Business game at the informatics lesson on the topic: "Computer device"

Purchase of computer equipment for the school informatics class

Filyushina Elena Vladimirovna,

GBOU secondary school №339
Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Lesson type: lesson of generalization of acquired knowledge
Lesson Objectives:
Didactic: in a playful way to summarize the knowledge of students on the topic: "Computer device"; working in spreadsheets, searching for information on the Internet, working with presentations.
Educational: the acquisition by students of communication skills when working together; instilling in students the skills of self-education and self-education.
Developing: activation of their creative thinking; strengthening the personal interest of students;
Pedagogical technology: game
Work form: frontal, group
Teaching methods: partial search
Time and venue: the lesson was held in the 11-1 class of GBOU No. 339 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, generalizing the lesson on the topic: "Computer device".
Demonstration of resources using ICT: projector, computer, speakers.
Used CORs: fragment of the film about choosing a computer
Video course "Computer device"
Lesson idea . Students are offered the following situation of a business game: “There are two large computer companies in the city of St. Petersburg - Kay and Computer world- on assembly of computers to order. The work of each of the firms during one particular day proceeds as follows. The working day begins. There are still no orders in the morning and you can do something at your leisure, for example, play a blitz tournament with questions that are used in work. Then an order arrives: the customer, the principal of the school, wants to buy for the school computer class: 12 students' computers, 1 teacher's computer, additional devices, but does not know exactly what and what configuration they should be. He has 300 thousand rubles. for the entire purchase. We need to help him with this."
The simulation model in this case is the work of two firms for the assembly and sale of computers. The game model is the working day of such firms.
The lesson contains two main stages, at each of which a specific task is performed.
Exercise 1. - Blitz tournament.
Task 2. - Assembling a computer (determining the configuration of a computer). By completing this task, students generalize and consolidate their previously acquired knowledge and new concepts about the device of a computer, functionality component parts of a computer, varieties of these components. At the end of the assignment, students must submit an option terms of reference on delivery computer technology to school, computer configurations with justification why they offer this particular option.

Organization of the lesson

Working group is divided into several game groups of 4-6 people each. One of the group members is chosen to be the engineer (team captain), the rest act as technicians. It is necessary to invite 3-4 experts from among the teachers in advance, who will help both the players and the facilitator, monitor the correctness of the answer and evaluate the work of the groups. The leader is the computer science teacher who organized the game and teaches in this class.

Lesson equipment .
Each playgroup should have cards or a presentation showing parts and peripherals, price list. Experts must have leaflets with the grading system. Images of accessories and peripherals can be copied from the Internet. A price list can be obtained from any computer hardware store.

Rules of the game.

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, whose task is to score maximum amount points that are awarded for correctly completed tasks and tactful behavior during the game.
Players can seek advice from experts.
The facilitator can influence the course of the game, participate in the discussion, giving remarks and asking questions.
At the end of the game, the total points scored for the game are calculated.

Grading system.
The correctness of the assignments is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Compact presentation, rationality, accuracy,
  • The correctness of the creation and execution of the consignment note.
  • Media Orientation
  • A culture of speech
  • Brevity
  • Logic and persuasiveness
  • Highlighting the essential
  • Ability to engage listeners

The maximum number of points for completing each task is 5 points.
The behavior of the participants in the game is evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • Mutual help in a group
  • Ability to communicate with colleagues
  • Ability to organize work in a group
  • Ability to meet deadlines in problem solving
  • Ability to listen to the presentations of your speaker and the speaker of another group

For violation of discipline, fines are levied:
  • Each remark of the presenter or expert - 1 point
  • Failure to comply with the rules of the game - 2 points
  • Gross violation - up to 5 points

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizational moment - 1 min
  2. Updating of basic knowledge (Blitz-tournament) - 10 minutes
  3. Collective performance by students of oral tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature, developing generalized skills, forming generalized conceptual knowledge, based on the generalization of facts, phenomena; Setting the task by the teacher to the students: Assembly of the order - 15 minutes (for each group: preparing the assembly of the computer - 10 minutes, talking with the customer - 5 minutes). Preparation of presentation and delivery note (10 minutes)
  4. Verification of work performance, adjustment (if necessary) - 4 min
  5. Summing up the lesson - 5 minutes

