Modern services of MGTS:

Digital Caller ID

Digital Caller ID

Now you can use a modern digital caller ID that works using CLIP FSK technology (you can find out if your PBX supports this technology by calling the Call Center of OJSC MGTS at 8 495 636-0-636.

Differences of digital caller ID

  • Number determination occurs without establishing a connection. This favorably distinguishes the CLIP FSK technology from the old technology (it is also called the "Russian Caller ID"), where the caller ID simulates picking up the handset.
  • A ten-digit number will be displayed on the telephone display. You do not have to call all similar numbers with different prefixes in search of a subscriber.
  • Telephone sets are used without additional modifications and changes in proprietary in-circuit solutions. Therefore, the operation of the device will be stable, as provided by the manufacturer's warranty.

Notice to subscribers. To use the "Digital Caller ID" service, you need telephone set, which supports the CLIP FSK Caller ID function. In most phones manufactured by well-known manufacturers (such as Panasonic, Siemens, Philips, GE, LG, Palikha, etc.) given function implemented. As a rule, this information is indicated in the documentation for the phone. If you have not saved the documentation, you can clarify the information in the Contact Center of OJSC MGTS.

Numbers of subscribers of other companies (not MGTS), as well as subscribers served by UPATS, may not be determined.

Just call the Contact Center of OJSC MGTS and activate the service!

MGTS OJSC will enable the Digital Caller ID service as soon as possible and send you an invoice. You need to pay this invoice within the specified time frame. The fact of payment is a confirmation of your consent to use the service.

Attention! If the invoice is not paid within the specified period, the service will be automatically deactivated.

Payment procedure. For example, you ordered a service on September 5th. You will receive an invoice, which must be paid within the specified period from the moment it is received. Please note that the billing month will be October. This means that for 25 days in September you use the service absolutely free of charge!

So, you paid for the use of the “Digital Caller ID” service in October. For using the service in November, you will receive in the Unified Account of OJSC MGTS.

What you need to do to cancel the service

It will be enough for you to call the Contact Center at 8 495 636-0-636 and inform the operator about the refusal to use the service.


54 rub. per month


The abbreviation SMS stands for Short Message Service - "Short Message Service".

This service allows you to send SMS to fixed phones of OJSC MGTS and mobile phones, as well as receive messages using your home phone.

Procedure for using the service

To send (receive) messages, you need SMS-enabled phone(information about such a possibility is indicated in the documentation for the phone) and the availability of the activated Digital Caller ID service.

All conditions for the provision of the service are set out in the public offer of MGTS OJSC on the provision of the service "Receiving and sending short text messages (SMS)".

What you need to do to use the service

You need to set up your home phone to work with the SMS-message center of MGTS OJSC (you can do this yourself using the documentation for the phone) and dial a special command on the phone keypad to register the service.

Call Waiting

The Call Waiting and Hold with New Call Notification service allows you to telephone conversation with one subscriber to hear a call signal from the second subscriber. In this case, you can switch to the second subscriber, talk to him and return to the first again without hanging up.

Procedure for using the service

When you receive a call from party B (two short beeps) during a conversation with subscriber A, you can:

  • take no action - in this case, after 20–40 seconds, subscriber B hears short beeps (“busy” signal) and disconnects;
  • end the first conversation with subscriber A by hanging up - the new call is connected as a regular incoming call;
  • press the R (Recall) or F (Flash) button - subscriber A goes on hold.

When you hear a continuous beep, you can:

  • dial 0 - hang up subscriber B and return to subscriber A;
  • dial 1 - hang up subscriber A and connect to subscriber B;
  • dial 2 - switching the conversation with one of the subscribers to a conversation with another; putting the previous one on hold (can be used several times).

Service activation

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial sequentially *43# ;
    • continuous beep - the service is activated;
    • iridescent beeps or autoinformer phrase - the service is not activated (the subscriber does not have the right to use the service);
  • Put the phone down.

Service activation check

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial sequentially *#43# ;
  • Listen to one of the station signals:
    • continuous beep - the service is active;
    • iridescent beeps or autoinformer phrase - the service is not active;
    • frequent short beeps - the command was entered incorrectly;
  • Put the phone down.

