Lesson on the development of speech senior group "Profession Postman".

Educational goals:

Development goals:

    Develop visual and auditory attention when looking at illustrations and the teacher's story about the postman.

    Develop general motor skills, imitation, creative imagination through the logarithmic game "What did the postman bring us?"

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers when working with scissors and when gluing figures.

    Develop dialogic speech by compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the profession of a postman and the actions that he performs, learning finger gymnastics and the game "What did the postman bring us?". Stories by S. Marshak "Mail". V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?".

Equipment: toy mailbox - layout, magazine, newspaper, envelopes, postcard, stamps, glue, oilcloths. Blanks for stamps, sheets-envelopes for folding, blank postcards cut out of cardboard with curly scissors.

Course progress.

(Children greet guests, sit on chairs. Vos-l pays attention to posture. On the table is a mail toy box, there is a newspaper, magazine, letter, postcard.)

1 part . Vos-l: Guys, what is on my table?

Children: Newspaper, magazine, letter, postcard.

Vos - l: That's right, well done! And to find out who it is

He brought us everything, we must solve the riddle:

He brought us a telegram:

I'm coming, wait, Mom.

Brought my grandfather a pension

Not even Santa Claus

On his feet since dawn

Who is this?


(I post a picture with the postman).

Children: This is the postman.

Vos-l: That's right, well done! This is the postman.

Today in the lesson we will talk about mail, about the work of a postman, learn how to compose a story according to the scheme and send letters with gifts to fairy-tale heroes.

Guys, where does the postman work?

Children: At the post office.

Vos - l: Correctly. At the post office. Well done!

Vos-l: What does the postman do?

Children: The postman delivers letters, newspapers, magazines,

postcards for adults and children.

Vos - l: Correctly. Well done! The postman comes to the post office early

in the morning, sorts out letters and postcards that arrived on trains and arrived on planes from different cities, puts them in a bag. -What's in the mailman's bag?

Children : Letters, newspapers, magazines.

Vos-l: That's right, well done! Look at the postman for a thick bag that says "Mail". It contains many newspapers, magazines, letters.

Where does the postman carry letters, newspapers, magazines? (I post the 2nd picture and summarize the answers).

Children: Adults, children, enters entrances and lowers letters into mailboxes.

Vos - l: That's right, well done! The postman enters the entrances and drops letters, magazines, postcards into the mailbox.

part 2 .

And now we will make

envelopes, decorate them and

we will send by mail.

What shape does an envelope resemble?

Children: Rectangle.

We fold the envelope template, glue the sides, stick a stamp on the envelope, decorate the envelope with a pattern as desired. We draw prepared postcards cut out with curly scissors. Put in envelopes. I sign the envelopes and send it to the addressee in the mailbox, sending the letter, the children tell who it is intended for. (I ask everyone). We put the letters in the mailbox.

3part . Outcome: You sent your letters and now

remember about what professions we talked today.

Children: About the profession postman .

Vos-l: What else did you do in class?

Children: They played mail, made and decorated envelopes.

Vos-l: Well done!

"Acquaintance with the profession of a postman"

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the work of postal workers, to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity, to tell children how to properly prepare a letter for sending.


- To expand children's knowledge about the professions of adults, the need and social significance of adult work.

To acquaint children with the profession of postal workers, with their work activities, with items - assistants.


- Expand and clarify the subject dictionary on the topic "Professions". Postal workers (post office, postman, operator, telegraph operator, registered letter, ordinary, valuable, parcel post, parcel).

Stimulate and promote speech development.

Develop memory, imagination, thinking (comparison, analysis, generalization).

To form the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, to express their opinion.

Learn to answer questions.

Develop general, fine motor skills of the fingers.


To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, in the profession of a postman.

Cultivate the skills of cultural behavior in public places.

- To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

Educational areas: socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development.

Program content:

To consolidate ideas about the need for adult work.

Activate the speech activity of children.

Improve dialogical speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention.

Develop general, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Build a positive attitude towards participation.

Raise respect for the work of adults.