During the classes

1. Organizational moment - 1 min

Participants take places depending on the previously distributed roles: game groups, expert consultants, leader.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge (Blitz-tournament) - 10 minutes
The facilitator informs the participants of the didactic purpose of the game.
Leading: Hello. Today we have an unusual lesson, we will try to summarize our knowledge gained earlier in computer science lessons on the topic: "Computer device" and demonstrate our ability to work in electronic Excel tables, with a Power Point presentation, search for information on the Internet. In the previous lesson, you were divided into 2 groups and received homework, to analyze the price policy in two well-known computer stores in St. Petersburg: Kay and Computer World. Imagine that today you are employees of these firms. The captain of the team is the director of the company, all the other guys are technicians and managers. Your first day of work begins. Until the orders have been received, you can spend your free time with benefit - show your knowledge about the computer device in a blitz tournament.

3. Collective performance by students of oral tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature.

Questions for the blitz tournament:
1. Name the characteristics motherboard.
2. What is on it?
3. Name the characteristics of the processor.
4. The characteristics of which devices will affect the speed of the computer?
5. Name the types of expansion boards and types of connectors for them.
6. What will you consider when choosing a motherboard and processor for it?
7. Name the characteristics random access memory?

During the blitz tournament, students are given chips for the correct answer. Which are then summed up when scoring.

During the blitz tournament, guests invited to the lesson fill out order forms.
Order form: (to be completed by invited guests)

  • Order amount: 300 thousand rubles.
  • Number of computers: 12 for students and 1 for teachers.
  • On the basis of which processor do you want to purchase an AMD or Intel computer?
  • Are columns needed? __________, expensive, average, cheap? (underline)
  • Do you need a printer? __________, which?________________________
  • Do I need a scanner?____________, which one?____________________________
  • Would you like to go online?_______________________________
  • Would you like to watch TV shows on your computer?_____________
  • Do you need a projector? ____________ which?______________________

Buying a computer sooner or later will be almost everyone. Even if you already have your own computer, you still want to change it someday or buy a new one, as the old one will simply burn out and will not be repairable or simply outdated. So now it’s not so easy to buy a computer, or rather it’s easy to buy it, but it’s difficult to find what you need. There are many different models of components on the market, the combination of which leads to a variety of possibilities.
That is why it is worth knowing clearly how to choose a computer. You can start the selection only after solving one question: “What do you need a computer for?”.

Order assembly
Leading: An order has been received by your company. The customer, the principal of the school, Kuzmichev Oleg Vadimovich, wants to buy for the school computer class: 12 students' computers, 1 teacher's computer, plus additional devices, but does not know exactly what and what configuration they should be. He has 300 thousand rubles. for the entire purchase.
Your task is to help the customer in determining the configuration of computers, i.e. help determine the power of the computer, the volume hard drive, RAM, video cards, monitor type and size, CD drive type, type of mouse and keyboard, type of printer, scanner, presence of speakers, etc.
The conditions for fulfilling the order are as follows: on the one hand, the customer must not purchase an unnecessary thing, i.e. if an employee of the company believes that the customer himself has chosen some item that is not really useful to him, then the employee must sensibly and convincingly prove this; on the other hand, it is necessary to prove just as sensibly and convincingly that he will need this particular item.

Each team receives an order. Players, using the Internet, must prepare to intelligibly tell what the school principal needs to buy, draw up a consignment note in Excel spreadsheets, prepare a Power Point presentation and convince the customer - the director, experts and the presenter that it is necessary to purchase the goods exactly in your store. Conversations of representatives of firms with customers take place in turn, one after another. The customer has a memo on how to behave, what to ask and for what purpose to require a computer. The customer must communicate with all members of the game group, everyone must explain something to him. At the end of each stage, the customer announces whether he is satisfied with the service of this company.

Invoice from ________
(the date)

Name of product Qty Price
The invoice was issued by: _______________________ (Last name, first name)
An example of a memo for an employee of the company.
"For the full amount that the buyer has, you need to offer the goods. You only have Celeron 2400 processors left. A large batch of inkjet Epson printers and you need to sell them urgently. You don't have speakers, only headphones. You have only 512 Mb of RAM left."

