My blog has become a THOUSANDER Blog and today I will tell you how to increase blog (site) traffic from 0 to 1000 per day. Oh yeah! The counter recorded exactly the first unique visitor, and not the views, as many people rejoice when they see the wrong number -))). Also, the TIC has grown to 40. Over the past few months, I have managed to increase attendance and get a stable unique visitors more than 800 per day, but of course, except for weekends, when everyone has a decline in traffic. It is a pity that I began to work actively only from the beginning of this 2016, like many novice bloggers, at first I ran forward full of motivation and energy, but when the figures reached only 150-250 uniques per day, I wanted to abandon everything and engage in another direction.

But I'm not a whiny girl and took the situation into my own hands and began to study and work on content and increased the regularity of new posts -))). I also created a channel on YouTube where I publish video posts. If you are interested please subscribe to the channel here is the link .

And where did it all begin? Well, like many beginners in blogging with small numbers on the counters and great zeal. Yes, just like you, I ran from blog to blog and read helpful instructions to promote my site in the TOP who should have helped me. But today, many of the blogs that I myself studied have remained in the ass, and my blog has pulled ahead. By the way, many people specifically hide their counters so that they buy advertising and make it easier to powder the brains of customers. Pay attention to this. Personally, my statistics is always open and is located on the right under the subscription form -))).

School of bloggers Alexander Borisov my review

Today, various “Schools of Bloggers” and other conveyors for fools have begun to appear, which bring hundreds of money to these schools. I will not name such names as Alexander Borisov, but there are other bloggers who take 30-40,000 rubles for their MEGA COURSE on how to become a THOUSANDER blogger. Yes, guys are handsome as entrepreneurs, I don’t argue, but I don’t understand how you can give away so much money and then learn nothing. There can't be hundreds of successful bloggers on the Internet!!! If you do not work yourself and apply different methods, then nothing will work.

And how are people bred in these schools? Yes, very easy! Here is a list of what you will spend money on instead of investing in blog development:

  • Pay for a school course of 40,000 rubles without a guarantee;
  • buy new design a site from our partner for 20,000 -30,000 rubles (you can download cool designs for free);
  • Buy links from our affiliate programs (which will then drive newbies into the BAN);
  • Buy our scripts and other modules for making money on the blog (from 3,500-5,000 rubles, and everything is already free on the net, and here they reinvent the wheel).

Yes, now, probably, many will throw mud at me and say that all this needs to be done and so right. Are you completely fucked up friends? Even with a simple design, if there is interesting content, you can promote a bunch of requests to the TOP with a minimum investment, and often without them. Yes, I have made a Joomla template myself -))). I've talked to bloggers who have gone to different blogging schools, bought some cool designs and most of them forked a lot but never got the results they hoped for. And all because no one will tell you all the tricks of promotion on the Internet. But of course, except for your obedient servant -))). And you will continue to stray and buy all sorts of nonsense instead of starting to make money on the Internet today.

ADVICE: Do not believe those myths where they say that blog design affects its promotion to the TOP and SEO. You can get into the TOP with a blog written on your knee and get great traffic if you understand what's what.

Well, the first 1000, of course, is not as cool as many will say - (((. Yes, but for me this is a success, given that the topic is quite narrow. And if I blogged on a comprehensive topic like cooking, etc., then I’m sure today the attendance would exceed 3000-4000 uniques per day, but it's still to come -))).

Many will probably ask, where to start and how promote your blog in the TOP search engines Yandex and Google? There are a lot of video courses and seminars on the network and you seem to apply knowledge, but everything is the same as before, and sometimes worse due to the use of ineffective methods. The main thing here is to choose the right promotion strategy and competently work on the text. But all of us are only doing what we write new and new posts, and what's next ???. Just writing a text and decorating today will not work without the use of marketing chips and the location of the audience.

Well, yes, you need to order a couple of dozen articles and buy links and everything will be a bunch. Fuck there!!! Considering that search engines constantly issue new algorithms and try in every possible way to complicate life with an optimizer, then you need to clearly understand what and how to do on a blog. Well, you ordered the text from copywriters, but how will you be sure that you will shoot these texts in the TOP of the issue? If you are not sure, then go to and, by which I write and optimize my articles on the blog.

I must say right away that in this article I will not be able to tell all the subtleties of increasing site or blog traffic. If you are interested, I advise you to subscribe to the newsletter immediately after this post.

How to increase website traffic to 1000 per day and raise traffic from scratch

Stage number 1. Choosing the True Way of the Samurai

It is said as if we are launching an astronaut into space, but everything is much more complicated - (((. First of all, you need to decide why you should run your blog at all and what do you expect to get from it in the future? If a lot of money, then be prepared to earn hemorrhoids while sitting at the computer all my free time, as I do. If you just have nothing to do, then quit today because it's not worth it.

Self-development by learning new materials on the topic of SEO is an important point. You can buy training courses from those who have really achieved results or order individual consultations and ask your questions. But I would advise both options in conjunction, since I myself studied and communicated with bloggers via Skype.

