To date, setting up a network on Android in most cases occurs automatically, but sometimes user participation may still be required to connect or select network settings.

Network setup on Android

To access the network, it is often enough to insert a SIM card into the device. You need to make sure that the SIM card is activated and has connected services cellular communication. By default, automatic operator selection is enabled in the settings, the smartphone will automatically find the network and connect to it. If not, enable this option or select your operator from the list of available ones yourself.

How to set up network type on Android

Modern smartphones have the ability to work in several types (generations) of the network: 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE). By default, the radio module will try to connect to a higher generation network, if it fails, it will try to connect to a lower generation network. Such a constant search the best network negatively affects battery life. If you know that 3G network is predominant in your region, you can select the appropriate option in the settings, thereby saving the device from unnecessary load when searching for 4G. If you do not use the Internet to watch videos or download large files, you can generally choose a 2G network. The speed of the Internet on this network leaves much to be desired, but such a network setting on Android will help the battery hold a charge longer.

Setting up the Internet on Android also happens automatically, as well as setting up a network on Android. However, there may be exceptions:

  • If you purchased a smartphone from some little-known manufacturer, for which there is no automatic settings then the settings will have to be entered manually.
  • If the smartphone is released for another country. In this case, connecting to the network may not be possible at all, since in different countries different frequencies can be used for cellular communications.

In order to enter the Internet settings manually, you need to check in technical support your carrier the necessary settings for the access point (APN) and create a new access point.

Why does the network disappear on Android

From time to time, smartphones on Android, like everyone else cell phones, you may experience problems with the quality of the network connection. There are many factors that affect the signal level, it may not be the device itself or the operator at all. Here are some reasons why the quality of communication and Internet speed drops:

  • A long distance to the nearest PBX tower (automatic telephone exchange) - especially noticeable outside of large settlements.
  • Cellular tower workload - if many subscribers are simultaneously connected to one tower and use the Internet, then its speed for each subscriber drops.
  • Weather conditions - during rain, radio relay communication channels sharply lose their bandwidth.
  • Building density and other barriers to the signal path. It happens that due to obstacles, the device cannot catch the signal of the nearest PBX and connects to a more remote one.
  • The quality of your smartphone - by purchasing budget device, you must understand that not the best components are installed in it.
  • Some covers also negatively affect the quality of the received signal.

How to boost the signal on Android

So-called GSM/3G repeaters are used to amplify the signal in populated areas and beyond. The device is an amplified antenna that is able to pick up weak signal and amplify it for use by subscribers. There are also applications designed to improve the quality of communication. They do not improve the signal itself, but they scan the nearest cell towers and connect to the one with the best signal. If you are experiencing connection problems, you can try the application Network Signal Information Pro .

What to do if Android does not see the network?

If your network type is set to 4G or 3G only, try changing it to another one. It happens that a certain type of network is either overloaded or has a weak signal, while other types of network have a stable signal.

How to reset network settings on Android?

To reset network settings to default settings sim cards, you need:

  • Go to wireless settings
  • Select the menu item " Mobile networks»
  • Press " Reset to defaults»

Most people don't know what WCDMA is in a phone and don't understand the difference with GSM.

Let's start in order, GSM is a standard mobile communications, which is highly secure and works in networks such as 2G. The main purpose is to make calls and exchange messages. Abbreviation for English language stands for Global System Of Mobile Communications.

But Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, WCDMA for short, is more modern technology, which is used by mobile operators to access mobile phones to the Internet. The main task is to view photos, videos on the Internet. Possesses this system high data transfer rate up to 2 Mbps.

Main differences between WCDMA and GSM

We figured out what each network system is, which means we can compare them and analyze the differences.