Vocabulary work:

Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic (work, deliver, receive, drop, postman, mail, package, letter, newspaper, magazine).

Methodological support:

Presentation about the postman, cards with the image of a mailbox, fragments of the m / f "Prostokvashino", letters for Santa Claus, envelopes, stamps for each child.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations about postmen, reading the book by S. Marshak "Mail", a conversation about the appearance of the envelope, watching the cartoon "Prostokvashino", drawing letters to Santa Claus.

Lesson progress:

At the beginning of the lesson, the postman enters the group and says: “You have mail”, puts envelopes, postcards, newspapers out of the bag ...

Educator: Let's see what is in the package. (Pulls out an envelope containing a letter)

Finger gymnastics "What did the postman bring us?"

What did the postman bring us? Raise their shoulders.

He walks with a thick bag. Show the bag.

Translation, magazine, newspaper, Bend one finger at a time.

There are two cassettes in a parcel

And a letter from Aunt Valya,

To await her arrival.

Educator: Guys, did you guess who we are going to talk about today?

Children: About the postman.

Educator: Right. Who is the postman?

Children: They say their assumptions.

On the big screen the image of the postman appears.

Educator: What does a postman need to work? (Answers of children). That's right, look at the screen now.

Frames appear on the screen with the image of accessories for the work of the postman, his work.

Educator: Guys, look what is on our table?

Consideration of attributes for the game "Mail".

1st child. I have a letter.

2nd child. And I have a postcard.

3rd child. I have a newspaper.

4th child. And this is a magazine.

Educator: Right. Who brings us all this from the mail?

Children. Postman.

Educator: Right. Sit down.

The picture "Postman" appears on the screen. There is a conversation about it.

Who do you see in the picture?

This is the postman.

What is he doing?

He carries letters and newspapers.

Correctly. Look how thick the postman's bag is. It says "Mail". It contains many newspapers, magazines, letters. The postman came to the post office early in the morning, sorted out the letters and postcards that arrived on trains and arrived on planes from different cities, put them in a bag and now brings them to you and me. He will go to the entrance and drop the letter or postcard into the box. Each letter contains the address and surname of the person who is to receive it. The teacher takes out an envelope, a letter, a stamp, performs actions and comments on them.

If you want to send a letter, you put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address, put on a stamp, drop the letter in the mailbox. A stamp for a letter is like a ticket for a person. In order for the letter to go or fly to another city, they stick a stamp on it.

Where should the letter be posted?

To the mailbox.

Teacher: Now let's have a rest. Let's play the letter game. Everyone stands in a circle. They take hands. The teacher says: “I want to send a letter ...”, and presses the hand of a neighbor, who, in turn, to his neighbor, and so on, until the letter reaches the addressee.

Educator: Guys, remember, we wrote a letter for Santa Claus? I suggest that you now put it in an envelope, stick a stamp on it, and then we will go to the post office and send letters. Where are we going to post the letter? And who will get it from there and take it to Santa Claus?

Now I suggest you circle and color the mailbox.

Listen to the poem.

To mailbox letters like birds

Fly down to hit the road

To whom - to Moscow, and to whom - abroad,

Only the address, my friend, do not forget to write.

Educator: What pencil will you take to circle and color the box?

Children. Blue pencil.

Children perform the task, the teacher monitors the landing, the setting of the hand, evaluates the work of each child.

Educator: Guys, what is the most famous cartoon postman you know? Correctly! And now we will see the m / f "Prostokvashino".

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

"Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Education

Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education

Introduction to the profession of a postman. Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development.


Students of 413 groups,

Safina Anzhela Salavatovna

Shestovskikh Anastasia Alexandrovna

Shadrinsk, 2016

Elena Gennadievna Stepanova
"Cognitive development" (formation of a holistic picture of the world) Conversation on the topic: "Mail"

« cognitive development» (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

Conversation on the topic: « Mail»

Educational area « cognitive development»

1. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about mail, workers mail, for what

needed mailbox.