Just like in a traditional job, in order to succeed in blogging, you will need to love this work and surrender to it completely, so it will be a part of your life. But unlike a regular job, where the boss can have favorites or thieves that mom and dad pushed to warm places, everything will depend only on you and this is COOL !!!. If you work with full dedication, then the result will be, and if you are lazy and put off everything for tomorrow, then everything will be sad. Here you are responsible for yourself.

Stage number 2. Creating quality content

What do you mean by quality content? If a unique article on a popular topic, then you will be far behind the rest. It is important not just to write a new article or make a video, but what value this material brings to your readers. I used to think that I would just write 300-400 articles for the right keywords and everything would be a bunch. If you work for search robots, then yes, but forgetting about such an awesomely important fad as behavioral factors, then all articles will be of very little use to users.

REMEMBER: You can create 100 articles and reach traffic of 500 uniques per day or low-quality, but 1000 articles and have a visitor of 200-300 uniques - (((. It all depends on the correct use of the semantic core of the site and the distribution of keys by articles.

I wrote about this many times and gave examples, so I advise you to read the articles on the blog more carefully and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

Stage number 3. Analysis of competitors and user interests

This is very important point, using which you can not only earn on affiliate programs, as I did on the example of selling natural crowd links with a deduction of 50% from transactions that really work and are safe for promotion.

If you write about things that everyone has already read hundreds of times and applied 1000 times, then no one will read it. People need either scandalous lyrics like these or useful chips, which someone did not suspect before or does not yet know about and they never told him at the blogger school -))).

On freelance and just in social networks, a lot of people earn money simply by doing to order, and I posted a detailed manual on my blog for users for FREE. And grateful readers themselves are already helping me with reposts and comments on the blog, for which a huge bow to them.

See what your competitors are writing about and analyze their articles. Perhaps you will pick up something for yourself. Also, competitors can raise pressing topics that you can also beautifully paint on your blog and embellish, collecting more information to more fully answer the question of readers.

In addition to all of the above, after the number of unique visitors per day to the blog began to exceed 650, I also increased income from contextual advertising Google Adsense with which I began to regularly receive transfers to Rapida. Now every month the income was 100 dollars. Yes, there are certainly delays in payments, but it's worth it. Money is dripping in American rubles, and at the current exchange rate, this makes me very happy.

In general, as you already understood, everything depends only on you, and I do not advise you to pay for +100,500 new tips from bloggers and the grief of specialists who have traffic of 200 people a day on their blogs and do not earn a penny on the Internet. So far, I have achieved part of my goals and now I will work to increase site traffic in the future and aim for 2000, 3000 and 4000 unique visitors per day. And I wish you successful promotion of your blogs and, most importantly, patience in this not easy business like blogging. But having become successful on the Internet, you will not depend on the opinions of others and stupid bosses, but you will be able to earn while sitting at home.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you liked my experience of working on a blog and the results, then I suggest ordering a paid blog consultation from me, from which you will learn:

  • How to blog properly so that users like it;
  • How to freely optimize the text of articles for queries;
  • How to set up a blog so that it ranks better in the TOP;
  • What blog promotion strategy to choose for yourself;
  • How to get traffic to a blog and where to get it from;
  • How to work with links and where to get them for free and for free.

Skype consultation cost only 1000 rubles . Hurry before I raise the price. You can apply to my email This adress Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. with the topic "Blog Consulting". Compare, it is better to pay 1000 r. and get a result than 30-40 thousand rubles and stay with nothing? ONLY YOU DECIDE!!!

Yes, but as you wanted, of course I have to make money on the blog. I have a blog about making money online. I myself buy advice on blogging or promoting my YouTube channel. I hope the material was useful and do not forget to subscribe, put likes and write comments. All the best. Huge THANKS TO ALL MY READERS. So I advise you to read an interesting article called "".

Hello friends. So this moment, expected in the life of every blogger, has come true, when the attendance mark for the first time exceeded 1000 people a day, so now I can officially call myself a thousandaire.

What has changed for me in connection with this event? In fact, nothing =) A touch of pathos and arrogance didn’t seem to appear, I answer comments the same way as before, I still read and comment on other people’s blogs, a million money didn’t suddenly fall on my head along with countless offers from advertisers ( although there are more of them to be recognized)

It's just another stage of development, the ribbon is broken, the quest is completed 11 months after the creation of the site, according to the laws of the genre, now I need to receive a reward and take a more difficult quest. The reward can be considered some kind of moral satisfaction " I crossed that threshold of 1000 uniques in less than a year"Next quest...

Goals for next year

But really, what will be the next goal, what should we strive for now and in what direction will we develop in the new year? 2000 uniques per day? Kind of petty. I am sure that I will roll back more than once and then rise to new numbers, but the eternal pursuit of attendance is boring.

If desired, I can already recruit tens of thousands of visitors, I'm sure I can do it, but then the blog will lose face and target orientation, will turn into some kind of garbage dump for collecting traffic, I don’t need this.

Gain a thicker subscription base? Maybe for me this is relevant with my couple of hundred subscribers, but so far my soul is not very much in the direction of email marketing.

Earn over $1000 monthly? In principle, a good goal, but there is no need to associate it only with this blog, you can earn money on other projects or services, it is not necessary to make a cash cow out of it.

In short, I thought for a long time friends, and that's what I came up with. My goal for the next year will be the following - from an ordinary blogger, I want to become a professional in some area and write really useful articles about it.

