
Let the reader not think that I wanted to emphasize the weaknesses and shortcomings of this phone. I just tried to write objectively (it didn’t always work), but the fact that I bought it and continue to use it is a sign that the pros outweighed the cons. Well, you draw your own conclusions ☺ .

I'll start, as usual, with a little background on how he came to me and how I chose him. In fact, everything is quite simple: I wanted to update my wife's phone. Moreover, out of the whole family, she was the only one who had a non-flagship phone. I have an iPhone 6 Plus, my daughter has an LG G4, and she has a small and very unfortunate phone called Samsung Galaxy S4 mini duos. What is wrong with this phone? Well, besides the fact that it is not a flagship (forgive it, I think it’s still possible), it has a consumer attitude towards its battery - 7-8 percent per hour (and this is with the firmware from the Warlock), and a very unsuccessful camera - even on sunlight is hard enough to get good photos, not to mention indoor photos: a lot of blurry and grainy from noise. In addition, it will be difficult to transfer it to the iPhone, since my wife is used to the Android interface, there are several purchased programs that she uses that are not on the iPhone (for example, PowerAmp), and she uses the contact shortcuts that are placed on the desktop a lot. table. The iPhone has shortcuts, in fact, but even I don't really use them. Well, she loves all sorts of spectacular things. "OK!!" - I said to myself, and, therefore, we already have criteria for selection!

So what are we looking for:
1. Flagship.
2. Good battery.
3. Great camera.
4. Android.
5. Spectacular phone.

Just a couple of days before that, I came across a review about comparing mobile phone cameras.

And it turned out that one of best cameras, of course, the Samsung S6 Edge. I began to read the links that the website gives to this phone model, and I realized that this phone fits all the criteria. Further study of the issue showed the presence of several problems, the main of which was that the battery was somehow not a fountain. Then it was found that with the latest firmware, things got much better. I was encouraged by this state of affairs, and I decided to buy this contraption.

I went to the store, and there were several types of this phone, which differed only in color. And they had the same amount of memory - 32 gigabytes. In reality, about 25 GB is available. But since my wife has a 16 GB memory card installed in her phone and there is still a lot of space left, I took it with 32 GB. There was a question of choosing a color. Were: black (well, blue), golden, green. I knew intellectually that I should take a golden one, since fingerprints on it (which someone just didn’t write about) would be less visible, but the green smartphone struck me on the spot and I sharply remembered requirement No. 5. They all cost the same. As a result, the green S6 Edge 32 GB is in my hands!

But not everything is so simple ☺ . On the w3bsit3-dns.com forum, I read several threads about marriage. Therefore, he was ready. Of course, I checked for dead pixels. Then I checked for the absence of light. In the end, I turned it off and looked at the substrate - the one that is the matrix. And about a miracle! I saw a really wave-like defect of the matrix. I didn't manage to take a picture - I was in the store. But it looks like a wrinkled material on which glass lies. I showed the seller - he pulled out another device, and I did not find any flaws in it. As a gift, the seller gave me two films (both straight, without rounding), a plastic case.

What I liked right away is the screen! No - SCREEN! This is the best screen I have ever seen. In front of me are iPhone 6 Plus, and. Well, my whole family said - definitely the best. The picture seems to be alive and looks very juicy, colorful. The colors are just great. The second is the body color. Incredibly beautiful, unusual. Looks simply stunning. Shape and edges: fits perfectly in the hand. The edges do not cut anything (I did not have any cuts). Much less slippery than the iPhone 6 Plus.

Work speed. Here I was amazed. This is the first android smartphone that I have visited and which never slows down (and I had: HTC HD2, Huawei 8860, Huawei P1, LG G2). True, I immediately updated it with the latest firmware, but on latest firmware he's really fast. Nothing slows down, the rendering of screens is set up even better than in the iPhone (to be honest, in the iPhone for some time now small delays when switching to other screens have begun to annoy me).