Service deactivation

  • Pick up the phone;
  • Dial #43# in sequence;
  • Listen to one of the station signals:
    • continuous beep - the service is deactivated;
    • iridescent beeps or autoinformer phrase - the service is not deactivated (the subscriber does not have the right to use the service);
    • frequent short beeps - the command was entered incorrectly;
  • Put the phone down.


For all cases of activation/deactivation additional services on a Siemens Gigaset C470 IP telephone, at the end of dialing a special command, dial "##" instead of "#".

What you need to do to use the service

To activate the service, call the Contact Center of OJSC MGTS by phone: 8 495 636-0-636 (from 9:00 to 21:00 daily) or contact any sales and service office of OJSC MGTS and clarify the possibility of providing this service on your phone number, which functions the telephone set must support for the service to work, and then order the service.

On the digital exchanges will determine only subscribers of analog lines, which will soon be completely gone ...

Regarding the answer to the original question: the “Russian” (Soviet) AON in Moscow today lives and prospers in the dying analog segment (code 495, mostly numbers 3 and 4), but cannot give out more than 7 digits in principle. After replacing these automatic telephone exchanges, the “Rus” and other devices can be thrown out.

So that the numbers are determined and shown full set digits with codes, it is necessary to order and pay monthly for the “digital caller ID” service (Caller ID) - 54 rubles. It works great and is absolutely imperceptible for free for callers, you can forget about Russian AON.

Here is what MGTS writes about this:

Digital Caller ID
Now you can use a modern digital caller ID that works using CLIP FSK technology (you can find out if your PBX supports this technology by calling the Call Center of OJSC MGTS by phone +7 495-636-0-636.

Differences of digital caller ID
— Number identification occurs without establishing a connection. This favorably distinguishes the CLIP FSK technology from the old technology (it is also called the "Russian Caller ID"), where the caller ID simulates picking up the handset.
- A ten-digit number will be displayed on the telephone display. You do not have to call all similar numbers with different prefixes in search of a subscriber.
- Telephone sets are used without additional modifications and changes in proprietary in-circuit solutions. Therefore, the operation of the device will be stable, as provided by the manufacturer's warranty.
Notice to subscribers. To use the "Digital Caller ID" service, you need a telephone set that supports the CLIP FSK Caller ID function. Most phones produced by well-known manufacturers (such as Panasonic, Siemens, Philips, GE, LG, Palikha, etc.) have this function implemented. As a rule, this information is indicated in the documentation for the phone. If you have not saved the documentation, you can clarify the information in the Contact Center of OJSC MGTS.

Numbers of subscribers of other companies (not MGTS), as well as subscribers served by UPATS, may not be determined.

What you need to do to use the service
Just call the Contact Center of OJSC MGTS and activate the service!

MGTS OJSC will enable the Digital Caller ID service as soon as possible and send you an invoice. You need to pay this invoice within the specified time frame. The fact of payment is a confirmation of your consent to use the service.

Attention! If the invoice is not paid within the specified period, the service will be automatically deactivated.

Payment procedure. For example, you ordered a service on September 5th. You will receive an invoice, which must be paid within the specified period from the moment it is received. Please note that the billing month will be October. This means that for 25 days in September you use the service absolutely free of charge!

So, you paid for the use of the “Digital Caller ID” service in October. For using the service in November, you will receive in the Unified Account of OJSC MGTS.

What you need to do to cancel the service
It will be enough for you to call the Contact Center by phone +7 495-636-0-636 and inform the operator about the refusal to use the service.

54 rub. per month

Caller ID Service Information

Number identification service is a service that can be provided to the subscriber by most telecom operators. Information about the caller's number is transmitted in the pause between the first and second ringing signals (rings of the unit). Data is transmitted regardless of whether the caller is subscribed to this service or not. The caller can prevent the transmission of information about his number. Information transmitted to the subscriber makes it possible to display the number, time and date incoming call, as well as the name of the owner of this number. Data is transmitted sequentially between the first and second rings of an incoming call at 1200 bits per second in FSK format. In this format, a logical one is encoded at 1200 Hz, and a logical zero is encoded at 2200 Hz. Each 8-bit word starts with a start bit (one) and ends with a stop bit (zero). Up to ten 1-bits may be added between words. To initialize the system, 30 bits 010101... are sent for the first 250 ms, and then a logical one signal is sent for 70 ms.

