Today, every Internet user will sooner or later have to create email . Without a registered e-mail address, you will not be able to fully use all available information on the Internet. To register for social network or online game, or subscribe to news, all require the creation of an email.

This publication presents step by step instructions on creating e-mail on the most popular mail services -,, Yandex, Rambler,

These are the most commonly used email clients on the Russian Internet, and it is in this that we will create email.

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Why do you need e-mail, why have your own e-mail address.

Before you start creating an e-mail address, it's worth talking about why e-mail is needed, why and where it is useful. If you are not interested in this question, then scroll on.

I think everyone remembers the time when mobile phones just started to appear, many then said “What is it for, I’m fine without it”, now suppose that today you have been deprived of a mobile phone. It's a disaster! Approximately the same situation is now happening with an e-mail address. Without it, it is increasingly difficult to "surf" the Internet, and it is almost impossible to take an active part in the "bubbling life" of the global network.

E-mail is an essential tool in the hands of an "advanced" person who wants to conquer the Internet. What benefits and entertainment can we lose without having our mailbox on the Internet, I will list the options where e-mail is most often used:

  • Social networks. An e-mail is required for registration, password recovery and receiving notifications. Without him, you are further start page won't come in.
  • Forums, blogs. To register on the forum you are interested in, you need an email. To leave a review, and comment on blogs, you also need to post on the Internet.
  • Communication. Email correspondence with relatives, colleagues, clients, all this will be available after the creation of the email.
  • Banks. Banks are increasingly using email to communicate with customers. They conduct surveys, inform, warn now not only in person at the department, but with the help of online mail.

These are not all the options for using the so-called "soap", but they are quite enough to create an email right now.

Top 5 most popular mail services of Runet

Now I will briefly go through the most popular CIS mailers, if such a concept is still appropriate to use. Mail can be created on almost any major internet portal, but only a few "giants" provide a quality product.

So, TOP 5 most used mail services:
On the last 5th place hosts the once very popular search engine Rambler, on which I created my first e-mail to register in an online game. This was about 15 years ago. Since then, I completely forgot about her. Breathable, once mega-popular mail client exhausted its potential and did not seek to rectify this situation.

On the next 4th position housed Ukrainian, less neglected, but the same primitive While still alive and quite popular portal, offers to create mailbox. I can’t say anything good or bad, a solid three.

Bronze receives the infamous Once upon a time, a very popular mail service, in most minds it is that is associated with an e-mail address, most likely because of the consonant name. Why scandalous? Emails have been hacked several times by hackers, and by the millions, for this reason, even those who have been using email for a long time are smoothly switching to other, more secure ones. Also, some sites refuse to accept mail ru mail, and letters do not always reach their destination.

honestly earned silver receives Yandex Mail. Excellent interface, large space for storing letters, security at the level. Why then only the second place? We will talk about this when introducing the winner of this small competition.

At the first place in Runet, and in the world as a whole, mail from Google, called Gmail, has firmly settled down. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, reliability, connection to the phone and the need to confirm the input from other devices is one of the main advantages of gmail. Speed ​​and reliability. The probability that the sent message will not reach the addressee is very small.

Another important lever for active growth Gmail users is to link Google accounts to Android smartphones. Without Google mail, you will not be able to download the necessary applications through GooglePlay. And if you look at the growth of Android consumers, you can imagine what momentum all this is gaining.

find fault with gmail mail it’s almost impossible, everything suits me personally and I’m quite satisfied with its interface and functionality, although I also have created email boxes on Rambler, Yandex and, I just use them for different purposes.

The email giants have discussed now it's time to create email. Let's start creating an email address step by step, and in this case we'll go from the best to ... the least good. .

How to create an email (account) on

Now we will start creating an email on, which is also an account for everyone Google services, follow the link and follow the instructions.

First of all, you will see a greeting from Google, at the bottom there will be a link "Create an account", click on it.

You will see a form for registering an account, we will gradually analyze what and how to enter.

  1. First, enter your first and last name. I recommend that you enter reliable data, this will facilitate your further activities with Google.
  2. The next step, probably the most difficult one, is to come up with a free, and it's not so easy, username. It is allowed to use Latin letters and numbers, you can also put dots between words for separation. Dash and underscore, unlike most mail services, are prohibited.