I have nothing bad to say about the battery. But good too. After the iPhone 6 Plus, the battery is, of course, so-so. But this is understandable. I can not write this down as a cons of a smartphone. Now the smartphone is lying in the mode "SIM is on, Wi-Fi is on, mail is synchronized and applications are automatically updated." Ah here is 7 days already lies. It will probably last another 2 days. While working, things are not so magical. For a couple of minutes of active work with the screen - reading the news, browsing the web - a couple of percent of the battery flies away (but this figure is still better than that of the S4 mini duos). For 5 minutes of work it took 2% of the battery.

Of the goodies of this phone, we can also say the following. As a gift, for 2 years, Microsoft One Drive gives 100 GB in the cloud, provided that you upload your photos there. It took a very long time to upload almost 5000 photos (from 4:00 pm to some point in the night) - approximately 11 GB of photos. Probably, in two years he will offer to start paying for a place, and since I’m already used to it, I’ll probably agree. Well, it will be seen there ☺ .

I also really want to talk about the camera. The smartphone has a really great camera. I must admit right away that I did not use the camera in professional mode. The first thing that impressed me was the speed of the camera. It feels like the photo is taken even before you press the button. The camera itself has some cool apps that you need to download additionally. For example: you can download the camera mode in which you can create animated gif "ki, or you can download an application that helps you make a small video in which you can inspect the object from all sides. But in fact, these applications looked once, they said "Wow! "and forgot. All photography is carried out only in automatic mode and no more in any other.

While the case was flying to me from the UK, I had time to think about what to do in this case. Well, it was clear that a film was needed. From Moscow, my friends brought me a couple of cases and even a curved glass that completely covers the front of the smartphone. I then threw out this glass, so I can’t give photos, but such things can be found on Aliexpress without any problems (for example, like this).

The glass was perfectly installed, and even book covers could be closed, but even here it was not thank God. For some reason, the phone became insensitive to taps in the upper right part of the screen. The analysis showed that the glass does not fit snugly to the screen and contact is lost. I had to press harder, which really pissed me off. Therefore, the glass was removed in the trash.

By the way, glass (in my version) has two more significant drawbacks:
1. It is not the same color as the smartphone itself. And the color is worse than the original.
2. It is not as slippery as the screen itself, and as a result, fingers glide over the surface much worse.

Then I made a trip to a special store to specially trained people who had a protective film, but with curved edges. For a small fee, they undertook to install it on a smartphone ... But no such luck! The film around the edges of the smartphone, where the bend is, completely refused to stick to the phone screen. Moreover, despite my requests, the sellers refused to try other copies of the film for an additional fee. According to them, there are often representatives of this model who have such a problem.

Smoking on the w3bsit3-dns.com forum showed that I am far from the first victim of Samsung's marketing genius and engineering mistake. However, human experience has found a way out of this situation! It turns out that there is a special film from Spigen, which is fully called Spigen FlexHD for Galaxy S6 edge. The peculiarity of this film is that a special adhesive spray is attached to it. The kit comes with two films for the front of the phone and one for back. The sticker process is shown in detail on YouTube.

Briefly, it looks like this:
1. Clean the surface of the smartphone.
2. Wet your fingertips with this spray.
3. Wet the film with a spray. After that, the film turns into something similar to wet paper, only not torn.
4. Calmly apply a wet film to the screen, align and expose it as you need.
5. Squeeze out all the liquid from under the film with a special scraper.
6. Wait for everything to dry.

The result is perfect the first time!

In the photo, by the way, you can see a kind of wavy effect. The film gives it.

While my film saga continued, I kept my phone in my jacket pocket. There were no keys or other sharp objects. The jacket was new, and there was not much rubbish in the pockets. Nevertheless, he managed to earn a small scratch on the screen. Almost invisible, but real. In fact, we can say that this phone model has specific problems with the screen, and this fact must be taken into account when purchasing.

A week after I successfully pasted the film, the case arrived. It looks perfect, and I'm calm that when there are scratches, they will only be on the film, not on the screen. The cover is extremely easily soiled, and you need to wipe it often! But for the sake of beauty, what sacrifices... ☺

By the way, about covers. From Moscow, they brought me the two above-mentioned cases. Each cost something around 1800 rubles. The sellers, of course, stated that the phone wake-up function, which is in the original case, works for them. By the way, the original case costs about 5,000 rubles (this is the one that came to me from the UK). The cases that came (non-original) look one to one with the original ones, but the smartphone wake-up function does not work on them. Well, it almost doesn't work. Now I will explain.