2. To give children knowledge about what mail You can send not only letters, but also parcels.

3. Enrich and clarify children's knowledge about work postman that he spreads (newspapers, letters, parcels, parcels)

4. introduce children with receptionist work parcels: receives the parcel, weighs, seals, issues receipts.

5. Develop psychological base speeches: memory, attention, thinking

7. Cultivate respect for the environment.

Educational area "Speech development»

1. form skills in speech as a means of communication and culture;

2. Activate the dictionary on the lexical topic.

3. Improve dialogical speech, consolidate the ability to answer questions with a full phrase, using complex sentences.

Educational area "Socio-communicative development»

1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others, showing oneself as a tolerant and benevolent partner.

2. Develop ingenuity and the ability to solve problems independently.

3. Formation ideas about dangerous for humans and the environment peace the nature of situations and how to behave in them

Educational area "Physical Culture"

1. Expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving technologies "brain gymnastics "Elephant", dynamic pause

Individual work: form ability to answer questions in full sentences (Zhenya, Polina. Radim, Alyosha) learn to pronounce all the sounds of the native language correctly, pronounce words and phrases clearly (Dannik, Nikita D, Zhenya)

Differentiated Approach: for I gr. Search questions.

The teacher thinks riddle:

He brings a telegram:

"I'm coming, wait, mom".

Brought my grandfather a pension

Though we are not Santa Claus.

On his feet since dawn

Who is this?

Children: Postman.

caregiver: How did you guess that postman?

Children's answers: The postman brings a telegram, grandfather's pension.

caregiver: What kind postal sends still brings postman?

Children's answers: Postman brings letters, postcards, newspapers, magazines, parcel notices.

caregiver: What is a letter?

The letter is being considered.

Children's answers.

caregiver: A letter in order to inform, convey your thoughts, feelings to another person who is far away, in another city.

caregiver: What is a postcard?

Postcards are being considered.

Children's answers.

caregiver: A postcard is an open letter, with a beautiful, interesting picture, a postcard with a stamp is sent to mail without an envelope.

A stamp is a small piece of colored paper on which a layer of glue is applied on the back. It can be glued to any letter, postcard.

caregiver: What is a newspaper?

Reviewed newspapers.

Children's answers.

caregiver: Newspaper, printed edition. The newspaper is needed in order to learn something new, interesting. People learn from newspapers about some news, events in the country, city. Before you is the newspaper of our city "Window", after reading it, we will find out the latest news, what interesting things happened, what the weather will be like.

caregiver: What is a magazine?

The magazine is being reviewed.

Children's answers.

caregiver: Magazine, printed edition. The magazines publish interesting stories, poems, they have beautiful Pictures.

caregiver: When the letter was written, what to do next?

Children's answers: The letter must be sent to mailbox.

caregiver: But what about letters, notifications reach the addressee?

During the story of the educator, a multimedia is shown about working on mail.

The postman at the post office takes letters, notices, newspapers. Magazines, postcards and delivers them to homes, sends correspondence to mailbox.

Operator, accepts and weighs parcels, accepts money transfers, sells newspapers, magazines, postcards, sorts letters, newspapers, magazines.

Why do you think the operator weighs the parcels?

Parcels are weighed in order to find out how much the sender has to pay for the shipment, because the farther the parcel is sent, the more you have to pay.

The operator needs to know how many such parcels can be loaded onto one plane or train. After all, a plane and a train can take away a certain amount of cargo.

Some parcels are sheathed with material, wax seals are placed on such a parcel.

When the parcel is ready, they issue a receipt, a certificate, where indicated, the address where the parcel is sent.

The finished parcel is placed on the moving belt (conveyor) conveyor and moved to another room. What do you think for what?

Children's answers.

caregiver A: Correct, so as not to carry heavy parcels.

Employees mail(employees) accept parcels, parcels, sort by regions.

Chauffeur, brings to mail new newspapers, magazines, postcards, brings parcels and parcels, picks up parcels and parcels, takes them to the railway or to the airport.

