Students to address children's online safety

Apart from educational information, the global network contains a lot of material of any nature. An extremely important problem arises - ensuring the safety of children on the Internet, which can only be solved by adults - parents and teachers. The child, due to the peculiarities of his psychological development, is interested in everything. Leaving a child alone with a computer on the Internet is like leaving him alone on a large and unknown city. Therefore, the topic of the study, which this academic year I did with students in grade 8, was devoted to the problem of safe use of the Internet. And, the end product of the research we created - the project was called “The Internet brings many benefits and problems to everyone”. Problematic issue of the project: Is the Internet a huge opportunity for the user or harm?

In the process of working on the project, a hypothesis was put forward: the Internet has ample opportunities, it solves thousands of human problems, but without knowledge of the rules for safe networking, it harms users.

Purpose of the study: prove the need to comply with Internet safety rules in modern life.

Nominated tasks:

Consider the most important features of the Internet for a person

Find out what dangers await the user on the network, what harm the Internet can bring

Make an analysis of the problem of the benefits and harms of the Internet for teenagers

Create a memo for network users, a newspaper for school students, conduct interactive games

Research methods that were used in the work on the project:

Poll, questionnaire

Internet resources

Conversation with experts


Students analyzed the positive and negative aspects of the main Internet services (e-mail, chat, social networks, etc.), noted the pluses and indicated what dangers a child may encounter on various services of the World Wide Web.

The main focus of the study was on such threats as:

Threat of PC malware infection

Access to inappropriate content

Contacts with strangers

Uncontrolled purchases, sending paid SMS

In the course of work on the project, a survey of 126 students of the school was conducted. The questionnaires contained questions:

1. What is the Internet used for?

2. What Internet services do you consider the most important for yourself and for the whole society?

3. What internet scams have you been involved in?

4. What methods of safe use of the Internet do you know?

In addition, the students organized voting and a poll on Odnoklassniki social networks. ru and VKontakte. RU. Most respondents believe that the Internet brings a lot of benefits, but also a lot of harm. According to the results of surveys and questionnaires, diagrams and graphs were built. As a result, a conclusion was made that confirmed the hypothesis put forward earlier: the Internet has ample opportunities, it solves thousands of human problems, but you need to know the rules for the safety of working on the network, otherwise the Internet will bring a lot of harm

An innovation in design and research activities can be called an interactive game with the help of electronic system testing and voting with MIMIO consoles. The students in the MIMIO-studio program and I developed a test of 20 questions on the topic of Internet security. For example, such questions: what information is not recommended to be indicated on a personal page in the social. networks (address, name, age, class); what spam is, what to do if you are insulted on the forum or in the chat; what is trolling, etc. 4-5 answers were offered for each question. The test was conducted in the form of an interactive game. According to the results of the game, the winners were identified, who were awarded with diplomas. All participants were given leaflets with Internet safety rules. The game was held in 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th grades.

The project participants created a wall newspaper in which plain language and with the inclusion of entertaining moments, the material on the topic of the study was presented. As part of the work on the project, various competitions were held: my family's favorite sites, a drawing competition, a slogan competition.

The materials of the project are designed in the form of a presentation with which the students spoke at a school conference.

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1 Research work Subject Informatics Theme of work Security on the Internet Completed by: Novikova Alina Anatolyevna, student of the 11th grade of the Municipal educational institution gymnasium 5 of the municipality of the city district of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region Head: Novikov Anatoly Nikolaevich teacher informatics MOU gymnasium 5, post-graduate student of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region, Moscow State Regional University

2 2 Table of contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Internet security (desk study) 4 What you need to know to use the Internet for everything Safety comes first when protecting your computer 6 Accessible Mobile Internet 7 Rights and obligations online 8 Usage guidelines social networks and 8 online games How to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it 12 Chapter 2. Practical research 13 Participation in the International online competition "Interneshka" 13 Results of the Internet Olympiad for students of our gymnasium in the 14th International online competition "Interneshka" Conclusion 15 List of used sources 16 Appendices 1,2,3 17

3 Introduction We all got sick sometimes, we remember that, but it also happened that our favorite laptop, tablet or PC also started to feel bad, then slowed down, then did not open our favorite pages on the Internet, Online Games, then information deteriorated, then a screen lock popped up, or money disappeared. What's this? It was our computer that got infected with a virus or picked up another bad program. Why? What to do? How to protect yourself from such and other troubles? This is what we have dedicated our study to. Formulation of the problem. We live in the age of information and computer technology. Information Technology widely used in high schools. Everyone in the family has a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet. But the use of the global network carries great risks. Relevance of the topic. The issue of safety comes first. The security of using the Internet and information and communication technologies is one of the most relevant and important topics of our time. The Interneshka website and other Internet materials helped us.” Using the Internet is a joy. Get the most out of it while staying safe. The purpose of the work: To show the hidden dangers of the Internet and teach how to avoid them. Objectives: - to show what you need to know to use the Internet at 100, - to prove that security is paramount when protecting your computer, - to explain what an accessible mobile Internet is, - to clarify rights and obligations in the online environment, - to give recommendations on use of social networks and online games - teach how to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it. Having set such tasks, we set about solving them. 3

