Chief Specialist st. Polovtsa, 2, 4th floor (4012) 65-63-00 (106)

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X The level of education: secondary vocational
Diploma qualification, specialty/field of study: Kaliningrad technical college. Specialization - "Computers, complexes, systems and networks"
Last professional development: Baltic State Fishing Fleet Academy, faculty "Automated control systems". Specialization - "Automated information processing and control systems", 2018.
Work experience (general): 20 years
Length of service at the Institute: from June 2018

The unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students in basic educational programs and additional general education programs (GIS "Contingent") is being developed in accordance with the action plan ("road map") approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2015 No. 236-r.

The fundamental document for the implementation of the system in the regions Russian Federation is the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2014 No. 2125-r.

Mandatory data that the regional segment of the EFMS "Contingent" should contain are given in the document of the Ministry information technologies and communications "Unified functional and technical requirements for the regional segment of the unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students in basic educational programs and additional general educational programs" .

Purpose of the system:

  • automation and collection of up-to-date information on the actual and projected number of students (contingent) in the educational institution various types;
  • creation and maintenance of an up-to-date unified register of PAs of various types;
  • monitoring of registers by authorized representatives of regional and municipal education authorities;
  • collection of up-to-date information on the current and final progress of students;
  • data routing when implementing output to EPGU public service about progress in electronic form;
  • monitoring the educational trajectory (migration) of students;
  • formation of the necessary statistical reporting.

Information materials

Project presentation
Single information portal of the system
Technical support service
Information block on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Project passport
Presentation of the project on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia

Means of information protection. Protected circuit.

Technical support is provided by employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Kaliningrad Region "Kaliningrad State Research Center for Information and Technical Security"

Lyudmila Ryabichenko that in collecting personal data of children the state decided to act "according to concepts"

On October 25, 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 2125-r "On Approval Concepts for creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students on basic educational programs and additional general educational programs.

After that, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds created working group, prescribed a "road map" for the implementation of the Concept and in 3 stages (until December 30, 2014 - design and preparation of changes in legislation, until December 30, 2015 - amendments to legislation, until December 30, 2016 - implementation of pilot projects and introduction of IP into commercial operation) created by 2016 a unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students called the Information System (IP) "Contingent".

The program was created by the Ministry of Communications (technological functions, creation and maintenance of an interdepartmental system) by order of the Ministry of Education and Science (data operator, methodological and methodological support of the federal system).

The official goals of the innovation are to facilitate the work of officials, improve quality and efficiency, electronic interaction between the IS of various departments, improve public awareness of educational organizations and educational services provided.

IS "Contingent" includes federal and regional segments.

The federal segment will collect, centrally store, process the register of personal data of students and their legal representatives, the register of organizations, information coming from the regional segments of all subjects of the Russian Federation, the higher education segment, information systems of federal government bodies and state non-budgetary funds.

Regional segments will accumulate information about "persons" (so it is said in the documents) and organizations and carry out interdepartmental consolidation of these data and transfer to the federal system.

35.76 million federal budget funds were allocated for the construction of the IS. MegaFon, which attracted the BARS Group company, acted as the general contractor in the project; and the FAS has already declared collusion upon receipt of the tender; Rostlecom is also one of the contractors, and was noticed among the regional operators, which, together with Reforma LLC, is working to introduce the regional segment of IS Contingent into the information infrastructure of the Moscow Region.

IS "Contingent" is electronic base data on all children in Russia, their parents and everyone who receives educational services of any kind - be it a kindergarten, school, creative center, vocational school, university, advanced training courses or a dance club; It also includes employment information.

The file for a child is opened from the moment of his birth and registration in the registry office, and is closed after his death; the single identifier of the student in the interdepartmental system is the insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS).

Personal data of a student (at any level of education, from kindergarten to university) includes general information(last name, first name and patronymic, gender, place of birth, date of birth, birth certificate record number, date of state registration of birth and name of the body that produced state registration birth, citizenship, series and number of the passport or details of another identity document, registration address, SNILS), as well as data on the stages of training, achievements (portfolio).

The list is not limited to this list: the category "other information necessary to solve the problems of the interdepartmental system" includes information about the "person" from the bowels of the Ministry of Health, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, pension fund, Ministry of Labor, Rosobrnadzor, etc.

The Ministry of Health will oversee the saturation of the file with profile information: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, the need for an adaptive training program, the need for long-term treatment, decisions of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, etc.

In addition to the indicated data, the IS indicates the degree of adaptation of the student at all stages of education, and also forms a "portfolio" for each child, the data of which will be analyzed by the federal system, as a result of which the child with certain achievements will be assigned the attribute "gifted child".

