Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to consider the last of the world - Safari. It is built on the now quite popular WebKit engine, which served as the basis for the ones I have already described:, its forerunners, well, and also for clones in the form of .

The engine is certainly successful, and thanks to it Safari turned out to be fast and stable, but it also has features from the Mac OS arsenal (mostly related to visual effects).

Although, I would not say unequivocally that thanks to its little things, this browser seemed to me a better solution than Google Chrome. It also has, in my opinion, shortcomings that may seem trifling to some, but significant to others. There are no comrades for taste and color, so let's just list all the pros and cons of using Safari on your computer.

Download and install Safari (Apple's browser for Windows)

Let's start by answering the question - where can I download it for free under Windows or Mak OS (there is no version for Unix yet):

At the same time, safari has a slightly lower prevalence in Runet than in the vastness of the entire planet. It is also noteworthy that Chrome clones also have a certain market share other than zero.

So, the installation takes place in the traditional way, except that I was somewhat surprised by the “brief” summary of the capabilities of this browser, which appears at the first installation step:

Simply, if all this appeared only in version 5, then how poor users worked in the previous one. Anyway.

Safari vs. Other Browsers

The interface of the apple browser window that opens can be called minimalistic, but again, in Chrome, a panel with the page title is used for bookmarks (the topmost panel is where the title open page displayed), and the old-fashioned Safari for bookmarks creates a separate panel, which somewhat narrows the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window.

This is probably due to the fact that Safari on Mac OS and iOS is mainly used in full-screen mode (just press F11), and multi-finger combinations are used to switch to other tabs. Although even in the version for Windows usage full screen mode I liked the fact that when you move the mouse cursor to the top edge of the screen, the top panel automatically pops up, and when the cursor is removed, it disappears.

It is also clear from the previous screenshot that a separate form is used for the search, which is already essentially an anachronism. Now all modern observers are able to distinguish search terms, which the user enters directly into the address bar.

But this is still half the trouble. If you try to select any other search engine in the search bar (other than Google, which is used by default), you will probably be surprised that you will be offered only and .

In my opinion, in all other browsers adapted for Runet, you can safely connect any search engines, and in Safari for this you will need to use extensions, which are now released somewhat less than or. It is clear that the problem of connecting the search from the Runet mirror can be solved,.

In terms of customizing the look and feel, I like Opera the most. However, Safari also provides the ability to add or remove buttons to the address bar panel, as well as enable or disable individual panels.

For this from context menu gears (located at the top right), you will need to select the “Customize Toolbar” item, and also with the help of the remaining selected items you can play around with connecting the menu bar, status bar, tabs and bookmarks:

By selecting the "Customize Toolbar" item, you will be able to drag any of the available additional buttons or forms onto top panel. If there is a desire to return to the original view, then it will be enough to drag the standard set with the mouse:

The Safari browser also has the ability to show your most frequently visited sites when you open a new tab (configurable). In my opinion, this is not very convenient, because I was brought up on the Opera, where I had the opportunity to form a list of the resources I needed on the new tab page myself.

Another pleasant moment for me was the presence of very decent tools that a webmaster may need when working on his project or studying someone else's creation. It's called "Development".

Initially, this tab is not available either in the menu or in the context menus of the settings buttons (top right of the window). However, its display can be enabled through the Safari settings (Gear - Settings - Add-ons - check the box Show the "Development" menu).

The thing is quite powerful, and if in ordinary browsers there is only an analogue (in Safari it is called “Web Inspector” or when you select “Check Object” from the context menu of a web page):

Then here you will also find a lot of tools from the arsenal:

Respect to Yabloko for such a reverent attitude and consideration of the problems of webmasters. True, another feature added by them is directed just against the interests of webmasters (site owners). They added to address bar button Reader, after clicking on which everything except the text and illustrations to it will disappear from the page you are reading:

Exactly the same feature is present in the Yandex bar for Mazila, and IE, but there it is implemented better than in Safari, because in the latter the display of the cleared text is sometimes buggy. Well, God be with him. This browser also has the now popular possibility of anonymous surfing on the Internet. It is called "Private Access" and is available from the context menu of the gear:

Moreover, the browser will completely switch to this mode, and not just individual tabs, as is implemented in Opera or Chrome. To exit private mode you will need to uncheck the box next to "Private access" in the context menu of the gear.

If you worked on someone else's computer and did not use private access, then you can erase all your traces of your stay using one more item from the gear menu - "Reset Safari".

He also knows how to save passwords when they are entered at your request, which, in fact, probably all available browsers in the world can do (although it is more reliable with encryption). It is also clear that it implements a text search on the open in this moment page (Ctrl+F).

Apple Browser Settings Safari

Well, let's go over the Safari settings and you can already draw a conclusion about its further use as the main browser. So, you will need to select the “Settings” item from the context menu of the gear or press the key combination Ctrl + B (Russian letter “b”).

Choose the browser used in your system by default and the search engine that will be used (probably, it would be better to leave Google for Runet). In the third field, you can select from the drop-down list options for its behavior when opened. My favorite is restoring all the tabs that were open before closing Safari.