The fact is that the process of waking up a smartphone in the original case is initiated by a built-in NFC tag. For some reason, the Chinese craftsmen could not copy this mark. As a result, you need to do the following non-trivial actions with Chinese cases:

1. We take out the cover and the special card that comes with the kit.
2. Download any QR reader for Android and read the QR code from the card with it.
3. You are forwarded to some Chinese site.
4. Offer to enter the code from the card.
5. We enter, and the application starts downloading.
6. The application is activated after installation (in my opinion, using the code from the card again), and after that it starts monitoring the operation of the smartphone's proximity sensor.
7. As soon as the cover of the case moves away from the surface of the smartphone, the application activates the screen; as soon as you close it, it turns off the screen, but leaves a clock visible on it. And with maximum brightness. Eating a battery, probably mercilessly. It works crookedly, but in the worst case, it will also do. And no, the screen through the translucent cover of the Chinese case does not respond to pressing. In the original case, the cover allows you to control the phone with gestures, i.e. she is sensory.

How does the battery work? Compared to Samsung S4 mini duos is excellent. Even if you forget to put it on charge, it will still live until the morning and even a little longer. The wife does just that - puts on exercises in the morning. Compared to the iPhone 6 Plus, of course, it's worse, but it's true that I still put the iPhone on charge every night. The profile of using the iPhone is different: it is more difficult, I solve many more tasks on it. In general, the usual cycle - from morning to late evening it is enough.

Transfer data: I really liked the built-in utility that helps you transfer data from your old phone, and the old phone can also be an iPhone. To tell the truth, I have not tested such a scenario, but according to rumors, this utility even manages to transfer music. In total, it took about 6 hours to transfer almost 6,000 photos, about 3,000 SMS and other applications. For communication I used home network WiFi. However, it so happened that I needed to transfer the data a second time and I somehow activated wifi direct. Here everything went much faster - the whole process took about 4 hours.

Memory. That memory for the wife was really not enough. By default, the camera sets the maximum quality settings. 16 megapixels. Well, it would be strange that the flagship, which for some time managed to visit the top of the camera Olympus, would not be set to the maximum by default. With the previous 6,000 photos, the remaining 25 GB ran out very quickly. The real question arose of what to do, because there were only 400 MB left, which, under this mode of use, would have ended very quickly. The first thing I had to do was reduce the quality of photos and videos. Then I had to clean up the content itself. Mostly from videos - you know, those that I shot, watched once, and then forgot - they were rubbed. Well, as a result, several gigabytes of space were freed up.

I haven't really decided yet what I'm going to do. There are several options: Cloud Mail.ru, Google Photos, One Drive, Samsung Link with partner cloud services. So far, I like Google Photos the most, because it is unlimited with a quality of no more than 16 megapixels. And the process of synchronizing settings is more intuitive. But haven't made a final decision yet. It is a pity that there is no such function as in the iPhone: when the place starts to run out, the iPhone starts saving the originals only in its cloud, and leaves reduced copies on the phone. It's really convenient. I didn’t find this on Samsung. So if you take a lot of pictures, then 32 (or rather, 25) gigabytes will not be enough. This despite the fact that the wife has almost no music on the phone.

What's in the dry matter?

The phone itself is great, works great, takes great pictures, and generally everything else does great. There are features of use, especially with accessories. There are no deadly things, but there are relatively unpleasant ones. Not enough memory, and here you need to use cloud services, which are not as well integrated into the Samsung ecosystem as they are on the iPhone, and they are less intuitive.

Part two. Even shorter

The fact is that I wrote the story above almost a year ago. All the time I fixed something in it, and somehow my hands did not reach the point of publishing it on Helpix. So the year flew by. What has changed in a year?

The phone serves faithfully. Never hung up, never failed. For this, he is a fat plus!