It will be mandatory to enter information about the student's parents / legal representatives into the IS: last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, registration address, registration address at the place of residence (at the place of stay), series and number of the passport or details of another main identity document, SNILS.

Also in the regional segment, data on the "parent-student association" is provided.

For parents who do not agree with such requirements, a package of regulatory documents and amendments to federal legislation is being prepared at the federal level, which will be adopted in the spring of 2016, and which will oblige parents / legal representatives to provide personal data on children and parents to the regional educational system .

In the instruction entitled "Unified functional and technical requirements for the regional segment of the unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students in basic educational programs and additional general educational programs" on 69 sheets, a lot of attention is paid to describing how exactly to transfer from the registry office, among other things, information about changing the surname and the date of birth of the child, which occurs only upon adoption, and has always been information that is not subject to disclosure.

At the webinar of the Informatization Projects Department of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, when explaining the creation and operation of the regional segments of the IS "Contingent", the organizers dispelled the fears of the representatives of the regions: "The specified personal data of the child can be transferred by the registry office if this is indicated in the relevant cooperation agreements."

In connection with the creation of the IS Contingent, it is planned to amend Laws No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", as well as the Information Society program for 2011-2020.

In the "pilot" mode, the project is being implemented in the Irkutsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Saratov regions, the Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk, Perm Territory, and Kamchatka.

And now - about what it brings to all of us.

So, in Russia, a unified information system is being created, when for each resident, upon the fact of birth, immediately opens electronic file with an individual life number, and where absolutely all the information about it flows. It is very convenient, and you do not need to spend money on issuing electronic cards.

The name of the IP program "Contingent" is indicative - in relation to the huge masses of people, and in other words, to the people, to the nation. In our semantic field, this is something habitually undeveloped, with its own "cockroaches", which can neither be educated nor corrected. In a word, contingent what to take from it?

The primary emphasis in IS is on the state of health, success (portfolio), the relationship of the child with his parents.

As for the parents, this lies on the surface: to file information about the insufficient "association of parents and the child" - and no law on domestic violence, which has been stalling for so many years, is no longer needed.

Portfolio - basic principle division of children into castes, which is being tested in the project of the Kudrin Foundation in Transbaikalia, implemented in the Education Modernization Project, rating schools and universities, the project of the higher school "Tuning" - for segregation of the "undeveloped" and the washing out of talents and intellectual resources outside of Russia.

As for information about health - by a strange coincidence, on January 1, 2016, the Order of the Ministry of Health dated December 25, 2014 N 908n "On the procedure for establishing a diagnosis of brain death" came into force, where paragraph 1 says that a posthumous donor is now considered a person aged 1 year or older. And, therefore, it is very important for the IS customer to have information about the health status of potential posthumous donors.
Access to the "person" file in the IS will be limited to a certain circle of people, which does not include the data subject himself or his relatives - he will not be able to control the correctness and impartiality of information about himself, and at the same time, only on the basis of this information, some operators will model his life trajectory.

And who will ensure the protection of this array of information wealth, the monopoly right to dispose of which is left to the Ministry of Education?

And, finally, the most important thing: what happened to our Constitution? Canceled all or in parts?

For example, article 23: item 1: "Everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name."

Or Article 24, paragraph 1: "The collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of a person without his consent is not allowed."

Or Article 24, paragraph 2: "State authorities and local self-government bodies, their officials are obliged to provide everyone with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with documents and materials that directly affect their rights and freedoms, unless otherwise provided by law."

What, the state has already ended, and everything is now going on "according to concepts"? They didn’t ask anyone, didn’t discuss it with anyone, but simply ordered it - and off they went: officials are studying the issue, IT people are standing in line for grants, lawyers are scribbling laws against those who disagree with this state of affairs.

The preparation of the project is expected to last three years, and the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets requires launching the Contingent information system in two: an urgent need is for a system that takes control of everyone - in any corner of the country, in any place and in any capacity, from birth to death.

Lyudmila Ryabichenko, Chairman of the Interregional social movement"Family, Love, Fatherland", member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the "People's Cathedral" movement

At the end of 2015, one of the largest projects in the field of informatization of education was launched in Russia - GIS CONTINGENT. The system contains data on all children studying in organizations of general, professional and preschool education, as well as university students. In fact, we are talking about the formation in Russia of a unified educational electronic environment. In the field of public services: improving the quality of public and municipal services in electronic form in the educational field. In the field government controlled: ensuring the transition to a qualitatively new level of work and interaction of departmental information systems in the field of education, healthcare, social security, containing information about students.