You can also choose what exactly will be shown when you open a new tab or a new window in this apple browser. You can choose to show bookmarks, the home page, or the Top Sites tool, which I think is the most successful option.

In the next settings tab called " Appearance» you can choose the main and monospace fonts for displaying the text of web pages if the font specified by the webmaster is not installed in your operating system. Read more about this in the article about or. Although Safari seems to be able to load rare fonts itself if the webmaster wants to use them on his page.

You can also play with various types font smoothing, disable or allow the loading of images on web pages and select your preferred . On the next tab "Bookmarks" you can configure the display of some buttons (you can turn it on or off from the gear menu or simply by pressing Ctrl + Shift + and).

The first button in the form of points opens the so-called reading list, which is essentially the usual bookmarks for those pages that you intend to read in the near future. You can add web pages to it using the plus sign button located in front of the address bar.

The Safari settings called Tabs, Rss, Autocomplete and Security don't need much comment. Well, on the “Privacy” tab, you can clear both all the cookies accumulated in your browser and cookies for individual sites (sometimes useful), as well as set up a cookie acceptance policy.

On the Extensions tab, you will be able to disable or enable plugin support, as well as set up each installed add-ons separately. I only have Yandex Bar installed so far, but Apple allows us to look for something else suitable, however, knowledge of English is required.

Well last tab"Add-ons" will allow you to set the minimum possible font size, which will display the text of the web pages you view. Some webmasters are very small, so this setting may come in handy. In addition, you can activate web development tools by checking the last box:

OK it's all over Now. good browser did Apple get it? Probably not bad.

And if Safari was the only product built on the basis of the WebKit engine, then I would definitely use it to work with the site. But, to the great regret of the Eplovtsy, in 2008 Chrome was born on the same engine and, due to a combination of factors, I (and a third of users in the world) chose it. Although, it is possible that Safari will find its adherents even in the camp of Windusoids.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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iPad customize homepage Yandex

One of the most important programs on the iPad, without which it is difficult for a gadget user to do, is the Safari browser. It is web surfing on the Internet that is one of the most popular features of this amazing mobile device. For constant work on the Internet, it is best to use the built-in Safari browser. Of the conveniences of this browser, a convenient tab system should be noted. All pages open almost instantly, and reading news sites and forums is very convenient using the iPad. A handy browsing history allows you to display all visited pages either for a specific day or for a period of time.

The Safari browser also has a certain bookmark system. Using "+", you can add the site you like to the history of visits. Also, Safari has a special menu where you can open a link or copy the link address. The selection and copying system is also well implemented. Thanks to this system, you can select large chunks of text by double-clicking on them. To instantly view the required address in Safari, you should use the smart address input field. In addition to the smart address input field, Safari also has a smart search field that makes it easy to get automatic suggestions.

It is very easy to zoom in on sections of the site with two fingers. In order to set the Yandex home page as the home page, you need to open this page, select "Safari" - "Settings" in the menu, and then "General". After that, you should press " Current page” and enter the page address in the “Home page” field.

In the event that you want to open the home page in new windows, you must select "Home Page" from the "Open in new windows" pop-up menu.

Yandex made its own browser completely cross-platform by releasing special versions for Android tablets and iPhone smartphones (previously in App Store only the iPad version could be found). Vesti.Hitech tried to use domestic development instead of Safari on the iPhone.

"Yandex.Browser" for iPhone replaces the previously existing iOS application "Yandex.Search" during the update. A new version supports synchronization of bookmarks and the list of frequently visited sites between different devices.

An important advantage of the new browser is the "Turbo" mode, which significantly speeds up the loading of pages in a slow Internet connection? There is no such thing in regular Safari. The "smart line" of the search distinguishes between site addresses and queries to the search engine, gives hints. Also, the browser can answer specific questions immediately - for example, give out photos or maps.

Pleasantly pleased with the design of the novelty. Panel quick access represents large tiles with frequently visited sites. They can be deleted, changed or dragged - this saves time. Subjectively, "Yandex.Browser" looks much more beautiful than regular Safari. At first, it seemed unusual that the search / address bar was located at the bottom of the screen, and not at the top, but it soon became clear that it was much more convenient to reach for it with your finger.

The speed of the browser was excellent. On the author's iPhone 4S, Safari often starts to slow down if there are many pages open. There were no such problems with the browser from Yandex, it constantly worked smartly.

By default, the browser uses "Yandex" as a regular search engine. However, surprisingly, the company allows you to change the search engine settings to Google, Mail.ru, and even Wikipedia.

All these advantages of the new browser are largely crossed out by the fact that in iOS it is impossible to set non-Safari as the main browser. So links from various applications will still open by default in the preinstalled browser. In Chrome for iOS, this problem is partially solved by the fact that in other applications from Google you can configure the ability to open links by default in Chrome, this is especially true for Gmail. But the same "Yandex.Mail" still can open links only in Safari, it has not yet made friends with "Yandex.Browser".

Recall that the version of "Yandex.Browser" for desktop computers came out about a year ago. This summer, the company released versions for Android smartphones and for iPad tablets, and last week Yandex.Browser was released for Android tablets.