveinternet statistics only - this will be quite enough. So take note that the abundance of all sorts of buttons and statistics on the site is not very good.

I created a blog, and now I will swim in money and go to live in the Maldives! There she is!!! Here it is, dear friends, the global mistake of almost all Runet bloggers! I just created a blog, and already making money, no friends - this will not work.

It happens, you go to some site, and then you immediately in the eye: earn money here, earn extra money here. There is advertising, there is advertising, and it hurts my eyes, personally, when I see such a site, I immediately close it.

In addition to the fact that the abundance of advertising scares off the visitor, it is also possible to get a sanction from the PS. So, comrades, keep in mind: if you want to kill your blog in the bud, feel free to put ads on it, and if you want to create a project for people, then you will have to wait a while with earnings.

Many beginners makes on home page site a place where links to friends of the site are placed - this is not correct. The fact is that each link transfers a piece of weight to another resource, and if, for example, your site was given a PR, then at the next APU it can simply be reset due to these same links. I would not recommend putting extra links at all, but if you really want to, then place links on the internal pages of the site.

Mistake number six: Subscribers, why did they surrender to me?

Once you have created your blog, you need to make sure that people subscribe to it. About how to do this, I will soon write a whole article, so as not to miss it - subscribe to blog updates.

Mistake number seven: robots file and sitemap.

Many beginners do not think that immediately after creating a blog, you need to create a sitemap and set up a robots.txt file. The sitemap will notify the search engine that a new article has appeared on your blog, and it will also be easier for the search robot to navigate your site. In the robots.txt file, you can close unnecessary pages and folders from indexing, we will talk about this a little later, an entire article will be written on this topic.

Mistake number eight: Semantic core? No, I don't know!

Many beginners, having created a blog, immediately begin to fill it with content, not even suspecting what a catastrophic mistake they are making. Before starting the promotion of the blog, you need to correctly compose the semantic core for your site. Semantic vehement is a list of queries by which users will find your site on the Internet, and by which you will be promoted. In order to create a semantic core, you need to install the All un One SEO Pack plugin on your blog, go to its settings and enter keywords in the Home Keywords column.

To learn more about compiling semantic core, look for information on the Internet, now it’s just a bunch, so I won’t write an article on this topic on the blog yet, except perhaps later.

That’s all for me, in this article I have collected, it seems, all the main mistakes that young bloggers make. I hope this article was useful to you, and now you have an idea about how to blog right. If you liked the article, please share it in social networks and subscribe to blog updates.

In the very concept of a blog, it is already laid down that this is a site with constantly updated articles. These articles should be as useful as possible to the reader in order to retain the audience and attract new users. To understand what you can write on your blog, you need to try to analyze the interest of the public on this moment. Other people's blogs or online magazines can be used as sources for analysis. Article topics from these sites can be applied to your blog. But if you frankly copy the thoughts and statements of other bloggers and journalists, then interest in you will disappear.

When the question arises about blogging, it is worth looking for a problem not on the surface. There is no smoke without fire, and perhaps you have not fully understood why you need a blog. When your site has a certain theme, the issue of publications will disappear on its own.

If your blog is of the news type, then it is obvious that it needs to be periodically filled with fresh news. First decide what kind of news you want to publish. The narrower the specialization, the more interesting the material can be.

It is very difficult to cover all the world news and as a result you will not get anything, like chasing two birds with one stone. Therefore, choose for yourself one of the aspects of public life. What interests you more: political wars or contemporary art? It is clear that your selection list will not be limited to just the examples given.

You can also narrow down the blog and news coverage to geographic criteria. Write a blog about what's happening in your city. Attend a couple of events by doing nice photos and interview. Images in the article and interesting quotes from real people will increase interest in your blog.

Useful information

People are interested in reading on the Internet about what will be useful to them in life. All kinds of non-standard solutions to everyday problems or helpful tips attract a large audience. You can take these tips from other Internet resources, but try not to repeat yourself, but come up with something new.

Good at reading news about app innovations for Apple and other phones. By writing an overview of a new development and explaining to readers how new program can make their life easier, you will undoubtedly receive gratitude from the audience in the form of high attendance. An interesting step in the development of such a blog could be the presence of interviews with interesting people, in particular, with the developers of the innovations you described.

Intriguing stories

If you have in stock interesting stories from your life or the lives of other people, you can talk about them in your blog. It is very important, choosing a direction, to learn how to write well and interestingly. Be sure to practice your style and learn how to use humor. This is very important, because the Internet public is not used to reading long boring texts without proper structure and incomprehensible words. Therefore, in order to withstand the competition, you need to work on style. This applies not only to blogs with stories, but also to any other that claims to have a lot of traffic and the right to be called interesting.

Hello readers of the blog www.site!