4 The object of research is Internet security. The subject of the research is safe work in social networks: communication, and publication of materials. in our study, we used the following methods: - the survey method (a survey of students about the use of the Internet and compliance with the security measures of work in it) - the observation method (they observed the students while showing our presentation, talked and asked questions about Internet security) - the deduction method ( based on the results of the interview, conclusions were drawn) - statistical method (based on the results of the Internet Olympiad, conclusions were drawn) Let's get acquainted with the results of our study. Chapter 1. Security on the Internet (theoretical study) What you need to know to use the Internet "at 100" Every day we use the Internet. How much do we know about him? Need to understand what the words "domain" and "browser" mean? Keep an eye on the latest innovations that companies offer to make using the Internet more convenient. The Internet is called the World Wide Web. It is used by residents of the USA, Japan, Australia, India and Zimbabwe and 180 other countries. And each country has its own interesting and useful sites. The “domain” will help you understand which country this site belongs to. This is the country code, the two letters that end in the address of each site. They indicate where the site is registered. For example, ru or rf means that the site is in national domain Russia. A browser is a special program with which you surf the Internet and view pages. Pictures, texts, online films displayed in your browser window. Today, the most popular browser is Chrome, which was developed by Google. It is used by about 300 million people worldwide. Internet open 4

5 us a lot of opportunities that make our lives better. And most importantly, it gives us the opportunity to choose. We decide on which service to start mail:, or We choose where we can chat with friends: via ICQ from Mail.Ru Group or via Skype from Microsoft Corporation. You can find a wide variety of information on the Internet. You can upload photos or music to the Internet. Well, if you need to publish and save a file like .doc, .xls or .pdf on the network, then there is a special DocMe resource for this. It must be remembered that once on the Internet, information becomes the public domain, that is, now it belongs to all people and everyone can use it as they want. There are exceptions. You publish your photo on the Internet and do not want someone to post it, print it, and so on. For such cases, the Copyright icon was invented. Copyright (as it sounds in Russian) means that texts, pictures and other content cannot be used without the permission of the owner. In this way, copyrights are protected in relation to photographs, music, entire trademarks and trademarks. Today, every day, and sometimes even every hour, someone publishes something on websites, posts on blogs, and news portals tell us about the latest events. RSS helps you stay up to date with what's happening. It is intended to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc.” Internet is great amount most miscellaneous information. To search, you can use search engines: Yandex,, Yahoo! or Google. To search for a site with the information you need, just enter in the search bar keyword, a few words or a whole phrase. In addition, image search services and services have already been implemented. voice search when you say your request aloud, and search system looking for the right information. If you have questions that you could not figure out, contact your parents, they will help you. 5

6 Security is paramount when protecting your computer Chat with friends on social networks and in ICQ, download the necessary information for abstracts and reports, watch movies and listen to music, there are so many interesting and useful things you can do on the Internet. But on one condition: the Internet must be secure. Use our tips, thanks to which you can protect your computer from viruses, and yourself from scammers and other troubles on the network. Malicious programs are the source of many troubles. Think about the name: malicious, meaning harmful. Exploits, viruses, trojans, worms can easily remove, replace or distort information on your computer. Imagine, all evening you were preparing for the lesson, doing an important essay, and he took it and disappeared. Or you downloaded a movie, opened it, but the computer turned off and does not turn on anymore. Attackers can send viruses to a large number of computers. And bots help them in this unworthy business another kind malware. These malicious programs can turn your computer into a real zombie that will perform certain tasks on its own without you noticing. Another uninvited guest is spam (promotional emails). You need to protect yourself with antivirus programs and firewall ( network filter). Operating system must be licensed and regularly receive the necessary updates in automatic mode. You also need to install on the computer special program to block ads. In the event of a network attack, simply disconnect the Internet cable, and then report the problem to the parents, who will turn to specialists for help. Do not access sites with questionable content. We know perfectly well that there can be unpleasant information, and even viruses. Adults take care of us, so they install on the computer parental control. This is such a program that will not allow you to sit at the computer as much as you like and roam where you like. Tips on how to make your password strong. To do this, you need to use a large number of letters, numbers and symbols # or!). The worst passwords are the word password 6

7 (password) and number combinations: and These must never be used. Also, very weak passwords are characters that follow one another (abcdefg) or are located side by side on the keyboard (qwerty), as well as repeating letters or numbers (222222). And the most important rule: your personal information should not be indicated in the password. These are your first and last name, birthday, phone number and passport number. The most inaccessible passwords today are those for the creation of which biometric technologies are used. Do not answer strange letters and SMS and do not tell anyone, neither your phone nor your address Email, let alone the address of the house. For example, you received an SMS on your phone saying that you won money and you need to call this number back. What to do in such situations? The correct answer is NOTHING! Do not answer, do not call back, do not respond. Affordable Mobile Internet Mobile gadgets and mobile telephony are improving daily. The stages of their appearance and development are usually classified by generations and denoted by the letter G - “generation” (translated from English as “generation”). Each generation has its own communication standard. Wireless, contactless, remote, mobile, such characteristics have recently distinguished most modern gadgets and technologies. Communication has become available almost anywhere: in the deep underground and high in space. And where there is a connection there is access to necessary information. It is not even necessary to carry files with you on a flash drive or upload them to your smartphone. It is enough to put them online on one of the services that offer a free cloud storage data. For example, Yandex Disk, Google Drive and others. Convenient and (up to certain limits) free. But be careful when you answer the question. For example, if you click the "Accept" button under the "In-app purchases" function, then do not be surprised that money will disappear from your balance. And if you allow the system to connect automatically without your knowledge to Wi-Fi or determine your location, even if you do not want it, then so be it. So before installing any 7

