Battery modern phone is a weak link, as the charge is depleted very quickly. The solution to this problem was high-capacity external batteries.

But constant use of such products can lead to their breakage. In this case, it is advisable to trust the repair of the power bank to an experienced specialist.

Charging Rules

External batteries are practically no different from the built-in batteries of the phone. But they are tuned to return energy. In order for the system to serve for a long time and reliably, several rules should be followed when charging it:

  1. New batteries should be charged to 100% capacity immediately. After that, the battery is completely discharged 2-3 times and charged again to full.
  2. It is not advisable to use a design that has not fully gained capacity. Experts recommend charging the device until it reaches 100% capacity. Please note that if the indicator shows this value, you should leave a little more external battery enabled. This is necessary, since "drip" recharging is carried out.
  3. Do not fully discharge the battery during operation. It is advisable to start recharging it at a capacity of 20%.

We repair the battery

Very often, these batteries are not charged from the network, which in turn does not allow it to be used to operate the phone. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Entrance failure. To determine if this is the case, you need to disassemble the battery to gain access to the internal microcircuits. Then, using a multimeter, check if current is coming from an external source. If this is not the case, you need to completely change the battery charging socket.
  2. Complete exhaustion. Very often, users put the battery to 0%. Therefore, when the charger is connected, the controller sees this value and simply thinks that this device is simply missing. Decide this problem pretty simple. Remove the internal battery and charge it directly. You can use the so-called "crabs" for this, suitable for all types of batteries. When the system is a little recharged, you should insert it inside the case and try to charge it with it.

Please note that there are many other reasons for the failure of an external battery. Therefore, its repair is better to trust experienced professionals. They will quickly determine the cause, as well as the need to replace all defective parts with new ones.

Who has not encountered a problem when the phone refuses to charge properly? Yes, you can quickly order a new electrical adapter for your smartphone or replace the battery - but first it's better to try to "repair" the smartphone yourself. Bayon considered the most common problems with the power supply of phones and tablets, and most importantly, he found ways to quickly solve some of them.

Before starting the “repair”, you should test this adapter / cable on another device. If another gadget is charging, then the reason lies in the smartphone, and not in the charger.

What is the problem with recharging?

The first step in “treating” charging a smartphone is diagnosing the problem. The reason can only come from some nodes. The main question is how exactly it does not charge mobile device: Does it store electricity at all, or is the charging process extremely slow? So much so that connecting to a power source barely covers the current battery drain? This also happens - and quite often.

Self repair USB ports

A quick, easy, and often the most successful solution is a small do-it-yourself hardware repair. A common reason for the lack of charge of a smartphone battery is poor contacts of metal parts inside the USB or microUSB ports. This happens either due to a manufacturing defect, or due to the frequent (un-)connection of the cable.

Everything you need to fix your smartphone yourself:

  • Turn off device
  • Remove the battery (if provided by the design)
  • Using a small object (like a toothpick), try to "lift" the small fastener inside USB port on a smartphone or tablet. This should be done with all caution and care.
  • After this procedure, you need to replace the battery and turn on the gadget again. The method works 9 times out of 10

Cable replacement

The thinnest (and therefore fragile) part of the charger is the wire, not the adapter that plugs into a wall outlet. If there are problems with charging the battery even after the previous repair-"surgical" operation, the second most likely cause of the problem is a faulty wire. Before running to a nearby store to replace the entire adapter, try replacing the “dead” wire with a cable from another, donor device. An electric cable is indeed a delicate substance, and yet it is twisted, pulled together and mocked in other ways several times a day.

If the problem is not in the wire, then you should take a look at the adapter that is inserted into the outlet: there are breakdowns inside it. The branded charger is especially famous for its tendency to malfunction. iPhone interface- Lightning port.

There are a huge number of different USB cables on Bayonne: "delicious" prices and free shipping in the shortest possible time!

Contact stripping

There is no need to delete acquaintances from the address book - we are talking about metal contacts through which an electric current passes inside the phone. The reason for poor contact may be motes, pellets from the fabric of the pocket, or fragments of some parts stuck inside the ports. Dust and other debris likes to accumulate in such nooks and crannies. Cleaning the contacts inside the port sometimes helps to return the smartphone to a working state and “feed” it with a portion of the charge.

By the way, let's take a break from repair worries. There is a wise rule of prevention: never charge your phone near a water source, or in a particularly humid and hot environment. You should not “overfeed” the smartphone with an extra charge: as a rule, it takes only 2-3 hours to charge. If you overexpose the device connected to the outlet (for example, at night while sleeping), then there is a risk of damage to the battery up to its explosion. There are also overheating of delicate metal contacts and their fusion with a plastic base. Of course, phones have protection mechanisms against short circuits and other near-electric troubles, but sometimes they do not work. It's better not to risk than to be sorry. And even more so - than to “fry” your favorite gadget.