The case - the one that is like a piece of chrome - serves faithfully. On the reverse side, it has worn out significantly, but if you do not peer, then it does not reach. And on the front side he had a protective film pasted. It works so well that the front side of the case is still wow! The wife uses it as a mirror. No joke ☺ .

Android 6 came out - the phone worked stably and enough for the wife for a long time, and continues. I am glad that the manufacturer has not forgotten about the device. Just a couple of days ago, some minor update arrived.

Photos and memory. The Google Photo app is great on the phone. This is the most amazing program. Quietly transfers all the photos to the cloud, makes collages, cartoons, etc. for you. interesting and quite helps itself to live with 25 GB of memory. Just at some point, you select a couple of months of photos and videos and press the button - "Delete original on the device." And you can keep working.

The tape lasted almost a year. She would have served longer, but her little daughter tore off a piece in the vicinity of the proximity sensor. And the phone began to glitch: basically it does not turn off the screen when you start talking on it. As a result, you move all sorts of icons with your ear, turn programs on and off. I had to stick a second film from the kit. It turned out unsuccessful. Relatively large bubbles remained under the film. The most interesting thing is that after two weeks the bubbles still disappeared by themselves. So I recommend you a film from Spigen in every possible way.

My wife is very used to using the Samsung news feed. Well, the one on the leftmost desktop.

What does not use at all is screens and applications on the screen bend. For her, this is not a chip at all and the sense of it is 0 point 0 tenths.

Battery. The phone holds its charge very well. Now even longer than the iPhone 6 Plus. True, the iPhone is more than two years old already, and the battery does not hold a charge well. By the way, in winter, the phone never crashed in the cold, which does it an honor compared to the iPhone.

So even a year later, this is a great phone. Which I can confidently recommend. Moreover, the prices for it have become less ☺ .

Art.: DrTechnoID10613

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is a premium device that continues the tradition of the largest manufacturer mobile technology.... Pick it up today!
Near the metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole"

Premium design.

The combination of a metal chassis and durable Gorilla Glass 4 panels on the screen and back of the smartphone gives the device an exquisite appearance, emphasizing its belonging to the flagships.

Bright and clear.

The 5.1-inch AMOLED screen features high brightness and 2K resolution (2560 x 1440 pixels). The middle of the standard touch keys for Android is combined with a scanner that allows you to unlock your smartphone with an individual fingerprint instead of the usual shift to the side.

High performance.

The smartphone is powered by an octa-core processor from Samsung, supplemented by 3 GB random access memory. This configuration delivers excellent application performance and energy efficiency to extend battery life. battery life smartphone. The battery in this model deserves special attention - it supports the standards wireless charging, as well as the function quick recovery, which consists in the ability to charge a smartphone in 10 minutes for four hours of battery life.

Improved camera.

The 16 megapixel camera of the smartphone is equipped with tracking autofocus, optical stabilization and a fast lens. This solution provided high quality shooting in low light conditions, as well as reduced distortion when shooting photos and videos handheld and on the move.