It often happens the other way around - already established professionals start blogging and sharing their advice, observations, and knowledge in it. But I started as a beginner, broadcasting for other beginners, and at first I had nothing to share except for rewriting or my thoughts on hackneyed topics.

Then I got tired of it, and I began to write about my experience when working with various services and my experiments, but I almost didn’t dive deep, ran through the tops. It came to the realization that it would be time to drop anchor somewhere and try to achieve noticeable success in one of the areas.

I can’t say yet what kind of area this is, because I myself haven’t really realized where I like to work more. It can be seo, it can be cpa, it can be internet marketing, it can be moneymaking on a massive scale, it can be website ripping, the same MFA, online stores and many other things that I encounter in their webmaster activities. I think I will decide soon. Maybe even infobusiness, muahhaha (evil laughter)

This does not mean that I will stop experimenting and writing about blogging =)

What is the development plan?

For myself, I identified 3 important components on the way to the goal.

  1. Mat.chast of course. You need to get a foundation, study someone else's experience and feed your brain with knowledge in the chosen area. Boring and difficult, but necessary.
  2. Practice. Knowledge is useless if not put into practice. Perhaps you can get a job somewhere in a team or organize your own. Without real experience, you will remain a couch theorist. I'll have to hang out on the forums for this, which I don't really like.
  3. Find a mentor. There are nuggets who have talent from birth and grasp everything on the fly. But most people, including myself, need teachers. Perhaps this will be the most difficult task, to find someone who could become an authority for me and at the same time make him want to teach me =) I consider paid courses and seminars last

These are actually my thoughts at this stage of development, the blog ceases to be an end in itself, but turns into a means and springboard. As far as I implement them, we will find out in a year, do not switch =)

There was a task - to increase site traffic to 1000 uniques per day only from Yandex search for two years of work.

A case about how we managed to promote a startup - a young website for a clothing atelier - in the first two years and get traffic in the peak season of 1100 visitors from the search. In this topic, the attendance of competitors' sites averages 100-150 visitors from the search.

Once in December 2014, I happened to attend one SEO conference. Everything was as usual, 7-8 speakers from top companies, employees of SEO studios, site owners among the listeners. Nothing remarkable, but I remember one question from the audience at the end of the meeting, namely: “What should be the owners of corporate sites if the lifting budget for promotion per month does not exceed 30,000 rubles?” The answer was simple: “It’s hard to advise you anything, maybe hire a freelancer from the regions!” It remains only to sympathize.

Choosing a SEO studio from Runet

The client is a young site, recently developed, with a promotion budget of 30,000 rubles. When choosing a contractor for site promotion, for some reason, looking through offers on the Internet, they ultimately choose our SEO studio.

How we promoted a young site (startup)

In 2013, a client contacted us. The budget for website promotion was up to 30,000 rubles. After a long meeting, there was an understanding: - a clothing atelier website, promoted through the seo-pult service for half a year, the number of key queries - 150-200, pages in the index - 50, content - article + text, traffic - 80-90, 40-50% bounces, conversion 0.3-0.5%, 5-6 calls per week, ROI - 23% (ROI = channel revenue / channel costs * 100%). In a word, the result is nowhere worse.

Checklist for search engine promotion

We took a week to analyze the project and, at the next meeting, acquainted the client with the promotion plan, which was scheduled for 2 years in advance and included 52 checklist items (below), having completed them by the date December 2014 we got traffic 1000 visitors per day from the search, as a result of which - increase in ROI up to 750%.

Today, to calculate these indicators, studios use different online services. We use, in which you can make complete reports that are convenient and understandable to the client.

Despite the fact that, at first glance, elementary and basic things will be described below, but, oddly enough, they were not implemented on the site. Recently, we have been conducting a monthly site audit using the Upcheck service described above.

Part 1. Technical website optimization.

1. Installed Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika.

Installing statistics counters gave all the necessary analytics on the site, helped to track traffic from search engines, behavioral factors.

2. Set up goals in Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica.

It is important to understand why the client did not achieve the goals of the site: a call, an application, a callback, etc., and make adjustments in time. The effectiveness of website promotion, namely ROI indicators, cannot be calculated without making this point.

By adding a site to Google Webmaster Tools and Yandex Webmaster, we have clear information on: page indexing, errors, duplicate pages, broken links, etc. Separately for Yandex Webmaster - by choosing Moscow, we determined the region for the PS in which we need to rank our website. There is no region selection on Google.

4. Linked Google Webmaster and Google Analytics. It helped to get more detailed information about site traffic and analytics.

5. We created a robots.txt file and uploaded it to the site's root directory.

Robots.txt helps search robots determine the location of the XML sitemap (XML sitemap). AT given file we showed search engines what to index and what not by blocking access to certain pages or sections of the site.

6. Created an XML sitemap and placed it in the root directory.

The created XML-map improved the indexing of all pages of the site by search engines. Placed the map in Google webmaster, Yandex.

7. Assigned a main mirror (with or without www.), set up a 301 redirect.

Search engines determine site URLs from www. website and website are two different things. If the site is new, we choose to use www. If the site has been in the index of search engines for a long time, you need to look at which pages are indexed more: with or without www, and choose a more popular option.