Today you will learn how to blog on the Internet, about the mistakes that beginner bloggers make and! Having learned popular mistakes, you will be able to determine what is worth and what is not for the correct maintenance of your resource. Read on to know exactly how to blog properly.

Mistakes of bloggers who already have their own sites or blogs on the Internet, this information will be useful to them, but not only! Because the article is useful to those who are just planning to create an Internet resource and make money on it, and do not yet know how to blog.

If you want to create or have already created a web resource, where you post your photos, leftist thoughts, unnecessary stories to anyone, etc. If you don't want to make money on it, this post is not for you! Or better read in order to correct your mistakes. If you don’t make money on a blog, then why did you create it at all?

Most likely now someone said: "I lead him for the soul." You know, I also write articles and run my blog for spiritual satisfaction, but this does not prevent me from making money on it. So why don't you combine these useful things too?

First of all, a blog should be for people to like your resource. You need to create it so that they can share their impressions, experience in a certain industry and all that ... Isn't it? (Question to experienced bloggers).

In order to be read, it is necessary to maintain a blog correctly so that it can be found on the Internet for certain keywords entered into the search bar of the browser. Another blog should be popular and interesting, which is why this article "How to blog on the Internet" is useful to many.

In short, this post is written for people who have young blogs and for those who are just thinking of creating one and do not know how to blog on the Internet correctly. For those who hope to receive additional or regular income from the blog, for those who want a lot of people to come to their Internet resources, the blog brought only profit!

I must upset you right away: the money will not come just like that, you will have to work a lot and then they will definitely appear. Read more helpful posts:

There are only three articles about making money on a blog. There are many ways to make money on your site. different ways, which is why articles will be written on the topic of how to make money on a blog.

There are other ways to make money online - paid posting of articles, contextual advertising, placement of banners, guards, etc. I have them, so find them in the search to read and apply in life while sitting at a computer.

To properly blog on the Internet, first read this article: "", and then continue reading this one. Have you read the above article? Then let's move on...


The first mistake is when the topic of your blog is chosen for making money, but you need it for yourself, for the soul. Most beginners, having learned that you can make good money on a blog (it really is!) Think the following - What is the best topic for blogging?.

Again, this is a big mistake! There are a lot of profitable topics, for example, business, insurance, construction, you can list for a very long time ... Why? In fact, what is the most profitable topic on the Internet is not so important! The blog should be first of all for you and for people!

You can write about growing tomatoes or how to properly train dogs, there is nothing wrong with that, the most important thing is that you do and write on the blog from the heart, something useful, and not just “shalam-balam”. It should be pleasant for readers and for you!

Everyone has a hobby, so you have it too. Favorite thing in your life, that's what you need to blog about on the Internet. Let's take an example from my life: for example, I'm an Internet entrepreneur (see the page - about the author), I made my first partnership blog, at that time, I didn't know at all that you could make money on it!

Engaged in forex currency exchange) and made a blog called "About Forex", where I shared my thoughts with people, I was thrilled! To date, this blog brings me not a bad profit every month.

Somehow I climbed the sites of the forums and came across one site where the following was written - “Attention people! Websites made with soul earn money. That's for sure!


Blog topic selected. What's next? Now you need to create it! One of the steps in creating a blog is choosing a template. If you don’t have a blog yet or don’t know how to create one, then read my article “How to create a blog for life on the WordPress engine”, this fast way creation, so I recommend!

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of different free templates and themes - download as much as you want, but these templates are already somewhere on one of the blogs, and you need to make them unique.

It happens that I go to various blogs on the Internet, and I am not weakly sick of them. I'm sick of these clone blogs, that is, the same ones. Usually networkers like to do this. Yes, he is a networker for that, he is the same as everyone else, they welcome plagiarism, even, probably, in fashion. Only one of them will do something new, his idea will be instantly picked up and repeated, they will do the same.

My advice to you - make the design of your resource cool! First of all, you should like it yourself! The created blog design should not hurt the eyes, otherwise all visitors will run away from it like rats from a sinking ship! When a visitor comes to you, he must understand what kind of blog it is, where he got to, where to click.


This is the biggest blogger mistake ever! He has not designed his blog yet, has not done everything necessary settings(read ""), did not protect it, did not optimize it, did not make the correct robots.txt for WordPress, did not create a blog map, does not know how to create the correct .htaccess file, has not had time to write 10-30 posts yet, but already wants to earn . That doesn't happen!!!

You go to some young blog and you seem to like everything about it, the design is decent, the content seems to be interesting and useful, because I ended up there because search engines, and what does this already say? Well, ads are crammed into all the cracks! Even hurts the eyes!

For the future, for beginners - guys, do not immediately stuff your resource with advertising, Begun, Adsense, teasers, etc. Many hope to make money on Yandex Direct, if 1000 visitors come to you per day, then yes, you can. In general, this will not lead to anything good, because of the advertising on the blog, the credibility of the search engines is lost.