Example of a note to a customer
“You know the latest brand of computer is the Pentium 4. You want to print photos using your computer and listen to music through your speakers. And you want a mouse with a big ball at the top.
You're asking:

  • Pentium is the name of a computer company?
  • What is memory and what is it for?
  • What is the difference between CD ROM and DVD ROM?
  • What is the difference between large cube-like monitors and thin monitors?
  • What can I print large size posters on?
You are constantly wondering why you are offered this particular subject and not another.

4. Verification of work performance, adjustment (if necessary) The leader gives a general assessment to all participants in the game and to each separately; analyzes the entire course of the game, focusing on successful and unsuccessful decisions; evaluates the general behavior of the participants in the game - interest, mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc.
In addition, it is desirable that the players themselves express their opinion about the game.

5. Summing up the lesson. Thus, we have considered what computers are needed for you, how to choose such a computer, and even learned concrete examples computer parts, which will make it easier for the seller to navigate in the store when choosing one or another computer model together. You just have to go to the store and choose what you really need, in which I sincerely wish you success.

Lesson - business game "Building a computer"

Lesson topic: Basic computer devices.

Lesson type: a lesson of acquaintance with new material and consolidation of the newly learned.

Lesson Objectives:

didactic: in a playful way to introduce students to the main devices of a computer, their functions and information interaction;

educational: the acquisition by students of communication skills when working together; activation of their creative thinking; strengthening the personal interest of students; instilling in schoolchildren the skills of self-education and self-education;

educational: teach students to make a crossword puzzle, look for information in books.

Lesson idea.

Students are offered the following business game situation:

“Several firms - limited liability companies (000) - work in the city to assemble computers to order. The work of each of the firms during one particular day proceeds as follows. The working day begins. There are still no orders in the morning and you can do something at your leisure, for example, compiling a crossword puzzle from the words that are used in the work. Then an order comes in: the customer wants to buy a computer, but he does not know exactly what configuration this computer should be and what additional equipment he will need for the computer. We need to help him with this."

simulation model in this case, the work of the company for the assembly and sale of computers is performed.

game model is the working day of such a firm.

The lesson contains two main stages, each of which performs a specific task.

Exercise 1 - compiling a crossword puzzle. At this stage, students are introduced to new concepts of the topic and make a crossword puzzle using these concepts.

Task 2 - assembling the computer (determining the configuration of the computer). By completing this task, students will learn the definitions of new concepts, the functionality of the constituent parts of the computer, the varieties of these components. At the end of the task, students should present a computer configuration option with a rationale for why they offer this option.

Lesson organization.

The working group is divided into several game groups (teams) of 4 people each. One of the group members is chosen to be the engineer (team captain), the rest act as technicians. It is necessary to invite in advance 3-4 experts from among high school students or teachers who will help both the players and the leader during the game: give advice, check assignments, monitor the correctness of answers and evaluate the work of groups. The leader is the computer science teacher who organized the game and teaches in this group.

“Business lesson - game Assembling a computer Completed by: Kholostov K.K. Informatics and ICT teacher, Lyceum, Istra City Supervisor: V. M. Zhurakovskaya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Development...»

Business lesson - game "Building a computer"

Completed by: Kholostov K.K.

Informatics and ICT teacher

MOU Lyceum city of Istra

Scientific adviser:

V. M. Zhurakovskaya

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department

education development

Type of lesson: a lesson of acquaintance with new material and consolidation again


Lesson Objectives:

Didactic: in a playful way to introduce students to the basic

computer devices, their functions;

Educational: the acquisition by students of communication skills when working together; activation of their creative thinking; strengthening the personal interest of students; instilling in students the skills of self-education and self-education.

Game: teach students to make a crossword puzzle, look for information in books.

Lesson idea. Students are offered the following situation of a business game: "Several firms - limited liability companies (LLC) - work in the city to assemble computers to order. The work of each of the firms during one particular day proceeds as follows.

The working day begins. There are still no orders in the morning and you can do something at your leisure, for example, compiling crossword puzzles from the words that are used in work. Then an order comes in: the customer wants to buy a computer, but does not know exactly what configuration it should be and what additional equipment he will need for the computer. We need to help him with this."

The simulation model in this case is the work of the company for the assembly and sale of computers. The game model is the working day of such a company.