Data transfer formats

The data that is actually transmitted depends on the format used by the subscriber's telephone company. There are two main formats currently in use:

  • Single Data Message Format (SDMF)
  • Multiply Data Message Format (MDMF)

Both formats are described below.

Single data transfer format

The single data transmission format includes data on the actual time of the call and the telephone number of the caller.

Table 1. Sequence of information transfer in SDMF.

The first part of the data is the message type, for this format it is 04. The second part contains the length of the message. This is followed by the month, day, hour, minutes, and number (up to 10 digits). If the number cannot be displayed, "O" or "P" is displayed instead. The last part of the message is the checksum, which equals the two's complement of all bits of all words.

For example, a call from the number 206-329-8524 received at 14:30 on November 30, 95 will be transmitted as follows:


The type and length of the message are sent in binary, while each sign of the month, day, hour, minute, and telephone number is sent in standard 8-bit ASCII code.

Extended data transfer format

To send more information over a telephone line, an extended data transfer format was created. In addition to the information sent in the single data format, this format also includes the name of the party to which the number calling you is registered.

1st call signal20 Hz2 sstandard call signal
pause 0.5 s
initialization30 bytes/ 600 Hz250ms0101010...
Start1200 Hz70ms
message type8 bit
message length8 bit
parameter type 18 bit
parameter length 18 bit
parameter 1
parameter type 28 bit
parameter length 28 bit
parameter 2
. . . . . .
check sum8 bit
pause >0.5 s
2nd call signal20 Hz2 sstandard call signal

Table 2. Information transfer sequence in MDMF.

Messages in the extended data transfer format are broken down into individual parameters. For example, the date and time of an incoming request are passed as a separate parameter, as is the caller's number. The sequence of these parameters within a message depends on your local carrier. There are several various types parameters (table 3) that can be included in the message. Again, the last piece of data in the message is the checksum, which is the two's complement of all bits of all the words in the message. Apparently, the MDMF format will replace SDMF.

Table 3. Types of parameters in MDMF.

For the same example, a call from 206-329-8524 at 2:30 pm on November 30, 95 from Uncle Sam will be transferred to MDMF as follows:

(type)(length)--11301430 --2063298524 --uncle sam (checksum)


There are two main restrictions on caller ID identification. First, if the caller does not want information about his number to be displayed, he can enter special code before dialing. In most cases, this code is *67. When the determination device encounters this situation, it displays "P"(Private) to inform the user that the information has been locked. The second limitation is that the number transfer service is not supported by the caller's operator company. If the caller is calling you on long distance, you will see "O"(Out of area).

Many modern companies have remote branches and divisions. According to statistics, 70% of all branch connections are at the head office. At the same time, external lines are engaged, limiting the incoming calls, in addition, you have to pay for outgoing traffic. In this regard, the problem arises of connecting the head office with its branches, as well as creating its own network that would unite all divisions of the company into a single whole. There are many ways to solve this problem. Let's consider some of them.

The telephone has long been an integral part of our lives. Even though most of the time we talk mobile phone, the home machine is also popular. But a person rarely spends the whole day at home, and sometimes it is very important to be aware of missed calls. This opportunity is provided by home telephones with caller ID.

Advantages of buying a phone with an identifier

The ringing of the phone often interrupts us from business: we have to stop and answer, because this can be an important call. Caller ID allows you to know in advance who is calling and decide whether to answer. Plus, the call will be stored in memory, and you can call the subscriber at a convenient time for you.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to several parameters:

  • Percentage of identification numbers (depending on the model);
  • Support for the Russian standard OST 45.187-2001 (to determine calls within Russia);
  • Memory capacity (for saving missed calls);
  • The overall quality of the phone (display clarity, convenience of buttons and handset, isolation of the network cable, etc.).
You can choose and buy a home phone with caller ID on the Eldorado website. Models in our catalog various manufacturers With detailed description functionality.