The phone is in excellent condition, it was used all the time in a case and a film. Full set (adapter for data transfer to IPHONE, adapter for data transfer to other smartphones, charger, cable, headphones and attachments.) The whole set is original!!! The service did not give up, there was no replacement of spare parts !!! The charge holds well Color yellow topaz Given with 5 covers as a gift!!! smartphone Operating system Android OS version at the beginning of sales Android 9. One UI Case type classic Case material metal and glass Design water protection Number of SIM cards 2 g Dimensions (WxHxD) 74.8x162.5x8.6 mm Screen Screen type color AMOLED, touch screen Type touch screen multitouch, capacitive Diagonal 6.3 inches. Image size 2960x1440 Number of pixels per inch (PPI) 522 Aspect ratio 18.5:9 Automatic screen rotation yes Multimedia features Number of main (rear) cameras 1 Resolutions of the main (rear) cameras 12 MP, 12 MP F / 2.40 Rear flash, LED Functions of the main (rear) camera autofocus, optical stabilization, macro mode, optical Zoom 2x Movie recording yes Max. video resolution 3840x2160 Max. video frame rate 30 frames / s Front camera yes, 8 MP Audio MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA Headphone jack 3.5 mm Communication Standard GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G, 4G LTE, LTE-A Cat. 16, VOLTE Support for LTE bands 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/12/13/17/18/19/20/25/26/28/32/66 Interfaces Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, USB, ANT+, NFC Geolocation BeiDou, A-GPS, GLONASS, GPS Memory and processor Built-in memory 64 GB RAM 6 GB Memory card slot yes, up to 256 GB, combined with a SIM card Power Battery type Li-Ion Battery capacity 3300 mAh Non-removable battery Talk time 22 hours Music listening time 74 hours Type of charging connector USB Type-C Wireless charging function yes Function fast charging have other functions Speakerphone(built-in speaker) have voice dialing control, voice control Flight mode yes A2DP profile yes Light, proximity, Hall sensor, gyroscope, compass, barometer, fingerprint reader, iris scanner Flashlight yes USB-host yes Additional Information RAW support is included Smartphone, stylus, USB cable, headphones, Sim extraction tool, Charger, USB connector (USB type-C), Features the ability to change the screen resolution in the settings; processor: Qualcomm Snarragon 835, 2.45 GHz or Samsung Exynos 8 Osta 8898M, 2.5 GHz depending on the region; protection against water and dust: IP68 standard; 1 or 2 SIM cards depending on the region Announcement date 2017-08-23

S6 edge 32GB (emerald)


Made from metal and glass Samsung smartphone The Galaxy S6 edge combines a stylish yet thoughtful design with powerful features. The world's first smartphone with a double-curved screen, the unique Galaxy S6 edge not only looks amazing, but also delivers an easy-to-use and immersive viewing experience. The new device from Samsung uses the most durable glass to date - Corning Gorilla Glass 4. The elegant contours and light-emitting glass surface of the body reflect the richness of the color palette. The device is available in a wide range of luxurious colors: white pearl, black sapphire, dazzling platinum and noble emerald. In order to produce this model, Samsung applied the first of its kind glass processing technology and developed exceptional quality control standards. The premium yet thoughtful design of the smartphone is complemented by an all-new lightweight interface that enhances usability and expands functionality. The familiar Touch Wiz has been cleared of most rarely used applications, which allowed not only to optimize the work operating system, but also give the user a wide choice to download applications that control various functions.


The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge has two incredibly high-quality and fast cameras for creating bright and vibrant shots. Equipped with F1.9 fast lenses, both cameras have high resolution(5 MP front-camera, 16 MP main), providing excellent photo quality even when shooting in low light conditions. In addition, the cameras are distinguished by a number of additional advanced features that improve the clarity and brightness of photos. it automatic function real-time HDR (High Dynamic Range) processing, optical image stabilization, and an infrared sensor. Moreover, with new feature quick start camera, you can instantly start taking photos by simply double-tapping the home button. It will only take 0.7 seconds. Not a single precious moment of life will be missed!


Slim and light (7mm/132g), the Galaxy S6 edge combines Samsung's most advanced processor technology to date. World's first 14nm mobile processor on 64-bit platform, new system LPDDR4 memory and UFS 2.0 flash memory provide the smartphone with higher performance and improved memory speed at low power consumption. In addition, the industry's first 1440P/VP9 hardware decoder allows you to enjoy high-definition video streaming and save power.


The 5.1-inch Super AMOLED screen with a stunning 2560x1440 resolution delivers a high pixel density of 577 per inch. Bright screen(600 cd per mm) guarantees improved visibility on the street.


Equipped with certified WPC and PMA technologies, the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge sets a new industry standard for universal wireless charging. mobile devices. The smartphone works with any wireless charging devices on the market that support WPC and PMA standards. It also features incredibly fast wired charging technology – 1.5 times faster than the Samsung Galaxy S5. Just 10 minutes of charging and your Galaxy is ready to go within the next 4 hours.

Thanks to NFC support you can leave your wallet at home and buy goods simply by paying for them with your smartphone. You can be sure of the security of the payment, as all transactions are secured with a fingerprint.