The lesson contains two main stages, at each of which a specific task is performed.

lesson game model computer Task 1. - Compilation of a crossword puzzle. At this stage, students are introduced to new concepts of the topic and make a crossword puzzle using these concepts.

Task 2. - assembling a computer (determining the configuration of a computer).

By completing this task, students will learn new concepts, the functionality of the constituent parts of a computer, and the varieties of these components. At the end of the task, students should present a computer configuration option with a rationale for why they offer this particular option.


The working group is divided into several game groups of 2-4 people each. One of the group members is chosen to be the engineer (team captain), the rest act as technicians. It is necessary to invite 3-4 experts from among the teachers in advance, who will help both the players and the facilitator, monitor the correctness of the answer and evaluate the work of the groups. The leader is the computer science teacher who organized the game and teaches in this class.

Lesson equipment.

Each game group must have cards with the image of components and peripheral devices, a price list. Experts must have leaflets with the grading system. In addition, strips with words - computer terms, as well as an Excel sheet for compiling a crossword puzzle should be prepared.

Images of accessories and peripherals can be copied from the Internet. A price list can be obtained from any computer hardware store.

Rules of the game.

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, whose task is to score the maximum number of points that are awarded for correctly completed tasks and tactful behavior during the game.

Players can seek advice from experts.

The facilitator can influence the course of the game, participate in the discussion, giving remarks and asking questions.

At the end of the game, the total points scored for the game are calculated.

Grading system.

The correctness of the assignments is assessed according to the following criteria:

Task 1 Compact structure of the crossword puzzle Correctness Rationality Accuracy Task 2 Orientation in the material Culture of speech Brevity Logic and persuasive Highlighting the essential Ability to interest listeners The maximum number of points for completing each task is 5 points.

The behavior of the participants in the game is evaluated according to the following criteria:

Mutual assistance in a group The ability to communicate with colleagues The ability to organize work in a group The ability to meet time when solving problems The ability to listen to the speeches of your speaker and the speaker of another group

For violation of discipline, fines are levied:

Each remark by the facilitator or expert - 1 point Non-compliance with the rules of the game - 2 points Gross violation - up to 5 points Lesson plan

1. Preparatory stage - 5 min

2. Compilation of a crossword puzzle - 20 minutes

3. computer assembly - 50 minutes (for each group: preparing the computer assembly - 10 minutes, talking with the customer - 10 minutes)

4. Summing up the lesson - 5 minutes Lesson progress

1. Preparatory stage

Participants take places depending on the previously distributed roles:

game groups, experts - consultants, presenter.

The facilitator informs the participants of the didactic purpose of the game.

Moderator: each of your groups has organized a limited liability company. Give a name to your business.

The guys come up with the names of their companies - teams.

Moderator: Your first working day begins. Until the orders are received, you can spend your free time with benefit - try to make a crossword puzzle on computer terms.

2. Compilation of a crossword puzzle.

The players of each team sit near one computer. Each team receives word strips to complete a crossword puzzle. The strips are double-sided: on one side the word is written horizontally, on the other side the same word is written vertically. Players put together a crossword puzzle of these words - strips on the table next to the computer. Then they redraw the crossword on Excel sheet prepared in advance on a computer. Number the words and make up questions for the crossword in the form of pictures.

Teams submit their decisions to experts.

3. Assembling a computer Presenter: Our company received an order. The customer asks to assemble a computer, but does not know exactly what configuration it should be and what additional equipment he will need. The customer wants to use this computer for both work and play. He can pay no more than $700 (this is a task for 1 team, for another it can be $750, $800, etc.). Your task is to help the customer in determining the configuration of the computer, i.e. help determine the power of the computer, the size of the hard drive, RAM, video cards, the type and size of the monitor, the type of CD drive, the type of mouse and keyboard, the type of printer, scanner, the presence of speakers, a digital camera, etc.

The conditions for fulfilling the order are as follows: on the one hand, the customer must not purchase an unnecessary thing, i.e. if an employee of the company believes that the customer himself has chosen some item that is not really useful to him, then the employee must sensibly and convincingly prove this; on the other hand, it is necessary to prove to the table sensibly and convincingly that he will need this particular item.

Each team receives several pictures showing components and peripherals. Players, using the textbook, should be prepared to intelligibly talk about what is shown in the picture, whether the depicted object is necessary for the operation of the computer, and present its functionality.