Federal and regional segments of AIS Contingent

At the regional level, the initial filling of the system is taking place, including the following organizations:

  • registry offices
  • polyclinics
  • schools, kindergartens, circles and sections.

The federal segment will combine the data:

  • universities
  • Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnadzor,
  • Ministry of Health,
  • Ministry of Culture,
  • Ministry of Labor,
  • Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

Regional GIS segments Contingent

Regional segments of the GIS Contingent are created in each Russian region. Services for integration with the federal segment should also be created, initial data filling should be carried out and their actualization organized. The planned completion date for these works is determined for each region by the system implementation roadmap.

Implementation stages:

Development of federal and regional segments. Changes in legislation. Deadline: June, 2016

"Docking" of federal and regional segments. Adoption of by-laws. Deadline: September 2016

Implementation of GIS CONTINGENT into operation. Development of services for users. Deadline: December 30, 2016

Normative base

The basis for the work is the following documents and regulations:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2014, No. 2125-r on the approval of the concept of creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students in basic educational programs and additional general educational programs;
  • Item 1 of the Action Plan for the creation electronic system accounting for the contingent of students in educational institutions of various types in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2013 No. OG-P10-916;
  • Development strategy information society in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2008 No. Pr-212;
  • Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia MON-P-4564 dated November 15, 2013;
  • The concept of developing a unified information educational environment in terms of building information system registration of children and integration of AIS with other departmental systems and systems of the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Objective of the project

Implementation of the regional segment unified system accounting, monitoring and management of the contingent of students in educational institutions of the Russian Federation

The system is designed to automate the process of collecting up-to-date information from the VIS OO about the actual and predicted number of students (contingent) in educational organizations of various types in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as:

  • Ensuring monitoring of education by authorized representatives of ROIV and MOEA in order to use monitoring data when planning the creation of new educational organizations;
  • Collection of up-to-date information on the current and final progress of students of various types of educational institutions in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to perform the functions of monitoring education by authorized representatives of the ROIV and MOUO according to a wide range of criteria;
  • Ensuring data routing in the implementation of the output to the EPGU of the state service in electronic form to provide information on the progress of students of various types of educational institutions;
  • Creation and maintenance of an up-to-date unified register of educational organizations of various types in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • Creation of tools that allow monitoring the educational trajectory of students in the interests of children, parents (legal representatives) and NGOs;
  • Formation of the necessary statistical reporting of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the contingent of the public association for the purpose of transferring it to the federal segment of the IS "Contingent".

Main modules of AIS "Contingent-region"

  • Operating system, a set of control and processing programs included in the System delivery set, which act as an interface between the computing system devices and the System application programs, also designed to control devices, manage computing processes, efficiently allocate computing resources between computing processes and organize calculations.
  • Interoperability Gateway software component, which provides interaction (reception and transmission of data) with external VIS via a secure communication channel. The interaction gateway should perform the following main functions: provide the possibility of two-way data exchange between the System and external VIS and ensure the conversion of the external data format into the internal data presentation format of the System and transfer data to the data storage and processing subsystem.
  • Reporting building module is a software component that contains the functionality of the System for generating report templates, generating queries to the database (main and archive) for reports, generating reports in various formats data.
  • Data upload gateway is a software component that provides interaction with the federal segment of the IS "Contingent". The data upload gateway should perform the following main functions: provide the ability to upload the required amount of data from the System to the federal segment of the IS "Contingent" using the SMEV; provide the ability to connect an external GIS for routing data on the current and final progress of students between the System and the Portal through the SMEV in order to provide aggregated data from external VIS EZhD to provide data for state and municipal educational services in electronic form.

Data exchange scheme between various systems contingent accounting



Stages of implementation of the AIS "Contingent-region"

For the successful implementation of the AIS "Contingent-region" it is necessary:

  • Adoption by the subject of the Russian Federation of a decision on participation in the Pilot under the program for the implementation of the federal project "Contingent" in 2014-2015. and submit an appropriate application to the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • Formation terms of reference and the state contract for the development of the regional module AIS "Contingent".

Form regulatory legal acts of the regional level on participation in the Pilot, reflecting the following points:

  • To consolidate departmental information systems in all sectors of education.
  • Make a decision on the mandatory integration of departmental information systems with the IS "Contingent-region".
  • Making a decision on the mandatory collection and accounting of data on SNILS and other necessary documents in the activities of a public organization of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • Provision of the necessary server capacities and data center to host the Contingent-Region IS, its integration with SMEV.
  • Building a regional secure data transmission network or using an existing one to connect organizations of information providers.
  • Training of system users.