Bad breakdown. Burnout can be caused by a manufacturing defect, a too long charging process, subtle debris inside the port, or an aggressive environment.

Battery replacement

When the device is not the first "youth", it becomes increasingly difficult for its battery to hold a charge. New battery works for about two years, then it needs to be replaced. However, this period seriously depends on the number of discharge cycles. But if the moment comes too early, when the battery seems empty even after a long charge, you should look at the manufacturer's warranty: a free battery replacement is quite possible.

There are also initially defective batteries. Open the back cover and take a look (or better, feel) the surface of the battery. If any deformation or swelling is found, the battery must be replaced immediately, otherwise corrosion cannot be avoided. In the case of a non-removable battery, there is another, funny way to check it for marriage. Lay the phone on a flat table surface and try to spin it around its axis. A phone with a problem battery will spin due to swelling. The method is not suitable for devices whose surface is specially curved for the sake of design tricks.

If a damaged battery is found, replace it with a battery recommended by the manufacturer. Batteries from third-party manufacturers, judging by Bayon's experience, cost less, but they also cause much more problems, without paying for themselves.

A selection of Bayon smartphones with a powerful battery:

Put your phone against the wall!

No, not for shooting a recalcitrant gadget. The point is that charging devices from conventional wall outlets is more efficient process than from a computer or laptop. Connecting to a power outlet in some cases supplies the phone with twice as much electricity as in the case of a computer USB port.

Another reason for insufficient current supply is the use of a non-native adapter and / or wire, i.e. from a third-party manufacturer. In such cases, it is possible that the phone really does not have enough current strength or power to charge properly. No computer or laptop can charge a phone as quickly as a good old wall outlet.

On the Bayon store window there is a large collection of "charges" for a variety of gadgets:

Updating or Rolling Back Software to Resolve Charging Issues

A cruel joke with the battery can be played by app updates or even fresh android firmware. Especially often this happens with older devices when switching to a newer version of the OS. Fresh gadgets are better optimized for more modern versions of the OS: they are equipped with more capacious batteries, software better suited for their "iron" component. While even a two-year-old smartphone may not be able to cope with the increased load on it.

If a sharp drop in energy efficiency occurred as a result of an OS update, then you should roll back to previous version Android. Keep in mind that rollback to old version- a somewhat risky operation, especially in terms of data security.

But it also happens the other way around, when new versions of software discourage phones and tablets from exorbitant appetite for battery life. Among recent notable examples of this nature are " smart watch» Moto 360. After the release of the latest firmware for this gadget, users have noticed that the operating time has increased by almost 1.5–2 times.

Turn off your phone

If resource-intensive applications (or services) are running on the phone during charging, the process can take several times. Particularly famous for the increased appetite of the game, VoIP programs like Skype in video / voice mode, twisting the brightness settings to the maximum, intensive browser work, connecting to WiFi networks and 4G. For fast charging such networks should be completely shut down. Even better, switch your phone to airplane mode. But no way to speed up the charging of the phone will not help as drastically as completely turning off the device.

Battery calibration

Smartphones - "smart" phones and their batteries consider themselves "smart", sometimes - completely unjustifiably. It happens that the battery erroneously sends operating system a signal that the charge in it is less than it really is. As a result, situations are quite possible when the phone turns off, being sure that it has no more than 2-3% of the charge in reserve, although in reality there is much more electricity.

Battery calibration in Android devices is a topic for a separate large article. In some cases, this “training” of the battery in its own capabilities can solve the problem of early discharge of the phone. Try this before replacing the battery with a new one.


The favorite and first question of the manufacturer's technical support staff: are you sure that there is current in the outlet? This question sounds strange - we agree. But in practice, it very, very often happens that in the outlet (or USB port of the computer) to which Charger smartphone, there is really no voltage.

If none of the methods helped (and this is a rare situation!), then the smartphone charger should be changed to a workable one.

Tablets and laptops with a powerful battery, which you can purchase in our online store:

You should buy new batteries and accumulators only from time-tested sellers. Our counter of batteries and chargers for phones and tablets - a selection of quality accessories

When you connect the phone to a portable battery, the process of charging it is not in normal mode and it fails to charge. Or it is very quickly discharged. Or the charge lasts a few seconds and stops. What to do if the external battery does not charge the phone - consider possible options and give answers.