Next, the teams offer a computer configuration option for a given amount and convince the customer to purchase a computer of just such a configuration.

Conversations of representatives of firms with customers take place in turn, one after another. Experts act as customers. Each team talks to one customer. He has a memo on how to behave, what to ask and for what purpose to require a computer. The customer must communicate with all members of the game group, everyone must explain something to him. At the end of each stage, the customer announces whether he is satisfied with the service of this company.

An example of a memo for an employee of the company.

" For the entire amount that the buyer has, you need to offer the goods. You only have Celeron 1200 processors left. A large batch has arrived inkjet printers Epson and you need to sell them urgently.

You don't have speakers, only headphones. You have only 128 Mb of RAM left.

Sample customer note "You know the latest brand of computer is the Pentium 4. You want to print photos using the computer and listen to music through the speakers. And you want a mouse with a big ball on top.

You're asking:

Pentium is the name of a computer company?

What is memory and what is it for?

What's the difference between CDROM and DVDROM?

What is the difference between large cube-like monitors and thin monitors?

What can I print large size posters on?

You are constantly wondering why you are offered this particular subject and not another.

4. Summing up the lesson.

The leader gives a general assessment to all participants in the game and to each separately; analyzes the entire course of the game, focusing on successful and unsuccessful decisions; evaluates the general behavior of the participants in the game - interest, mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc.

In addition, it is desirable that the players themselves express their opinion about the game.

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  • orientation in the material;
  • a culture of speech;
  • brevity;
  • logic and persuasiveness;
  • highlighting the essential;

The behavior of the participants in the game

  • mutual assistance in the group;
  • ability to communicate with colleagues;
  • gross violation - up to 5 points;

Lesson plan.

1. Preparatory stage - 5 min.

3. Assembling a computer - 50 minutes (for each group: preparing to assemble a computer - 10 minutes, talking with a customer - 10 minutes).

4. Summing up the lesson - 5 min.

During the classes

1.Preparatory stage



2. Compilation of a crossword puzzle

3.Computer assembly


everyone game group members each

“You know the latest brand of computer is the Pentium 4. You want to print photos using your computer and listen to music through your speakers. And you want a mouse with a big ball on top.

You're asking:

4. Summing up the lesson


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"Lesson - business game "Computer Assembly""

Lesson - business game "Building a computer"

Lesson topic: Basic computer devices.

Lesson type: a lesson of acquaintance with new material and consolidation of the newly learned.

Lesson Objectives:

didactic: in a playful way to introduce students to the main devices of a computer, their functions and information interaction;

educational: the acquisition by students of communication skills when working together; activation of their creative thinking; strengthening the personal interest of students; instilling in schoolchildren the skills of self-education and self-education;

gaming: teach students to make a crossword puzzle, look for information in books

Lesson idea.

Students are offered the following business game situation: “There are several companies that assemble computers to order in the city. The work of each of the firms during one particular day proceeds as follows. The working day begins. There are no orders yet in the morning and you can do something at your leisure, for example, compiling a crossword puzzle from the words that are used at work. Then an order comes in: the customer wants to buy a computer, but he does not know exactly what configuration this computer should be and what additional equipment he will need for the computer. We need to help him with this."

simulation model in this case, the work of the company for the assembly and sale of computers is performed.

game model is the working day of such a firm.

The lesson contains two main stages, at each of which a specific task is performed.

Task 1 - compiling a crossword puzzle. At this stage, students are introduced to new concepts of the topic and make a crossword puzzle using these concepts.

Task 2-assembly of the computer (determining the configuration of the computer). By completing this task, students will learn the definitions of new concepts, the functionality of the constituent parts of the computer, the varieties of these components. At the end of the task, students should present a computer configuration option with a rationale for why they offer this option.

Lesson organization.

The working group is divided into several game groups (teams) of 2-4 people each. One of the group members is chosen to be the engineer (team captain), the rest act as technicians. It is necessary to invite in advance 3-4 experts from among high school students or teachers who will help both players and leaders during the game: give advice, check assignments, monitor the correctness of answers and evaluate the work of groups. The leader is the computer science teacher who organized the game and teaches in this class. It is imperative that before the start of the game it is necessary to decide how the participants in the game will be placed in the room: who will be where.