The picture above shows a great example of filling out a form correctly.

Let's talk a little more about this point, what pitfalls we can expect:

  • The password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Do not use one password for all sites (registrations).
  • When inventing a password, you can use English uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks (shift + keyboard numbers).
  • In the first and second cases, the passwords must match, if you cannot achieve this (well, anything can happen), write down the password on your computer, then copy and paste it twice.
  • The password must be strong, use the entire arsenal of characters provided, upper and lower case letters, numbers and signs. And even better, mix it all up, do not make it easier for burglars.

After you come up with good password move on. In the next step of creating mail to Google, you will need to specify the date of birth and gender:

I think you won't have any problems with this. Next, enter the mobile phone number, indicate the country of residence, if any, a spare email address.

Be sure to enter the correct phone number, it is closely related to the further security of your Gmail account.

If all the data is entered correctly, Google will offer to read the terms of use of the account. To successfully complete this stage, you need to go down to the very bottom of the text, after which the "Accept" button will become active.

Click on it, we receive Google congratulations on the successful creating Google account. This means that all Google services have become available to you, and this great amount opportunities, including g mail mail.

By clicking the continue button, you can make changes to your account settings. Familiarize yourself, set up. In any case, everything can be corrected in the future. To enter Gmail, you need to look at the upper right corner of the screen and click on the square or circle, then select the red envelope of gmail mail.

After entering the mail, I can congratulate you too, you just created an email and Google account generally.

You can take a quick look at the mail, for this Google has provided a small tutorial.

Of course, there are many more Google settings mail, but the purpose of this instruction was to create an email, we successfully coped with this task. At the end of the article will be more about security and little tricks. . .

How to create mail on Yandex

Let's start free creation e-mail on Yandex, first you need to follow the link. After the transition, a standard authorization form will open for you, at the bottom there will be a “Register” button, click on it.

As you may have guessed, now we will enter standard data for any registration.

Let's talk about each field in order:

  1. First Name Last Name. I think everything is clear here.
  2. Create a username. Here you need to pick up or choose from the login offered by Yandex, which will be a prefix to Yandex mail. You can use Latin letters, numbers, period, hyphen.
  3. Create a password. Yandex shows how strong your password is, the picture shows that my password is safe. I've used letters, numbers and punctuation, this is the ideal use of characters and is the hardest to pick up.
  4. I will tell you about the phone separately.

In the "Mobile phone" field, you must specify a work number, as an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to it. If you don't have a phone, click "I don't have a phone".

After you enter the phone number and click "Get code", you will receive an SMS, the code from which we enter in the field that appears:

After successfully confirming the phone, press the coveted "Register" button. Yandex Mail is configured in such a way that immediately after its creation, you will be prompted to quickly set it up, after going through 6 steps you will improve it the way you need.

When quick setup will be completed, you will already be able to successfully use the mailbox from Yandex.

In the future, you will be able to change and configure any data associated with the newly created email on Yandex. For this, in the right upper corner there is a gear button, clicking on which will open a panel of possible settings.

How to create an email on

Unlike the two previous proposed versions of Yandex and Google, which are associated as search engines, is firmly planted in the minds of users as a mailer. Nevertheless, mailru also has a large number of its own tools and services, however, now we are not talking about this, but about creating a mailbox on

For free registration mailbox to the mailbox you must specify:

  • Name, Surname.
  • Birthday.
  • City (optional).

In the next step, you need to come up with a name for the mailbox and a strong password. It is allowed to use Latin letters, numbers, dot and hyphen in the name (there should not end with a dot and a hyphen). An example of a strong password is "qazwsx!2016".

Going down, you will have three options:

  1. Click the "Register" button immediately.
  2. Specify and confirm the mobile number "I have a mobile phone." This and next option serves to recover the password.
  3. Enter "Additional e-mail" (optional).

If you clicked to register, then you are already on the mail page and you can scroll through this page a little lower. If you decide to protect yourself and your password and enter your mobile number, then look further.

We find our country, write the mobile number, click on "Register". We receive an SMS with a code, enter it in the window that opens.

After that, it should take you to the mail, for some reason I was returned back to the form, I had to enter the password and mobile number again. True, the second time the phone did not have to be confirmed, it was immediately redirected to mail and its quick setup.