External battery, portable charger, portable battery, universal battery, "Power Bank" (energy keeper, English) - these are all synonyms that refer to a device that you can have with you for the purpose of autonomously charging devices.

To properly charge your phone from an external battery, you must first select it correctly. When buying, of course, the first thing they pay attention to is the size and weight. They try on how it fits in the hand (together with the phone), what place it occupies in a purse or in a handbag.

When choosing a Power Bank, you need to pay attention to the size of the device

But the most important parameter is its capacity. At the same time, it must be remembered that its efficiency is approximately 80 percent of the capacity indicated on the package (nominal). And the rest during operation is converted into heat or lost during transmission.

Current strength

Also, the case of a universal battery is marked with the value of the current strength at the connectors and which is actually supplied for energy storage. On the one hand, the speed of the process depends on this value, and on the other hand, some devices (or rather, their controllers) require compliance with a clear value.

As a rule, a current of one ampere is considered normal for a phone.

We identify problems

If problems are found when transferring the capacity from the portable charger to the phone battery, you first need to make sure that the Power Bank-cable pair is working properly.

To do this, connect another gadget to the device. And if the process is going well in it, then the cause of the problem is hidden in the phone itself.

Then you need to move on to diagnosing the problem - how exactly does the phone not charge?

  • Not charging at all?
  • Charges extremely slowly (the current discharge of the mobile is not blocked by the incoming charge)?

Port contacts

Poor quality contacts inside ports due to manufacturing defects or frequent disconnection can cause no power flow.

To eliminate such a problem, you need to remove the battery with the phone turned off and gently lift the fasteners inside the port with an object such as a toothpick. After that, return everything to its place.

Replacing a broken wire

broken wire

Violation of the charging process can also be caused by poor-quality or broken wire. Currently, due to cheaper wires, they are produced very thin and delicate. In the process life cycle they are constantly twisted, pulled together in different ways several times a day. No wonder their breaking, imperceptible from the outside.

You need to check the operation of the wire with another cable. If necessary, replace.

Stripping port contacts

The inside of the phone is more clogged for some, less for some, but one way or another. Small specks, fabric spools, dust, and “wreckage” stuck inside the ports can cause a power failure inside the phone. Performing a sweep will return working condition smartphone.

IMPORTANT. Do not load in a humid or hot environment. If the connection to the outlet is too long, the contacts will fuse with plastic and even the batteries will explode. - Protection mechanisms do not always work! And factory marriage is no exception.

Broken phone charger

Checking the battery

Despite the number of charge-discharge cycles, a phone battery does not last forever. Usually it will work without problems for two years. But over time, it becomes more and more difficult for her to keep (accumulate) the charge. You need to make sure it works.

In the presence of deformation or swelling, corrosion - immediately replace the element.

ADVICE. An interesting simple way to check a non-removable element is proposed - try to spin it on a flat table like a spinning top: the problematic one will easily spin.

Is a socket better?

If you can’t fully charge the battery from an external battery, you should try to charge it from a regular wall outlet. In this case, the amount of electricity supplied can be up to two times higher than when supplied through the USB port.

Try charging your smartphone from a power outlet

"Power Bank"/wire

Another reason for insufficient power supply may be the use of "foreign" devices. In this case, the strength or power of the current supplied to the battery may not be enough to accumulate the resource.

Running applications

The culprits for weak charge flow can be services, services or applications running on the phone. And this is not surprising - they require a lot of energy. This is especially true for toys, Skype in audio video mode, hard Internet surfing, using high brightness on the monitor, connecting to 4G networks. The cardinal way to speed up the charge is to turn off all these charms. And the most reliable is to completely turn off the phone.


Sometimes modern devices make unjustified mistakes. For example, the phone turns itself off due to the fact that "it considers" its charge to be less than it actually is - no more than two or three percent. And the corresponding message is sent to the system. Although the gadget is charged.

Calibration is just the process of "teaching" the battery its capabilities. Helps solve many nutritional problems before they occur. It is worth doing this before you have to update the batteries with new ones.

Smartphone needs to be calibrated


Application updates, firmware installations, and downgrades can also be causes of power outages.

This is explained by the fact that the new devices are optimized for modern versions and they are equipped with more powerful batteries. But those purchased even a couple of years ago - can not always cope with the load.

Therefore, if you find a sharp change in the efficiency of the gadget, you should try to roll back its software. Although it happens that a new version just reduces the exorbitant power consumption.

Presence of current in the outlet

If the above methods do not work, you should really check for voltage in the outlet or in the USB port. As ridiculous as it sounds, this is also possible.

The last option is to replace portable device.