Lesson equipment.

Each game group should have leaflets with the rules of the game, a rating system, cards with the image of components and peripheral devices, a textbook, a price list, a memo for conducting a conversation with a customer.

Experts should have leaflets with the rules of the game, the evaluation system, a memo on conducting a conversation with employees of the company.

In addition, strips with words - computer terms, as well as an Excel sheet for compiling a crossword puzzle, an image of components and peripherals, a price list for a computer equipment store should be prepared.

Rules of the game.

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, whose task is to score the maximum number of points that are awarded for the correct performance of the task and tactful behavior during the game.

Players can seek advice from experts.

The facilitator can influence the course of the game, participate in the discussion, giving remarks and asking questions. (The role of the teacher in the game should be minimal. In a well-prepared business game, the teacher mainly acts before the start of the game. The less he interferes in the process of the game, the more elements of self-regulation and mutual control of students in it, the higher the learning value of the game.) At the end of the game. the total points scored by groups for the entire game are calculated, and for a certain amount of points (which is set by the host), each player receives a positive assessment.

Grading system.

The correctness of the tasks evaluated according to the following criteria:

Exercise 1

    compactness of the crossword structure;




Task 2

    orientation in the material;

    a culture of speech;


    logic and persuasiveness;

    highlighting the essential;

    the ability to interest listeners;

The maximum number of points for completing each of the tasks is 5 points.

The behavior of the participants in the game evaluated according to the following criteria:

    mutual assistance in the group;

    ability to communicate with colleagues;

    ability to organize work in a group;

    the ability to meet time in solving problems;

    the ability to listen to the presentation of the speaker and the speaker of another group.

The number of points awarded for tactful behavior during the game is -5, and a few more points can be added at the discretion of the leader and experts.

For violation of discipline, fines are levied:

    each remark of the presenter or expert consultant - 1 point;

    non-compliance with the rules of the game -2 points;

    gross violation - up to 5 points;

Lesson plan.

1. Preparatory stage - 5 min.

2. Compilation of a crossword puzzle-20min.

3. Assembling a computer - 50 minutes (for each group: preparing to assemble a computer - 10 minutes, talking with a customer - 10 minutes).

4. Summing up the lesson - 5 min.

The business game "Assembling a computer" can be used when studying the topic "Basic computer devices" in grade 8. Depending on the level of preparation of students and the availability of time, the game can be simplified, as well as shortened in duration.

During the classes

1.Preparatory stage

Participants take places depending on the previously distributed roles: game groups, expert consultants, presenter.

The facilitator informs the participants of the didactic purpose of the game.

Leading. Each of your groups has organized a limited society. Please give a name to your company.

The guys come up with the names of their firms-teams.

Leading. Your first day of work begins. Until the orders are received, you can spend your free time with benefit - try to make a crossword puzzle from computer terms.

2. Compilation of a crossword puzzle

The players of each team sit near one computer. Each team receives word strips to complete a crossword puzzle. The strips are double-sided: on one side the word is written horizontally, on the other side the same word is written vertically. Players put together a crossword puzzle of these words - strips on the table next to the computer. Then they redraw the resulting crossword puzzle on an Excel sheet prepared in advance by the teacher and displayed on the computer screen, number the words and make up questions for the crossword puzzle in the form of pictures. These pictures are already on the screen, and students only have to arrange and number them.

After the time allotted for this task, the leader reports the completion of the stage. Teams submit their decisions to experts, who check and evaluate the work of each of the teams while the players complete the task of the next stage.

3.Computer assembly

Leading. Your company has received an order. The customer asks to assemble a computer for him, but does not know exactly what configuration this computer should be and what additional equipment he will need. The customer wants to use this computer for both work and play. He can pay no more than $700 ( this is a task for the 1st team, for other teams it can be, for example, 750,800 dollars, etc.).

Your task: to help the customer in determining the configuration of the computer, i.e. help him determine the power of the computer, the size of the hard disk, RAM, video card type and size of the monitor, type of CD drive, type of mouse and keyboard, type of printer and presence of speakers, digital scanner cameras, etc. The conditions for fulfilling the order are as follows: on the one hand, the customer must not purchase an unnecessary item, i.e. if the employee of the company believes that the customer himself has chosen some item that is not really useful to him, then the employee must sensibly and convincingly prove this; on the other hand, it is necessary to prove to the customer so sensibly and convincingly that he will need just such and such an object.