You can change the signature for every email you send, upload a photo, or take a picture from your webcam. Click save and move on.

We choose a beautiful background image, or you can leave the “strict” design without changing anything.

To register, click on the "Remove the screenshot" button, after which we proceed to the profile profile already familiar to us.

You need to enter: first name, last name, come up with a username and password, mobile number. After confirming the phone, registration on Ukrnet can be considered complete.

In Ukrainian there is nothing, we go to the rambler.

How to create an email on rambler

Creating an email on rambler is absolutely free. First you need to follow the link and click on the "Register" button.

After that, a form will open for you to fill out the email user profile. You will need to enter the following details:

  1. Surname.
  2. Come up with an accessible login.
  3. Come up with a strong password.
  4. Specify date of birth.
  5. Place of residence.
  6. Enter a real mobile number.
  7. Verify mobile. Receive the code via SMS (it's free).

If you entered all the data correctly, then the mail on the rambler will be created, and you will be shown your profile, where you can change your data at any time.

After registering an email on rambler, you will receive your first welcome email from the system.

After all the above done, you can safely use the capabilities of the mail.

I will give some worthwhile tips, thanks to which you can significantly secure your already created and future mailboxes:

  1. If it is possible to link an email address to a mobile phone, do so. Binding will help avoid hacks and speed up the recovery of a lost password.
  2. Do not ignore the "Additional e-mail" fields, a bunch of several email addresses can also serve you when (exactly "when", there are few people and cases when the password is never forgotten) you lose your password.
  3. Do not use the same mailbox names and passwords for all services. If attackers manage to break into one box, they will try to do the same on other sites, do not make it easy for them.

What is the safest mail

Gmail is considered the most secure of the free e-mail services, if you properly configure it, using all levels of protection, you can achieve a mailbox with an excellent security system. Two-level authentication, when in addition to the password you still have to enter a code via SMS, will allow you to control login attempts literally at the same moment. If you receive a code, but you have not tried to enter your mail, know that someone else is planning to do it.

Yandex mail is also quite safe, I have not seen cases of mass hacking of accounts, so you can safely use it. mail has been hacked more than once, and on a huge scale, by millions of accounts at the same time, so it’s better not to use this mail for storage especially important information. It is quite suitable for communication.

I think this is the end of the analysis of the question “How to create an email on the most popular mail services”, I hope all questions have been answered, but if something is not clear, ask your questions in the comments.

Rambler Mail - reliable and fast email

with a simple design user-friendly interface and spam and virus protection.


Registering an account on Rambler mail

Account, ID, account, user profile are practically synonyms.

To authorize and access all services and applications, you need to create an account on Rambler. Authorized users will have access to all personal services. Including - Rambler mail. If you already have an account on a computer, tablet or phone to access Rambler projects, then you can use the appropriate email address to log in. You can log in using email addresses from social network accounts.

Otherwise, create a new address by clicking on the link - Registration .

How to create an account on rambler mail?

If you have registered on RAMBLER&Co projects - log in with your name. Connect your social network account to prefill the form and access RAMBLER&Co projects in one click.

Register email on rambler.

Or page - Registration - site

To register on Rambler, you must fill out a form.

In which you specify your first name, last name, date of birth and gender, choose a login from the options offered or enter your own, and also come up with a password. The username and password you choose will be the key to your account on Rambler / mail and other services.

Rambler account confirmation via sms

Enter your mobile phone number (some services require a phone number). You will also need it if you forget your password. And press the button - Get the code

Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message
and click - Register

If you cannot provide a mobile phone number, please enter your security question and answer to reset your password.

On the page - Profile, you can add email addresses, numbers mobile phones and indicate the security question and the answer to it.
This may be required to restore access to your account.
To enter your mailbox, press - Mail

And go to the page - inbox your mailbox - [email protected] to rambler_mail

Rambler mail entrance. Checking the mailbox on Rambler.

On any page of the Rambler media portal, click on the item - Login.

Enter your email address, password and click - Login

From folder - inbox, Pressing - Write

Write and send a letter to your mail address

In folder inbox, click on the line - First post.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your email address on works.

Username is the name of the mailbox(before the @ symbol) .
As username, for a Rambler account , you can use any email address. For example Yandex, Hotmail or Gmail.