8 applications, carefully read what you agree to. Be careful when using mobile Internet! Your rights online You have rights and other people should respect them. You should never tolerate harassment or intimidation from other people. The laws of real life also apply in the online environment. You have the right to use modern technologies to develop your individuality and expand your capabilities. You have the right to protect your personal information. You have the right to access information and services appropriate to your age and personal desires. You have the right to express yourself freely and the right to respect yourself, and at the same time, you must always respect others. You are free to discuss and criticize anything posted or available online. You have the right to say NO to someone in an online environment that asks you for something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Recommendations for using social networks and online games Set your limits Use social networks or any other online services, take care of your privacy and the privacy of your family and friends. If you have registered with a social networking site, use your privacy settings to protect your online profile so that only your friends can view it. Ask your parents to help with the settings if you find it difficult yourself. This rule is very important. Keep your personal data private, especially when communicating on adult social networks. Use a nickname instead of your real one 8

10 Remember. It is important! Ignore the bad behavior of other users, get away from unpleasant conversations or websites with inappropriate content. As in real life, there are people who, for various reasons, behave aggressively, offensively or provocatively towards others or want to spread malicious content. It is usually best to ignore and then block such users. Don't post anything that you don't want others to know that you would never tell them in person. Respect other people's content that you post or share. For example, a photo a friend gave you is his property, not yours. You may only post it online if you have his permission to do so and you must indicate where you got it from. It is important to refrain from responding to provocative messages received through SMS messages, MMS, instant messaging programs, emails, chats, or online conversations with other users. Instead, you need to take steps to help eliminate or limit attempts to provoke you. For example: many games allow you to exclude unpleasant or unwanted players; very often you can save offensive text from the chat and send it to the moderator or site administration; most email programs allow you to enable filters to block unwanted incoming emails. If you are being bullied online: Ignore. Don't answer the offender. If he doesn't get a response, he might get bored and leave. ten

11 Block this person. This will protect you from viewing the messages of a particular user. Tell someone. Tell your mom or dad or another adult you trust. Save the evidence. This can be useful for finding someone who tried to intimidate you. Save as evidence texts, emails, online conversations or voice mail. Report it to: Leadership of your school. The educational institution should have its own policy for the bullying situation. Your Internet Service Provider, Operator mobile communications or website administrator. They can take steps to help you. To the police. If you think that there is a threat to your safety, then one of the adults, or you yourself, should contact law enforcement agencies. To the help line "Children Online" by phone: (in Russia the call is free) or by phone. Specialists will tell you how best to proceed. Playing online games If another player is acting inappropriately or makes you feel uncomfortable, block them from your player list. You can also report it to the game moderator. Limit your play time so you can do other things like homework, housework. Keep personal information private. Don't forget to set aside time for real life, for your friends, sports and other interesting activities. eleven

12 How to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it Only useful tips. Advanced IT people recommend making a nickname out of two words: Cool Girl, Pro100th_boy, Edward Cullen or Lara Croft. Admit it, there are those among you who do not know who Lara Croft is? Hardly. And those who are now thinking: “No what?” Remember: choosing a nickname is a responsible matter, everyone can see it. Unlike a login, which only the computer system sees. Login is also your name. Together with the password, it allows computer system understand that you are you. The network has a huge number of interesting, good, positive people. But, unfortunately, there are hooligans, rude people and other unpleasant personalities. It is difficult to drive such people off the Internet. It remains to avoid them. The outrages that hooligans do on the Internet are called cyberbullying or cybermobbing, and the cyberhooligans themselves are bullies or mobbers. They send aggressive letters via e-mail, ICQ or social networks, they annoy them with their calls to mobile phone, constantly throw off rude text messages, can intimidate and threaten, insult and ridicule. In general, these people clearly do not know the netiquette rules of conduct on the Internet. These thugs have control. We ourselves can prevent and combat cyberbullying. Here are a few useful tips: Remember, on the Internet you communicate with a real person. Imagine how you would communicate with this person in real life. Communicate with him in the same way on the Internet. Whether it's your friend, a new acquaintance on the site or on the forum, or an online support specialist who is ready to advise you on various issues. If you have a problem, feel free to search the forums for a solution. Perhaps someone has already answered your question. If you want to develop an old topic and create an interesting and relevant message 12

13 (this is called “necroposting”), then it is able to revive the topic forgotten by everyone and raise it to the first page. Be friendly to other users, don't use harsh words. Remember, as you will communicate with people, so they with you. Being rude and rude on the Internet is not cool. If only because in real life you wouldn't do that. If you are rude, insulted, humiliated, do not answer. On sites and forums there is such a function to block the offender or complain about him to the moderator. Use it and do not be afraid: the bully will not know that you did it. Never send your mobile number to strangers home phones, home address, email address. This is personal data, and personal means only yours. Think carefully before posting your photos online. Imagine how you will feel if your parents or teachers see your indecent photos. If, nevertheless, some nasty bully is chasing you, save all his letters or texts and show them to adults you trust: parents, older brothers and sisters PPD = Remember + Check + Think! 13 Chapter 2. Practical research 2.1 Participation in the International online competition "Interneshka" Nominations: Competition of presentations in informatics (from JSC "Kaspersky Lab") (Appendix 3). Competition "Safety in a word or proverbs for safe internet(from JSC Kaspersky Lab) (Appendix 1). Internet Olympiad.