Head by mail, controls the work postman, operator, calls and orders fresh newspapers, new postcards, pays a salary, gives the driver a ticket or a task sheet, thanks employees mail for good work.

And how does the correspondence reach the addressee? What is delivered mail?

caregiver: How the letter will fly, on what it will reach the addressee, we will find out when we collect the cut Pictures

What happened? What (who) delivers us mail?

Children's answers.

The teacher invites the children to rest.

Dynamic pause.

I stand on the bench

I can barely get the box

I open the box

blue, shiny,

Dropped out of the box.

The letters are real.

Ball game what we found in mailbox?

Children's answers: AT postal in the box they found a postcard, a newspaper, magazines, a telegram, a notice.

I suggest you send Greeting Cards parents.

Remind me what to write on a postcard so that it reaches the addressee?

Why do we need mail?

How to behave in mail?

What did we talk about today?

What have you learned?

Marina Chistyakova
Introduction to the profession of a postman. Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development.

Topic: Introduction to the profession of a postman.

Program content:

To consolidate ideas about the need for adult work.

Activate the speech activity of children.

Improve dialogical speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention.

Develop general, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Build a positive attitude towards participation.

Raise respect for the work of adults.

Vocabulary work:

Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic (work, deliver, receive, drop, postman, mail, package, letter, newspaper, magazine).

Methodological support:

Presentation about the postman, cards with the image of a mailbox, fragments of the m / f "Prostokvashino", letters for Santa Claus, envelopes, stamps for each child.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations about postmen, reading the book by S. Marshak "Mail", a conversation about the appearance of the envelope, watching the cartoon "Prostokvashino", drawing letters to Santa Claus.

Lesson progress:

At the beginning of the lesson, the postman enters the group and says: “You have mail”, puts envelopes, postcards, newspapers out of the bag ...

Educator: Let's see what is in the package. (Pulls out an envelope containing a letter)

Finger gymnastics "What did the postman bring us?"

What did the postman bring us? Raise their shoulders.

He walks with a thick bag. Show the bag.

Translation, magazine, newspaper, Bend one finger at a time.

There are two cassettes in a parcel

And a letter from Aunt Valya,

To await her arrival.

Educator: Guys, did you guess who we are going to talk about today?

Children: About the postman.

Educator: Right. Who is the postman?

Children: They say their assumptions.

An image of a postman appears on the big screen.

Educator: What does a postman need to work? (Answers of children). That's right, look at the screen now.

Frames appear on the screen with the image of accessories for the work of the postman, his work.

Educator: Guys, look what is on our table?

Consideration of attributes for the game "Mail".

1st child. I have a letter.

2nd child. And I have a postcard.

3rd child. I have a newspaper.

4th child. And this is a magazine.

Educator: Right. Who brings us all this from the mail?

Children. Postman.

Educator: Right. Sit down.

The picture "Postman" appears on the screen. There is a conversation about it.

Who do you see in the picture?

This is the postman.

What is he doing?

He carries letters and newspapers.

Correctly. Look how thick the postman's bag is. It says "Mail". It contains many newspapers, magazines, letters. The postman came to the post office early in the morning, sorted out the letters and postcards that arrived on trains and arrived on planes from different cities, put them in a bag and now brings them to you and me. He will go to the entrance and drop the letter or postcard into the box. Each letter contains the address and surname of the person who is to receive it. The teacher takes out an envelope, a letter, a stamp, performs actions and comments on them.

If you want to send a letter, you put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address, put on a stamp, drop the letter in the mailbox. A stamp for a letter is like a ticket for a person. In order for the letter to go or fly to another city, they stick a stamp on it.

Where should the letter be posted?

To the mailbox.

Teacher: Now let's have a rest. Let's play the letter game. Everyone stands in a circle. They take hands. The teacher says: “I want to send a letter ...”, and presses the hand of a neighbor, who, in turn, to his neighbor, and so on, until the letter reaches the addressee.

Educator: Guys, remember, we wrote a letter for Santa Claus? I suggest that you now put it in an envelope, stick a stamp on it, and then we will go to the post office and send letters. Where are we going to post the letter? And who will get it from there and take it to Santa Claus?