8. Optimized url (url) according to the CNC principle (human understandable). What we did:

1. Key queries were written, partially duplicating H1, made as short as possible. Separation between phrases is done with a hyphen (-). No underscore (_) was used.

2. We did 1-2 sublevels in the structure, three are already a lot in the URL. For example,, instead of

Optimized CNC will improve site indexing by search engines, improve behavioral factors, as it will be more convenient for the user.

9. Optimized Canonical URL, page duplicates.

Having done desired address using the rel="canonical" attribute for all versions of the site page, we have determined a more relevant page for the search engine if it is possible to place the same information on several URLs, which will be duplicate content.

10. Get rid of broken links.

11. We accelerated the loading of the site page.

Website page loading speed is one of the main factors for getting into the top 10 of a keyword. To check how fast the page loads, we used the services: GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest, PageSpeed ​​Tools, etc.

The client came to the site, and he is offered to leave it via an external link? The site left only a link to the Yandex map.

13. Linking on the site.

Relinking on the corporate site is not needed (emphasis on Yandex). This is not a portal. The client came to order a service. Having made high-quality menu navigation and relevant landing pages when entering from the search, we thereby saved the client from making unnecessary 3-4 clicks on links.

14. Use bread crumbs.

"Breadcrumbs", in other words, the navigation chain, is important both for the convenience of the client moving around the site, and for search robots.

Part 2. Search SEO site optimization.

15. Compilation of SA - semantic core site.

The CL of the site is the foundation of the foundations, on which all further work on optimizing and promoting the project is based.

For the selection and compilation of key queries, we used: Google Keyword Palnner and Yandex Wordstat, search engine tips (enter a query of 2-3 phrases into the search bar, press the spacebar, popular queries are displayed down - bonally, but rarely anyone does), Yandex Metrica , if before that there was traffic to the site, as well as the prodvigator service for evaluating competitors, namely, receiving requests for which the site is in search visibility.

We also generated geographic queries for the Moscow region for promotion in Yandex. For example, "key query" + metro, avenue, or district, district, street. Received phrases: clothing repair university, fur atelier Leninsky Prospekt, tailoring SWAD.

Since there are no services that will determine in advance what kind of traffic this or that phrase will give if it gets into the top 3 results, taking into account seasonality, we collected all requests, excluding only those (non-commercial) that the client will not use. For example: how to repair a jacket yourself, etc.

We annually update the semantic core by checking hits for a period of 1 year from Yandex Metrics. To date, our SA is 6500 queries, indexed pages 5-6 thousand, key phrases in search visibility up to 5000.

16. Optimized website landing pages.

Optimization of the site's landing pages, like many other web analytics actions, was done through the service. We added a project, loaded the semantic core into the service, and automatically loaded the existing metadata for each page. Next, we set up the necessary relevant landing page for each key phrase, and then tracked the dynamics of growth or decline of the phrase (if there was one, we see the history of metadata changes for a particular page), making adjustments for optimization after each update.

17. Optimized unique titles.

Heading optimization, as one of the metadata elements, is very important to do well. The service also helped us here, it is convenient to track for each phrase all the changes made throughout the history. Made all titles unique for each page. Headings include only one root request, and contain no more than 6 words, thus the title will not be cut off in the search results, but placed entirely, having a commercial appearance.

18. Optimized the description for each page.

In general, description is more important for indexing the snippet in the search engine. Google system, but we still put an emphasis on promotion in Yandex due to work in the Moscow region. But, despite this, we consider it important to work with description.

19. Optimized H1 headings and H2-H3 tags.

Optimizing h1-h3 tags is important, as they often end up in a snippet and affect CTR.

20. Register Alt-tags for pictures.

The page should have at least 1-2 unique images that need to be optimized, taking into account key phrase The used in the metadata. Promotion in the top 10 for phrases is many times better, moreover, pictures also move better in the search results for images. We tried to prescribe short phrases of 4-5 phrases.

PS: In the near future we will publish the continuation of the case:

Part 3. Website content optimization.

Part 4. Website usability optimization.

Part 5. External site optimization.

Part 6. Blog, forum, online store - work with content.

Fork case prices range from 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles monthly

The plan to reach the bar of 1000 visitors per day should start with filling the site. Search engines and visitors from other resources will not pay attention to an empty site. But the content should not only be unique and meaningful, but also developed by an SEO specialist in order to meet its possible requests from search engine users. There are millions of sites on the worldwide web with various kinds of content, but with traffic of up to a hundred people a day.

Let's take an example from practice. A rather successful dealer in car accessories decided to open an online store to increase sales through online buyers. The assortment included more than 20,000 items of products, which were automatically unloaded from software package 1C. Availability, assortment and prices on the site were regularly updated, but even after six months there were not even thirty visitors a day on the site.

After such deplorable results, it was decided to turn to promotion specialists. A superficial inspection of the online store immediately revealed a major error. Although the range of goods was large, and the demand for it at retail points of sale was constant, the product was initially presented incorrectly on the website. Products were unloaded with abbreviated names, without images and with the same description for the product of the same group. Plus, it was not indicated to which car of which year of manufacture and which configuration this product fits. It seemed to the director of a trading company, as a specialist in this field, that the search for goods can be easily carried out by serial numbers, which are unique for each product and can tell about its application. But the internet doesn't work that way.