Application for connection to the GIS "Contingent"

Agency Ivan Chai informs: Centralized information about all children in Russia and their parents through the "Contingent" system will go into the hands of private business and will be collected without the consent of their parents. The experience of the pilot regions has shown that parents do not know what data is collected on their children and families: access to information base"Contingent" parents will not receive.

There are many reasons to raise the topic of creating a single interdepartmental base "Contingent" for all the children of Russia. The main thing is that the IS "Contingent" from a seemingly fantastic project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communications has become a reality.

This confirms and law Project No. 1048557-6 "On the creation state system"Unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students in basic and additional educational programs", which has been in the State Duma since April 2016 and has already been adopted in the first reading on June 10, 2016, and tenders held in the regions, and letters from the regions, and a single website systems, and disturbing information from education staff.

According to representatives of the education sector of one of the regions of Russia, in the summer of 2016, an interdepartmental meeting was held in their region for the heads of correctional boarding schools, SPO institutions, and the penitentiary service on the topic of introducing the Contingent database to register children under 18 years old. At the meeting, it was said that the program is federal, in the field the performer is raffled off by auction. According to the regional deputy minister of education of the region V., who held the meeting, the base has already been introduced in preschool education.

At the same time, employees of the education sector of the region assure that no distribution, information letters were organized. However, they note the haste of the leaders: in July-August, an employee from each institution must undergo training and, by October 1, enter personal data on all students into the system, since a base throughout Russia should be ready by the end of November. The first step should be filling in the personal data of students and curricula. The program itself is very capacious: it even includes electronic diaries / electronic journals. In the future - a complete rejection of paper media.

Not only parents are concerned about the Contingent system.

At the federal level, the implementation of the IS system "Contingent" is carried out Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of approved by the Government Concepts for creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for accounting for the contingent of students.

The Ministry of Education believes that the creation of the AIS "Contingent" will improve "the efficiency of managerial decision-making related to the development of children's education, health care, social security, as well as other areas focused on working with children" .

(Ivan Chai illustration)

The implementation of the AIS "Contingent" is carried out in three stages:

At the first stage in the system by an educational organization must be entered

1) personal data of the child
(Name, date and place of birth, gender, SNILS, citizenship, details of a birth certificate or other identity document, address of registration/actual place of residence/stay)

2) personal data of parents/legal representatives
(full name, date of birth, SNILS, citizenship, details of an identity document).

At the second stage additional special information will be added
(Health data: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, need for an adaptive learning program, need for long-term treatment),

It is noteworthy that it is not government agencies that are creating the IS CONTINGENT containing all personal data for all 28 million Russian children and their parents.

What kind of responsibility for the security of data storage is provided for by a motley regional LLC, OJSC, CJSC, to which, within the framework of a public-private partnership, huge accumulations of personal data are transferred - no one knows.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the interests of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation acted as the customer of the Unified Federal Interdepartmental System for Accounting the Contingent of Students in Basic Educational Programs and Additional General Educational Programs (federal segment of the IS "Contingent"). Both ministries carry out the overall coordination of activities to create the system. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the federal segment of the IS "Contingent", its technological support, coordination of interdepartmental electronic interaction and is the technological operator of the system. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is engaged in methodological and methodological support of the federal system.

2016. Change of legislation to create a system

Putin rejected the law on the creation of a system for registering schoolchildren

On December 29, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected a law providing for the creation in the Russian Federation of the information system "Contingent of Students", according to the Kremlin's website.

Explaining his decision, the president said that the federal law should contain a list of specific information that will be contained in the system. In addition, the persons who will have access to this data and their responsibilities must be defined.

According to the practice that has developed in Russia, questions about the composition and protection of data in industry information systems are the lot of by-laws, where this is prescribed, notes the founder of the Academy of System Analysis, scientific director Center for Urban Studies of the Polytechnic University of Peter the Great Alan Salbiev.

In this regard, of course, it is nonsense that the president demanded that these norms be included in the text of the law, - says Alan Salbiev. “But even the most secure systems are vulnerable, so maximum guarantees are needed, since we are talking about protecting childhood, the future of our state. Like many experts, I support the President's decision, which was dictated by the protection of the interests of children. It is absolutely logical that he demanded to supplement the norms of the law with more intelligible theses about who will dispose of personal data, for what purposes, and what composition of the data will be. The President did not trust the by-laws, which can then be quickly changed, but demanded that these issues be included in the law itself.