Now I suggest you circle and color the mailbox.

Listen to the poem.

Letters to the mailbox like birds

Fly down to hit the road

To whom - to Moscow, and to whom - abroad,

Only the address, my friend, do not forget to write.

Educator: What pencil will you take to circle and color the box?

Children. Blue pencil.

Children perform the task, the teacher monitors the landing, the setting of the hand, evaluates the work of each child.

Educator: Guys, what is the most famous cartoon postman you know? Correctly! And now we will see the m / f "Prostokvashino".

Svetlana Zakhryapina
Synopsis “Introduction of children to adult professions - mail. Excursion to the post office»

Abstract directly educational activities for the kindergarten group preparatory to school " Acquaintance of children with the professions of adults - mail. Excursion to the post office»

Developed by the teacher of the preparatory group

Zakhryapina Svetlana Erikivna


In the developed GCD with children, a conversation is held on the topic « Mail» , after the children go to excursion to the post office. Wherein children:

- get acquainted with the professions of postal workers and their work activities;

- get acquainted with the correct format of the letter to be sent (address, index, brand);

- get acquainted with types of letters and types of cargo sent by mail(parcel, parcel).

For the lesson, traditional means of development are used, as well as computer presentation, as various animations are easily absorbed by preschoolers. For greater efficiency, the presentation is built taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, it includes entertaining questions, animated pictures, games.

So the main idea is:

In harmony modern technologies with traditional means of development;

In the alternation of demonstrations of theoretical material and conversations with children.

Relevance: lack of awareness children about the work of postal workers.

Target: form y children representation of the work of employees mail, create conditions for the development of cognitive activity, tell children how to properly prepare a letter for sending.



Expand knowledge children about the professions of adults, necessity and social significance of labor adults.

- Introduce children to the profession of postal workers, with their work activity, with objects - assistants.


Expand and clarify the subject dictionary on the topic " Professions. Employees mail(mail, postman, operator, telegraph operator, registered letter, ordinary, valuable, parcel post, parcel)”.

Stimulate and promote speech development.

Develop memory, imagination, thinking (comparison, analysis, generalization).

To form the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, to express their opinion.

Learn to answer questions.

Develop general, fine motor skills of the fingers.


Cultivate respect and interest in work adults, to profession postman.

Cultivate the skills of cultural behavior in public places.

To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

Educational areas: socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development.

The use of modern educational technologies: Project activity(In the project's boundaries « Acquaintance of children with the professions of adults» , health-saving technologies (Fizkultminutka "What brings postman, sticking stamps - the development of fine motor skills, Game technologies (Game "Believe or Don't Believe", ICT technologies (computer presentation).

Equipment: envelopes, letters, stamps.

Pre-joint activity:

- study of literature: S. Ya. Marshak « Mail» , A. Shibaeva « Mailbox» ;

Selection of illustrations on the topic;

The teacher purchases envelopes, stamps by number children in a group.

It is proposed to find out from the parents the name of the street, house and apartment numbers and sign the envelopes in advance.

Children prepare letters-drawings to their loved ones in advance.

Progress directly educational activities:

caregiver: Guys, listen to the riddle and tell me what kind of people professions I want to tell you today.

He brought us a telegram:

"I'm coming, wait mom!".

Grandfather brought a pension, though not Santa Claus at all.

On his feet since dawn, he, Who is this?


caregiver: That's right, today we'll talk about labor postman as well as other employees mail. Their work is very necessary and very difficult. S. I Marshak spoke about postman:

Honor and glory postmen,

Tired, dusty.

Glory to the honest postmen

With a thick shoulder bag!

teacher: Why do you need mail?

Child: So that people do not forget each other. They sent letters and cards to each other. By mail You can also send money. Get newspapers, magazines.

Child: Mail connects people to each other.

teacher: To be more precise, today we will talk with you about « postal supplies» . (letter, newspaper, postcards, stamp, magazines, package, scales).

teacher: Guys, what is it? Who can tell about these items? (image of newspaper and magazine).