14 Conclusion: our work was of great practical importance. Pupils participated in competitions, paid attention to the questions posed and managed to draw the right conclusions for themselves. 2.2 The results of the Internet Olympiad for students of our gymnasium in the International Online Competition "Interneshka". 26 people participated in the Internet Olympiad competition. There were 30 questions. The results are in Table 1. Table 1 Number of correct answers (out of 30 questions) (excellent) (good) (average) 7 less than 15 (bad) 4 Results obtained: As a result of using the survey method of 26 people, we found that 73 % of students use the Internet within 3 hours a day, the remaining 27% have three or more hours a day. Using the observational method, we found that students are interested in learning about Internet safety. Observing the students during the presentations in the gymnasium classes, it turned out that the above results are confirmed. Using statistical methods, it was determined that 58% of students (15 out of 26 people) coped with the questions of the Olympiad, they know the issues of safe use of the Internet, 27% have a mediocre idea about it, 15% know almost nothing (Appendix 2). Using the deduction method, we believe that 42% of respondents are at risk of getting various troubles from the Internet, they need to take measures to protect themselves and their electronic devices, seek help from relatives and teachers. Using the method of induction, we believe that our work is very relevant and in demand, has a valuable applied meaning, and can be used in a practical aspect. Due to the fact that no one answered all the questions, 14

15 We believe that the topic of Internet security requires further study, research and development. Conclusion. Our topic is very relevant and in demand. Those students who are in the 58% do not need to be complacent about the results achieved, they need to constantly monitor their information literacy and timely and relevant protection of their Internet devices. The remaining 42% of students are advised to improve their knowledge and competencies to the required level. For those students who got into an unpleasant story, we advise you not to give up, but turn to parents and professionals. Conclusion We have achieved the goal of our work: to show the hidden dangers of the Internet and teach how to avoid them. We have also achieved all the tasks that we set ourselves: to show what you need to know in order to use the Internet at 100, to prove that security is paramount when protecting your computer, to explain what affordable mobile Internet is, to clarify the rights and obligations in the online environment, give advice on the use of social networks and online games, teach how to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it. We have conducted an up-to-date research on our topic. We made important conclusions, determined that this topic is very important and necessary and relevant, especially for young people. As it turned out, students do not know, do not suspect about the dangers. Sometimes they get into trouble. Thanks to our practical actions (delivery with a presentation, talks, distribution of the “Memo on Internet Safety”), we hope that our work has improved the situation in this matter and drew attention to its importance. fifteen

16 16 List of sources used (only electronic sources were used) 1. Safe communication in social networks [ Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 2. Security is simple [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 3. Webtu [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 4. WebStan [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 5. Children's online competition Interneshka [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 6. Interneshka [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 7. Interneshka live journal [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:). 8. My baby [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed:).

17 17 Annexes Annex 1. “Kaspersky has a secret how to access the secure Internet” Annex 2 Number of correct answers (out of 30 questions) (excellent - 3 people) (good - 12 people) (average - 7 people) less than 15 (bad - 4 people)

18 18 Appendix 3 Presentation on the topic: “Security on the Internet. Annotation Dear viewers, in this presentation you will learn about the dangers of the Internet and how you can reduce the level of this danger. After all, the Internet has become an essential part of everyone's life. In addition to e-mail, which has become familiar, we start personal pages, blogs, join communities, look for relatives, acquaintances, classmates and old friends, creating networks that can become our own trap. Security In our time, special and paramount attention should be paid to your personal security on the Internet. Placement of overly detailed and complete information about you, your passport details, address, daily routine and plans, can provoke scammers or even robbers. Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of safe use of the Internet. Locked Information Any personal information must be well controlled. Use strong password: it must contain at least 8 characters and consist of upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters. characters. Do not use the same password on many resources: the password must be unique for each service! Beware of Links

19 19 You should not immediately follow the links that come from friends, you should first make sure that these pages or resources are safe. Safety e-wallet The best way to pay for services virtual cards. After all, the credit system is not protected at all, all data remains on the server, fraudsters can easily use them. Family comes first Do not include any information about relatives. Knowing the data of relatives, you can easily substitute a person. Friend proposals only for those Hackers using the formation You should add people you know as friends. hiding under the guise of ordinary bodies, being added as friends, getting all the necessary information and committing their criminal acts. Photo of the day I hope you learned from these simple rules simple rules Internet use. And now you can easily recognize where they are trying to deceive you

20 no. Remember, scammers do not sleep! They are always and everywhere watching you! Be careful! 20 I hope that from these simple rules, you have learned the simple rules for using the Internet. And now you can easily recognize where they are trying to deceive you. Remember, scammers do not sleep! They are always and everywhere watching you! Be careful!