Each team receives several pictures showing components and peripherals. Players, using the material of the textbook, should be prepared to intelligibly tell about what is shown in each picture, whether the depicted object is necessary for the operation of the computer, and present its functionality and varieties.

Conversations between representatives of firms-teams with the customer take place in turn, one after another. Other teams may make suggestions or comments after the end of the customer's conversation with the firm.

Experts act as customers. Each team talks to one customer. He has a memo on how to behave, what to ask and for what purpose to require a computer. The customer must communicate with everyone game group members each I have to explain something to him. At the end of this stage, the customer announces whether he is satisfied with the service of this company.

An example of a memo for company employees.

“For the entire amount that the buyer has, you need to offer the goods. You only have Celeron 1200 processors left. A large batch of Epson inkjet printers has arrived, and you urgently need to sell them. You don't have speakers, only headphones. You have only 128 MB of RAM left.

An example of a memo for a customer.

“You know the latest brand of computer is the Pentium 4. You want to print photos using your computer and listen to music through your speakers. And you want a mouse with a big ball on top.

You're asking:

    Pentium is the name of a computer company?

    What is memory and what is it for?

    What's the difference between CD-ROM and DVD-ROM?

    What is the difference between large cube-like monitors and thin monitors?

    What can I print large size posters on?

You are constantly wondering why you are offered this particular subject and not another.

4. Summing up the lesson

The host gives a general assessment of all participants in the game and each individually; analyzes the entire course of the game, focusing on successful and unsuccessful decisions; evaluates the general behavior of the participants in the game - interest, mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc.

In addition, it is desirable that the players themselves express their opinion about the game - about its content, organization, and also make suggestions for its improvement.


    Platov V.Ya. Business games: development, organization, implementation. M.: IPO "Profizdat", 1991.

    Krivova V.A. The use of educational business games in teaching mathematics in primary school (on the example of geometric material): Dis. …cand. ped. Sciences. M., 1999.

    Baburin V. L. Business games in economic geography. M .: Education-JSC "Educational book", 1995.

    Grook W. The age of the "Field of Miracles" at the lessons of computer science//Science and school. 1997. No. 1.

    Belchikov Ya. M. Birshtein MM business games. Riga: Avots, 1989.

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topics:“Computer Device” and “Data Processing and Calculations Using Excel Spreadsheets” Type of lesson: business gameTechnology: gaming technology

Lesson Objectives:

    Repetition and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Computer device"

    To consolidate practical skills in working with Excel spreadsheets and apply them to solve a real problem.

Rules of the game

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, whose task is to score the maximum number of points that are awarded for the correct completion of the task and tactful behavior during the game.
Leading - the teacher can influence the course of the game, participate in the discussion, giving remarks and asking questions.
At the end of the game, the total points scored by groups for the entire game are calculated, and for a certain amount of points (which is set by the leader), each player receives a positive assessment.
The maximum number of points for each task is 5 points. Penalties are levied for violations of discipline.

The performance of the task is evaluated according to the following criteria:

    The correctness of the calculations;

    Proper execution of the document, compliance with all the requirements recorded in the task - card;

    ability to meet deadlines for problem solving

The behavior of the participants in the game is evaluated according to the following criteria:

    mutual assistance in the group;

    ability to communicate with colleagues;

    ability to organize work in a group;

    the ability to listen to the presentation of your speaker and the speaker of another group.

The number of points for tactful behavior during the game is 5, and a few more points can be added at the discretion of the facilitator and judges.

For violation of discipline, fines are levied:

    each remark of the presenter or expert - 1 point;

    non-compliance with the rules of the game - 2 points;

    gross violation - up to 5 points.

Lesson Plan

    Familiarization with the rules of the game, blitz survey, filling in the order form by invited guests - 5 min.

    Order Fulfillment and Loan Calculation (Spreadsheet Work) 20 min

    conversations with customers 10 min.

    Summing up - 5 min.

During the classes

    The teacher tells the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the lesson and what the students should do for the lesson.

    Students should organize a computer company and give it a name.

    Fulfill an order for the buyer - prepare and print an invoice for the purchase of a computer in 2 copies.