Other mailboxes- you can collect mail from all your mailboxes in one place.

Rambler media portal-

one account for all Rambler services

Rambler mail automatically connects to various applications and services Rambler

Do you use devices Windows control, iOS or Android, or switch between all three - your account stores everything you need on the device you use.

All of these services are compatible with your Rambler account

It doesn't matter if you use all Rambler services at once or only some of them, thanks to your account you will have access to your settings, photos, files and other important materials on any device.

rambler news- a complete picture of the most important events in Russia and the world

Rambler mail- easy access to any of your mailboxes.

Rambler finance- exchange rates, news of finance and economy.

Mail Rambler- one of the many mail services that provide and host free mailboxes on their servers. In this article, I will tell you how to create email on Rambler. You should open the rambler main page, for this, type in the main line of your browser. And there, without any problems, you click on the hyperlink " Start mail". And then you should choose a few items, which are listed below:

Create email rambler

You will see the page "Please introduce yourself"

There you must enter your personal data, Last Name, First Name and Patronymic, date of birth.

2) Next choose E-mail address rambler. Enter the site address of interest and the rambler will check whether there is such an address or not. If there is then you will see green tick. Next, come up with a password. The password must consist of Latin letters and numbers. You will use it to enter your mailbox.

3) If you happen to forget your password.

In order to safely recover the password. You must choose Security Question from the list provided to you and enter the answer. Write a truthful answer, because in a month, a year or two, it will come in handy for you and you must know the answer, otherwise you will lose your mail on Rambler

4. As a defense postal service, site administrator entered automatic registration protection. Fill in the captcha provided to you and click the button <Зарегистрироваться> .

4. After you have filled in all the lines and clicked register, you will receive a window: <Регистрация успешно завершена> . Then you can easily go to your rambler mail.

5. To visit your mail for the first time, you must go to the main page and fill in the fields: email address and password, then click on the button "log in mail".

After the completed not too difficult steps, you got your own free email, which is as good as mail mail and Yandex. I think you won’t have any problems working in the mail, write and send a letter in a conspicuous place. If you have any problems please ask.

Rambler mail is one of the most popular email services. It is comfortable, fast, and there are few unnecessary details in it. Today we will talk about her.

How to register a Rambler mailbox

It all starts with the same thing - registration. You need to log in to your email home page service:

At the very bottom under the login form Personal Area mail there is a button "Registration", and click on it. Will open registration page, where you need to enter your first name, last name, name for your mailbox, password, date of birth, and other information.

It is worth paying attention if an account was previously created on one of the Rambler services, then you just need to go to your mailbox through the previously created account. In addition, for registration, you can use one of the suggested social networks, and they will automatically fill in some items.

After filling in all the points, we go through the captcha, and click on the blue button "register". We perform this action, and we are thrown into the mail page:

It is proposed to undergo training, or immediately start work. After registration, a letter from Rambler immediately arrives with congratulations, and information that, by creating mail, we created an account in other Rambler services.

Interface "My Page"

Two things can be said about the interface of My Page - simple and modern. You can see it in the screenshot below:

On the left is the block message grouping. By clicking on one of the suggested options, you can immediately check your incoming or sent mail, drafts, messages in the trash and spam. You can also create your own folder.

All letters are in the center. selected group. As you can see, the “inbox” group is selected in the screenshot, and in the center we have an incoming welcome letter from Rambler.

At the top left of the site is list of other services from Rambler - news, games, search engine, and more. Passing through them does not require authorization, a created mail account is enough.

At the top right is the name created mailbox and exit button.

How to write a letter

In order to send a letter you need:

mobile version

In rambler mail there is also mobile version. It can be downloaded from Play Market or App Store. Its functionality is not much different from the site. The same beautiful interface, message grouping, the ability to connect other mail services. A handy feature is the ability to view cached messages offline.

Mail client settings

To go to settings, home page mail click on settings»:

Here we can see several options, which are broken down into sub-items:

On the first page, you can set the sender's name, signature in letters and subject. To select a topic, simply click on it. After any changes, at the bottom of the page, click on " save changes».

In chapter " mail collection» you can connect other mailboxes so that all letters are collected in one place:

It is easy to do this - click on any mailbox from the proposed ones, enter your address and password for it, choose whether we want to download old messages, and you're done.