  • The main difference is the quality of the data link. WCDMA uses a wide data bandwidth, which means that the quality is not lost, which does not turn out to be the language of GSM.
  • Transfer rate. The modern 3G system makes it possible not only to download pictures and music from the worldwide network, but even make video calls without slowdowns! And if you remember 2G, then loading the site page took about a minute, but while the song was downloading from the Internet, you could lie down to sleep.
  • Probably the only advantage of GSM is its huge network coverage area. You can access this network in any corner of Russia, but things are worse with WCDMA. It covers only a small area.
  • It is also worth saying that the 3G network uses your battery resources more actively. It happens like this: WCDMA coverage is not constant and the phone has to look for a 2G network for work, and then return to 3G again. This search consumes your battery power. If you live in a big city, it is better to immediately set the phone to use only 2G networks. The increase in the duration of work without recharging will increase markedly.

Various formats and communication standards provide Internet access of varying quality.

This depends not only on the hardware capabilities of the phone, network load, range, etc., but also on the technical characteristics of the network format itself, their architecture and coverage area.

One of the network formats is WCDMA (W-CDMA) - about what it is, how it works, and what specifications has, described in this material.


Literally, this abbreviation stands for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, which translates as code division multiple access, wideband.

This is a relatively old communication format - such an interface (radio interface) technology was used even during operation.

More innovative networking format fourth generation LTE interacts with this air interface format much less, however, given type communication still has some prospects.

This term is also used not only to designate, but also to designate an independent type of cellular network.

It was designed as an add-on to the traditional GSM format and has remained in the add-on format to this day.

Fundamental differences from GSM

As mentioned above, WCDMA is an integrated add-on for GSM networks.

Why was this add-on created and what is the fundamental difference between these two formats?

Advice. Also, if you buy a local SIM card, then the chances that it works in GSM format are very high, much higher than that you will find a WCDMA network. Therefore, for trips abroad, it is better to have a GSM-type device.

WCDMA and GSM - communication standards mobile network. Today in Russia, the most popular is GSM, in the environment of which the majority of Russian operators. And it is very rare for users to hear about WCDMA, for example, when they accidentally noticed the tariffs of WCDMA operators or wanted to buy a phone that only supports this standard connections. So far, GSM is not going to move on Russian market, but some advantages of the WCDMA network make users wonder which is better - WCMDA or GSM. What is the difference between these communication standards and which one is better to choose? Let's try to figure it out.

What is WCDMA and GSM in a phone?

It is impossible to explain the difference without talking about the very essence of these standards. Therefore, before we figure out what the difference is, we will consider WCDMA or GSM standards in more detail.

Let's start with GSM. This acronym stands for Global System for Mobile Communications. And this is the first global standard for digital cellular communication, which is somewhat of a model.

It was developed by ETSI (Europe) in the 90s and was based on the principles of TDMA channel division, security, encryption and data transmission. GMS allows you to send:

  1. Speech.
  2. Text messages.
  3. Fax.
  4. Data packets (GPRS).

Also, thanks to this standard, for the first time, it became possible to determine the mobile phone number from which a call is received, forwarding to another number. We should not forget about the possibility of creating a conference call, in which you can combine several cell phones at the same time, and hold the call in standby mode. At one time, GSM created a revolution in the field of cellular communications.

What is WCMDA?

Speaking about WCDMA or GSM and what is the difference between them, it is always appropriate to mention that WCMDA is to some extent an add-on that improves on the GSM standard. Rather, this is how everything was originally conceived, but today WCDMA is a third-generation communication standard, which is based on seven international projects. But GSM has remained the second generation communication standard (read 2G).

WCDMA is based on DS-CDMA technology, which, compared to TDMA, is more resistant to interference and has a greater throughput. Phones that operate in the WCMDA environment can perform the same functions as in the GSM standard (transmission of voice or digital information), but the quality and speed will be much higher. Therefore, operators supporting WCMDA provide Internet access services for more high speed.

WCDMA or GSM - what's the difference?

The most important and key difference is in the technologies used (TDMA and DS-CDMA), that is, the methods of channel separation. AT GSM separation channels is temporary, and because of this, a small frequency band is allocated to the subscriber for a certain period of time.

In WCMDA, everything is different: it uses code division of the stream, due to which information is transmitted between devices over a wide frequency band. As a result, the data transfer speed is greatly increased. Hence the name Wideband Code Division Multiple Access.