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INTERNET AND SECURITY Yuliya Kapustina, Yana Chernushenko Grade 9 B

* Interesting about the Internet In 1984, only 1000 computers were connected to the Internet. Within 16 years, their number increased to 90 million. Today, more than 2 billion people use the Internet. According to

WHAT DO YOUR CHILDREN DO ON THE INTERNET? According to the latest data, our country is one of the three countries in terms of Internet accessibility. In the social space, information spreads quickly, thanks to technical

Analytical note Children on the Internet: MegaFon offers a service to protect children and adolescents online This is how children see the Internet: Every seventh teenager aged 12 to 17 spends almost

Interesting about the Internet In 1984, there were only 1,000 computers on the Internet. Within 16 years, their number increased to 90 million. Today, more than 2 billion people use the Internet. According to polls,

This work is devoted to the issues of safe Internet at home for children and their parents. At the same time, many children regularly visit the Web, view Internet sites with aggressive and illegal content, are subjected to cyber-harassment and virtual harassment. How to make the Internet safe for children?

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"Research work in informatics on the topic "Safe Internet at home" (grade 8)"

Safe internet at home

Prepared by a student of grade 7a MBOU "Secondary School" No. 2

Volkovo Alexander

Evpatoria 2015


  • The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information.

Internet safety rules.

It's important to know!

  • I will not say anything about myself (no address, no phone number, no other information)
  • Don't go to unfamiliar sites
  • If it came to you by mail Word file or Excel, even from a familiar face, before opening, be sure to check it for macro viruses
  • Never send your password to anyone
  • Try to use hard-to-remember numbers and letters for passwords.

Age characteristics of children and the Internet

Children aged 10 to 13 and the Internet:

  • Create your child's own account with limited rights;
  • Teach children to ask permission when downloading programs or files from the Internet;
  • Teach kids about responsible and decent online behavior

  • Enhance the overall security of your computer;
  • Install anti-spyware settings on your computer;
  • Block access to inappropriate materials;
  • Block spam;
  • Clear your computer's cache every week.

Improving the safety of children on the Internet with the help of technical means.

  • Never give out personal information without parental permission: home address, phone number, parent's work address or phone number, credit card numbers, or the name and location of my school.
  • Always tell my parents immediately if I see or receive anything on the Internet that worries me or threatens me; this includes e-mail messages, websites, or even the contents of regular mail from friends on the Internet.

Sample family agreement on the use of the Internet:

3) Never agree to meet in person with someone I met online without parental permission;

4) Never send photos of yourself or family members to other people via the Internet or by regular mail without parental permission;

  • Never give out passwords to anyone except your parents;
  • Share my name on social networks;
  • Behave properly on the Internet and do not do anything that may offend or anger other people or is against the law.

Secure Windows


  • Website. class score;
  • Website. Vyatka Technical Lyceum;
  • Website. Open class;
  • Website. Our school;
  • Google;
  • Google.Images;
  • PowerPoint.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Files of work" tab in PDF format


We all got sick sometimes, we remember this, but it also happened that our favorite - a laptop, tablet or PC also started to feel bad, then slowed down, then did not open our favorite pages on the Internet, online games, then information deteriorated, then a blockage popped up screen, or money is missing. What's this? It was our computer that got infected with a virus or picked up another bad program. Why? What to do? How to protect yourself from such and other troubles? This is what we have dedicated our study to.

Formulation of the problem. We live in the era of information and computer technology. Information technology is widely used in the gymnasium. Everyone in the family has a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. We can no longer imagine our lives without the Internet. But the use of the global network carries great risks.

Relevance of the topic. The issue of safety comes first. The security of using the Internet and information and communication technologies is one of the most relevant and important topics of our time.

The Interneshka website and other Internet materials helped us.” Using the Internet is a joy. Get the most out of it while staying safe.

Objective: Show the hidden dangers of the Internet and teach how to avoid them.


Show what you need to know to use the Internet at 100,

Prove that safety is paramount when protecting your computer,

Explain what is affordable mobile Internet,

Clarify rights and obligations online,

Learn how to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it.

Having set such tasks, we set about solving them.

Object of study- Internet security.

Subject of study- safe work in social networks: communication, and publication of materials.

In our study, we used the following methods:

Survey method (survey of students about the use of the Internet and compliance with security measures for working in it)

Observation method (observed the students while showing our presentation, talked and asked questions about Internet security)

Deduction method (based on the results of the interview, conclusions were drawn)

Statistical method (based on the results of the Internet Olympiad, conclusions were drawn)

Let's take a look at the results of our study.