After the first stage of avoiding abbreviations in the product name, traffic increased by 50%. After specifying the model and brand of car for which the product is suitable, real sales began in the online store. This made it possible to group products only by brand, and not by type, which tripled the average check. Since the owner of the car took not only what he came to the online store for, but also what would also fit his car. After all the operations to bring the product card and the entire store into proper form, the store traffic increased to 500-600 visitors per day. A year later, it was 1,000 visitors, as store recommendations began to appear on third-party forums and social networks.

From this situation, we can conclude that attendance directly depends on the quality of the information that is presented on the page. And without the help of an SEO specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve significant results, since it is they who have information on optimizing the site for search engines, for user behavioral factors and their purchasing activity.

After the stage of work on the content of the site, it is worth moving on to external factors that affect traffic. Better yet, engage in internal and external elements affecting the ranking at the same time. Any specialist in promotion will say that it is because of the ranking of the site for certain queries that the traffic of the resource depends.

Also, the specialist will be able to analyze the possible keywords for the resource and identify those for which it will be profitable to promote it in terms of high attendance due to the large number of requests for a specific key and little competition.

It is important that visitors to the site need to be targeted. That is, those who on your site hope to find the answer to the question or find the necessary product or service. And the site, accordingly, corresponds to the user's request. You can find many traffic exchange services, "site promotion", which implies a large number of visitors according to the description of these services. However, a person who is specifically redirected to your site and who does not find the necessary information there will simply leave the resource and never return to it. Moreover, such "promotion" may entail sanctions of search engines. If the visitor is not the target, then it is more likely that he will stay on the site for no longer than 10 seconds. And such visitors to PS statistics are recorded as refusals. The higher the failure rate, the worse for the resource. When a large percentage of failures on the site is reached, search engines refer the site to those that do not meet user requests and lower them in the search. Reduce significantly until the situation of the behavior of visitors changes. Such a downgrade is called a "sandbox" when the site does not appear in the ranking of sites in the search for any entered query before page 100. In fact, it is present, but a few users reach 100 pages in the list of sites. As a result, due to incorrect promotion, or rather cheating of visit indicators, you can earn a site ban or a “sandbox” mode for it.

Target queries for such visitors can also be selected by an SEO specialist. Such requests are divided into three types. High, mid and low frequency requests. Each of these requests is important in its own way, and scrupulous preparation must be carried out for each type. For each of these types of requests, their own types of pages are prepared.

Let's take it back with an example. The online store sells netbooks. The request "buy a netbook" will be high-frequency. It is often prescribed in the search bar, it brings a lot of traffic to sites and it is quite difficult to break into the TOP for such a request. However, it is not always necessary to chase such keys. It is worth considering the option of attracting visitors for medium-frequency queries and low-frequency ones. AT this example the mid-frequency query will look like this: "buy ASUS netbook". There will be fewer transitions along it, however, it will be easier to work with such keys. You know which brand is preferred by the buyer and optimize the page with netbooks of this company according to the request potential client. A low-frequency query will look like this: “buy an ASUST101MT netbook” or just the exact model name “ASUSEeePCT101MT”. The user can also indicate a preference for color or one of the characteristics, adding to his request, for example, "black" or "250 GB". If the site has a product that the user is looking for and the page with this product is optimized for his request, then the site will receive a target visitor, who is most likely a potential buyer. Often it is on the middle and low frequency queries attendance rates are increasing.

Why is it worth paying attention to these categories of requests? The promotion specialist knows that high-frequency queries are quite expensive to promote, and for low-frequency and mid-range queries, the site can get the same number of visitors, but at a lower budget.

Why so? For example, you have 10,000 items on your site. Some are popular and some are not visited at all. But if at least one visitor visits 1000 product cards, then the site will receive a mark of 1000 visitors per day. Optimizing product pages is a little easier, since the product name already contains a key, albeit a low-frequency one. It is more difficult to optimize a general page with a netbook offer for the query “buy a netbook”. At the same time, 1000 visitors to one page may not make as many sales as 1000 people who purposefully went to the product cards will make.

All factors related to the requests and behavior of visitors are taken into account SEO specialists. All in the complex methods of promotion and promotion will give a figure of 1000 visitors, but this is worth working on. We advise you to initially set the bar much lower. If you have a new resource that has been online for no more than a week, try starting with 20 visitors per day. If you want to achieve this figure on your own, you will understand how difficult it is to achieve results without professional advice. So the easiest way is to immediately turn to specialists. But in working with them, also take into account the wishes for the gradual achievement of goals. Set a goal for the specialist to reach the level of three hundred visitors in the first three months of the site's existence. These will be real numbers that will serve as a foundation for pushing thousands of visits to your resource. And remember, it is also important not only to grow, but also to keep the old indicators at the same level.

Hello, dear colleagues, the Out-of-System Arbitrator portal is with you, and its founder, Alexander K. Today, we decided to touch on a very difficult topic, how to make money on your site.

How to make money on your site?