According to the expert, one of the reasons for what happened is the change of leadership in the Ministry of Education and Science in the midst of the project. This led to the fact that priorities began to change in the department, the approach to organizing a digital educational platform, the use of digital technologies in education, more intensive work began with the presidential administration. “So it was expected and logical that adjustments to the very ideology of the Contingent system would be required,” Alan Salbiev believes. But the departments failed to agree on the changed positions in time, as a result, the president rejected the law.

In addition, public hearings were not held in full on the “Contingent”, notes Alan Salbiev. As a result, many public figures do not have full information, which hinders the balance of judgments.

The expert predicts that in the very near future the necessary adjustments will be made to the law and the Contingent system may be fully implemented by the spring of 2017.

I am glad that even adherents of the blackboard and chalk began to realize that the new generation consumes information in a different format and other approaches to education are needed. Without a digital ecosystem, these approaches cannot be provided. Without it, the education system cannot be considered competitive, - Alan Salbiev is convinced.

On December 23, 2016, the Federation Council approved the law on the creation of an information system for registering students and sent it to the President of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma adopted a law on the creation of the information system "Contingent of students"

On December 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the second and third, final, readings a law providing for the creation in the Russian Federation of the information system "Contingent of students", which should contain information about students, their progress and educational organizations.

The bill should come into force on September 1, 2017, and the "Students of students" system should be formed "in stages within the time frame set by the government of the Russian Federation, but no later than September 1, 2022."

2015. Creation of the system

The federal system for registering schoolchildren has been created

At the end of December 2015, the system was created. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and MegaFon signed the relevant acts on the work performed, including the act on the readiness of the federal segment of the system for commissioning.

Megafon provided the ministry with a software distribution kit for the federal segment of the system, source codes, an album of screen forms, and the necessary documentation. The customer paid the contractor 35.76 million rubles.

Choosing a contractor

The bidders split into pairs. won "Megaphone"

Megafon won, offering minimum price- 35.76 million rubles (the initial price was 67.5 million). Interestingly, the text of the technical part of MegaFon's application practically coincides with the similar text of the Bars Group application, right down to the drawings of the proposed subsystem structures. This may be a reason to appeal the results of the tender to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, says a TAdviser interlocutor close to one of the bidders.

The proposed structure of the subsystem for collecting, storing and verifying data in the technical application of MegaFon

The proposed structure of the subsystem for collecting, storing and verifying data in the technical application "Bars Group"

The proposed three-tier architecture of the system, the application of MegaFon

The proposed three-tier architecture of the system, the application of "Bars Group"

The technical parts of the applications of Rostelecom and Voskhod also coincide.

Analytical module, Voskhod application

Analytical module, application of Rostelecom

Megafon declined to comment on the situation. Bars Group could not provide comments to TAdviser.

FAS does not rule out collusion of suppliers

After reviewing the information about the competition, the FAS told TAdviser that the coincidence of parts of technical proposals may be one of the signs of collusion, but it is impossible to draw conclusions on this basis alone.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service is ready to study this issue in detail if a relevant application is received, representatives of the antimonopoly service added in a conversation with TAdviser.


The development of the first stage of the federal segment of the interdepartmental system (including the analytical component of the federal segment) takes about one month (work will start in November and be completed by December 15, 2015).

In the same time period, the contractor must test the information interaction of the federal segment with the regional segments of the interdepartmental system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation using the example of 10 pilot regions identified under the state contract.

In addition, the winner will have to develop prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and Rosobrnadzor, as well as test the interaction of the system with the higher education segment.

The key issues that were solved by the specialists of BARS Group and Netrika (acted as subcontractors) were integration with various departmental data sources, interaction of the federal segment of the system with previously developed regional segments. Prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and Rosobrnadzor were developed, and the interaction of the system with the higher education segment was tested. Much attention was paid to the performance of the system, which processes large amounts of data on a daily basis, ease of use, design and ergonomics of the interfaces of the portal of the federal segment of the IS Contingent, which will be used by employees of several Russian departments.

Problems solved by the system

The creation of the federal system, officials hope, will solve "a number of urgent problems in the development of general, professional and additional education", in particular, it will lead to "improving the quality and efficiency of managerial decision-making through the organization of effective interdepartmental electronic information exchange."

Definition of "software Russian production"given in, which was signed by the President in June 2015. True, the law comes into force only on January 1, 2016.

For the federal segment of the IS "Contingent", in addition to the portal, various subsystems have been developed: administration, collection, storage and verification of data, data management about persons, teachers and organizations, management of regulatory and reference information, integration with external systems,