Chapter 1. Security on the Internet (theoretical study)

What you need to know to use the Internet "at 100"

We use the Internet every day. How much do we know about him? Need to understand what the words "domain" and "browser" mean? Keep an eye on the latest innovations that companies offer to make using the Internet more convenient. The Internet is called the World Wide Web. It is used by residents of the USA, Japan, Australia, India and Zimbabwe and 180 other countries. And each country has its own interesting and useful sites. The “domain” will help you understand which country this site belongs to. This is the country code, the two letters that end in the address of each site. They indicate where the site is registered. For example, ru or rf means that the site is located in the national domain of Russia. A browser is a special program with which you surf the Internet and view pages. Pictures, texts, online movies are displayed in your browser window. Today, the most popular browser is Chrome, which was developed by Google. It is used by about 300 million people worldwide. The Internet opens up a lot of opportunities for us that make our lives better. And most importantly - gives us the opportunity to choose. We decide on which service to start mail:, or We ourselves choose where we can correspond with friends: in ICQ from the Mail.Ru Group company or in Skype from Microsoft Corporation. You can find a wide variety of information on the Internet. You can upload photos or music to the Internet. Well, if you need to publish and save a file like .doc, .xls or .pdf on the network, then there is a special resource for this - DocMe. It must be remembered that once on the Internet, information becomes the public domain, that is, now it belongs to all people and everyone can use it as they want. There are exceptions. You publish your photo on the Internet and do not want someone to post it, print it, and so on. For such cases, an icon was invented - Copyright. Copyright (as it sounds in Russian) means that texts, pictures and other content cannot be used without the permission of the owner. In this way, copyrights are protected in relation to photographs, music, entire trademarks and trademarks. Today, every day, and sometimes even every hour, someone publishes something on websites, posts on blogs, and news portals tell us about the latest events. RSS helps you stay up to date with what's happening. It is intended to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc.” The Internet is a huge amount of very different information. To search, you can use search engines: Yandex,, Yahoo! or Google. To search for a site with the information you need, simply enter a keyword, a few words or a whole phrase in the search bar. In addition, image search services and voice search services have already been implemented, when you say your request out loud, and the search engine searches for the necessary information. If you have questions that you could not figure out, contact your parents, they will help you.

Security comes first when protecting your computer

Chat with friends on social networks and in ICQ, download the necessary information for essays and reports, watch movies and listen to music - there are so many interesting and useful things you can do on the Internet. But on one condition: the Internet must be secure. Use our tips, thanks to which you can protect your computer from viruses, and yourself from scammers and other troubles on the network. Malicious programs are the source of many troubles. Think about the name: malicious, meaning harmful. Exploits, viruses, trojans, worms can easily remove, replace or distort information on your computer. Imagine, all evening you were preparing for the lesson, doing an important essay, and he took it and disappeared. Or you downloaded a movie, opened it, but the computer turned off and does not turn on anymore. Attackers can send viruses to a large number of computers. And bots help them in this unworthy business - another type of malware. These malicious programs can turn your computer into a real zombie that will perform certain tasks on its own without you noticing. Another uninvited guest is spam (advertising letters). You need to protect yourself with antivirus programs and a firewall (network filter). The operating system must be licensed and regularly receive the necessary updates automatically. You also need to install a special program to block ads on your computer. In the event of a network attack, simply disconnect the Internet cable, and then report the problem to the parents, who will turn to specialists for help. Do not access sites with questionable content. We know perfectly well that there can be unpleasant information, and even viruses. Adults take care of us, so they install parental controls on the computer. This is such a program that will not allow you to sit at the computer as much as you like and roam where you like. Tips on how to make your password strong. To do this, you need to use a large number of letters, numbers and symbols (for example, @, # or!). The worst passwords are the word password (password) itself and combinations of numbers: 123456 and 12345678. They should never be used. Also, very weak passwords are characters that follow one another (abcdefg) or are located side by side on the keyboard (qwerty), as well as repeating letters or numbers (222222). And the most important rule: your personal information should not be indicated in the password. These are your first and last name, birthday, phone number and passport number. The most inaccessible passwords today are those that use biometric technology to create. Do not answer strange letters and SMS and do not tell anyone, neither your phone number, nor your email address, much less the address of your house. For example, you received an SMS on your phone saying that you won money and you need to call this number back. What to do in such situations? The correct answer is NOTHING! Do not answer, do not call back, do not respond.

Affordable mobile Internet

Mobile gadgets and mobile telephony are improving daily. The stages of their appearance and development are usually classified by generations and denoted by the letter G - “generation” (translated from English as “generation”). Each generation has its own communication standard. Wireless, contactless, remote, mobile - these characteristics have recently distinguished most modern gadgets and technologies. Communication has become available almost anywhere: in the deep underground and high in space. And where there is a connection, there is access to the necessary information. It is not even necessary to carry files with you on a flash drive or upload them to your smartphone. It is enough to put them online - to one of the services that offer a free cloud storage service. For example, Yandex Disk, Google Drive and others. Convenient and (up to certain limits) free. But be careful when you answer the question. For example, if you click the "Accept" button under the "In-app purchases" function, then do not be surprised that money will disappear from your balance. And if you allow the system to connect automatically without your knowledge to Wi-Fi or determine your location, even if you do not want it, then so be it. So before installing any applications, carefully read what you agree to. Be careful when using mobile Internet!

Your rights online

    You have rights - and other people must respect them. You should never tolerate harassment or intimidation from other people. The laws of real life also apply in the online environment.

    You have the right to use modern technologies to develop your personality and expand your capabilities.

    You have the right to protect your personal information.

    You have the right to access information and services appropriate to your age and personal desires.