There are a lot of articles on the network on the topic of making money on your site. The main disadvantage of all these articles is a banal enumeration of ways and options on how you can make money on your resource.
But, the main problem is that in most cases, you can count on a minimum income ...

From personal practice, a site on the subject of "pregnancy" with attendance of 25k uniques per day, using standard ways monetization, brings in the region of 70 thousand rubles a month.
And now let's imagine... how much effort you need to put into the site to "swing" it up to 25k. most likely it will take 2-3 years of hard work.

This manual will describe a step-by-step algorithm for creating your own SEO site where you can earn $ 1000 per month with 1000 unique visitors per day.
Also, I want to note that, working closely with financial traffic over the past 7 years, I was able to meet sites in this niche that allowed their owners, with a traffic of 700 uniques per day, to earn $ 3,000 in income per month.

I would like to separately ask webmasters to register in affiliate programs using our referral links - this will be the best gratitude for high-quality content.

Dear colleague, this manual is a compilation of knowledge collected over the past 7 years of our company. Unfortunately, physically putting all the material in one article is almost impossible, and it makes no sense. For example, in the future we will refer to WordPress a lot and to such things as:

  • installing plugins on WP
  • setting up plugins on WP
  • publishing an article in WP
  • etc.

For most of these "actions", dozens of articles have already been written, which can be found in Yandex or Google. For this reason, sometimes we will directly write that this information can be found on google.

Step #1 Domain Registration

The first step to make money on your website is to register a domain. Some recommendations for choosing a domain.

  • I recommend using bourgeois registrars, I personally actively use Dynadot - this is dictated by security considerations. Use the following domain zones: .com .org .top .biz etc. do not use country-specific domains! You may be asked to provide proof of citizenship.

Do not use "dash" in the domain. - for some reason, as practice has shown, such domains are more difficult to promote "at the start". Although, perhaps this is not the case. These are our personal observations.

  • Get it right away SSL certificate. SSL certificate - allows you to transfer your site from http to https.

Does it matter? Yes, it has! Google has already officially stated that sites with https have the privilege of ranking. From personal experience I can say that sites with https go through the sandbox much better. Sandbox is a Google filter that is automatically applied to a young site. As a rule, the period of stay in the "sandbox" is 2-3 months. Thus, you should not expect any traffic during this period on the site. As a rule, you can request help in setting up and installing an SSL certificate in the hosting TP.

  • Redirect from http to https. It is very easy to do, you just need to insert the following lines into the htaccess file:
  1. Rewrite Engine On
  2. RewriteCond %(HTTP:HTTPS) !on
  3. RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^www\.
  4. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.tld/$1

This file is usually located in the root folder of the site. If not, then there are a lot of articles on Google on the topic of what htaccess should be in WordPress.

Step number 2 Choosing a hosting for a site for earnings

After the hosting is paid, you need to register with the DNS domain registrar hosting records where you plan to host your site.

This is how Dynadot does it:

  • Go to "Name Servers"
  • Enter new DNS server names + press "Enter Name Server"
  • Set the added Name Servers to Option 2 and click "Select Name Sever"

Step 3. Connecting the server

At the next stage, we need to connect your server on which the site is located to the registrar:

We go to the DNS tab, select the record type “A” there and set the IP of your server on the hosting.

Ready! We wait from 1 minute to 24 hours and the site should open at the correct address.

Installing WordPress on a Server

If you decide to use Timeweb hosting, then there is an opportunity to specify the CMS when creating a new site.
If you decide to immediately use VPS (for projects that are sure that they are ready to develop the site and invest in its development), I recommend studying the material on the topic: “How to install WordPress on the site”

Design is the most important element of a website. on which you want to earn

It should be noted right away that for those who do not have any funds for the development of the resource, you can temporarily turn a blind eye to this section, because. good design and integration costs money.

The numbers look like this:
Website design — 15,000 rubles
Design integration on WP - 15,000 rubles.

  • Look for top rated performers
  • Do not make an advance payment, directly to the contractor.
  • Work only through secure transaction
  • Always look at the portfolio.

For a better understanding of the task, you will need to write the most detailed TOR for the future contractor.

  • Analyze the niche and the sites that are in this niche. Pay attention to those sites that you like. Make a list of these sites. Analyze similar niches. For example, if we are making a website on the subject of binary options, you should pay attention to the websites of the stock market, brokerage companies, etc. Select the best. When writing TK, insert links to those elements that you liked on different sites. It's like assembling a constructor.
  • Immediately think over where you will have subscription forms. I recommend placing subscription forms in the footer and sidebar.

When the design is ready, we are looking for a contractor - a developer.

  • Integration of the site with the mailing service. On the this moment we use Unisender, but the problem is that they are extremely reluctant to receive mailings on how you can make money on the Internet. For this reason, we will devote a separate chapter to the choice e-mail service mailings.
  • Opportunity on the site of the emergence of Pop-Up. We recommend drawing future pop-up templates from the same designer.
  • If you notice some "chips" on other sites, discuss the possibility of implementing these "chips" with you, terms and price.
  • I do not recommend trying to make a site that is too complicated at the initial stage.