One guy wrote me a letter: “Alexey, how can I register in Yandex Direct? I read that they pay a lot of money for advertising posted on their resource. I already have my own website, please take a look at it and tell me how much I can earn. I answer - well, I'll look at him. And he tells me - in fact, I don’t have a blog yet, I’ll do it one of these days.

Well, yes - it's cool! Don't make these mistakes when blogging online! Take, for example, one of the most popular sites − In contact with, remember how he began his existence on the Internet. Maybe someone remembers the advertisement placed on it? No, there were no ads!

And for the first year of its existence, do not remember either! I don't remember this either. Look at him now. The guys who run this very site - a social network, earn millions on it in a month! Cool, yeah?

At first everything was created for people, and only after that for making money! Of course, I can’t know what was in Pasha Durov’s head, he probably didn’t think to make money on it, or maybe he expected to make money? Whatever it was, it was completely in the background! What difference does it make what he thought there, because the main thing is the result! Correctly?

And the result, as we see it, is excellent. Watch the film social network, take a look at how a huge facebook network, look at how a friend of Mark Zuperberg wanted to bombard this site with ads, but Mark knew that this would be the beginning of the end for his super project!


This is one of the blunders of beginners in maintaining their blogs on the Internet. I just created a blog, and in a day or two it spins it up, spins it up sharply. Where do they get promotional information from? Yes, you are right, they read from the Internet what they find on all sorts of forums and websites of SEO optimizers.

They will read that their blog or website needs to be promoted. I will tell you: for this it is necessary to raise the positions of the resource articles in search results, and in order to do this, you need to raise PR and TIC and gain the trust of search engines (trust), just do it naturally, without buying shit-links.

Run their resource through a large pile of directories, send spam on social networks, drop on various message boards with posting requests, buy links, post spam comments on various blogs, register in a bunch of forums, etc. As a result, they get a ban from the Yandex or Google search engine. And if you received a ban from the PS, then everything, "write, it's gone." That's exactly why do not rush into battle sharply!


Usually they make a blog, keep it for a maximum of six months and throw it on the Internet. Yes, that's exactly what happens. Surely you have come across resources that have not been updated for a long time - these are abandoned projects.

How does it happen? I made a blog for myself on the Internet, at first everything goes well or they have the patience to run their blog for a while, they live in hope, hoping that soon their project will be famous and popular and then income will flow. The TIC and PR blog sliders would be huge and all that. … And this zeal disappears.

Where did it disappear to? In fact, everything is simple here. These guys do not get the most coveted result. Here, hands down, for sure, there are also enough problems in the family with loved ones, at work, etc. Such a stupor, this is normal, every blogger had it, but you must understand - it doesn’t happen in life that everything is good and goes like clockwork! There are always ups and downs.

In order for your blogging on the Internet, or rather your website or blog to go confidently to the top, you need to deal with it very seriously. Write unique, interesting articles, optimize them, always learn something new, something that you don’t know yet in promoting and promoting your blog on the Internet (read ""). In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance!

Probably everyone can write unique articles, but not everyone could seriously deal with their project - promotion, promotion and all that. After all, for this you need to study and not just study, but study a lot - teach different information on the Internet, read, watch educational video courses, read "" and so on. In short, to achieve your goals, you must always learn!

But this takes time, and time is usually spent on other things, on the most important ones - family, children, work, etc. Not everyone has a lot of free time!

As I said earlier, it takes a lot of time to develop a blog. Therefore, if you want to blog on the Internet correctly, you must first find the time, and then create your own project.

In my opinion, I have listed all the main mistakes bloggers made on the Internet on blogs. Of course, there are many more of these errors, but you can’t list them all right away. Leave other problems in the comments, it will help new bloggers to become smarter and avoid such mistakes.

That's all for me. Subscribe to my blog updates so as not to miss useful articles. See you soon!

Sincerely, Alexey Kobzarev

Interesting and useful content

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How to start blogging on the Internet? How to reach 1000 traffic in modern blogging? How to become popular in a year and a half and start making money on it.

Hello friends!
In this article, I, as always, salt how advanced webmasters lead and promote their blogs.
I think this is exhaustive information for 2016-2017.
Some users fight for a hundred - two visitors a day to their site, others for 1.5 - 2 years bring their resources to the attendance of 1000 - 2000 users per day.
How do they do it?
how to start writing a blog?
Infa not only for beginners, but also for advanced ones who have low attendance on the blog.

How to start blogging - why do you have low traffic?