    You have the right to express yourself freely and the right to respect yourself, and at the same time, you must always respect others.

    You are free to discuss and criticize anything posted or available online.

    You have the right to say NO to someone who asks you for something online that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Set your limits

    If you have registered with a social networking site, use your privacy settings to protect your online profile so that only your friends can view it. Ask your parents to help with the settings if you find it difficult yourself. This rule is very important.

    Keep your personal data private, especially when communicating on adult social networks. Use a nickname instead of your real name on any online service where a lot of strangers can read your information. Ask your parents before giving your name, address, phone number, or any other personal information to anyone online.

    Think twice before posting or talking about anything online. Are you ready to tell everyone who is online about this: your close friends, as well as strangers? Remember that once you post information, photos or any other material online, you will never be able to remove it from the Internet or prevent other people from using it.

    Before you enter any information about yourself on any site, find out how that information may be used. Can all or part of the information be published and, if so, where? If you are uncomfortable with the amount of information requested, if you do not trust the site, do not give information. Look for another similar service that requires less information to work with, or its administration promises to treat your data more carefully.

Accepting invitations/friendships

    On the Internet, you can communicate with people previously unknown to you. You may receive requests from strangers who would like you to add them to your contact list and be able to see your profile, but you do not have to accept them. There's nothing wrong with turning down invitations if you're not sure about them. Getting more contacts is not the goal of social networking.

Remember. It is important!

    Ignore the bad behavior of other users, get away from unpleasant conversations or websites with inappropriate content. As in real life, there are people who, for various reasons, behave aggressively, offensively or provocatively towards others or want to spread malicious content. It is usually best to ignore and then block such users.

    Don't post anything that you don't want others to know that you would never tell them in person.

    Respect other people's content that you post or share. For example, a photo a friend gave you is his property, not yours. You may only post it online if you have his permission to do so and you must indicate where you got it from.

    It is important to refrain from responding to provocative messages received via SMS, MMS, instant messaging programs, emails, chats, or while communicating online with other users. Instead, you need to take steps to help eliminate or limit attempts to provoke you.

For example:

    many games allow you to exclude unpleasant or unwanted players;

    most email programs allow you to enable filters to block unwanted incoming emails.

If you are being bullied online:

    Ignore. Don't answer the offender. If he doesn't get a response, he might get bored and leave.

    Block this person. This will protect you from viewing the messages of a particular user.

    Tell someone. Tell your mom or dad or another adult you trust.

    Save the evidence. This can be useful for finding someone who tried to intimidate you. Save texts, emails, online conversations or voicemails as evidence.

Report it:

    leadership of your school. The educational institution should have its own policy for the bullying situation.

    Your Internet service provider, mobile operator or website administrator. They can take steps to help you.

    To the police. If you think that there is a threat to your safety, then one of the adults, or you yourself, should contact law enforcement agencies.

    To the help line "Children Online" by phone: 8-800-25-000-15 (toll-free in Russia) or by e-mail: [email protected] . Experts will advise you on the best way to proceed.

Playing online games

    If another player behaves indecently or makes you feel uncomfortable, block him from your list of players. You can also report it to the game moderator.

    Limit your playing time so you can do other things like homework, housework.

    Keep personal information private.

    Don't forget to set aside time for real life, for your friends, sports and other interesting activities.

How to chat online and enjoy it

Only helpful tips.

Advanced IT experts recommend composing a nickname from two words: Cool Girl, Pro100th_boy, Edward Cullen or Lara Croft. Admit it, there are those among you who do not know who Lara Croft is? Hardly. And those who now thought: "Nick ... what?" Remember: choosing a nickname is a responsible matter, everyone can see it. Unlike a login, which only the computer system sees. Login is also your name. Together with the password, it lets the computer system know that you are you.

The network has a huge number of interesting, good, positive people. But, unfortunately, there are hooligans, rude people and other unpleasant personalities. It is difficult to drive such people off the Internet. It remains to avoid them. The outrages that hooligans do on the Internet are called cyberbullying or cybermobbing, and the cyberhooligans themselves are bullies or mobbers. They send aggressive letters via e-mail, ICQ or social networks, they annoy you with their calls to your mobile phone, they constantly throw off rude text messages, they can intimidate and threaten, insult and ridicule. In general, these people clearly do not know netiquet - the rules of conduct on the Internet. These thugs have control. We ourselves can prevent and combat cyberbullying.

Here are some helpful tips:

    • Remember, on the Internet you communicate with a real person. Imagine how you would communicate with this person in real life. Communicate with him in the same way on the Internet. Whether it's your friend, a new acquaintance on the site or on the forum, or an online support specialist who is ready to advise you on various issues.

      If you have a problem, feel free to search the forums for a solution. Perhaps someone has already answered your question. If you want to develop an old topic and create an interesting and relevant message (this is called “necroposting”), then it can revive a topic forgotten by everyone and raise it to the first page.

      Be friendly to other users, don't use harsh words. Remember, as you will communicate with people, so they with you. Being rude and rude on the Internet is not cool. If only because in real life you wouldn't do that.

      If you are rude, insulted, humiliated - do not answer. On sites and forums there is such a function - to block the offender or complain about him to the moderator. Use it and do not be afraid: the bully will not know that you did it.