Setting " folders" allows you to see how much space they take up, how many messages they have and delete or create a new folder.

Setting " filters was created to help distribute mail. For it to work, you need to create a new filter:

Here we see such a window that allows you to make detailed settings.

For example, if someone is very annoying and sends too much spam, you can set up a filter so that all messages from this recipient are immediately deleted.

Exists answering machine function, which will immediately respond to any received email. It can be configured to auto-reply only to recipients in the contact list, or to everyone.

And last setting provides permission for other programs or mail services to access your mailbox.

Exit mail

In order to log out of the mail, simply click on the "logout" button in the upper right corner of the site, next to your account name.

Password recovery

To recover a lost password, just use the button " Remember password».

You will be redirected to the password recovery window. There must be entered your email address and enter the captcha. After that, we go to the next item, and enter the answer to the security question that we indicated during registration. Now we enter New Password, confirm it, go through the captcha, and you're done.

If you do not remember the answer to the security question, you can try to solve the problem through technical support. We describe our problem in detail, give any available evidence that the mail is yours, and perhaps technical support will help.

Why can't I log into rambler

The first and most banal reason may be Incorrect login or password. Carefully read the login that you entered, check the layout, and whether caps lock is turned off. If the login details were copied and entered using the clipboard, you must enter them manually.

Second possible reasonaccount blocking. If a for a long time do not enter it, it is automatically blocked. To unlock, you need to go here -, and enter your username / password. In the window that appears, enter the username and password again, and put a tick on "unblock".

The third reason is outdated browser version. To solve this problem, you need to update your browser, enable cookies in the settings, clear the cache and make sure that the date and time on the PC are set correctly.

The last reason is server problems. In this case, nothing can be done, just wait until the problems are fixed. If the problem persists for too long, try accessing the site from a different device. If it works out, the problem is in the device itself, and again, you need to check the date / time and disable the antivirus for a while.

Those people who used the Internet at the beginning of the 2000s probably remember that in those distant times Rambler was one of the most popular search engines in our country. Moreover, for the first few years after its creation in 1996, he held a leadership position and was absolutely unshakable. However, times are changing and today Rambler is positioning itself rather as a media portal with search system. However, this is a very functional site, including its own mail system.

I will say right away that I do not see a single reason to change mail from or to Rambler. Why? Well, for example, you can recall situations when it was simply impossible to register on many forums if you had a Rambler mail - letters simply did not reach the addressee. As far as I know, now the situation has changed dramatically, but the sediment remains. And yet, if you have any wishes of your own and want to create a mailbox in this particular system, then welcome - I'll tell you how to do it.

Registration by mail

As with other mail systems, registration is absolutely free. So if you are required to send SMS even before registration, then you are clearly on a site different from Rambler.

Let's move on to action. Open Rambler. Here we see a lot of news. At the very top of the screen there is a small menu where you need to select the "Mail" section. We click on it.

Actually, the registration itself will consist of several steps. At the first stage, we indicate our first and last name. I recommend that you specify real data, since in case of lack of access, this will help you restore it faster.

Here you also need to come up with the address of the mail itself (nickname, roughly speaking), which you will use. As you can see, you can choose one of five endings (,,, and You have to come up with a name yourself. If it is already taken, the system will immediately inform you about this, so you will need to come up with another word.

After you have chosen the name of the mailbox, proceed to the next step. The first thing you need to do here is to create a password. How to do this, I described in great detail in the article. Therefore, just in case, I remind you that the password must consist of at least 12 characters (on Rambler maximum amount characters in the password - 16), including the Latin letters of the lower and upper case, numbers and Special symbols. How harder password, the harder it will be to lose access to e-mail. We write down the password on a piece of paper and hide it away from human eyes.

In the same section, we indicate the control of the question and the answer to it (we also write down this data on paper, as you may need it!), Spare mail (if any), gender, date of birth (it is better to write the real date) and captcha.

It remains to click on the "Register" button and that's it. You will see this picture in front of you:

Now we can use the mailbox at our discretion.

How to check mail?

We perform such a simple trick: go to Rambler, in top menu select the "Mail" section, enter your username and password, then click "Login". You have successfully logged into your mailbox. Congratulations.

For all questions on the topic, please contact through the comments.