Be prepared for the fact that developers and designers are extremely optional people. For this reason, as I said earlier, it is necessary to initially write the most detailed TOR + all calculations are carried out through the “Safe deal”. Freelancers love to quit their jobs midway. Before you give the developer access to the site, be sure to make a backup. One of the pitfalls may be that some unscrupulous performers install so-called "backdoors". Which subsequently give them access to the internal content of the site.

Selecting a mailing service

At the moment, a fairly large number of different mailing services. I can say right away that Unisender is one of the best, but without a good site you will not be taken there.

List of required plugins for a WP site

All in one SEO pack- a plugin that allows you to prescribe basic SEO meta tags, such as Title and Description. Which will be discussed in the SEO optimization section.
Disqus- plugin for comments on the site, you can download it either on the official website of or through a search in the WP admin panel:

Hyper Cache– caching plugin, very important plugin! Speeds up the site. Due to the fact that it saves pages in the "Cache" and the server does not need to access the database with each request.

Googlexmlsitemap- generates a site map. It is also one of the most important plugins.

Remove Category URL removes categories (headings) from the URL. This allows you to remove duplicate content. In the event that you want to post an article in several headings.

Cyr to Lat enhanced url transliteration plugin. Allows you to convert Cyrillic urls to Latin. URLs written in Latin are considered more SEO optimized.

Information on setting up each of the individual plugins can be found on Google.

Note! Sometimes plugins can "conflict" with each other, which will lead to errors. For this reason, I recommend immediately discussing which plugins will be used in the work when developing and integrating the design. What would the developer have carried out their performance.

Partnership programs:

Dear colleagues, I would like to immediately ask you to register using our referral link - this will be the best gratitude for this manual.

Content and building a team of copywriters

I want to note right away that in order to create a truly high-quality and competitive resource in the subject of trading, you need to at least a little bit understand this issue yourself. This is necessary so that you can control the process of writing articles by copywriters.

Where are we looking for copywriters? To search for copywriters, we recommend using various exchanges, such as or

The first thing we need to do is write a "test task".
The main task of which is to identify potential candidates for permanent cooperation. Do not make too complex technical specifications in terms of SEO - simple copywriters are afraid of complex technical specifications. At this stage, we need to identify people who can "normally formulate thoughts in text form."

TK example:

  1. Always use the "tender" checkbox in the task. If you forget to put it, any copywriter will be able to take your task to work. Remember that 80% of copywriters on the exchange are illiterate lazy people whose texts leave much to be desired.
  2. Be sure to ask for examples of work previously written by the author. If there are no examples, in no case do not give the order to work.
  3. Use "hidden description". You should not tell everyone in a row what resource articles will be written on or what sources you need to use.
  4. In the TOR, focus on ongoing collaboration.
  5. Write in the TOR the requirement for uniqueness of at least 95%
  6. Don't be afraid to deny payment to writers who don't do a good job. But at the same time, don't overdo it. The authors see your statistics and if you have a 50% failure rate, people will simply be afraid to take on your assignments.

How many texts should be published?

The bigger, the better! At least 1 article per day. Ideally 4-5 articles.
In this manual, we will not consider the question of how to "pull" authors from the exchange. Let's just say it's more than real. You need to form a team of 5-6 people who will write 1-4 articles every day.

What to write articles about?

The articles must convert the user to open an account with the broker.
What types of articles are most common at the moment in financial topics:

  • Reviews of brokers.
  • Trading strategies that in turn motivate the user to trade with
  • News of the financial market. You can optimize the site headings for keywords like: “Finance news”, “Forex news”, etc. but let's say right away that it will not work to advance by such keys without a high-quality link profile.
  • broker ratings.
  • Various financial terms.
  • Also, the theme of the site can be expanded to Forex and all groups of requests associated with it.

Competitiveness of your articles

Before you start writing content, analyze the SERP. What is already in the TOP for a particular request, you must learn to analyze these articles, find them strengths. For example:

  • Availability of screenshots
  • Availability of video
  • Lots of earning options. For example, the user enters “How to make money”, if you analyze the TOP you will see that most of the articles look something like this: “How to make money? TOP 30 effective ways" etc.

Learn to understand what the user wants to see and give it to him. Give him more! Give him the best! This is a guarantee of TOP positions in the issue!

SEO optimization and promotion

Here we, perhaps, got to the most interesting part of our story on the topic: "How to make money on your site." Generally, SEO promotion, is an excellent "fool filter" that does not allow lovers of "freebies" to take a place under the sun in this market. Let's start with the fact that the site, immediately after creation, falls under the first "filter" of Yandex and Google search engines - a sandbox.

Being under the "sandbox" the site has no chance to take a normal position in the search results. This filter is applied to all young sites. Removed automatically 2 months after the launch and active work on the resource.
For an inexperienced webmaster, this is one of the most difficult periods. Imagine you plow 24 hours a day, publish 5 articles a day, but there is no traffic ... What will be your psychological state? 80% of sites are abandoned at this stage.

So, be patient and work... work... work...
From personal experience, I can say that in 1 year it is more than realistic to raise a resource with a traffic of 2000 - 3000 unique visitors and earn $ 2000 - 3000 per month, speaking Fin. topics.