I probably won’t make a discovery if I say that its attendance strongly depends on the topic of the blog, of course, if it’s thematic for you).
The pledge of a “healthy” blog is 3-7 keywords, with direct entry, with low competition, per article.
How to write and design articles for visitors and search engines, I wrote
What topic to choose for a blog?
I come to the conclusion that the theme, as such, is not important, or rather, you can make it not quite thematic.
Now all the niches with interesting keys are already filled.
It is very difficult for a young site up to a year old, and even older than 2-3 years, to compete with a trust resource that is 6-8 years old.
Almost all visited blogs that are 1.5 - 3 years old are not thematic.

What do I mean by non-thematic?
Let's say a blog about seo, or making money on the Internet, personally I'm only interested in these topics.
Of course I know what's going on there.)

It seems that people should only talk about this, but no).
There you will find how to register in a contact, how to change ip, delete followers on instagram ...
Is it worth it to blog like this?
My opinion, you can take related topics, but only close ones!
Say, in a blog about making money, it’s funny to write about a charging frog and how to use it), or why do you have brittle hair?)
That's how they write it.)
Of course, it is a personal matter for everyone what to write about.

I also like statements like this.
Here, my blog has become a thousandth!
I chose a difficult topic, making money on the Internet, now, if I chose a topic for a friend, there would already be attendance not 1000, but 3000 - 4000.
And that in other topics there are no whales? Are you easily given the top 10?
Is it true?
This is first.

And secondly.
If your blog is called how to make money on the Internet, this does not mean that it is.
Where do you get the main traffic to the site, from what articles?
How to create mailbox on Yandex, how to get in touch?
So it would be okay with articles, otherwise one article shot, brings almost all the traffic, the blogger says, here I am, damn handsome.
Of course, you can amuse yourself, hang noodles on the ears of beginners).

Here's the trick, ruffle that's what.
Visitor, visitor strife.
Let's say if you write an article on how to make money on the Internet, pull it into the top search engines.
You are handsome, respect and respect to you.
You can put very profitable affiliate programs on it, the advertiser will torture you with soap letters, asking you to place a link to their website for money in such an article.
The problem is, you can't.)
A very competitive request, in the top of the search, I believe, there are only muzzles).

What can you survive from the article, how to get in touch?
What are you grinning at?
1300 queries per month in the direct occurrence of the word.
83 thousand for adjacent keys.

You can, of course, put a link to a phishing site in the article, steal passwords from VKontakte accounts.
Make a store selling accounts.
In 5 years, you will be served), when a law on Internet fraud is adopted in the Duma.
Of course, I'm joking, but seriously, this is a non-pant request.
I think you understand what I'm getting at.

Is there on the Internet interesting blogs with a small number of visitors?
Yes, there is, but these are more sites for the soul than for making money.
Forgive me the owners of such resources, but I do not see a future for them.
They write an article about making money, the number of requests is 10-30 per month, the competition is 20-25, one key per article.
Guys, do you write articles for yourself?

So, all the same, how to blog on the Internet?
What to write about and how?

How to write blog articles

Guys, and yet, despite the complexity of promotion, a single-site site has several fat pluses, compared to a motley one.
Let's see what are the advantages of a thematic blog.
In my opinion, he has 2 strong chips.
1. Due to topics from one category, there will be a permanent audience on it, if people are interested in SEO, and your blog is only about it, visitors will be more willing to go to other articles on your resource, and this, in turn, is a big, fat plus to behavioral factors.
2. Advertisers are more willing to advertise in such communities.
In addition, you don’t have to worry about affiliate programs, that is, you don’t need different articles, different partnership programs put.
The main disadvantage is attendance. It's hard to promote such a site.
You understand, no matter what a cool resource you have, without errors, cool design, financial topics, and so on, but if you don’t have visitors on it, it doesn’t generate income, the price of an unpromoted VKontakte group.

What to write on the site?
Topics related to your topic.
For example.
Write about dogs, maybe cats, monkeys).
How to buy a fox fur coat?
This topic is not for you.
I want to say, look for requests that are close to you, if it’s about everything, then this is no longer a blog, but some kind of trash).

    • Requests per month, at least 50, better than 100-200, you will find more non-competitive, generally great.
    • 5-7 keys with direct entry, the rest of the search engines will find you themselves.
    • Competition 1-10 for mutagen.
    • The volume of the text is 3500 - 5000 characters, you can do more, spam the text less, and you are unlikely to be able to reveal the topic.

Not days, I read one blog. Its author, probably a seo guru, writes that after 3 years they begin to treat the site better search engines, no longer find fault, I, they say, have been waiting for three years, and blah wait!
And in 20 years it will become even more trustworthy, so maybe we need to wait another 17 years?!
Many SEOs change their outlook and approach to promotion over time.
I made a mistake, the blogger wrote nonsense, it's okay, well, it happens).
I was hooked on this just because that blog has a "seo."
And someone honors and the truth will decide so.

That seems to be all that I wanted to convey to you in this article.
Questions in the comments are welcome.
I wish you success!