Information about the mysterious Andromeda project has been regularly appearing on the net for a long time, but the latest leaked data shed specific details about Microsoft's foldable smartphone.

AT source code Windows 10 API was found with a description of five different positions of the gadget, after which internal Microsoft documents were published online.

Content of official documents

The Microsoft documentation contains the following lines:

“This is a new pocket form factor device in the Surface lineup that integrates innovative hardware and software to create a truly personal and universal computer experience."

According to all the information available today and lines from official documents, the upcoming compact foldable device with two displays will be able to fit in your pocket. The gadget can be used as a smartphone and Tablet PC running full Windows 10.

Caricature of a Microsoft executive referring to a folding device

In addition, Microsoft's head of product Panos Panay took to his Twitter account to thank LG Display for posting a cartoon of him. If you look closely, you can pay attention to a clear reference to a folding device of two halves with a display on each.

When will the Microsoft Surface Phone be released?

Based the latest rumors, Microsoft intends to introduce the Surface Phone as early as 2018, so wait for the appearance official information and there are very few images left.

Microsoft is currently working not only on the release of its own operating systems. She still has one rather interesting goal - the production of interesting mobile phones. And one such product is the Surface Phone, which is periodically delayed.

For the second year in a row, Microsoft has delayed the release of the phone. There can be many reasons for this:

  • Difficulties in implementing the concept;
  • The desire of the company to release a sufficiently high-quality product;
  • The constant desire to give the smartphone optimal performance.

As a result, it turns out that users who have heard a lot about the work on this device are constantly looking for news and the date of its release and are interested in all the new renders of this smartphone, which periodically leak to the Web.

Estimated release date: first quarter of 2020. This is the world, and it is possible that the model will not appear in Russia at the same time. Most likely, the first model in the line will appear only in the US, and in a few months, in the rest of the world. Possible date the appearance of the model on sale in Russia - mid-late 2020.

This deadline is not official, and may be postponed again due to the peculiarities of the development that we encountered earlier.

Microsoft Surface Phone - OS and Specifications

It is difficult to say what exactly the model will be equipped with, the output of which is still in doubt. We have collected basic information from foreign forums, which is likely to be as close to the truth as possible, but it is possible that there will be significant changes.

One of the key points, which is also considered quite controversial, is that this device will definitely be running mobile version Windows. As you know, the share of this operating system in the corresponding market does not exceed one percent. This suggests that user confidence in this system is extremely low. Nevertheless, the developers hope that such a device will show the whole world what their operating system is capable of. They did not even turn to outside organizations for help. And even to some extent they reduced the production of the famous Lumia.

If you try to compare this smartphone with other devices of this kind, then the sensational Google Pixel may come to mind. But before the development of the device in question, running a mobile Windows, the most advanced version was the HP Elite X3.

Microsoft Surface Phone a certain moment it was planned to release in two variations, which at the same time will be built on the same processor. This is a fairly powerful Snapdragon 835. The differences will be in the use of different volumes random access memory. We are talking about 4 and 6 GB, respectively. It is possible that by the time the phone is released, the generation will change, and the model will no longer receive an 835 processor, but its replacement.

Concerning operating system, then it will be mobile Windows tenth version. In both cases, we mean a 64-bit OS, but a more powerful device will be complemented by an x86 emulator called Cobalt.

As explained, this solution will allow you to work with desktop applications that can connect the device to monitors and TVs. Speaking of more powerful smartphone, then it may well be attributed to an almost full-fledged PC.

We are looking forward to the new smartphone from Microsoft. We hope that the release date of Microsoft Surface Phone, scheduled for early 2020, will not be postponed again. And for those who cannot wait so long and focus on an unknown and inaccurate release date, we recommend.

Share with us in the comments why you are waiting for this phone, and when you think it will be on sale.

The head of Microsoft Satya Nadella recently hinted that in the near future his corporation will launch completely new smartphones on the market that will change the world's perception of this class of devices. Of course, it was about flagship smartphone Surface Phone, which is currently being developed deep within Microsoft. This device will be based on the top Snapdragon 830 chipset and equipped with 8 GB of RAM.