Semantic core of the site

The semantic core of the site is a list of keys for which articles will be written for the resource. As a rule, the semantic core is formed in two main ways:

  1. Using software such as Keycollector (paid) or Slovoder (free).
    On the net you can find a large number of manuals for creating CL using these tools.
  2. Analysis of competitors and parsing their keys. An excellent service for website analytics and their SA is
  3. You can also contact the freelance exchange, and order the formation of a self-employment from freelancers. But, we recommend that you master this direction on your own.

Internal SEO site optimization. Headings - tags: description, title, h1 - h2

Title- perhaps the main meta tag that will be displayed in Yandex here:

When forming this tag, always use the "key" under which the optimization is done, at the very beginning. Please note that for all sites, the first phrase is "how to make money on the Internet."

It is also necessary to do an analysis of competitors in the issue!
You must clearly understand how your title will be more attractive to users. For example, you can emphasize that you have more ways to make money on the Internet than competitors, or that you have reviews, etc.
It is very important! Bad TITLE will freeze the promotion of the article! The maximum length of the Title is 60 characters including spaces.
The field for filling in this tag appears after installing the All in One SEO Pack plugin and is located here:

There is also a field to fill out. Description, which must be no more than 160 characters long. The description should contain the "key query" in the modified word form. That is, all the same words as in the main key, but diluted with additional keys.

H1 - as optimizers like to say, "he is always alone." There should not be more than one H1 heading on one page; as a rule, the title of the article is enclosed in H1 tags.
Sometimes developers make a mistake and make several h1 tags - this should never be done!

H2 – H6 - header tags.
Each article should have a clear structure of headings and subheadings. At least 30% of the headlines should contain the main key for which optimization is done.

A little about internal linking.

If you google you can find great amount articles on internal site optimization. From personal experience, I can say that first of all, you should pay attention to “human linking”, in the course of your story, give the reader recommendations to go to specific articles or headings.
Also, on the main articles, it is worth making links with home page or even cross-links in the right sidebar, footer or menu.

Importance of behavioral factors

At the moment, search engines increasing importance is given to behavioral factors. Namely: "the number of pages viewed per user" and "time spent on the site."
At the same time, these indicators can be completely different in different niches.
If in the niche of air tickets, or booking, the number of pages viewed can be 4-6, then in article sites, 2 pages viewed per user are considered a COOL indicator. As a rule, on articles it is 1.1 and 1.2 pages. At the moment, on the portal site, this indicator is 1.8 pages - which is considered very high rate in this niche.

How to increase the behavioral factor:

  • Quality crafted design
  • cool content
  • Improved website usability
  • Development and integration additional services

Image optimization

Try to make unique images for each article, and all images must be "saved for the Web":

This method of saving allows you to reduce the weight of the image and, accordingly, speed up page loading.

Make all images "clear in width" of the content part. If its width is 700px, you don't need to fill images with a width of 1200px - this will significantly slow down page loading. Search engines love fast websites!

Compression and caching

Earlier we said that you need to install the caching plugin - Hyper Cache
This plugin must be connected at the stage when the design is already set up and engineering works minimized.

Also contact the hosting, ask to enable Gzip compression on your server - this will also speed up the site.

External optimization and link building

No matter what they say that the link does not work now ... all this is complete nonsense. A search engine cannot focus only on behavioral factors. This is due to the fact that their wrapping is quite simple. But at the same time, one mistake ... will lead to filtering the site and then YOU HAVE TORTURE to prove to search engines that it's not you ...
Therefore, we DO NOT RECOMMEND to wind up behavioral ones!

As the saying goes, “do it right, it will be fine” - white hat SEO decides!

So what do we need for white hat SEO?

Presence on social networks and traffic from them. Look here for your options. If you have a network of publics, and you can "pour" traffic on an ongoing basis - that's great! The more natural links (transitions) to you in social networks, the better.
But don't try to spam social networks! This is extremely harmful to your resource.

Presence on Youtube. If your site has its own channel on this video hosting, it will be a big plus. How will the search engine determine that this is your channel? Upload a unique video to your channel, optimize this video for key queries and, be sure to include a link to the site in the description! Let's say right away that you shouldn't steal other people's videos and upload them to your channel - it doesn't work! Make unique content. These can be: (strategies, market reviews, analytics).

Increase the number of sites linking to you. I recommend using the Miralinks exchange for posting announcements. Determine for yourself what budget you are willing to invest on a weekly basis to promote the resource. Order SEO-optimized articles from your copywriters, upload them to the system and choose the sites where the placement will be.

Types of external links: "anchor" and "non-anchor"

Anchor - links containing the promoted key request. For example: in this article you will find a lot of information on the topic, so we promote the article that we link to key query"Traffic Arbitration".

The ratio of anchor links to non-anchor links should be as follows:

  • 60-70% anchorless.
  • 30-40% with anchors.

At the same time, the bulk of the links should look like a promoted domain. This will create the most "natural" link profile.

Summing up

How to make money on your website - create a financial portal!

As we can see, creating your own website where you can earn money in the financial niche is not such a simple matter - but it is certainly worth it. By investing 1 year of your work, you can create for yourself a source of passive income of 2-3 thousand dollars.
If you have any suggestions or questions on finalizing this manul, write in a personal.