Caller ID in its work uses the following parameters of PBX signals:

  • Telephone line voltage (on-hook) - 60 V
  • Inductor call signal amplitude with incoming connection 50-100 V; pulse shape - bell-shaped, frequency - 25 Hz
  • Voltage in telephone network off-hook 5-8 V
  • Dialing speed 9-11 pulses/s, dialing pulse rate 1.3-1.9
  • Signal "Answer of the station" - a continuous tone signal with a frequency of 425 Hz
  • Busy signal - 425 Hz (duration and pause - 0.35 s)
  • Ringback control signal - 450 Hz (pulse duration 1 s, pauses - 4 s)
  • "Hang up" signal - holding the handset on the device lever for more than 1.2 s
  • Time from connecting caller ID to the line to issuing a request (t pause) - 250-275 ms
  • Request signal duration (t request) - 100 ms
  • The level of the request signal (U zapr) - 4.3db (the effective voltage of the request signal).
  • Request signal frequency (f lock) - 495-505 Hz

The ATS-1 subscriber picks up the handset and calls the ATS-2 subscriber. At the same time, the ATS-2 subscriber receives an inductor call via the telephone network (a call from the ATS). Caller ID phone of the subscriber-2 is connected to the telephone line, lowering the voltage to the level of 22-24 V - blocking the conversational path. Then, after 250-275 ms (the time for the end of transients when switching the telephone line), the ANI of subscriber-2 issues to the PBX-1 a signal "Call ANI" with a frequency of 495-505 Hz with a level of 4.3 dB and a duration of 100 ms. On PBX-1 this signal is decoded and "Answer" is issued - the phone number of the calling subscriber of PBX-1 using the multi-frequency method "intervalless packet" in the received code "2 out of 6". Caller ID at subscriber-2 receives a packet of frequency information in the order in which it arrives, followed by decoding the combination.

Frequency information - a sequence of two-frequency messages from a number of frequencies:

f,HzLevel, dB
700 -6.5 to 27.4
900 -6.5 to 29.0
1100 -6.5 to 31.0
1300 -6.5 to 32.6
1500 -6.5 to 34.3
1700 -6.5 to 36.0

Combinations of two of the six above frequencies denote the following:

"Start" - means the beginning and end of a packet of two-frequency messages (a multi-frequency sequence has several times a repeating packet of information, the beginning and end of which is indicated by this combination).

"Repeat" - means that the next digit repeats the previous one (in the absence of this combination, the decoding of two consecutive identical digits would be extremely difficult).

The information packet contains 10 two-frequency packets with a duration of 38-42 ms with the following transmission sequence:

  1. "Start"
  2. Category digit
  3. Number units digit
  4. Number tens digit
  5. Number hundreds digit
  6. Thousands digit numbers
  7. Third digit of the station index
  8. Second digit of the station index
  9. The first digit of the station index
  10. "Start"

The information is processed by the microprocessor and displayed on the indicator. At the same time, in the subscriber's telephone-2 (AON) signals are generated that imitate the CPV signal (Call Sending Control - long intermittent beeps). Further, if necessary, subscriber-2 can carry on a conversation - the Number Identification algorithm has ended.

Physical basis of multifrequency signal processing

The figure shows a fragment of a two-frequency message.

A similar signal is fed to the input of the comparator ( electronic circuit comparison), and the potential (level) of comparison is applied to the other input. Anything above the compare level of the comparator is evaluated as a high potential at the output, and anything below is "0".

The digitized signal is input to the I/O port. CPU(CPU) under the control of a program stored in ROM (read only memory), polls the state of the I / O port (comparator state) with a certain frequency, placing the results in the temporary memory of the device - RAM. Then the results are a sequence of "0" and "1" written to RAM in a certain sample (the duration of the sample depends on the size of the allocated memory so that the results do not overflow the RAM), using special programs digital analysis of a harmonic signal, are analyzed by the CPU and identified with a specific signal: numbers 0.1-9, "start", "repeat". Working in real time, the CPU manages to analyze it up to 5 times during the passage of one two-frequency message (40 milliseconds), thereby making it possible to compare the results, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of number detection. During the response time, the CPU performs 50-150 such samples to obtain an unambiguous decision: what is the category and number of the caller.

Many modern companies have remote branches and divisions. According to statistics, 70% of all branch connections are at the head office. At the same time, external lines are engaged, limiting the incoming calls, in addition, you have to pay for outgoing traffic. In this regard, the problem arises of connecting the head office with its branches, as well as creating its own network that would unite all divisions of the company into a single whole. There are many ways to solve this problem. Let's consider some of them.