This is the main difference between the GSM, WCDMA LTE standards. What is the difference for the user? It will have a higher Internet speed, and much less interference during a conversation. Despite all these advantages, GSM remains the most popular cellular communication standard. But we note that every year there are more and more WCDMA subscribers, and many telecom operators are gradually switching to this standard in order to provide a higher data transfer rate. Today, uninhabited areas and villages are not covered by the WCMDA network, so residents of such areas do not yet have an alternative to GSM.

Which to choose?

Everything becomes clear now that you know what the difference is. Both WCDMA and GSM modems will provide Internet access, but different speed. Living in a big city, it makes more sense to prefer the WCDMA communication standard due to the higher data transfer rate. At the same time, it should be understood that when traveling, the phone will not catch the network in many regions of the country, since WCMDA coverage is poor today.

It is necessary to make a choice between these standards depending on needs. Speaking conditionally, then GSM is a connection of the "cheap and cheerful" type. It will be guaranteed everywhere, even in remote regions. As a bonus, you can highlight the possibility of surfing the Internet. In case if fast internet is always at hand and long trips are not planned, then you can safely give preference to the WCMDA standard. True, you should first clarify whether your phone and mobile operator support it.

In the characteristics of mobile phones, you can often find such a term as WCDMA or W-CDMA. WCDMA can also be found in the phone settings, where you can select the network mode, GSM or WCDMA. Now we will tell you what WCDMA is in a phone, how it differs from GSM, and what you need to select in the settings.

The abbreviation WCDMA (or W-CDMA) stands for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, which can be translated as Wideband Code Division Multiple Access. The WCDMA standard was created as an add-on to GSM, which will operate in the frequency range from 1900 to 2100 MHz, while the GSM networks themselves operate at a frequency of 800 to 1900 MHz.

WCDMA technology is optimized for providing high-speed Internet access and, depending on the distance, provides data transfer rates from 384 Kbps to 2 Mbps. This speed allows you to watch videos, organize video conferences and comfortably surf the Internet. It was WCDMA that was chosen by most mobile operators to provide access to services.

What is the difference between WCDMA and GSM

GSM is a cellular communication standard that has been around since the late 1980s. It uses frequencies between 800 and 1900 MHz and provides basic cellular services.

For example, using GSM, you can:

  • Make voice calls;
  • Send short text messages (SMS);
  • Send fax messages;
  • Access the Internet (WAP, );

In addition, GSM can provide a number of additional services, among which: identification of the number of the caller, call forwarding, holding and waiting for a call, conference calls, voice mail.

As you can see, GSM provides basic mobile services, while WCDMA is a cellular communication standard that was created as an addition to GSM. The WCDMA standard operates in the frequency range from 1900 to 2100 MHz and is used to provide access to third generation (3G) mobile services.

Also, WCDMA and GSM work differently with frequencies and channels. GSM uses time and frequency division (TDMA and FDMA), while WCDMA uses code division (CDMA). The use of CDMA has several advantages of TDMA and FDMA:

  • Efficient use of resources. Code division does not limit the number of possible channels as much.
  • High level of protection. The use of code division greatly complicates the selection of a single channel, since the entire frequency band is almost evenly filled with a signal.
  • Save battery power. Phones that work with CDMA have less power radiation to conserve battery life.

WCDMA and GSM network mode: what to choose

Many phones have the ability to select one of the network modes. There are usually three options available, these are:

  • WCDMA only;
  • GSM only;
  • Automatic mode (WCDMA/GSM);

Choosing between these three options depends on where you are. If you are constantly within the city, where there is a stable signal and good coverage, then it is quite possible to select the WCDMA only network mode. In this case, the phone will only work with the WCDMA network. This will slightly reduce battery consumption and eliminate switching between GSM and WCDMA, during which there may be communication interruptions.

If you live outside the city or often travel outside it, then it is better to choose auto mode networks. In this mode, the phone will automatically switch between WCDMA and GSM networks, depending on what coverage is currently available.

Network mode "GSM only" should be selected only in cases where for some reason you do not want to use 3G services.