Through various network windows, the phone can be infected with viruses. Some of them, due to the excessive activation of some application, can deplete the energy supply (for example, the Carib virus seriously activates Bluetooth).

IMPORTANT. A visit to the service center is indispensable in case of a sharp discharge due to vibration or sound signal. This occurs when there is a problem with the power amplifier.

Why is the external battery not charging the phone? - We shared with you all aspects of this problem. And you share with your friends and write in the comments.

We have already learned a lot about portable power bank, and now I would like to talk about cases when the Power bank does not charge the phone, what to do and what are the ways to solve this problem. Do not think that this trouble can only befall low-quality cheap models. Even the owners of eminent "energy reserves" are not immune from device failures.

In fact, many of us do not always correctly diagnose our gadgets. Perhaps moping is not a bank, but a mobile device. Therefore, the first thing to do is to “power up” another device (smartphone, tablet or e-book). Or connect the device to a fixed network and see if the power is restored. If charging does not go, then we begin to deal with the power bank. for iphone most common cause poor charging is port pollution, so if you own a gadget enough for a long time, then it is worth starting with cleaning.

At the second stage of diagnostics, you should check the integrity USB cable. The presence of cracks and kinks should alert. Try using a different cable. If the phone is charging safely, then it will be enough just to replace the damaged cable.

Problems with power from an external battery can be of the following plan:

  1. at first, the battery is being filled, but then it is interrupted;
  2. charging is very slow;
  3. the battery capacity in the phone is not fully replenished;
  4. The gadget is not charging at all.

Each case will have its own solution. Let's consider them in more detail.

Charging goes on at first, but then stops

If you have a Chinese power bank, then it is quite expected that the declared capacity will not match the real one. In this case, it will be problematic for a device with a real capacity of 3000 mA h to fully charge a smartphone with a 2200 mA h battery. What to do? Buy a portable battery with twice the capacity of a smartphone.

Another reason that the power bank first charges the device and then stops may be hidden in the controller, which interrupts the power due to overheating or failure. It is possible that the premature termination of the process is due to a malfunction of the contacts, which at times simply move away. More specific information can be obtained only after inspection at the service center.

Slow charging speed

Often, users are faced with the need to charge an iPhone from a power bank only when it is turned off. The only inconvenience is that everyone would like to stay connected or continue to "dig" the Internet while recharging, and not wait patiently for several hours. So the whole point of a portable battery is lost. And so, why does the phone have to be turned off? The problem is hidden in a very low charging rate, which does not cover or barely covers the rate of current energy consumption.

This may be due to:

    • defective controller;
    • insufficient output current (if the power bank has a 1 A connector, and the smartphone needs 1.5 A, then the energy transfer rate will drop significantly);
    • too thin cable that cuts current and voltage (ideally, you should use not the universal wires that come with the kit, but the original ones bought in a specialized store);

  • Connecting multiple devices at the same time to a battery with a small capacity.

Running "heavy" applications and viruses on the phone can interfere with full charging. Also, if the power bank does not charge the smartphone well, then it is worth calibrating the battery. To do this, you must first completely discharge the batteries, and then charge up to 100% and do this 3 times. You need to calibrate both the power bank and the smartphone. If the phone is already more than 3 years old, then we must not forget about the natural process of capacity reduction. Visually check the battery for bulges and swellings - such a battery should not be used.

Smartphone cannot be charged up to 100%

We touched on this problem in part in the previous sections.

Regardless of the reason, before visiting the service center, I recommend that you do the following:

  1. check if it passes full charge when the smartphone is turned off;
  2. calibrate using a fixed network.

It is quite possible that it is not the power bank that does not fully charge the smartphone, but simply the program incorrectly displays the charge level. To check this, you need to use additional devices, or compare with the process from a 220 V network.

Phone won't charge at all

The first thing you should pay attention to is the compatibility of the power bank and the smartphone model. In case of incompatibility, the bank accumulates energy, works properly, the indicator flashes, but does not charge, the connected device. To check, plug in another smartphone and see if it charges. If it turns out that the power bank does not charge only your smartphone, then there is only one way out - to buy another, specifying compatibility in advance.

If earlier the transfer of energy went smoothly, but suddenly the power bank stopped charging the phone, then there is definitely a malfunction, or wear of one of the two batteries. The fault may be related to the cable, the condition of the connectors and the board. The reason may be a fall, improper operation, the action of high humidity (oxidation of contacts), the banal depletion of battery life.

The recommendations provided in the article should be taken as advice, not instructions. They will help to understand the problem and avoid unreasonable appeal to service center, however, in the event of a serious malfunction, the problem should be solved by specialists. Incompetent "treatment" of the device can lead to irreparable consequences.