      Never send your mobile and home phone numbers, home address, email address to strangers. This is personal data, and personal means only yours.

      Think carefully before posting your photos online. Imagine how you will feel if your parents or teachers see your indecent photos.

      If, nevertheless, some nasty bully is chasing you, save all his letters or texts and show them to adults you trust: parents, older brothers and sisters

PPD = Remember + Check + Think!

Chapter 2

    1. Participation in the International online competition "Interneshka"


    • Competition of presentations in informatics (from JSC "Kaspersky Lab") (Appendix 3).
    • Contest "Security in a word or proverbs for a safe Internet" (from JSC "Kaspersky Lab") (Appendix 1).

      Internet Olympiad.

Conclusion: our work was of great practical importance. Pupils participated in competitions, paid attention to the questions posed and managed to draw the right conclusions for themselves.

    1. The results of the Internet Olympiad for students of our gymnasium in the International Online Competition "Interneshka".

26 people participated in the Internet Olympiad competition. There were 30 questions. The results are in table 1.

Table 1

Results obtained:

As a result of using the survey method of 26 people, we found that 73% of students use the Internet within 3 hours a day, the remaining 27% use the Internet for three or more hours a day.

Using the observational method, we found that students are interested in learning about Internet safety. Observing the students during the presentations in the gymnasium classes, it turned out that the above results are confirmed.

Using statistical methods, it was determined that 58% of students (15 out of 26 people) coped with the questions of the Olympiad, they know the issues of safe use of the Internet, 27% have a mediocre idea about it, 15% know almost nothing (Appendix 2).

Using the deduction method, we believe that 42% of respondents are at risk of getting various troubles from the Internet, they need to take measures to protect themselves and their electronic devices, seek help from relatives and teachers.

Using the method of induction, we believe that our work is very relevant and in demand, has a valuable applied meaning, and can be used in a practical aspect. Due to the fact that no one answered all the questions, we believe that the topic of Internet security requires continued study, research and development.

Conclusion. Our topic is very relevant and in demand. Those students who are in the 58% do not need to be complacent about the results achieved, they need to constantly monitor their information literacy and timely and relevant protection of their Internet devices. The remaining 42% of students are advised to improve their knowledge and competencies to the required level. For those students who got into an unpleasant story, we advise you not to give up, but turn to parents and professionals.


We have achieved the goal of our work: to show the hidden dangers of the Internet and teach how to avoid them.

We have also achieved all the tasks that we set for ourselves: to show what you need to know in order to use the Internet at 100, to prove that security is paramount when protecting a computer, to explain what an accessible mobile Internet is, to explain the rights and obligations in online environment, give advice on the use of social networks and online games, teach how to communicate on the Internet and enjoy it.

We have conducted an up-to-date research on our topic. We made important conclusions, determined that this topic is very important and necessary and relevant, especially for young people. As it turned out, students do not know, do not suspect about the dangers. Sometimes they get into trouble. Thanks to our practical actions (delivery with a presentation, talks, distribution of the “Memo on Internet Safety”), we hope that our work has improved the situation in this matter and drew attention to its importance.

List of sources used

(only electronic sources were used)

    Security is simple [Electronic resource]. URL:

    Webtu [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 08.10.2017).

    WebStan [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 08.10.2017).

    Children's online competition Interneshka [Electronic resource]. URL:

    Interneshka [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 08.12.2016).

    Interneshka live journal [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 11/28/2017).

    My baby [Electronic resource]. URL: of access: 10/18/2017).


Attachment 1.

Annex 2

Annex 3

Presentation on the topic: "Security on the Internet. Abstract

Dear viewers, in this presentation you will learn about the dangers of the Internet and how you can reduce the level of this danger. After all, the Internet has become an essential part of everyone's life. In addition to e-mail, which has become familiar, we start personal pages, blogs, join communities, look for relatives, acquaintances, classmates and old friends, creating networks that can become our own trap.


In our time, special and paramount attention should be paid to your personal safety on the Internet. Posting too detailed and complete information about you, your passport details, address, daily routine and plans, can provoke scammers or even robbers. Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of safe use of the Internet.

Locked information

Any personal information must be well controlled. Use a strong password: it must contain at least 8 characters and consist of upper and lower case letters, numbers, specials. characters. Do not use the same password on many resources: the password must be unique for each service!

Beware of Links

Electronic wallet security

It is best to pay for services with virtual cards. After all, the credit system is not protected at all, all data remains on the server, fraudsters can easily use them.

Family comes first

Do not include any information about relatives. Knowing the data of relatives, you can easily substitute a person.

Friendship proposals

You should only add people you know as friends. Hackers hide under the guise ordinary users, are added as friends to get all the necessary information and commit their criminal acts.

Photo of the day

I hope, from these simple rules, you have learned the simple rules for using the Internet. And now you can easily recognize where they are trying to deceive you. Remember, scammers do not sleep! They are always and everywhere watching you! Be careful!

I hope, from these simple rules, you have learned the simple rules for using the Internet. And now you can easily recognize where they are trying to deceive you. Remember, scammers do not sleep! They are always and everywhere watching you! Be careful!