Perhaps the only advantage of this mobile device will be only its operating system - Windows 10. It is she who will allow you to run everything on your smartphone computer programs and games, even if they are not adapted for placement in the Windows Store. As conceived by Microsoft, the Surface Phone, equipped with USB port Type-C, will connect to a special adapter, and then to a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other input and output devices.

No matter how hard Microsoft tries, it will definitely not succeed in launching a revolutionary smartphone on the market. Of course, she will be able to release a product for a certain market niche, as well as Surface Pro tablets, but things will not go further than this. Samsung has already released Galaxy smartphones S8 and S8 +, which can be connected to the proprietary DeX docking station, and then to the monitor. All this design allows you to turn the flagship mobile device into a computer with a full web browser and a dozen other office applications.

The Surface Phone, like any other Microsoft premium product, will cost more than $1,000 in the US, and in Russia and dozens of other countries, the price tag for the novelty will be even much higher. If the buyer, giving money for the iPhone, pays not only for the hardware itself, recognizable appearance, great amount first-class applications in App Store, but also for the Apple ecosystem, then when buying equipment, he can only count on good technical equipment and unique design.

Note that almost all new Microsoft products that the company introduced to the consumer market turned out to be failures. Such a fate befell the Lumia line of smartphones, operating Windows system 10 Mobile and many other products, including the whole line of Surface RT tablets.

If Microsoft manages to sell at least 1 million Surface Phone smartphones, which still does not pay off the costs of their development and production, and then they are again recognized as “unsuccessful”, then a million of their owners will again be actually deceived, because they will end up with devices , which no one will ever update to a new operating system again, and the Windows Store will forever remain a place for third-rate developers. So who needs this Surface Phone smartphone, which is doomed to failure even before the official announcement?

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According to rumors, the device from Microsoft is teetering on the edge. In fact, all indications are that the Redmond-based company's smartphone aspirations will end in painful failure.

Any hope of resurrecting and diversifying the Android-iOS arctic environment could perish with a shrouded phone that probably won't release until next year, if at all.

However, there is always hope, and in line with recently published patents, Microsoft has turned its attention to smartphone displays with built-in fingerprint scanners.

What is the idea?

Most of these scanners are installed in the home button under the display or on the back cover under the camera. Microsoft's idea to embed scanners in LCD and OLED displays will help save space and allow you to use thinner designs, but this can also affect the price.

According to a patent filed with WIPO, the system consists of a waveguide and a filter that are placed under glass. By pressing the display The sensor on the glass can recognize various patterns.

patented idea, although very promising, actually differs from the final product. Large companies like to collect patents just in case - often with little or no intentions to use them.

You could already hear about several different variants of the new Surface with a high-end, uninstalled Snapdragon chip and plenty of RAM. But the years go by and no release dates have yet been announced, so it's entirely possible that SP will never see the light of day. The prospects are rather illusory, but one cannot help but pay attention to the display with a built-in sensor.

Various rumors about Microsoft smartphone Surface Phones have been around the web for quite some time now. At different times, various features and a release date were attributed to this device, but so far no reliable information has appeared.

According to new data, the release of the Surface Phone should not be expected anytime soon. One of the former employees of some Microsoft contractor said that this device may appear in 2018 or even 2019. This is because it will be a new generation smartphone. And this phrase here implies a new generation for the entire market.

According to the source, this will be the world's first smartphone that implements the concept of Windows 10 on the ARM platform. There are no details, but this wording may imply that the Surface Phone will run full Windows 10 or some adapted version of it, and not Windows 10 Mobile.

Recall that this year the first PCs with Windows 10 based on SoC Snapdragon should appear on the market. Apparently, the same concept will be implemented in Surface smartphone phone. True, given the average smartphone screen size, using Windows 10 on such a device without adapting the interface will be extremely inconvenient. As a result, all this fits into a completely logical picture. Microsoft simply needs a lot of time to come up with and implement an adapted form of a desktop operating system that can be comfortably used on a smartphone. And then such a device will really become a new generation, because without any reservations and restrictions it will be possible to connect it to a monitor, mouse and keyboard and use full-fledged Windows 10.