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See you again on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Due to the fact that a modern person spends half of his life on a smartphone, using applications, the Internet, a camera, etc., the battery is greatly discharged. And it does not matter whether the user is at home or at work, nature or in a restaurant, mobile friend always active. Invented to keep the battery charged external drive energy. He helps out always and everywhere, but it happens that the Power Bank does not charge the phone. This article describes all possible breakdowns and how to solve them.

A power bank (portable charger) is an energy storage device that can power the device in circumstances where sockets are not available.

The portable charger has become a lifeline for the modern user, because with its support there is no need to worry about low battery levels if you use the gadget dynamically.

The use of external charging batteries is quite wide:

  • Tourist expedition where there is no access to sockets.
  • Long flight or train journey.
  • Active use of the device if the capacity is not enough for a day.
  • Small power of the integrated battery.

The right choice of an external battery is a rather difficult task, due to the fact that they differ in size and characteristics. For example, many power banks can only charge one phone, so if you want to power something bigger (like a camera), you will need a stronger external battery. It is worth considering that the rated power declared by the manufacturer is 20 percent less than the real one, so take it with a margin.

Current strength

The output voltage power, which is measured in amperes, sets the level of speed with which the Power bank is able to charge your gadget. The higher the power output, the sooner the mechanism will charge using the matching USB cable. You can choose a device with an output power of 1A or 2A. Most smartphones easily accept a current of 1 A, however, for tablets it is desirable to have more power, otherwise such a device will charge for quite a long time. It is best to take an external battery, which is supplied with a current of at least 2 A.

If possible, ask the seller if the device supports the Quick Charge 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 function. It will provide an opportunity to charge devices compatible with this technology in an accelerated mode.

Note! The smartphone cannot be charged if the external battery is almost empty.

The number of USB outputs has a big impact on how many phones you can charge in parallel with an external battery. The more ports the Power bank has, the more devices you can charge together. Often they have 1 or 2 USB ports. The newest and most elite modifications have USB Type-C. When charging has 2 outputs, they have different current capacities (1 A and 2 A).

It is allowed to charge several devices in parallel, for example, a mobile with a 1 A output and a tablet with a 2 A output. Please note that 2 mobile phones will charge faster than a phone and a tablet. In daily use, the 1st port is enough.

The strength of the input current should also not be neglected, because it has a great influence on how quickly the Powerbank is able to charge from 220V. According to the standard, it ranges from 1A to 2A. The higher the number, the sooner your portable assistant will charge. We advise you to purchase a unit with a current power of at least 2 A.

We identify problems

When charging was bought not so long ago or was not used for a long period, you can try to recharge it for at least 10 hours. The problem is that while the fixture was lying around in the warehouse and not being used, the chemical processes in the battery could fundamentally slow down, which is typical of lithium-ion batteries even when they are not functioning. It could very well be that it is not charging. mobile phone just because of this. During the “buildup”, the elements that slow down the battery will disintegrate, and the device will give out the required amount of energy, you need to make sure of this by trying to charge your smartphone.

It happens that at first the charging procedure goes on, and then stops. Since more than half of autonomous chargers are brought from China, it is not surprising that the capacity factor shown on the charger does not correspond to its present level. Undoubtedly, a power bank with a genuine capacity of 2500 mAh will not be able to fully charge a phone whose battery is 3500 mAh.

Port contacts

Due to high humidity, the plates on the inlets and the contacts on the cable cable may oxidize, they will not have the necessary closure. It is still possible to detach the port legs from the board, this can only be checked by disassembling the case, and then you will have to hand over the Power Bank for repair.

Replacing a broken wire

The external battery may be defective if the usb cable is damaged. Inspect the wire visually for a break or tear, if nothing is noticeable, try connecting a different cord and if the mobile works properly, the verdict will be known. Either cut out the damaged piece of wire and rewind whole pieces or buy a new one.

Checking the battery

The reason for the poor performance of the Power bank is not always in the device itself. The battery of a smartphone with a depleted capacity simply does not accumulate energy, which indicates a problem. Charge the device from the mains and operate it for 30 minutes, if the charge drops by more than 50%, the battery must be replaced.

Running applications

Some programs for phones have a "heavy" stuffing, which heavily loads the system and processor. Such processes drain the battery, working even in the background, because of this, the device will charge very slowly. You can check which applications draw a lot of energy in the settings by going to "Applications", then clicking on the "All" tab, then in the submenu specifying the cache view.


Do not rush to carry your Power bank for repair, the reason for its malfunction may lie on the surface and we hope that this article will help determine it.