Child: Newspaper, in order to learn something new, interesting. People learn from newspapers about some news, events in the country, city.

Child: Magazines are for adults and children. Interesting stories are printed in magazines, they have beautiful pictures of different sizes.

teacher: Who can tell about this subject? (postcard image).

Child: Postcards, they also come in different sizes, different shapes.

A postcard is an open letter with a beautiful, interesting picture. Send a postcard to mail without an envelope, but you need to put a stamp on it.

teacher (package image).

Child: Sending, in order to send something. For example: things, products. Handed under the signature.

teacher: Guys, what is it? (image postal scales ) . How did they get here? Why are they needed for mail? (They weigh parcels, parcels, letters on them).

caregiver: suggests a game "Believe - don't believe":

1. Do you believe that there are countries in the world in which there is no profession postman? (I don't believe because Postmen are everywhere) .

2. Do you believe that before postmen did sparrows help deliver letters? (No, pigeons. People have long noticed the amazing ability of pigeons to quickly and accurately find their way from anywhere to their native nest. A trained bird will return home, even if it is taken a considerable distance).

3. Do you believe there were dogs- postmen? (dogs delivered important assignments and reports through the thick of the fighting during the war years)

4. There are postmen on stilts? (I believe because before postmen walked on stilts on the sands and swamps)

5. Is there a letter 5 meters long? (I believe it is kept in a museum in Berlin).

6. Work postman can be dangerous? (I believe. They have to work in any weather. Dogs can attack, etc.).

Physical education minute "What brings postman

What brought us postman?

Walking with a thick bag he:

(children march)

Translation, magazine, newspaper,

There are two cassettes in a parcel.

(torso turn to the right, to the left, arms to the sides)

And a letter from Aunt Valya

To wait for her arrival (jumping on two legs, arms up).

teacher: Guys, what is it? Who can talk about this subject? (image of letter).

Child: This is a Letter, It is in order to inform, convey your thoughts, feelings to another person who is far away, in another city, village. Letters happen various: simple, custom. Registered letters handed over personally into the hands of a person against signature. Letters are also electronic, using a computer.

teacher: Guys, what is it? Who can talk about this subject? (brand image).

Child: A stamp is a small colored piece of paper with a layer of glue on the back. It can be glued to any letter, postcard.

caregiver: Guys, remember, we prepared drawing letters "hello" for your parents? I invite you to visit today mail and send your letters to mail. In order for the letters to reach their addressees safe and sound, they are dressed in envelopes.

The teacher distributes envelopes, the children examine them.

Envelopes must be signed with the address and surname of the person who should receive it.

Who's to say what an address is?

Your envelopes have not yet been signed. If this is not done, then the letters will never reach their addressees. Why do you think an unsigned letter does not reach the addressee?

Children A: Speak their guesses.

caregiver: If you want to send a letter, then you need to put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address and be sure to stick a stamp. Do your envelopes have an address and a stamp?

Children: Note the absence of an address and brand and answer the question.

Before you are pieces of paper on which your addresses are written. You need to stick these papers on the envelope.

We have pasted the addresses. Are there any stamps on your envelopes?

caregiver: (handing out stamps to children). Postal stamps are small rectangular pieces of paper with carved edges, on one side they have a picture, on the other - an adhesive backing.

Let's put our letters in envelopes, seal them and put a stamp on the top right corner.

Children: Execute a task.

caregiver: On the mail you can send not only letters, but also postcards, parcels, parcels, and subscribe to entertaining children's newspapers and magazines.

We already know that letters the right addresses spreads postman. But on mail there are other workers. An operator works here - she receives parcels; a telegrapher - he transmits telegrams, a sorter - sorts letters, newspapers, magazines.

Do you know what is the difference between a parcel and a parcel?

Do you know what there is a simple letter and a registered letter? And how do they differ?

caregiver: Let's go to the department postal contacts and there we will find out the answers to our questions.

With prepared letters, the educator with the children goes to mail.