    Calculate a loan to buy a computer

    Calculate wages for your employees

    Preparatory stage and blitz-survey on the past material.

Students are divided into 2 teams (2 firms) and take places at different tables.
Game groups choose 1 captain (director of the company), he coordinates the work of the entire team and helps all participants, 1 is a representative of the bank, 1 is an accountant for calculating salaries for employees of the company, executors of orders - 4 people. (the director can also be an executor of orders). Experts (jury) are selected from among the invited guests or from among the participants in the game.

Questions for the blitz survey:
1. Name the characteristics of the motherboard.
2. What is on it?
3. Name the characteristics of the processor.
4. The characteristics of which devices will affect the speed of the computer?
5. Name the types of expansion boards and types of connectors for them.
6. What will you consider when choosing a motherboard and processor for it?
7. What are the characteristics of RAM?

During a blitz survey, students are given chips for the correct answer. Which are then summed up when scoring. During the blitz survey, guests invited to the lesson (or students not involved in the game) fill out order forms.

    Fulfillment of orders.

Leading . Your company received 2 orders.
Orders for the 1st team:
1st order:
The customer asks you to build the cheapest computer for him without peripherals, but with speakers.

2nd order:

    Order price ____________

    Do I need a scanner?____________

Orders for the 2nd team:
The customer asks you to assemble for him the best and most expensive computer without peripherals, but with speakers. The monitor wants to purchase with a diagonal of 17 inches.
When placing an order, use data sorting by price!

2nd order:
Order form: (to be completed by invited guests)

    Order price ____________

    What processor do you want to buy an AMD or Intel computer?________

    Are columns needed? __________, expensive, average, cheap? (underline)

    Do you need a printer? __________, which?________________________

    Do I need a scanner?____________

    Would you like to go online?_______________

    Would you like to watch TV shows on your computer?_____________

You must draw up invoices in Excel and print them in 2 copies - one for the customer, the other for the leader. The invoice must contain your company name, logo, address and phone number. To perform work in computers, there are already real price lists (taken from computer companies).
Ordering example:

Checkout in Excel Spreadsheets
in the following way:

and company name

Address: Telephone

Invoice from ________
(the date)

Name of product




The invoice was issued by _______________________ (Surname, first and last name)

One of the customers wants to take out a bank loan to buy a computer. Bank representatives. At the end of the calculations, he must report how much the customer will pay each month, and how much he will overpay in the end (per year). Players - representatives of the bank sit down at computers, where they open a pre-prepared file in Excel spreadsheets.

For one command:
Loan conditions. Loan term -12 months.
Interest rate 18% per annum
Fee for maintaining a loan account 1.5% of the amount of monthly loan payments (excluding interest rates).
The buyer wants to take out a loan for _________ rubles. to buy a computer.
Calculate how much the payer needs to pay the bank monthly, taking into account interest deductions for using the loan. How much will he end up paying?

For another command:
Loan conditions.
Loan term - 6 months.
Interest rate 14% per annum
Loan account maintenance fee 1.5% of the loan amount per month.

The buyer wants to take out a loan for ___________ rub. to buy a computer.

Credit term

Interest rate for a loan

Loan account maintenance fee

Credit amount

The amount of monthly payments (excluding the interest rate for using the loan)

Amount paid at the interest rate per loan per year

Amount paid at the interest rate for a loan per month

Amount paid for account maintenance per month

Monthly fee to the bank, taking into account the amount paid at the interest rate and the amount paid for maintaining the loan account

Total amount (per year)


The accountant at this time goes to calculate the salary for the employees of the company.
Accountant apprentice sits down separate computer, where a table is prepared in advance in electronic form, in which he must quickly make calculations.


Full Name


Premium, 25%
from salary

Income tax, 13% of salary

Tax in Pension Fund, 2%

Total to issue

Next, the teams offer computer configuration options for customers (using actual price lists).
Conversations between representatives of firms-teams with customers take place in turn, one after another. Customers are invited guests who ask questions about the invoices provided.

    Summing up the lesson

The host gives a general assessment of all participants in the game and each individually; evaluating the general behavior of the participants in the game - interest, mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc.
In addition, it is desirable that the players themselves express their opinion about the game - about its content, organization, and also make suggestions for its improvement.